Thunder struck - and the clouds trembled, engulfed in blue fire. Thunder struck - and the clouds trembled, engulfed in blue fire. We walked along a narrow path back.

Control dictations for 5th grade.

I. By repeating what was learned in primary school.



Autumn has come. The sad light shines 2 Sun. On slender birch trees 2 The yellow leaves are still trembling. The rays of the autumn sun illuminate 2 their. Green spruce and tall pines are visible in the distance. The ground is covered with a multi-colored carpet.

I'm walking along a forest path. Thin cobwebs glisten in the sun. Bird voices are heard above. Suddenly a red fluffy squirrel jumped onto a tree branch. It’s good to wander along forest paths and breathe fresh air. It's interesting to learn about the world around you.

But then a cold and sharp wind blew. Low clouds rushed across the sky. Dry leaves swirled in the air. So a light rain began to fall.

Soon the ground will be covered with the first snow. A wonderful winter will come.


In the forest.

We're walking down a narrow path 2 the shore of a large lake. The sun rises over the nearby forest. 4 Under him bright rays The blue lake sparkles. Behind it lay a wide swamp. It's dangerous to walk here.

We're coming in 2 into the green thicket. 4 Tall pines stand in even rows. A rare ray of sun shines through the dense greenery. It's cool under the trees. Quietness and wilderness in the forest.

Furry squirrels live in these surroundings. Here the animal jumped from branch to branch, dropped a pine 2 bump.

We stood at the edge of the forest and walked towards the village. The path began to climb steeply up the mountain. There is the end of our forest journey.



There is a pond at the edge of a young forest. An underground spring flows out of it. It is in swamps and viscous bogs that the Volga is born. From here she goes on a long journey. Our poets and artists glorify the beauty of our native river in amazing tales, songs, and paintings.

The low bank is covered with a green carpet of meadows and shrubs. The meadow is full of flowers. Their sweet scent fills the soft air. You deeply inhale the aroma of meadows.

The escarpment on the banks of the Volga is very beautiful. Locals love to spend weekends here. They admire the surroundings, fish, and swim.


Summer thunderstorm.

It's getting dark, the sky is frowning. A dark cloud came over. 4 The old forest fell silent and prepared for battle. Strong 2 a gust of wind swirled dust along the road and sped away.

The first large drops of rain hit the leaves. And suddenly a wall of water hit the ground. Lightning flashes. Thunder.

The summer thunderstorm passes quickly. It's getting brighter, the foggy sky is clearing up 2 far. 4 Light steam floats over the field, over the forest, over the surface of the water. The sun was already shining brightly. But the rain has not stopped yet. These are drops falling from the trees and sparkling in the sun.

II. On the topic "Syntax and punctuation".



The weather began to change. From far away 2 Low clouds were rushing across the horizon and approaching. The sun peeked out from behind the clouds, flashed through the blue gap and disappeared.

It got dark. A sharp wind blew. He threw dry leaves into the water and drove them down the river. “It will rain,” she said 2 Nina.

The wind blows from new strength, wrinkles the surface of the river, and then calms down. The reeds rustled, and circles from the first drops appeared on the water. Valerka shouted loudly: “Let’s run, guys!”

But then the wind died down and the sun appeared again. Rare drops of rain fell to the ground. 4 They hung in the grass, and the sun was reflected in every drop. (According to V.P. Astafiev)


The weather became me (t, t)sya. For (for) some reason 2 the horizon... disappeared and no... regions... approached. The sun...came out from (behind) the clouds and flashed in the blue light... 2 and and...badass.

Sweat...wrinkling. There was a strong wind. He threw dry leaves into the water and drove them along the river. It will rain, said... 2 Nina.

The wind blows...thaws with renewed vigor, wrinkles the smooth surface of the river and then... grows cold. The mice rustled and the first drops appeared on the water. Valerka screamed loudly Let's run guys

But then the wind died down and the sun... appeared again. Small drops of rain fell to the ground. 4 They sank in the grass and in every drop the sun was reflected.

(According to V.P. Astafiev)


1. Title the text.

2. Insert the missing letters and punctuation marks.

3. Do a morphemic analysis of words under numbers 2 .

4. Parse the sentence under the number 4 .

5. Find 1 sentence in the text with homogeneous members, underline them and draw a diagram.

6. Find 1 in the text difficult sentence, underline the grammatical basics and draw a diagram.

7. Find 1 sentence in the text with direct speech and draw its diagram.


Waiting for winter.

Rainy autumn has arrived. The days are getting shorter and the sun rarely appears from behind the clouds. But it no longer warms the frozen earth. The leaves do not swirl in the air, but lie on the wet ground. 4

The trees in the forest have darkened 2 from the rain and stand sad. Animals are preparing for a long frosty winter. Squirrels stock up on nuts, mushrooms and edible seeds. The bears overfed themselves over the summer and gained a thick layer of subcutaneous tissue. 2 fat Soon they will hit hibernation. Hares are waiting for the first snow. With his appearance they will change their gray fur coats 2 to white. A hare faces many dangers in the forest, but is saved by his fast legs and sensitive ears.

Here are slender schools of cranes stretching over the fields, forests, and mountains. “Come back to us in the spring, cranes!” - the guys shout after them.

Soon the fields and forests will turn white, and winter will displace autumn.

III. On the topic “Phonetics. Orthoepy. Graphic arts".


In the morning the boys and I went fishing. The sun has already shone 2 distant forest and a river with low banks. From the meadows the wind carried the sweet smell of flowers and the buzzing of bees. They were in a hurry to collect 1 honey 2 harvest.

On the shore, fishermen spread out their fishing rods and waited for a good catch. 2 . By lunchtime there was already splashing in my bucket live fish.

But then a huge purple cloud appeared on the horizon. She was quickly approaching from behind the forest. The leaves of the bushes stirred and whispered anxiously. 4 There was a slight whiff of dampness. It was getting darker. Sharp gusts of wind charged the water in the river and blew away the leaves. Torrential rain poured down. We ran home, but were soaked to the skin.

IV. On the topic "Morphemics".



All summer long..I (under) st..were touching our palms, cheeks, back and buttocks. And before that they ate so much and (fed) with so much that they became black..l..thy.

(For) the rain was noisy (in) the rain. The drop clicks (on) the leaf and the leaf (?) breaks off. The tits (on) the branch.. bring (?) up and splash the leaf.. I (on) the side.. us. The breeze suddenly picks up and a motley tornado swirls (?) around. Leaf..I rustle, babble, jump, swing (?) on (on) p.. ducks.

The s..l..rain is noisy.

Grammar task.

1. Title the text.

2. Make a morphemic analysis of words: rustled, leaves, moved, swooped, motley.

3. Find and write down 2-3 words from the text with diminutive suffixes, highlight them.

4. Find and write down 2-3 words with alternating roots or fluent vowels, match them with words with variant morphemes.



The morning wind..rock was..noisily..ran (through) the forest. The fog movement and...appeared

the opposite bank of the river with thickets of thick acacia.. Rows of...regions...were sweating

(to) g..horizon.

(B)friend p..the rustling of pebbles was heard. I turned around and looked at two black shadows. I was expecting to see people, but it turned out to be moose. They approached (to) the river. I f..admired w..animals. The moose drank water greedily. (A) friend, the female sensed danger (?) and began to look (at) my side.. well. The water (h, s) ran around her (s) lips and this caused circles on the calm surface of the river. The moose fluttered and... gave a hoarse cry and rushed (towards) the forest.

At this moment... the rise.. came to.. the end. (C)through the clouds of fog the mountains and

growing trees(?) on that f..reg.


In the Pamir mountains.

We are in the Pamirs. Over pinkish 2 Rocky ridges rise like clouds. There are villages in the valleys where gardens grow and people sow barley and wheat.

Along the banks of the rivers there are ancient ruins NN s fortresses. Now their walls and loopholes are overgrown 2 dense vegetation. Black jackdaws make nests in deep cracks, and snakes nest in the cracks of stones. One of them sparkled in the sun and disappeared among the stones.

Etc And getting closer to the foot And yu and we are located here 1 to rest. With pleasure we inhale the aroma of flowering plants. Suddenly we notice drawings on the rocks. This artist many centuries ago painted animals, people, and wrote numbers. Rock 2 alive O The letter tells about the ancient Pamirs. 4 We looked at these amazing drawings for a long time.

Rising above the clouds, rocky ridges, nestled in valleys, making nests, sparkling in the sun, disappearing among the stones, inhaling the aroma with pleasure, suddenly noticing amazing drawings, telling and examining.

In the Pamir mountains.

We are in the Pamirs. Above the pinkish ones 2 The regions..are..raised(?) with the..leafy In the valleys there are villages where gardens grow, people sow barley (?) and wheat.

Along the banks of the rivers one can meet(?) the ruins of ancient fortresses. Now their walls and loopholes(s) are filled... 2 thick r..vegetation..yu. In the deep..x cracks in..there are nests of black jackdaws in the cracks snakes huddle(?) Here one of them glared at the sun and... wandered among the... me.

We are approaching the bottom..and settle down (h,c)here to With pleasure we inhale the ar..matt of the flowers..fading plants. (B)friend let's d..tea on the rocks of the river. This is an artist who has drawn a lot of people in..s..s..backs..sat..sat c..frs. N..rocky 2 The record tells about the ancient Pamirs. 4 We looked at these amazing figures for a long time.

V. On the topic “Noun”.



August is the best time in the Urals. At this time, nature takes a break from the hot summer. The succulent grasses have already faded, the leaves on the birches and lindens are beginning to turn yellow. These are the first messengers 2 autumn is coming. The air is saturated with fragrant herbs.

On a day like this, you walk along a narrow forest path among giant pine trees. 2 boron The dog Azor is in a hurry nearby. He tracks the game, diligently rummaging through the bushes. A capercaillie runs from a bush and helplessly flaps its wings. Little wood grouse cannot fly yet, but they already understand the danger. The chickens run up to the hummock and hide their heads in the moss. You stand and admire the little tricks of the wood grouse.


On a plane during a thunderstorm.

The plane is gaining altitude. Its engines hum strainedly, its casing cracks from the headwind, it often falls into air pockets, but stubbornly climbs up to rise above the cloud and wait out the thunderstorm there.

All passengers are silent, many draw their curtains so as not to see the terrible black cloud. Only the boy looks out the window. He likes this wild, magical beauty, this terrible blackness over which they fly.

Suddenly the plane nosed down and quickly rushed towards the ground. The pilot throws the car down, because only at maximum speed can you fly through a thunderstorm.

This continues for about five minutes, the ground appears nearby, and the plane rolls along a hard concrete path.

Vocabulary dictation for preparation.

Gain altitude, engines hum strainedly, the skin cracks, fall into air pockets, stubbornly climbs up, rise above the cloud, wait out the thunderstorm, all passengers, draw the curtains, black cloud, magical beauty, rushes rapidly, at top speed, rush through the thunderstorm, appears the ground, the plane is rolling along a concrete path.



After traveling around Karelia, my mother and I went on vacation until the fall to visit my grandfather in central Russia.

My grandfather is famous 2 forester. With pencil and note 2 a book 2 he visited the Urals 3 and in Siberia. He discovered many secrets in nature.

From the station we walked along a clearing 2 , then turned away 2 along the path to the river, crossed the bridge and headed towards the forest. At the edge of the forest we came across raspberry bushes 4 . It’s easy to get scratched in its thick greenery, but a minute later you’ll find a bunch of delicious berries in your palm. What a smell they make!

Birds flutter from branch to branch. So quiet! A hundred steps away you can hear a mouse running away across the dry leaves. A hedgehog crawled out from under a bush 1 . rustled 2 in the grass and disappeared.

We reach the grove, and beyond it in the clearing 3 Grandfather's hut stands. Grandpa and the dog greet us joyfully 1 Buddy. 4


After traveling around (K, k) Areli... my mother and I went to rest until the autumn... to my grandfather's... to the middle... strip of (R, r) Ossi... .

My grandfather is famous 2 forester. With a pencil... and a spare book... he visited (U, y)ral... and in (S, s)iberia... . He...revealed many secrets to nature.

From the station... we walked along the clearings... then we turned along the paths... to the river... crossed the bridge and headed towards the forest. At the edge... we came across a bunch of raspberries 4 . In its thick green... light... it will scratch... but after m... chickpeas into the palm... l... there is a bunch (?) of red berries. What a smell they make!

Birds flutter from branch... to branch... . So quiet(?)! A hundred steps away you can hear the mouse(?) scuttling across the dry leaves…holes. A hedgehog(?) crawled out from (under) a bush. rustled 2 in the grass and

We reach the groves... and beyond it to the clearing... the grandfather's hut... . We are happy... but grandfather greets us 2 and the dog (D, d)arm 3 .

VI. On the topic “Adjectives”.


On a hot summer morning we gathered for haymaking. Feeling of joy of life, bright summer 2 the morning completely covers me. My legs, brown from the sun, run out into the street.

The road winds past the birch tree 2 groves, along a forest lake. Under the green spreading 2 Gray dew lies on the birch tree. 4 Wind in the morning fresh The meadows smell sweet 3 strawberries and aromatic infusion of herbs.

We had to mow the healing meadow grass. The clearing came to life, filled with ringing laughter and joyful exclamations. By lunchtime the sun had dried the grass, and we set about laying a large haystack. In the cold winter, this grass will turn into sweet milk, preserving the wonderful power of the sun.

It's nice to work in the fresh air and see kind family faces around.

VII. On the topic "Verb".


Oak is an amazing plant. It has been growing for hundreds of years. Lightning will scorch it with fire, but in the spring green leaves will bloom on black branches.

The oak begins to bloom later than all the trees. The forest is already green, and the oak is turning black in the open field. But the oak tree stays with leaves in the fall longer than any other tree. When frost sets in, the leaves on the oak tree curl into tubes and do not fall off all winter.

In the oak grove, wild boars feed on acorns, and in the hollow there lives an owl and bat.

Sometimes you look: across the river, far from the forest, young oak trees grow. You are surprised! The wind could not carry heavy acorns there. This jay hid the acorns in the fall and forgot about them, but they sprouted.

(According to G. Snegirev)

Vocabulary dictation for preparation.

Amazing plant, scorched by fire, will bloom on black branches, green leaves, begin to bloom, later than all the trees, turn black in an open field, but longest of all, curl up into tubes, in an oak grove, do not fall off all winter, feed on acorns, bat, young oak trees, You’re very surprised, the heavy acorns sprouted in the spring.

VIII. Final control dictations.



Among the mountains in the wilderness lived the old hunter Emelya with his grandson Grishutka. Grishutka's father died three years ago. The mother was eaten by wolves when she returned late in the winter with Grishutka from a neighboring village. The mother covered Grishutka with her body and saved his life. 4 The boy was lying sick and caught a cold.

One day my grandfather was going hunting 3 . Grishutka asked him to bring a yellow deer. The day was hot. But here's a familiar crack. There was a deer standing at the edge of the forest. Emelya began to aim, but the doe rushed about 2 from side to side.

Suddenly Emelya saw a yellow fawn on thin legs in the bushes. The hunter took aim again. But then he remembered Grishutka’s mother, lowered his gun and whistled. 4 The fawn disappeared into the bushes 3 .

Grishutka laughed merrily when his grandfather told 2 about how the fawn ran away.


About Mikhail Prishvin.

Prishvin spent his childhood and youth in central Russia. His family lived on an estate near the village. Here forests, fields, vegetable gardens and orchards stretch from village to village. wonderful plants. The river banks are overgrown with weeping willow. So quiet! A hundred steps away you can hear a mouse running away across the dry leaves. Occasionally a ray of sun will appear from behind the clouds and immediately disappear.

As a boy, Prishvin learned to peer and listen closely to nature. His sensitive ear heard the rustling of leaves and the whisper of the wind, and his keen eye saw every sprout and blade of grass.

With a pencil and a notebook, Prishvin visited the Urals, Siberia, and Karelia. He discovered many secrets in nature and presented them to his readers. Have you guys read his books?

About (M, m)ikhail (P, p)rishvin.

(P, p) Rishvin's childhood and youth were spent (in) the middle.. zone of (R, r) Ossi... His family.. I lived (in) estates.. near the villages... (W, c) here (from) the villages.. (to) the villages.. stretch(?) all the forests, fields, vegetable gardens and orchards with h..des(?) rows..walls. The banks of the rivers are filled with weeping willow. It’s so quiet(?) A hundred steps away you can hear a mouse(?) slaying (on) dry leaves..pits. A ray..will appear(?) from (behind) the clouds(?) and immediately a ray(?) of sunlight will disappear.

Even as a boy, (P, p) Rishvin learned to look (?) and listen (?) to nature. His keen ear heard the rustling of leaves and the whispering sweat of the wind, and his keen eye (h, s) saw every r..drain and t..wink.

(C) pencil..m and spare book..visited (P, p)rishvin to (U, u)ral..

in (N, s)iberia.. in (K, k)areli... He discovered (in) nature.. many secrets and... gave them to his.. readers. Have you guys read his books?


Who sows in the forest?

Moles worked at night in the forest in a clearing and dug it all up. They piled up mounds of earth and plowed furrows. It became difficult for a person to move around this arable land. The rain wetted the mole field, the sun heated it. When will sowing begin?

Spruce trees settled around the clearing and opened their cones. The wind rose and they flew silently down on yellow parachutes 2 light seeds. Some were carried away by the wind from the clearing, others became entangled in the grass. But many ended up on loose arable land, and fir trees grew here. They stick out with green candles. 4 Now you will enter the forest and you will not see a free 2 places.

So moles plow in the spring, trees and the wind sow, and forest glades are overgrown 2 trees.


Prishvin's keen eye.

We all know the trees in our forests and the flowers in the meadows 4 . We know birds and various animals. But Prishvin looked 3 at them with his special keen gaze 4 .

Here he found it 3 in the forest an amazing tube, which turned out to be the pantry of a hardworking animal. So he visited Osinka’s name day, and we breathed 2 along with it the joy of spring blossom. So he overheard 2 the song of a completely unnoticeable little bird on the very top finger of the tree.

We walk along the earth with him and recognize countless little relatives in our common House nature, learn to love our native land and understand its beauty.

Control dictations grade 5.

Subject: " Repetition of what has been learned in the elementary classes».

In the forest.

We are walking along a narrow path along the shore of a large lake. The sun rises over the nearby forest. The blue lake sparkles under the bright rays of the sun. Behind it lay a wide swamp. It's dangerous to walk here.

We are entering a green thicket. Tall pines stand in even rows. A rare ray of sun shines through the dense greenery. It's cool under the trees. Quietness and wilderness in the forest.

We stood at the edge of the forest and walked towards the village. A steep climb leads up the mountain. There is the end of our journey.


There is a pond at the edge of a young forest. An underground spring flows out of it. It is in swamps and viscous bogs that the Volga is born. From here she goes on a long journey. Our poets and artists glorify the beauty of our native river in amazing tales, songs, and paintings.

The low bank is covered with a green carpet of meadows and shrubs. The meadow is full of flowers. Their sweet scent fills the soft air. You deeply inhale the aroma of meadows.

The escarpment on the banks of the Volga is very beautiful. Locals love to spend their weekends here. They admire the surroundings, fish, and swim.

Topic: “Syntax. Punctuation".

The weather began to change. Low clouds were rushing and approaching from the distant horizon. The sun peeked out from behind the clouds, flashed through the blue gap and disappeared. It got dark. A sharp wind blew. He rustled the reeds, threw dry leaves into the water and drove them down the river. “It will rain,” said Nina.

The wind blows with renewed vigor, wrinkles the surface of the river, and then subsides. The reeds rustled, and circles from the first drops appeared on the water. The river became covered with bubbles as the torrential rain poured down in a continuous line. Valerka shouted loudly: “Let’s run, guys!”

But then the wind died down and the sun appeared. Rare drops of rain fell to the ground. They hung in the grass, and the sun was reflected in every drop.

Topic: “Phonetics and graphics.”

In the morning the boys and I went fishing. The sun has already illuminated the distant forest and the river with low banks. From the meadows the wind carried the sweet smell of flowers and the buzzing of bees. They were in a hurry to collect the honey harvest.

On the shore, fishermen spread out their fishing rods and waited for a good catch. By lunchtime there was fish splashing in my bucket.

But then a huge purple cloud appeared on the horizon. She was quickly approaching from behind the forest. The leaves of the bushes stirred and whispered anxiously. There was a slight whiff of dampness. It was getting darker. The birds fell silent. Sharp gusts of wind charged the water in the river and blew away the leaves. Torrential rain poured down.

We ran home, but were soaked to the skin.

Topic: "Vocabulary".

Summer thunderstorm.

It's getting dark, the sky is frowning. Dark storm clouds are approaching. The old forest is quieting down and preparing for battle. A strong gust of wind breaks out from behind the treetops, swirls dust along the road and rushes forward.

The first large drops of rain hit the leaves, and soon a wall of water hit the ground. Lightning flashed and thunder rolled across the sky.

The summer thunderstorm passes quickly. But now the foggy distance brightens. The sky begins to turn blue. Light steam floats over the field, over the forest, over the surface of the water. The hot sun has already come out, but the rain has not stopped yet. It's the rain that drips from the trees and glistens in the sun.


The morning breeze ran through the forest. The fog began to move, and the opposite bank of the river with thickets of dense bushes appeared.

Suddenly the rustling of pebbles was heard. I looked back and saw two shadows. I expected to see people, but it turned out to be moose. They were approaching the river. I fell in love with animals. The moose drank water greedily. Suddenly the female sensed danger and began to look in my direction. Water flowed from her lips, and this caused circles to spread across the calm surface of the river. The moose perked up, let out a hoarse cry and rushed towards the forest.

At that moment the sun rose. Through the clouds of fog, the outlines of mountains growing on the other side of the trees began to appear.

Topic: “Noun”.

Prishvin spent his childhood and youth in central Russia. His family lived on an estate near the village. Here, forests, fields and vegetable gardens, gardens with wonderful plants stretch from village to village. The river banks are overgrown with weeping willow.

As a boy, he learned to peer and listen closely to nature. His sensitive ear heard the rustling of leaves and the whisper of the wind, and his keen eye saw every sprout and blade of grass.

With a gun and a notebook, Prishvin visited the Urals, Siberia, and Karelia. He discovered many secrets in nature and presented them to his readers.

Have you guys read his books?


After traveling around Karelia, my mother and I went on vacation until the fall to visit my grandfather in central Russia.

My grandfather is a well-known forester in his area.

From the station we walked along a clearing, then turned along the path to the river, crossed the bridge and headed towards the forest. Raspberry bushes grew at the edge of the forest. It’s easy to get scratched in its thick greenery, but a minute later there’s a bunch of red berries in your palm. You get drunk from their smell!

How quiet! Birds flutter from branch to branch. A hedgehog crawls out from under a bush. He rustled in the grass and disappeared.

We reach a grove, and behind it in a clearing is grandfather’s hut. We are joyfully greeted by grandfather and the dog Druzhok.

Topic: “Verb. Spelling -tsya and -tsya in verbs."

In the forest.

Young aspens and slender birches descend along the slope to a wide meadow. There is a path full of melt water among the trees. A dry walking path winds nearby, and along it we go deeper into the forest.

This is where the real spring feels! The aspen branches seem fluffy from long catkins. The tops of the young birches have become completely chocolate-colored. You look at a birch twig, and it’s covered in large buds. A day or two will pass, the buds will begin to burst, and green tongues of young leaves will appear from them.

Exactly this good time In the woods. It’s not turning green yet, it’s transparent and so joyful. And how wonderfully it smells of last year’s rotten leaves and the bitter freshness of the buds!


The day is ending. The sun is already sinking to the horizon, and its slanting rays are spreading far away. Dusk is approaching. We are wandering through the forest. It seems that the forest clearings have filled with thick darkness. It seems to crawl out of the ground, lie down at our feet, spread out along the branches below, and climb to the tops of the trees.

The birds gradually fall silent. Soon it becomes difficult to distinguish the outlines of the branches. The trace of the familiar path began to disappear, but the rays of the sun were still visible through the clearing. The stars sparkled high above the tree. From time to time the lonely voice of a bird is heard. It seems that she is surprised by the onset of mysterious silence. The night touched the earth and spread darkness over it.

Final control dictation.


Summer mornings easily get you out of bed.

There is still fog over the river. Soon it disappears in the transparent air and frees the gray crown of a dense poplar, then the tops of a bird cherry. It's time to go mushroom hunting.

I noticed that most often mushrooms are found near birch trees. Birch is friends with mushrooms. The well-known boletus grows under its cover.

Boletus is a bright, slender mushroom. He will not suddenly come out on the road or on the path. He lives in a tall aspen forest and does not hide. From a distance you notice his bright hat. You cut one mushroom, and next to it you see five more.

And all at once you run out of mushrooms, but your basket is already full. You can get ready to go home.

busy with his own business and had long since moved away from the smoking area, Andrei, without knowing it himself,
why, I felt some kind of stuffiness in my heart. 6) The road then went away
into a ravine, then wound along the slope of the mountain, and at the edge of the earth lay new fires -
rumpy piles of clouds. 7) Either the door will creak, or it will quietly open...
litka, the hunched figure trudges away from the house through the vegetable gardens. 8) B
the garden was quiet, only the bird sometimes tossed and turned and fell asleep in the lipo-
in the branches, and groaned tenderly and sadly tree frogs, yes ple-
the fish was rocking in the pond. 9) I wanted to ask him about the dog,
Yes, he was obviously not in a good mood.
№ 397. 1) In the city garden there was an orchestra playing and a choir singing next door
songwriters 2) At this time the bell was heard and she stood up. 3) Pe-
Chorin didn’t take his [Bela’s] eyes off her, and she often looked at him from under her brows.
I looked at it. 4) In the beginning of April the starlings were already making noise and flying
yellow butterflies in the garden. 5) Suddenly on the lower floor, under the balcony,
The violin began to play and two gentle female voices sang. 6) Stuffy
it became in the hut, and I went out into the air to freshen up. 7) Night already lodge-
climbed the mountains and the fog began to wander through the gorges. 8) On right demon-
lightning flashed intermittently and the roar of cannonade could be heard. 9) In to-
dry rays of the setting sun
the stone buildings of the por-
of the new city, the coastal sands turn golden and, going into the endless
in the distance, the quiet plain of the sea is burning. 10) Into the wind the forests are noisy
ocean roar and the tops of the pine trees bend after the flying shells
varnishes 11) The sun was hiding behind the cold peaks and the whitish cloud
man began to disperse in the valleys, when there was a ringing on the street
road bell and cab driver's cry
. 12) When from behind the clouds
the moon came out
, everything around brightened and silver appeared on the sea
flock path.
№ 398. 1) I felt very tired, but I didn’t want to sleep
elk. 2) It rained for a long time, and the swamps became completely impassable.
3) The speaker finished reading the report, and the listeners asked him a lot
th questions. 4) The plan for the upcoming excursion was discussed in detail, and
The students set off.
№ 399. 1) He opened the door with a key, and they entered a dark room.
tion. 2) The whistle of a departing train was heard, and somewhere in the distance a young
Dezha strummed her guitars. 3) Either it was a shot, or I’m talking about
a hundred was heard. 4) Mom left on business, and I stayed at home. 5) I
I wanted to call her, but it was too late. 6) You will give us tickets,
or we'll all stay here.
№ 400. I. 1) Heading forward, we soon crossed the Singing Valley -
well in a northwest direction; suddenly it opened before us
ancient river terrace descending into another valley covered
other vegetation. 2) The air, slightly frosty, was so-
completely transparent, and the sea, completely blue, embraced the foggy
mountain, and mountain reeds, in white lace from the frost, on blue everything
prettier and prettier. 3) Thunder rumbled and it rained, through the rain there was light
The sun was shining, and a wide rainbow spread from edge to edge. In it
time the bird cherry blossomed, and the wild currant bushes just above
turned green by water. 4) The dawn was flaring up outside the windows, and in its light stood
garden filled with flowers wet snow. 5) The rooks screamed for re-
birds began to sing and chirp in the branches and everywhere in the bushes and grass.
6) The snow is trampled, mixed with mud, and only in the gardens and fields,
bathed in the radiance of the cold autumn sun, it sparkles with snowy
whiteness. 7) Dawn was probably already breaking over the mountains, but here, in
deep gorge, the light was slightly refracted, and the darkness became
was milky.
II. 1) The shore was not visible from the bench, and that’s why the feeling
infinity and grandeur sea ​​space increased even more
it happened. 2) There is not a cloud in the sky, and the stars are moving unusually brightly
and tremble in their bottomless heights. 3) Here and there a sail was white, and tea-
ki, smoothly flapping their wings, descending onto the water, barely touched it and
in circles they rose again, and above the gardens high and slowly
a kite swam. 4) It’s getting dark outside, and in the upper room they light a tallow
candle. 5) The air is stuffy and smells of herbs. 6) The weather is great, and,
unfortunately there is no rain. 7) It was warm, and the winter rye was smooth
I was worried about the midday breeze. 8) The grass is cheese and hard to give in
fire, and therefore the fiery snakes crawl slowly, then bursting into
parts, then going out, then flaring up again. 9) Bad weather continues
continues and, apparently, will not end soon, and I have to
hurry to leave for Crimea, where I will stay all autumn and, probably,
all winter. 10) It had already become quite warm, and the thunder was still rumbled far away,
but did not calm down for a moment.
№ 401. We went narrow path, along it crawled back and forth ma-
lazy red snakes, wriggling under our feet. Far away somewhere
thunder rumbled, its grumbling sounds getting closer and closer. Drops fell
rain. The grass rustled metallic. We had nowhere to hide.
It became dark, and the rustling of the grass sounded louder, more frightened. It thundered
thunder and the clouds trembled, engulfed in blue fire. Heavy rain
poured in streams, and one after another the thunderclaps began continuously
rumble in the desert steppe. Grass bent by the blows of wind and rain
Yes, she lay down on the ground. Everything was shaking and worried. Lightning, blinding
eyes, tore the clouds. In their blue light a mountain range rose in the distance,
sparkling with blue lights, silver and cold. Everything was thundering, shaking
it gave birth, repelled sounds and gave birth to them. The wondrous chaos captivated
built in a heroic manner, covering the soul with a formidable harmony.

Help me title the text)))1) I can barely hear a stream running in the shadow of the oak grove, I can barely hear the breeze sleeping on the leaves. 2) The slanting rain driven by the strong

the wind was pouring like a bucket.3) the hunter settled on a large rock, surrounded by noisily splashing water rushing along the rocky bottom.4) A lone plane, floating at a dizzying height, seems like a destroyer observed from the bottom of the sea.5) It was already evening; the sun disappeared behind a small aspen grove that lay half a mile from the garden. 6) Thunder struck, and the clouds trembled, engulfed in blue fire. Help with a very urgent task: write down the adjective and participial phrase, do one morphological analysis of one participle)

Insert the missing letters, highlight the participial phrase and the participial phrase, highlight them with commas if necessary.

1. Thunder struck - and the clouds covered in blue...m trembled.
2. They seemed older than us who stayed here.
3. people use water from a well emerging from the bowels of the earth.
4. a well-cultivated and sown field gave an excellent harvest.
5. The rye, bending under the weight of the ears, ripened in July.

Rewrite, opening the brackets, adding missing letters and punctuation marks. Indicate the grammatical basis of each simple sentence included in

composition of the complex.
The grass fluttered metallic... metallic. We had nowhere to hide... It became dark and the rustling of the grass sounded loud and frightened. Thunder struck and the clouds trembled, engulfed in blue fire. Heavy rain poured down in streams and, one after another, thunderclaps began to roar continuously in the desert steppe. The grass, bent by the blows of the wind and rain, lay on the ground. Everything thundered, shuddered, pushed away sounds. The wondrous chaos captivated and set me in a heroic mood, covering the soul with a formidable harmony.
And I wanted to take part in it... to express in some way the feeling of admiration that overwhelmed me before this power. The blue flame that engulfed the sky seemed to be burning in my chest. I sang loudly at the top of my lungs. Thunder roared, lightning became steel, the grass rustled, and I sang and felt completely at home with all the sounds.



We walked through the Terek region. Shakro was disheveled and incredibly ragged and was damn angry, although he was no longer hungry now, since he had enough income. He found himself unable to do any work. Once I tried to go to the thresher to rake straw and after half a day I got off, having rubbed bloody calluses on my palms with a rake. Another time they began to uproot a tree, and he tore off the skin from his neck with a hoe.

We walked quite slowly - you work for two days, then walk for a day. Shakro ate extremely incontinently, and, by the grace of his gluttony, I could not save enough money to be able to buy him any part of the suit. And all his parts were a host of various holes, somehow connected by multi-colored patches.

One day in some village, with great difficulty, he pulled out of my knapsack, secretly from him, five rubles that had been accumulated and in the evening he appeared at the house where I was working in the garden, drunk and with some fat Cossack woman who greeted me like this :

- Hello, damned heretic!

And when I, surprised by such an epithet, asked her, “why am I a heretic?”

– she answered me with aplomb:

- And because, devil, you forbid a guy from loving the female sex! Can you prohibit if the law allows?.. You are anathema!..

Shakro stood next to her and nodded his head affirmatively. He was very drunk and when he made any movement, he swayed all over. His lower lip drooped. Dull eyes looked into my face with senseless stubbornness.

- Well, why are you staring at us? Give him his money! - shouted the brave woman.

- What money? – I was amazed.

- Come on, come on! Otherwise I’ll take you to the military! Give me the hundred and fifty rubles I took from him in Odessa!

What was I supposed to do? A damn woman with drunken eyes could actually go to a military hut, and then the village authorities, strict with various wandering people, would arrest us. Who knows what could have come out of this arrest for me and Shakro!

And so I began to diplomatically walk around the woman, which, of course, did not cost much effort.

Somehow, with the help of three bottles of wine, I pacified her. She fell to the ground between the watermelons and fell asleep. I put Shakro to bed, and early the next morning he and I left the village, leaving the woman with the watermelons.

Half-sick with a hangover, with a crumpled and swollen face, Shakro spat every minute and sighed heavily. I tried to talk to him, but he did not answer me and only shook his shaggy head like a ram.

We walked along a narrow path, along it small red snakes crawled back and forth, wriggling under our feet. The silence that reigned around plunged me into a dreamy, drowsy state. Behind us, black flocks of clouds slowly moved across the sky. Merging with each other, they covered the entire sky behind us, while ahead it was still clear, although wisps of clouds had already run into it and were briskly rushing somewhere forward, overtaking us.

Thunder rumbled somewhere far away, its grumbling sounds getting closer and closer. Raindrops were falling. The grass rustled metallic.

We had nowhere to hide. It became dark, and the rustling of the grass sounded louder, more frightened. Thunder struck and the clouds trembled, engulfed in blue fire. Heavy rain poured down in streams, and one after another, thunderclaps began to rumble continuously in the desert steppe. The grass, bent by the blows of the wind and rain, lay on the ground. Everything was shaking and worried.

Lightning, blinding the eyes, tore the clouds... In their blue shine, a mountain range rose in the distance, sparkling with blue lights, silver and cold, and when the lightning went out, it disappeared, as if falling into a dark abyss. Everything rattled, shuddered, pushed away sounds and gave birth to them. It was as if the sky, cloudy and angry, was clearing itself with fire from dust and all abominations that had risen before it from the earth, and the earth seemed to tremble in fear of its anger.

Shakro grumbled like a frightened dog. But I had fun, I somehow rose above the ordinary, observing this mighty gloomy picture of the steppe thunderstorm. The wondrous chaos captivated and put one in a heroic mood, enveloping the soul with a formidable harmony...

And I wanted to take part in it, to express in some way the feeling of admiration that overwhelmed me for this power. The blue flame that engulfed the sky seemed to burn in my chest; and - how could I express my great excitement and my delight?

I sang – loudly, at the top of my lungs. Thunder roared, lightning flashed, grass rustled, and I sang and felt in complete kinship with all the sounds... I went crazy; this is excusable, because it did not harm anyone but me. Storm at sea and thunderstorm in the steppe! “I don’t know of more grandiose phenomena in nature.”

So, I shouted, firmly convinced that I would not bother anyone with such behavior and would not put anyone under the need to severely criticize my course of action. But suddenly my legs were pulled strongly, and I involuntarily sat down in a puddle...

Shakro looked into my face with serious and angry eyes.

- You are crazy? Ne gone? Nat? Well, shut up! Don't shout! I'll rip your throat out! Are you panning?

I was amazed and first asked him why I was bothering him...

- You're scaring me! Understood? Thunder rumbles - God speaks, and you are talking... What do you think?

I told him that I had the right to sing if I wanted, and so did he.

- Do not sing! – I agreed.

- And don’t sing! – Shakro strictly inspired.

- No, I’d rather be...

- Listen, what do you think? – Shakro spoke angrily. - Who are you?

Do you have a house? Do you have a mother? Father? Do you have any relatives? Earthly? Who on earth are you? You are a human, do you think? I'm the man! I have everything!.. - He tapped himself on the chest.

- I am a prince!.. And you... you - now! Why no! And Kutais, Tyflys knows mene!.. Are you panymaic?

You ne go protyv mene! Are you serving me? - You will be pleased! I will pay you ten times!

Are you doing this to me? You cannot do anything else; You yourself said that God ordered to serve everyone without reward! I'll reward you! Why are you torturing me? Are you teaching or scaring? Do you want me to be like you? This is not harasho! Eh, eh, eh!.. Fu, fu!..

He spoke, smacked his lips, snorted, sighed... I looked into his face, my mouth open in amazement. He, obviously, poured out in front of me all the indignation, resentment and dissatisfaction with me, accumulated throughout our journey. For greater persuasiveness, he poked his finger in my chest and shook me by the shoulder, and especially strong places climbed onto me with his whole body. Rain poured down on us, thunder rumbled continuously above us, and Shakro, in order to be heard by me, shouted at the top of his lungs.

The tragicomic nature of my situation stood out to me most clearly and made me laugh as hard as I could...

Shakro, spitting, turned away from me.
