Scenario of the concert program dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers. Scenario of a meeting dedicated to internationalist soldiers


Scenario for a memorial evening dedicated to the Day of Withdrawal of Troops from Afghanistan

We know it's not our fault

The fact is that others did not come back from the war.

The fact that they - some older, some younger -

We stayed there, and it’s not about the same thing,

That we couldn’t save them, -

This is not about that, but still, still, still.

(The bells are ringing. The children come out. The bells are ringing. The bells are ringing.)

1 Presenter: What is this? Can you hear?

2 Presenter: These are bells. Bells of memory...

1 Presenter: Memory? Do such things really exist?

2 Presenter: It happens, listen! (The ringing of bells intensifies and fades.) This is what memory itself says...

(The bell rings loudly and fades awayvocal group comes on stage)

The vocal group performs the song “You Are Next to Us”

At the end of the song, the vocal group leaves the stage

The music starts and the presenters take the stage.

Ved. 1 (with music in the background):

Day of withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan -
Not a red date in the tablets
Not a holiday, but a laceration,
For those who caught her,

Ved. 2 (with music in the background):

Without marches and festive carcasses,
Without loud speeches, what after -
From thousands of hearts only souls -
What's the use of memorial dates for them?

Ved. 1 (with music in the background):

From the dryness of numbers they will not be resurrected,
They will not return from honors,
Perhaps in heaven they will be together,
Will they allow us to gather today?

Ved. 2 (with music in the background):

Day of withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan -
Not a holiday red date,
On the day of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan,
Sorry for everything, guys...

Presenter: (from behind the scenes) She consoled the tattered bear
Girl in a mutilated hut:

Girl: Don't cry, don't cry. She was malnourished herself.
I left half a cracker for you.
The shells flew and exploded,
The entire Afghan soil rose up.
There was a family, there was a home.

Now you and I are left completely alone in the world.

The girl sits down on the step and tries to cradle the bear cub.

Leading: And behind the village the grove was smoking,
Struck by monstrous fire,
And Death flew around like an angry bird,
An unexpected misfortune came to the house.

The girl jumps up, puts the teddy bear on the step and runs down into the hall.

Girl: Do you hear, Mish, I’m strong, I don’t cry,
That Soviet soldier will come to my aid.
He will take revenge for hiding my tears,
Because our houses are burning.

The sound of gunshots and explosions. The girl grabs the teddy bear and goes up to the stage.

Presenter: But in the silence the bullets whistled loudly,
An ominous reflection flashed in the window.
And the girl ran out of the house:

Girl: Oh, Mishka, Mishka, how scared I am.

There is complete silence in the hall. A girl stands alone on stage clutching a teddy bear to her chest. Her gaze is directed far ahead.

Ved. 1: 1979 Cold December. From morning to evening, radio and television broadcast messages that, according to an agreement between the two countries, at the request of the government of friendly Afghanistan, a limited contingent of Soviet troops is being introduced into the territory of this country to protect order and democracy.

Ved. 2: On December 25, 1979 at 15.00 Moscow time, the 40th Army entered ancient land Afghanistan. She entered as a guarantor of stability and tranquility in this country. Thus began a military action that remains a heartache for many today.

Ved. 1: The war in Afghanistan lasted 9 years 1 month and 18 days. 550 thousand passed through this war Soviet soldiers and officers. 72 people received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Over 15 thousand of our soldiers died on foreign soil, 6 thousand subsequently died from wounds and illnesses, 311 people went missing. These were the greatest losses of the Soviet Army since the Great Patriotic War.

Ved. 2: Among them were our fellow countrymen Alexander Sergeevich Vedenin, who died on January 16, 1984 during the final destruction of the enemy, and was posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

Ved. 1: February 12, 2017 marked the 30th anniversary of the death of the Afghan hero who died for the freedom and independence of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, Alexander Viktorovich Sidoruk, who was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

Ved. 2: Let's remember everyone by name,

Ved. 1: Let us remember with our grief...

Ved. 2: This is necessary - not for the dead!

Together: This is necessary - alive!

"Spectrum" Prayer

Ved. 1: It’s always hard and painful to talk about losses, but when very young people pass away, it’s doubly hard and painful to talk about. Alexander Sidoryuk died at the age of 20...

Ved. 2:

You know what kind of guy he was

How he loved his native fields...

In that Afghan distance

And in the smoke and dust, he confessed his love to Russia.

Ved. 1:

Do you know what kind of guy he was?

How he went out onto the ice with a stick,

How he sang songs, how cheerful and brave he was,

How passionately he wanted to live!

Ved. 2: Alexander Viktorovich Sidoryuk was born in Yurga on June 27, 1966, into a family of workers. Father - Viktor Yakovlevich. Mom - Nina Petrovna. Elder sister- Nadezhda.

Ved. 1: Alexander grew up as a kind, sympathetic guy. In September 1973, he entered first grade at school No. 15. Sasha studied well at school, but sometimes his illegible handwriting let him down.

The floor is given to the director of the school from 1984 to 2015, Z.F. Shvetsova.

The floor is given to Alexander Sidoryuk's mathematics teacher Lyudmila Avdeevna Kozlova.

Ved. 2: After finishing 9th grade, Alexander Sidoryuk enters the Yurga Mechanical College for the welding department. Exactly at student years Alexander became seriously interested in music and taught himself to play the guitar. Alexander played in the technical school’s vocal and instrumental ensemble, participated in city art song competitions and amateur art shows.

The floor is given to the YMT teacher in the 80s, Nadezhda Kalinovna Karzhenevskaya, who paid great attention to working with Afghan soldiers.


Ved. 1: Many residents of the house on Mira Street, where Alexander lived, remember how he often held concerts in the courtyard, gathering many friends. Alexander was of great interest in shooting sports.

Ved. 2: The Sidoryuk family often hears a gypsy song sung by Alexander. Alexander’s mother often listened to this song. The song is performed by A. Sidoryuk, recorded on May 19, 1984 at the Pobeda Palace of Culture.

The recording of the song is playing

Ved. 2: The floor is given to Alexandra's sister Nadezhda Viktorovna

Music sounds, N.V. comes out. Sidoryuk

Speech by N.V. Sidoryuk

The music is playingN.V. Sidoryukgoes to his place.

Ved. 1: In October 1985, Alexander Sidoryuk was called up to military service. According to the recollections of Alexander’s father, Viktor Yakovlevich, there were many friends at Sasha’s farewell to the army, there was a large table, music was playing, everyone sang songs loudly and wished him to return home safe and sound. Viktor Yakovlevich himself served in aviation, refueling bombs heavy bombers, which flew to shooting practice and I never thought that I would have to send my son to war. And you won't have to meet...

Ved. 2: After conscription, Alexander was sent to Abkhazia training school, where he received the specialty of an infantry fighting vehicle gunner-operator. He completed his studies and, due to alarm, was sent to Afghanistan in early May 1986.

Music is playing. The presenters leave the stage.

Concert number performed by…DuetWhite snow of war

Music is playing. The presenters take the stage

Ved. 1: Afghanistan... No need for high words

You can’t hide it anyway, you can’t forget it.

For those who survive, life will be their reward,

And whoever died will live in songs.

Ved. 2: Afghanistan... Bloody sunsets,

Sand and bitterness. Nothing is like ours.

And Russian soldiers went to their death

Without discussing the Motherland's order.

Ved. 1: According to Alexander’s colleagues, he was an efficient, brave warrior, always ready to help.

Ved. 2: Sasha wrote home a lot. In his letters he hid his military everyday life and peacefully described the situation. Alexander's father, unfortunately, had very limited time to communicate with his son. However, it was to his father that Alexander secretly told his father about his service in Afghanistan in his letter.

1B.: Well, so how do you ask,

So that her heart doesn't ache?

Well, how can I say

Without adding a line to the banality?

2B.: Maternal pain is inescapable, incurable,

Maternal grief is not for the eyes, not for memorable dates.

Mother's heart I forgot the road to peace,

Mother's memory keeps young soldiers forever.

Music is playing. The presenters go backstage

The song “Prayer” performed by V. Roshchenko

Music sounds, the Soldier (reader in military uniform, blue beret), kneels down, takes off his beret, the music fades out

Soldier (against background music): Talk to me, grass!

Tell me where do you get your strength?

I was mowed down like that too,

That my head flew off...

Tell me, girlfriend, how are you?

What kind of wind do you dream about?

I was also set on fire -

And I, like you, burned to the ground...

Where did the strength come from?

It seemed that we were not there - only ashes -

But we are from the fiery inferno,

Like a Phoenix bird, rise up!

Tell me tender words.

Both holidays and everyday life await us.

I am young again, cheerful, exuberant.

Talk to me, grass!

The music intensifies, the reader lowers his head, stands up, and leaves the stage.

Music is playing. The presenters take the stage

Ved. 1: On February 12, 1987, a gang of dushmans broke through to the Golomekh outpost, where Alexander Sidoryuk served. Sasha destroyed 3 enemy firing points using BMP weapons.

Ved. 2: But soon the car exploded, part of the crew received shell shock. Sasha carried his comrade out of the burning car, and when he began to carry the second one out, a sniper bullet mortally wounded him.

Ved. 1: On the spot last fight Sasha’s comrades made a monument to him - a small pedestal, the road to which is fenced off on both sides by shell casings stuck in the sand.

Ved. 2: Alexander Sidoryuk was awarded the Order of the Red Star, the medal “From the Grateful Afghan People” and the sign “Internationalist Warrior” posthumously.

Ved. 1: Our guests are classmates of Alexander Sidoryuk: Andrey Petrovich Schastnykh, Inna Valerievna Sidorkina, Alexander Stepanovich Kuzmenko

The floor is given to Alexander Stepanovich Kuzmenko, a participant in the hostilities in Chechnya.

Speech by A. S. Kuzmenko

Song performed by A. S. Kuzmenko

Ved. 1: Bronze obelisks stood above the planet

Soviet boys with immortal youth

The sacred memory stood over the planet,

A sacred, eternal and imperishable memory.

Ved. 2: Let us honor the memory of Afghan soldiers, heroes, graduates of our school with a minute of silence. I ask everyone to stand up

A minute of silence. The metronome sounds

Ved. 2: Please sit down.

Presenter1: At our meeting , dedicated to the 28th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, there is an honorary guest. The floor is given to: Chairman of the Yurga city branch of the Russian Union of Afghanistan Veterans, Evgeniy Vladimirovich Yablonsky.

Music sounds, E.V. comes out. Yablonsky

Speech by E.V. Yablonsky

The music is playingE.V. Yablonskygoes to his place.

Music sounds, a vocal group from class 3b appears on stage.

Presenter 2: Afghanistan in the history of the country

Heavy, bloody page

Soldiers returning from war

And the mothers of the dead will dream about it.

Presenter 1: The current generation should not forget the tragedy of the Afghan events; we must remember those who honestly fulfilled their military duty and risked their lives for the great goal of peace on earth.

Leading2 : Our meeting is coming to an end. We say a big thank you to all those who, without sparing themselves, stand up to defend our Motherland, who protect the peace of peaceful citizens. Thank you for your valor and for the fact that, having gone through hell and death, through blood and tears, you manage to preserve human kindness.

Music sounds, a vocal group comes on stage

A song performed by a vocal group

At the end of the song, the vocal group remains in place, the leaders come forward

Presenter 1: And now we say to you until we meet again, and we are sure there will be!

Music sounds, spectators and event participants leave the hall

Scenario extracurricular activity"Time has chosen you"
dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Soldiers - Internationalists.
expand children's knowledge about the history of their Fatherland;
to develop the ability to evaluate the events of the past era from the standpoint of justice and humanism;
cultivate a sense of patriotism and pride for one’s people.
broaden students' horizons;
strengthen respect for veterans of the “Afghan war”, arouse a desire to honor the memory of fallen internationalist soldiers

Video clip of the song “Afghanistan The order has come”
Time has chosen you, Spun you in an Afghan snowstorm, Your friends called you at a menacing hour, You special form put it on. And in the fire of difficult mountain roads they sprinkled their blood on their hikes, They did not notice in the whirlwind of worries, How minutes are compressed into years. Loyalty, valor, courage and honor - These qualities are not for show. The Motherland has countless heroes. Time has chosen you! Through the pages of time we walked to the victorious marches. Many glorious Russian names have been inscribed on granite eternity. And when things were hard at times, Our strength melted away in the roar of battle, We were thrown into pillboxes more than once by the unyielding audacity of our heroes. Loyalty, valor, courage and honor - These qualities are not for show. The Motherland has countless heroes. Time has chosen you.
Host: War... a very scary word. It is also scary because war happens in Peaceful time. It just so happened that the Russian soldier defended not only his homeland, but also helped fraternal peoples. And this was called “fulfilling an international duty.” On December 25 at 15.00 on a sunny winter day, the entry of troops began. The first dead appeared after 2 hours. This is how something began that you want to forget, but that you definitely need to remember! Remember not to repeat it.
Afghanistan in the history of the country
Heavy, bloody page
Soldiers returning from war
And the mothers of the dead will dream about it.
Presenter As part of the limited contingent of Soviet troops in the Republic of Afghanistan, young guys - residents of our village of Blechepsin - also served. These young people, who had almost no life experience, suddenly found themselves in a foreign country, in an unfamiliar hostile environment, in extreme circumstances. But they turned out to be worthy of the baton that was passed on to them by the WWII soldiers, their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. They were awarded state awards for dedication, courage, and heroism shown in providing international assistance to the Republic of Afghanistan. This
Outlev Khasambiy
Gomleshkhov Askarbiy
Dyshekov Adam
Kazanokov Amin
Kemechev Safarbiy
Kidakoev Aslan
Kidakoev Beslan
Kidakoev Makhmud
Kulov Nurbiy
Ogurliev Khasambiy
Tlekenpashev Khasambiy
Tlishev Zaurbek
Khatkov Rashid
Shovgenov Kaplan
Stills from the film “Afghanistan Hurts in My Soul” about our fellow countrymen.
Presenter We recognize those who served in Afghanistan and other “hot spots” not only by the stripes on civilian clothes... we recognize them by their calm, firm faces. These are people you can always rely on. Everyone would like to have such friends.
Presenter The war in Afghanistan lasted 9 years 1 month and 18 days. 550 thousand Soviet soldiers and officers passed through this war. 72 people received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Over 15 thousand of our soldiers died on foreign soil, 6 thousand subsequently died from wounds and illnesses, 311 people went missing. These were the largest losses of the Soviet Army since the Great Patriotic War. February 15, 1989 was the day when the count of losses of our soldiers ended, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the territory of Afghanistan began. On this day, ceremonial events are held in large and small cities and villages of our country. Thousands of mothers and fathers waited for their sons and they heard: “Mom! I'm alive... I'm back!
Host: Mother... This is who experienced all the pain and horror of Afghanistan. Mother... This is whose name saved, supported and protected!
Folk wisdom states: “You can’t buy for any money, you can’t lend, you can’t rent a person who would love you, worry about you, protect and pray, and be ready to give his life for you like your mother. The closest and dearest person to each of us is our mother. This is probably why you could often hear from Afghans: “Yes, we had the opportunity to serve on Afghan soil, it was difficult for us. But our difficulties are incomparable to those that befell our mothers.”
And indeed it is. Mothers accompanied their sons to the army. They did not know where the service of very young, not yet strong boys would take place, but for some reason tears rolled down their cheeks and the words were whispered like a prayer: “Goodbye, dear ones. Come back alive." And the boys with short hair bravely stood on the station platforms, sang hoarsely with a guitar and went off to war... and wrote letters.
Host: In these letters there were no complaints, no reproaches, no regrets, but only endless Love and taking care of a loved one. This is felt in every letter from the soldiers. The appeal “Mom”, repeated more than once, sounds like a prayer, like a hidden request for help.
Greetings from Afghanistan! Hello mother! With warm soldier's greetings to you, your son Ruslan. I'm alive and well. The service is going well, a little more and I’ll come home. Mom, everything is fine, don't worry about me. Take care of your health for your grandchildren, because you will have so many of them! Mom, say hello to everyone I know and who remembers me. Goodbye. Waiting for an answer.
Mom, I ask you again, don’t worry about me, I’ll see you soon.
Mothers of internationalist warriors are women of different fates... but they are similar in their selfless and devoted love, love for their children. And this feeling is stronger than even life itself. We are all indebted to them.
This date was written in blood -
Fifteenth of February:
The badness of our soldier
I met an alien land,
But the debt is international
You have fulfilled yours in full!
Let everything be fine with you -
Materially and morally!
For your feat in a distant foreign land
Let your country remember you!

Congratulations on Internationalist Warrior Day,
And we bow before your fate.
We glorify your service very unanimously,
After all, you have not walked the easy path.
May life give you happiness today,
Love, luck, many victories.
May he save you from grief and misfortune,
Leaving only the brightest trace...

Leading. It’s hard to talk about war, but we have no right to forget about it. About those who did not return, and about those who returned with a crippled soul. But despite everything, life continues, continues with its contrasts: black - white, dark - light. And we hope and wish you that the dark and black days will never return, so that they will not be repeated for mothers. And those painful days and nights of waiting for anxiety are in the past.
Verse: “That war is going further and further into the past”
That war is moving further into the past,
What fought along the spurs of the Hindu Kush...
A distant and wild country,
Where your souls remain forever.
Like the souls of those in a zinc coffin
We returned to our mother with final honors,
And those who remember Kabul
With prosthetic arms and legs.
And the Hindu Kush stands like a pedestal
Under the monument of fulfilled duty,
Calling upon those who sent you to him
Remember this false debt for a long time...
A distant and wild country,
Yes, she’s right: we are not all made of metal...
How I wish I was alive so that that war
For all of us, this was the last war.
Everlasting memory fallen! Eternal gratitude to the soldiers who were able to return after surviving terrible trials.
Lyube “Come on for us” video clip

Fanfare sounds.
Q1: Centuries pass, years flash by... We have always defended our native country! And from the most distant times it has been like this: Forget about everything when the enemy approaches! The peasant and the worker abandoned their work, When Russia was waiting for their protection!
Q2: You will hear about the exploits of the fallen and the victories of the living from older people. The young men will tell you endlessly about how they fought in Afghanistan and Chechnya, how they survived this crazy war, how they were worthy of the title of fighter.
Q1: Defenders of our beautiful country, you are dear to us and we desperately need you!
Q2: Hello dear friends! The Federal Law “On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia” established February 15 as a day of remembrance of Russians who performed their official duties outside the Fatherland
Q1: And let this meeting be a tribute of respect and memory to all who have had the great honor of fulfilling their international duty, protecting the interests of their native country.
Q2: We want to have pride in the country,
May your day be beautiful,
To fall asleep in captivity of a good feeling,
Remembering good people
IN 1: To Russian people have a special love for native land, to the place where they grew up, to their homeland. From time immemorial, this love has been manifested in their readiness to defend, without sparing their lives, their Fatherland.
Q2: The 20th century is often called turbulent and cruel, and this is how it became for our history. Wars, in one way or another, touched every generation - some fought with weapons in their hands, some saw off loved ones, some mourned the dead.
the song “Remember” performed by Anna Bekimbetova

Q1: What did people dream about on that memorable day of May 9, 1945? Of course about the world. To never again hear the roar of enemy planes, the roar of exploding shells, the whistling of bullets and the crying of mothers for dead sons.
Q2: But a little more than half a century has passed, and Russia has participated in two wars. The children and grandchildren of veterans of the Great Patriotic War took up arms.

Slide 1

V1: On the gray peaks the battles died down,
But the latest songs contain echoes of war.
And now they put on gray overcoats
Children of veterans, sons of courage.
Next to them is glory, and behind them is song,
In front of them is a starry mountain pass.
And beyond the pass the land of spring is wonderful,
Herbal, fragrant, multi-colored shaft.
Abundant starfall, morning smoke,
Dewy hills of the sweet side...
Just as the dawns do not go out, the stars do not go out,
What fathers wore, and now sons.
Slide 2

Q2: On December 25 at 15.00 on a sunny winter day, a limited contingent of Soviet troops began entering the territory of Afghanistan, through Kushka to Herat and Kandahar, and then to Kabul. No one, of course, could have imagined that the presence of our troops in neighboring country will last for a long 9 years.

Q1: Due to the high mountains of the Hindu Kush, almost no information came to us for a long time. The relatives and friends of the soldiers did not know that their sons, husbands, brothers were thrown into the fire of real battles...

Q2: Faithful to the oath, convinced that they were defending the interests of the Motherland and providing friendly assistance to neighboring people, they were only fulfilling their military duty.
Q1: We are given only an hour before departure,
Just an hour of last rest.
They told us: we are flying to Afghanistan.
Yesterday's boys are flying to Kabul.
Today we are not writing any lines.
And, entrusting your fate to the domes,
Let's descend into the Afghan sands,
And we will measure the rocks with our boots...

Q2: The 40th Army had several main tasks. First of all, providing assistance in stabilizing the situation and repelling possible external aggression, protecting the local population from gangs.
Q1: As well as the distribution of food, fuel and basic necessities. Our government hoped that the deployment of troops would be short-term.
Q2: What is Afghanistan? This is road dust, unbearable heat and mountains, mountains, mountains. Where, behind every boulder, a fanatical spook can be waiting for you, where time seems to have turned back, going back several centuries.
V1: And the most precious thing is true friends in battle. People who take risks every day, go to their death, but do not lose heart. True male friendship, courage and honor - that’s what was there.
Q2: We recognize those who served in Afghanistan not only by the order stripes on civilian clothes... We recognize them by their calm, firm faces. These are people you can always rely on.

Slide 3
Q1: During the Afghan war, everything was tested, everything that a person is capable of, that he is able to withstand. Our “Afghans” know and remember this: they had to take a full cup of suffering, grief, despair, and difficulties. They fought in a foreign country, and their own people knew practically nothing about the causes of this war, or its goals, or even about the courage and exploits of our soldiers and officers... Slide 4 (Wounded)

V2 CC: No matter what they say, you managed to pass
Everything that the war has measured out to you,
And it’s not in vain that you put on today
Your military orders.

Q1: These nine years and fifty-one days of fierce battles in a foreign land brought our people a lot of grief, troubles and suffering. But even there, in distant Afghanistan, Soviet soldiers showed the best human qualities: courage, perseverance, nobility, loyalty to the military oath, military and human duty.
Slide 5 (text about quantity)
Q2: A moment thinner than a hair,
It's like a sparkling glow,
But maybe a quick moment
Remain glorious forever...
One moment and in the darkness
The dawn rises over the gray ashes,
And you become an example for millions on Earth.
B1 According to official data, during the military operations in Afghanistan, 14,453 Soviet military personnel were killed, 10,995 were awarded orders and medals posthumously.

Slide 6 (candle)
song “Glory” performed by Matyash Zarina

Q2 How many Russian boy soldiers are there?
From now on they lie in silent eternity.
And they look from photographs of little ones
With surprisingly lively eyes.
Oh, how many mothers are there in Russia?
They shed bitter tears.
Their pain cannot be overcome, it cannot be warmed up
Under mourning black scarves.
Again the wedges of burnt souls float
The sky mixed with clouds
Snow will fall over sweet home
Or they will fall with warm rains.
Tears flow down the gold of names,
According to the dates that ended life at its zenith
Sad and quiet bell ringing
As if whispering: “Boys, forgive me...”

Recorded song "Afghanistan"

Slide 7-13 (from list to documents)
Q1: On February 15, 1989, the last unit of the 40th Army of the USSR left Afghanistan. The withdrawal of troops was carried out within 9 months. For Soviet people, it is associated primarily with the famous picture of the passage of the commander of the 40th Army, General Gromov, across the Termez Friendship Bridge. Slide 14(bridge)

Q2: However, the last to cross from Afghan soil were the border troops. It was they who covered the retreat of the 40th Army through the cities of Termez and Kushka, ensured the safety of both the Druzhba bridge and Army Commander Gromov. The border guards came out quietly, without fanfare, congratulations or greetings, and immediately set up border posts along the Amu Darya.
Q1: The events of those years are assessed differently. Those who gave the orders and those who carried them out look at the Afghan war differently.
Q2: Colonel General Gromov, the last commander of the 40th Army, who led the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, in his book “Limited Contingent” expressed the following opinion regarding the victory or defeat of the Soviet Army in Afghanistan:
B1 (on behalf of Gromov): I am deeply convinced that there is no basis for the assertion that the 40th Army was defeated, nor that we won a military victory in Afghanistan. At the end of 1979, Soviet troops entered the country unhindered, completed their tasks and returned to their homeland in an organized manner.
Q2: The revelations of the famous “Lion of Panjshir” - Ahmad Shah Massoud, who fought with the Soviet troops until their withdrawal, are known. He declared that the Shuravi won the Afghan war. One such revelation is worth a dozen articles.
Q1: We left Afghanistan. They left with dignity. Slide 15 (text submitted)

Q2: The soldiers returned home on native land. And it would seem that nothing will disturb their dreams, but... At the end of the twentieth century, military conflict flared up again in the country itself...

Slide 16(Chechnya)

Q1: Our pain is Chechnya. A small, tormented piece of land, destroyed houses, broken destinies. The fragments of this misfortune scattered throughout Russia.

Q2: I’m looking for a tiny point on the map,
Doused with lead and blood salt.
To insert into a poetic line
Short name for Horsenoy.
I close the card and open it again
There is pain and heaviness in my heart.
So here it is - that fatal point,
Who knew her yesterday? She is Chechnya.

Entry about Chechnya

Slides 17-20 (from Mikharev to Kuzin)

Word to Kuzin Dmitry Vasilievich

IN 1: Chechen War became one of the largest armed conflicts modern history, and the Battle of Grozny became the largest battle in Europe since the Second World War.

Q2: All wars remain in the memory of the peoples who fought them, in songs, legends, and epics. There were countless of them! Today we remembered only three of them, witnesses and participants who live among us today. Some of them had their fill of hard times during the Great Patriotic War. Some were burned by the wars in Afghanistan and Chechnya. Slides 21, 22 (monuments)

Q1: But among the Russian people there is a belief that true man and the son of the Fatherland are one and the same. Patriotism, love for the Motherland, devotion to it, the desire to protect it from enemies, to serve its interests with one’s deeds - a great and necessary feeling - a sense of duty.

Q2: When there are battles in at least one country,
You and I can fight for peace,
After all, we live in a fairy land,
Countries with the wonderful name Russia.

The song “Russia is my star” performed by Valeria Karmishina

Q1: At the end of the meeting, I would like to thank you for taking the time and responding to our invitation. We congratulate you on the upcoming holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day, and wish you health, success, and prosperity in everything.

Q2: And to our boys, future defenders of the Motherland - success in studies, endurance, good physical performance and, of course, always putting such concepts as duty, care for the Motherland, their loved ones, honor and dignity in the first place.


For the purpose of civic and patriotic education of youth, increasing the status of defender of the Fatherland, forming a moral position in public libraries municipal district Blagoveshchensk district of the Republic of Bashkortostan held memorials cultural events dedicated to the Day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. For Russians, this date became the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers.

From February 8 to 15, 2016, presentations of thematic book and illustrative exhibitions were organized in the libraries: “Afghanistan - an unhealing wound” (Ilyino-Polyansk rural library), “Time has chosen us” (Novonadezhdinsk rural library), “A look through the years” ( Volkovskaya Rural Library), “Participants in Local Wars” (Akhlystinskaya Rural Library).

There were held in libraries themed watches courage, requiem conversations, meetings with internationalist soldiers, oral journals: “Fulfilling an international duty...” (Osipovskaya s/b MBUK MCB), “Afghanistan is an unhealed wound” (Ilyino-Polyanskaya s/b), “Let memory speak” (About MBU GDK), “We will not consign to oblivion the exploits of internationalist soldiers” (Ilikovskaya rural library), “Profession is to defend the homeland” (Volkovskaya rural library), “Our internationalist warriors” (Bedeyevo-Polyanskaya model rural library), “Echo Afghan mountains" (Staronadezhda Rural Library).

More than 250 people took part in the events.

Conversation “Fulfilling an international duty...” for students of MOBU secondary school in the village of Osipovka was conducted by N. N. Makoveeva, librarian of the Osipovka rural library. Natalya Nikolaevna presented information to the audience about the significant date Russian Federation, designed to honor the memory of soldiers who performed their international duty outside the borders of their homeland.

The celebration of the memorable date approved by Federal Law No. 320-FZ “On Amendments to Article 1.1 of the Federal Law “On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia”, signed by the President of the Russian Federation on November 29, 2010, is timed to February 15 - it was February 15, 1989 that ended withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. On this day, at 16:21, the last Soviet soldier crossed the Friendship Bridge across the Amu Darya, leaving Afghanistan.

This event glorified the military past of the sons of Russia, who fulfilled their international duty to the end. School students learned about the reasons for the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan, about the courage and courage of Soviet soldiers, about the difficult conditions in which they had to fight and about the assistance provided by Soviet soldiers to local residents.

Oral journal “Afghanistan - an unhealing wound”, the purpose of which was to instill in schoolchildren patriotic feelings and respect for the feat of the participants in the fighting in Afghanistan, was held on February 11, 2016 for students of the Secondary School named after. I. Ya. Nelyubina village Ilyino-Polyana.

The presenter of the event, the librarian of the Ilyino-Polyansk Rural Library Ramazanova L.H., held an informational conversation with students in grades 8-10 about the events of the 9-year war in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and about the Day of Remembrance for Internationalist Soldiers who performed their official duty outside the Fatherland.

On February 15, 1989, the last column of Soviet troops left Afghanistan. This event marked the end of the Afghan War for the Soviet Union, which claimed the lives of more than 15 thousand Soviet soldiers. This day, since 2011, has been celebrated annually on February 15th. The librarian revealed the causes and tragic consequences of this war. In the harsh conditions of Afghanistan, our fellow Ilinopol residents also passed the school of courage - these are Sergey Yuryevich Dolgikh, Boris Borisovich Zamyatin, Makhmut Umurzakovich Elmuratov, Ayrat Firatovich Nurdavletov. For courage and bravery they were awarded orders and medals. And we are proud of them. Having passed through military trials with honor, they fulfilled their international duty with dignity.

A bright page oral journal became a slide presentation “Living Memory”, conveying the chronicle of local wars. From the screen, the faces of those who fought, fulfilling their international duty, in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Abkhazia, Chechnya and other hot spots looked at the children. The high school students unanimously noted that the memory of the fallen internationalist soldiers will live on as long as we remember this.

A logical continuation of the event was a review of the book and illustration exhibition “Afghanistan - an unhealing wound.”

The organizers of the event are convinced of the importance of such meetings for the younger generation, future defenders of the Fatherland.

An hour of courage on the topic “Profession is to defend the homeland”, dedicated to the Day of Withdrawal of Troops from Afghanistan, held on February 11, 2016 by the Volkovo Rural Library. The organizer's goal was the civic-patriotic education of teenagers and the positioning of reading patriotic literature.

The library hosted a thematic book and illustration exhibition “A Look Through the Years.” The section of the exhibition “This is how our fellow countrymen served” was dedicated to fellow villagers who had to fight in peacetime, fulfilling their military duty as Defender of the Fatherland outside the country. These are natives of the village of Volkovo: Yarullin Sergey Almasovich, Cherepanov Alexander Sergeevich, Ibatullin Radis Galievich.

The library organized a meeting of schoolchildren with village residents - Cherepanova Zinaida Baymurzinovna and Yarullina Raushaniya Kamsatovna, whose sons were participants in the fighting in Afghanistan. They spoke with pride about their sons, who fulfilled their international duty with honor.

The meeting was useful for the guys, interesting, filled with impressions and, of course, unforgettable.

As part of the celebration of the memorable date, Requiem-conversation “Let us not consign to oblivion the exploits of internationalist soldiers” with students of MOBU secondary school in the village of Staroilikovo, aimed at the patriotic education of youth.

Librarian of the rural library Gaitkulova Z.R. gave examples of the heroism and courage of our soldiers in Afghanistan, drawing the attention of those gathered to the fact that their international duty was honorably fulfilled by fellow Old Ilikovites: Bikbulatov Danis Talgatovich, Khamatshin Aglyam Aksanovich, Kharisov Radis Raisovich, Glimnurov Vakil Ramazanovich. The librarian's story was accompanied by a video chronicle about those times.

A minute of silence was observed in memory of those killed in the Afghan war.

According to Zili Rifkhatovna, such events return to the younger generation the high concepts of patriotism, courage, military and human duty.

History hour “Echoes of the Afghan Mountains” was held in the Staronadezhdinskaya rural library with the aim of honoring the memory of fallen internationalist soldiers and recalling the recent events of our history - the war in Afghanistan.

Librarian Sergeeva Irina Vasilievna invited the audience to remember the events related to the war in Afghanistan. In her narrative, she used newspaper and magazine articles, photographs from the 80s of the 20th century, and books about internationalist soldiers. The librarian gave a virtual tour of the memorials and monuments to internationalist soldiers of the Republic of Bashkortostan. She supplemented her story with a demonstration of slides and photographs of the memorial in the city of Blagoveshchensk. The guys honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence.

After the event, schoolchildren noted that such concepts as “patriotism,” “duty,” “honor,” “service to the Motherland” seemed to be rediscovered and filled with new meaning.

Patriot hour “Participants in local wars” conducted for young readers by the librarian of the Akhlystinsky rural library, Lidiya Vasilievna Chertakova. She presented material about the internationalist soldiers of the village of Akhlystino.

The schoolchildren listened with bated breath to the story about Alexander Alexandrovich Rednikov, who in 1980 served in active service on the border with Afghanistan. He was a participant in military events in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. For his selfless service, Alexander was awarded the medals “For Courage” and “To the Internationalist Warrior from the Grateful Afghan People.”

The guys received information with pride about their fellow countryman Alexander Gennadievich Komarov, who has been performing his military duty in the Chechen Republic since June 1995. Served in the detachment special purpose. He took part in hostilities in Grozny and Gudermes.

No one was left indifferent by the librarian's story about Andrei Ivanovich Ivashchenko, who was awarded the Zhukov Medal for military service for his service in Dagestan.

The event made it possible to reveal to the children the heroic deeds of fellow countrymen, combatants who were sent to serve by their Motherland and fulfilled their duty with honor.

In their work, the MBUK MCB libraries always pay close attention to the patriotic education of the younger generation, therefore they plan to hold events within the framework of the Days of Military Glory of Russia.

Leading methodologist T.A. Permina

Scenario of the ceremony

for the Day of Remembrance of Soldiers-Internationalists

1 Presenter: War... a very scary word. It is also scary because it also happens in peacetime, when young soldiers have to fulfill their international duty, following the orders of the government of their country and protecting the interests of the state. Unfortunately, thousands of young military personnel died in armed conflicts on the territories of other countries, and the war ruined the lives of many. But they honestly fulfilled their duty, proving their loyalty to the historical traditions of Russia.

2 Presenter: School be at attention!

ceremonial line, dedicated to the Day in memory of Alexander Kushnarenko and the 25th anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, please consider it open.

ANTHEM SOUNDS____________

School, free!

Reader 1: I often dream about my home -

The forest is dreaming about something, about its own,

Gray cuckoo across the river,

How long do I have left to live, he thinks.

You pressed affectionately against the flower,

The stalk of wild rosemary is crushed,

And the distant “ku-ku” sounds

Measuring the lives of my date.

I dream of an edge of flowers,

The quiet edge is covered in rowan trees,



Why are you so generous, cuckoo?

I miss home country,

According to its sunrises and sunsets. On Afghan scorched earth

Russian soldiers sleep anxiously.

They spend their energy generously

They are familiar with hunger and fatigue

They don’t hoard their days in reserve.

Who will tell them: how many of them are left?

So you, cuckoo, wait a minute

Should I give someone else's share?

The soldier has an eternity ahead of him

Don't confuse it with old age.

Presenter 1: February 15 marks 25 years since the Soviet troops left Afghanistan. And this day is a tribute to the memory of everyone involved in the heroic and tragic Afghan war, which lasted twice as long as the Great Patriotic War. She was kept silent for a long time. They dosed the truth about heroes and losses. They weren't even allowed to cry over the graves. They skimped on medals.

Presenter 2: February 15 is a memorable, but also a sad day for tens of thousands of people in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. In these countries, formerly united in Soviet Union They also celebrate the day of remembrance of the guys who went through Afghanistan and other hot spots. And although the official names of this memorable day are different, its essence is the same. To be remembered...

Reader 2: On this day we want no one to be able to
Forget those who fought in Afghanistan,
And these lines are a drop of all the lines,
Rather a poem to honor their memory.

Reader 3: And on this day - February 15th -
We will say, remembering the soldiers who died:
Let the Earth be cleared of wars,
So that such a fate does not befall anyone!

Presenter 1: The war in Afghanistan has not directly affected many people. It did not become a common misfortune of the people, scorching only those who participated in it, their relatives and friends. For the majority, it remained distant, alien, and, moreover, “unknown”, and through the efforts of journalists - an unjust war. More than 15 thousand of our Soviet soldiers died on foreign Afghan soil, 6 thousand subsequently died from wounds and illnesses, 311 people went missing. These were the greatest losses of the Soviet Army since the Great Patriotic War.

Reader 4: I don’t know why and who needs it,

Who sent them to death with an unshaking hand,

It’s just so useless, so evil is not necessary,

They were released to eternal rest.

They showered them with Christmas trees, kneaded them with mud,

And they went home to talk quietly,

That it's time to put an end to the disgrace,

That soon we will begin to starve.

And no one thought to just kneel down.

And tell these boys that in a mediocre country,

Even bright feats are just steps

Into the endless abysses of impenetrable war.

Presenter 2: Afghan war has already become history. But for many people it remains a part of life. And no matter how society feels about this war, it is always easier to judge than to understand. Those who fought in Afghanistan, young soldiers and officers, many of whom were then just over twenty, sincerely fulfilled their duty to their Motherland, died under bullets and exploded on mines, received awards and buried friends.

Presenter 1: Many will temporarily, or even forever, remain unknown to posterity. But contemporaries must know: the internationalist wars adequately represented our army and people in difficult events near the southern borders of the Motherland.

Presenter 2: Graduates of our school served in military service as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan during the war:

- Guselnikov Nikolay

- Kushnarenko Alexander

- Puzanov Vladimir

- Pavel Charkovsky

-Shkurupey Sergey

Presenter 1: Each of them fulfilled their military duty with honor. And for their courage and bravery in battles with dushmans they were awarded:

Guselnikov Nikolay - awarded the medal "For Courage"

Shkurupei Sergei – awarded the medal “For Military Merit”

Presenter 2: Many will temporarily, or even forever, remain unknown to posterity, but contemporaries must know: Internationalist soldiers adequately represented our army and people in difficult events near the southern borders of the Motherland.

Presenter 1: War is a cruel, terrible phenomenon, but as long as there is anger and hatred on earth, there will also be wars that inflict battle wounds on people and take the lives of children and loved ones.

Music "Requiem" _________

Presenter 2: We owe an unpaid debt to the memory of the guys who, having stepped from our peaceful everyday life to where there are rocks and bullets, where blood flows, did not return.

Presenter 1: Kushnarenko Alexander.

Awarded the Order of the Red Star - posthumously...

Presenter 2: His life was cut short in the flames of Afghanistan, but his memory will live on.

Reader 5:

We didn’t know that you would leave forever - We didn’t know that there was a war somewhere. How little it was for you and me then, And we shared the joy between us. Without knowing grief, we were happy. We didn’t talk about anything, But we thought that we would be together forever...

Presenter 2: On October 23, 1985, Alexander Kushnarenko was drafted into the ranks Soviet army. He served in a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan.

Reader 6:

The contingent is limited, the contingent is small. But the iron shard penetrated straight into the heart. And a 19-year-old teenager stumbled, as if he had pulled out a failed ticket into life...

Music "Requiem" (fades)

Presenter 2: Our guys died in Afghanistan in the name of national idea unity and duty, in the name of military honor and decency. They served faithfully to the Fatherland as their great-grandfathers, grandfathers and fathers did, continuing the glorious traditions Russian army. They lost their comrades, hoping for a quick return home to their loved ones and relatives. Fate decreed otherwise, and the boys stepped into “immortality.”

"Requiem" sounds.

Presenter 1: Let's remember those who fought
Outside the Fatherland.
I remembered those who gave
Your destinies, your lives!

Presenter 2: Let's remember those who didn't come
Let us remember them with stingy silence,
Let's remember those who didn't leave
From oaths and promises!

Presenter 1:

In memory of the internationalist soldiers who died on the soil of Afghanistan,

a minute of silence is announced___________

Presenter 2: The honorary right to lay flowers at the memorial plaque of A. Kushnarenko is granted to 11th grade students and their to the class teacher Lyudmila Vladimirovna Klyuvitkina.

Presenter 2: At this point, the line dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan is declared closed.
