Check out this amazing nature section. The world

Subject: "Summary under the section" This amazing nature

Lesson Objectives:


Formation of a holistic view of the world,

Generalization and repetition of children's knowledge in the section "This amazing nature."


To develop such methods of mental activity as comparison, classification, analysis and synthesis;

Develop logical thinking and reasoning skills.


Cultivate love for nature, respect for it,

Cultivate a sense of cooperation and mutual assistance towards each other.


- expanding children's understanding of the world around them;

- organization of the educational process through methods and techniques, forms and approaches that meet the basic requirements of the organization of the educational process, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of students.

- development of various oral and written speech skills;

Fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

During the classes

1. Org. moment.

2. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Say a word and find out the topic of our lesson.

Look my dear friend

What is around?

The sky is light blue

The sun shines golden

The wind plays with leaves

A cloud floats in the sky.

Field, river and grass,

Mountains, air and foliage,

Birds, animals and forests

Thunder, fog and dew.

Man and season

It's all around... (Nature)

What section did we study? (This amazing nature!)(Slide 1)

Today in the lesson we will summarize and repeat everything that we have learned and will conduct our lesson in the form of a conference. I will have assistants - an expert group. They have prepared messages. You should carefully listen to their speeches, then answer questions. Each will ask 2 questions. You will write your answers on the sheets.

3. Work on the topic

What is the name of the science that studies wildlife? (Biology)

What is the name of the science that studies the relationship between living beings and their environment? (Ecology)

Expert group (for 2 questions)

1. Variety of animals. (Korneeva V.)

2. Variety of plants. (Simakova P)

3. About mushrooms (Chernyshev V.)

4. Animals of the Red Book. (Prokopchuk N.)

5. Plants of the Red Book (Khachiev T)

4. Tasks in groups.

Now guess the riddles.

1. Passes through the nose to the chest

And the reverse is on its way.

He's invisible and yet

We cannot live without it. (Air)

2. Lives in the seas and rivers,

But often it flies through the sky.

And how bored she is to fly,

Falls to the ground again. (Water)

What can't we live without? (Without water and air)slide 2.

Now each team will receive their task.

1) Properties of water and air. (blue envelope)

1. List the properties of air. (Transparent, colorless, odorless, expands when heated, and contracts when cooled, conducts heat poorly.)

2. List the properties of water. (Transparent, colorless liquid, odorless. When heated, it expands, and when cooled, it contracts. Water dissolves many substances.)

- The representative of the group reads out the answers.

2) Exclusion of the superfluous. (yellow envelope)

    apple tree, sunflower, sea ​​kale, aster, rose.

    Pine, spruce, fir, larch, Linden, cedar.

3) Exclusion of excess (green envelope)

Read the words:

Elephant, dog, spider, pineapple, stork. (Slide 3)

Find the extra word. (A pineapple)

4) Complete the text. Insert missing words. (pink envelope)

All animals reproduce and develop. But each group does it differently. Now each team will receive a card on which you will need to complete the desired word. It has to do with the development of animals.

1. Insects from eggs appear _____________, and in birds - _______________.

2. In fish, _______________ are hatched from eggs, and in frogs and toads - ________________. 3. Animals give birth to ____________ and feed them _______________.

5. Lesson summary.

- What is the main conclusion you can draw? What should a person always remember?

Listen to your message. And to all people

1. Did you see swans being shot at?

Did you see them fall?

Tell me, if the birds knew

And if only they understood

That their flight will be farewell,

People will shoot them at dawn,

Say they wouldn't fly?

2. Probably, even if they knew

And even if they understood

It would still be soaring up.

After all, the sky is their element!

After all, the sky is their freedom!

After all, the sky is their whole life!

3. And in the sky - a flock of cranes.

So sadly spinning above the earth.

Earth ... Tell me what would happen to her,

When would the birds fall silent on it?

4. Then the sky would become dead.

And - silence in empty meadows,

And maybe ears of bread

Would not ear in the fields.

And there are no more rooks in the fields,

And swarms of black locusts.

5. I do not want such a world

Where everything is so gray, everything is dull ...

Come to your senses, shudder, man.

Your age on earth is not long.

But what do we leave behind?

And how do we glorify ourselves here?

Killed by a bird at dawn?

Forests black on fire?

And a huge garbage dump?

Or a foul-smelling atmosphere?

Or a river with dead roach?

Scorched grass fields?

6. Come to your senses, shudder, man!

You are indebted to nature

And may your age be glorious

Fragrant grass in the meadow.

And the trill of birds cheerful, sonorous,

And the noisy splash of the spring,

And clusters of thin rowan,

And the blue eye of a cornflower,

And the fresh scent of herbs

And groves with noise, and oak forests ...

IV.Result of the lesson.

- What did we repeat and summarize today in the lesson?

What topics did we cover?

Presentation of diplomas "Connoisseurs of nature".

MKOU "Average comprehensive school No. 28"




3 "A" class

Prepared and conducted

Yankovskaya O. G.

summary of other presentations

"Extracurricular activities in 3rd grade"- Exercises to stretch the muscles and joints of the body. Dipper. Ivan Fedorov. What birds are the most on Earth. Jupiter. Oil. Tiger. Court. In the world of music. Bobsled. Painting. Operetta. Easel. Architects. Ladybug. Napoleon was the emperor of what country? Accurate reproduction of the painting. Antelope. Blueberry. Hockey match. Eruption. Mercury. State the age of the earth. Connoisseur Tournament. Denmark. Shark. Piano.

"Source of the River"- Natural water flow. Meaning of the word. Rivers start from small springs. Baikal. Work with the textbook. Water. Answer the questions. Spring. Oriole. The word "Volga". Examination. Journey to the source of the Volga. Sushi pond. Great Russian river. Rivers are born in the mountains. Village. Say what you thought. The birth of a river.

"Waters of the Globe"- Lakes of the Chelyabinsk region. Three states of water. The city's attractions. Water is needed for food and cooling for all plants, animals, people. Lake Zyuratkul. Prague is a hundred towers. Singing Fountains. A well-fed dog can live 100 days without food. Prague in pictures. Clue. Lake Bannoe. Water must be protected. The amount of water in the human body. Magic Prague. Save water. Water property. Big Kisegach.

"Adygea"- Two peoples - Adygs and Russians - form the basis modern look. The capital of the Republic of Adygea is the city of Maykop. Ancestors of the Circassians (modern Adyghes, Kabardians and Circassians). Adyghe people. Good neighbors. The Republic of Adygea is located on the picturesque northern slopes. Symbols of Adygea. Coat of arms. The Circassians were subordinated to the Golden Horde. The territory is 7.8 thousand square kilometers, the population is 450 thousand.

"Soil of the Earth"- Take care of the soil. centimeter of soil. The role of soil in the ecosystem. Superfluous word. What is soil. Fertility. Crossword. Soil types. The soil. Chernozem. Soil formation. Soils of Chuvashia. Plants grow in soil. Let's solve the crossword puzzle. Soil is the most important part of an ecosystem. The most important part of the ecosystem. Soil properties.

"Benelux"- The only floating flower market in the world. Complete the sentence: The capital, which is also called the state ... The flower is the symbol of the Netherlands. Brussels. There are many old windmills in Holland. Flag and coat of arms. Tasks for fixing. Entrance to the zoo. Capital Amsterdam. Square in Luxembourg. In the Netherlands, they make different varieties of Dutch cheese. Which countries make up the Benelux? Netherlands (Holland).


"This amazing nature"

Student ____________________________________________
1. What is called the body?

  • everything that is made by human hands;
  • any object, any living being;
  • any plant, insect, bird or animal.
2. In which line are only the bodies indicated?
  • pot, frying pan, kettle, faucet, water;
  • desk, board, table, chair, lamp;
  • pencil, pen, ink, pencil case, sugar.
3. Which line lists only substances?
  • aluminum, iron, copper;
  • aluminum pan, iron poker, copper basin;
  • a lump of sugar, a drop of dew, a crystal of salt.
4. Which line lists only gaseous substances?
  • water, starch, salt, pepper;
  • kefir, fermented baked milk, chlorine, fluorine;
  • nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide.
5. In what bodies are the gaps between particles the largest?
  • in solid;
  • in liquid;
  • in gaseous.
6. What substances are included in the air?
  • hydrogen, copper, zinc;
  • oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide;
  • chlorine, fluorine, iodine.
7. What gas, which is part of the air, is necessary for breathing?
  • nitrogen;
  • oxygen;
  • carbon dioxide.
8. What properties does air have?
  • blue, conducts sounds, passes Sun rays, has no smell;
  • transparent, colorless, odorless, expands when heated, and contracts when cooled, conducts heat poorly;
  • with the wind, dust is carried through the air, the smell depends on the surrounding objects, with a sharp change in the boundary of heat and cold, winds are formed.
9. Double frames are installed in the windows to preserve heat. What property of air is being used?
  • when heated, the air expands;
  • when cooled, the air is compressed;
  • air is a poor conductor of heat.
10. How should the air be protected from pollution?
  • to stop all factories and factories, to stop harvesting timber, to prohibit the use of transport, to turn the Earth into one huge nature reserve;
  • factories and factories must have dust and harmful substance traps, transport must be made environmentally safe, belts of gardens, parks and forests must be created in cities and around them.
11. Why can water pipes burst in winter?
  • water, turning into ice, expands;
  • water, turning into ice, is compressed;
  • Damage to water pipes is not related to the presence of water in them.
12. You washed the floor in the classroom. Why did it become dry after a while?
  • water has evaporated from the floor surface;
  • water soaked into the floor surface;
  • water remained on the soles of the shoes of students who walked around the classroom.
13. Follow the movement of a drop of water that has fallen from the clouds. How will she be in the clouds again? Which of the chains of transformations is correct? evaporation of water water vapor cloud; water vapor cloud;

14. What does the soil consist of?

    from microbes, plant roots, various animals living in the soil;

    from air, water, humus, sand, clay, salts;

    from air, water, humus, sand, clay, salts, as well as microbes, plant roots and various animals living in the soil.

15. What do plants get from the soil?

    humus, sand, clay;

    air, water, salt;

    plant and animal remains.

16. What is the name of the science of plants?




17. Underline the names coniferous plants one line, flowering - two lines:

Apple tree, spruce, currant, pine, dandelion, juniper.

18. What conditions are required for a plant to form sugar and starch?

    the presence of water and carbon dioxide;

    presence of soil and air;

    availability of light, water and carbon dioxide.

19. What important substance is formed in the leaf along with nutrients?

    carbon dioxide;


20. What is the name of animal science?




21. Which of the following animals refers to fish?

22. Which of the following animals are herbivores?

    cows, hippos, giraffes;

    wolves, foxes, wild boars;

    moose, seals, whales.

23. Which of the power circuits is indicated correctly?

24. Who gives birth to live cubs and feeds them with milk?

25. What word is missing: egg - ... - adult fish?

  • tadpole.

26. What word is missing: egg - larva - ... - butterfly?

27. Grasshopper is an insect. Does it go through the pupal stage in its development?

    all insects have pupae;

    grasshoppers do not have a pupal stage;

    A grasshopper egg hatches into an adult insect.

28. At what time of the year are hunting and fishing prohibited?

29. What plants are used in medicine?



30. Rare plants are forbidden to be collected. They are under special protection:

    in reserves;

    on a personal plot;

    on boulevards and squares.

31. Where is grown rare plants brought from all over the world?

    in parks;

    in the squares;

    in botanical gardens.

32. What animals are listed in the Red Book?

    tiger, walrus, flamingo, golden eagle;

    cow, horse, goose, rooster;

    pig, sheep, duck, turkey.

33. Some species of animals have already been saved. Name them.

    squirrel, hare, wild boar;

    beaver, sable, marten;

    elk, fox, wolf.

34. Complete the food chains:

35. What are the parts of a mushroom?

36. Manufacturers participate in the circulation of substances, ..., ..., ...

37. Organisms - destroyers scientists call ...

38. Without what can mushrooms develop?

39. Give two examples from each kingdom in nature.

  • Educational presentations
  • 3 cells
  • 17.06.2018

Interactive tests were completed for the textbook "The World Around, Grade 3, Pleshakov Andrey Anatolyevich (EMC "School of Russia"). In creating the presentation, the following were used: Internet resources: - pictures. Literature: World around. Grade 3: control and measuring materials / E. M. Tikhomirova. - M .: Publishing House "Exam", 2014. Each test consists of 7 questions with an option answers.The tasks in the test are varied, this is of interest to students.The questions are drawn up in accordance with the program requirements and age characteristics. When completing tasks, you need to mark the correct answer. Upon completion, a grade is automatically assigned. The test will be a good help for repeating the material covered. In the II section "This amazing nature" - 17 tests on the topics: "Bodies, substances, particles" "Variety of substances" "Air and its protection" "Water" "Transformations and circulation of water" "Save water" "What is soil" "Variety of plants" "The sun, plants and you and me" "Reproduction and development of plants" "Protection of plants" "Diversity of animals" "Who eats what" "Time reproduction and development of animals "" Animal protection "" In the kingdom of mushrooms "" The great cycle of life ".
