What is the reason for the name of the spectacled donkey penguin? Spectacled penguin

The spectacled penguin belongs to the penguin family and is included in the spectacled penguin genus. Forms a species that is also called the donkey, black-footed and African penguin. Its habitat covers the southwestern coast of Africa and 24 islands near the coast. In addition, representatives of the species live in zoos around the world, and young individuals are often found outside their natural range.

Representatives of the species reach 60-70 cm in length. Body weight is 2.5-4.5 kg. Penguins are white in front and black in back. The limbs are black. There are black stripes and spots on the chest that are unique to each individual, like human fingerprints. Above the eyes there are pink glands used for thermoregulation. The higher the body temperature, the more blood is sent to the glands and cooled by the surrounding air.

Sexual dimorphism is expressed in size - males are larger than females and have larger beaks. Black and white coloring protects birds in the water from predators, as it creates countershadows. Juveniles differ in color from adults. It varies from gray-blue to brown.

Reproduction and lifespan

This species is monogamous. Spectacled penguins nest in colonies. The breeding season is extended. Its peak occurs in March-May in South Africa and in November-December in Namibia. There are 2 eggs in the clutch. They are deposited in burrows, in depressions in the soil, under boulders or in bushes. Both parents do the incubation. The incubation period lasts 40 days.

Hatched chicks are covered with brown-gray down. For a month they stay near their parents, and then unite in the so-called nurseries. Chicks fledge at the age of 60-130 days. It all depends on environment and nutrition. After this, the young birds go to sea. IN wildlife The spectacled penguin lives 10-15 years. The maximum life expectancy is 25-27 years. Puberty occurs at the age of 4-5 years.

Behavior and nutrition

Representatives of the species cannot fly. They make cries reminiscent of donkeys. During molting, they cannot forage in water, as the feathers become permeable to water. Molting takes 3 weeks. Most lives are spent at sea. Only during the breeding season do they settle on land. They can swim in water at a speed of 20 km/h. They dive to a depth of 100-120 meters. Can swim in sea ​​water 120 km.

IN marine environment Sharks, seals and killer whales are dangerous. Ground enemies are mongooses, caracals, and domestic cats. Seagulls can steal eggs. The spectacled penguin feeds on small fish, squid, and crustaceans. Food is obtained no further than 20 km from the coast. An adult consumes 540 grams of food per day. During the breeding season, up to 1 kg of food.


At the beginning of the 19th century, 4 million spectacled penguins lived on the planet. By 2000, there were 200 thousand of them. In 2010, the population size was 55 thousand adult individuals. In 2013 this type received endangered status. It is assumed that if protective measures are not taken, the spectacled penguin will disappear within 15 years.

Yellow-eyed penguins breed only in the third year; they live on average seven years, some - twenty. When they molt, they don’t eat anything for three weeks and lose almost half of their 7-9 kilograms of weight. Penguins of other species nest on the islands around Antarctica.

The donkey penguin, with a white stripe from eye to eye across the back of its head, is famous for its loud, donkey-like cry and the mysterious property of its eggs: they cannot be hard-boiled and do not harden in boiling water. On islands where rabbits live, donkey penguins build nests from their bones and even from dried corpses.

The four species of crested penguins (fawn, golden-haired, rock and thick-billed) wear long tufts of yellow feathers above their ears. All of them, having raised their chicks, swim north for the winter: from the Antarctic islands to the open ocean. More than two million of these penguins gather on Macquarie Island to nest. 150 thousand of them are killed here every year for their fat.

“In the middle of the nest there is some strange device... This is an old press made of wood, which hunters once used to squeeze fat out of penguins... On Heard Island, industrialists, due to the lack of other fuel, used penguins to keep the fire going under large cauldrons in which they melted pieces of seal fat... Every morning they killed penguins in large quantities with clubs, they skinned them, sometimes from those still alive... and put them in nets as bait for lobsters. Others served as a means of entertainment. They were doused with kerosene and set on fire just for the pleasure of watching these living torches run in the evening in the dark!" (E. Aubert de la Rue)

King penguins hatch their chicks (once every year and a half) also on the islands around Antarctica. They do not know any nests: the egg is held on feathered paws, just like emperor penguins. They look like brothers, these “titled” penguins: the first is a slightly smaller copy of the second.

Emperor penguins have chosen a truly murderous habitat - Antarctica! In the snow, in winter, in severe frosts, sometimes 60 degrees, in hurricane winds, fairy-tale birds hatch and raise their chicks. It has been experimentally proven that a twenty-degree frost with a wind of 110 kilometers per hour cools like a cold of minus 180 degrees. Only thick fat under the skin and almost complete drowsy immobility save penguins from death. And camaraderie helps: penguins stand close together in the snow, and neighbor warms neighbor.

“Having broken up in pairs, lovers freeze next to each other for a long time, stretching out their flexible necks like a swan, and the gentle trills of their serenades do not cease day or night. Sometimes they, with their eyes closed, sit motionless opposite each other for hours” (I. Tsigilnitsky).

In Antarctic autumn, in April, penguins have weddings. Almost a month of courtship, mating calls and games, but the result is not as impressive as the time spent on it: one single egg. He is greeted with jubilation: they congratulate each other with joyful cries.

The female soon passes the egg from paw to paw to the male. You can’t even drop it on the snow: it will cool down and the spark of life in it will die. The male takes the egg not just, but with ceremonies; bows to the penguin, flaps its wings, shakes its tail, is very excited, cannot take its admiring gaze off the egg, gently touches it with its beak. But then he got some fun and rolled the egg onto his paws with his beak. Immediately it seemed to fall into a down pocket: into the fold of skin between the paws and belly of the penguin. It lies there and does not fall out, even if the male warming it walks and jumps, choosing a warmer place in the crowd of comrades, even if it scratches its head with one paw.

A responsible parent nurses the egg for two months until the chick hatches, and another month with the newly born offspring until its spouse returns from a long journey.

Does the chick go hungry for a month? Hunger is absolutely contraindicated for a growing body: the father feeds the “baby” with milk. Avian, of course, like pigeons and flamingos. So you can call the imperial chick a baby without quotation marks! This “milk” (quotes are needed here, at least once) is a special juice that is produced by the stomach and esophagus of a penguin. A very nutritious juice: it contains eight times more fat than cow’s milk - 28 percent, and ten times more protein, up to 60 percent.

King penguins are very similar to emperor penguins. Eggs and chicks are held on the paws, covered with a ventral fold of skin. The birds are located at a certain distance from each other, which results in almost regular rows.

Where are mothers walking at this time? We went to the ocean, tens of kilometers away, or even a hundred. We finally reached unfrozen water and caught fish and squid there.

Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae)

And so, in a solemn procession, they return, noticeably plumper, to the children and fathers, who have lost half their weight during a three- to four-month fast in the wind and frost: they “ate” or “drank” only snow. There is a great noise and scream over the nesting site, thousands of birds are worried, bowing, jumping with chicks on their paws. Many unfortunate misunderstandings happen before all the couples are reunited. Each female finds her legal spouse and the chick he saved. And each one brings about three kilograms of semi-digested food in the stomach. The chick immediately transfers to her paws and into her down pocket and for two or three weeks feeds on what the mother gives out in parts from her stomach, until the father returns from a trip to the sea. She feeds him almost every hour, so that soon the entire supply of food brought in her stomach is depleted. And the chick is growing well: by the time daddy arrives he has gained several kilograms. This means that the female also feeds the baby with bird's milk.

A five-week-old chick is no longer small, his “pocket” is cramped, and for the first time he steps on the snow with his untested paws. Hobbling, he goes to the “kindergarten”. Hundreds of peers, tightly huddled together, stand in a dark crowd, and brother warms his sides. Adult penguins protect them from all sides with a protective rampart from the wind and from large gulls and petrels, which can kill small penguins to death.

Parents come and, in a shout and commotion, find their children among thousands of strangers. Only they are fed: the most voracious ones swallow 6 kilograms of fish at a time!

Five-month-old penguins no longer need parental care. Spring has arrived, followed by summer, the ice floes have melted and are crumbling: on them, graduates of penguin “kindergartens” are sailing for practice at sea. Adults also go there. At the end of December, where penguins “nested” during the long polar winter, it is empty. And there are 22 such places in Antarctica. In one colony, 50 thousand pairs hatch chicks. In all 22 there are about 300 thousand birds.

“When this clumsy, waddling creature, fleeing from pursuit, throws itself on its stomach and, pushing off with its flippers, slides along the ice, maneuvering between numerous cracks, it is almost impossible to catch up with it. Defending itself from the worst enemies of skuas, who steal eggs and fragile chicks, the penguin lets "You use your main weapon - flippers. A backhand blow to a leg shod in high boots or high boots is already sensitive. Needless to say, when such a blow lands on an arm unprotected by clothing, a dislocation or fracture is guaranteed" (I. Tsigilnitsky).

In Antarctica and on the islands closest to it, not in winter, but in the short polar summer, Adélie penguins raise their young. The miniature battery-powered radio transmitters with which researchers “tagged” these penguins told a lot of interesting things about the routes of their long-distance wanderings.

All winter they swim among the pack ice, 700 kilometers from their nesting sites and closer. In early spring- let's hit the road! It is short among the Adelie penguins nesting on the islands. But many walk in long lines through the snow and ice of Antarctica, walk on crust and loose snowdrifts, roll down the slopes on their bellies, pushing themselves with their wings. Sometimes they walk hundreds of kilometers, guided by the sun! Two will meet in the endless snow marching columns penguins, and there is no end to the joy. They rush to their old nesting places, but do not spare time for friendly greetings: they stand for minutes, mingling in a noisy crowd, shouting, raising their beaks to the sky. And again we go on a hike.

We reached our old native places (how do they find them in the monotonous snow?). Three weeks until the sun melted the snow, they mating games and courtship. Old spouses, when they meet, easily recognize each other. If one of them is late, arrives later, and the former partner has already “wooed”, the new alliance is immediately terminated.

Males and females of Adélie are in identical outfits: how do you know who to look after, who is the female? The method is this: bachelor males collect pebbles and give them to prospective ladies, placing their collections at their feet. If the gift is accepted, it means that the donor was not mistaken: in front of him is the one he was looking for, and the piles of pebbles now serve as an application for the nest. Then they build the nest itself and surround the hole with a small rampart of stones. You need to keep a close eye on the pile of stones: your neighbors are stealing. Inexperienced males build a nest from several large stones. It will be very uncomfortable to sit in it later.

At Adele, the males hatch chicks: they incubate the eggs for 33-38 days, only eating snow. And the females hunt at sea at this time. (According to other sources, females in places where the path to the sea is not far also incubate a little.) Silvery, later dirty-brown chicks gather in “kindergartens”.

“The chicks stared at me with black, expressionless eyes, then touched the soles of their boots with their beaks and moved closer, as if leaning their bodies against my feet. At this very time, an attentive observer, an adult penguin, separated from the herd. He hurriedly approached and pushed the penguins with his moire belly ", snapped his beak menacingly in my direction. And then he spread his wings and, acting with them like hands, drove both kids into the herd with slaps" (V. Nikolaev).

In February - March, when emperor penguins heading from sea to land, nine-week-old Adeles, without their parents, go back to the sea and pack ice.

Literature: Akimushkin I.I. Animal World (Bird Tales)/Eureka Series; Artists A. Bloch, B. Zhutovsky - Moscow: Young Guard - 1971, p.384

The penguin is medium in size (70 cm), named for the specific pattern on its head. It's pretty large bird with a contrasting coloration (black top and white bottom) is distinguished from other penguins by a black “mask” edged with white, and a narrow black stripe crossing the top of the chest and running down the sides of the body to the blackish paws. A light band is visible at the tip of the dark beak. The only African species of penguin, it nests on the southern and southwestern coast of Africa, washed by the cold Bengal Current. In connection with the development of nesting biotopes by humans. over the last century, the number of spectacled penguins has fallen tens of times and is now estimated at 50,000-170,000 pairs.

Spectacled penguins are practically sedentary, make non-breeding migrations close to the shore, feed on small schooling fish (mainly fry of herring, anchovies, sardines), which are rich in cold currents. The preferred prey size is 5-12 mm.

The start of the breeding season depends on climatic conditions. In the north-west of the range, peak incubation occurs in November-January, in the south-west - in May-July, in the east - in April-June. Feeding lasts up to 80 days. The chicks are covered with brownish-gray down, the first juvenile plumage is grayish-blue, without bright stripes or patterns. They begin breeding at the age of 4 years.

Based on materials: E.A.Koblik. Variety of birds. Part 1. M., Moscow Publishing House
University, 2001

Spectacled penguin moved far north from Antarctica and developed the southern and southwestern coasts of Africa and about 20 islands closest to it; single birds are found even off the coast of Gabon and southern Mozambique.

Penguins spend most of the year at sea, but when breeding begins, they swim to islands and coastal areas South Africa. Egg laying in different colonies occurs in June (when winter is in full swing), spring (September), and sometimes summer (November - December).

The nest is a small hole lined around it with pebbles, branches and pieces of guano collected nearby. Construction material birds also collect during the incubation period, which lasts 38-40 days. Usually there are 2 eggs in a clutch, which are incubated alternately by the male and the female.

The chicks have two downy coats: the first, up to two to three weeks of age, is gray, and the second, up to the age of 40-60 days, is grayish-brown above and white below.

In the past, the spectacled penguin was numerous. In the 20s, only on the island. Dusseneiland (15 km off the coast of the Cape Province of South Africa) supposedly nested about 1.5 million penguins. Just a quarter of a century ago, there were 300 thousand of these birds. On the islands, penguin colonies regularly stocked eggs on an industrial scale: in 1919 on the island. About 600 thousand eggs were collected in Dasseneiland; until 1930, about 450 thousand were collected annually, and in the mid-50s - 130-160 thousand eggs. Then the volume of harvesting decreased sharply, indicating a decline in the spectacled penguin population.

On the one hand, the uncontrolled collection of eggs affected, and on the other hand, the pollution of adjacent areas of the sea with oil from tankers, which led to the death of birds. Overfishing also had an impact, undermining food base penguins. Thus, the reduction in the number of this species is entirely a human matter.

The spectacled penguin doesn't count yet rare species(at the end of the 70s, the total population size was 100-170 thousand individuals), but the emerging threat to this species required the adoption of special protection measures. Since 1969, the collection of spectacled penguin eggs has been prohibited; Since 1973, this species has been protected by a special act, and a little later included in the Red Book of South Africa and included in Appendix 2 of CITES.

It is hoped that conservation will achieve the desired results and the spectacled penguin will once again become an important exploited resource in South Africa.

(also known as donkey penguin, or black-footed penguin, or African penguin(lat. Spheniscus demersus)) is a species of penguin from the genus Spectacled Penguin. Like any other penguin, the spectacled penguin cannot fly.



The cries of penguins resemble those of donkeys. A penguin lives 10-12 years, females usually begin to give birth at 4-5 years. The clutch consists of two eggs, which are incubated by both parents in turn for about 40 days. The chicks are covered with brownish-gray down, later with a bluish tint. The breeding season is not clearly defined and varies depending on the location.

Causes of disappearance and protection


    Spectacled Penguin I.jpg

    Spectacled penguin at the Moscow Zoo

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    Spectacled Penguin III.jpg

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  • Beycek V., Stastny K. Birds. Illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Labyrinth-press, 2004. - 288 p.
  • Koblik E. A. Variety of birds. Part 1. - M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 2001.
  • Life of animals. In 7 volumes. T. 6. Birds. - M.: Education, 1986. - 527 p.


  • in the International Red Book
  • , - spectacled penguin in the Krasnoyarsk Zoo

An excerpt characterizing the Spectacled Penguin

Consequently, it was only necessary for Metternich, Rumyantsev or Talleyrand, between the exit and the reception, to try hard and write a more skillful piece of paper, or for Napoleon to write to Alexander: Monsieur mon frere, je consens a rendre le duche au duc d "Oldenbourg, [My lord brother, I agree return the duchy to the Duke of Oldenburg.] - and there would be no war.
It is clear that this was how the matter seemed to contemporaries. It is clear that Napoleon thought that the cause of the war was the intrigues of England (as he said this on the island of St. Helena); It is clear that it seemed to the members of the English House that the cause of the war was Napoleon’s lust for power; that it seemed to the Prince of Oldenburg that the cause of the war was the violence committed against him; that it seemed to the merchants that the cause of the war was the continental system that was ruining Europe, that it seemed to the old soldiers and generals that the main reason was the need to use them in business; legitimists of that time that it was necessary to restore les bons principes [ good principles], and to the diplomats of that time that everything happened because the alliance of Russia with Austria in 1809 was not skillfully hidden from Napoleon and that memorandum No. 178 was awkwardly written. It is clear that these and countless, infinite number of reasons, the number of which depends on the countless differences in points of view, it seemed to contemporaries; but for us, our descendants, who contemplate the enormity of the event in its entirety and delve into its simple and terrible meaning, these reasons seem insufficient. It is incomprehensible to us that millions of Christian people killed and tortured each other, because Napoleon was power-hungry, Alexander was firm, the politics of England was cunning and the Duke of Oldenburg was offended. It is impossible to understand what connection these circumstances have with the very fact of murder and violence; why, due to the fact that the duke was offended, thousands of people from the other side of Europe killed and ruined the people of the Smolensk and Moscow provinces and were killed by them.
For us, descendants - not historians, not carried away by the process of research and therefore with an unobscured common sense contemplating an event, its causes appear in innumerable quantities. The more we delve into the search for reasons, the more of them are revealed to us, and every single reason or a whole series of reasons seems to us equally fair in itself, and equally false in its insignificance in comparison with the enormity of the event, and equally false in its invalidity ( without the participation of all other coincident causes) to produce the accomplished event. The same reason as Napoleon’s refusal to withdraw his troops beyond the Vistula and give back the Duchy of Oldenburg seems to us to be the desire or reluctance of the first French corporal to enter secondary service: for, if he did not want to go to service, and the other and the third would not want , and the thousandth corporal and soldier, there would have been so many fewer people in Napoleon’s army, and there could have been no war.
If Napoleon had not been offended by the demand to retreat beyond the Vistula and had not ordered the troops to advance, there would have been no war; but if all the sergeants had not wished to enter secondary service, there could not have been a war. There also could not have been a war if there had not been the intrigues of England, and there had not been the Prince of Oldenburg and the feeling of insult in Alexander, and there would have been no autocratic power in Russia, and there would have been no French Revolution and the subsequent dictatorship and empire, and all that , which produced the French Revolution, and so on. Without one of these reasons nothing could happen. Therefore, all these reasons - billions of reasons - coincided in order to produce what was. And, therefore, nothing was the exclusive cause of the event, and the event had to happen only because it had to happen. Millions of people, having renounced their human feelings and their reason, had to go to the East from the West and kill their own kind, just as several centuries ago crowds of people went from East to West, killing their own kind.

A small bird belonging to the genus of penguins, whose representatives live outside Antarctica.


Russian name– South African penguin, or spectacled penguin, or donkey penguin

Latin name – Spheniscus demersus

English name– Jackass penguin

Class – Birds (Aves)

Order – Penguin-like (Sphenisciformes)

Family – Penguins (Sphenisidae)

Genus – Spectacled penguins (Spheniscus)

In addition to the South African penguin, taxonomists include the Humboldt penguin in the genus Spectacled penguin. (Spheniscus humboldti), Magellanic penguin ( Spheniscus magellanicus) and the Galapagos penguin ( Spheniscus mendiculus).

In the literature, the African penguin is usually called by its genus - spectacled.

Conservation status

The number of African penguins declined sharply at the beginning of the twentieth century due to human development of nesting habitats, oil pollution of coastal waters and a number of other reasons also related to human activities. So, if by the beginning of the 19th century the number of this species was estimated at 4 million individuals, then by the end of the 20th century only 10% remained. Thus, the number of African penguins has fallen tens of times and now, according to various estimates, ranges from 50,000 to 170,000 individuals. Currently, this penguin is listed in the Red Book of South Africa and the International Red Book in the group of endangered species - IUCN (EN).

Species and man

All the reasons that caused such a sharp decline in the number of African penguins are related to human activities. This includes unlimited collection of eggs (banned only in 1969), an oil spill off the coast of South Africa, overfishing of small fish that penguins feed on, and human development of the nesting biotopes of these birds. Currently, the spectacled penguin is under strict protection; National parks or simply protected areas have been created in its nesting areas. Visits by tourists to these places, if allowed, are subject to strict rules. Visitors walk on specially laid wooden walkways raised above the ground; approaching, touching and feeding the birds is strictly prohibited. In this mode, penguins react completely calmly to the presence of people. In addition, special nesting houses are built for penguins nesting on the sandy shore. Now there is hope that the spectacled penguin can be saved from complete extinction.

Currently, the spectacled penguin is under strict protection; National parks or simply protected areas have been created in its nesting areas. Tourists visiting these places, if allowed, does so under strict rules. Visitors walk on specially laid wooden walkways raised above the ground; approaching, touching and feeding the birds is strictly prohibited. In this mode, penguins react completely calmly to the presence of people. In addition, special nesting houses are built for penguins nesting on the sandy shore. Now there is hope that the spectacled penguin can be saved from complete extinction.

Distribution and habitats

The spectacled penguin nests on the southern and southwestern coasts of Africa, washed by the cold Bengal Current. For nesting colonies it chooses rocky areas of the coast, but can also nest on sandy shores. IN national parks people put up special shelter houses for them.

Appearance and coloring

The coloring of the spectacled penguin is typical of all penguins - black back, white chest and belly. It got its name from the peculiar pattern on its head. There is a narrow black stripe in the shape of a horseshoe on the chest down to the paws. The beak and legs are black. The height of the spectacled penguin reaches 65-70 cm, body weight up to 4 kg. Females are slightly smaller than males.

Lifestyle and social behavior

Spectacled penguins spend most of the year at sea, but at the beginning of the breeding season they swim to the islands or parts of the coast of South Africa. However, during migrations they do not swim far from the shore, so they are classified as sedentary species. Like all penguins, they feel light and free in the water. They can reach speeds of up to 20 km/h, dive to depths of up to 100 m, and hold their breath for 2-3 minutes. During the hunt they can swim 70-120 km. Help these penguins maintain the required body temperature special bodies on the head (pink “eyebrows” above the eyes). The higher the bird's body temperature, the more blood is directed to these organs. And thanks to them thin skin the blood in them is quickly cooled by the surrounding air. During molting, penguins do not dive into water and lose the opportunity to feed. They spend about 20 days on land without feeding. Spectacled penguins have many enemies, both in the water and on the shore. The main enemy is, of course, humans, and in both penguin habitats (bird catching, egg collection, environmental pollution, etc.). In the water, penguins are hunted by sharks and, less commonly, seals. With the latter, spectacled penguins also compete on land for rookery sites and nesting colonies, and in water for food. Large seagulls and, in some places, feral cats pose a danger to chicks and eggs on land.

Nutrition and feeding behavior

Spectacled penguins feed on small schooling fish (fry of herring, anchovies, sardines); They eat about 500 g of fish per day. Human overfishing off the coast of Africa is one of the reasons for the decline in the number of this penguin species.

Reproduction and parental behavior

The breeding season of the spectacled penguin is not clearly defined and varies depending on the location. Thus, in the north-west of the range, the peak of incubation occurs in November-January, in the south-west - in May-July, in the east - in April-June.

Spectacled penguins are monogamous, with 80-90% of pairs remaining together for the next breeding season, with each pair returning to the same colony and nest. There are cases where permanent couples have been preserved for 10 years.

Spectacled penguins nest in colonies. The nest is made in a hole or crevice in the rock and is lined with pebbles, twigs and pieces of guano, which the penguins collect near the nest. By the way, guano helps maintain the required temperature in the nest. There are 2 eggs in a clutch, 3-4 times larger than chicken eggs. Both parents incubate alternately for 40 days. The change of partners on the nest occurs on average after 2.5 days.

The hatched chicks are first covered with brownish-gray down, and later with a bluish tint. Feeding the chicks lasts about 80 days. For the first 15 days after hatching, one of the parents is constantly near the chicks, warming them until thermoregulation is established, and protecting them from predators. Protection of the chicks by one of the parents lasts about a month, after which both parents go to feed, and the young remain in the collective " kindergarten" At the age of 60-130 days, they leave the colony and go to sea, where they spend 12-22 months, after which they return to their native colony and molt into adult plumage. Typically, no more than 40% of spectacled penguin chicks survive.

Females become sexually mature at the age of 4-5 years.


The lifespan of spectacled penguins in the wild is 10-12 years.

Life at the Moscow Zoo

At our zoo, spectacled penguins live peacefully in the same enclosure with Humboldt penguins in the Bird House on the Old Territory. Now a family lives here - two parents and 2 chicks born in the zoo. In terms of lifestyle, habits, living conditions and attitude towards people, these penguins are no different from Humboldt penguins.

They are fed daily small fish(fish carcass size 15-20 cm) in the amount of 1.5 kg, as well as shrimp and squid, about 2 kg in total.
