Wildlife of Alaska - virako4a — LiveJournal. Mysterious Peninsula - Alaska

Mysterious Peninsula - Alaska...

During the reign of Alexander II, ... March 30, 1867, a deal for the sale of land was legally formalized, for which America paid Russia with a check, which is still kept.

What is the climate in Alaska and is this wild region suitable for recreation? If you are looking for natural beauty and tranquility, then a trip to one of the most beautiful places in the world is what you need.

Despite the different climatic zones- from permafrost, up to relatively high temperatures, summers in Alaska are warm and green, winters are also quite comfortable. Permafrost is an unusual phenomenon for us. But nothing can compare with such a miracle of nature as glaciers with their icy power. The largest glacier is Hubbard.

It takes your breath away when carved monuments of giant snow-capped mountains float in close proximity. In warm weather, the glacier melts, pieces of ice break off and fall into the water with a roar. A stunning sight that is eagerly sought after by photographers from amateurs to professionals.

In addition to the climate in Alaska, it is worth noting it natural features. Intricate fjords, forested mountains, formidable volcanoes, glacial lakes, a land rich in fur-bearing animals and gold, and the purest subarctic air - it's all Business Cards Alaska Peninsula.

America's largest state is rich in water resources and has about 3 million lakes, 3 thousand rivers and streams, as well as 100 thousand glaciers. Swamps cover about 490,000 square kilometers. There are a lot of volcanoes, both extinct and active. Volcanoes are interesting and almost not dangerous.

The state of Alaska is a multi-purpose destination for tourists, where extreme sports enthusiasts will choose their hobby, and there will be attractions for aesthetes. Lovers rich nature They definitely won’t get bored, because here it is especially diverse.

A large number of travelers who prefer sea ​​cruises, seeks to get to the Alaska Peninsula in summer time when you can have great fishing or hunting. Travelers have access to picturesque fjords, gorges and waterfalls. If you're lucky, you might see mountain goats. Real wild bears often roam along the shore. Alaska is a land for daredevils.

Sheep Creek has a special platform for those wishing to watch salmon spawn. Alaska has the largest colony of kittiwakes. The rocks, like Easter cakes sprinkled with sesame seeds, are covered with these graceful birds. Sea kayaks are available for extreme excursions in bays and reservoirs. On them, craftsmen can easily overcome even large waves.

It is not uncommon to see sea lion seals. From time to time, their huge muzzles appear on the surface of the water here and there. Sometimes humpback whales or killer whales allow themselves to be discovered. Undoubtedly, wonderful shots for photo hunters.

Those who are not afraid of winter Alaska will attend the largest festival in the state of Alaska with dog sleds. And what Russian doesn’t like driving fast? Riding on this type of transport is very popular among tourists.

You should definitely check out the largest city in Alaska - Anchorage. Half of the state's total population lives here. It is a transport, tourist and shopping center.

Alaska's pride - national park Denali. Wolves, bears, moose, coyotes, lynxes and many other animals live in the wild in the reserve. On deer farms allowed to feed from the hands of these traditional inhabitants of the peninsula.

The exhibitions of numerous museums in the cities of Alaska tell about the history, culture, flora and fauna of the largest US state.

Often the starting point for a cruise around the Alaska Peninsula is the port city of Whittier. Then climbing to one of the mountain peaks by high-speed funicular is simply necessary. From a bird's eye view, amazingly beautiful landscapes open up.

For the hardiest travelers who dare to go on a cruise in winter, the reward will be a real light show - the colorful northern lights. Blue-green tints will give way to scarlet and pink. The dance of light and color is a stunning spectacle, for which it is worth taking an adventurous route to distant lands full of dangers.

A pleasant aesthetic addition to the spectacular lighting effect is a visit to the China Hot Spring Ice Museum. It is unusual when an alcoholic cocktail is served in an ice glass and the glass remains as a souvenir for the guest of the ice bar. The most fragile and short-lived souvenir that you can have. After so much pleasure, it's good to relax by immersing yourself in the healing waters of one of the hot springs in Fairbanks.

Most tourists, going on a cruise to Alaska and discovering this unexplored region for the first time, return more than once...

thought about it

chase: terns are very brave birds, they attack seagulls, which are three times larger!


yes, we see there is a train)

the horns are impressive

The deer's antlers are unusual, not “bare” like the rest, but covered with fur, I would say suede!

battle cry

here comes the clubfoot

big guy

lower lip doesn't close

caribou, if he could talk, would be a comedian)

nature has deprived the caribou - instead of horns, some kind of intestine sticks out of its head

do you see the ocean?

here's another ocean

and in the evening bam - and there is no ocean! I have seen many low tides, but for the whole ocean to disappear!:000

and here comes the tide!

there are a lot of fish in the tide wave, judging by the birds

surfers also take advantage of the tide

baby gulls have gray-brown plumage, but grow up and become white

the tern, attacking, makes heart-rending sounds

In Alaska, the further north you go, the later the sunsets and the earlier the sunrises. Sunsets are around 23-24, and after 2-3 hours the sunrise, so I missed all the sunrises, who wants to get up at 3 am?:)

Friends, the fact is that everything I wanted to tell about Alaska has already been told in previous posts, but there were a number of photos left that I would like to show you, so I had to make another post and write at least something about it! I hope the text is not too boring)

I took photographs with animals at an animal reservation (I didn’t remember the name), which is located near Anchorage. This is a famous reservation in America, because such monsters as Animal Planet, National Geographic, Discovery, etc. filmed programs about it!

The reservation contains almost all of Alaska's animals, such as bison, caribou, deer, bald eagles, wolves and bears. Here animals are not kept in small cages; each animal has quite a large space to live! Some animals can be touched and fed by hand, but of course we are not talking about bears, you can only feed them by hand, but not by hand!)
Generally interesting place, it's worth a look!

A few words about the locals.

Previously, when I heard talk about how Americans are a nation of fat people, I was surprised, because I had been to the USA so many times, I didn’t seem to notice that they were very different from us, but when I was in Alaska, I realized that the countryside audience is completely not like in big cities, these real piggy banks for calories are really fat (I don’t mean just plump people, but those whose weight exceeds a ton), there are people of some unreal, I would say unearthly, shapes and sizes! Only here you can meet a mammoth/hippopotamus/walrus man! I had no idea that Gulliver is not a mythical character, but every third resident of Alaska!

In megacities like New York, LA or Miami, the people are more fit and thin, the cult of the body in such cities is perhaps the only “religion”! In Miami Beach, not having a six-pack is the same as not having a tattoo for a biker!

In large cities, appearance decides everything or a lot! It’s easier to find a job, the attitude towards the thin (read rich and fit) is better, and they enjoy great success with the opposite (and not only) sex!

The reason for getting fat is boredom, because people seem to have money, but there is nowhere to put it in a small town; the only entertainment is huge, fatty, and at the same time tasty, burgers! Gluttony is as strong an addiction as drug addiction or gambling, if you get hooked on burgers, then a third chin is inevitable, it’s hard to stop! I don’t believe that obesity is a consequence of genetic abnormalities (as fat people themselves claim), because every third person cannot have a genetic predisposition to obesity!
I would like to note that no matter how these people look outwardly, they are all very responsive and friendly, which is much more important than their appearance, "Kindness is better than beauty", as Heine said! I am in no way making fun of people who are severely overweight, I’m sorry that people are good, but don’t have enough strong will to defeat gluttony!

We drove around Alaska by car for ten days, went to any place where there were signs on brown (that is, attractions), stopped in picturesque places for the night, walked through the forest, ate the same burgers, fed mosquitoes, in general, we had a great rest!

To briefly summarize my trip to Alaska, I received tremendous aesthetic pleasure traveling through this fantastically beautiful land. I recommend to everyone!

On my last day in Alaska, I broke my record - I made as many as 5 flights in one day! Tired as ever.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, on an airplane the beard and nails grow much faster, at a rate of a centimeter per hour, wrinkles become deeper, old age is literally knocking at the door!:0 ​​After a long flight, you look 10 years older!:o What’s the reason for this? , is it really due to the dry air in the aircraft cabin?

This is the last post about wonderful Alaska, thanks for reading!

I involuntarily associate visiting Alaska with wild animals. We, citizens of Russia, raised in the Soviet Union by Yuri Senkevich with the “Travel Club” and “The World of Animals” by Vitaly Peskov and Nikolai Drozdov, have seen these animals many times, although it was a long time ago and, unfortunately, through a TV screen with a far from flat low-resolution screen! I also wanted to note here my attitude towards zoos. After visiting the Moscow Zoo, my heart bleeds: I can’t look at the poor suffering wild animals in captivity! Of course, there are better zoos, for example in Miami. But still – bondage! Well, that’s why we really wanted to see wild animals in Alaska, and what do they have to do with them? natural environment. And Alaska is 100% ready for such a formulation of the question! A whole bunch of all kinds of tours are offered by car, bus, plane, boat and ship. We took the Kantishna Experience tour. 12 hours round trip on 90 miles of dirt road. And this is what came of it...

The first to meet us right on the road was a caribou or reindeer. He was simply walking along the road in the oncoming lane about his deer business. To be honest, I thought that all the animals would then take turns along this road.

Caribou grazing in a clearing

Mountain goats were grazing very far away

And here main character Denali National Park: Grizzly bears!

His shoulders, neck and belly are covered with dark brown hair, lighter at the ends, which gives his fur a grayish tint; hence the name - grizzly means “gray, gray-haired”.

The lifestyle of a grizzly bear is typical Brown bear- flows into hibernation and eats mainly plant foods. Only in early youth can a grizzly bear climb trees until his claws (which grow the largest of all bears) get in the way, but later he can easily swim across wide rivers. Skillfully catches fish. Grizzlies also love to destroy beehives and eat honey.

And here is the whole family.

The grizzly bear is one of the largest and most ferocious North American predators. Scientific name This subspecies, horribilis, translates as “terrible, terrible.” In the old days, they liked to describe the grizzly as a terrible and ferocious animal; they said that he is not afraid of a person - on the contrary, he goes straight at him, whether he is on horseback or on foot, armed or unarmed. The grizzly bear population declined greatly in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when farmers began shooting them en masse to protect their livestock from attacks.

Just a bird

Partridges were hiding in the bushes along the road

Two moose (female and male) stand in Amazing lake(Wonder Lake) with McKinley in the background

The diet of moose includes aquatic and semi-aquatic plants. They probably found them in the shallow waters of this lake.

These are the wild animals we saw in the national park. The distance to the bears was more than 300 meters, to the moose - more than a hundred. At the zoo you can see them very close, but here they are at home. This is the whole point of visiting a national park. To be honest, a focal length of 400 mm is simply nothing for shooting these beauties. I wonder what happened to those who shot at a shorter distance on automatic with a constantly pop-up flash?

The rugged coastline of Alaska, the largest state in the United States, is home to some of the most incredible wildlife. North America. For that short period, when winter recedes, all living beings need time to prepare supplies, raise offspring and enjoy sun rays until the cold weather sets in again.

This remarkable series of photographs was taken by British nature photographer Tim Plowden, who visited these harsh edges to capture this mysterious world of Alaskan wildlife.

Tim Plowden, who grew up enjoying the beauty of the Chiltern Hills, has already visited many parts of our planet. For example, in national park Norfolk Island National Park, in Australia, traveled all over South America and the USA, but his big dream was always Alaska.

And now his dream came true. He discovered new world, full of mysteries, challenges and endless beauty. He visited remote coasts, climbed high into the mountains, made his way across the tundra in search of the most impressive moments.

Animal world forest areas and tundra of Alaska are incredibly diverse,” notes the Englishman. – There are about 20 species of fur-bearing animals alone, most of of which belongs to predators. Here you can find the famous wolverine, American mink and other mustelids.

— In the forest and mountain regions of Alaska, as well as in the forest-tundra, you can find various species of ungulates, such as caribou - the northern American deer. It wasn’t difficult for me to photograph the caribou, as I have a lot of experience photographing the deer that live here in Britain,” says the photographer.

“I just had to find a beautiful place and choose the right time to get a beautiful photo.” So I can say that my experience and knowledge acquired earlier were definitely useful to me when working in Alaska.

— I would like to note that the wildlife of Alaska is incredibly beautiful! And I’m happy that I was able to touch its beauties and secrets,” Tim Plowden shared his impression.
