Scenario for the New Year's holiday “New Year with Domovenok Kuzya, Hottabych and Baga Yaga. Congratulations on Brownie Day

Forest. Glade. Hut. Baba Yaga and her gang are preparing for the New Year.

Baba Yaga:

Well, what, my villains, murderers!? What will you please me with, honey? I love holiday concerts with passion.

Grandma, we tried!

Baba Yaga:

What kind of grandma am I to you? I also found another granddaughter! I'm only 200 years older than you.

Yes I... yes we...


Shut up! Let's start our concert. The first number of our program is “Forest Gems”. Leshy, Kikimora, Koschey sing:

Eh, lambs, sweets,
We are “Forest Gems”
Wild guitars!
We sing all day long
And we drum
And who will we find in the forest - 2 times
We won’t joke with that -
We'll tear it apart...

(There are screams and stomping).

Baba Yaga:

Enough! I've heard this before! Tired of it!

Yes, I'm tired of it! Kwak, can you sing this?


The second number of our program is the outstanding tenor of our forest - Vodyanoy!

The merman, embarrassed, comes forward and sings with feeling:

I am Vodyanoy, I am Vodyanoy.
Nobody hangs out with me.
There is water inside me,
Well, what's the matter?

Eh, my life is a tin can,
Yes, well, she's in the swamp.
I live like a toadstool
And I have to fly – 3 times
I am Vodyanoy, I am Vodyanoy.
Someone would talk to me.
After all, all my girlfriends
Leeches and frogs.

Kwak, what a horror!

Baba Yaga:

Oh, go away with your whining, don’t poison my soul. I need a holiday. Understand? Come on, play mine, Baba Yaginskaya!

Everyone sings the chorus:

Stretch your furs, accordion,
Yes, play - have fun!
Sing ditties Babka-Ezhka,
Sing, don't talk!
Baba Yaga sings:
I was tipsy
And she flew on a broom.
Oh, I don’t believe it myself
These superstitions!

Everyone sings the chorus:

Baba Yaga sings:

Walked along the forest side
The devil is following me.
Thought a man
What the hell is this?

Everyone sings the chorus:

Baba Yaga sings:

Walked the other way
I see the devil behind me again.
I spat on his baldness
And she sent it to the devil.

Quack! Fine! Funny!

Baba Yaga:

This is how to sing and dance! But can I perform alone at the whole festival? And who will entertain me, little golden one? Why are you silent Koschey? Did you put water in your mouth? All you can do is rattle your bones! Get out of my sight!

What are you doing, Yaga? Why, you and I have been together for so many years! You've seen everyone, and now you're chasing me? I'll be lost alone!

Baba Yaga:

So get lost, I won’t regret it!

What if you regret it, call me, but I won’t come back. Never!

Leshy sings:

Koschey and Yaga were friends all his life,
Deep devoted friendship.
He has all her desires
I tried to do it as needed.
He forgot that he was Koschey,
I forgot my former power,
He flew from the depths of the forest
Hoping to play football with her


Koschey and Yaga - the plot of this song
My guitar suggested it.
Koschey and Yaga - to be honest, they
Not a couple, not a couple, not a couple.

Baba Yaga sings:

Yagusya listened laughing
His boring suffering.
The flame of anger in her went out,
What remains is disappointment.

Koschey sings :

He understood everything - and only said:
“You will still cry in regret,
When will you remember
About the lonely Koshchei.”

It’s in vain, grandma, to treat Uncle Koshchei like this, I feel sorry for him!

Baba Yaga:

You’d better feel sorry for yourself, but if I cast a spell on the uncouth stump, no one will help you. Get out of here while you're still alive.

Leshy sings:

I read you poems
He brought expensive cookies,
I walked yours
Your stupid frog
And once I fixed it
Your smoking hut!


But you, you threw, you
You, you threw, you
You ditched me!

All efforts went down the drain
And I was left with suffering.
And I cry, and I cry, and I cry.
And I don't know, I don't know
How will I live?


Baba Yaga, why did you disperse all the men? Vodyanoy doesn’t count! After all, you and I are fragile girls, it’s scary to be alone in the forest, and there will be no one to protect us.

Baba Yaga:

Who are we? You are no match for me! I’m smart, I can protect my beauty, but you get lost in your swamp, you green toad.

Correctly said! Quack!

Kikimora (crying):

I'm not a toad! And you, Granny, ungrateful! How much good have I done to you?

How many stupid people did she lure into the swamp for you? Or don't you remember?

Baba Yaga:

And whoever remembers the old - look out! Why should I, my dear, risk my little eyes? Go away, go away.

Yes Yes! Quack! Wise!

Baba Yaga (to Vodyanoy):

Why are you standing here? Do you need to say anything in particular? Don’t force me, my beloved, to strain my nervous system. Disappear!

But I just wanted...

Baba Yaga:

Get rid of the evil spirits!

You broke my heart! Ahah!

Baba Yaga (one):

I don't need anyone. I'll throw a party for myself. I'll get myself a real Snow Maiden.

Act 2

Another forest clearing is bright and quiet. Santa Claus is preparing a sleigh with gifts. The Snow Maiden runs through the forest, admiring the trees. Baba Yaga is hiding behind a tree.

Snow Maiden:

Oh, what a great fellow you are, grandpa! How beautifully you dressed the trees! That birch tree over there is definitely a queen! And the pine trees nearby are the ladies of the court! And the maple on the contrary is the spitting image of a knight! And everyone seems to be dozing in an enchanted dream!

Father Frost:

Ha ha ha! You are my inventor! Come on, look, have all the birds and animals that are supposed to sleep in winter hid? And then help me sort out the gifts. It’s time for us to get ready for the road - soon New Year!

Snow Maiden:

I'm running, grandpa! I'll be back quickly.

Santa Claus (following her):

Why do I have a beautiful granddaughter! And what an assistant! I can’t even imagine how I would live without her.

(Packs gifts and sings quietly):

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest...

Snow Maiden (runs in excitedly):

Grandpa, grandpa! Someone has caused trouble in the forest! The snow has been knocked off the fir trees, the crossbill's nest has been destroyed - at least there were no chicks in it yet. Come and take a look, put things in order, and I’ll take care of the gifts.

Father Frost:

Okay, I'll go. What is this going on? I don't like all this. You, granddaughter, keep an eye on the gifts. (Leaves)

(The Snow Maiden is busy with gifts and does not see Baba Yaga sneaking up on her)

Baba Yaga:

Yeah, gotcha, berry! You will only give me gifts for the New Year!

(Grabs your hand and starts walking)

Snow Maiden:

What are you doing? Who you are? Let me go! Grandpa, help!

Baba Yaga:

If your grandfather won't hear you, don't shout.

And you didn’t recognize me, diamond one? You offend me, girl, you offend me!

I am Baba Yaga!

Oh, Baba Yaga! Grandfather - ah! Grandfather!

(Baba Yaga takes her away. A minute later, Santa Claus runs and looks back)

Father Frost:

I heard it as if my granddaughter was calling me. Where is she? Guys, have you seen the Snow Maiden? What? Baba Yaga? Ah ah ah! Oh, I'm an old fool, with a hole in my head! I didn’t save my beautiful granddaughter! How can I live in the world now? What will I tell the guys now? After all, the New Year will never come without the Snow Maiden! (Crying)

The Page comes out.

Santa Claus, don't cry, I heard everything! Of course, there was a big problem, but I will help you. I have a godmother, she is the most real Fairy. I’m also learning to work miracles, but I’m still small. Now I will tell my godmother everything, and she will free the Snow Maiden. New Year will definitely come! Goodbye.

Father Frost:

Goodbye, Page. May your words come true! (A curtain)

Act 3

The Page goes to the Fairy and sings a song.

We will find the Snow Maiden
In the thirtieth kingdom.
To appear in every home
New Year to the guys.


Let the road be hard
We know without a hint
What good stronger than evil
In reality and in a fairy tale.

We will defeat the enemy
He is on horseback or on foot.
Get out of the way of Yaga!
Get out of the way Leshy!


Hello my lady!

Hello my little friend! I see you are worried about something. Tell me what happened this time?

Oh lady! Something terrible happened! New Year is in jeopardy! Baba Yaga kidnapped the Snow Maiden. Santa Claus is desperate! What to do? Oh, lady, you are wise and strong, you will definitely come up with something!

Yes, the task is not easy. But we have to try. I'll tell you a secret that Baba Yaga is not as scary as it seems at first glance. She has her weaknesses. Let's go to her and try to come to an agreement.

I am sure, lady, that your wisdom and kindness will cope with any spell.

Well, then, let's go!

(The Page and the Fairy hold hands, the Fairy waves her magic wand and they are transported to a forest clearing to a hut on chicken legs).

It seems that we have arrived at the place, and here is the famous hut. Come on, little hut, stand with your back to the forest and your front to me!

(The hut slowly turns and Baba Yaga is sitting in it, she jumps out).

Baba Yaga:

Hello, colleague! Hello, Fairy!

Hello, Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga:

I've been waiting for you for a long time.

Baba Yaga:

I am waiting! I knew you would come. After all, you, who are always kind, so if I catch one, others will immediately reach out to the rescue. Because you always take care of others, and I’m a smart girl, a swallow, a killer whale – only about myself. That's why it's strong! That's what I am!

Do you apparently love yourself, Baba Yaga?

Baba Yaga:

It’s not enough to say “I love you”! I have no soul for myself, my dear. (Looks in the mirror). My little gold! What do you want? Seagull or water? Voditsa. From a well or from a swamp? From the swamp, it smells like mud. Come on, Fairy, run to the swamps and bring water! Or send your boy!

Kwa, kwa to the swamp, kwa to the boy!

I am not your servant, and neither is my page.

Baba Yaga:

Serve me, serve me. You came for the Snow Maiden, didn’t you? Am I really a villain and will I give her away for this? You don't know me well.

Kwak, you don't know well!

No, Baba Yaga, not bad. But I’m not so easy to deceive, and I won’t get caught in your net. Let's better try to come to an agreement. Tell me what you would like?

Baba Yaga:

So that I, the most villainous of all villainesses, will come to an agreement with you good-natured people. Let this never happen!

Listen, Baba Yaga! Well, why do you need Snow Maiden alone? After all, so many boys and girls are waiting and can’t wait for the New Year, and without the Snow Maiden it will never come. You have no conscience!

Baba Yaga:

Thank you for the kind words! No, it never was and never will be!

Kwak, kwak - it won't happen.

Fine, fine! Maybe you also want to have fun at the holiday with us?

Baba Yaga:

I am with you - no way! But I love holidays. If you manage to cheer me up, I’ll give the Snow Maiden!

How can you lift it?

Baba Yaga:

Need to think. Oh, I’m tired, poor orphan, I’ll sit down and rest.

Croak, tired, croak, tired.

Why are you tired? You've been living on other people's labor all your life.

Baba Yaga:

Do you think it’s easy to live by someone else’s labor? I was still a girl - I was Yaga, I ran to school, but I didn’t know peace for even an hour. Your brother, honest, will memorize all his lessons - and sleep for himself. And I, poor little Yaga, am tossing and turning from side to side, I keep thinking how I wish my darling, tomorrow, without knowing anything, they will turn around and turn out. And it’s like this all my life! Well, what condition should I set for you?

Think Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga:

I've decided! I want a song and a round dance!

Kwa-kwa, song and round dance!

I need to consult with my Page.

Baba Yaga:

So get some advice. In the meantime, I’ll admire myself!

(The Fairy and the Page step aside and talk quietly. Baba Yaga looks in the mirror and sings)

To the beauty - Yaga
I can’t look enough.
Who is my beloved?
Me, Me, Me!

Wow, you are my only minx! Bye-bye-bye! Oh, what was going through her head? I wanted a round dance! Bye-bye-bye! Oh, you are my precious!

Well, Baba Yaga, there will be a round dance for you! Take it quickly, the children are already waiting for you.

Baba Yaga:

Yes, make sure the song is funny.

Will try!

(Children sing a New Year's song with Baba Yaga.)

Baba Yaga:

Let's all sing and dance together in front of Baba Yaga so much that all her anger will fly out of her and never return!

Well, whoever is first - come out!

(Everyone performs, Baba Yaga laughs and becomes kinder. She leaves and returns with the Snow Maiden. Everyone is happy.)

Snow Maiden: (singing)

I returned to you friends
Now Yaga is my friend,
And it’s so important to me that you say this.
Fire will make friends with rain,
We will sing for you two,
Without remembering problems and conflicts.


New Year will come
It will take you into a fairy tale.
And a friendly round dance spins,
It's so good for us to dream about it now.
In a fairyland
We soar like birds above the ground.
And such avalanches of joy,
We will be covered with happiness and a warm wind.
It was hard for me to take a step
And overcome your childhood fear
But you, my friends, are always by my side
I'll push away from boring words,
I will free myself from heavy shackles,
I want the holiday to be a reward for you and me.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka:

Dear friends! We wish you a Happy New Year! We wish you to remain as kind, beautiful, cheerful, help each other, and most importantly, healthy! Happy New Year!

Albina Suvorova
Scenario New Year's holiday“New Year with Brownie Kuzya, Hottabych and Baga Yaga”


The presenter is a fairy, brownie Kuzya, Baba Yaga, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Princess Nesmeyana, Hottabych

Sounds New Year's song.

Presenter - Fairy: and the children enter the music room.

FAIRY: Hello, dear guests! New the year is knocking on the door. IN New We've been believing in fairy tales for a year now. IN New Year with a beautiful Fairy, miracles come to the house. We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you all good health. Let this be happy for everyone New Year!

reb: What's happened New Year?

It's the other way around -

Girls are like stars

Boys are like bunnies!

Even the nanny, our nanny

Doesn't force you to eat porridge

The chefs are baking a pie

They sing songs at the stove.

reb: And our manager

He sings and dances best.

Everything around shines and sparkles

Everyone congratulates each other.

Have fun, honest people!

Soon New Year will come!

reb: The snow is spinning white-white,

Both trees and houses

Silver patterns

Gives winter - winter!

FAIRY: Showers New Year's land with miracles, here is a fairy tale at the gate waiting to meet you. (Runs in Brownie)

KUZYA: Oh oh oh! Trouble - grief! Where did I fall? Or rather got it? (runs in with a chest).

FAIRY: And who are you?

KUZYA: And I am Kuzma. From We are brownies! I am, so to speak, the master of the house! He forcibly snatched his chest with fairy tales and games from Baba Yaga. FAIRY: Oh, Kuzenka, and show the guys some fairy tale, because today New Year holiday!

KUZYA: What's on this make a holiday?

FAIRY: Guys, help me. Reply Kuze what are they doing on this holiday.

CHILDREN: Sing, dance, play.

KUZYA: Got it, got it! Do they tell riddles?


KUZYA: Riddles are good. This is what I love! For the sake of holiday, we can pamper you with riddles! (Magic music sounds, Kuzya opens the chest)

Brownie asks children riddles.


He always comes in winter.

Sometimes it will cover the ground.

Cold and fluffy fur.

It is white, clean, wet... (Snow)

We made a snowball

They made a hat on him,

The nose was attached and in an instant

It turned out... (Snowman)

He sits on the fence

Screams loudly in the morning

Old year - bye-bye,

WITH New Year …(Rooster)

Who's sneaking under the Christmas tree?

Did you bring sweets for the children?

Let's say in unison - this is him -

Bearded... (Father Frost)

What kind of fashionista is this?

At the top the spire is burning,

There are toys on the branches,

Beads and firecrackers! (Christmas tree)

KUZYA: Well done kids! All my riddles have been solved!

I brought a big package (shows

And in the package there is an envelope.

And in that envelope there is a secret,

And the secret is the answer

Encrypted, numbered.

How can we perform a miracle?

To light the Christmas tree? (opens the package).

Oh, friends, here is a secret code,

Secret code made from different numbers (shows numbers 0172)

If we decipher the code,

The Christmas tree will light up our lights.

How to arrange these numbers?

Will you help me, children?

(Together with the children, arrange the numbers in the right order)

Children: Two, zero, one, seven.

Leading: Right! We welcome 2017!

The garlands are lit on the Christmas tree. Everyone applauds.

FAIRY: Guys, let's ask Kuzenka show some fairy tale. (Children ask)

KUZYA: Okay, we can show you! Tell me, guys, who is your most awaited guest today?

CHILDREN: Ded Moroz and Snegurochka!

KUZYA: Snow Maiden!

Magic music sounds, a chest opens, the Snow Maiden comes into the hall and says hello.

SNOW MAIDEN: The Christmas tree sparkles brightly with all the sparkles of lights! WITH New Happy New Year to all the children and guests!

FAIRY: Hello Snow Maiden! We are very glad that you came to us! And the guys have prepared a musical gift for you and all the guests!

A song is being performed "Little Christmas Tree"

SNOW MAIDEN: Thanks! Where is Grandfather Frost? After all, I was walking through the forest next to him?

KUZYA: It’s my fault, Snow Maiden! I really wanted to look at you. So I opened the chest ahead of time.

SNOW MAIDEN: You shouldn't have done it Kuzenka. Grandpa is probably already worried. (Enough mirror: Tell me my mirror, tell me the whole truth. I’m not laughing today, my grandfather didn’t come. Lost me on the way, how can I find him)

SNOW MAIDEN: Oh, Grandfather is already looking for me! Grandfather! Grandfather! I'm here!

(Runs away, dropping the mirror)

KUZYA: Here you go! She ran away... I didn’t even look at her properly. What have I done!

FAIRY: (Consoles) We are on New Year's holiday

Here we gathered at the Christmas tree,

So with a perky smile

Sing, play and have fun!

KUZYA: Let your faces bloom with a smile,

The songs sound cheerful.

Who knows how to have fun

He knows how not to get bored!

A song is being performed:

After the song is performed, Baba Yaga rides into the hall on a broom and looks for Kuzya.

BABA YAGA: Hello Kuzenka! Son!

KUZYA: (Angrily) What kind of grandmother am I to you, son? You didn't see me, I didn't see you. Us, Brownie, you’re not supposed to show up.

BABA YAGA: Don't be angry Kuzenka. I can't be in the hut without Brownie, let's go to, Kuzenka, let's go to. Oh, what is this - a Christmas tree? Yes, how elegant! Who is she like that?

KUZYA: Tells Baba Yaga that she has fallen into New Year's celebration that there were a lot of guys and guests around and that she didn’t even say hello to them

BABA YAGA: Say hello? Well, it’s very possible! Hello guys! Hello parents! (He notices a mirror under the tree)

And what is it? Has anyone lost their magic mirror? (Beret his: My little mirror, tell me and tell me the whole truth, am I smarter than everyone else in the world, more beautiful and kinder than everyone else)

KUZYA: (Sneaky) You are terrible, no doubt...

BABA YAGA: (affectionately) Why are you being rude to me? Well, tell me quickly, is there anyone nicer than me?

KUZYA: (Jumps out from behind the Christmas tree) Snow Maiden is the cutest of all!

BABA YAGA: Ah-ah! So she lost the mirror...

KUZYA: Put the mirror in place, stupid.

BABA YAGA: Why are you being rude, my yacht?

Now I'll do some magic

I'll blow on him (blows)

I'll run around the Christmas tree, (runs around)

I'll put things in order! (puts the magic mirror back under the tree)

Now let's see which one you have it will be a holiday, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden will not find their way here! Ha ha ha

Went Kuzek, my, with me. (runs away with Kuzey,Kuzya kicks)

Guys, it seemed to me

It was as if the tree was swaying.

The presenter approaches the table where there is a jug.

The jug is covered with tinsel.

Fairy: What is this, children?

I have never seen a miracle in the world - wonderful, marvelous - wonderful

This is an old jug

There are specks of dust and silvery snowflakes on the surface.

I'll shake them off carefully

What's happened? I don't understand...

Mysterious music sounds and appears Hottabych, sneezes, stretches.

Fairy: Who are you, venerable grandfather?

Hottabych(perform several oriental dance movements)

Jolly Genie Hottabych I!

Having mastered the art of transformation for three thousand years,

I will embarrass any sorcerer!

And if suddenly you feel sad and something is bothering you -

The old man has a beard, it will always help!

Fairy: Oh, that's who you are. We are for you, old man Hottabych. So happy. I'm just afraid you'll catch a cold. After all, you are not dressed for winter.

Hottabych: Yes! I, the genie, can’t get sick. Apchhi! Only you are so angry and Cold winter that she, brr, froze me, chilled all my bones.

I also want to do something good and magical for you. What to do?

Fairy: Dear, Hottabych, is it possible for you to disenchant a magic mirror? Baba Yaga bewitched him. Now come to Us holiday D. M. and Snegurochka will not get to holiday.

Hottabych O, of course, my honorable friends!

starts talking magical words: fuck - chibi - doh...

(pulls his beard).

Hottabych: Oh, what a misfortune, my beard can’t do miracles. She's frozen, oh woe is me, woe is me.

Fairy: Now it’s clear why you’re always cold. Look guys what the old man has Hottabych on his feet? Do they really walk like that in winter? To make you feel warmer, let's give our old man a Hottabych the most winter shoes , let him warm up and then he will do something magical.

Hottabych looks at his felt boots, wonders what this is? He tries on the felt boots on his head, on his arm, on his shoulders...

Fairy: Eh, you, Great Mage and Wizard, what did they teach you in the academies? Here's a look at how to wear felt boots correctly.

A game “Run around the Christmas tree in felt boots”.

Hottabych: A miracle happened, my beard has dried, and I can cast magic again.

fuck - chibi - doh! The evil spell of the evil old woman Yaga dissolve!

FAIRY: Guys, let’s all call Father Frost and the Snow Maiden together. Then they will find their way faster! (All name is: music sounds, D. M and Snow Maiden enter.)

FATHER FROST: Hello, kids! Girls and boys!

Hello and those who are in New Year's holiday

Came to visit us today!

WITH Happy New Year, do not sneeze or get sick,

Have good health!

FAIRY: Grandfather Frost, look how fluffy and elegant our Christmas tree is! And the lights New Year's don't light up. Help the guys light them up.

FATHER FROST: With great pleasure! Let the cheerful laughter of children never cease, I light the Christmas tree for my dear friends!

SNOW MAIDEN: Let no one be bored, let everyone be happy! Let the Christmas tree shine in all its glory!

FATHER FROST: Let's all say one, two, three, the Christmas tree is on fire! (Everyone says Santa Claus walks around the Christmas tree and loses his mitten)

The lights on the tree light up.

FATHER FROST: Oh yeah, Christmas tree! Oh, it's amazing! How slim and how beautiful!

SNOW MAIDEN: WITH New Year, WITH New year and a merry round dance!

A round dance song is performed « New Year's miracles»

FATHER FROST: Well done boys!

FAIRY: (Shows D. M a mitten) Grandfather, have you lost your mitten?

FATHER FROST: Yes! This is my mitten, and I didn't even notice that I lost it!

FAIRY: Grandfather Frost, then let's play a game with the guys.

The game is being played "Catch up with the mitten"

FATHER FROST: Oh, mischievous people! I was glad to laugh with you, I was glad to play with you! Oh, I'm tired, I'm exhausted!

FAIRY: Grandfather Frost, sit down and rest!

Grandfather Frost, do you have your favorite song?

FATHER FROST: Friends! I love all the songs about New Year!

FAIRY: Fine! Let the Christmas tree shine with lights,

Let the stars dance in circles.

We will give this song to everyone,

Under New Year, under New Year!

A song is being performed "Under New Year»

D. Moroz: (bypassing the tree) Now it's time for gifts.

Where did I put my bag? I do not remember! What a disaster! Probably, when I was looking for you, I lost it in a snowdrift!

Hey snowstorms, fly

Mark out all the snowdrifts,

Mark all the paths

And find my bag!

(A bag comes out from behind the scenes)

D. Moroz, Oh, it’s so huge and doesn’t look like mine at all.

(Puts the bag down, unties it, and there is B. Yaga). Everyone is scared

B. Yaga. Oh, I'll kiss you, oh, I'll tickle you. Wow, what a big bag I conjured for you.

D. Moroz: Oh, you Grandmother Yaga, you bone leg. I cast a spell, yeah. Where is our bag?

B. Yaga: (perplexed) Tyyuyuyu. All gifts are mine.

Included brownie and brings gifts

B.Ya.: Forgive me, grandpa. I won't do this again.

FATHER FROST: Well, we forgive you Yagushechka!

Here you go, kids, girls and boys! To everyone New the year will have its own gift.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden are distributing gifts.

FATHER FROST: Glorious it was a holiday! While dancing with you, I spun and heard a lot of poems, but it’s time for us to hit the road!

SNOW MAIDEN: We wish you happiness and good luck, good health to boot! (Leave)

FAIRY: WITH Happy New Year guys! WITH Happy New Year dear guests!

I wish that every home is rich in peace and warmth!

Our brownies really value romance. That's why we prepared a nice gift especially for Valentine's Day.

Today and today only we are offering a 15% discount on a gift certificate for maintenance cleaning! Do something nice for your loved one - save him from household chores.


Dear and beloved Clients!

Domovenka's office is closed from 12/31/12 to 01/08/13 inclusive. We apologize to you for the inconvenience.
Works in holidays are carried out at Clients’ premises if this was done in advance - before the New Year, agreed with the administrators of Domovenka.
First working day 01/09/13. If you want to make an order, you can leave it on the website or send information to the email specified in Contacts.
Thanks for understanding!

Brownie congratulates you on the New Year 2013!

Dear friends! Here comes the end of 2012 - interesting, full of events and unexpected turns. We congratulate you all on the upcoming New Year 2013 and Merry Christmas and wish you all your wishes come true, more miracles and joys!

Brownie - guarding the cleanliness of the state Arsenal

Recently “Domovenok” became the first visitor Kremlin Arsenal after reconstruction. The fact is that our brownies were entrusted with the most important project: to restore order in the Arsenal on the eve of the updated opening. We have removed the dust and construction garbage, cleaned the floors and walls, washed the windows and put the office premises in order. In a word, they took on everything – turnkey.

"Domovenok" on the wave of the latest technologies

At the end of November, the Domovenok company visited the specialized exhibition "Cleaning Industry" - "ExpoClean". The housekeepers went there to carefully study what was new on the cleaning services market, what technologies engineers had developed in the fight for cleanliness, and what else they could do to please their beloved customers.

Happy Easter to everyone!

We sincerely congratulate you on the bright holiday of Easter. We wish that your home is filled with goodness and prosperity, that the family hearth warms, brings happiness, and delights you and your loved ones. All the best!

Christ is risen!

*We also inform you that the work of our company will be limited on April 15, the office will not be open. You can place orders on the website.

Happy Victory Day!

Brownie congratulates you on the holiday - Victory Day! We would like to express our gratitude to all those who touched the events of the Great Patriotic War, who stood to the last on the battlefields, worked until the seventh sweat in the rear, all those who can truly be called heroes. Thank you. We honor the memory of you and your deed. We remember and are proud. Happy Victory Day!

Congratulations to all women, girls, mothers and grandmothers - beautiful and wonderful, gentle and kind - Happy March 8th!

Dear Clients!
The Domovenok company congratulates you on March 8th, the day of spring and love, women's day!

Dedicated to the most beautiful creatures on earth:

I came to you with greetings,
Tell me that the sun has risen
What is it with hot light
The sheets began to flutter;

All woke up, every branch,
Every bird was startled
And full of thirst in spring;

Tell me that with the same passion,
Like yesterday, I came again,
That the soul is still the same happiness
And I’m ready to serve you;

Tell me that from everywhere
It blows over me with joy,
That I don’t know myself that I will
Sing - but only the song is ripening.

Afanasy Fet

Please accept sincere wishes of love, happiness, warmth and comfort to you and your families!

Congratulations on February 23!

Dear Clients!
The Domovenok company congratulates you on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

The most valuable thing in our lives is peace, tranquility and stability, and therefore it is no coincidence that Defender of the Fatherland Day has a rich and glorious history. No matter what this holiday is called, it has always been a symbol of courage, dedication, dignity and honor.
Please accept my sincere wishes for health, happiness, peace and prosperity!

The Domovenok company congratulates you on the New Year 2012!!!

Dear Clients!
Please accept my most sincere and sincere congratulations on the New Year 2012!

On this most magical holiday of the year, I would like to wish, first of all, that your wishes come true.
After all, on what other holiday do we so sincerely believe in miracles and magic?

Let all coming year will be full of pleasant events, joyful meetings, new discoveries and only wonderful mood.
Let the news be good, the acquaintances pleasant, the affairs successful, and the troubles minor.
May all your plans come true, may your health not fail you, and may your loved ones always be there!
Happy New Year!

Cleaning for business from Domovenka

Many have already noticed that a special section has appeared on the updated Domovenka website - for legal entities, that is, for various companies and large objects. This area includes both office cleaning and industrial mountaineering.

"Domovenok": we make the world happier

Canadian scientists (not British this time) conducted a study and found that the dirt around and the level of happiness are directly related.

This is a vicious circle: whoever is more unhappy creates dirt around him, whoever creates dirt around himself is more unhappy. The exact mechanism is still being studied. But you can trace this yourself: how much more pleasant is it to walk into a recently washed apartment? Or walk out into a shiny, fresh kitchen in the morning?

Guide to the new site "Domovenka"

Like a real owner, our Brownie wants to show his dear guests his updated virtual house-site, in which we carried out a general cleaning this summer.

The Domovenka website has become much larger and more informative. This means it is much more useful for you, our customers. Now you can order a call back directly from any page of the site: just enter your name and contact phone number, and we will call you back.

New site

"Domovenok" welcomes autumn with a new website design. We have been working all summer to make communicating with us via the Internet more convenient. This year the company celebrated its fifth anniversary, and the new website became our gift to both ourselves and our clients.

The Day of Knowledge!

Summer is over. And if some adults sometimes feel sad, then children definitely have no time to be sad: it’s time to go to school!

Comfort service "Domovenok" congratulates everyone who starts a new school season in September, students and their parents, undergraduate and graduate students, adherents of self-education and distance learning.

Two weeks of ecology - stable flight

It has been two weeks since the Domovenok company completely switched to environmentally friendly and at the same time effective products produced under the Organic People brand. And now we can openly state: they work great!

Surely, every person at least once in his life has had to accept congratulations on a housewarming - no matter whether it was moving into a student dormitory room or a luxurious three-room apartment. This event marks the beginning of a new era in the life of new settlers, since a change of place of residence is a conscious and serious step, and in some ways, even a stressful situation. Will help relieve the stress of moving cool congratulations Happy housewarming from friends and family who will lift your spirits and fill you with vigor and optimism! After all, a housewarming party is a wonderful occasion to find new friends among your neighbors, as well as an opportunity to prove yourself on the economic side in various everyday situations.

Congratulations on your housewarming,
With moving to new house.
May you have prosperity and fun
It will always be full!

Don't let the brownie scare you,
You will live comfortably,
Let your neighbors respect you
Everyone will be friends with you!

Only happiness, only joy
Let him live in your house.
Peace, comfort, prosperity and sweetness
Let the move bring it!

Let the house be a full cup,
Let it always shine with purity.
Let the windows, doors, walls in it,
Like a talisman, you are protected.

May peace and tranquility reign here,
Let there be no cold in the rooms.
Let the brownie live here
And he will certainly be friends with you.

Let every day and every hour
Joy and fun reign here.
We sincerely congratulate you
And we say to you: “Happy housewarming!”

Congratulations on your housewarming. Let it begin with this wonderful event new story a life of new and interesting adventures, a confident pursuit of goals, useful activities and fun. I wish that the new place of residence becomes a cozy and nice corner, that happiness, prosperity and prosperity settle in the house.

Congratulations on your housewarming
We have come to your new home,
We wish you happiness
It immediately settled in.

Let it become a full cup
And open to friends
Let it be your fortress,
Stepfather's house for children.

We wish these walls
We are comfort and warmth,
Good luck to you, owners,
In a life of happiness and goodness.

Bright rooms, just the right bath,
The kitchen is large and the living room is great -
This is your worthy reward,
The fruit of daily hard work!

Let them live in the apartment with you
Happiness, luck, warmth and love,
The house is filled with guests on holiday.
Lots of gifts and lots of flowers!

Let the blizzard remain behind the threshold,
Cold winds will not enter the house,
Faith, hope - dear friends -
Together with love they live here forever!

Congratulations on your housewarming -
Happy long-awaited day!
Let it be filled with fun
Your cozy bright home.

Let the walls help in it,
And the hearth is always burning.
So that the house attracts happiness
And good luck like a magnet!

I congratulate you on your housewarming,
I wish you happiness in your new home,
Friendship and love for many years,
So that you can live without knowing troubles!

New home and life will go otherwise,
May luck always accompany you,
Your home will be filled with joy,
Happiness lives forever in him!

Every room is cozy and warm,
Yes, it’s light with joy and on a gloomy day,
Peace and grace to your home,
Live in it for many years and prosper!

Your own home is always wonderful
I wish you comfort and warmth!
After all, this is very important in our life:
Have four brand new corners!

Live always together and happily,
In harmony, and, of course, in peace!
I wish you good and positive
In a wonderful, wonderful apartment!

Let the verse like a virtual cat
He brings good luck to the house.
Let's raise a toast to the housewarming
Yes, we will hug the new residents.
Guys, live brightly here,
And most importantly - you save
Magic light in your home,
Let there be no resentment in him.
Dreams lead to your home door.
Joy, happiness, kindness,
Comfort and warmth to you!

The doors to the new house are open,
It's a housewarming party now.
I congratulate you with love
Happy this very important day.

Let your home be a fortress,
Let it be cozy in it.
Enjoy every moment
New, fabulous housing.
