Tz - an algorithm for relationships with a potential customer. Interaction algorithm

A large-scale interdepartmental exercise was held in the city of Bolshoy Kamen and on the territory of the Far Eastern Zvezda plant to localize and eliminate an accident at a radiation hazardous facility. The troops and forces of the Eastern Military District, the Pacific Fleet, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other federal and regional departments were involved in it.

Our reference

"Far East plant" Zvezda "the leading enterprise for the repair of submarines of the Pacific Fleet and the only one in Far East specializing in the repair, re-equipment and modernization of ships and nuclear submarine missile carriers.

The event was attended by about 500 servicemen and civilian specialists, naval and army aviation was involved, a special fire train of Russian Railways, a radiation and chemical reconnaissance boat of the Pacific Fleet, an automobile and special equipment a total of more than 90 units.

According to the legend of the exercises, the release of radioactive substances occurred at 9.10 local time during the unloading of the nuclear reactor of the Pacific Fleet nuclear submarine at the Zvezda Far East Air Force. The signal about the accident immediately arrived at the control panel of the Unified Duty Dispatch Shift, after which it was brought to the duty services of all law enforcement agencies.

The crew of the emergency submarine and the personnel of the Zvezda plant were promptly evacuated. Measures were taken to notify the population, control of the radiation background was strengthened, points for issuing funds were organized personal protection. At the border of the danger zone, as well as at the exits from the city, radiation monitoring posts were set up to check for the presence of radioactive particles on clothing and equipment.

Hazardous elements have spread to the area of ​​Sukhodol Bay, posing a threat to the employees of the enterprise and local residents. Experts suggested that as a result of the accident, the loss of personnel and population could be up to 10 people on the first day and up to 200 people by the end of the month.

Groupings of the advanced detachment of the 16th brigade of the troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection and the engineering brigade deployed a point for special processing of personnel at the turn of entry into the emergency zone and began to localize the consequences as planned. The resuscitation team of the FMBA of Russia was already on duty at the scene.

“Immediately after the conditional release of substances into the atmosphere, the personnel informed the population about the threat and began measures to localize the conditional accident. The servicemen coped with the assigned tasks professionally and with full dedication of their forces, later, the Deputy Head of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Service of the Pacific Fleet, Captain 2nd Rank Anatoly Kabal, commented on the actions of the chemists.

Now it was necessary to immediately eliminate the consequences of the accident. Monitoring of the territory and air intake was successfully carried out by the crew of the An-12 military aircraft. air reconnaissance at a height of 50 meters and the sampling of soil from the landfill was just as professionally carried out by the crew of the Mi-8AMTSh helicopter army aviation VVO. The data for determining the boundaries and the level of radiation were transferred to the control center via communication channels and to the local laboratory.

On the water, a special boat of the Pacific Fleet was engaged in determining radiation doses. At this time, the contaminated soil on the coastal strip was cut off by special vehicles to be sent to the burial ground. Dust suppression at the site was carried out by filling stations. The equipment working in the zone was disinfected with a special solution for irrigation machines. 40 people, 13 armored vehicles and 10 vehicles took part in the elimination of the consequences from the military.

The unit commanders controlled the operation in the Sukhodol Bay area by radio communication from the territory of a specially equipped headquarters. From there, high officials, as well as officials from the administration of the Big Stone, observed the exercises. Later, when summarizing the results, they confirmed that the goals of the training to develop coordinated actions to eliminate the accident and manage them from a single coordination point were fully achieved.

“The need to conduct such exercises is due to the presence of radiation hazardous facilities in the Primorsky Territory, one of which is the Zvezda plant. The organization of interaction is one of the problematic ones, because departments quite different in their tasks and structures fulfill the same goal. We dealt with this problem and sorted out all the issues. In the future, we will organize such exercises at other facilities in order to cover potentially dangerous facilities where the same situation may arise, ” noted the head of the troops of radiation, chemical and biological defense of the Eastern Military District, Major General Andrey Volkov.

By the way, for the first time such an exercise was held in Primorye in April 2013. Year after year, the results are growing, the tasks are becoming more complex, and the interaction is getting better.

And as Major General Andrey Volkov emphasized once again, “an interdepartmental group was created to eliminate the consequences, operational groups of the district and fleet were created, troops of the NBC protection, Air Force and Air Defense, Pacific Fleet, Ministry of Emergency Situations, doctors, representatives of the executive branch were involved. The main task of the exercises has been successfully achieved. An algorithm for interaction between organizations and departments involved in the exercise was developed. All structures showed well-coordinated work.”


Photo by Vitaly ANKOV

The proposed article is focused primarily on the heads of departments (groups) for the design of security systems (SS).
I will take the liberty of saying that in most SB installation organizations, the algorithm for relations with a potential Customer is as follows:
-negotiations of the sales manager with the Customer;
- inspection of the object;
-construction of the appearance of the Security Council;
- making a decision on the construction of the Security Council;
-preparation of the contract and its coordination with the Customer.

At this preliminary preparation of the work is considered completed.
There is a big flaw in this algorithm of work, which can subsequently lead to a conflict situation in the relationship between the Contractor and the Customer.
In order to avoid a conflict between the contracting parties, the head of the design department at the stage of preparing the contract is obliged to prepare the terms of reference for the system being designed.
This document, which is the main technical document, contains the technical requirements for the system, purpose, characteristics constituent parts systems, capabilities, stages of work with deadlines.
The terms of reference must necessarily be agreed with the Customer.
As an example, I will give one of the copies of the specified document.

for the development and installation of a time tracking system for employees of the Ministry of Finance of the Nizhny Novgorod Region at the address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Gruzinskaya, 48

Nizhny Novgorod


  • Name: "System for recording the working time of employees of the Ministry of Finance of the Nizhny Novgorod Region." (Further - object)
  • Reason for doing the work:

Contract No. SB-SURV-07/2009 "___" _____________ 2009

  • Customer - Ministry of Finance of the Nizhny Novgorod Region
  • Lead Contractor - TIES LLC.
  • Executor of the component part - _______________________________


  • The purpose of the work is to develop and install a system for recording the working time of employees of the Ministry of Finance at the address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Gruzinskaya, 48


3.1 Composition

The structure of the system for recording the working time of employees of the facility should include:

automated workplace guard post operator composed of:

  • PC;
  • Software " Monitoring and photo identification»;
- Automated workplace of the operator pass office composed of:
  • PC;
  • software

“Recognition of documents (complements the functions of the module “Extended support for guest passes”);

Operator workstation personnel department composed of:

  • PC;
  • software
"Visitor Pass Support";
"Reaction to Events";
"Integration with 1C (complements the functions of the module "Accounting for working time")";
"Creating and Printing Passes";
"Accounting for working time";
Basic software.

Access controller for network control of the turnstile;

Access controller for network control of the doors of the main exit of the left wing of the 1st floor;

Access controllers for network control of the doors of the main and emergency exits of the left wing and right wing of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th floors and the main exit of the 8th floor;

RS485 interface converter<->USB.

Readers of magnetic access cards;

Magnetic cards;

Uninterruptible power supply units;

Cable network;

3.2. Destination requirements

Purpose of the systememployee time tracking(SURV):

The employee time tracking system (WMS) should provide:

  • Monitoring the state of communication with controllers and the state of the system server components;
  • Setting the rights of system operators;
  • Remote control of controllers (blocking, unblocking, offline memory management);
  • Setting the list of personnel of the enterprise;
  • Setting restrictions on the admission of personnel of the enterprise by points of passage, by direction and by time;
  • Obtaining reports on passes made for any historical period, exporting personnel and access modes to excel;
  • Import of personnel from excel;
  • Setting work schedules for employees; Getting reports for any historical period:
  • Timesheet T13, taking into account the operating time after the fact;
  • Full log of deviations from the work schedule (list of absences during working hours);
  • Journal of violations of work discipline (late appearances for work, early departures from work);
  • Creation and editing of employee pass templates;
  • Assigning badge templates to employees;
  • Printing passes based on templates and personal data of employees;
  • Real-time monitoring of events occurring in the system (when an employee requests access, his registration card from the database is displayed, including a photo);
  • Setting the list of visitor cards;
  • Interface for issuing/collecting cards in the AWS of the Pass Office (when issuing, the card is linked to the passport or other document of the visitor);
  • Storage of card issuance history;
  • Setting a list of actions that will be automatically performed by the system when any events occur;
  • Automatic scanning and recognition of documents when issuing a temporary pass to a visitor.

3.3. Cable network, power supply, grounding

The cable network must be autonomous.

3.3.1. Network cables are laid:

  • along the building - along cable structures behind suspended ceilings ;

3.3.2. SURV system applies to consumers electrical energy group of the 1st category and must be powered from a dedicated AC network with a voltage of 220 V, a frequency of 50 Hz.
3.3.3. The installed equipment must meet the electrical safety requirements of GOST 12.2.0006-87.
3.3.4. To ground the equipment, provision should be made for the arrangement of protective and technological (4 Ohm) ground loops, with the installation of shields in the control rooms.

3.4 Uninterruptible power supply system

The uninterruptible power supply system must ensure reliable operation of the system under the following conditions:

  • in the event of a power failure;
  • with a short-term drop (failure) of the mains voltage;
  • at impulse and short-term overvoltages.

The uninterruptible power supply system is built according to a distributed scheme and must ensure the following functions:
autonomous power supply of the system equipment and in the absence of voltage in the AC network;
continuous round-the-clock operation of the system;
maintaining the maximum capacity of batteries in the presence of an alternating current network;
protection of rechargeable batteries from overcharging and deep discharge;
protection of the stabilizer against output short circuits;
support of the nominal values ​​of the power supply of security system devices, regardless of the presence of the main power source - AC 220 V 50 Hz.
The UPS installed at the Facility must meet the requirements of GOST 27699-88 and GOST R 50745-95, as well as the following requirements:

  • work in a wide range of input voltage changes (at least ± 15%);
  • have an input power factor value close to unity;
  • coefficient of harmonic distortion at the input no more than 8%;

4. Documentation requirements

4.1. Upon completion of the work, the Customer is provided with a complete set of working documentation (RD). The transfer of the RD to the Customer must be recorded by the Work Acceptance and Transfer Certificate.
4.2. The documentation must include:

  • explanatory note;
  • structural and functional diagrams of the system;
  • layout plans for system elements;
  • Hardware Specification.

5. Stages of work

5.1. The work is carried out within the time limits specified in clause 2.2 of contract No. SB-SURV-07/2009.

6. Order of acceptance of work

6.1. The work is considered completed upon agreement and approval of the act of acceptance and transfer of work.
This ToR can be adjusted and refined by mutual agreement of the parties in accordance with the regulatory documents.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the existence of an agreed upon by the parties this document, greatly simplifies the procedure for completing work under the contract and practically eliminates the occurrence of conflict situations between the parties.

The next article will consider the requirements for sections of the technical specifications.

Technical Director of TIES LLC

forensic service

with law enforcement

when identifying

in conditions mass death of people

N.G. Yudina, A.P. Ardashkin

The problem of personal identification in connection with the increase in the number of missing persons and the number of unidentified corpses is becoming increasingly important these days. So during 1993-1995. V Russian Federation about 20 thousand unidentified corpses are registered annually. This is due to an increase in the number of crimes, natural disasters, man-made emergencies, and military conflicts. Both law enforcement officers and forensic experts deal with the tasks related to the identification of corpses. In recent years, a number of orders and instructions have been issued in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs aimed at streamlining work on the corpses of unidentified persons. Forensic doctors have developed numerous laboratory methods for personal identification: from anthropological to genome research. At the same time, only separate publications have been devoted to the study of forms and methods of interaction between the forensic medical service and law enforcement agencies in working with unidentified corpses, there are no scientific and practical recommendations on these issues. Moreover, the allocation of subdivisions in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for identification studies of cadaveric material without a clear regulation of duties in practice raises many questions about work related to the study of unidentified corpses.

In the hearth emergency identification, as a rule, is carried out by identifying preserved corpses. In the case of the discovery of the remains of corpses, identification is mainly based on laboratory methods that require lengthy and expensive studies, and cannot be used on a large scale.

The experience of our work in cases of mass death of people shows that the effectiveness of identifying the dead increases significantly under the condition of a certain interaction between operational investigators and forensic experts, it is very important that the joint work of specialists begins immediately after the tasks are defined.

Our generalized practice allows us to identify the following forms and algorithm of interaction in establishing the identities of the dead. Undoubtedly, the proposed activities should be considered as a scheme for preparing for work in such cases.

1. Collection of information on unidentified corpses:

1.1. In the focus of the lesion, law enforcement officers are carried out with the obligatory participation of a forensic medical expert;

1.2. During the forensic medical examination of the corpse, the forensic medical expert establishes both reliable biological signs and conditional ones;

1.3. Fingerprinting of suitable objects, taking samples of clothing, other items accompanying the corpse. Carried out by operational-but-search workers, or forensic experts.

2. Procedural consolidation of information obtained from the corpses of unidentified persons:

2.1. Compilation by the investigator of a protocol for examining the scene of the incident with fixing the location of each corpse, fragment or group of fragments with their numbering in the order of discovery, indicating objects near the corpse;

2.2. Writing by a forensic medical expert of the protocol part of the "Expert's Conclusion" with a detailed presentation of the anatomical and physiological features, special signs, etc.;

2.3. Signal photography, video filming with fixation of special signs in close-up (can be done both by the forensic service and law enforcement agencies);

2.4. Conducting laboratory tests that do not require large time expenditures (determining blood type, gender, age, height);

2.5. Joint compilation by a forensic medical expert and an operative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of identification cards or consolidated identification

valny tables with entering, if possible, in a computer database;

2.6. Compilation of dactocards. It is produced by an expert - forensic specialist of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

3. Collection of information on missing persons who could be in the focus of defeat in an emergency:

3.1. Clarification of the last place of stay of the missing person, the likelihood of his stay in the lesion. It is carried out by an operational-search group of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

3.2. Establishment of the possible location of the missing person in the lesion. Carried out by the operational-investigative group;

3.3. Establishment of conditional signs of personality, including the time and quality of the last meal, items that were with the missing person, clothes, documents, jewelry, etc.. Carried out by the operational search group;

3.4. Search for reliable information indicating probable or possible individual intravital biological signs (about the dental formula, malformations, features of the anatomical structure of the body, previous diseases, operations, etc.). It is carried out by employees of the operational-investigative group.

4. Analysis of information received by operational-search, expert and operational-investigative groups. It is carried out jointly by investigators, operational authorized departments and departments of the criminal investigation department and forensic experts:

4.1. Based on the analysis, a conclusion is made about the probable identity of the face of the missing person and the unidentified corpse;

4.2. The collected materials are presented to the person (persons) who can identify the corpse (reliable identification or exclusion).

5. Laboratory studies that require a long time (photoregistration, osteological studies, genomic identification, etc.) are carried out when there is doubt about the identity or insufficiency of operational, expert, investigative data.

6. With a fairly well-preserved face of the corpse, in addition to signaling photography, in the absence of an identifying person, it is advisable to make plaster or wax masks for subsequent presentation for identification.

At all stages of work, it is necessary to exchange information between law enforcement officers and the forensic medical service on the number of corpses received from the lesion, on the number of missing persons, on the number of identified corpses with accurate

nym indication who, when, according to what data was identified. The exchange of information can be divided into: a) operational - in the process of work of operational - expert-investigative groups; b) current (or periodic) - at the end of a certain agreed time period; from our point of view, it is convenient - 12 hour period: morning and evening; c) final - upon completion of the liquidation of the consequences of an emergency with the preparation of a final statement on the work of each involved service.

Thus, stage-by-stage planning and a clear definition of forms of interaction during the elimination of the consequences of an emergency situation allows us to successfully complete the tasks of identifying a person in cases of mass death of people in the shortest possible time. At the same time, a professional division of duties is ensured with full coverage of the range of issues to be resolved, close interaction between specialists from various departments, disorderly activity is excluded, and material costs are reduced.

Why article-training? This article presents a selection of videos that provide specific recommendations, tips, techniques and practices, having mastered which you can achieve the desired results in the field of personal life and build a happy, long-term, loving, strong, harmonious relationship with the best man for yourself. That's why this information It is intended not only for reading, but also for practical work.

Where to start? You must always start with yourself. The world These are our mirrors. We see in the people around us only what is already present in ourselves, so the construction of harmonious and happy relationship you have to start working on yourself. Remove negative past experiences , improve self-esteem , take care of your appearance, love yourself, take care of yourself, work on those negative beliefs that have not yet made it possible to build the reality you aspire to. Self-improvement is a continuous process. He accompanies us throughout our lives.

Step 1: Introduction.

In order to create a strong and long-term relationship with a man, you need to be able to get acquainted. This is where simple yet effective techniques can help. The only thing I want to clarify is that it is not enough to know them, they need to be done. So, Three-signal dating system. This technique from NLP helps to non-verbally let a man know that you are not opposed to him getting to know you. We look into the man's eyes for about 3 seconds (no more, otherwise he will take it as a challenge) and smile. If it is difficult to look into the eyes, then look at the eyebrows. At a distance it doesn't really matter. Then we look down and are embarrassed, and then a little more down and to the left.

Hello Technique: Passing by the man you like, we say: "Hi!". It is "hello", not "hello" or "how are you", but "hello" and move on. The move is up to the man, and you look at how he behaves whether it is worth continuing communication or leaving everything as it is.

You can learn more about the practical techniques of dating a man by watching the video.

An excerpt from Igor Likhin's speech at the conference "Man and Woman 2015"

The next technique is called phrase in the air. What is its meaning. For example, you saw a handsome man in a store, pay attention to what he is focused on. Let's say he chooses cheese. Come up and say a phrase in the air, not addressed specifically to anyone: "Now you will not understand so many types of different cheeses with the same name. There are 20 Dutch types ...". No matter what you say, with a probability of 90% a conversation will start and it will not even occur to him that you are trying to get to know him in this way. You can learn more about this technique in the following video.

Another very interesting technique was described in the article How to quickly arouse sympathy. And using this technique you don't even have to speak. He will do everything himself))).

Step 2: Identifying common values. The male attraction matrix.

The next stage after meeting is the beginning of communication. There is such a thing as an attraction matrix and it consists of four levels. The first and most superficial is the level of formal features: similar appearance, style of dress, field of activity. When we meet a person similar to us in formal terms, then the thought arises in the subconscious: "He is safe" and we begin to think about getting to know him.

The second level is the level of common interests, hobbies, hobbies. At this level, we think, "He's interesting," and the degree of attraction increases.

The third level is the level of common goals and objectives. With such people, we want not just to communicate, but there is a desire to establish closer friendships or establish business contacts. At this level, a feeling arises in the subconscious: "He can be useful, he is my like-minded person, we are on the way, we are looking in the same direction."

AND The fourth and strongest level of attraction is the level of shared values, principles, and character traits. When communicating with such a person, we feel a kind of unity: "He is close to me in spirit." This is the person we trust the most. These people are very attracted to them.

Now that we know this matrix, we can use it to attract men with common values ​​at the deepest level. By the way, this doesn't just apply to men. It is also expedient to use this technology to create mutually beneficial contacts with absolutely all people of interest to us.

The algorithm here is simple. The first step is to identify in the words of a man his values. The second - we understand what unites you (we reveal common values) and the third - we show the man that you share his values.

How all this is implemented in practice in various life situations can be found in the speech of Tatiana Zherebtsova at the conference "Man and Woman 2014".

You can download the simulator for opening and harmonizing the second chakra (the center of quiet passion), which is mentioned in the video.

Step 3: First dates.

About the techniques that can be used at the initial stage, so that your communication with a man develops into a truly long, lasting and happy relationship, you can read in the article How to resist male deception or watch this video.

An excerpt from the speech of Valentina Darinskaya at the conference "Man and Woman 2015"

Step 4: The basics of male psychology and the basic principles of a happy relationship.

To build a happy relationship with a man, it is desirable to understand him, or at least try to do it. To do this, it is necessary to recognize the fact of differences. It would seem that there is such a thing. Now everyone is just talking about this, but as long as one gender perceives the characteristics of the other as some kind of deviation from the norm, there may be difficulties with mutual understanding. Psychological differences between men and women are just as normal as physical ones. We are thinking. We perceive and experience the world differently.

Why don't we understand each other. semantic noise.

An excerpt from Andrey Maksimov's audiobook "Communication. In search of a common"

The main mistakes of women in marriage and before it.

The first is competition with other women. A woman is beautiful in her naturalness, originality and uniqueness. This does not mean at all that you need to weigh 150 kg and walk without hair and makeup, you just have to realize that you are unique and there is no other like it. Comparing women to each other is like comparing a peony, a rose, a lily and a camomile. All flowers are different and each flower has its admirers. The desire of women to meet some fictitious standards sometimes reaches insanity: "What kind of breasts are in fashion today? - Small. - And what about those who have big ones? - Wear them out!". Some lists, ratings are compiled, beauty contests are organized. To take all this seriously is just stupid. A self-confident, self-loving, caring woman is always beautiful. Unconditional love and acceptance is one of the basic principles of a happy relationship. You are off the hit parade, you are something special.

The second is competition with men. When a woman begins to compete with a man, he ceases to perceive her as a woman and begins to see her as a rival. Yes, it is possible that such a relationship will last for some time, but it is unlikely that they will be long-term. For a man, a house is a place where you can relax, take off your "armor" and relax. Eternal struggle strains, exhausts, deprives of strength. In this regard, I really like the comparison with the lake. A woman - a rival is like a raging lake. When you enter it, at first you feel high, adrenaline from the fight against its waves, but you quickly get tired and go ashore exhausted and tired. If the lake is calm, then you can swim in it for as long as you like. It relaxes, fills, soothes and after swimming you go ashore fresh, cheerful, rested, full of strength for further deeds and accomplishments. You want to return to such a lake again and again, so that after swimming in its waters, you feel better and better. So a man will always return to a woman who fills him, and does not deplete him.

The third is the expectation of happiness from her husband. Another person cannot make us happy. Our emotions, reactions, sensations are our area of ​​responsibility. If there is an expectation of happiness from another person, then very strong disappointment can result. At the stage of falling in love, it will seem that a “miracle” has happened and you have finally found the long-awaited paradise and happiness in it, but for how long? Don't expect miracles - miracle yourself. Find a feeling of happiness within yourself and then the partner will only strengthen it.

More details about these and other mistakes made by women in marriage and before it can be seen in the video.

An excerpt from Dmitry Naumenko's speech at the conference "Man and Woman 2014"

Step 5: Women's tricks. How to get what you want from a man.

At the level of physiology, a man has a basic, unconscious need to give, to give a woman material gifts. On the other hand in Lately more and more men do not give gifts and try to minimize it. There is a great female "merit" here, because we do not set our own standards. A man needs to make it clear what is possible and what is not in a relationship with you. If you were watching previous video, then there were specific examples of how, in passing, unobtrusively, from the very first dates, inform a man about your standards. This is a very important point. A woman who knows and respects her boundaries inspires respect in a man. And if he is really set on a relationship with you, he will abide by them.

Sometimes there are situations in which you need to ask a man for something, and then small female tricks come to the rescue: we approach from the left side, this is important, because for left side the body is in charge right hemisphere brain. When we speak on the left, the information is perceived by the creative intuitive part, not the logical one. Then, never ask a man for anything being above him. For example, he is sitting and you are standing. Or he is lying and you are sitting. For everything to be good, you must be below him. So, we sit down to the left a little lower and concentrate on our female center (area second chakra). Begin contract intimate muscles 30 times, until we feel warmth in the abdomen. After that, we voice our request. 90% of men will do what you asked, unless, of course, it concerns any issues of principle for him and does not violate his boundaries.

How to resist male deception.

How to become a genie who fulfills your dreams. A high self-evaluation.

When using the material - an indexed link to the site is required

Chapter 22

One of my main assumptions about the reality around us is the existence of some kind of "sexual-marital market" (described in more detail in the book). Places where men and women go out of their way to find the highest quality partner of the opposite sex.

I think that for 99% of adequate people it is quite obvious how powerful this engine is in life How men and women alike - to be with someone, to have sex, to have everything else that comes with it. For doubters, we open any women's or men's glossy magazine and see that at least half of the articles directly or indirectly teach to attract the opposite sex.

And if, when coming to the store and choosing a car or clothes, we focus on some consumer qualities (emotions from driving, beauty, seat comfort, maintenance costs). That and choosing a woman or a man, we also focus on qualities that are important to us. Both consciously and

That is, there is a specific selection algorithm sexual-marital partner, which unconsciously adheres to the vast majority of people of marriageable age in modern reality. And below we will consider this algorithm.

Each person has a certain

Value in the sex-marital market.

To make it more clear, we will evaluate it using a 10-point rating scale. The assessment on a 10-point scale (pumping in this case) included:

a) Classic Appearance Appraisal
The criterion is very important, both for men (to a greater extent) and for women. Whatever, and who would not say - VERY IMPORTANT CRITERION! FOR ALL!

b) Personal qualities of a person- his personal strength, femininity / masculinity, social status, financial situation, etc.
It is also a very important criterion. When choosing for girls, it is more important, but for men, it is also not in last place. Thus, point "b" contributes to the overall assessment partner.

c) The match of the "card" of the partner with your card.
Everything is clear here, I guess. These are not objective qualities, as in the previous two paragraphs, but everything that makes your communication with a partner comfortable FOR YOU PERSONALLY. These are common interests, habits, outlook on life, lifestyle, etc.

With each communication, both a man and a woman show the whole set of these qualities.

For example, if you take the parameter "self-confidence", then a man can demonstrate average level confidence (for example, 5 points on a scale of 10), very high (for example, 8/10), or worse than average (3/10).
A man cannot NOT demonstrate his self-confidence. In any case, it shows a certain level of it. And if she does not show, then the woman makes a projection.

Same with most of the other settings.

Parameter Importance

Since for each person the importance of certain qualities in a potential partner is INDIVIDUAL, both a woman and a man subconsciously assigns a certain coefficient to each of the parameters. We will evaluate this level of importance of individual qualities using a 5-point rating scale, for example.

For example, some women value appearance very highly (developed muscles, etc.) - and they will assign a coefficient of 5 out of 5 to the “External attractiveness” parameter. Other women may value it much less and will assign a coefficient of 3 to this quality.
The same thing happens with other qualities.

For any parameter there is


Those. if the guy is absolutely terrible (3/10), then a certain girl with a threshold value for appearance of 5 (i.e. average) may not accept him under any combination of other parameters. And the other girl, with a threshold value of 3, will accept him if, in terms of other parameters, he gets to the value she needs.


There is a relatively objective assessment of the external qualities of a person (point "a"), his personal qualities, material wealth, social status etc. (point "b") and his SELF-ASSESSMENT.

Both boys and girls, having started dating/relationships with members of the opposite sex, begin to try to determine their “ball” by getting feedback from others, analyzing their successful/unsuccessful experience of relationships with girls/boys of one or another scale.

As a result of this, they form a SELF-ASSESSMENT, as well as an assessment of what score (points "a" and "b") the girls / boys are "too tough" for them.
And if there are enough guys / girls among them, with an average score higher than you, then nothing shines for you. Otherwise, he/she will communicate with you. And if you do not fall below the threshold value in the process of this communication, then they will want to build relationships with you.

Having formed this self-esteem, the person continues


based primarily on the following criteria:
- boys, first of all, pay attention to point "a". Other criteria also matter, but then.
- girls - on the criterion "a", and the older, the more on the criterion "b".

As a result of all of the above, each person finds his own “ceiling”. That is, a partner of maximum score on points "a" and "b", which he can "overpower". And choosing the one with whom the card matches as much as possible (point "c") - relates.

Objective value and self-esteem

Have you noticed that the following pattern often occurs:

The boy on point "a" - 5 points, on point "b" - also not a fountain. And the girl on point "a" - 8, on point "b" - also normal. They have been dating since school and suddenly at one moment (for someone at 19, for someone at 23), the girl begins to merge the boy. Or the situation may be reversed.

What is the reason? - The fact that the girl at the moment has not yet completely formed her SELF-ESTIMATION, has not felt her “ceiling”. Having matured, she already felt this “ceiling” and realized that it is significantly higher than the guy she has.

Or vice versa, the reverse is true:

The girl looks like a 7 (point "a"), but according to point "b" she is pumped very poorly. She has the deceptive impression that she is a queen and that her "ceiling" is very high. Such a girl in her youth can behave arrogantly, turn up her nose at normal guys, etc.
Years pass, and she realizes that in reality her “red price” is a guy of 6 outwardly, more or less pumped in point “b”. But she didn’t understand this before and considered her ceiling to be an outwardly 8-ku, pumped under point “b” also by 8.

So, in my understanding,


obtained when a person finds a partner who:
1) First, it seems to him a "ceiling" on points "a" and "b".
2) + With which he has the same card (point "c").

You just don’t need to tell me that point “c” is more important for you than all the others. ALL THIS IS GOOD initially, you even just communicate, subconsciously considering as sexual partners only those who suit you according to points “a” and “b”. AND ALREADY AMONG THEM choose the one whose card (point "c") is closer to you.

That is, ALL THREE points are important. But points "a" and "b" are PRIMARY.

Just do not now sharply inflate your "ceiling" in your head, because. not the fact that he is no longer next to you, in your bed, and something is purring in your ear.
