Family dramas “Quartet I. New girlfriend of Leonid Barats Leonid Barats divorced Anna Kasatkina

The homeland of actor and producer Leonid Barats is sunny Odessa. The star admits that this city means a lot to him, he knows all its streets, considers it a living creature and tries to spend every summer in Odessa. Many viewers are familiar with his character - a radio presenter named Lesha.

Oddly enough, even among friends the star is called Alexey - this is how it happened historically.

The future actor Leonid Barats lived with his parents, as well as his grandparents. It was customary in the family to organize literary readings, play association games, and generally keep busy free time creativity.

They raised Barats as a real Jewish boy- instilled in him intelligence, respect for elders and women, and politeness.

At the same time, Lesha was very sociable and made friends easily. By the way, he met his colleague from Quartet I in the first grade - the guys studied together. The actor calls his childhood happy.

Choosing a profession for Leonid Barats became a real problem, since all his relatives gave him different advice on this matter. So the grandmother really wanted to make her grandson a pianist and for this she taught him to play the piano. Dad dreamed that his son would follow in his footsteps and become a journalist.

Barats himself dreamed of football, but did not connect his destiny with sports. But while still at school, together with Khait, he began performing on stage and participating in pop miniatures. Plus, with early childhood Barats went to the theater where his grandmother worked, watched plays and even ballet, and attended film clubs.

Rostislav always supported his friend, so when the opportunity arose to go to GITIS in Moscow, friends did not think for a long time. So they became students of Vladimir Sergeevich Korovin’s course. At first, Barats rented an apartment with a childhood friend, then he moved closer to the students.

In the dormitory, Leonid Barats became friends with other guys, including his roommate. The student years flew by quickly, but after receiving their diploma, Baratz and his friends were not at a loss.

They organized the theater project “Quartet I”, which is still alive today. Moreover, now the brainchild of Leonid Barats, Rostislav Khait, Alexander Demidov and Sergei Petreikov has become incredibly popular. On his account there are only rating performances, which over time were even filmed!

The main activity of Leonid Barats is, of course, Quartet I. He not only participates in all his productions as an actor, but is the author of the plays. Baratz’s credits include “Radio Day” and “Election Day”, “Faster than Rabbits” and “Men Talking...”. True, he wrote the latter not alone, but in the company of Sergei Petreikov and Rostislav Khait.

There is also a page in Leonid Barats’s career related to cinema. True, this path could not have happened without Quartet I. Twelve of the thirteen films in his filmography are film adaptations of performances of this theater or films related to them in one way or another.

At the same time, Baratz again acted as a screenwriter and wrote the basis for the films “Election Day” (2007), “Radio Day” (2008) and “What Men Talk About” (2010). He also produced the last two films. In 2018, another film with his participation as an actor and scriptwriter will be released. It is called " ".

Interesting notes:

Behind the scenes, Leonid Barats also had the opportunity to work - he dubbed the cartoons “Volt”, “Super Rhino”, “Pirates! Band of Losers" and dubbing the animated film "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf 3". On television, the actor appeared as the host of the program “I Believe - I Don’t Believe” on TNT.

Barats's personal life has been a safe haven for quite some time- also in student years he met the future actress Anna Kasatkina and connected his life with her. In their marriage, the couple had two charming daughters, Elizaveta and Eva.

The couple lived together for more than twenty years, but in 2015, shocking news about the divorce of Leonid and Anna spread across the press. At the same time, the couple hid the breakup from friends and fans for a long time. It is worth noting that the actor was never embarrassed that his companions were taller than him (Leonid Barats’ height is 166 centimeters). The actor is ironic about the fact that he is short and is not offended by jokes about it.

7 October 2015, 17:15

what's going on, comrades, what's going on...

Leonid Barats and his wife Anna were considered one of the strongest couples in show business, but their family broke up. The actor divorced his wife some time ago, but only now decided to talk about it. Barats still did not want to name the reasons for the separation.

Leonid and Anna Barats in the program "While everyone is at home"

As the artist admitted to the press, many people are involved in the story of their separation, so he does not want to reveal details, much less name names.

“There is so much involved in this story, so many “persons of interest” in the case and interested parties involved in what is happening, actually or emotionally. In general, everything is still quite hot...”, says Leonid Barats .

However, he and his ex-wife managed to keep a good relationship and behave with dignity towards each other. And it’s not surprising, because, despite the divorce, the former spouses both continue to work in Quartet I, so they try to save their face in front of their colleagues.

Leonid Barats and Anna Kasatkina We met while studying at GITIS. In 1991, the acting couple legalized their relationship. In a 24-year marriage, two daughters appeared - the eldest Lisa is now 21 years old, and the youngest Eva is 12. Baratz he assures that he did everything to ensure that the divorce traumatized the children as little as possible. For them, says the actor, practically nothing has changed, both materially and emotionally. Moreover, he tries to compensate for his daughters’ worries about their parents’ divorce with increased attention and spends even more time with them.

In Kiev, the Quartet I theater performance “Conversations of Middle-Aged Men” was once again a great success, after which we met with the leading artist of the comic troupe and talked about life, work, love and homeland.

Leonid and Anna have been together for a year and a half. In December, Anna Moiseeva will represent Ukraine in China at the Mrs. competition. Globe, which will take place on Hainan Island.

- Leonid, is your legendary performance updated with modern, relevant fragments?

Yes, new topics are emerging: age, technological progress, children. My character says: “I realized that I was getting old when I began to be offended by the phrase “Old man, you look great!”... And recently I accidentally overheard my girlfriend and her friend in a conversation: “Are you going alone today or with your elderly man? » Life throws up stories...

Thanks to the play, what do middle-aged men talk about, we know, and what are middle-aged men afraid of?

I am afraid for my loved ones and family. I'm afraid of losing friends. I'm afraid of not doing something important. I'm afraid that my talent will disappear, my ability to write will disappear. And I, finding myself at clean slate, I can’t explain anything clearly. And I'm also afraid of the cold and meeting New Year among strangers.


- Do you have hobbies besides the theater?

Slava and I ( Vyacheslav Khait is a colleague and friend, author and actor of the Quartet I theater. - Approx. ed.) playing football. I am extremely passionate about communicating with friends. A little less, but I also like to read books, watch movies, go to theaters.

I strongly recommend “My Lieutenant” by Daniil Granin. I enjoyed reading Maugham's biography. It’s also very pleasant to spend time reading the books of Georgy Danelia: “The Toasted Man Drinks to the Bottom,” “Stowaway,” “The Cat Gone, But the Smile Remains.”

- Would you like to involve any of the Ukrainian artists in your performances?

Once upon a time we gave a play “Letters and Songs...” in Kyiv, and Oleg Skripka with the group “VV” replaced the group “Accident” on stage. Then we applied this practice in other cities - we integrated different groups into our performance.

- How can you describe yourself, say, in a few sentences?

I'm an ordinary person. More details? Many people consider comedians to be boring people. In my case this is not the case. Although for the last 5-6 years of my life I was significantly damaged, and it was difficult for both relatives and friends with me. It was hard for me myself. But mostly I am cheerful and easy-going. I hope it’s all over now and my confidence will finally return.


- Do you personally divide humor into certain types?

Funny and not funny. There is also humor about promotion and demotion. On the rise is when the author treats his character with love, even if he is negative. Remember Dovlatov or Zhvanetsky - they love the people they write about. Well, downward humor is an attempt to humiliate a person with a joke.

- Do you often come to Odessa?

In the summer I definitely spend a month and a half in hometown. In addition to my parents, my girlfriend lives here, and at the first opportunity I go to them.

- You live in Moscow. What do you miss being away from home?

Long walks around the city, small streets, warmth, sea, sun, their people... In Odessa there has always been a cult of food, simple easy communication.


- What kind of mistakes did you make in your previous marriage with actress Anna Kasatkina?

Let me make a reservation: in my case, it was not just the marriage that broke up, but the family. How can we avoid this? I don’t know... Pay more attention to each other, respect, listen, talk, be interested, share the hobbies of your other half and be in the same trench in any situation. It’s a good idea to approach everything with humor, because it smooths out rough edges.

You and your girlfriend, model Anna Moiseeva, have a noticeable age difference. You, satirist, how do you look at this?

- “Old goat” and “devil in the rib” - now it’s easy to put such cliches on me, I’m sure. My job is to continue to live, love my children, respect those who were once with me, and be happy with Anna.

You and Anna have been together for over a year now, why don’t you live together? After all, it must be terribly inconvenient for you to be torn between two countries...

Anna has a son studying in Odessa, so first of all we take into account the interests of the child. Among other things, she and I both got burned in past relationships and are now blowing cold water. We’re not in a hurry, we’re taking a closer look, maybe we don’t dare because of some fears... But who said that we definitely have to live together? It happens that in such relationships - at a distance, people are very happy.

Of course, these arguments of mine may look like excuses, but we certainly need to do something. And I’m sure Anya and I will definitely make the right decision.

Alexandra Demidov was abandoned by her mother at the age of seven, and Kamil Larin made a living by selling juice and cognac

Alexandra Demidov was abandoned by her mother at the age of seven, and Kamil Larin made a living by selling juice and cognac

22 years ago, GITIS graduates - Leonid BARATS, Rostislav KHAIT, Kamil LARIN, Alexander DEMIDOV and Sergei PETREYKOV - created the Quartet I theater. For the first three or four years they subsisted on the money that Petreikov took from foreigners for renting his apartment. Soon their performances began to generate income.

However, along with success, almost each of the guys had problems in their personal lives. Some managed to cope with the crisis, while others started new families. And now the Quartet is in complete chocolate. The path to phenomenal success was thorny. The main milestones in the lives of fashionable artists are in our improvised alphabet.

"Agatha Christie"

Members of Quartet I appeared in the videos of this group more than once. For example, in "Sailor" Baratz And Khait played orderlies carrying a stretcher with the corpse of a sailor, and in “The Merry World” they played rioters in straitjackets.


It is generally accepted that this surname is derived from a Hebrew abbreviation, translated meaning “son of a righteous rabbi.” Leonid's father, by the way, is a journalist. And Lenya himself is not gay at all, as some thought after “Election Day,” but quite the opposite.


“Thanks to” this means of transportation, a ninth-grader Sasha Demidov lost my first love. I became close with Lenochka summer holidays. The girl, like him, came to the village to stay with relatives. He had his first kiss with this girl. Under the cover of darkness, the couple climbed into the barn, leaving their bicycles at the entrance. At first, Sasha and Lena looked at each other for a long time, then they touched their little fingers, then they hugged, and only at dawn Sasha tasted her lips. There was nothing left to get to the main thing, but milkmaids passed by the barn and, seeing the bikes, realized: the teenagers were causing debauchery inside. The powerful aunts almost broke down the door - the frightened Sanya held the defense as best he could and did not allow strangers to enter the barn. After this, Lenochka’s parents immediately took her home. They never saw each other again.

"Demidov BAND"

This is the name of Alexander’s musical project, created by him in 2011. The artist has been passionate about music for more than 20 years. The style in which he works is characterized as bard rock. Performs together with the group "Beavers".


Thanks to Michal Mikhalych, Slava Khait entered GITIS. The guy was poorly prepared, it was clear that he was flying over. Then father - Valery Khait, captain of the famous Odessa KVN team of 1967 - 1970, asked an old acquaintance to put in a good word with the selection committee. And everything came together right away, of course.

Ginger tincture

In September, the freshmen were taken to the collective farm to harvest potatoes. There, childhood friends Khait and Barats found two new friends - Demidov and Larina. What brought them together was ginger bitters for 3.50, which the guys bought in the evenings in the nearest village. Sasha then got drunk for the first time. Sitting on the hand of the stone Lenin, he got drunk, fell on the asphalt, broke his face, and the next morning he began to tell everyone, pointing to bruises and scratches, that it was Barats and Khait who beat him. In retaliation, the next night, the boys took Sanya, who was sound asleep (after again ginger), straight from the bed to the women's toilet.

Red socks

Barats pulled them on when the school entrusted him with leading the prom. The boy thought he looked very cool in them. And Leonid borrowed the suit from his aunt’s husband. His friends still remember those stupid socks.


She saved schoolboy Barats from long lessons in music school. Before the lesson, Lenya ate the whole head and, entering the teacher’s office, began diligently breathing an unpleasant smell onto it. The teacher’s patience lasted only 15 minutes.


At the beginning of their theater business, the guys were constantly haunted by funny typos in newspapers and posters. For example, instead of the play “These are just cliches,” “Only pants” was indicated, “the comic theater “Quartet I” was called “commercial,” and the surname “Hait” was written with an “th.”

Shameful embarrassment

Thanks to this incident, Rostislav Khait became friends with Leonid Barats forever. This happened in second grade. “Sorry, I screwed myself,” Slava admitted in an interview, “and asked Lesha not to tell anyone about it, but to quickly call my mother so that she would come and pick me up. After which he ran to class and told all the kids about my embarrassment. Each one came in turn to look at me. This is how we got it Dovlatov said about his wife: “This is not love, but fate!”


Joseph Leonidovich, artistic director of the Moscow School of Modern Play theater, is a relative of Leonid Barats. Raikhelgauz also from Odessa..


The only props that were available in the household of the newly created “Quartet I”. The artists performed the number “Butterfly and Grasshopper”. When the spider threw a web on the butterfly, Khait, a grasshopper with a saber, jumped out. “Nothing special, but for some reason people laughed,” notes Rostislav.

Ballroom pianist

He was played by Leonid Barats in the 90s in the video of the group “Combination” for the song “Accountant”. Also, by the way, Lesha (that’s what Barats’ friends call him for some reason) appeared in the video “Ladoshki” in those years. Svetlana Roerich, where the young man flashed in the background Maxim Averin. And Kamil Larin “shone” about that time in the video “The boy wants to go to Tambov” Murat Nasyrova.

Black tuxedo for $500

At the beginning of his career, the artists chipped in and bought it (it was a lot of money back then) for Kamil, so that he could hold the wedding of some huckster there and at least earn something for the team. This was Larin’s first experience as an entertainer. Since then, the guys decided: we divide the money equally, even if we earn it separately. By the way, Kamil at one time also earned money by reselling juice and cognac to stalls - a friend from Armenia supplied him with cheap drinks.

Scars on the wrists

They stayed with Demidov and Barats in memory of the unsuccessful group suicide that Sasha and Lenya started to prove to their classmate friends - Sveta Pesotskaya And Anya Kasatkina how strong their feelings are. Fortunately, they didn’t get to the veins, but my hands were badly scratched and I had to walk around in bandages for several days.

"I forgive you!"

Demidov said these words four years ago to his own mother, who abandoned him at the age of seven. Sasha's parents separated shortly after his birth. The boy lived with his mother, grandmother and grandfather in Shadrinsk (200 km from Sverdlovsk). The old men drank heavily, and the boy was left to his own devices. After having breakfast with free whites and cocoa, which the grandmother sold, Sashka hung out on the street until late at night.

One day, a thin and dirty boy was accidentally met by another grandmother - on his father's side. She took Sasha to her father, who at that time worked as a policeman in Ryazan. dear mother Demidov somehow crossed paths briefly when he was already 12, then after a long break - in the mid-90s, having already become an artist. In those years, Alexander had many problems on the personal front; nervous breakdowns began to occur, after which he fell into depression for a long time. He saved himself with alcohol. In one of these difficult moments, he met with his mother and said: “I forgive you! And I don’t hold any grudges.” Then for the first time in many years he called her mom.


* The oldest of the “quartets” - Camille Larin. He is almost four years older than the others. And all due to the fact that before entering GITIS, he studied at the Volgograd Energy College.* For everyone, except Haita, two children each: Baratsa- daughters Lisa and Eva, Larin has sons Yan and Daniyar, Demidova- daughter Sofia and son Ignat. Even the director Petreykov in four marriages he had two daughters.* Leni Barats’ mother, Zoya Isaevna, who worked as a methodologist in a kindergarten for many years, taught Ksenia Sobchak make delicious cheesecakes, which she now treats her husband to Maxim Vitorgan for breakfast.* The most exemplary family man is Leonid Barats. With my wife Anna Kasatkina, who in the early years was also an actress of the Quartet I theater, met during the entrance exams at GITIS. “Seeing her in a gray tight-fitting short dress, I realized that we couldn’t be just friends,” recalls Baratz. Their marriage is 23 years old.


Vladimir POSNER:

- I adore Quartet I because they can joke phenomenally without smiling!


- They have confidence in their uniqueness, and this attracts!

25 years of marriage

Svetlana and Fedor met in 1986, when they were very young. They lived together for 25 years, they have two children and two grandchildren. In 2016, the couple announced their separation.

“The time we spent together was wonderful, but today our paths diverged - there are no conflicts, resentments or contradictions behind this fact. We are no longer a couple, but we remain friends,” was written in an official statement that appeared on the Hello magazine website in 2016.

A month after the official announcement, Fedor began to appear in society with his new beloved Paulina. However, the divorce from Svetlana has not yet been formalized. According to rumors, the spouses cannot divide their jointly acquired property.

Sergei and Irina Bezrukov

15 years married

Sergey and Irina divorced in 2015, having lived together for 15 years. A year later, the actor married director Anna Matison, and soon the newlyweds had a daughter. Irina did not comment on the decision to divorce for a long time; she does not like to advertise her personal life. A year ago, she asked her Instagram followers for support, writing: “Wish me to heal. And be able to accept someone into your soul again completely, without looking back, as if you were your own. To learn to trust again, to feel the joy of acceptance again... and to dare to let someone approach you, without fear, and without the burden of past suffering and resentment. Is this possible? The actress still admits that she is not ready for a new relationship. It takes time to relive the past.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan

21 years of marriage

The spouses did not talk about the reasons for the divorce for a long time and did not allow themselves to make offensive statements about each other. As Alena said, their separation had been brewing for a long time and she considers the reason for the divorce to be the mutual distance that arose in the couple. Now Tigran and his new wife Margarita Simonyan has two children. Alena is also happy in her new relationship with businessman Alexander Sinyushin.

Leonid Barats and Anna Kasatkina

22 years of marriage

The actor lived with actress Anna Kasatkina for 22 years, but despite attempts to save the relationship, the couple divorced. As the actor admitted in an interview for Hello magazine: “I think that for the rest of my life, the feeling of guilt for this story, for this turn of their fate will be with me.” Barats remains on friendly and business terms with Anna, and always speaks warmly about ex-wife, saying that 20 of their lives were happy, and ex-wife"a decent and bright woman." The actor lives in a civil marriage with his beloved Anna Moiseeva.

Elena Proklova and Andrey Trishin

30 years of marriage

The actress and TV presenter shocked fans with the announcement that she was going to file for divorce. “I understand that I’m probably an idiot for breaking up with a man after 30 years. We have everything in common - daughter, house, everyday life. But on the other hand... The most important thing has not been between us for a long time: having met, we do not run towards each other, but go to our rooms. We are not spouses, we are neighbors...”

Alena Apina and Alexander Iratov

25 years of marriage

Singer Alena Apina and producer Alexander Iratov have been married for 25 years and celebrated silver wedding. Many considered their marriage one of the strongest in show business, but the couple divorced at the end of 2016. As Alena said, she and her husband were different people, and over the years the difference has only become more noticeable.

“It would seem that 25 years have passed together, nothing more can happen... But it happened,” Alena wrote on her Instagram page.

Anna Ardova and Alexander Shavrin

20 years of marriage

The couple divorced in 2017, and Anna initiated the divorce. The actress admitted that making such a choice was not easy. Younger son Anna remained to live with her father after the divorce, but on December 30, 2017, Alexander Shavrin died suddenly at the age of 57.

Larisa Dolina and Ilya Spitsin

20 years of marriage

The couple decided not to notify the public that they are no longer a family and continue to maintain a contractual relationship, however, the star’s friends and colleagues confirmed their separation and also stated that Spitsyn already has another family and a child. Now Ilya lives in two houses, periodically visiting Larisa and helping her with business.
