Sweaters made of thin threads with knitting needles. The world of knitting and needlework

Today we can hardly imagine our wardrobe without knitted items. Knitting has always been and remains a very popular type of needlework. Probably every family has preserved warm, beautiful and cozy things knitted by the hands of grandmothers and mothers. Since childhood, we have been surrounded by knitted clothes, which were worn with pleasure and were practical and irreplaceable: scarves, hats, mittens, socks, sweaters, vests. Today it has become easier to buy clothes in a store, but still many needlewomen create one-of-a-kind items into which they put a piece of their soul. In this article we will tell you how to knit an openwork blouse from fine yarn knitting needles

But first, let's talk a little about the history of knitting and interesting facts. We rarely think about where knitting came from and who was the first to make a loop from thread using knitting needles.

A little history

Knitting - ancient look handicrafts. No one knows for sure who guessed that using twisted thread with pointed sticks you can knit various clothes. The history of needlework gives only approximate data, but still some historical facts are known. Even ancient written sources mention knitting. This craft was known back in the era of the Trojan War. During excavations and exploration of Coptic tombs in Egypt, many knitted items were found.

In the Middle Ages, only people from the upper class could afford to wear knitted items. Queen Elizabeth wore stockings knitted made from soft fine yarn. At that time, the first knitting schools appeared in England and this craft developed rapidly. Knitted stockings were exported from Britain to Germany, Holland, and Spain. In Scotland, in the 17th and 18th centuries, entire families were involved in the production of knitted clothing. At that time, warm sweaters knitted from coarse wool were a necessary item for fishermen from the Scottish islands. It is from there that the famous Aran knitting takes its roots.

It is generally accepted that it was from Europe that sea travelers brought knitting skills to the Scandinavian countries. During the French wars, women got together and knitted socks, mittens and other warm clothes for the soldiers. This was practiced during the First and Second World Wars. IN different parts lights were born different kinds knitting on knitting needles, which differed in patterns, ornaments, and color combinations of threads.

Many ancient knitting techniques with French and German names are very often used today.

Nowadays, you can find a lot of information on knitting on the Internet, as well as watch video tutorials for beginners. We will learn how to knit an openwork blouse for overweight women knitting needles

Let's get started

We offer you several photos of blouses made from fine yarn, knitted specifically for obese women:

To knit an openwork blouse size 46-48 you will need: circular knitting needles (number 3.5 and 4.5), 450 grams of fine yarn. Knitting is done using garter stitch. The knitting pattern is in the photo below.

Step-by-step description of the work:

  • We knit the back. First, cast on 98 stitches and knit in garter stitch according to the pattern. Then we retreat for the armholes from the beginning of knitting 46 cm, cast off 5 loops on each side, and then in every second row, cast off first 1 time with 3 loops, then 2 times with 2 loops. Next, at a height of 64 cm, close the middle 10 loops, and then finish each side separately. In this way we form the neckline. To round, bind off 3 stitches twice in each 2nd row. Cast off the remaining 26 stitches at a height of 66 cm from the beginning of knitting.

  • We knit the front part. The technology is the same as knitting the back, only for the neckline, close off the middle 10 loops. Close at a height of 58 cm from the beginning. Then each side ends up knitting separately. To round, you need to cast off 3 loops in every second row once, then 2 loops once, and 1 loop once. Finish knitting by casting off 26 stitches at a height of 66 cm from the beginning of knitting.

  • We knit a sleeve. Cast on 50 stitches and knit 4 rows in garter stitch and continue with the pattern according to the pattern. In order to get a bevel, you need to add 1 loop 12 times on both sides of each 8 row. There should be 74 loops in total. Having retreated 42 cm from the beginning, close 5 loops for okat on both sides. Then cast off 2 stitches in every second row. At the end, close all the loops, reaching a height of 57 cm.
  • Product assembly. To do this, you need to complete all shoulder seams. Cast on 96 loops on circular knitting needles and knit along the edge of the neckline 15 cm. Loops in even rows should be knitted as for the front side. To complete the knitting, you need to knit 6 rows in garter stitch. The loops can be closed, but not pulled together. Finish the work by making side seams and sleeve seams.

Photo of the finished blouse:

Video on the topic of the article

Many needlewomen claim that knitting with mohair is a real pleasure for women. And this is not at all surprising, because mohair is a special yarn made from goat wool. Things knitted with mohair knitting needles turn out to be very warm, durable, soft and beautiful.

Mohair products

So what modern women knitted from mohair? First of all, of course, clothes: sweaters, dresses, capes, socks and suits. In addition, toys, carpets, blankets and much more are also made from mohair.

Experienced needlewomen are convinced that knitting with mohair is a kind of therapy that helps get rid of stress and clarify thoughts. In some ways, this is true, because mohair is pleasant to the touch, durable and beautiful. Consequently, working with it brings incredible pleasure; the calm flickering of the knitting needles calms you down and puts you in a peaceful mood. Mohair comes in two types:

  • thin;
  • ultra-thin;
  • thick.

However, I would immediately like to note the fact that whether it is easy to knit with mohair needles depends not on the thickness of the yarn, but on what fibers were added to it. Most often, manufacturers mix Angora goat wool with acrylic fiber or sheep wool. Mohair yarn has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • in winter it retains heat, and in summer, on the contrary, it protects against overheating;
  • fibers of this unique material are not damaged even when twisted;
  • mohair is soft and at the same time incredibly durable;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • A knitted mohair product will easily return to its original shape even after strong stretching.

Fine mohair pullover

Fine mohair can be used to knit many beautiful, elegant and stylish items. Despite their airiness and weightlessness, they will warm well and at the same time perfectly complement any look. Most often, thin mohair is used to knit products for women and children. Knitted items are very thin, comfortable and at the same time incredibly warm.

In order to get to know fine mohair and its amazing properties better, we suggest you knit a pullover from this yarn. It is knitted with six mm knitting needles, and Nissa mohair is used as yarn. The density of the knitted fabric in this model is: 10 cm = 19 r. X 15 p.. We knit with stockinette stitch.

To knit such a model, you must first determine your size using a special table.

After this, you can begin to create the back and front of the product from thin mohair yarn:

Having made the back and front of the model from thin mohair yarn, we begin to form the shoulder bevels. In the next two rows, cast off 4 (5,6,7) sts. In 2 p. those following them, close 5 (6,7,8) sts. Knit 16 r. and bind off all remaining stitches.

After this, proceed to create the sleeves of the model from thin mohair yarn. Cast on 37 (41,42,43) sts. Start knitting with knitting needles, then go to knitting. smooth surface Form bevels on the sides by adding one loop in 5 rows, 6 times in each subsequent 6 rows, and also in every 10 rows. Continue knitting without changing the pattern until the sleeve length of the female model is 45 (46,47,47) cm.

After this, work the top of the sleeve with fine mohair yarn. In the next 2 r. cast off 3 (4,4,5) stitches. Next, in the 3rd (5,7,5) row, decrease 1 stitch. In each subsequent 2 r. decrease stitches 4 (3,2,3) times. Continue decreasing stitches until there are 31 stitches. Close the remaining loops.

Photo master class on knitting a sweater

Video: Off-the-shoulder mohair sweater

Knitting pattern for an openwork shawl made of fine mohair

Thin mohair fibers produce an incredibly beautiful, very delicate, airy openwork. A striking example is a wedding shawl for women, which from the outside seems like a weightless cobweb, but in fact perfectly warms and protects from the cold.

The simple patterns of this design emphasize the fragility of a woman, and the thin mohair reliably protects her from the cold. The shawl is knitted with needles No. 4. To create it you will need 2 skeins of fine mohair yarn “Nako King Moher”, as well as 2 patterns.

Let's get to work. In order to knit such an unusually delicate openwork, you need to cast on the knitting needles 5p. Next we knit without changing the pattern. According to pattern No. 1, you need to knit until the fabric grows to 85 cm. After that, we move on to the second pattern. At the end we close all the loops of the openwork.

Video: Openwork shawl “Gail”

Warm thick mohair hat

As we said earlier, there are three types of mohair:

  • "Mohair". This type of mohair is made from the hair of Angora goats. It is also commonly called thick mohair. Thick mohair yarn is very strong, durable and resilient. It shines and shimmers slightly in the sun;
  • "Kid mohair." The fibers of this variety of mohair are obtained from the first shearing of kids. That is, within a period of up to six months. This yarn is incredibly soft and thin. However, it does not have as much shine as mohair made from the hair of adult goats;
  • "Super kid" Superfine mohair is quite rare and costs an order of magnitude more than thick or thin yarn. The production of such mohair is limited, and not everyone can afford to buy it.

Talking about distinctive features thick and thin mohair yarn, it is also worth noting the fact that thick mohair not only shines more, but also seems fluffier. Thick mohair can be used to knit various models of women's hats. To knit a wonderful winter hat you will need:

  • circular knitting needles No. 10;
  • 100g thick fluffy mohair.

The density of the pattern is: 10X10cm=14R.X9p. To create a women's hat you will need 2 patterns:

  • persons satin stitch: when knitting in the round, only knit stitches are used;
  • Garter stitch is knitted in the round and consists of alternating faces. and out. R.

Pattern creation scheme:

  • cast on 42 sts and then switch to circular knitting;
  • Work the first 6 rows in garter stitch;
  • then knit stitch stitch up to the 13th row inclusive;
  • We continue knitting in rows and repeat the patterns 6 times each time, starting by knitting 2 stitches into one:
  • No. 14: make 5 faces. P.;
  • No. 15: 4 persons;
  • No. 16: 3 persons;
  • No. 17: 2 persons;
  • No. 18: 1 person;
  • No. 19: simply repeat the beginning of the pattern the required number of times.

At the end of the work, we bring the thick mohair thread to the wrong side and securely fasten it. The thick mohair hat is ready!

Video: Knitting a voluminous mohair hat

Openwork patterns from mohair

The most beautiful and delicate of mohair is openwork. Various types of openwork patterns are ideal for women, as they emphasize the natural elegance, beauty and grace of the fair half of humanity. Most Popular openwork patterns for women.

The pattern for this pattern shows the purl. and persons p.. The repeat in width is 28 p.. In height it is necessary to repeat rows starting from 1 to 16. The pattern for this pattern is as follows. Symbols are also attached to it.

Mohair can also be knitted geometric pattern called "Rhombuses". In order to make such patterns yourself, you need to carefully study the diagram for it. Symbols for the “Rhombus” pattern are attached.

In this pattern, you see only the front rows, since the purl rows are knitted according to the pattern. All yarn overs are made purlwise.

The rapport in this pattern is 6 stitches wide. Before rapport, you need to do 3 stitches and after it you need to do another 4 stitches. The pattern is repeated in height from 1 to 12 rows.

The last pattern that we would like to tell you about is slightly different from the previous patterns in terms of its level of complexity. But, it looks incredibly beautiful and elegant, so we recommend that you master it.

The pattern for this pattern is more complex than for the previous images. The rapport is 38 p. in height, and 20 p. in width. The pattern contains both purl and front rows.

In purl rows, the empty square is made the front one, and in the front rows, the empty square is made purl. In addition to those already known to you symbols This pattern uses two new icons.

These patterns will decorate any female model from mohair. They are beautiful and easy to make. Models women's clothing With such patterns they look very stylish and original.

A little history of the origin of mohair

The word "mohair" has Turkish roots. Literally from Turkish “muyhyar” is translated as “selected fleece”. Initially, this unusual type of yarn was produced only in Ankara and Turkey. And this is not at all surprising, because it was there that Angora goats lived, from whose wool mohair is made.

In those distant times, the wool of these strange animals was considered incredibly valuable, and not every person could afford a mohair outfit. Over time, Türkiye ceased to be a monopolist in the production of mohair yarn. The United States of America and South Africa, who to this day are one of the most famous mohair producers.

Now mohair is publicly available and every woman can pamper herself with it. It's still valuable, but it's much easier to come by. To do this, just look at any specialized store.

Video: Knitting an openwork mohair scarf

Women's jumpers and pullovers allow you to create interesting and unusual ones, as well as complement a strict dress code or an outfit for going out. Today, jumpers and pullovers made from fine yarn are considered one of the most popular. These models are very light, but very warm.

As a rule, for fine knitting, yarn from angora, mohair or combined threads with silk is used. Such products are airy and do not create massiveness, which is very important in the season of a bulky warm wardrobe. But at the same time, models made from fine yarn warm well, thanks to natural wool fibers.

The pattern plays a special role in knitted jumpers and pullovers made from fine yarn. It is the drawing that emphasizes femininity, romance, and tenderness in the image. Thanks to thin threads, the patterns are knitted openwork and gracefully. Let's see which models are considered the most relevant today?

Fashionable fine knit jumper

As you know, a jumper always fits your figure. This item of clothing without a collar or fasteners is very comfortable for everyday wear. Jumpers are also practical. The most popular models made from fine yarn are openwork products. Fitted styles with leaf, bearsfoot or twig patterns are great for a winter look. Designers also offer delicate jumpers made of fine yarn with a floral motif. Similar products can be knitted or crocheted. In any case, you will receive a beautiful soft jumper that will highlight your individuality and delicate taste.

Beautiful pullovers made of fine yarn

For fashionable pullovers made from fine yarn, the same patterns are used as for a jumper, adding voluminous braids or plaits to them. This design choice is due to the variety of styles. After all, a women's pullover made of fine yarn can be either tight-fitting or loose. Volumetric elements in the design in combination with delicate leaves or flowers gracefully emphasize the figure. And if the jumper has a round neckline, then pullovers are presented in one-shoulder models, with a straight collar, and a V-shaped neckline.

When choosing fashionable jumper and pullovers made from fine yarn, designers suggest giving preference to models in pastel and delicate colors. Pink, blue, cream, latte - these are the current colors for these clothing items today.
