Anatoly Vitalievich Dyakov (1911-1985) - biographies - biographies - Eternal memory. "Don't you dare spoil the nerves of the children!"

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Anatoly Vitalievich Dyakov(November 7 -) - Soviet astronomer and meteorologist. Born in the village of Omelnik. He died in March 1985 in Temirtau. The main area of ​​research is heliometeorology: the development of an original methodology for long-term weather forecasting (for a month and a season), taking into account fluctuations in solar activity (the number of sunspots, the dynamics of their development, the ratio of the moments of passage of groups of spots through the central meridian of the Sun with maxima and self-oscillation minima earth's atmosphere).



Based on the author's methodology, Anatoly Dyakov has been producing long-term weather forecasts for some regions for a number of years the globe, in particular - predicted Hurricane Inez (Hurricane Inez) in 1966 Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] , about which Fidel Castro notified in a telegram. Thanks to the warning, hundreds of ships were withdrawn from the dangerous area. Predicted drought - drought in the USSR in 1972 [[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] . Predicted frosts in France. Participated in the All-Union Conference on Astronomy in the city of Obninsk, where he made a presentation at French. [What?] .


Dyakov's meteorological laboratory was destroyed after his death, and the methodology and scientific works were largely lost. In 2012, Dyakov's book was published (at the initiative of his son, who retained some of the author's materials of his father) "Forecasting the weather for a long time on an energy-climatological basis."

Separate Russian meteorologists on their own initiative are making attempts to recreate the Dyakov method.


Official Soviet meteorologists were skeptical about Dyakov's method. On the results of the verification of Dyakov’s forecasts by specialists of the USSR State Hydrometeorological Committee: “The verification of Dyakov’s forecasts was carried out objectively and in good faith by a special commission…. The result of the check was generally deplorable for all types of his forecasts. For all the vagueness of his formulations, the success of the forecasts turned out to be within the limits of random coincidences (about 50%)” .


  • Sister - Dyakova-Tolkacheva Olga Vitalievna - Soviet writer (1913−1973)
  • Son - Dyakov Camill, lives in the village of Temirtau.
Son - Dyakov Valery (1950-1996) lived in Novokuznetsk.


Anatoly Vitalyevich Dyakov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for the successes achieved in increasing grain production.

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  • Giorgio V. A., Romanov N. N. “Is the use of solar activity in weather forecasting at the present time realistic?” //Meteorology and hydrology. 1973. No. 8 pp. 99-103


  • , site average secondary school No. 20 of the city of Temirtau.
  • Yuri Rost ,, site of Yuri Rost.
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An excerpt characterizing Dyakov, Anatoly Vitalievich

– Oh, a very long time!... There is no time here, how can I know? All I remember is a long time ago.
Atenais was very beautiful and somehow unusually sad... She was somewhat reminiscent of a proud white swan, when he, falling from a height, giving his soul, sang his last song - she was just as majestic and tragic...
When she looked at us with her sparkling green eyes seemed to be older than eternity itself. There was so much wisdom in them, and so much unspoken sadness, that goosebumps ran through my body ...
– Can we help you with something? – A little embarrassed to ask her such questions, I asked.
– No, dear child, this is my job... My vow... But I believe that someday it will end... and I will be able to leave. Now, tell me, joyful ones, where would you like to go?
I shrugged.
We didn't choose, we just walked. But we will be happy if you have something to offer us.
Athenais nodded.
“I guard this interworld, I can let you through there,” and, looking affectionately at Stella, she added. - And you, child, I will help you find yourself ...
The woman smiled softly and waved her hand. Her strange dress swayed, and her hand became like a white-silvery, soft fluffy wing ... from which stretched, scattering with golden highlights, already another, blinding with gold and almost dense, bright sunny road that led directly to the "flaming" in the distance an open golden door...
- Well, what - let's go? – already knowing the answer in advance, I asked Stella.
- Oh, look, there is someone there ... - she pointed with her finger inside the same door, baby.
We easily slipped inside and ... as if in a mirror, we saw a second Stella! .. Yes, yes, Stella! .. Exactly the same as the one who, completely bewildered, was standing next to me at that moment ...
– But it’s me?!.. – looking at the “other self” with wide eyes, the shocked little girl whispered. – After all, it’s really me… How is it?..
So far, I could not answer her, such a seemingly simple question, since I myself stood completely taken aback, not finding any explanation for this “absurd” phenomenon ...
Stella quietly extended her hand to her twin and touched the same small fingers extended to her. I wanted to shout that it could be dangerous, but when I saw her satisfied smile, I kept silent, deciding to see what would happen next, but at the same time I was on my guard, in case something suddenly went wrong.
- So it's me ... - the little girl whispered in delight. - Oh, how wonderful! This is really me...
Her thin fingers began to glow brightly, and the "second" Stella began to slowly melt, smoothly flowing through the same fingers into the "real" Stella, who was standing near me. Her body began to thicken, but not in the same way as the physical body would, but as if it became much denser to glow, filled with some kind of unearthly radiance.
Suddenly, I felt someone's presence behind me - it was again our friend, Atenais.
“Forgive me, bright child, but you will not come for your “imprint” very soon ... You still have to wait a very long time,” she looked into my eyes more attentively. Or maybe you won't come at all...
- How is it “I won’t come”?! .. - I was frightened. - If everyone comes, then I will come too!
- Don't know. For some reason your fate is closed to me. I can't answer you, sorry...
I was very upset, but, trying my best not to show this Atenays, I asked as calmly as possible:
What is this “imprint”?
“Oh, everyone, when they die, comes back for him. When your soul ends its “languishing” in another earthly body, at the moment when it says goodbye to it, it flies to its real Home, and, as it were, “announces” its return ... And then, it leaves this “ seal". But after that, she must again return back to the dense earth, in order to say goodbye forever to who she was ... and a year later, having said “last goodbye”, leave from there ... And then, this free soul comes here to merge with his left part and find peace, waiting for a new journey to the "old world"...
I did not understand then what Atenais was talking about, it just sounded very beautiful ...
And only now, after many, many years (having long ago absorbed the knowledge of my amazing husband, Nikolai, with my “hungry” soul), looking through my funny past for this book today, I remembered Atenais with a smile, and, of course, I realized that something , what she called the “imprint”, was simply an energy surge that happens to each of us at the moment of our death, and reaches exactly the level that the deceased person managed to reach with his development. And what Atenais then called “farewell” to who “she was” was nothing more than the final separation of all existing “bodies” of the essence from her dead physical body, so that she could now finally leave, and there , on its "floor", to merge with its missing particle, the level of development of which, for one reason or another, it did not have time to "reach" while living on earth. And this departure took place exactly one year later. Anatoly Vitalyevich during his lifetime was awarded the national title "god of the weather." He was not born and did not live in Novokuznetsk, but for many years from 1931 to 1985 he collaborated with the Kuznetsk Iron and Steel Works, with the staff of the Novokuznetsk Planetarium. Accurate reports of meteorological forecasts were necessary for the successful operation of the plant and enterprises of the Kuzbass region and the country.
Thanks to the accurate and successful heliometeorological method for determining the weather on the planet in Soviet times, A. V. Dyakov’s scientific research was known all over the world, his reports were requested by institutions in France, Cuba, Japan and other countries.

Anatoly Vitalievich was born on November 7, 1911 in Ukraine, near the village of Onufrievka, Kirovograd region, in a family of folk teachers. Until 1924 he studied at a seven-year school in the village of Adzhamka near the city of Kirovograd. After leaving school, Anatoly's family moved to Kirovograd. There he entered a vocational school, where he studied until 1926. The living conditions in those years were very harsh, cruel, full of hardships (from the autobiographical essay by A. V. Dyakov “How I Became an Astronomer and Meteorologist”).
Interest in astronomy developed in the country and in the world, Scientific research and astronomical observations of the luminaries and cosmic phenomena, popular science novels by the outstanding French astronomer C. N. Flammarion were widely published. In Russia, the Russian Society of Lovers of World Studies has received successful scientific development (during the years of the Great Terror, all members, and there were more than 2,500 thousand of them, suffered from repressions).

The first important astronomical observations that aroused interest in scientific circles, Anatoly Vitalievich made at the age of 13: August 20, 1925, observing a rare cosmic phenomenon and fixing the coordinates of the trajectory of movement in the sky of a large fireball.
In the vocational school where Anatoly studied, an astronomical circle of world studies worked, in which he was elected secretary. From the age of 14, Anatoly held exciting creative meetings on astronomy at factories, factories, and houses of culture.

After graduating from school in 1926, he began preparing for university exams. On September 10, 1928, Dyakov was enrolled in the first year of the Physics and Mathematics Department of the Faculty of the Odessa Institute of Public Education. IN student years Anatoly Vitalievich, among the first supporters of new discoveries, was interested in the ideas of the peaceful mastery of the energy of the atom.

In May 1932, Anatoly Vitalyevich received from Paris a package with documents on his election as a full member of the French Astronomical Society. After graduating from the university in 1933 with a degree in physics and geophysics, he continued his studies at Moscow University. M. V. Lomonosov at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, where he was accepted immediately to the 4th year.

In 1934, not having time to graduate from the university, Anatoly Vitalyevich was arrested on a denunciation and exiled to Siberia, to Gornaya Shoria to build a railway for the mine. Having learned about his abilities, knowledge of astronomy and meteorology, in July 1936, by decision of the leadership, Anatoly Vitalyevich was appointed to the position of head of the hydrometeorological service at the construction of the Gornoshorskaya railway (helio-meteorological observations, reports and forecasts were used and needed in construction and geological exploration).

July 1943 to December 1948 he holds the position of head of the meteorological bureau of Gornaya Shoria.

On May 8, 1945, speaking with a report to the executive committee of the Kuzedeevsky District Council of Deputies, Anatoly Vitalyevich proposed the need to build a research heliometeorological station. From 1946 to 1950 under the leadership of Anatoly Vitalyevich, the construction of an observatory-type heliometeorological station was carried out, the place was allocated taking into account the wishes of the academician I. P. Bardina.

For the construction of the building and the organization of work, a site was allocated on the top of Mount Ulu-Dag (translated from Turkic as Big Mountain): 15 hectares for a climatic reserve and 8 hectares for a meteorological station . Anatoly Dyakov gave the name of the outstanding French scientist and astronomer Camille Flammarion, whom he considered the Teacher in life and science all his life (at present, the heliometeorological station on Mount Ulu-Dag has not been preserved).

In 1953, Anatoly Vitalievich prepared scientific work"Physical mechanism of the influence of solar activity on the processes of circulation of the earth's atmosphere".
Anatoly Vitalyevich's forecasts were based on daily observations of activity on the Sun, on the study of the experience and work of previous modern and foreign scientists, innovative meteorologists, on the knowledge of higher mathematics, physics, thermodynamics, the movement of air masses around the planet and the unique intuition of a scientific researcher, the forecasts were accurate 100%.

For forecasting, not only metallurgical plants of the region turned to him, geologists, sea captains needed forecasts. Working in Temir-Tau (Kemerovo region), he sent reports to the departments of different countries: about droughts and frosts, storms and typhoons in the Atlantic. Compiled and sent at his own expense telegrams to England, France, India, Japan, America, Canada.
Despite the international success and relevance of A. V. Dyakov’s method of researching heliometeorological observations, official science has not mastered his experience. IN Soviet times repeatedly Anatoly Vitalyevich was dismissed from his post, the work of the research heliometeorological station was closed. But in all the difficulties and trials of life, Anatoly Vitalyevich remained honest and devoted to his beloved science of helio-meteorology.
The earthly path of Anatoly Vitalievich ended on February 15, 1985.
Weather god Anatoly Dyakov: “I have the honor to warn ... about a typhoon” / Olga Volkova, June 3, 2015.

An unusual lesson took place in the Novokuznetsk professional lyceum No. 10 the day before world day meteorologist, it was dedicated to our compatriot from Kuzbass, geophysicist, astronomer and unique meteorologist Anatoly Vitalyevich Dyakov, who became the founder of heliometeorology.

The students that day met with his children - Camille and Elena, who told about their father and his work.Lyceum students, together with their teacher Olga Torgashova, who knows the Dyakov family well, collect documents and make a request to the administration of Novokuznetsk in order to name one of the streets of the city after this meteorologist, famous for his ultra-accurate weather forecasts, who gained fame in many countries of the world, nicknamed popularly known as the god of the weather.

He, a native of the southern steppes of Ukraine, a brilliant student of the Faculty of Astronomy at Moscow State University, came to our region with the first wave of Stalinist repressions. As a teenager, Tolya in his native provincial town of Elizavetgrad, having begged a 70-mm telescope on parole from a school teacher, comprehended the secrets of the planets, paying Special attention observations of the sun. After graduating from Odessa University, Anatoly improved his knowledge in Moscow, was an active member of the "Russian Society of Lovers of World Studies".

Continuing his observations of the ancient luminary, Dyakov constantly kept a diary, where, along with mathematical calculations, he also wrote down thoughts about the political situation in the country. They became the basis for arrest and condemnation to hard labor. From the Butyrka prison, a twenty-four-year-old prisoner was sent by stage to the Mariinsky Central, and from there to the mines in Gornaya Shoria, which were being developed for the young KMK.

The construction of the Kuznetsk Iron and Steel Works was in full swing, roads and railway lines were laid across the impenetrable taiga, daily weather forecasts were needed for successful work. Despite the fact that Dyakov's specialty was far from meteorology, he was appointed the chief "for the weather" of the Gorno-Shorskaya railway. On June 12, 1936, he made his first forecast: "Slightly cloudy weather is favorable for construction work." It all started with him.
When the term of exile ended, he remained in Kuzbass.
Dyakov settled not far from Temirtau, later he built a small domed tower with his own hands, which he called the Camille Flammarion Heliometeorological Observatory of Kuzbass. All his life he followed the teachings of this French scientist, who was the first to indicate the dependence of the weather on the activity of the Sun. Here, observing the activity of the luminary, Dyakov built a physical and mathematical model of the interaction of the main air flows with the geomagnetic field of the Earth, indicated the dependence atmospheric processes from the dynamics of changes in the area of ​​sunspots, which before this "eccentric from Siberia" did not occur to anyone.

His ten-day forecasts came true almost 100%, the monthly ones were justified by more than 80 percent. Working in Temirtau, he predicted droughts and frosts in Europe, storms and typhoons in the Atlantic. Compiled and sent at his own expense telegrams to England, France, India, America. In 1966, a message flew to Cuba: “Gentlemen, I have the honor to warn you about the appearance of a strong hurricane in the Caribbean Sea at the end of the third decade of September. Anatoly Dyakov, head of the heliometeorological station of Gornaya Shoria.

The forecast from distant unknown Siberia caused considerable surprise, but the government of the island of Freedom took measures just in case, the fishing boats did not go to sea. Later in the newspapers there was a message about the hurricane "Ines", which devastated Guadeloupe, Santa Domingo, Haiti for 100 million dollars. This is one example, there are many of them in the history of world meteorology in the early 1970s.

Meticulously, getting in touch with the Sun three times a day, Dyakov dictated telegrams in French to countries threatened by weather disasters. Thanks to his mother, he knew this language perfectly, an old record of the Krugozor magazine, which released the first flexible records, preserved one of his messages.

And once, in the language of Camille Flammarion, whom he revered, he made a report at the first All-Union Conference "Solar-atmospheric relations in the theory of climate and weather forecasting", held in Moscow.
Among specialists, the name of Dyakov was already widely known, but most often representatives of official science called his approach pseudoscientific, and his forecasting method was not recognized. The skeptical smirks of the listeners of that famous report, for which an interpreter into Russian had to be urgently sought, were eclipsed by the shouts of “bravo” and thunderous applause.

Oddly enough, fame came to Anatoly Dyakov from abroad, from there they constantly consulted with him, the heads of state sent him thanks, helped with equipment. In his native Fatherland, pundits did not notice him, while popular recognition expanded and strengthened. All the shipping companies knew his address, the heads of the expeditions did not go on the route without receiving his long-term forecast, the chairmen of the collective farms did not start sowing and harvesting.
Meanwhile, Dyakov was known as an unrecognized genius and eccentric, and his book “Forecasting the weather for long periods on an energy-climatic basis”, completed back in 1954, was never published, just as heliometeorology was not recognized as a science.

Nevertheless, his work was noted by the Soviet government. In 1972 Anatoly Vitalievich was awarded Order of the Red Banner for merits in increasing the production of grain. And soon the Novosibirsk hydrometeorological department, under whose command the village station was located, fired an overly active and obstinate employee for violating labor discipline.

Despite the cramped circumstances and a large family, Dyakov continued to work "on a voluntary basis" and stubbornly challenged official meteorologists to the competition "whose forecast is more accurate."

Anatoly Vitalyevich died in 1985, along with his death, heliometeorology, which gives almost one hundred percent long-term forecasts, also went into oblivion. In the Temirtau Museum there is a stand in his memory, a dilapidated observatory still stands, with its telescope you can see distant planets and the Sun, which entrusted Dyakov with its innermost secrets, hidden until now for the understanding of others.

His son Camille, named after the French scientist, carefully preserves his father's works, bundles of telegrams that flocked to the Siberian village from all over the world. “Where are you, God of the weather?” They still call him, but he will not answer, the genius of forecasts took his gift of foresight with him. In a small house at 30 Sadovaya, on an old chest of drawers, there is a photograph of him: an open, strong-willed face framed by lush, once dark curls, expressive eyes, in which there is a secret that he never revealed.

Anatoly Dyakov (1911-1985) - Soviet astrometeorologist. Studied the influence of solar activity on the weather.

Since 1932 he was a full member of the French Astronomical Society. In 1933, he would have been convicted under article 58 (counter-revolutionary activity) and exiled to hard labor. But the authorities needed weather forecasts, and he was made a meteorologist at Gorshorlag. They were released in 1936, but they did not take them anywhere. He returned to the place of exile and lived there all his life. Free, at first he worked at the hydrometeorological service and, according to instructions, had to distribute its forecasts to enterprises. He refused: “I will not spread your nonsense. I will make my own predictions. For this, he was fired, and the weather station he built on Mount Uludag was set on fire. For five years he lived without a salary, but he did not stop working on the weather for a single day. In 1958, he was taken to the staff of the mine.

He built his own little observatory, the mine bought him a telescope. He sent telegrams at his own expense to different countries with warnings about natural disasters. In 1966, he sent a telegram to Castro: “Gentlemen, I have the honor to warn you about the appearance of a strong hurricane in the Caribbean Sea at the end of the third decade of September. Anatoly Dyakov, head of the heliometeorological station of Gornaya Shoria. The forecast from distant unknown Siberia caused considerable surprise, but the government of the island of Freedom took measures just in case, the fishing boats did not go to sea. And saved them from the strongest hurricane "Ines" which cost 100 million dollars to Guadalupe, Santa Domingo and Haiti.

DYAKOV. TEMIRTAU - J.C. PEKER, director of the Astrophysical Institute, Paris: “Dear colleague, I consider it my duty to send a warning about the severity of the winter of 78-79. According to my assumptions, very intense cold waves should be expected - in the third decade of December, as well as January - about minus 20 °.

PARIS - TO DYAKOV (somewhat condescendingly):

“Thank you for the telegram. We already dress in warm coats. (Like, ha-ha!)

“A strong cold snap caused a sharp increase in electricity consumption ... The main high voltage line failed. Many plants and factories stopped working ... Electric trains stopped ... The damage is estimated at 4 billion francs ... "


“Thank you for your great foresight. Can you, dear colleague and dear friend, send me a note on the technique of foresight? Is it necessary to take into account the activity of the sun and how?

“I consider it my duty to report that during the period of August 5-20 we should expect the formation of very deep cyclones in the North Atlantic. Off the coast Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, the eastern United States should have hurricane-force winds of more than 40 m per second. In the seas Far East very strong typhoons should pass from the Philippines to Japan in August. With respect and greetings Dyakov.

8 August. Izvestia: “...3 people died, 70 houses were completely destroyed, over 19 thousand were flooded, railway lines and highways were damaged in dozens of places. These are the consequences of the typhoon over the island of Hokkaido.”

10th of August. "Izvestia", "Heavy heavy rains have become a real natural disaster for the American city of Watertown (New York). The water flooded the lower floors of houses, the work of shops, transport almost completely stopped ... The damage is several million.”

August 16th. "IS IT TRUE". "A typhoon came unexpectedly, with unprecedented force it hit Sakhalin."

from here: Urgent telegram of August 23, 1978. The captain of the research vessel "Sergey Korolev" Nizhelsky - to Dyakov:

“Please report the weather conditions of the North Atlantic region of the Sable Peninsula for the period September-October.”

“Dear Captain, I present my assumptions. Stormy weather with increased western and northwestern winds and waves over 5 meters for the following periods: September 5–7, September 24–28, October 10–17, October 27–28. Especially strong storms should be expected in the third decade of September and in the second of October. Wind intensification up to 35 m/sec., waves over 8 points. The air temperature in September is plus 12–20, in October plus 8–15. Icebergs moving towards Newfoundland should be wary. Their number will increase in the third decade of September. With respect and greetings Dyakov.

“Dear Anatoly Vitalyevich! Your assumptions have been fully confirmed. The dates of the stormy weather indicated by you coincided exactly. On behalf of the crew, I express my sincere admiration for your work. Nizhelskiy".

For accurate weather forecasts, Dyakov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor "for the successes achieved in increasing grain production." After his death, Dyakov's meteorological laboratory was destroyed, and his methodology and scientific works were almost completely lost.

November 7, 2016 marks the 105th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist, heliometeorologist and educator A.V. Dyakova

Anatoly Vitalievich was born in the village of Onufrievka, Kherson province, in a family of folk teachers. His mother was fluent in French and managed to instill in her son an interest in learning foreign languages. The father, a shrewd and ironic person, knew history from ancient times, Latin and Greek, was a gifted musician, played the violin and led the school choir. Anatoly spent long hours in his father's library, reading books on history and astronomy.

Later, the family moved to the village of Abisamka near Elizavetgrad, where the boy witnessed disasters and cruelties. civil war: executions, robberies, hunger, cold, epidemics. The drought that struck in 1921 the south of Ukraine, the Volga region, North Caucasus, south Western Siberia made millions of people starve. It was a huge disaster, and even then Anatoly began to think about whether it could have been prevented or if it would have been possible to warn about it in advance so that people had time to prepare and be able to survive.

In 1924, the family moved to Kirovograd (formerly Elizavetgrad), and after seven years the boy entered a vocational school. It was there, in Kirovograd, that a fourteen-year-old teenager made a firm decision to become an astronomer and meteorologist. He dreamed of penetrating the secrets of the movement and glow of heavenly bodies, air and water, in order to learn how to predict such natural disasters as droughts that destroy crops over vast territories. “Already then I read a pile of books on meteorology and astronomy - Russian popularizers Vakhterov and Lunkevich, outstanding Russian meteorologists A.I. Voeikov and A.V. Klossovsky, the books of the remarkable French writer-astronomer Camille Flammarion “Atmosphere” and “Popular Astronomy”, “Astronomical Evenings” by Klein, “The Universe” by V. Mayer, “The Science of Heaven and Earth” by Ignatiev,” Anatoly Vitalievich recalled. - Written by a living intelligible language, elevated poetic style, beautifully illustrated, these books had a strong effect on young hearts and minds, and I was not the only one who was then carried away by the great sciences of the Cosmos under the influence of reading such talentedly written literature.

An astronomical circle was also created at the vocational school where Anatoly studied. He was elected secretary of the circle. With the help of a telescope received from a physics teacher, the young man conducts astronomical observations and sends monthly reports to ROLM. Soon, the results of the young astronomer's observations of sunspots and the Perseid meteor shower appeared on the pages of the journal World Studies. In 1925-1926 Anatoly gave lectures on astronomy to the Red Army soldiers and workers. At first, they perceived the fourteen-year-old educator with some irony, but then they were imbued with majestic ideas about the structure of the Cosmos, the beauty and splendor of which the lecturer managed to convey using vivid pictures on the screen.

In 1925, Anatoly Dyakov observed a remarkable astronomical phenomenon - the flight of a huge, larger than the lunar disk of a fireball, the phenomenon of which lasted at least 20 seconds, which he will later talk about in his autobiographical notes.

In 1928, Anatoly Dyakov entered the Physics and Mathematics Department of the University in Odessa. Here he receives training in general physics, mathematics, astronomy, geophysics, meteorology. All these courses were taught by prominent scientists of that time.

In Odessa, ROLM had an independent branch, and 18-year-old Dyakov became its full member. He lectures on astronomy at factories and workers' clubs, makes presentations at society meetings on the theory of K.E. Tsiolkovsky regarding interplanetary communications, as well as the astronomical theory of meteors.

The young man settled in the unfinished People's Observatory of the Odessa branch of the ROLM, next to the Taras Shevchenko park. Here, under the rustle of chestnut leaves, he diligently studied university courses. Anatoly's morning began with exercises and dousing cold water. The habit of quenching with cold water remained with him until the end of his life.

An important event for Dyakov was participation in the 1st All-Union Congress of Physicists, which was held in Odessa in 1930. In addition to domestic luminaries of science, such as A.F. Ioffe, Ya.I. Frenkel, I.E. Tamm, leading foreign physicists from Germany, France and Switzerland arrived at the congress. That's when Anatoly's knowledge of the French language came in handy! However, by that time he knew German, English and a little Czech. Accompanying the talented Swiss scientist F. Gautermans as a guide, he introduced the guest to Odessa and listened with interest to his stories about the possibility of releasing the energy of the atomic nucleus - F. Gautermans devoted his report to the congress to this topic. To many, even eminent scientists, at that time the liberation atomic energy seemed like a fantasy, a fiction.

Anatoly studied astronomy with the director of the Odessa Observatory, Professor A.Ya. Orlov. The professor offered the able student the position of an assistant, Dyakov helped the senior astronomer of the observatory, Professor N.M. Michalsky, who studied the orbits of minor planets. It was a useful experience: “I trained, as they say, I got my hand in the most complex astronomical calculations - ephemerides, orbits and planetary perturbations,” Dyakov recalled.

In Paris on March 2, 1932, at a meeting of the French Astronomical Society at the Sorbonne of Anatolia Vitalievich Dyakov elected in absentia as a full member of this society. In May, he receives a membership card number 12748 by mail.

After graduating from the institute, a young specialist is sent to the observatory of the city of Tashkent. After working there for several months, he decides to continue his studies at the Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov and sends his documents to Moscow. He is accepted immediately into the fourth year, and he successfully studies for two years at the university. In December 1934, the murder of S.M. Kirov. The country is shocked by this event. At one of the student meetings, Anatoly reads his travel note about S.M. Kirov, in which he enthusiastically speaks about the activities of Sergei Mironovich. About these "travel notes", which seemed suspicious, some "well-wisher" reported to the relevant authorities.

Student A.V. Dyakov is arrested, searched and imprisoned.
The confiscated “travel notes” were written on the Moscow-Tashkent passenger train. The young man described his impressions of everything he saw along the way. The investigator, having studied the notes, said: “Of course, these diaries do not pose a serious danger, but all I can do for you is send you to corrective labor in a certain area, according to your desire.” Anatoly Vitalievich chose Kuznetskstroy. So he ended up in Siberia, in the Mariinsky distributor. Then he was sent to the construction of the Mundybash - Tashtagol railway. The construction was going on in the mountains, in the area of ​​the river Uchulen. For several months, Anatoly drove stones and soil in a wheelbarrow. This is physically exhausting work in heat and cold, it was considered the most difficult, no one could stand here for more than a year. folk wisdom says: "If you do not betray your profession, then the profession will always help you out." And so it happened. In the meteorological service during the construction of the railway, a competent, certified specialist. A.V. turned out to be such a specialist. Dyakov. He is appointed head of the meteorological service and is given command of four weather stations. He was given the task of accurate forecast. On July 12, 1936, he gives the first forecast for the next day: “Slightly cloudy weather is favorable for construction work.”

Scientists Fitzroy, Klassovsky, Flammarion, Dove and others developed the thesis of two atmospheric flows - warm (equatorial) and cold (polar), the change in power of which determines the weather on our planet. These flows are “conducted” by the Sun. During explosions on the sun, the “solar wind” flies to the Earth, causing magnetic storms that influence the formation of weather on the planet.

In turn, solar activity is influenced by many factors, from which three of the most important can be calculated: the periods of rotation of the planets, their direction magnetic field and the approach of the planets to each other. Moreover, the so-called “parade of planets” gives the strongest effect, when for an outside observer they seem to overlap each other and a kind of gravitational tube with two or three lenses is formed. The radiation of the stars going along the planets lined up in a parade is focused by a kind of “gravitational tube” on the Sun, forming giant explosive processes on it, and this, as A.L. Chizhevsky, causes rapid changes both in the weather on Earth and activates social “cataclysms” on the planet.

In 1938 A.V. Dyakov already discovers a pattern between certain activity on the Sun and the appearance of tropical air mass flows over Western Siberia. These flows were accompanied by an increase in temperature, an increase in precipitation, heavy winds, snowstorms in winter and thunderstorms in summer. But in order to understand this process, Anatoly Vitalievich begins to collect statistical data on the weather. He looks through and studies all the available climatic material, up to the Nikon Chronicle.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the south of Western Siberia became the most important strategic mineral resource base of the country. During this challenging time, the accuracy of long-range weather forecasts is of paramount importance.

In 1944, by order of the Deputy Minister of Ferrous Metallurgy, Academician I.P. Bardin, the Meteorological Bureau of Gornaya Shoria was founded under the West Siberian Geological Exploration Trust. Geophysicist A.V. Dyakov.

From 1946 - 1950 under the leadership of A.V. Dyakov, construction of an observatory-type meteorological station was carried out at the expense of the West Siberian Geological Exploration Trust. For the construction of the building and the organization of work, a plot was fixed on the top of the Ulu-Dag mountain (translated from the Turkic Big Mountain), with an area of ​​15 hectares for a climatic reserve and 8 hectares for a meteorological station. Anatoly Dyakov gave the name of Camille Flammarion to the Gorno-Shor Heliometric Observatory. He appreciated the place where it was located - in the middle of the mainland, at an equal distance from the four oceans, the top of the mountain, from which beautiful view picturesque Mountain Shoria.

In solving life's difficulties, in harsh conditions and hardships, under the "hammer" of circumstances, the character of Anatoly Vitalyevich, a scientist and a person dedicated to the study and service of the Truth, was tested and tempered.

In 1954, having not received a review from the leading scientists of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (out of five reviews, four were negative) for his work “On predicting the weather for long periods on an energy-climatic basis”, Anatoly Vitalyevich wrote an extensive letter to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR: “Not a single honest and courageous the author will not allow himself to orient the presentation of his works to prejudiced readers, but will write as the conscience of a seeker of objective truths prompts him! So neither Galileo, nor Copernicus, nor Giordano Bruno, whose life and works are great examples for us, never focused on prejudiced readers who were captivated by medieval ideas about the world, although such readers had great power and even killed Giordano Bruno and betrayed Galileo civil punishment! The attempts of those authors who were guided by prejudiced readers out of cowardice or selfish aspirations are condemned by history as unworthy and fruitless.

In August 1958, in Moscow, at the tenth assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Dyakov presented the results of his research. Here he meets General Secretary French Astronomical Society, by the heroic woman Gabriella Flammarion. “We met in the huge, high-rise building of the Ukraina Hotel, on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Madame Flammarion was given a luxurious room on the second floor. At that time, she was already an 89-year-old woman, bent under the weight of years, but with surprisingly lively inspired eyes. Immersed in thoughts of the past, she told me many of the most touching memories of living together and creative work, since 1900, with the great educator - Camille Flammarion, whom she called Prometheus! Saying goodbye to me, Madame Gabrielle Flammarion said: “I love your country and admire its people. Be sure to come to me for a visit, to bow to the grave of our beloved Teacher.”

Since 1956, Anatoly Vitalievich began to provide his weather forecasts to various organizations and departments. The hurricane warning telegrams were received at the Cuban embassy. Anatoly Vitalievich made a forecast about drought in the USSR, about frosts in France. By 1972, there were already more than 50 confirmed weather forecasts for natural disasters in various countries. Many lives were saved and the consequences were prevented in time.

In the autumn of 1972, the first all-Union conference on the problem of "Solar-atmospheric relations in the theory of climate and weather forecasting" was held. One of the meeting participants recalled: “... the hall was so full that it could not accommodate everyone who wanted to listen to the head of the Gornaya Shoria research station, who was almost officially called the “God of the Weather”. People also settled in the vestibule and in the foyer, which were equipped with radio. Dyakov went to the podium and said: “The report is dedicated to the bright memory of the Great Teacher of astronomy and meteorology, the founder of the French Astronomical Society, Camille Flammarion, by the author, a full member of the French Astronomical Society since 1932.” The report was titled: "The use of information about the activity of the Sun in hydrometeorological forecasting for long periods (1940 - 1972)". Dyakov did not look into the text, spoke freely and convincingly, he used complex formulas from memory, quoted excerpts from the works of well-known and little-known scientists, building a logical chain of evidence for his theory of long-term forecasts...” In conclusion of the report, Dyakov noted: “Meteorology as a science is not we must forget that the atmosphere is not an isolated, closed medium; it is subject to external influences, including the activity of the Sun. Currently accounting for weather forecasts active phenomena on the Sun has become a necessity.”

The great contribution of the selfless scientific work of Anatoly Vitalievich to the Common Good of our Country and the World.

At school number 20 in the Temir-Tau village, where Anatoly Vitalyevich worked, an astronomical group is engaged, students regularly take part in astronomical scientific conferences, astronomical Olympiads held in the Novokuznetsk planetarium, in which Anatoly Vitalyevich visited and collaborated with the team.

The scientific works of Anatoly Vitalyevich, kept by his son Kamill Anatolyevich, are waiting for their publications and deep study.

For centuries, the high energy of the places where the creative psychic energy of the human spirit entered into cooperation with the Energies of the Cosmos, the Energies of Higher Worlds, higher planets, with the Energies of Luminaries.

Let's believe that science Center named after the outstanding French astronomer and educator Camille Nicolas Flammarion, founded by heliometeorologist Anatoly Vitalyevich Dyakov, on the top of Mount Ulu-Dag, in the urban-type settlement of Temir-Tau Kemerovo region will be restored and will operate, and we will be able to visit it, where we will rush to Far Worlds near and far space!

Vitaly Asanov.

Spiritual father and Teacher of all life A.V. Dyakov considered the French astronomer and educator Camille Flammarion (02/26/1842 - 06/03/1925).

In 1861, at the age of 19, Camille Nicolas published a creative scientific work, the book “The Plurality of Inhabited Worlds”. The book describes the unique experience of traveling the planets solar system, and observations on them of visible planets and constellations opening in the firmaments.

From 1858 to 1862, Camille Nicolas worked under the direction of Le Verrier, a calculator at the Paris Observatory, from 1862 to 1866 he worked at the Bureau of Longitudes, from 1876 to 1882 he was an employee of the Paris Observatory.

In 1887 he founded the French Astronomical Society. The society pursued exclusively popularizing goals. Thanks to the generous donation of an astronomy lover and admirer of his books, K.N. Flammarion founded a private observatory at Juvisy, near Paris, where he made observations mainly of planets and double stars. The observatory at Juvisy is still open today.

In addition to astronomy, K.N. Flammarion dealt with the problems of volcanology, the earth's atmosphere, and climatology. In the years 1867-1880 he made several ascents in balloons in order to study atmospheric phenomena, in particular, atmospheric electricity.

With the name of K.N. Flammarion in Russia was associated with the development of Russian amateur astronomy, which was carried away not only by specialists, but also by teachers, doctors, engineers, agronomists, students ... In 1909, astronomers and geophysicists of St. Petersburg organized the Russian Society of Lovers of World Studies (ROLM). The prominent scientist, member of the People's Will, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Morozov, the author of many fascinating books on astronomy and chemistry, became the chairman. ROLM began with a few dozen enthusiasts, later it consisted of thousands of people. The society had divisions, circles in the largest cities of the country. Annual reports were practiced, detailed minutes of meetings were kept outlining the essence of scientific reports. The society had its own emblem - the winged Sun, a symbol of worship of the ancient Egyptians, and its own anthem, the first verse of which sounded like this:

Shine, winged Sun, shine

Above our native Earth!

And drive away the clouds of ignorance

Let Light triumph over darkness!

Camille Flammarion, having learned about the existence of the Society of Astronomy Lovers in Russia, telegraphed the ROLM participants: “I am happy, feeling that in the depths of your vast country hearts are beating for ideas dear to me - the struggle for Truth and the Light of Knowledge.”

"Wonders and Adventures" 11/95

weather prophet

Gennady SMOLIN

Once I asked a satirist friend: where did you get such a find - they say, “I speak excellent French, but ... through an interpreter”? And he told me about how, speaking once in Obninsk, near Moscow, he heard about the eccentric scientist Dyakov, who made a report to his compatriot colleagues in pure French, and he was immediately reinterpreted into Russian by a young translator.

After some time, I learned the details: it was Dyakov - the same weather forecaster from Gornaya Shoria in Kuzbass, who gave weather bulletins almost a year in advance, striking both specialists and ordinary people. This was perceived as a miracle! .. After all, he sent his ultra-accurate forecasts to Cuba, France, Germany. Siberian pilots prayed for him.

It took official science many years to understand the essence of his predictions. Siberian pilots still remember the accuracy of his forecasts. From the Siberian hinterland, Fidel Castro received his typhoon warnings.


Meteorology was in its infancy at the dawn of the 19th century. The advance was given when the director of the Paris Observatory, Mr. Le Verrier, known at that time as the luminary of French astronomy, took up the matter. Emperor Napoleon III, oppressed by the death of the Allied fleet due to a sudden storm during the Crimean War, turned to the famous scientist to find out the possibility of a repeat of the catastrophic situation. Le Verrier, without hesitation, took the readings of several barometers at different weather stations in France and transferred the results to the map, and connecting them with isobar lines, he predicted the further path of the fatal cyclone. The emperor was delighted with the discovery of his subject. Since then, meteorologists have begun to seriously study the differences in atmospheric pressure.

Well, the classics of the science of atmospheric phenomena went even further. Scientists such as Fitzroy, Klassovsky, Flammarion, Dove and others developed the thesis of two atmospheric flows - warm (equatorial) and cold (polar), the change in power of which determines the weather on our planet. These flows are conducted by the Sun. During explosions on the sun, the “solar” wind flies to the Earth, causing magnetic storms that play a significant role in shaping the weather on the planet. In turn, solar activity is influenced by many factors, of which three of the most important can be distinguished: the periods of revolution of the planets, the direction of their magnetic field, and the approach of the planets to each other. Moreover, the so-called parade of planets gives the strongest effect, when for an outside observer they seem to overlap each other and a kind of gravitational tube with two or three lenses is formed.

The radiation of the stars going along the planets lined up in a parade is focused by a kind of “gravitational tube” on the Sun, forming gigantic explosive processes on it, and this, as A. L. Chizhevsky proved long ago, causes rapid changes both in the weather on Earth and provokes social cataclysms on the planet...

Our contemporary Anatoly Vitalyevich Dyakov became a follower of the glorious French astronomer and popularizer of science Camille Flammarion, as well as the Russian cosmist Alexander Chizhevsky. And as it often happens in Russia, the naturalist Dyakov lived and did scientific research not in Moscow, the capital, but in the foothills of Altai, in Gornaya Shoria, or more precisely, in the vicinity of the village of Temirtau. It is sad to state, but Anatoly Vitalyevich did not become among us recently, about ten years ago. The merit of Dyakov is that he found and calculated fluctuations in the power of the polar and equatorial flows of atmospheric masses, linking their parameters with the activity of the Sun. In close proximity to his unpresentable house, Anatoly Vitalyevich personally built a small observatory, which was magnificently called the Camill Flammarion Heliometeorological Observatory of Kuzbass. With this gesture, Dyakov immortalized the name of the French scientist in the expanses of Siberia. This noble act was carried out with the necessary formalities - with the full consent of the "Astronomical Society of France" and, of course, the generous "good" of the local authorities holding ...


Anatoly Vitalievich Dyakov spent his childhood and youth in southern steppes Ukraine near the provincial town of Elizavetgrad, where already in youth was listed as an active member of the Russian Society of Lovers of World Studies. The main thing was that he had a magnificent device - a 70-mm telescope, taken on parole from a school teacher. With the help of this tool, the young astronomer comprehended the secrets of the daylight and other cosmic bodies. After graduating from two universities - first Odessa, and then Moscow, Dyakov went in a romantic impulse far beyond the Urals, to ... the construction of the Kuznetsk metallurgical plant. There, the young physicist was appointed almost according to his specialty: the chief meteorologist of the Gorno-Shorskaya railway. And his debut in this capacity took place when he gave his one-day forecast for July 12, 1936: "Cloudy weather is favorable for construction work," his ingenious dispatch said.

And it should be noted that in those furious thirties, an error in the forecast could end in best case camp. Dashing, as they say, time. At that time, long-term and super-secret predictions of the weather were not yet available to Dyakov, but after 36 years, Anatoly Vitalyevich made people talk about himself not only in the USSR, but also abroad ... Many still remember how in the summer of 1972 the Great Land fell on the Central Russian Upland. Forests flared up like matches, and a bluish haze, turning into an impenetrable rancid haze, clouded the gigantic expanses of the Moscow region: peat bogs were burning ... Then, perhaps, for the first time, the whole country started talking about Dyakov, thanks to the ubiquitous reporters who found him in the taiga corner of Kuzbass, having learned about his long-term weather forecasts, and most importantly, that he warned ahead of time about the upcoming unprecedented heat. Anatoly Vitalyevich was immediately exalted and invited in the same 1972 to the First All-Union Conference "Solar-atmospheric relations in the theory of climate and weather forecasts". It was then that A. V. Dyakov visited Obninsk, a city of science near Moscow. Here, at the All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information, he delivered his report in excellent French. Now no one knows about the root causes of such an act ...

It is only known that on that day the scientific fraternity - local and visiting - crammed into the institute's conference hall, apparently invisibly. They listened to the domestic Varangian from the far reaches of Siberia with a breath, looking with curiosity at the "landmark from Temirtau", the newly-minted "eccentric Dyakov" (how many there were, such "eccentrics", in Russia - darkness!). Well, then, as usual, there was plenty of scoffing in the institute magazines, in the silence of the corridors or at home, in the kitchen about the "report in French through an interpreter." Notably went to A. V. Dyakov, a representative of a kind of "Papuan-exotic" meteorological school.


Jokes aside. The poisonous humor of listeners, or rather, opponents at the "Dyakovo readings" becomes comprehensible if we turn to the results of the scientific activities of our Obninsk (and Moscow too) mockingbirds: they had three-, five-day forecasts with almost zero hitting the target. And this Varangian guest has similar indicators, simply amazing in accuracy. Namely: Anatoly Vitalievich brought the success of ten-day forecasts for Western Siberia to ... 90-95%, and monthly - up to 80-85% of hits on the bull's-eye! Moreover, with the help of the revealed patterns of atmospheric dynamics, the scientist Dyakov made a warning of at least half a month in advance about 50 exceptional atmospheric anomalies that arose over the vast territory of Eurasia or the Atlantic. Among them are weather surprises such as storms, typhoons, hurricanes, heavy rains, deep cyclones or anticyclones, and, of course, great dry land or severe frost. In the context of the foregoing, the case with a warning to the French about unusual harsh winter, who made A.V. Dyakov overnight famous in the West, and from there - in Russia ... Here is a small chronicle of those ancient events.

Paris, France. Reply telegram: To A. V. Dyakov, Temirtau, USSR (in a rather condescending tone): “Thank you for the dispatch, and especially for the urgency. We are already dressing in warm coats” (say, ha ha, you scared us, Russian colleague!). December 21, 1978 - the very beginning of the unprecedented frosts promised by Dyakov in France. An excerpt from the Izvestia newspaper: “A severe cooling in Europe caused a sharp increase in electricity consumption ... Many plants and factories stopped working ... Trains froze ... The damage is estimated at four billion francs ... "

An urgent telegram to A. V. Dyakov, Temirtau, USSR: “Thank you for your magnificent foresight,” Mr. J. K. Pekker dispatched in a completely different manner. foresight technique? Is it necessary to take into account the activity of the Sun and how?

It was symbolic that a fellow countryman and colleague of the same Camille Flammarion, who was one of the first to link the strict dependence of the weather and the activity of the Sun, asked the same. Our Dyakov, all fifty years of life and work in his heliometeorological observatory in Temirtau, following the precepts of the famous Frenchman, observed precisely the activity of our luminary, built a physical and mathematical model of the interaction of the main air flows with the geomagnetic field of the Earth, which before this "eccentric from Siberia" was not came to no one's mind.


Dyakov made all his sensational discoveries thanks to scrupulous observations from the home observatory named after Camille Flammarion, which is a neat turret with a characteristic dome for a telescope, which, in turn, was cleverly stuck to a rural five-wall hut. His past participation and contribution to the construction of the Kuznetsk Metallurgical Plant was now rewarded a hundredfold - the metallurgists produced the dome according to his special drawings at the moment; they also purchased a reflector with a meter mirror in the same France - this is for the son and heir of Camille's ideas and his first exploratory steps. Well, Father Anatoly Vitalyevich himself used for more than a dozen years a school-primitive telescope, presented at that time by Academician Tikhov, pointing his student telescope at mysteriously changeable spots on the Sun and slowly writing numbers in a school notebook in order to soon issue sensational long-term forecasts .

This is traditional, so to speak, Russian “conservatism”, when domestic scientists, using an amazing symbiosis of antediluvian equipment and cutting-edge methods, eventually make great discoveries in scientific fields or technology. Such is the handwriting of many - the clerk Kryakutny, the mechanics and designers Kulibin and Polzunov, the Cherepanov brothers, the naturalist Tsiolkovsky and the weather forecaster Dyakov. Anatoly Vitalievich was elevated to the podium in 1972-1973. But some ten or twelve years have passed, and not only colleagues from the Hydrometeorological Center, but the general public of the USSR, have completely forgotten him. As it has already happened more than once in the Russian Empire, so it happened in the Soviet Union and continued in the current Russian Federation. It is possible, of course, to explain the ensuing suppression of an extraordinary scientist and person by the monopoly of the “Moscow meteorological school”, which swept like a heavy roller over the geographical latitudes and longitudes of the country. Or to argue that the Gulf Stream, and not the Sun, plays the leading role in determining the weather on the Eurasian continent. In our difficult time, one cannot answer such questions on the move. It’s just that the indestructible human memory has already noticed that in the long-suffering mother Russia from time immemorial they love great compatriots, but ... the dead ...

Then it becomes obvious why A. V. Dyakov’s manuscript “Forecasting the weather for long periods on an energy-climatic basis”, which was completed and put on his desk in 1954 (forty years ago!), Is still not in demand. Dyakov himself was well aware that he lives and works in Russia, where science is super-monopolized, or rather, bureaucratic. And therefore, when he was asked during a scientific report or a press conference, they say, where is your mathematical justification or proof of these arguments or this postulate, Anatoly Vitalyevich laughed ironically and, patting his forehead, calmly answered: they say, do not worry, Madame and Monsieur, everything is here, in my sun-filled head! Well, according to modern times, Dyakov simply kept his discovery, like a magic key, in vain, to himself.


Perhaps the most important thing is that Anatoly Vitalyevich from naked materialism to the end of his life came to God (or maybe he never left him, God). It is not known for certain whether he began to visit an Orthodox church within his Kuzbass borders, but strictly logically, as an outstanding Russian scientist of our time, Anatoly Vitalyevich simply quietly, in an intelligent way, moved away from official dogmatic atheism. Most likely, as a naturalist, Dyakov saw with his own eyes that our world, consisting of chaos, did not turn into even greater chaos over time, but became a strictly regulated system, behind the scenes of which there must be a GENERAL ORGANIZING FORCE!

The chest of a Russian scientist did not turn into an iconostasis for government awards in the 70s. And the academicians married another - "their own, thieves", as was the custom then. On this occasion, all the same French, whose language was loved by our hero, would ironically and easily respond: “Such is life!” The fact is that the intellectual Dyakov was a pygmy in that coordinate system and that symbolism that our illustrious society developed as an antidote for white crows like Anatoly Vitalyevich, in order to knock the latter out of his proper place under the Sun. And if the Zulus had such a sign-distinction was a ring inserted into the nostril, then the current “business” person, the so-called “new Russian”, has a bank account abroad, a luxurious foreign car, a platoon of bodyguards and a pompous cottage in a nature conservation area. The same "ring in the nostril", only on a modern-understandable level.

The location of the present man, as before, is determined (according to the famous Hume) "not by interests, but by opinions." In the case of domestic science, we seem to have come to a bitterly disappointing conclusion: since the time of the glorious forerunner of perestroika, Nikita Khrushchev, science, science, has successfully degenerated into an immoral servant, and, in fact, an instrument for political manipulations. Our thesis is confirmed by the emergence and consistent development of a whole galaxy of destructive projects of the century: from the destruction of the Russian way of life in the countryside (“unpromising villages”) and the finishing off of Orthodoxy (remember the mass of forced renunciations in the 60s from the rank of clergy and the closure of churches) to the construction of a pulp and paper plant (Pulp and Paper Mill) on Baikal. It was, it was, it was... Some of the authors of these monstrous projects were awarded the title of academician, and someone was presented with the highest award. Perhaps that is why domestic science is now approaching the transcendental line, beyond which - Through the Looking-Glass and more terrible than Lewis Carroll!

If we take a retrospective look at the life and fate of Anatoly Vitalyevich Dyakov, then his path is extremely reminiscent of all those troubles and tricks with which the road of the Kaluga dreamer and scientist K. E. Tsiolkovsky was abundantly strewn. Konstantin Eduardovich, thanks to his mind, managed to escape from the captivity of Mother Earth and predict in his opuses what appeared to us only today. Well, A. V. Dyakov, as if repeating his compatriot, also overcame gravity, broke into sky-high heights and captured the atmosphere of our planet with his remarkable mind, modeling it as a complex physical and mathematical system. Both scientists were not accepted by society. True, Tsiolkovsky was nevertheless elevated to the rank of priest of science at the edge of his life. And for Dyakov, after a short burst of popularity, complete oblivion came. Anatoly Vitalyevich died in the circle of his family and friends in the deafening silence of the scientific community, our society and the media. However, his works are so focused on the future that no figure of silence can close them. They will still benefit Russia. The country will soon rise from the sea of ​​troubles and in the highest way will appreciate his Siberian genius.
