Increasing the amount of the check. Sell ​​"First in price" position

14.01.2015 46883

Ekaterina Kazarinova- business coach, retail technology consultant. Practitioner with construction experience own business, launching retail projects from scratch of different scale formats (from 100 to 7,000 sq.m.), active development in large cities of Russia, optimization of business processes of existing companies.

Efficiency and efficiency

Before you start solving specific problems, you need to find out how accurately all the leaders of your company understand the basic retail terminology. So, for example, Key Performance Indicators (KPI) include two important concepts at once - efficiency and effectiveness.

Ekaterina Kazarinova at her trainings asks listeners a simple question: “If a company has fulfilled the sales plan by 98%, is it good or bad?” In most cases, the audience is divided into two camps - half stand up for such high performance, the second interprets these results as unsatisfactory.

According to standard terminology, performance is the ability of a company to be results-oriented, that is, your ability as leaders to achieve 100% results! Thus, at lower rates, the work of the store can be considered unsatisfactory. Efficiency is the ratio between results and the resources expended, that is, the ability to get the maximum result with minimal cost. Different meanings of these terms lead to confusion in the work: you, as a leader, expect 100% performance, while your subordinates are happy with a smaller result.

Test purchase

A key saying in management is that you can only manage what you can measure. The feedback is also valid: everything that cannot be measured cannot be managed. This is an axiom that does not require proof. Working on the efficiency of the store is always working with numbers! If you do not know the numbers that were yesterday, a week, a month ago, you are unlikely to be able to improve the performance of your store.

The main indicator of retail is sales volume: the higher it is, the higher your profit.

Sales volume = the number of all visitors to your store (traffic passing through) x flow rate (conversion) x per average check. It is measured in rubles or units of goods sold.

Traffic passing- shopping flow inside the store: how many people enter your store daily.

flow coefficient- this is the ratio of the number of site visitors who performed any targeted actions on it to the total number of site visitors, expressed as a percentage. To obtain such data, the store is equipped with a counter of customer flows at the entrance. Buyers are determined by the number of punched checks. Thus, an efficiency of 10% means that every tenth person makes a purchase in the store, 25% - every fourth person who enters.

As can be seen from the formula, an increase in any of the three factors will lead to an increase in sales. And what resources we have for this. To understand the calculations and understand the relationship between these indicators, we will solve several problems:

Task 1

The store's turnover per month is 1 million rubles, the average check is 500 rubles, the efficiency is 20%.

Questions: How many visitors does this store have daily, and how many checks per month break through?

Store turnover - total revenue for the period.

Average check - the total revenue is divided by the number of checks for the same period.

Efficiency - the ratio of store buyers to visitors.

Number of checks per month = 1,000,000 / 500 = 2,000 (customers per month)

Visitors per month (30 days) = 2000 * 100 / 20 = 10,000 people

Visitors per day = 10,000 / 30 = 333 people

Buyers per day = 333 * 20 / 100 = 67 people

Task #2:

You have 10 visitors a day and two of them become buyers, the conversion is 20%. With such indicators, your sales volume is 1 million rubles. You improved this result through staff training and merchandising. Today you have three visitors a day, that is, the conversion is 30%.

Question: how much will sales increase if other indicators remain at the same level?

Answer: 30/20 = 1.5! That is, sales increased by 1.5 times!

How difficult were the puzzles for you? This is an elementary test of your knowledge of retail arithmetic! Even if you have all sales automated, if you do not know the basics of the account, you have no way to check why the indicators have dipped and how you can increase your sales!

What is useful to compare indicators with?

With indicators for yesterday: how much they earned this month, how much in the past.

With indicators of another point of its network. Often, it is enough to consider and analyze the work of outsiders in order to increase the profits of the entire business.

With competitors. The easiest way to find out the weak and strengths competitors: invite their employee to job interviews. This is a completely legal way to find out from the person who accepted the invitation what they don’t like at their current place of work, how the employee motivation system is built, the conversion rate and the average check of the store.

With general indicators for the market. This will help you understand exactly where you are compared to the rest of the traders.

How can these figures be increased?

This is perhaps the most important question. We calculated, compared and made sure that our sales figures are far from ideal: the effectiveness and efficiency have not reached their maximum.

There are strategic solutions to the problem, among them - increasing the trade margin, revising or optimizing the assortment. The first is possible only if you have a truly unique offer and there are no competitors on the foreseeable horizon. However, in reality, few trading companies can boast of such an advantage. In the second case, you can bring category management to the rescue and revise the principles of your purchasing policy and the principles of merchandising. The case is complex - and in itself is a separate topic for conversation.

But it is much more important to start with the implementation of simpler tasks.

The number of visitors. The magic chain of transformations looks like this: passing by - entering the store - customers - regular customers. And in order for this transformation to take place at each stage, it is necessary that something help this. So that a person passing by the store would have a desire to go into it, so that the store would have a desire to buy, so that there would be a desire to come here for shopping again and again. What, why, for whom and how do you do in your store?

The right sign that matches the concept and idea of ​​the store. If you run a high-end boutique and the sign above the entrance is dirty or dusty, what impression does the potential customer get of the store? Or when half of the lamps burned out at the equipment salon in the light box? Such assumptions can harm any store!

Interesting display case. Do you want to stop at your showcase? What's in it? The latest collection on mannequins, beautiful posters of the city at night, bright lights, a machine that releases soap bubbles, bright ribbons curling in the air. Represented? It is not difficult to guess that behind the door you will find a fashionable youth clothing store.

Sensory marketing. Music at the entrance, alternation of music and commercial is possible. Of course, the music should reflect the ideas of your store.

The work of promoters, distribution of flyers. Smiling, active and correct promoters - most of success for local promotions. Therefore, the training of promoters should be given special attention.

Increasing the opening hours of the store also creates an opportunity to enter it in a day for more potential buyers. This is especially true during the New Year holidays. Is it possible that your product can be in demand around the clock? Information about this can be used for outdoor advertising - hang a banner or an announcement that "in connection with new year holidays the store is open from 7.00 to 24.00 hours” (instead of the usual hours from 9.00 to 22.00). Some well-known supermarkets do this, and it should be noted that this has a very positive effect on buyers. A lot of money usually belongs to those people who do not have time. And round the clock work at 2-3 pre-holiday days can bring not only good sales but also have a positive impact on the loyalty of people whose employment was treated with understanding.

Season account. It is important to take it into account and inform your customers in a timely manner and in advance. Ekaterina Kazarinova gives an interesting example: “For a month, hired agents disguised as ordinary buyers went to markets and shops and asked passers-by: “Do you know if there is a Sitronics pavilion here? No? Thank you". This was done unobtrusively, without any attempts to strike up a conversation. The agents were given a clear instruction: "They asked - they ran away." At the same time, for greater certainty, many of them worked in pairs, under the guise of married couples. As a result, market visitors remembered the name of the brand, and many even started asking for it in stores.”

Average check. In order to get +100 thousand rubles to the turnover of the store per month, you need to increase the average check by 50 rubles each. How to do it? By increasing the number of lines in the check, the quantity of the same product, due to more expensive goods at a price than usual. How can this be achieved?

Use compliments. Many items suggest the possibility of additions. To the frying pan - a lid, to a bag - a wallet, to model boats - tights. You can change the principle of displaying goods and teach sellers to tell buyers which products can complement each other functionally.

Focus on expensive items. Can sellers in your store name the most expensive items right off the bat? And immediately find and show them in the store?

Use product stories. If your store works through active individual sales, then this should be taught separately to sales assistants. When the buyer is already interested in something, very often the purchase decision can be influenced by the seller's attitude towards the product. Legends and life stories can come in handy.

Offer gift wrapping.

conversion rate. In this situation, it is necessary that the buyer was not every fifth, but a little more. Another 7 visitors to the store to solve our problem must become buyers every day. How can this be achieved? Of course - the most important thing - that people entering the store have a desire to BUY! What to do for this?

Get rid of queues. Change the staff of the store and their work schedule. The redistribution of sellers and cashiers during the active hours of the store and the quiet time gives a good result in terms of efficiency. Considering seasonality.

Greet everyone who comes in. The simplest thing is to say hello to EVERY visitor! When we are noticed - we are pleased, when we are ignored - it causes negative emotions. And we don't want to go back to where we felt bad. Interestingly, it is not necessary to say hello with words, sometimes a smile and a glance are enough.

Motivate employees to work effectively. The system of remuneration, the personal motivating guidance of a particular manager, the general attitude to work.

Teach sales techniques. Everyone! And check skill development. Properly organize the trading process in the store: so that everyone knows and understands at what point in time, what and how he should do. So that three sellers do not curl around one client when 5 more buyers walk around the hall. In order to have enough calculation nodes, the queue to the fitting room did not have to wait for half an hour. So that from the moment the goods arrive at the warehouse, until they appear on the desired shelf, the minimum amount of time passes for the hanger.

Use the opportunities of PR actions. What promotions increase the number of buyers? Discounts, sales, “a bonus for each”, “two for the price of one”, “a gift for every tenth”, etc.

Before you start solving specific problems, you need to find out how accurately all the leaders of your company understand the basic retail terminology.

17.12.2014 27320

Who is to blame and what to do? Today, retailers are looking for answers to these questions. Sales are falling for all market players without exception, but some will survive the crisis, while others will be forced to retire. How not to become an outsider - Shoes Report experts know.

1. Motivate employees. You can't increase the average check if your employees are not interested in personal profit from each sale. In the retail business, it is commonly believed that collective motivation works better than individual motivation. But in fact, a certain mix works when 20% is collective motivation, and 80% is individual. That is, each employee should be interested both in the personal result and in total volume sales shift or retail point. Ekaterina Ukolova gives the following example: “In one company, managers were given a general bonus, and they divided it equally at the end of the month. As a result, the most best manager, who sold the best, was greatly demotivated, as he sold the most, but received exactly as much as the rest. That is why it is very important to strike a balance. The best motivator is, of course, the ruble. But here it is worth noting that a simple system of paying a percentage of sales is not the best solution. According to market experts, it is important to consider competitions for sellers. For example, use the cash-online method, cash payments for the fulfillment of certain conditions of the competition. For example: “If you sell 5 pairs of shoes today, you will receive so much cash at the end of the day,” or “If you do such and such a result two days in a row, you will receive a cash bonus of 2000 rubles each.”

It is important that the conditions of competitions are constantly changing: sellers must be in good shape. Hold a competition for the largest check, then for the number of units in the check, and then for the conversion. Thus, the result will gradually grow for each indicator.

2. Train your staff to sell. In retail, insufficient attention is paid to the training of salespeople. According to market experts, if you have more than two stores, it makes sense to think about staff training and develop methods for training and developing salespeople through supervising and shift supervisors. “Once you set up a system in which the manager deals with the staff every day, and you control it through checklists, you can build sales in the store more clearly. With this approach, you can count on a 30-50% increase in sales in a month,” says Ekaterina Ukolova.

It is important to provide the seller with everything necessary tools For effective work A: A check strategy requires higher sales skills. There are three options for staff development: field support, mentoring and coaching. Mentoring is used for new employees: in this case, a more experienced manager needs to demonstrate a successful sale option and give the mentee the opportunity to repeat this on their own. The second option is field support: the manager observes the work of the seller from the outside, corrects it and arranges a “debriefing”. The third option is coaching. You “train” salespeople through questions: “What could have been done differently?”, “How could the check have been increased?” and etc.

3. Carry out the action "Goods to zero", or to conditional zero. You lure the buyer with a real attractive offer, for which the markup is minimal or non-existent. Surely you have seen the ad “10 roses for 149 rubles” more than once. That is, one flower costs only 14.90. Of course, the quality of such a bouquet will be very average - small buds, short legs ... But it is important that the client does not pass by such a promotion. And when the buyer is already in your store, offer him a similar product, but a little best quality and at a higher price. If the service in your store is impeccable, and the staff is highly qualified, then the visitor will most likely not leave without a purchase. Similar "schemes" work in any retail. “For Victoria's Secret accessories stores, we have compiled a list of products that are easily interchangeable or connect with each other. And they forced sellers to take tests for knowledge of products and their compatibility in one purchase, - comments Ekaterina Ukolova. “It helped to increase the average check in a short time.” Another similar method of stimulating sales growth is the Magnet from Above. Let's say a pair of shoes in your store costs an average of 4500-4700 rubles. You are announcing the promotion “When buying for 3000 rubles - a massage as a gift!”. The difference is insignificant, but the gift is significant. Clients easily accept such rules of the game.

4. Replace a popular product with a product with a higher margin. If you have a product that is in constant demand, you can replace it with an identical one, but with a higher margin. The price of the goods remains unchanged: you earn not on the check, but on the margin.

5. Get the store to sell for you. Place bargain or promotional items in the area of ​​the store that the customer sees when they leave your retail outlet. In this case, the store itself sells, without the participation of staff. If the seller lacked the skills to sell, this is the last chance to hook the buyer - put something incredibly attractive in this area!

6. Set up loyalty programs. Perhaps we will repeat ourselves, but today loyalty programs should work without interruptions and overlaps. Everything should be automated and improved. They will help you sell not the most profitable product. Offer to receive it as a gift for the accumulated points. For example, inexpensive faux suede ankle boots are not in demand this season. Raffle them among loyal customers: after collecting a certain number of points for their purchases, they will be able to get them for free. Ekaterina Ukolova claims that such simple tricks not only increase turnover by 20-30%, but also tie the client to the store for a long time.

7. Promise to donate a portion of the amount. A similar sales scheme helped the founder of the TOMS shoe company earn millions. The young entrepreneur built the company and all the marketing on the fact that he announced to the whole world: "For every pair of shoes bought from me, I send another one to needy children in Argentina."

All the leading publications of the world wrote about him, dozens of public speaking and numerous interviews attracted millions of customers to his store.

8. Offer a more expensive product. It's also a pretty simple trick. If your buyer agreed to buy something, then most likely you will be able to sell him something from the same series, but a little more expensive. Surely you have been to fast food outlets where the seller, when ordering a cup of coffee, will always ask: “Big coffee?” Gap for a split second or nod mechanically, as most shoppers do, and you've got a large glass of coffee or an XL potato on your tray. In such a simple way, the seller will raise the amount of one particular sale (your!) by 30-50%.

Here it is important to teach sellers such techniques and explain the scheme of work (questions, answers, correct reactions to the buyer's refusal). It's important to get at least three "no's" before giving up.

9. Place hints on price tags. Don't be afraid to experiment. Write a memo and place it next to the product: “Don’t forget to pair these winter boots with unique insoles that retain heat 10 times more efficiently”, “Thin nylon tights from a leading Italian manufacturer are perfect for these classic pumps. They visually slim the silhouette”… Voice the details of any promotion, for example, “Come back to us next time and get…”.

10. Be mindful of impulse buying. Place in the checkout area products that sell themselves: everything that is in mass demand. Even in a shoe store, you can place at the checkout not only a stand with related products, but also, say, with small toys for children.

11. Attract interesting customers to the store. Develop various affiliate programs with those who are nearby (beauty salon, makeup studio, etc.).

12. Host events for loyal customers. Once a month, hold an event "for your own", where you will present the collection to regular customers and provide a unique "only for them and only today" discount on certain product groups. It is better to arrange such days of maximum sales at the beginning of the month, since in our country in most companies the salary is paid from the 1st to the 10th.

In marketing, there is such a thing as the PDCA management cycle: Plan - Do - Check - Act (Planning - Implementation - Control - Adjustment). Often, managers plan, but do not execute their plans, implement ideas, but do not check the results, control, but do not draw the appropriate conclusions and do not adjust the sales process based on them. It is very important to understand that in the process of selling a product, all stages of the management cycle are important. And this is everyday work. If you have a goal to increase the conversion of the store or increase the receipt, you should try different tools until you reach the desired one. “I often hear from entrepreneurs: “I want to earn a million dollars a year,” and when it doesn’t work out, they say to themselves: “That’s it, I won’t set goals for myself, because they don’t come true anyway.” But it does not come true just because the process is not debugged,” Ekaterina Ukolova sums up.

Who is to blame and what to do? Today, retailers are looking for answers to these questions. Sales are falling for all market players without exception, but some will survive the crisis, while others will be forced to ...

The retail business these days is like a fight for survival: every day we need to think about how to increase the efficiency of our stores in order to achieve targets, ensure standards are met. after-sales service, operational processes to win the trust and loyalty of the client and, as a result, get a well-deserved profit. One of the key points of this "fight" is the work to achieve the goal of KPI, as the main indicators that our actions are correct, and the stores are managed in the right way.

As a rule, most retail leaders, among other KPIs, pay Special attention the average number of units in a check or check fullness, as one of the main indicators of the ability of the store team to correctly use the sales technique when working with visitors, namely, to sell additional products. This publication will focus on one of the successful methods to stimulate the growth of check filling, the effectiveness of which has been proven by two years of practice in Puma retail stores.

What can affect the average number of units sold per customer? There are several answers to this question: this is the product range, the pricing policy of the company, and the solvency and mood of the client, as well as the availability of promotions and special offers in the store. But what is more important is the effective use of sales techniques by sales personnel in working with visitors. This factor also depends on a number of conditions:

knowledge of theoretical methods of offering additional goods;

The ability to use them correctly practical work with clients;

· impeccable knowledge of the sellers of the assortment of their store and the ability to competently combine different products to create a full-fledged image;

motivation of staff to work with additional goods;

Ability to deal with customer objections

It would seem that on all these points it is easy to establish work in traditional ways, such as conducting trainings and meetings, observing the work of sellers on the trading floor, quickly and timely training new employees, working as a manager on the trading floor of the store, as a mentor for his team, on personal example showing the correct work with customers. And it makes no sense to dispute the need for these actions - this is, of course, the basis for meeting the standards of visitor service. But in practice, we very often encounter the fact that despite the significant time spent on training our staff, the above methods do not help to achieve the planned value of the check filling both for the store as a whole and for individual employees. Failure to meet at least one of the conditions for the effectiveness of the application of sales techniques can nullify other attempts to increase the amount of the check by making a complex purchase.

Yes, knowing theoretical basis offers of related products a beginner may face a psychological barrier in working with a client in practice. On the other hand, an experienced employee may, for a number of reasons, not want to work with a client 100% due to lack of desire or mood, which reduces his personal UPT below the goal. The wrong approach to compiling a harmonious image of several products can also become an obstacle to a successful transaction.

As practice shows, the lack of a systematic approach to controlling all these factors is the reason for their occurrence. To eliminate this gap, it is possible to introduce a tool for comprehensive control of the fullness of the check - a certain form for fixing sales of checks with one position. It might look like this:

The bottom line is that the seller, who has made a deal with one unit in the check, fixes the name of the sold product in this printed form in the first column of the table. Next, he must list the related and non-related products that he offered to the client. In the third column, the employee indicates the customer's objections that led to the refusal to purchase additional goods. Finally, in the last column, the seller writes what actions he took in order to overcome these objections. Immediately after filling out, this form is worked out with the administrative staff of the store or their mentor, so that the seller is given timely feedback on the sale.

Such a scheme of work allows you to simultaneously identify and work out several problems.

First, looking at the second column of the form, the mentor can conclude that the employee is able to correctly select additional goods. As a rule, novice sellers limit themselves to offering a single item of related product, such as socks with shoes, instead of trying to match the client with a complete image from the existing range of products. In addition, when reviewing this sale, the conditions and circumstances under which the seller offered additional units will be considered, which will allow discussion of possible errors in the work.

Secondly, the mentor, based on the form, evaluates the ability of the seller to work with objections when trying to expand the check. Working on mistakes in this context will allow the employee to form the skill of correct argumentation when working with doubts.

The problem of the lack of motivation to offer an additional product, as it turned out, is effectively solved by the emerging need to fill out a form for fixing checks by sellers and conduct a “debriefing” with a mentor. Many highly motivated employees will go to great lengths to work with a client to avoid entering a single sale on the form.

The most important thing in the application of this tool is to ensure control over its completion and timely verification with the appropriate feedback. The form can be used in several situations. So, if we need to pull up individual lagging employees by the UPT value, we can implement check accounting only for these sellers. At the same time, the duration of filling out the form is limited by the moment they reach the planned values ​​of the check filling.

Another way to apply this method is to implement a blank form for all salespeople. The need for this may be due to a sharp decline in UPT, including for external reasons. Continuous accounting in this case helps to maximize the mobilization of the entire sales team to get the best result from working with customers. But it is worth considering that the long-term use of the form of a permanent result will not bring, but may have the opposite effect of reducing the motivation of employees. Therefore, in crisis conditions, the longest recommended period for applying the single check accounting form can be limited to one month.

As practice shows, the use of the check accounting form with one position allows you to increase the value of the average number of units in a check by 15-20% already in one to two weeks of its use. In addition to traditional methods of training and control, its application will increase the efficiency of any retail store and use internal resources to maximize high value filling the check in the most efficient way.

Yaskov Artem

Store group leader

To calculate the average check, you need to know the revenue for the period and the number of checks for the same period (see formula).

Formula. Calculation of the average check

Predict the size of the average check

Accordingly, in order to predict the size of the average check, it is necessary to determine:

  • projected sales revenue for the period;
  • average number of purchases per period.

How to plan sales revenue

There are three methods of revenue planning:

  • "rationing";
  • "target";
  • "agreement".

The "normalization" method. You can use one of two options: planning "from the achieved" or "funnel" sales.

When planning "from what has been achieved" based on last year's sales statistics. Then the percentage of revenue growth is set. The value of the growth percentage can be determined based on:

  • the expectations of the owners, for example, the owner of the company may set a 30 percent increase in revenue;
  • sales statistics in previous periods, in particular, the owner can formulate as follows: “we have always grown by 20 percent every year, why next year should be different”;
  • expert assessments of management regarding market growth and changes in the industry. The setup might sound like this: “If the average market grows by 30 percent next year, then in order not to lose our share, we need to grow by 40 percent.”

Use in planning "sales funnels" involves the use of not only statistics for the past period in terms of revenue itself, but also an analysis of many factors that affect the company's future revenues. The essence of the "sales funnel" method is that for each stage a coefficient (or percentage) is determined, which brings it closer to determining the planned value of revenue. For example, from experience, company management knows that:

  • every tenth person who has seen an advertisement asks to show him a product;
  • every fifth product demonstration results in a request from the client for a commercial offer;
  • every third commercial offer sent to a potential buyer leads to the conclusion of an agreement;
  • in 85 percent of cases, the contract is fully paid, and the work on it is accepted by the customer.

Using such standards, based on sales statistics of previous periods, as well as plans for units that ensure the sale of products, it is not difficult to determine the future value of revenue.

target method. It is possible to use a “targeted” approach to planning budget indicators if the company has a formalized and thoroughly developed strategy. All that needs to be done is to take from it the planned value of revenue for the next year and include it in the budget.

"Consent" method. When planning revenue using the “reconciliation” method, the future value of sales is determined during the coordination of budgets by various financial responsibility centers. The main steps are:

  • revenue center executives form their sales budgets;
  • coordinate the expected sales volumes in the context of the product range with the procurement service, warehouse, production;
  • submit for approval the formed budgets to the centers of marginal income (they coordinate the budgets vertically);
  • the consolidated budgets of the marginal income centers are approved by the head of the profit center.

How to determine the number of purchases

During the analyzed period, one client may contact your company more than once. Therefore, to predict the average check, you need to predict the total number of purchases. This can be done based on:

  • the number of purchases of the previous similar period, increased by a certain percentage;
  • a forecast of the number of customers who will contact the company as a result of advertising and marketing campaigns (the statistics of promotions is taken as the basis) - multiply this figure by the conversion rate and the repeat purchase rate;

To calculate the conversion rate, analyze the statistics of past periods. For example, in April 2016, 1,000 people contacted the company after promotions, 100 people made a purchase, therefore, the conversion rate is 10 percent. During the analyzed period, 50 people made a repeat purchase, therefore, the repeat purchase rate is 5 percent. An example of calculating the total number of purchases per month:

1000 people × 10% + 1000 people × 5% = 150 purchases.

Average ticket forecast

To predict the size of the average check, divide the estimated revenue, for example, per month, by the estimated number of purchases. Suppose the company has established that the revenue for April 2017 should be 1 million rubles, therefore, the size of the average check should not be lower than:

RUB 1,000,000 : 150 checks = 6667 rubles.

Set the average check size as one of the KPIs for salespeople. And to make it easier for them to reach the target, train managers in methods.

Situation: how to predict the average check when opening a store

You can predict the average check for a new store by collecting information from competitors' stores.

1. During peak hours, stand in line and record the amount of checks on the voice recorder of your phone. 60-100 checks are enough to determine the average purchase amount. The best thing to do is: 30 checks in the first store, 30 in the second, 30 in the third, etc. Divide the total by the number of checks. This way you will get the size of the average check for the market.

2. Buy something inexpensive in the shops of competitors in the morning and in the evening. By check numbers you can determine the number of checks per day.

3. Determine the monthly turnover of each store: multiply the average check amount by the number of checks per day and by the number of days of the month.

4. Add up the turnover of all competitors - this is the volume of your market.

5. Divide the market size by the number of competitors + 1 (this is your future store).

6. Adjust your store's estimated revenue. For example, you know that your store will be located in a more accessible location. Accordingly, the market volume can be divided as follows: 20 percent - competitor 1, 20 percent - competitor 2, 20 percent - competitor 3, 40 percent - your store. All this works in the other direction, if there is a large chain competitor nearby, and you decide to open a smaller store in this area, then your projected sales volume will be less.

7. Divide your store's estimated monthly turnover by the average number of checks per month (based on competitor analysis). You will receive the amount of the average check, which will provide you with the necessary turnover.

Both successful and failing businesses require careful analytics and calculations of key indicators. You need to know why things are going the way they are, what changing certain points might lead to, what to look forward to in the future, or what needs to be done to get the desired results. One of the parameters that you need to consider in order to get reasonable answers to all these questions is the average check. This is a simple parameter, but it is also extremely important, because it can be used in many other calculations and food for thought in many aspects of the company's operation.

What is an average check

The average bill is the amount that equals the total volume of purchases made during a certain period of time, divided by the total number of purchases during this time. Thus, this is not just all the purchases and orders made, but an average indicator - between all the orders that each customer made during one visit to the store or, for example, contacting the company for ordering services. Why is the calculation of the average check so important? Because he talks about a lot. If you evaluate the dynamics of changes in the average bill, you will be able to draw conclusions about how they worked various changes that were carried out earlier: assortment policy, pricing policy, advertising, marketing activities, merchandising - all this can be reflected in the size of the average check. In addition, the average check can be considered in the context of each individual employee in order to determine its effectiveness or find out whether it made sense to conduct training events, etc.

Eventually, calculation formula average check looks like this:

Average check = revenue / number of checks

Analysis of the average check indicator

A simple calculation of the average check does not say anything. The received figures need to be analyzed and done periodically. Tracking the dynamics of the average check allows you to find out the following: quantities, also necessary for analytics of many aspects of the business:

  • the value of the average check;
  • average number of checks for a period of time;
  • check amount interval.

Every marketer should operate with these indicators, because they indicate general position company or store. The period for which you need to analyze the average checks is determined based on how intensively you have or. It can be a month, a week, or even a day if you make purchases very often. The main thing is that one-time calculations do not give anything - you need to observe the processes in dynamics. Scheme or analysis algorithm average checks might look like this:

  • collection of data from all received checks;
  • calculation of the above values ​​and assessment of their dynamics;
  • carrying out activities based on the findings;
  • reanalysis;
  • with positive dynamics - work to consolidate the result;
  • with negative dynamics - the search for new solutions.

And when you repeat these steps regularly, you can draw conclusions about various aspects of your enterprise:

The intensity of the work of cashiers and cashiers. This is relevant for retail stores. You will know better what time you have the greatest influx of buyers, which day of the week is the busiest and least busy. Knowing every minute when you have a flow of customers, you can optimize the work of cash desks.

Average check amount. A basic parameter that will tell you a lot about who your buyer is, how much he is willing to spend, whether it will be easy for you to enter a more solvent segment.

The work of sellers and the structure of retail space. This may be evidenced by the number of product items in the check: if the goods in the check are monotonous, or some are much more common than others, this is a possible sign that the goods are not laid out in the store in the best way, or the sellers are not coping well. To increase the list of goods in the check, you can revise both the assortment policy and prices, and conduct staff development courses so that related products are sold more often in the store. But, of course, you need to take into account the specifics of the goods in the check: if it was committed, then there is nothing to worry about that it is the only one in the check.

Customer loyalty. Knowing the average value of the check, you can determine from what value it is worth introducing discounts, bonuses or other events that will be designed to increase customer loyalty so that they make purchases from you more often.

Payment form. Sometimes an analysis of how customers pay can give interesting results: the statistics for cash and non-cash payments are different. For those who pay by card, the average check is usually higher.

Seasonality. A very important indicator. Knowing at what time of the year, month, week, day, on the eve of which holidays, you have more sales, the amount of the average check is higher, you can develop marketing activities to stimulate demand on the hottest days. Or vice versa, to increase demand in not the most favorable periods.

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