What are the climate conditions in Brazil? Climatic features of Brazil

Briefly, the climate in Brazil can be described as the opposite of Europe. Most of the country is located in the tropics, so the weather is hot. This allows tourists to travel to Brazil at any time of the year.

What is the climate in Brazil?

B is counted immediately six climate types, each of which has its own characteristics:

  1. Equatorial type- characterized by heavy rainfall and average air temperatures. Predominant in the Amazon. It rains almost every afternoon here;
  2. Typical vegetation for this type of climate is humid equatorial forests.

  3. Semi-arid type- is different high temperatures and aridity. Precipitation here is rare and short-lived. A semi-arid climate is characteristic of the São Francisco Plain and North-East Sertane. Typical vegetation is cacti and thorny bushes;
  4. Tropical type- characterized by hot weather and high air temperatures. The year is divided into two seasons: the rainy season and the dry season. The tropics extend into Central Brazil, the eastern part of Maranhão, Piaui and Minas Gerais. The vegetation is predominantly represented by deep-rooted shrubs. The soil is saturated with aluminum;
  5. Tropical high density type- differs in average annual temperatures with minimal amplitude. In summer it rains heavily, and in winter there are frequent frosts and frost. Typical vegetation - rainforests, not as saturated as equatorial ones. This type of climate is typical for areas of the Atlantic Plateau;
  6. Tropical Atlantic type- characterized by heavy rainfall and average air temperatures. The weather here is often changeable and unpredictable. The dominant vegetation is Atlantic forest. Territory - the coast of the country from Rio Grande do Norte to Paraná;
  7. Subtropical type- characterized by high annual air temperatures and moderate precipitation. soft, warm summer And Cold winter with snowfalls. Subtropics are typical for the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Santa Catarina, and Parana.
  8. Typical vegetation for subtropical climate- pine trees, cereal crops, Araucaria.

    Weather and temperature by month

    The weather in Brazil depends not only on the climate zone, but also on the time of year.

    in winter

    in winter water temperature on the east coast it is +26-28 degrees, and on the west coast - +16-20 degrees.

  • IN December Spring ends and summer begins in Brazil. The air temperature is quite high - during the day it varies from +28 to +36 degrees, and at night it drops to +23-24 degrees. Air humidity is 75-80%.
  • January- rainy month. The average air temperature during the day is +26-28 degrees, and at night - +16-17 degrees. It's hottest in January south coast countries. Also the month is different high level humidity.
  • – it’s the height of summer in Brazil, it rains almost every day. This month is very humid and very hot weather. The average air temperature during the day is +28-32 degrees, and at night - +18-20 degrees.

in spring

In spring, the water temperature on the east coast is +28-29 degrees, and on the west - +17-21 degrees.

  1. IN March Autumn is coming to Brazil, although the weather is still hot and humid. The average air temperature during the day is +26-28 degrees, and at night - +18-22 degrees.
  2. The number of rainy days in the month of March in Brazil is about 10-14.

  3. IN April The onset of autumn becomes more noticeable - cool breezes begin to blow from the coast. Rainfall is decreasing and the Amazon is experiencing drought. The average air temperature is +26 degrees during the day and +18 degrees at night.
  4. The weather is quite varied. The rainy season begins in the Amazon. It falls in Rio de Janeiro a large number of precipitation and getting cooler. Drought occurs in lowland areas. The average air temperature during the day is +26-30 degrees and at night - +10-14 degrees.

In summer

In summer water temperature on the east coast it is +26-29 degrees, and on the west coast - +16-18 degrees.

  • June– transition period from autumn to winter. It is getting cooler - the air temperature during the day varies from +20 to +30 degrees and at night +10 to +15 degrees. It becomes cooler on the coast, while the lowland areas remain warm.
  • July In Brazil it is considered a cold month. Daytime temperature air varies from +18 to +20 degrees, and nighttime can drop to +6 degrees. Frosts of -10 degrees are also common. There is almost no precipitation.
  • August It is characterized by aridity - precipitation falls one to three times a month. It is warmest on the coast - the air temperature reaches +24-26 degrees. It is cooler on the plain - the air does not heat up more than +20 degrees. At night the air temperature varies from +8 to +11 degrees.

in autumn

in autumn water temperature on the east coast it is +22-25 degrees, and on the west coast - +13-17 degrees.

  1. Spring is coming in Brazil and the weather is getting hot. Precipitation occurs 5-7 times per month. The average daytime temperature reaches +30 degrees, and the night temperature is +18 degrees.
  2. October– hot and dry month. In some regions the air temperature reaches +38-40 degrees. Air humidity is very low and there is almost no precipitation.
  3. In October, even at night the temperature level remains at +20 degrees.

  4. IN November unpredictable and uneven weather. The coast is very humid, and the Amazon is experiencing drought. The weather is hot - during the day the air warms up to +35 degrees, and at night - up to +24 degrees. Air humidity is high.

Can be described as moderately hot, because most of The country is located in the tropics, where low altitudes relative to sea level prevail. The average temperature across the country rarely drops below 20 °C.

Climate zones of Brazil

Experts conditionally divide Brazil into six types: equatorial and semi-arid, tropical regular and high-altitude, tropical Atlantic, and subtropical. Of course weather in brazil varies according to area, as does the flora and fauna.

In the Legal Amazon, which is located in the north of the country, it is typical equatorial climate. The temperature here rarely exceeds 26°C and drops below 24°C. It often rains here, heavy but short-lived. Almost every day it starts to rain in the afternoon and ends very quickly.

In the northeast of the country, as well as on the flat terrain of the São Francisco River, a semi-arid climate prevails. It is very warm here, the average annual temperature is approximately 27°C, with almost complete absence of any rain. The total amount of precipitation for the entire year does not exceed 800mm and rains are usually rare and scanty. This region also has sparse vegetation: tall cacti and thorny shrubs. On the border of humid equatorial forests the neighboring region grows Coconut forests with different types palm trees.

Climate of the predominant part of Brazil

A fairly large part of Brazil has a tropical climate. There are rainy and dry seasons here. Dry weather is usually from May to September, and all other months of the year are hot with regular rains. Average annual temperatures are approximately 20°C. Such weather in brazil notable for the following regions: Central Brazil, the state of Maranhao in the east, most of Piaui, as well as Bahia and Minas Geriaes in the west. The flora in this area is mainly represented by various bushes with very dense bark and fairly deep, strong roots, the so-called cerrada. Despite heavy rainfall, the region's soils are not fertile due to the high aluminum content.

The climate of Brazil in some high-lying areas of the Atlantic Plateau, as well as in the center of the states of Espirito Santo, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Parana is also tropical, but it has a high zone. IN summer period The weather is usually very hot but humid and there are showers. IN winter time Sometimes frosts occur, and in the mornings you can see frost. With all this, the average annual temperature ranges from 18°C ​​to 22°C. The flora in the region is not as diverse as the famous equatorial forests of the Amazon and is largely represented by dense tropical forest.

Climate in Southern Brazil

In the southern region of the South Tropic the climate is mostly subtropical. Summers here are very hot, but winters are relatively cold, even snow falls. That is why the average temperature per year is no more than 18°C. There is no drought; it rains periodically throughout the year. The flora also varies depending on the altitude above sea level. In areas located high above sea level, pine forests and araucarias grow, and in flat areas, cereal plants grow.

The tropical Atlantic climate prevails on the coast of the country, from the state of Rio Grande do Norte to Paraná. Average annual temperatures reach 26°C, with fairly frequent and heavy precipitation. In the south-east, rains most often occur in the summer, and in the north-eastern part of the coast, precipitation falls in the winter. The Atlantic Forest grows throughout this area. Inside this climate zone of Brazil The capital is also located in Rio de Janeiro. The weather conditions in this city are very changeable due to the maritime climate.

The most beautiful places in Brazil, video:

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Brazil - huge country, most of whose territory is located in the tropics. The climate in some of its regions is very diverse, but mostly hot. Let's look at the weather features and find out how the climate of Brazil changes by month.

Features of weather conditions in Brazil

The extension of the territory became the reason for the allocation of six different types climatic conditions of the country:

As you can see, each of these climatic zones greatly influences the weather conditions of a certain area and causes the formation of characteristic flora and fauna. Large territory Brazil is influenced by an equatorial and tropical climate.

Summer. Climate of Brazil from December to March

At a time when snowstorms are raging and frosts are cracking, Brazil is warm and humid. This is due to the fact that the seasons there are directly opposite to the European seasons. Brazilian summer begins on December 22 and lasts until This time of year here is characterized by the presence of heavy rainfall and warm temperature air. The thermometer in December shows an average temperature of +33 ˚С during the day and +25 ˚С at night. Average temperatures are 3-4 degrees lower. And in its central part they are +29˚С during the day and +19˚С at night.

The heat subsides at the end of January, and February is no longer so hot. The average daily temperature can vary from +27 ˚С to +32 ˚С depending on the area. As already mentioned, in winter months Brazilian weather is characterized by high humidity. In December there are 15-25 rainy days.

This air helps warm the water on the coasts. At this time, the indicator can reach +29 ˚С.

Autumn. What is the climate like in Brazil from April to June

Brazilian autumn begins on March 22. can be described as moderately hot. In the north-east average temperature during the day it is about +29˚С, and in the central part of the country this figure is 1-2 degrees lower. Accordingly, at night the thermometer reaches +23˚С and +17˚С.

In April and closer to May, average temperatures drop another few degrees. The water in the seas is still warm - +27 ˚С. Rains can last 10-20 days in one month.

Brazilian winter (July-September)

The beginning of the Brazilian winter is June 22. It lasts until September 21. At this time, there is a significant decrease in air and water temperatures. This becomes especially noticeable in the southern part of Brazil. Frosts can occur here from July. The average temperature in July, June and August ranges from +11 ˚С to +15 ˚С at night and from +25 ˚С to +27 ˚С during the day. In the southern regions, temperatures during the day can drop to +17 ˚С.

The quantity at this time decreases significantly. In September there are usually 3-5 rainy days.

Spring. Climate of the country from October to December

September 22-December 21 is the period of the Brazilian spring. The hot and dry season is approaching. In the northeastern regions of the country, the average daytime temperature ranges from +32 ˚С to +34 ˚С. In the center of Brazil, the same figure is + 30˚С. Night temperatures can vary from +11 ˚С to +25 ˚С depending on the area. On the coasts of the country the climate is milder, not so hot and there is more rainfall.

The tourist season begins in October and lasts until March, when it fully shows itself hot climate Brazil. Photos of travelers who visited this tropical country, amaze with their colorfulness. Picturesque nature, formed against the backdrop of such specific weather conditions, makes this country very attractive for tourists.

IN South America The largest state by area is the Federative Republic of Brazil. It ranks fifth in the world. Located in the center and eastern part of the mainland. The length from north to south is 4320 km, from east to west - 4328 km. Area - 8512 thousand km 2.
Brazil has borders with Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Colombia and Peru. The land border is 16 thousand km, and the coastline is 7.4 thousand km. In the east the country is washed by Atlantic Ocean. It has several islands that are included in its territory.
About 40% of the country's territory is plains and lowlands. North and east - the Amazonian lowland, it gradually turns into the Guiana Highlands.
The Brazilian plateau is located in the center and south of the country. River valleys and mountain ranges pass through it: Sierra da Mantiqueira, Sierra do Mar and Sierra Geral with a height of up to 1200 m, but there are peaks reaching 2200 m (Mount Bandeira - 2890 m, Nedra Acu - 2232 m) .
The south and southwest of the country is a swampy area, part of the Laplata Lowland, nicknamed the Pantanal.
Brazil is home to 10 rivers included in the list of the most long rivers peace. The Amazon is the largest navigable river on the planet, passing through the north of the Brazilian plateau, and in the south through the plateau - the Uruguay and Parana rivers, in the west through the plateaus - the river. Paraguay and tributaries of the Parana. It is believed that it contains 20% of all fresh water on the planet. A huge part of the river area is occupied by swamps and jungles.
The San Francisco River flows through the east of the country, and the northeast and eastern part are fed by rivers originating in the Atlantic Ocean.
As a rule, all these rivers have dangerous rapids and waterfalls, the most famous of them is Iguazu on a tributary of the river. Parana and on the Urubupunga River itself and Seti Quedas, Paulo Afonso on the river. San Francisco. Some sections of the rivers are navigable.
Brazil is one of the leaders in timber reserves, since 38% of Brazil's entire territory is forest. The territory is home to equatorial forests, savannah woodlands, dry shrubs, evergreen deciduous and mixed forests. There are more than 20 national parks in total.

Climate of Brazil

Spring in Brazil lasts from September 22 to December 21, summer from December 22 to March 21, autumn from March 22 to June 21 and winter from June 22 to September 21.
The climate ranges from humid equatorial to seasonally humid subtropical. The temperature in January is from 23 to 29° C, in July - from 16 to 24° C. A very large amount of precipitation falls per year - over 1000 mm.
Residents of Europe find it extremely difficult to withstand the climate of Brazil. High temperatures, humidity in coastal areas, abundance of precipitation - all this affects well-being and time spent. In the warmest month - February - the temperature in Rio de Janeiro is +26° C, and in the coldest month (July) - +20° C.
Summers in the Brazilian highlands are warm and humid, winters are cool and dry. The temperature in winter is about 19-26° C, and precipitation occurs only in high altitudes, where the temperature is about 19-18° C.
Snow rarely falls in the state of Sao Paulo and in the mountains of the southern states. Cold cyclones cannot reach the continent because they warm up over coastal waters. Precipitation in the Amazonian lowland amounts to 1800-2300 mm per year, usually in showers.

Brazil is in the Southern Hemisphere and the seasons are reversed compared to the Northern Hemisphere.

Most of Brazil's territory lies in the hot climate zone between the equator and the Tropic of Capricorn. It is warmest in the Amazon, where there is a humid equatorial climate with constantly high temperatures (25-28C) and abundant year-round precipitation (2900-4000 mm per year). This zone is characterized by unusually high air humidity and the absence of a pronounced change of seasons.

The Guiana and central parts of the Brazilian Highlands lie in a zone of humid subequatorial climate with a pronounced alternation of rainy (summer) and dry (winter) seasons. The average annual temperature in these places remains at 25C, and the precipitation brought summer monsoons from the Amazon, fall in heavy rainfall.

The southeastern part of Brazil lies in the tropical climate zone with average annual temperature within 16C and uniform distribution of precipitation throughout the year (up to 1500 mm).

Best time to visit:

Best time to visit Brazil – summer months, as well as the period when the famous carnival takes place.

The best time to go to Rio de Janeiro is from April to September. At this time it is not as hot as from November to March, although it often rains. Daytime temperatures in summer range from +22 to +32 degrees, and a light warm breeze blows from the ocean. Rio de Janeiro is always humid, hot from November to March, cool from April to September, and often rains. The “badest” month is July, because... It's cold and it rains often.

The best time to travel to the Amazon is from August to early December. At this time there is almost no rain. From December to April there is also little rain, but it is very hot. May, June and July are the rainiest months.

Average water temperature in Rio de Janeiro
