What is the secret of the Egyptian pyramids? Secrets and legends of the Egyptian pyramids

Even modern technologies the engineering accuracy of the ancient constructions of the past peoples who inhabited Egypt is inaccessible. Huge Temples, giant statues, huge pyramids - as if they appeared from Nothing, using some kind of space technology.

Here are some facts that still only state the amazing secrets of the Pyramids:

– In 1978, the Japanese, using the proposed technology of overlay planes, were able to build a Pyramid with a height of only 11 meters, which is 2367 times less than the full geometric volume of the Pyramid of Cheops; this Pyramid alone would require segments with a total volume of 500,000 m3, using them ten times .

– To build the Pyramid, in ancient times, about 50 million people would have been used, although according to expert estimates for 3000 BC. Only 20 million people lived on Earth. How could the state have 2.5 times more people, what were they all over the world and how could they feed themselves?

– In 1930, the Frenchman Bovey constructed a wooden model of the Pyramid with a base one yard (91 cm) long and placed a dead cat in it, having previously oriented the model to the North. A few days later, the cat's corpse was mummified. But mummification is still achieved using the most complex chemicals and technologies.

– Czech radio engineer K. Drobanu, having oriented the axis of his Pyramid model exactly from North to South and placing a dull razor blade into it, discovered that it had acquired its former sharpness.

– Hoping to find secret chambers inside the Pyramid of Khafre, Laureate Nobel Prize A.U. Alvarez in 1969, examining the background of cosmic rays penetrating inside the ancient colossus, noticed that their trajectories recorded on different days were completely different, which, according to scientists, contradicts all known laws of science.

– The technology for creating Pyramids and underground labyrinths, adits in all Pyramids is the same, although the difference in their construction is more than 1000 years. And what is surprising is that the most Majestic Pyramids were created at the Dawn of Egyptian Civilization. Or maybe at the Sunset of the Past...?

- All stone blocks, with sharp corners and smooth side surfaces are adjusted to each other with millimeter precision, and yet the average weight of one block is 2.5 tons.

– The height of the Great Pyramid is 146.595 meters. The difference between the sides of the base is only 0.83 mm. Each of the meanings of the pyramid carries information that was unattainable for the ancient Egyptians, and even in modern units of calculation.

– Based on the created “Clock of Isis”, S. Proskuryakov developed systems for constructing graphic-numerical diagrams and, based on mathematical relationships, revealed the relationship of the Pyramid with all physical and mathematical quantities of a cosmic nature known to us.

– The meridian passing through the Pyramid divides the continents and the ocean into two equal parts.

– The perimeter of the base, divided by twice the height, gives the famous number “Pi” - 3.1416.

– The rocks on which the Pyramids are installed are perfectly aligned.

– The Pyramid of Cheops is installed in such a place in the desert that it is the center of gravity of the continents.

– In the rock adits there is no completeness of the walls and ceilings from the torches. So the lighting was electric?

– In the library in Oxford there is a manuscript in which the Coptic chronicler MAD-UDI claims that the Egyptian Pharaoh Zurid ordered the construction of the Great Pyramid. But Zurid ruled, according to legend, before the Flood. It was this Pharaoh who ordered the priests to write down the entire amount of wisdom and knowledge known to them and hide it inside the Pyramid.

- According to the memoirs of “Herodotus” - the “father of history” - it is said that the Egyptian priests showed him 341 colossal figures of the high priests, from father to son, during their lifetime, making their sculpture. Herodotus said that the priests assured that before the 341st generation, GODS still lived among people, this was approximately 11,350 years ago. And then the Gods did not visit them. The historical age of Egypt is estimated at only 6530 years. What was the civilization like before this? Who were the ancestors of the Egyptian priests?

Latest Research from American NASA satellites that visited Mars, they found on its surface Pyramids and images of human faces - copies of the Sphinx on Earth. The construction of both was based on the same mathematical principles! The only difference is in size. It turns out that the first priests of Egypt were missionaries from Mars?

– Based on the location of the 3 Pyramids in Giza, and the Nile coded as the Milky Way, it is assumed that there is a visual reflection of Sirius on Earth in the constellation Canis Major, which corresponds to the assumption that the civilizations of Mars, and then the Earth, were created by aliens from Sirius, who somehow came to us. Presumably, through information energy encoded in rays of magnetic radiation from the Stars.

– The creation of the Fourth Dynasty Pyramids, which required 22 million tons of stone, suggests thorough preparation for some global event. The scale of the structures shows that the work was completed over a hundred years and the construction took place according to a specific super-plan. 8 million blocks of rock were laid.

– During subsequent construction, starting with the grandson of Cheops, the priests paid more attention not to architecture, but to the “magical” properties of the “hieroglyphs” - the texts of the Pyramids - that appeared after the 4th dynasty, i.e. suddenly, it began to prevail as if some kind of mission had been accomplished, and the pyramids were cosmic launching pads for receiving and launching (reincarnation, neomaterialization) of aliens.

– If you look closely, the tops of the Pyramids are deliberately unfinished, as they are the tops of the antenna of the emitter - the receiver of some cosmic energy materialized into information, at the light-wave level. Since Energy and information are basically the same, it is likely that the ancient priests of Egypt had knowledge of the transformation of Matter at the wave level. After all, there is still no answer to the question why the speed of light is constant, traveling from any Star for Millions of light years?

– It was observed that the galleries in the Great Pyramid of Cheops have tangent 1 ratios / 2 angles of 26 degrees 34 minutes, which, according to the latest achievements of Genetics, is a combination of two values: 26 degrees is the elevation angle of the DNA helix, and 34 angstroms is the length of its period. But it is known that all organisms on Earth, from microbes to humans, have the same genetic code. This means that the basic thinking of past Civilizations is similar to ours.

– The number “Pi” is the key to the secrets of the Egyptian Pyramids, but the number “Pi” is directly related to the “Golden Ratio” of Leonardo da Vinci, the “Golden Wurf” of Corbusier, as well as the “Fibonnaci Numbers”, which again constitute the Pyramid of the Perfect numbers.

– In ancient times, a “pyramidal” shaped stone – “PYRAMIDION” – called BENBEN was installed on the flat, unfinished tip of the Pyramid. It seemed to symbolize the cosmic “CITY OF THE SUN”, from which they seemed to make their way “ Sun rays” – edges.

– Initially, the tops of the pyramids were lined with slabs of gold and semi-precious stones, on which texts of the entire history of past civilizations were carved, but over time they were torn down by barbarians.

– According to found papyri “ Book of the Dead“, according to the wall texts of the tombs, it is determined that the Pyramids were built to perform the ritual of stellar rebirth. It was the written word, after the 4th dynasty, that replaced some kind of super mechanism that had been built for more than a hundred years, or maybe simply restored, for moving in space. It can be assumed that the movement occurred or there was a failure, an accident, which led to the emergence of magical symbolism of secret knowledge presented ordinary people, as “miracles”, and for the initiated, encoding, through the mysteries, the knowledge of ancient Civilizations. What is this, self-defense or fear of the future based on the experience of the past?

– After research on a computer, scientists calculated that near the Star SIRIUS-A there is a Star SIRIUS-B, it is not visible to the naked eye. Although there is information about such a Star in the secret knowledge of the “Dogons,” whose ideas go back to 3200 BC. Sirius-B is like the “son” of the “father” Sirius and the “mother” “Orion”, which is the reincarnation of the “father” into the “son”.

All the facts indicate that the “stellar” pregnancy of “Sirius” is 280 days. The reincarnation of Pharaoh lasts 280 days; according to legend, human pregnancy also lasts 280 days.

90 days Time of sunset and then rising of a star in the EAST

12 days (The star passes the meridian line immediately after sunset. The star, as if doing its work (like a soul), gave birth to Pharaoh

70 days (The Star is in DUAT). Sirius is invisible (death) The embalming lasted 70 days.

— In modern chronology, there were a total of 31 dynasties of pharaohs from 3100 BC. and until 332 BC. A total of 390 monarchs ruled. After this, Egypt was ruled from 332 BC. and to date there have been 49 more dynasties, which included:

Macedonian Greeks (Ptolemaic period 332-30 BC)

Romans (Roman Emperors 30 BC – 641 AD)

Arabs (642 AD – Present).

As you can see: Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, The Arabs keep in their roots the history of secret knowledge about the Pyramids, about the Civilizations of the past, about the Mysteries.

— The Egyptians had a “ROMBOID” - the egg of the world in the form of an “OCTAHEDRON” (two pyramids joined at the bases): which in Christianity gradually turned into just an egg for Easter, although the paintings on it are still pyramidal in nature.

— Golgotha, where Christ was crucified, was shaped like a Pyramid.

— Until now, at Easter, symbolic Pyramids are made from cheese.

— The perspective of the picture, the TV screen and the eye that perceives them, isn’t this a pyramid?

— When drawing in a three-dimensional two-dimensional space, a Pyramid is drawn “as if” deep into it, where the top is the horizon line.

— If we assume that energy rays hitting the inner faces of the Pyramid will be reflected in them, then we will get some kind of accumulation of internal energy, similar to the concentration of energy in a laser.

— If we take the image of a pyramid from ancient manuscripts, then it is depicted with the letter L - delta, as it is similar to the first letter A in all alphabets of the world.

- The delta symbol, HA - in the YOGA of the ancient Hindus, symbolizes the masculine principle, a conductor of positive energy, symbolizes the Moon.

— Two triangles (deltas with the top up and deltas with the top down) superimposed on each other symbolize HATHA (the sign of Vishnu) harmony, balance.

Star of Solomon, Solomon's Seal, Sri Antra Brahmins, six directions of space, symbol of the fusion of pure spirit and matter. Are these symbols echoes of secret prehistoric knowledge, past civilizations of the Neolithic era, matriarchy and patriarchy?

— The very first and main pose of yogis, the “LOTUS” pose, primarily resembles a Pyramid.

— From a pyramid you can add five PLATONIUM SOLIDS.

— Perspective and everything that we perceive visually is based on the principles of pyramidality.

- If you dock the tops of the pyramids, you will get a symbolic “Clock of Time”, which after some time must be turned over and time, as it were, begins its run in a new way, well, isn’t it allegorical in relation to the repeatability of everything and everyone in the world, at certain intervals?

— An eye arranged in a pyramid is an echo of the symbolism of the Sun God-Ra, in Ancient Egypt, in the Christian religion.

— In meditation, there is a symbol of energy concentration when the fingers are crossed in the shape of a triangle-pyramid.

— According to the ideas of the Ancients (according to Blavatsky E.P.), people belong to the fifth race, which is like the top of the four previous races - foundations:

1st race – Giants (from another star Sirius or planet Mars).

2nd race – Mixture with earthly creatures.

3rd race – Hermaphrodites are bisexual.

4th race – Atlanteans (inhabitants of Atlantis)

5th race – our humanity.

6th race – i.e. the top of the pyramid, it will presumably be radically opposite to the Human race - it will be technotronic, where biorobots will be in the foreground, with their own new criteria.

7th race – i.e. a pyramidal crystal consisting of two pyramids joined at their bases is the most important symbol that explains the entire principle of the Universe. This is the final phase of Civilizations, after which everything must begin again, i.e. first turning into NOTHING, and then from NOTHING it will appear.

- According to the ancient Mysteries - repositories of ancient knowledge, the motto of the ancient sages - Adepts, occultists is this: “As above, so below.” The ancestor of the occultists was HERMES - the Egyptian God, thrice great, who transmitted secret knowledge to the priests through the art of Magic. The symbol of his teaching was considered TRANSMEGIST - a crystal resembling an OCTAHEDRON (two pyramids joined at the bases).

— The crystal lattice of DIAMOND, the hardest crystal on earth, even in terms of the degrees of inclination of the faces, is completely similar to the pyramidal crystal of the two pyramids.

— When the Nile flooded, thousands of years ago, the dazzlingly bright Pyramids were reflected in the sky-blue water, and each of them was an image of a double mountain symbolizing: the reflection of the upper world, where the Pyramids are directed, in the lower one. And when the Nile changed its course, artificial lakes were created around the Pyramids for a long time, performing the same function as a mirror. If we imagine the trimmed top of the Pyramid as an emitter of information energy accumulated inside, then it is obvious that the Pyramid is similar to a segment that concentrates reflected energy from a “thicket” - a plate - a lake around the Pyramid, focusing it in space. Something like a hyperbolic antenna. Nostradamus wrote that the mirror (just like the Magicians) is one of the main Attributes (along with the tripod, also similar to the Pyramid) of Magic, with the help of which he traveled in time and space. Those. it can be assumed that the pyramids were stations for travelers - priests - aliens, into the past, present and future.

— In ancient times, dualism was displayed in all cultures, this is especially noticeable in the pyramidal crystal, where the pyramid with its top up symbolizes good, and its top down symbolizes evil. Among all peoples, a tree was considered a symbol of duality - called the “WORLD TREE”, remember the Christmas tree on New Year, doesn't it resemble a Pyramid? Human, animal plant, etc. everything is dual. This is like a worldwide insurance code, duplication of the same thing. In Biochemistry, this phenomenon is called CHIRALITY (like a reflection in a mirror where left changes to right). Water molecules can be represented as a bipyramid (a pyramidal crystal, where the important corner points, the corners of the base of the pyramids, correspond to atoms of only four elements):

1-H-hydrogen 2-C-carbon 3-0-oxygen 4-Nitrogen

— The Mayans depicted double worlds with the help of two stepped Pyramids connected by bases:


(day sun)


Home of the Gods



Dwelling of the Dead


(night sun)

— The ancient civilization of the Egyptians distinguished between the worlds of the gods and the dead, surrounding the world of the living. And just like Maya, they proved the duality and unity of the worlds with the help of the Sun:



Heavenly world of light


Kingdom of the Dead, World of Darkness



— A heap (like a pyramid) made of stone, tsebenya, is capable of producing water from the air, even in the desert, i.e. In contact with the stones, the steam cools, condenses and turns into liquid. Drops are formed and flow down, giving birth to a water skating rink. Herodotus also wrote about two Pyramids standing waist-deep in water, which were about 180 m high?

— From crystallography it is known that any crystal tends to energy balance, i.e. any incomplete form of crystal will sooner or later repair itself. If we consider a pyramid, then the side faces are larger in area than the base, in order to restore symmetry it needs to “grow” down with another pyramid, i.e. the form should change from open to closed, but it will be a bipyramid (pyramidal crystal0.

- In cards, a diamond - a diamond - means WISDOM, respectively: PEA-POWER (target arrow), WORMS (symbol of love, heart), CROSSES (symbol of faith, trefoil, Christianity).

— Pyramids, as later in the church, were not built anywhere. They were located above deep faults earth's crust. It is above these places that anomalous zones are most often found, UFOs appear, and some miraculous phenomena appear. The Great Pyramids are located in the zone of the great East African Rift, which gave rise to the Red and Dead Seas, as well as the Nile River, the largest in the world.

— A pyramid, a large copy of a certain crystal, like any crystal, it has its own closed energy grid, if it is disturbed, then there will be a release of energy, maybe that’s why the crystal of the pyramids was made unfinished (the top) and the crystal became an antenna for the release or absorption of energy. To which the ancients added the energy of human emotions, reason, prayers, which in the vortex flow of Nature and the thoughts of man, people, mix and seem to create a common unison. Here is the Magic of the relationship between NATURE and HUMAN. Pyramids are some kind of psychotronic generators, where the energy of the Pyramid affects a person at the level of consciousness and those biological processes occurring in his body at the cellular level.

- Pyramids are “TIME MACHINES”, where time slows down - with the top up and accelerates - with the top down. Of the natural formations, the largest time machine is the Earth itself. In its northern hemisphere, like in a pyramid with the top up, time slows down, and in the southern hemisphere it speeds up. For this reason, the main part of the continental massifs is concentrated in the northern hemisphere, and depressions filled with water are concentrated in the southern hemisphere.

I think, dear reader, the above facts have interested you, but this is only the beginning of an amazing journey into the WORLD OF PYRAMIDALITY. In subsequent chapters we will look at the pyramidality of the World and the Universe, the pyramidality of Philosophy and Truth, the pyramidality of Politics and Economics, the pyramidality of Nature and Man, the pyramidality of Will and Success.


Video archive on the topic of secret Egyptian pyramids

Selected videos of Egyptian pyramid explorations

Revelations of the pyramids. Research that changed the world!

Humanity's Forbidden Past

Pyramid of Cheops inside

Technologies of ancient civilizations 4 Time measurement

Detailed study of the Cheops pyramid

The Mystery of the Egyptian Pyramids

Secret territories #57: PYRAMIDS. LEGACY OF THE GODS.

The mystery of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids has been revealed! Video on RuTube

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Forbidden Topics in History: Secrets of the Seven Pyramids (Episode 1)

Mysteries of Ancient Egypt

The power of the Pyramid and its capabilities...

Pyramids. Funnel of time

The whole truth about UFOs: The pyramids were built by aliens.

Secrets of Egypt - the best videos on the topic

Ivan Bunin wrote about what the conquerors saw when they burst into the burial chamber of the Great Pyramid: “Having illuminated the polished granite walls of this chamber, shining like black ice, with torches, they retreated in horror: in the middle of it stood a rectangular and also all black sarcophagus. In it lay a mummy in golden armor, strewn with precious stones and with a golden sword at her hip. On the mummy’s forehead, a huge carbuncle burned with red fire, covered in writing incomprehensible to any mortal...”

And so I enter the chamber of “Cheops, the ruler of the horizon,” as he himself ordered to be written on his pyramid. The tomb is magnificent. It amazes with its size: length - 10.5 m, width - 5.2, height - 5.8. This room, decorated with dark Aswan granite, for some reason makes you stop at the threshold. It has a special dark charm, its own mood, and maybe even a mystery. Perhaps because it is unexpectedly huge, black, empty and only in the distance, against the western wall, stands a lonely ominous reddish sarcophagus.”

Alas, this is the end of the road. No other rooms have been discovered in the Cheops pyramid yet. There is an assumption that somewhere in the depths of the pyramid there are secret rooms. According to one piece of evidence dating back to the 19th century, travelers accidentally pressed on a certain stone in the wall, and a corridor opened up for them, along which they entered a room filled with strange metal mechanisms half-buried with sand. But where is this secret stone? Where is this secret room with ancient Egyptian technology? No one knows…

The lands of ancient Egypt stretched from northern Africa far to the south along the Nile. All that remains of the great civilization are monuments of distant eras - majestic temples and pyramids. When Napoleon came to conquer Egypt, the local residents could not say anything about their purpose. For the Muslim Arabs, the pyramids were nothing more than giant pagan structures. Over the centuries of Arab rule, the pyramids lost their wonderful cladding, and now bare stone walls, rising, narrowing, towards the sky looked at the conquerors. Once upon a time, Arab chroniclers reported, the pyramids were completely covered with ancient signs.

“The pyramids were built from huge stones... The stones are covered with ancient writings, which no one can read now. In all of Egypt I have not met anyone who could say that he could read this letter or know such a person. There are a great many inscriptions here, and if someone had the desire to copy only those of them that are visible on the surface of these two pyramids, he would fill over 10,000 pages with them.” Probably no one had any desire.

The Arabs were not interested in the purpose of the pyramids; they were much more interested in the legends about the pyramids, because it was believed that the ancient Egyptian rulers - the pharaohs - were buried in the pyramids, and at the same time they were buried with all the imaginable and inconceivable wealth that they owned in earthly life. There, they passed from mouth to mouth, an incredible amount of gold and precious stones. The history of the pyramids has long been overgrown with fables, and the Arab sultans saw in the pyramids an amazing treasury, the entrance to which was lost. Some of the sultans, having heard enough of such fabulous legends, dreamed of taking possession of the treasures, looked for secret passages, and one of them even thought of breaking through the entrance to the Cheops pyramid through the side face.

Al-Mammun - unlike many - was interested not so much in gold (he was rich), but in what was stored inside the pyramid (as he was told by numerous spies who were engaged in finding out the secret of the Egyptian pyramid - Cheops local residents) maps of the starry sky and the entire Earth - the Sultan was an astronomer and even translated Ptolemy’s Almagest into Arabic. In addition to star and earth maps, he expected to find there also weapons that are not subject to corrosion, and glass that does not break and can be bent. Because of these wonderful things, he decided to break through the huge stone blocks from which the pyramid was built.

Because the stone was extremely durable, the learned Sultan used his excellent knowledge of physical laws: first, a chisel was driven into the stone with a hammer, then it was heated red-hot, then poured with wine vinegar - the stone could not stand it and cracked. In this way, the Sultan's workers made a passage to the center of the pyramid. By the way, the predatory passage exists in the pyramid to this day. By a strange coincidence, he found himself almost next to the real entrance, which once had a secret turning mechanism: multi-ton stones rose and diverged to the sides, but for this it was necessary to find a secret turning device.

An Egyptian papyrus stated: “In the middle of one of the sides of the pyramid there is a stone. Move it and a long passage will open in front of you.” But in the middle of which wall, which stone? In ancient times, this entrance was not a secret at all. According to Strabo's description, this entrance hole led into a very narrow and long corridor, then into a small room that had a descent into a deep damp pit almost at the very base of the pyramid (in antiquity, this pit was such an attraction: ancient tourists came there to show off afterwards, that they were inside the pyramid!).

But over time, the place of the stone was forgotten. The Sultan, of course, could not find the turning device, although he knew about its existence, but he had gold-hungry subjects, and they made an entrance in the monolithic slabs - the work must have been painful. However, they were lucky: they not only entered the corridor laid out in ancient times, but were also able to literally “gnaw” the way to the so-called burial chamber of the queen, and then, with the same torment, made their way into the burial chamber of the pharaoh, where they discovered an empty stone sarcophagus. There was no gold. The Sultan, who did not want to disappoint the robbers, paid for their services in full gold. In order not to disappoint his fellow treasure hunters, he hid the treasure inside the pyramid, giving his greedy companions the opportunity to find it on their own!

According to one legend, Al-Mammun discovered a sarcophagus in which lay a stone statue of the pharaoh, and inside the statue they found his body, which was decorated with gold and precious stones, in his hands the pharaoh held a sword that does not corrode and has power over people, but it's a legend. Al-Mammoon found absolutely nothing in the pyramid; he only lost time and money on this event.

As a matter of fact, scientific study The Egyptian pyramids were started by Napoleon. He took French scientists on his Egyptian campaign so that they would describe the antiquities of Egypt and in this way perpetuate the memory of the commander. Napoleon was haunted by envy of another great commander - so it becomes quite clear why he needed meaningless ballast in the army like historians and geographers. During the fighting, this ballast was herded by Napoleon's soldiers under the protection of French weapons along with donkeys, but none of the scientists complained. “Donkeys and scientists to the middle,” the order sounded, and the learned academicians flocked into a herd - this is how this campaign went. Probably, not only the thought of glory forced Napoleon to take to war those who were absolutely unsuitable for it, there was another secret thought: Napoleon knew that fighting will be able to cause damage to ancient monuments, so that if they are destined to be destroyed, then at least a description will remain. In this regard, he was a prudent man.

This secret thought, by the way, turned out to be not at all superfluous. When the Giza plateau was captured by the French, Napoleonic soldiers showed the true colors of the Europeans: for fun they shot. The great sculpture survived many centuries of pharaonic rule, Roman rule, and Arab conquest, but it turned out to be absolutely powerless before the artillery of the ignorant French. The main damage inflicted on the Sphinx came from the army, which, by a bitter coincidence, was bringing scientists with them to study antiquities! It was an amusing sight: soldiers practicing precision shooting at stone colossi, and scientists hastily sketching what might be doomed to destruction. But both the pyramids and the Sphinx still managed to survive.

They stand to this day - mysterious and huge structures, attracting the attention of both Egyptologists and ordinary tourists. They are trying to the best of their ability to remove ancient stones from Egypt, but this is practically impossible - unlike European architectural antiquities like the Parthenon, the Egyptian pyramids are difficult to remove pebble by stone: these “pebbles” are very large and heavy.

Egyptian pyramids, like perhaps no other ancient structure, cause a lot of controversy and speculation. Some scientists try to understand the true purpose of the pyramids, expressing a variety of, sometimes absolutely wild, hypotheses, others never cease to believe that the pyramids are the tombs of the pharaohs. The latter is the dogma of Egyptology, and it is almost impossible to fight this dogma. Open any school textbook, or even better, a textbook on the history of the countries of the Ancient World for students, and there you will only find this wonderful interpretation: the pyramids are the tombs of the pharaohs, although, by and large, there is not a single archaeological evidence that the pyramids were built precisely for this reason !

Not even a looted burial was found in any of the famous Egyptian pyramids. Empty sarcophagi - yes, but there are no traces that the pharaoh’s body was previously in the sarcophagi. No, on the contrary, all the known burials of the pharaohs were found in the so-called Valley of the Kings - well-protected crypts of the Egyptian nobility. The remarkable burial of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun was also found not in a pyramid at all, but in an ordinary tomb, which, fortunately for Egyptology, was not looted.

This tomb was discovered in the fall of 1922 by archaeologist Howard Carter, literally in the same area where he had excavated a decade earlier. The tomb was located under poor fellahite huts, which the archaeologist eventually ordered to be demolished. It was then that a well-camouflaged entrance to underground dwelling Tutankhamun. And although the front burial chamber was looted, the robbers did not touch the second chamber. Truly royal relics were hidden in this underground chamber, and the sarcophagus of the pharaoh himself was untouched. Now both the sarcophagus itself, the funeral golden mask, the mummy of Tutankhamun, and the things collected for his happy birthday make up several museum halls and are open to visitors. One thing is associated with the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb. mystical story. It is believed that everyone who opened the tomb of the pharaoh and studied things from the burial died before the time assigned to them by nature.

The mystery and purpose of the Egyptian pyramids

On the Giza plateau there are three large pyramids, which, according to legend, belong to three pharaohs of the 4th dynasty - Khufu (Cheops), Khafre (Khefre) and Menkauru (Mykerinus). These pharaohs ruled Egypt 5,000 years ago. The information that the pyramid tombs belong to them comes not from an Egyptian, but from an ancient source. It was in ancient times, when Egypt was already an ancient state, that legends about the purpose of the pyramids appeared.

The modern Greek historians who described them received their information from the Egyptian priests, and it is quite possible that they could have misunderstood these priests, or the priests themselves had already conveniently forgotten who, when and for what purpose built the Egyptian pyramids. One can only imagine how many secrets were forgotten in 2,500 years - so much time passed from the 4th dynasty to antiquity. Even with the incredible accuracy of the transmission of ancient information by the Egyptian priestly class, much could have been lost or misinterpreted over thousands of years.

By the time of Herodotus, who described to us in detail both the purpose and structure and construction of the pyramids, the priest-storytellers could have lost the lion's share of ancient knowledge. This is all the more true since by the time of Herodotus only a few could read the sacred ideographic script on which priestly secrets were written. The question is complicated by the fact that all three great pyramids do not have any dedicatory inscriptions inside.

Apart from the misspelled name of Khufu, neither the name of Khafre nor the name of Mikerin, to whom the other two pyramids supposedly belong, was found in the pyramids. And this also suggests that these structures were never intended for the burial of pharaohs. The age of our great pyramids, calculated by geologists, is sharply at odds with that proposed by archaeologists. Both the pyramids and the Sphinx show signs of water erosion. And this is an indicator that the pyramids had already been built by the time of the 4th dynasty, that they are much older than the dynasty itself!

Another thing is that the pharaohs who ruled over Egypt later could use the ancient pyramids for their own purposes - including for burial. So the mention in Herodotus' text of the use of pyramids as tombs of specific pharaohs may be fair. It is known that during the time of the pharaohs the Sphinx was repaired; archaeologists discovered quite tangible traces of such repairs. But the pyramids - apparently the same age as the Sphinx - could have worn out over the millennia and also required repairs. For Egypt these were sacred buildings. It was under the pharaohs of the 4th dynasty that the renovation of the pyramids took place.

We are trying to save and restore ancient monuments in the same way. If the pyramids were only tombs, there would be no great mystery in them. But Arabic texts of the Middle Ages tell us that once each of the three great pyramids of Giza had a lining and some ancient texts were written on the faces of the pyramids. The Arabs mention that these texts were a compilation of all known knowledge. However, they could have been mistaken: after all, at that time the language of the pyramids was completely forgotten and they could not read the texts.

The first Egyptian texts were read only in the first half of the 19th century thanks to the works of the young French scientist Champollion. But Champollion would not have been able to read anything if, during the French campaign, an inscription had not been found on the Rosetta Stone, made on three different languages- Egyptian syllabary, ideographic script and Greek. Only thanks to this Greek text was it possible to decipher the language of the ancient Egyptians. Before Champollion, it was proposed to read hieroglyphs as pictures: if a lion is drawn, that means the word is “lion,” and an ibis is drawn, which means the word “ibis.”

And of course, reading Egyptian texts in this way produced the most absurd texts. The Arabs knew much less about the ancient language, and they did not have the Rosetta Stone. In the inscriptions on the cladding of the pyramids, they saw some traces of pagan beliefs and therefore simply tore off all the cladding and... decorated the floor in their main mosque with slabs! To this day, you can see some of the Egyptian tablets if you visit this mosque. But most likely, not all cladding slabs were used for laying the floor. And by the Arab time, part of the cladding had already been lost...

Some scientists find much more interesting parameters in the relationships of the pyramids. Another scientist from the Napoleonic campaign, Jomar, suggested that the pyramids did not serve as a tomb for the pharaohs, but were a kind of metric sign in order to create a kind of standard of measurements, an invulnerable stone standard. He was sure that the Egyptians were fluent not only in geometry, but also in astronomy, which caused Homeric laughter among his contemporaries. But Jomard was right about this: today, more and more scientists agree that the Egyptians were excellent astronomers. And in this regard, the pyramid may be the key to this knowledge.

The fact is that if we take into account that the Cheops pyramid was completed under Cheops, then before Cheops it was used for completely different purposes. The Pyramid of Cheops (as well as other pyramids) in its unfinished version could have been beautiful ancient... telescopes. The researchers examined possible options for such a device and came to the conclusion that if the pharaoh’s burial chamber had not yet been built, then this is a structure that has an observation platform instead of the king’s chamber on a flat base and a downward shaft with a slot - a slot oriented to the most “stable” for latitude of Egypt, the star Sirius (Sothis), as well as an internal reservoir, built in such a way that a stone gap was reflected in it, served as an excellent means for observing the starry sky.

V. Vasiliev wrote about the use of a water mirror and a narrow slot with a shaft for observing the starry sky in the article “The Second Birth of Hydro-optics”: “Indeed, let us imagine that in the center of the cave there is a reservoir, and above this reservoir a hole has been made in the roof of the cave. The water flowing into the reservoir swirls in a slow whirlpool... With the help of such a telescope near the equator, you can see sunspots as a three-dimensional spherical body without a flat mirror... distinguish between double stars and satellites solar system" The Egyptians did not have a cave, but a pyramid with a water mirror. Even by modern standards it was very good telescope, which made it possible to make the most accurate astronomical calculations. But then... then the Egyptians were not only knowledgeable in astronomical matters, but had to have an excellent knowledge of astronomy, almost at our modern level!

Proof of this can be seen not only in the fact that our pyramid suddenly turns out to be not a tomb, but an observatory, but also in the way all three pyramids are located on the Giza plateau. And their location, by the way, is quite curious. The pyramids on the Giza plateau stand in a certain order; when viewed from above, they are not in one straight line, although they are oriented to the cardinal points. These deviations from the straight line allowed scientists to suggest that “the large pyramids show how Venus, Earth and Mars were located in their orbits in 10,532 BC! Moreover, the Sharaf-Budnikova method made it possible to set the date: September 22 according to the New Julian calendar! The Earth was then located strictly between the Sun and the constellation Leo.” This is one opinion belonging to E. Menshov.

Other researchers place the construction of the pyramids at an even earlier era, ranging from 21,600 years to 75,000 years. But this... Yes, again we find ourselves faced with the assumption that the history of mankind must be significantly longer than we used to think. But then the Egyptian pyramids were not built by Egyptians at all. So there was no army of slaves that pulled stone monoliths on wooden rollers? And the supervisors didn’t whip the careless workers? As for the slaves and the overseer’s whip, even under Cheops, it was not slaves who were involved in the construction of the pyramid, but fellahs, that is, people who were forced in some way, but personally free, and they built at a time when agricultural work was impossible, because That turned out to be a total of 20 years of work. Moreover, they were paid a salary for construction, with which they managed to support their large families.

But the pyramids were not built by Cheops, but by people of extreme antiquity unknown to us, who, according to legend, were gods and founded the first dynasties, which were later replaced by the human pharaoh. Less known as the first pharaoh of the Egyptians, a descendant of the gods. There is information from ancient Egyptian history that the architect of the pyramids was Imhotep, the high priest; it is quite possible that it was Imhotep who rebuilt the pyramids due to their certain dilapidation. The creator of the pyramids is also called the god Thoth or, according to the accepted later version, Hermes Trismegistus - Hermes the Thrice-Great. It is possible that there is a special meaning hidden in this name: thanks to Hermes, the three great pyramids were built, for which he received the title of the Thrice-Great. And the pyramids of Giza can be considered as a special complex, not only as an observatory.

Scientists paid attention to the features of the Cheops pyramid: in ancient times it could serve as a kind of solar calendar, showing with great accuracy the most important astronomical milestones - the equinoxes (spring and autumn) and the summer and winter solstices. The area surrounding the pyramid was once laid out with specially fitted slabs that had markings. The shadow of the pyramid passed across these slabs, like the hand of a clock across a familiar dial. And if the ancient information is correct, then the cladding of the pyramid sparkled under the rays of the sun, so it is likely that they were guided not even by the shadow of the pyramid, but by a luminous arrow lying on the stone foundations! But the observatory and the stone calendar are not all.

There is an assumption that there was a medical complex in Giza. And this may well be, because according to the reconstruction of one specialist, pools were built around the pyramids, where the sufferers received healing baths, in different parts The remains of temples were discovered on the plateau itself. In addition, it is known that in Egyptian temples of a later period, priest-physicians were required to serve. In addition, the pyramids were somehow connected to the Nile through a system of canals; presumably, under the rocky base of the pyramids there are both the remains of canals and underground passages. That is, the pyramids were interconnected not only visually, but also by a network of underground communications. Regarding the pyramids themselves, the question is, of course, controversial. But the fact that there is an underground gallery from the Sphinxes (and there were two of them, and the paired Sphinx has now been found) to the Cheops pyramid is a fact. Even in ancient times, the existence of such a move was well known.

There is an opinion that the pyramids were something like a power plant. After all, strange glass vessels with sealed rods have been found, very much like our lamps... There are also numerous legends about magic lamps that were used in the pyramids. And it is impossible to explain how the ancient Egyptians carried out interior paintings of pyramids, tombs and temples, if not a single trace of smoking torches was found on the walls and ceiling - the only, in our opinion, possible lighting in a room without windows. assume that the artists had lighting devices unknown to us. Some even suggested that they knew something like solar panels.

According to other assumptions, the pyramids were water storage facilities for periods of drought. According to the third - that these were huge granaries. According to the fourth, these were occult centers where future priests underwent mystical initiation. And according to Hancock, the pyramids were a cosmodrome from where the star gods went out into outer space. So far, none of the assumptions has been confirmed, starting with the very first, scientific one - that the deceased pharaohs were buried in the pyramids. Of all the proposed options, this is the most hopeless.

If you find yourself on the Giza Plateau and enter the Cheops Pyramid, you will have to make a difficult and long journey inside the pyramid. This path is difficult not only because of the heat and stuffiness, but also because starting from the very first step you will have to walk practically on all fours - only a child can walk freely along the low predatory shaft that goes from the entrance to the belly of the pyramid. You will have to go down and down, slipping on the wooden steps, until a corridor begins that goes up to the so-called queen’s chamber. Afterwards, along the Great Gallery you will be able to ascend to the burial chamber of the pharaoh.

“This long gallery with a high ceiling,” V. Lebedev describes his journey inside the pyramid, “is also unique in its own way: its walls consist of carefully fitted stone blocks, and the limestone slabs facing the false arch are laid so that each subsequent layer overlaps the previous one.” . There is another attraction ahead - a gateway room, which tourists usually do not know about. But this ingenious device was a trap for robbers, on whom a load of sand would fall from a camouflaged shelf, and their path to the pharaoh’s treasures would be blocked by a heavy grate descending along slippery grooves.

Japanese scientists were able to pass a miniature camera through a gap inside the monolithic blocks from the room with the sarcophagus, and the camera showed another room, empty, and then a heavy door with vaguely shiny copper handles was clearly visible. So far we have not been able to get through this door. Perhaps there is a room behind it where the pyramid will reveal all its secrets to us? And it may well be that this room will also be empty, as has happened more than once in the history of the study of Egyptian antiquities.

1. The three most famous Egyptian pyramids are those at the Giza Necropolis, but in fact approximately 140 pyramids have been discovered in the area of ​​ancient Egypt.

2. The oldest Egyptian pyramid is considered to be the Pyramid of Djoser, which was built in the Necropolis of Saqqara in the 27th century BC.

3. While the Pyramid of Djoser is considered the oldest, the Pyramid of Cheops is the largest. The original height of the pyramid was 146.5 meters, and the current height is 138.8 meters.

4. Until the construction of Lincoln's Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in England in 1311, the Great Pyramid of Giza held the title of the most tall building in a world created by human hands. She held the record for at least three thousand years!

5. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and the last one still in existence.

6. Estimates of the number of workers involved in the construction of the pyramids vary greatly, however, it is likely that at least 100,000 people built them.

7. The Pyramids of Giza are guarded by the Great Sphinx, the largest monolithic sculpture in the world. It is believed that the face of the sphinx was given a resemblance to the face of Pharaoh Khafre.

8. All Egyptian pyramids were built on the west bank of the Nile River, which is the site of sunset and was associated with the kingdom of the dead in Egyptian mythology.

9. The ancient Egyptians buried their noble citizens in pyramids with funeral gifts that ranged from household items to the most expensive items such as jewelry. They believed that the dead would use them in the afterlife.

10. The earliest known architect of the pyramids was Imhotep, an ancient Egyptian polymath, engineer and physician. He is considered the author of the first major pyramid - the Pyramid of Djoser.

11. While experts generally agree on the hypothesis that the pyramids were built from huge stones cut with copper chisels in quarries, the methods used to move and stack them are still the subject of heated debate and speculation.

12. Another relatively obvious fact is that the methods used to build the pyramids evolved over time. Later pyramids are built differently from the earliest pyramids.

13. After the end of the period of pyramid construction in Ancient Egypt, an outbreak of pyramid construction began in the territory of modern Sudan.

14. In the 12th century, an attempt was made to destroy the pyramids of Giza. Al-Aziz, the Kurdish ruler and second sultan of the Ayyubid dynasty, attempted to demolish them, but had to give up as the task was too large-scale. However, he managed to damage the Pyramid of Mikerinus, where his attempts left a vertical gaping hole in its northern slope.

15. The three pyramids of Giza are precisely aligned with the constellation Orion, which may well have been the builders' intention, since the stars of Orion were associated with Osiris, the god of rebirth and the underworld in ancient Egyptian mythology.

16. It is estimated that the Great Pyramid of Giza consists of 2,300,000 stone blocks that weigh between 2 and 30 tons, with some even weighing more than 50 tons.

17. The pyramids were originally covered with casing stones made of highly polished white limestone. These stones reflected the light of the sun and made the pyramids shine like gems.

18. When the casing stones covered the pyramids, they could be seen from the mountains in Israel and maybe even from the moon.

19. Despite the extreme heat surrounding the pyramids, the temperature inside the pyramids themselves actually remains relatively constant, hovering around 20 degrees Celsius.

21. The Pyramid of Cheops was built facing north. In fact, it is the most carefully north-aligned structure in the world. Even though it was built thousands of years ago, the pyramid still faces north, with only a slight misalignment. However, an error occurred because North Pole is gradually shifting, which means that the pyramid was once directed due north.

22. On average, each pyramid took 200 years to build. This means that often several pyramids were built at once, rather than just one.

23. One of the reasons why the pyramids are so well preserved is the unique cement mortar used in them. It is stronger than real stone, but we still don't know how they prepared it.

24. Contrary to popular belief, the pyramids were most likely not built by slaves or prisoners. They were built by ordinary workers who received wages.

25. Although many people associate pyramids with hieroglyphs, no writing or hieroglyphs have been found in the Great Pyramid of Giza.

The rise of Egyptian civilization occurred approximately 5 thousand years ago and lasted for three thousand years. At this time, the first pyramids appeared, at first imperfect, and then very skillful. In the ancient world they were considered one of the seven wonders of the world. The Egyptian pyramids keep their mysteries to this day. Interesting facts about them are collected in this article.

Why were the pyramids created?

The Lord, wanting to show his greatness and power, built a majestic creation in memory of himself. He filled out separate rooms and a burial chamber with precious utensils that were supposed to serve him after death.

History of the creation of the pyramids

Mastaba was the name of the king's first tomb. Low rectangular buildings were built from clay bricks. The burial itself was underground. This is how the first Egyptian pyramids were created. We have selected interesting facts for children below.

The first “house of eternity” was built by the architect Imhotep for Pharaoh Djoser. He placed several mastabas one on top of the other. The largest was the base, then the mastabas became smaller.

This is how the world's first step pyramid was built, the top of which reaches into the sky. It was a very impressive and monumental structure. They liked it, and soon the kings began to build themselves houses for the afterlife - the Egyptian pyramids. Interesting facts about the world's first pyramid are as follows:

  • A wall is built around it, which is 10 meters high. It has 15 inputs. Only one of them is real.
  • On the outside, its walls are made of limestone, which has weathered and become uneven over 4.5 thousand years.

  • Inside there are shafts and branched corridors that are easy to get confused in. Of them they end up in one room or another, and there are more than four hundred of them. In these premises the priests performed religious ceremonies. The corridors are very narrow and low. They walk on them, bending their back. This is done so that only the body of the deceased can be carried. The first eleven shafts are very smooth, with right angles. All others are created more primitively.
  • The top of the pyramid is directed towards the North Star.

The rituals of the priests that we know about seem strange to us. Their witnesses are the Egyptian pyramids. Interesting facts about them can be collected endlessly. Here, for example, is what we know about the burial of Djoser.

Thanks to its triangular shape, its head is directed towards the heavens. Therefore, the soul of the pharaoh easily soared to the gods. But first, his body floated along the river of the underworld in a boat in search of his soul. When the priests believed that the soul had ascended to heaven, they returned the heart to the dead body of the ruler, then opened his eyes and mouth so that in the afterlife he could see everything and conduct conversations. After this they began the sacrificial feast. Oils were poured onto the mummy, thin bandages and tiaras were applied. At this point the ritual ended, and the pharaoh was considered resurrected.

Information for schoolchildren

IN Ancient world there were Seven Wonders of the World. They reflected cultures different nations. Among them, ancient people included the pyramids of Egypt. There was even a statement that everyone is afraid of time, but it itself is afraid of the pyramids. It's true - the other wonders did not survive, only the pyramids survived. People have always been interested in what these huge structures hide. They looked for treasures in them, and a lot was looted, despite the fact that systems of traps completely permeated the Egyptian pyramids. Interesting facts about them can be found in numerous books. Children's libraries are rich in them. We will bring Interesting Facts about Egyptian pyramids for schoolchildren:

  • Pyramids do not cast shadows if the sun is high. On the day of the winter solstice, the longest shadow falls on the earth. Using it you can measure the height of the pyramid without instruments.
  • Three of them were placed by ancient astronomers and builders in the same way as the belt of the constellation Orion. Today, the stars have shifted a little, and the pyramids do not stand perfectly level under the stars. This situation was not accidental. Orion was united in the minds of the Egyptians with the god Osiris. He was the ruler of the underworld and reigned over the rebirth of life: pharaohs must live forever.

  • Pyramids are not only found in North Africa. They are in South and Central America, India and Mexico, Ethiopia and Cambodia, in Somalia. This leads some scientists to think that there was a single civilization in ancient times.

Giant on the Nile

The exact number of pyramids is difficult to determine. There are about seventy or eighty of them. They lined up on a rocky plateau that separates the valley of the life-giving Nile from the desert, at a distance of one hundred kilometers from Cairo to Illauhan. Almost all of them, with the exception of two, have a geometrically regular shape. We have already mentioned one of them - stepped, the other is located in Dashur and has a diamond shape. But the rest of the pyramids are as similar to each other as two peas in a pod. They differ only in size. The Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu) is the largest.

If you describe it in numbers, it will awaken your imagination. Its volume is 2,525,000 cubic meters and its area is 54,000 square meters. Such a site can accommodate more than 1,000 two-room apartments. Royal palaces There is less Europe than it: Versailles in Paris and Buckingham in England, Escorial in Madrid and the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. The pyramid is taller than the dome over St. Peter's in Rome, St. Paul's in London, Notre Dame in Paris, St. Vita in Prague. If it were empty inside, it would fit a tower for space rocket and her launch pad. Aren't these interesting facts about the Egyptian pyramids?

Guardians of Eternity

In Ancient Egypt, the works of architects and builders, who were supposed to glorify the earthly rulers, towered above all the temples dedicated to the gods. In architecture, perhaps, there are no more powerful and more laconic structures than the pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Mikerin. These stone “crystals” boldly triumph over the unknowable and the mystery of death. Here are the most interesting facts about the Egyptian pyramids:

  • The angle of inclination of the stacked blocks is not too steep. It is only 6 degrees higher than 45°.
  • The four sides of the three main pyramids are strictly oriented to the north, south, west and east.
  • If five nine-story buildings are stacked on top of each other, we will get the approximate maximum height of the buildings.
  • On average, each block weighs 2500 kg, but there are also those whose weight exceeds the average by 32 times, which is approximately eighty tons.
  • The stones fit tightly together without mortar. Their pressure is such that it is impossible to squeeze even a piece of paper between them.

  • The road that led to the pyramid from the quarry took about ten years to build, and the pyramid itself took about twenty. Therefore, the pharaohs began construction of the tomb from their youth.

Tutankhamun's tomb

In 1922, English researchers found the tomb of the young ruler, almost untouched by thieves, in the area of ​​former Thebes.

Immediately, exciting facts about the Egyptian pyramids began to appear, or rather, about a new sensational one:

  • Tutankhamun died at age 19.
  • The causes of death have not yet been established: illness, murder, fall from a chariot.
  • Treasures were found in the pyramid: a golden chariot and throne, lamps, caskets, vases, writing utensils, gold jewelry, precious stones, ships. On them the ruler was supposed to sail to the afterlife. Gold masks on three coffins and on a mummy.

Mysterious deaths

The excavations took five years, and all this time their participants gradually died. The list of mysterious facts about the Egyptian pyramids includes the “curse of the tomb.” Suggestions have been made about the presence of radioactive elements, poisons, and harmful fungi in it. Here is the list of the dead:

  • Lord Carnarvon died in 1923.
  • Then Douglas-Reid, who performed the x-rays.
  • A. K. Mace, who opened the burial chamber with Lord Carnarvon, dies.
  • Colonel Aubrey Herbert, Lord Carnarvon's brother, has died.
  • The wife of an Egyptian prince kills her husband right at the excavation site.
  • In 1928, deaths continued. First, archaeologist Carter's secretary dies, then his father is thrown out of a window in 1930.
  • That same year, Carnarvon's half-brother commits suicide.

Such tragedies, which have not been revealed to this day, ended the work on the tomb of Tutankhamun.

There are more than 70 Egyptian pyramids in total, but only 3 of them are the most famous.

Secrets and legends of the tombs of the pharaohs

Text of work

Spelling errors - 47

There are more than 70 Egyptian pyramids in total, but only 3 of them are the most famous. These are the tombs of the great pharaohs that are located in Giza - the pyramids of Mekerin (Menkaure), Khafre (Khefre) and Cheops (Khufu). Many ancient legends, numerous mysterious legends and absolutely inexplicable mystical incidents are associated with these places.

Secrets of Khafre

Tomb of Mikerin

Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu)

The Mystery of Tutankhamun's Pyramid

Further events developed at a very fast pace. Even before the moment when the tomb of the pharaoh was opened, Lord Carnarvon received one strange letter from Count Haymon, an English clairvoyant. In this letter, the count warned the inquisitive Carnarvon that if he wanted to penetrate the secret of Tutankhamun's pyramid, then serious illness which will lead him to death. The lord was very alarmed by this message, and he decided to turn to the famous fortune teller Velma for advice. The clairvoyant repeated almost word for word the same warning that had only recently been received from Count Haimon. Lord Carnarvon decided to complete the excavations, but preparations for them had already gone far. Involuntarily, he was forced to challenge all the mystical forces that guard the tomb of the late pharaoh...

Encyclopedias of knowledge, in its own way a treasury of Egyptian wisdom (the pyramids of Tenochtitlan);

Astronomical observatories;

Barriers against sands coming from the desert;

Architecture standards;

Alien information capsules;

Border fortresses and even berths for Noah's Ark.

These are the tombs of the great pharaohs that are located in Giza - the pyramids of Mekerin (Menkaure), Khafre (Khefre) and Cheops (Khufu). Many ancient legends, numerous mysterious legends and absolutely inexplicable mystical incidents are associated with these places.

It cannot be said with certainty that today all the secrets of the pyramids of Egypt have been solved, because their priests were undoubtedly very inventive and resourceful people. It is quite possible that our researchers still have to solve many of the mysteries of the Sphinx and be lucky enough to penetrate into the essence of Egyptian magic, science and architecture.

Secrets of Khafre

The height of the Khafre pyramid is 136.5 m. Its structure is very simple - two entrances located on the north side and 2 chambers. The Pyramid of Khafre was built from stone blocks of various sizes, then lined with slabs made of white limestone. The top of this tomb is made of very beautiful yellow limestone.
It has been proven that trying to penetrate deep into the secrets of the pyramids of Egypt is not safe! An event that happened to tourists back in 1984 can serve as proof of this. A large queue crowded in front of the entrance to one tunnel, which leads deeper into the pyramid. All the people were awaiting the arrival of the group, which went to the room with the sarcophagus - that is, the tomb of Khafre, in which the mummy of this ruler was once sealed. It is believed that in addition to his pyramid, this pharaoh erected a mysterious lion man - the Great Sphinx.

In the end, the people who were there returned, but what happened to them! All of them were choking from coughing, suffering from nausea and general weakness, their eyes were red. Later, tourists said that at the same time they all felt pain in their eyes, irritation in their throat, nose and lungs, and experienced profuse lacrimation. The victims went for medical care, they were examined, but... No specific abnormalities were identified. It was assumed that, in all likelihood, the tomb of the pharaoh was filled with some mysterious gas that leaked into the tomb in an unknown way.
The tomb was closed, and a commission was urgently convened to find out the secret of the Egyptian pyramid. The relevant experts have put forward several of their working versions - the emergence of caustic gases directly from faults in the depths of the earth’s crust, the work of unknown attackers, or even the intervention of some mystical forces. According to one of the most striking versions, one of the traps of antiquity, specially equipped against robbers by the priests, could have been located in the tomb of the pharaoh.

Tomb of Mikerin

The Greeks called Khafre's heir and son Mikerin. The smallest of the large pyramids known to us belongs to this great ruler. At first, the height of this structure was only 66 meters, but the current one is 55.5 meters. The length of each side is 103 meters. The entrance is located on the northern wall; part of the cladding has also been preserved here. This also contributed to the formation of legends about the mystical secrets of Egypt.

The Pyramid of Mikerin was discovered by British Colonel Vance Howard in 1837. He discovered a sarcophagus made of basalt in the golden chamber of the tomb, as well as a coffin lid made of wood, which was carved in the shape human figure. This find was dated as belonging to the era of early Christianity. The sarcophagus was not delivered to England - the ship that transported it from Egypt sank.

There is a legend that the Egyptians adopted some secrets from the Atlanteans who arrived in their country. So, for example, it is generally accepted that the effect that it has on the cells of any living creature depends on the shape, as well as the mass of the pyramid. The pyramid can simultaneously destroy and heal many diseases. It is known that the influence of the field of the Mikerin pyramid is so great that tourists who were in its critical zone for a long time soon died. Certain people who entered the tomb of Mikerin fell into a faint, unconscious state, and sharply felt a deterioration in their health. Therefore, you should not try to unravel the secrets of the pyramids of Egypt by trial and error.

Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu)

The surviving records of the Greek historian Herodotus indicate that the tomb of Pharaoh Cheops was built over a period of more than twenty years. During this period, about 100,000 people constantly worked at the construction site. The body of the Cheops pyramid consists of 128 stone layers; the outer edges of the structure were lined with snow-white limestone. It is important to note that the facing slabs are fitted with such impeccable precision that it is impossible even to insert a knife blade into the gap between them.

Many researchers have tried to penetrate the secrets of the pyramids of Egypt. Famous archaeologist Ghoneim Mohammed discovered an ancient Egyptian pyramid with an alabaster sarcophagus located inside. When the excavations were coming to an end, one of the stone blocks collapsed and carried away several workers at once. Nothing was found in the sarcophagus removed from there.
The Englishman Brighton Paul, having heard that large number tourists visiting the tomb of Pharaoh Cheops, there is a rapid deterioration in their health, I decided to experience the influence of this pyramid on myself. The tireless researcher had the opportunity to penetrate into the burial room of Cheops himself, which ended very badly for him. After some time, Brighton was discovered and removed from there. The Englishman was in a semi-conscious state; after he was found, he even admitted that he lost consciousness from indescribable horror.

The Mystery of Tutankhamun's Pyramid

The autumn of 1922 left its mark forever in the history of the development of archeology - the British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the pyramid of Tutankhamun. On February 16, 1923, Carter, together with Lord Carnarvon (the philanthropist who financed this enterprise), opened the tomb in the presence of witnesses. In the room of this sarcophagus there was a tablet, it contained an inscription in ancient Egyptian, which was later deciphered as: “Anyone who dares to disturb the peace of the Pharaoh will be overtaken by death with rapid steps.” When the archaeologist deciphered this tablet, he hid it for a long time so as not to confuse all his companions and workers with such an ominous warning.

Further events developed at a very fast pace. Even before the moment when the tomb of the pharaoh was opened, Lord Carnarvon received one strange letter from Count Haymon, an English clairvoyant. In this letter, the count warned the inquisitive Carnarvon that if he wanted to penetrate the secret of Tutankhamun’s pyramid, he would face a serious illness that would lead him to death. The lord was very alarmed by this message, and he decided to turn to the famous fortune teller Velma for advice. The clairvoyant repeated almost word for word the same warning that had only recently been received from Count Haimon. Lord Carnarvon decided to complete the excavations, but preparations for them had already gone far. Involuntarily, he was forced to challenge all the mystical forces that guard the tomb of the late pharaoh.

The 57-year-old Lord Carnarvon suddenly fell ill after just 6 weeks. At first, doctors believed that the disease was the result of a local mosquito bite. It later turned out that the lord cut himself while shaving and possibly suffered blood poisoning. But be that as it may, he soon died, and the exact cause of his death is not clear.

This incident is not limited to the death of Carnarvon alone. Within one year, 5 more members of the expedition that tried to penetrate the secrets of the pyramids of Egypt die. Among them were conservationist Mace, English literature professor La Fleur, Carter's secretary Bethel Richard, and a radiologist named Wood. Mace died in the same hotel where Carnarvon died, and also for an unknown reason. Before his death, he complained of attacks of weakness, experienced apathy and melancholy. Over the next few years, 22 people who were somehow related to the research and excavations carried out in the tomb of the pharaoh died suddenly and suddenly.

It’s hard to believe, but it’s a fact: Lord Canterville on the Titanic transported the perfectly preserved mummy of Amenophis, a soothsayer who lived under Amenhotep the Fourth, which has been perfectly preserved to this day. This mummy was removed from a fairly small tomb, over which the temple towered. Her peace was protected by sacred amulets, which accompanied the mummy on this journey. Under the head of the mummy there was a tablet with an inscription that also depicted Osiris. The words on the tablet read: “Wake up from the fainting spell in which you are, and triumph over the machinations against you.”

Why were the pyramids of Giza built?

Such majestic structures could be not only the tombs of great pharaohs. The secrets of the pyramids of Egypt have not been solved to this day. And yet there are some assumptions. It is likely that the pyramids are:

  • encyclopedias of knowledge, in its own way a treasury of Egyptian wisdom (the pyramids of Tenochtitlan);
  • astronomical observatories;
  • barriers against sands coming from the desert;
  • architectural standards;
  • alien information capsules;
  • border fortresses and even berths for Noah's Ark.

And this is only a small part of the existing assumptions made by scientists and many other people regarding these architectural structures.
One of the unsolved mysteries is the speed of construction, fantastic for those times, with which each tomb was erected. Scientists calculated it based on the time of the Nile flood, the life expectancy of the rulers, and other factors. It turned out that 4 blocks were installed every minute, that is, 240 every hour! And all this only with the help of rather primitive mechanisms - ropes, levers, etc. There is even one incredible assumption that the Egyptian priests then possessed a secret that helped overcome the law of attraction.
