What essential oils are considered aphrodisiacs? Fragrant secrets: properties of ylang-ylang oil and how to use it

For many hundreds of years, the sweet, exotic aroma of the ylang-ylang plant has filled the homes and hearts of people all over the world. Some add it to aroma lamps to improve the energy in the room, others give their partner an erotic massage with ylang-ylang oil to ignite the fire of passion in him, and still others use perfume with ylang-ylang and simply enjoy its aroma. What do you use ylang-ylang essential oil for?

What is ylang-ylang oil?

Ylang-ylang oil is an essential oil distilled from the incredibly fragrant yellow, pink or lilac color, growing on tall (10 to 30 meters) trees. The most best oil obtained from yellow flowers.

Ylang-ylang trees grow in Madagascar, Jamaica, Philippines, Seychelles, Sumatra, Java, Reunification Islands, Indonesia and Malaysia.

Ylang-ylang oil properties and uses:

Ylang-ylang has a calming effect: relaxes nervous system, reduces anxiety and fear, reduces tension, helps remove the body from a state of shock and panic, fights insomnia and aggression. The relaxing properties of ylang-ylang oil have been scientifically proven experimentally: ylang-ylang really significantly increases the activity of the alpha rhythm in the human brain. According to Montzriev, ylang-ylang calms and relieves aggression. According to Warwood, it helps to cope with shyness. Essential oil Ylang-ylang is very often used as an antidepressant. However, anyone who decides to use ylang-ylang for this purpose should remember that long-term use of the plant gives the opposite effect.

Ylang-ylang aromatic oil is an effective remedy in the fight against lice. Israeli scientists have proven that ylang-ylang is not inferior in its effectiveness to even the most expensive and potent pharmaceuticals.

Ylang-ylang has a hypotensive effect and helps reduce high blood pressure. It is used for tachycardia, hyperpnea, hypertension, as well as for shock conditions. In 2004 and 2006, tests were carried out on volunteers Scientific research, proving the relevance of using ylang-ylang oil for these conditions.

Ylang-ylang has a blood circulation-regulating effect, dilates blood vessels, helps with cramps, and relieves migraine-like pain. Under the influence of oil, blood vessels become more elastic, resulting in improved blood flow through them. However, it should be said that these symptoms are quite serious and you should not self-medicate. It is best to use ylang-ylang as an addition to treatment prescribed by a doctor, homeopath or chiropractor.

The antiseptic effect of ylang-ylang has been valued at all times; it is able to resist viruses, infections, bacteria and fungi, and inhibit the proliferation of microbes. It is used to treat wounds (including purulent ones), lubricate the site of an insect bite, when problem skin, prone to “rashes”, as well as gastrointestinal disorders.

Ylang-ylang oil for internal use

IN Food Industry Ylang-ylang oil, like other essential oils, is used extremely rarely and in very small quantities:

  • added to teas, wines and other drinks to give them a more noble aroma;
  • as a flavoring agent in the preparation of puddings, ice cream, baked goods, candies, etc.

Although a 2007 toxicity test of ylang-ylang oil found that its microscopic use in food does not pose a health risk to humans, it is not recommended for use in this manner. In the case of heat treatment, the active chemical components of essential oils are destroyed, and the dish acquires a bitter and unpleasant taste. To ignite passion, use something more traditional, such as aphrodisiac chocolate, champagne or raspberries.

In addition, ylang-ylang is included in various medicinal products, such as MotionEaze for the treatment of motion sickness.

Ylang-ylang oil for hair and face

Separately, we should dwell on the widespread use of ylang-ylang oil in cosmetology.

Ylang-ylang oil is suitable for all skin types:

  • soothes dry, irritated skin;
  • reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands of oily skin;
  • balances the functioning of the glands of mixed skin;
  • relieves inflammation and irritation of various types;
  • prevents early skin aging;
  • stimulates the growth of new cells in the deep layers of the skin;
  • helps eliminate acne;
  • makes the skin irresistible: gives elasticity and velvety;
  • relieves skin condition with eczema and dermatoses;
  • eliminates hair loss;
  • restores thinning and brittle hair;
  • strengthens nails;
  • improves and maintains breast shape;
  • preserves and strengthens tan;
  • eliminates hyperemia - tiny dilations of blood vessels;
  • soothes irritated skin after sunbathing.

In addition, manufacturers of cosmetic products for hair care, face/body skin care are captivated by the relative cheapness of ylang-ylang oil, which adds an exotic sweet floral aroma to any product.


Safe when interacting with all currently known herbs and other nutritional supplements.

In Asia, ylang-ylang flowers symbolize love, so for many centuries not a single wedding ceremony is complete without them.

The aroma of ylang-ylang forms the basis of the world famous “Chanel No. 5”, where it combines perfectly with the aromas of jasmine, lily, rose, sandalwood, cinnamon, vanilla, patchouli...

On islands Pacific Ocean Ylang-ylang flowers are traditionally placed on the beds of newlyweds.

In 1873 in scientific journal an oil was mentioned that was distilled from the flowers of a tree growing in Jamaica. At that time it had just appeared on the European market with a price of 2500 francs per liter.

It is almost impossible to find references to ylang-ylang in Western literature before the 19th century, but it is known for certain that in 1890 French perfumers already used it in full in their fragrances.

Residents of tropical latitudes (where the plant grows) mix ylang-ylang oil with coconut or palm oil for cosmetic purposes.

In addition to flowers, tree bark is also used. A recent study conducted on one of the constituents of the bark (root) extract of ylang-ylang showed that the plant has a contraceptive effect with a change in sperm morphology. The male rats that took part in the experiment had decreased sperm count and sperm motility.

Tim Betts, a neuropsychiatrist and consultant at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham in England, published on the Internet the results of several studies proving positive influence essential oils for epileptics. He suggests that if the patient is not allergic to essential oils, then in small quantities they can prevent an epileptic attack. These oils include ylang-ylang and rosemary.

Harm from ylang-ylang

The alleged harm that ylang-ylang oil can have on the human body is mainly associated with either its misuse, abuse, or individual intolerance.

Overuse (using oil in too high a concentration or uncontrolled exposure time) may result in headaches and/or nausea.

Do not use Ylang Ylang if you have dermatitis, inflammatory skin conditions, very sensitive skin or if your skin is damaged as it may cause irritation.

Since ylang-ylang oil is an effective means of reducing blood pressure, hypotensive patients should use it with caution.

Despite the absence of contraindications for use of ylang-ylang essential oil, one should still take into account the presence of possible hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to its components.

The use of oil is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age.

Is ylang-ylang essential oil an aphrodisiac?

Along with jasmine and rose oil, ylang-ylang is one of the three most effective essential oils for increasing libido, its second name is “passion oil”. A particularly strong sexual effect is observed in men when the exotic floral aroma touches the nerve endings in the brain. For women, ylang-ylang essential oil calms and relaxes, awakening secret fantasies. Ylang-ylang perfumes for sexual arousal have been around for centuries.

Ylang-ylang essential oil:

  • has a beneficial effect on hormone production and hormonal balance. Therefore, it is often used to treat painful menstruation, relieve symptoms of PMS and menopause, for cramps and irregular periods.
  • relaxes and soothes the genitourinary system;
  • tones the uterus;
  • strengthens the instinct of motherhood in a woman, therefore it is often used after childbirth, especially caesarean section.

In addition, this remedy is actively used for impotence, frigidity and other sexual problems.

To make a date with your loved one even more solemn and exciting, add a few drops of ylang-ylang oil to the aroma lamp and fill the room with a wonderful aroma.

An erotic massage with aphrodisiac essential oil will perfectly relax you and set you in the mood for love and pleasure. Ylang-ylang can be mixed with camellia, sandalwood and myrtle oils.

Attention: During massage, avoid contact of oil with the mucous membrane of the genital organs, as you can get irritation or even burn.

Aphrodisiacs are substances that stimulate sexual desire and increase vitality necessary to realize this feeling. The name aphrodisiacs has its roots in greek mythology, when the goddess of love, Aphrodite, achieved the favor of Zeus’s love with the help of a magic belt in which love, desire, and seduction were contained.

Over the centuries, aphrodisiacs have been viewed from different perspectives. And since people do not have access to Aphrodite's magical belt, they have to turn to nature. And in order to exert its effect, an aphrodisiac must “come into contact” with the human body.

Aphrodisiacs can be taken in different shapes: in the form of teas, drinks, products. Previously, mixtures of herbs were used, which were smoked or used as incense. Odors acted on the body through olfactory receptors, and when smoking they entered the blood through the lungs.

Various oils and ointments were also prepared, which were rubbed into the skin, and these substances acted on the skin. Later, people began to look in the plant kingdom for substances that could induce desire. Some of the plants were edible, some were used as medicine, and many of the plants were deadly poison. Many plants, while helping some, did not have the desired effect on others. And many plants were simply forgotten because of the side effects they had on the body.

Some foods also have aphrodisiac properties, such as: nuts (any), honey, chocolate, black and red caviar, basil, parsley, olive oil, strawberries, bananas, dates, coconut, mango, avocado, spices, etc.

But, since today we are talking about aphrodisiac essential oils, we will return to them. Moreover, this topic is interesting not only to women, but also to men.

In love, essential oils will help put you in the right mood. So, how does essential oil act as an aphrodisiac on the body?

Essential oils - aphrodisiacs - promote the release of pheromones - biologically active substances that act as a form of chemical bond between a man and a woman. They are secreted by special glands located directly in skin humans and act on a subconscious level, causing sexual arousal.

When released, phenomons are perceived by the olfactory organs and transmit a signal to the cerebral cortex, thereby causing attraction or desire.

And some aphrodisiacs contain substances that stimulate the formation of sex hormones and cause a rush of blood to the genitals, thereby increasing their sensitivity.

Essential oils act on the brain by stimulating the release of endorphins. Endorphins are hormones that are also called the “happiness hormone” or “joy hormone.” These hormones cause a feeling of happiness, heighten feelings and desires during sexual intercourse, and also make a person more relaxed and free. In addition, endorphins help normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Aphrodisiac essential oils remove barriers in the form of shyness and complexes, increase desire, and increase sensitivity.

Essential oils aphrodisiacs for women and men.

First of all, you should like the aroma of the oil. The oil should harmonize you, thus creating self-confidence, which is very important. Fragrances are applied to a clean body, this applies to both men and women. As an aphrodisiac oil, you need to choose an oil that both will like.

Fragrances should not be applied to large quantities, the aroma should be light. So that a man, for example, wants to “reach out” to you, to find out what you smell like. And also, you need to choose the method of using the oil, that is, it is an aroma pendant, an aroma bath, an aroma massage, or aromatic perfume.

For a bath, you need to dissolve the oil in cream, milk, honey, you cannot drip oil into the water, otherwise it will remain on the surface of the water when you get out of the bath, the oil will remain on your skin, and as you know, oils can cause skin burns. For aroma massage, essential oil must be diluted with base oil by 10 ml. base oil (about 2 teaspoons) you need 4 drops of essential oil.

The oil you like can be used to scent linen; to do this, apply a few drops of oil to a napkin and place it next to the linen. In just 1-2 days, your laundry will smell fragrantly of your favorite oil.

Ginger essential oil. Well suited for erotic massage, this massage helps relieve tension and increases blood flow. Ginger oil is a truly masculine oil that helps enhance potency, excites, warms, and gives confidence in oneself and one’s abilities.

Jasmine essential oil. This oil is a good aphrodisiac for both men and women. Jasmine oil is one of the most expensive oils. Jasmine oil restores self-confidence and allows you to feel your attractiveness. Jasmine has been used for centuries in India as an aphrodisiac, dripped onto hair to “attract a husband.” The aroma of the oil is very intense, so you only need one drop.

Ylang-ylang essential oil. This oil is an erotic oil that increases a woman's receptivity and a man's potency. The oil relieves feelings of tension, fear, gives confidence in oneself and one’s own strengths, and gives a feeling of serene peace.

Patchouli essential oil. It is considered more of a masculine than a feminine oil. Patchouli oil enhances potency, reveals sensuality, relieves anxiety, calms, and pacifies.

Neroli essential oil. This oil is obtained from orange flowers. Among the aphrodisiac oils, neroli oil is classified as a “passion oil”, as it is believed that this oil “opens the door” to mysterious world passions. This oil is very expensive. Neroli oil enhances potency and sensuality, the oil allows you to feel lasting pleasure.

Rose essential oil. Considered one of the most expensive essential oils in the world! You can literally buy it by the ml. Moreover, 1 ml. This oil costs the same as the minimum wage for one month, well, that’s just for understanding. This oil is classified as a feminine oil; it affects the female body both emotionally and physical level. This oil tones the uterus and is beneficial for the female reproductive system. It can be used on your wedding night, such a night will be remembered for a lifetime.

Sandalwood essential oil. This oil is classified as a masculine oil that increases potency and makes a man simply irresistible. Smell sandalwood oil many people like it, some women also like sandalwood oil. This oil is considered one of the most expensive essential oils.

Cinnamon essential oil. It is considered an erotic oil, as it brings passion into relationships, increases potency, enhances sensitivity, turns on fantasy and increases energy.

Cedar essential oil. Brings freshness into relationships, oil can prolong the time of love play.

Myrrh essential oil. Considered a feminine oil, its aroma is delicate and refined. The deep line of myrrh connects the river of Life with the river of Love. It is also known that children conceived in the aroma of myrrh are extraordinary and very beautiful.

Geranium essential oil. Suitable for women over 45, the scent will lift your spirits and add sentimentality and dreaminess. The smell of geranium can be considered an aromatic stimulant for both partners.

This list of oils can still be continued, but I would exchange all these oils for one single rose oil; the way it smells is simply indescribable. And according to research by American scientists, lavender oil can also be classified as an aphrodisiac. And every fourth person chooses spicy scents for themselves.

But, you need to give preference to the oil that you like best. I would like to note that good essential oils are very expensive and are not sold in regular pharmacies, no matter how sad this may sound, I was convinced of this myself. A list of companies producing high-quality essential oils can be found in the article ““.

Also remember that all oils need to be tested so that you are not allergic to them. I think that after reading about aphrodisiac essential oils and their properties, you will be able to choose the right oil for yourself.

It has already been proven that almost 90% of all information that can influence feelings we receive through smell. It turns out that our love or dislike for a person largely depends on smells. Moreover, fragrances have the same effect on both women and men.

There is a close relationship between the sense of smell and sexuality. People with a well-developed sense of smell usually have no problems in the sexual sphere. But if, for some reason, your own sense of smell does not help you sharpen sexual desire and dulls sensuality during sexual intercourse, then essential oils with aphrodisiac properties will come to the rescue.

Essential oils act on receptors and cause a nerve impulse that stimulates the release of endorphins. This “happiness hormone” can enhance not only sexual desire, but also all the feelings experienced during sexual intercourse - passion, erogenous receptivity, sensuality. This effect can occur not only when we inhale essential oils through the nose, but also through contact with the skin. Taking this into account, essential oils with aphrodisiac properties are very often used in erotic massage.

Classic essential oils (physiological)

These oils stimulate the functioning of the endocrine glands, improve blood circulation, prevent premature ejaculation, eliminate frigidity, prolong sexual intercourse, and increase potency. The classic aphrodisiac oils include the following: vetiver, verbena, cloves, geranium, jasmine, ginger, ylang-ylang, cypress, cinnamon, neroli, nutmeg, myrtle, juniper, patchouli, palmarosa, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, citronella.

Impression essential oils (psychotropic)

Aphrodisiac impression oils can enhance sexual desire, increase erogenous sensuality and passion. These include oils: orange, grapefruit, bergamot, rosewood, frankincense, cedar, sweet lime, tangerine, marjoram, myrrh, pine, sage, thyme.

The effect of aphrodisiac essential oils is not limited to increasing sexual tone and arousal; they are capable of:

Remove toxins from the body;


Increase vital energy;

Regulate the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems;

Refresh and rejuvenate the skin;

Improve the functioning of the hormonal system;

Stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic organs;

Helps in the fight against impotence and frigidity.

Aphrodisiac properties of essential oils

From a huge selection of essential oils with aphrodisiac properties, choose those that awaken your erotic fantasies and stimulate desire. Strengthen your sensations and give them uniqueness and passion.


Among all aphrodisiac oils, ylang-ylang occupies the highest level, so first of all turn your attention to it. Its floral, slightly bitter aroma exudes such tenderness that it awakens sensuality, evokes emancipation, arouses desire, and gives erotic games a special perception.


Bergamot oil is used for erotic massage to relax the body and charge it with sexual energy. It excites, awakens desire, relieves nervous tension and “opens the door” to your deepest fantasies.

Bigardia (bitter orange)

A fragrance so powerful and decisive that it immediately calls for action. Men perceive it very sharply, and the reaction is not long in coming. Determination, initiative, pressure - you will not soon forget this night.


With this scent of success, you will not be haunted by failure on the “sexual battlefield.” Reacting to the smell, the body becomes sensitive and ready for a bright and long-lasting orgasm.


Despite the fact that the smell of geranium essential oil can excite both partners, it is still more of a feminine oil, designed for an already adult and experienced woman. Its aroma can temporarily protect you from routine thoughts, make you feel young again and give freshness to erotic communication.


Jasmine can eliminate sexual coldness and impotence. It liberates and helps overcome shyness, normalizes hormonal levels, strengthens male dignity, and helps keep premature ejaculation under control. You will experience a lot of pleasure and enjoy pleasant bliss.


Ginger is one of the aphrodisiac oils for men. It is able to enhance potency, excite, give determination and confidence, and energize for new exploits.


This oil has stimulating, warming and tonic properties. Its smell enhances sensuality, restores potency, and stimulates sexual activity. It not only adds to the relationship bright colors, but also introduces some mystery.


A men's essential oil that will make any man a first-class lover - skillful, gentle, tactful and sensitive to his partner. The smell of marjoram enhances the sensuality of erogenous zones.


The aroma of plasticity and yet unknown body movements. The smell attracts new sexual experiments, poses and actions. Strengthens male strength, so it allows you not to stop for a long time in order to restore an erection again.


Enhances potency, awakens sensuality and prolongs the pleasure of orgasm. The smell of neroli creates a positive atmosphere, relieves irritability and nervous tension. It is recommended to inhale it not only during sexual intercourse, but also during emotional depression and for women during premenstrual syndrome (PMS).


The sensual, delicate aroma of roses is more suitable for young and inexperienced partners in love, which evokes in them an emotional uplift and a reverent attitude towards each other. Rose oil can tone the uterus and have a positive effect on female reproductive function.

Good day everyone!

Ylang-ylang essential oil has unusual and wonderful properties. It is a strong aphrodisiac for women and men, therefore it is used in aromatherapy to harmonize relationships and in the treatment of sexual disorders. It will also help in the treatment of neuroses, depression, and fears, since the aroma of ylang-ylang has strong calming properties.

Recently I already talked about what is obtained from it. The name of the flowers is a little strange for us, translated as a flower of all colors. But since the flower received such a name, it’s probably worth it.

And all because the flowers of the plant have a very strong effect on the psycho-emotional state of people. And now let's talk a little about this.

All essential oils have a certain energy. After all, they are obtained from living plants. This is not a soulless chemical tablet.

This is what people have valued for a long time. In those cultures where aromatherapy has been used since ancient times as traditional medicine, the influence of essential oils on bio-energy and the human psyche has long been noticed.

With the help of essential oils, you can both relax and invigorate, become more resilient, or vice versa, softer and more flexible, calm down, and relieve anxiety.

Ylang-ylang oil is an oil for calming, gaining self-confidence, eliminating dissatisfaction, and also for revealing sensuality and femininity.

If your soul is heavy, you are tormented by constant anxieties and fears, you become depressed, including due to changes in hormonal levels, or dissatisfaction with your appearance, try using ylang-ylang oil in an aromatherapy pendant.

Ylang ylang oil as an aphrodisiac.

Ylang-ylang is an aphodisiac oil for women and men. Aphrodisiacs enhance the feeling of love, help improve relationships, and restore harmony in relationships if they have cracked. Ylang-ylang brings warmth and tenderness, sensuality and strength, joy and fun.

They help people suffering from impotence and frigidity, premature ejaculation and other sexual dysfunctions. Ylang-ylang will also be useful for women who have undergone surgery on the pelvic organs. In this case, the oil will help overcome some feeling of inferiority.

Therefore, on the eve of Valentine's Day, I advise you to take a closer look at this oil. After all, it sharpens feelings, helps lovers feel each other more subtly, improves partnerships, creates more trusting relationship. It even helps to bewitch your betrothed!

Do a light aroma massage or take a bath with this oil - and you will put in order not only your skin, but also your thoughts and feelings, and also feel harmony with yourself and your partner.

Agree, this is a lot, because many of our problems stem from the fact that we are dissatisfied with ourselves and with everything around us, everything irritates us.

Compatibility with other oils.

Ylang-ylang oil goes well with

  • Top notes: lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lemon balm, verbena,
  • Middle notes: rose, geranium, jasmine, lavender, neroli,
  • The bottom notes are sandalwood, patchouli, rosewood, juniper, incense.

Aroma diagnostics

It’s difficult to give ready-made recipes for everyone; it’s much more effective to determine what suits each person specifically. This can only be done through aroma testing, when a person himself determines by smell the aromas that are most preferable to him, and then the desired composition is compiled from them.

If you live in Minsk or nearby, I can do aroma diagnostics for you and select the oils that are suitable for you. Well, for those who live far away, I can help with advice or suggest where to go.

So, today you learned about the use of ylang-ylang oil in aromatherapy for psycho-emotional problems and as an aphrodisiac for women and men, about its sedative, antidepressant and erotic properties. You also learned recipes with this oil to improve the psycho-emotional state and relationships between partners.
