Pythagorean Vitality Graph. life event schedule

The life chart by date of birth is a calculated numerical rhythms that demonstrate energy surges and falls in different periods of human life. In other words, this good example development which was laid down by nature itself at the time of birth. From this article, you will learn how to build a life schedule by date of birth for yourself personally in order to be able to predict not only your fate, but also the life of people close to you.

Historical reference

From the moment of coming into this world and throughout the whole period, a person constantly falls under the influence of various factors. Numbers in the life of every person play a special role: they help to predict important moments in life, find out about the most favorable time for decisive actions, and warn of the moments of greatest danger.

The famous scientist and thinker Pythagoras is considered the founder of numerology.

Few people know that it was he who was the great esotericist, the founder of the secret esoteric order and the progenitor of modern numerology.

This scientist was interested in the Pythagorean Life Schedule - a great way to calculate the most important moments in the life of every person. Pythagoras believed that the date of birth is the most important. That is why the number obtained as a result of special calculations based on the date of birth is so significant in the study of human character and its possible future.

Method of mathematical calculation

It is not at all difficult to calculate the life schedule by date of birth. It is important to know: the date, month, and year of birth. All data needs to be simply multiplied among themselves. The end result will be a five or six digit number. It is this number that is considered a universal code for each person.

When studying human life, the graph built on the basis of this number is the very first and most important one to be analyzed. This life schedule according to Pythagoras, by date of birth is the key knowledge that will help you understand the law of the development of life in different time periods, and will also provide an opportunity to correct your destiny.

Plot method

The graph is built using the ordinate and abscissa axes. On the ordinate axis, it should be noted starting from 0 and ending with the number 9. The abscissa axis is a time scale on which time intervals are indicated in cycles of 12 years.

The horizontal axis starts with your date of birth. Set aside the number of plots for 12 years as you wish.

Now start plotting. For example, you got the number 360921. Having found the number 3 vertically, put a dot over the first date (date of birth). The second number (ours is 6) will correspond to your next segment of 12 years. Thus, you must put all the received numbers into your chart. By connecting the dots, you will get a graph of life by date of birth.

Chart decoding

When deciphering the schedule, knowledge and advice are applied that were improved and systematized by the followers of Pythagoras.

Each number of the constructed graph determines the energy at the level of everyday life throughout its life, divided into 12-year cycles.

In order to decipher the graph, it is enough to look at the curve obtained by connecting the points lined up according to the received code number. You will immediately see the periods of your ups and downs.

The meaning of the lines

It is logical that the line directed upwards means good luck and prosperity. The down line warns of caution during risky ventures. It means a period of testing. The number on the decline of the line will help to understand the situation more accurately.

Horizontal lines are considered the most favorable, they mean a measured course of life. It is at these moments that the adoption of fateful decisions is the most successful.

The meaning of each number in your life code will also be important.

Meaning of numbers

The period of life under the sign of the number 1 will pass under the motto of dissatisfaction with events. A person will have to directly fight for his innocence, prove and defend his positions.

The number 2 in the chart predicts the presence of ups and downs in activity. This figure gives its owner the ability to control the situation and perceive everything from a philosophical point of view.

The number 3 guarantees the support of friends, and the position of the person himself will be precarious and unpredictable.

4 - predicts a calm and boring life. The business and personal life of such a person will occur without much change.

Lucky is the one who has 5 in the chart. It means novelty associated with a change in life. This period will be full of bright events.

The number 6 gives harmony and hope for peace. The goals of a person during this period will not affect moral principles, so everything will go smoothly, “as if it were knurled”.

7 - promises the emergence of a person's interests related to the comprehension of spiritual knowledge. It means comprehension of the hidden and secret.

The number 8 guarantees material success. Exactly this auspicious time for commercial transactions.

The symbol of success in life is the number 9. This is the pinnacle of human abilities. Those who have this figure in their schedule can be safely called lucky.

Unfavorable value 0

0 is quite common in the code number, says numerology by date of birth. A life schedule with such a number is considered not very favorable. After all, 0 means decline and a painful state.

In other words, the period of life under the beginning of this number is a streak of failures. Pythagoras considered it a number denoting the study of karmic problems. The scientist advised those who have the number 0 not to worry, but simply to be more attentive to all the events taking place during this period of life.

The life schedule by date of birth warns you when you need to be attentive to life, controlling everything that happens, and when you can relax and live for your own pleasure. Remember that the values ​​of the numbers are generalized; when constructing such a graph, it is important to take into account additional factors that affect a person’s life.

The fate of each person is hidden in the date of birth. When calculating your personal code, be as careful as possible. Give yourself a little attention and you will be surprised by the clues hidden in your date of birth.

The life of every person is a cycle during which there are ups and downs throughout life. All human life, starting from the date of his birth, can be divided into seven-year cycles. Each year in the cycle has its own meaning, knowing which, you can pre-plan the life of any person and help him move more meaningfully, understanding which moments of life are better intended for what. To build such a schedule, you only need to know the date when a person was born.

How to calculate life schedule by date of birth

The science that teaches this is called numerology - by date of birth The schedule of life is built quite simply. In this way, you can calculate your own fate or the fate of loved ones and friends.

In numerology, to calculate the life schedule, you must first calculate the unique life human code: multiply the numbers of the date, month and year of his birth. If the result is less than a seven-digit number, you will need to sequentially add its first digits to it.

For example, it will look like this human code calculation who was born on the tenth of February 1970:

  1. Multiply 10 x 2 x 1970 = 39,400
  2. This number is less than seven digits
  3. The first two digits are added sequentially to it.
  4. It turns out the code: 3940039

Further you need to move on to the construction of the graph itself. To do this, you need a sheet of paper on which the X and Y axes are drawn. On the X axis, years (seven years) are broken off from the moment of birth, on the Y axis, a number from 0 to 9 is plotted over each year - a seven-digit code that was received earlier. The very first digit goes above the date of birth, and so on sequentially. The resulting points must be connected with lines.

In the case of the above example, the following would result:

Because life cycle seven years, then in the future in each cycle the same numbers will be repeated.

Numerological system of Pythagoras

Pythagoras, a well-known mathematician from antiquity, developed his theory, according to which each number from the life cycle indicates the energy fluctuation of the human field in one of two directions: positive or negative. Each number carries certain information, and the order of the numbers of this code allows you to predict the nature and condition of a person for his future. The smaller numbers after the larger ones are the decline points, and the larger ones after the smaller ones are the up points. Thus, everything depends not only on the magnitude of the number, but also on what number it stands behind and before.

Pythagoras was given interpretation of values ​​for each number from 0 to 9 so that it is clear how you can interpret the information received from the chart and how to work with numerology in general.

Obviously, the chart allows not only to analyze the past and present, but also to predict the future. By understanding when there will be stronger years in the life cycle, and when there will be weaker and more difficult ones, one can prepare in advance, if not prevent future difficulties.

As you can see from the example above, making such a graph is not difficult at all. But there are even easier ways. At the moment, many services are offered calculate life schedule online absolutely free. You just need to enter your date of birth and you can get a life cycle code online.

Also you can contact a professional numerologist, which will not only build a graph of a person's life, but also give a more detailed decoding of past and future cycles. It will determine the greatest points of power when fate can be taken into your own hands and turn the future into better side. Give advice on further actions and actions.

Whoever and no matter how the schedule is built, it can be a great helper for a person, give him the strength to overcome trials and help on the path of life.

Each person has his own individual life cycle, but there are both spiritual, material and professional ups and downs. You can find out in what years this will happen using numerology by building a life schedule by date of birth.

First of all, you need to calculate the birthday code: multiply all the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the date of birth according to this principle: date of birth * month * year of birth. Zero is ignored. This number can be three, four, five, six, or seven digits. If you get a three-digit number, then this means that after the third cycle, a person begins a calm course of life, without sharp ups and downs. The number of life code must be broken down into simple numbers, they will be needed to build a graph.
We draw two axes: the Y axis - vertical, on which you need to put the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and the horizontal X, on which the years corresponding to the twelve-year cycle set by the moon will be written.

An example of calculating a life schedule by date of birth

For example, a person was born on May 7, 1992. 7*5*1992=69720. Now we plot each number on the graph, 6 is the year of birth, the number 9 for this person is in 2004, 7 is in 2016, 2 is in 2028, and 0 is in 2040. We draw points on the connection of these coordinates and we get that from birth to the age of twelve, the child is in a period of self-realization (the number 9 is a super number), then he has a decline to 24 years old, but it only concerns new ideas, then a period of maturation (a deuce appears) and from 2028 to 2040 he will need serious support from relatives and friends (0 - corresponds to the loss of vitality).

The meaning of numbers in the time period

0 - if your count is zero, then this means that in this life cycle you need the support of loved ones and relatives. 1 - this number symbolizes the personality of a person. If this number fell out after 0, then this means that only with the help of your strength you will be able to rise after a difficult period. If 1 is a decline point, then this is a sign that your distrust of others will play a cruel joke on you.
2 - this number speaks of friendly relations. After zero or one, a deuce means lifting with the help of real friends. When the deuce is a recession point, you need to trust your friends, and not see them as rivals and enemies.
3 - energy number. If the triple fell out after zero, one or two, then there was an increase in energy, a great power can help achieve what you want. When the three is a recession point, then you need to take care of your health, the energy will weaken if this is not done on time.
4 - this number indicates the psychological state of a person. If it is the number of ascent, then you are calm and balanced, thanks to which you can reach great heights. Four - a recession point, means self-doubt and one's strengths.
5 is the number of love. If it is the number of rise - ahead is the most opportune moment to meet the true and Great love. When five is the number of recession - discord in love and alienation, divorce is possible.
6 is the number of money. When it acts as a rise number - financial growth. If, on the contrary, the six is ​​a recession point, then it is better not to plan a new business, not to invest money, and also to take large amounts of debt.
7 is the number of the family. Well, if it is a point of growth - the family will help in the implementation of the plan. If seven is the point of decline, then a departure from the family is possible. This life period will be difficult, but necessary.
8 is the number of infinity. Well, when it is a growth number, it means you are ready for a new life in which you will feel comfortable and cozy. Provided that this is a decline number, you need to be careful with new ideas and proposals - they will not be beneficial.
9 is a super number. best moment for self-realization, when nine is the number of growth, and it is better to work under the guidance of others, if nine is the point of decline.

In the life of every person there were situations when he faced difficulties that he could not overcome, despite great efforts. In such situations, it is best to go with the flow and not take any action. But it is often impossible to know when it is really worth taking action and taking risks, and when not doing anything.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

The method of plotting life, fate and willpower according to Pythagoras allows you to determine for each person a favorable period for the implementation of goals and new beginnings.

    How to calculate the schedule of life (vitality) according to Pythagoras

    Pythagoras believed that a person's life is divided into 7-year cycles, which are accompanied by points of ups and downs in vitality. Numerology by date of birth allows you to anticipate certain trends, and thanks to the indicators (points) on the graph, you can learn more about the features of the period under study.

      To build a life schedule, you must adhere to the following recommendations.

      Stage Calculation method Example
      1 The number, month and year of a person's birth are multiplied together. Should be a seven digit number.Date of birth: 22. 05. 1992. 22*5*1992=219120
      2 If, as a result of the product, the number has less than 7 digits, then the first digits of the resulting product are sequentially assigned to it. If the number has more than 7 digits, only the first seven are taken into account.The result is a 6-digit number, so the first digit is added to it. It turns out 2191202
      3 On the x-axis, 7 years are postponed, the year of birth is taken as the beginningThat is, the years will be marked along the axis: 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998
      4 On the Y-axis, a scale from 0 to 9 is marked, then, in accordance with the number obtained at the first stage of the calculation, the coordinates are plotted. The year of birth will correspond to the first digit of the product received, the next year - the second, etc.The following coordinates are obtained (x, y): (1992.2); (1993.1); (1994.9); (1995.1); (1996.2); (1997.0); (1998.2)
      5 As a result, all the obtained points are connected into a single line.

      The life graph has a 7-year periodicity, so every 7 years it will repeat with the same coordinates of the y-line, but with different years on the x-axis.

      Deciphering point values

      The table below outlines the ups and downs by number series, as well as recommendations for getting through tough times.

      Value (dot) Decline / Rise Forecast Recommendations
      0 recessionA difficult period in which everything will literally fall out of hand. A person can become depressed and self-flagellation, unpleasant events are possible. Such a period is often found in people so that they work off their karmic debt and move to a new level of development.The right time to rethink all your good and bad deeds, reconsider life, accumulate the necessary knowledge, experience and choose the right path. The support of family and friends will help in this difficult period.
      1 Beginning of the ascentMan becomes a warrior who fights for his place under the sun. In this case, a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself and irritability may appear. If such a figure falls on the first years of life, then this means that the person grew up in an incomplete family or in difficult conditions.You need to take the will into a fist and go towards your goal no matter what, not relying on others. The stronger the obstacles, the more actively actions are taken and ambitiousness with aggressiveness is manifested.
      2 hopping ascentThere are ups and downs and then downs. At the same time, the person feels insecure and indecisive. Not a bad period, but at this time it is impossible to decide on the path of life, as a person constantly changes his decisionsYou should approach all troubles from a philosophical point of view, try to control your emotions in order to mentally prepare yourself for the best.
      3 ClimbAn unstable financial situation, attitudes and beliefs are constantly changing, new ideas, connections, friends appear. All this stimulates to go further and achieve something new.It is necessary to build relationships with people who can help correct the situation.
      4 Stability (rise)The financial situation stabilizes, stable habits and beliefs are formed, and personal life is getting better. A person occupies the place in society that suits him. But if the four comes after a large number(decline), then this indicates a loss of faith in oneself and a loss of vital energyYou need to force yourself to believe in yourself again and that everything will work out.
      5 ClimbIf the five comes after the lower numbers, then this is a very happy time when it is possible to meet with your soulmate or strengthen existing relationships. Various trips, risky projects are possible, life will resemble a lottery. If the five comes after large numbers, family discord is likelyEnjoy life and all the joys it brings, even though the period is unpredictable
      6 ClimbThe period when a person is accomplished, harmonious, loves to contemplate nature, everything is in order with him both materially and in the family. It is not excluded the appearance of supernatural abilities. A person sets himself only feasible goals that do not contradict his values.If the six comes after a larger number, then you should not be upset during this period, but you need to be more attentive to the financial side of life
      7 ClimbA person is engaged in the improvement of spiritual consciousness, is interested in various practices (meditation, prana breathing, yoga). May jump into the arts, research, etc. Strengthens relationships with othersIt is necessary to reconsider your worldview and views on family relationships
      8 ClimbA period of prosperity and good luck, especially in commerce. Probably, the career will go up and any undertakings will be crowned with success.Do not exaggerate your growth opportunities and take risks. It is better to leave everything as it is and enjoy the current good position cases
      9 peak riseThe peak of financial success, the achievement of goals, the peak of opportunities in the 7-year cycle of vitality under consideration. This period is the best for self-realization.It is worth working on spiritual self-development

      The figure shows a graph of vitality for a given example:

      Based on the example, we can conclude that the growth of vitality begins at the end of 1993, 2000, 2007, and the peak falls on 1994, 2001, 2008. It is at this time that you need to fulfill your dreams and start new projects, and in 1997, 2004, 2011 it is better to slow down, consider upcoming plans and ways to achieve them, in order to engage in them again in a more favorable period.

      If the line of life goes up, then this is a good period for everything new and the probability of a good outcome of any undertakings is very high. If the line goes down, then there is no need to change anything in life, much less start new projects. A good period are horizontal sections that speak of a calm, measured life, unless, of course, they are at zero.

      Line Compatibility

      With the help of the vitality chart, you can see the compatibility of partners. It is very important that they are synchronous and intersect:

  1. 1. Both lines rise up - on this moment people are happy, mutual understanding and love reign in the family. A particularly favorable sign is if the lines are parallel and close to each other.
  2. 2. Both go down - the couple will survive all the difficulties together and this will only make their union stronger. If the lines do not go down in parallel, then the partners will not cope with the trials that fate will present.
  3. 3. Both intersect - the date on which the intersection occurs is an auspicious period suitable for a wedding or the birth of a child.
  4. 4. The lines diverge in different directions - people move away from each other. The one whose line is rising will not be able to find a common language with those whose line is falling.
  5. 5. After the point of divergence, the partner's line rises - for this person, parting will be the best option.
  6. 6. After the point of divergence, the partner's line goes down - parting will be the worst option for this person, so he should do everything to save the marriage.

How to calculate the schedule of fate and will by date of birth

The schedule of fate and will is a method that allows you to calculate by date of birth the periods when a person is more influenced by fate, and when it is advisable to manifest volitional qualities.

Step-by-step calculation algorithm:

Stage Destiny Graph Calculation Method Example
1 The digits of the day and the month are combined and multiplied by the year of the person's birth. Should be a 7 digit numberDate of birth: 22. 05. 1992. 2205*1992=4392360
2 If as a result of the product the number has less than 7 digits, then so many zeros are put in front to get 7 digits. If the resulting number has more than 7 digits, only the first 7 are taken into account.The resulting number is 7-digit, so no zeros are placed in front of it (4392360). If, for example, the number 439236 were obtained, then after substituting zero, it would look like 0439236
3 On the x-axis, 7 marks are plotted from 0 to 72 years, the intervals between which correspond to a 12-year period. The starting point is the year of birth1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040, 2052, 2064
4 A scale from 0 to 9 is marked along the Y-axis and, in accordance with the number obtained at the first stage of the calculation, the coordinates are plotted. The first digit from the received product will correspond to the year of birth, the second to the next year, etc.The following coordinates are obtained (x, y): (1992.4); (2004.3); (2016.9); (2028.2); (2040.3); (2052.6); (2064.0)

The method of calculating and plotting the will chart is identical to the fate chart, the only difference is that in the numbers of the date of birth, all zeros are replaced by ones. For example, if the date of birth is 05/22/1992, the calculation is made with the number 22/15/1992.

Numerology helps a person to know his past and look into the future. Thanks to this science, it is possible to calculate the life code, with the help of which a life schedule is built. Numerological vibrations are directly related to the life of each person, they also have a strong influence on its course. A curve located between two axes is able to tell what awaits the fortuneteller in the future. This will allow a person to gain strength and energy in order to overcome possible obstacles.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

life timeline

Numerology claims that when a person is born on a specific date, a person receives an individual program of falls and rises in vital energy. The graph clearly shows in which years fate tested the personality, and in which it bestowed its gifts.

To plot a life schedule, you need to know the numerical code. To do this, you need to multiply the numbers of the year, month and day of birth by each other. If a person was born on 11/26/1959, then for the calculation we will convert the available numbers into the following expression: 26*11*1959=560274.

The code must consist of seven numbers. If the result is a six-digit value, then you need to add the first digit to the end of the expression: 5602745 . This will be life code person. It also happens that when multiplying values, the result is a five-digit number, then two digits are added: 5 and 6.

Curve construction

After the calculations, it is necessary to transfer the result to the coordinate system. For this, two axes are drawn: X and Y.

The periods of life according to Pythagoras are divided into segments equal to seven years. Every 7 years, the energy is refracted and flows down or up, adds or takes away strength from a person.

The opinions of esotericists about the schedule of life are ambiguous. Some of them believe that if a person has rather low scores, then he can easily set himself up for trouble. In this case, he will be constantly haunted by failures and hardships of life. Such people are able to aggravate their existence.

Life chart by date of birth is designed so that a person can understand whether it is worth solving vital problems or whether it is necessary to postpone their consideration to another time.

On the x-axis, seven segments of equal length should be marked. They should be signed from the year of birth in increments of seven years. It turns out the following number series (for example, the date 26. 11. 1959):

  • 1959;
  • 1966;
  • 1973;
  • 1980 etc.

When the segments of the axis run out, they need to start signing again and place the values ​​one under the other. So it is necessary to put down as many years as a person wants to live. After that, the marked points are connected and this is how the graph is built.

Deciphering the values

In addition to the ups and downs drawn on the chart, when studying the life code, you can understand what kind of horoscope fate has prepared for a person in a particular period of life. You can decrypt the received data using the following table:

Numerical value Decryption
0 A zero value indicates that a person is in for difficulties that will require the help of relatives. At this time, illness, depression, loss of strength and various kinds of failures are possible. It is a symbol of bad luck, a pessimistic attitude and unwillingness to live. At a zero value, a person works off debts that he managed to accumulate in past lives. Awareness of actions, a new look at one's own destiny will help to avoid a fatal outcome.
1 A period of take-off and inspiration begins after a difficult period. At this time, you can only rely on yourself and not wait for outside help. A person may experience sudden mood swings, irritability for no reason, unbalanced behavior and dissatisfaction with himself. You will have to fight for your rights long and hard, as well as work. If the unit fell in childhood, then this may mean that the person grew up in an incomplete family or in difficult conditions
2 Symbolizes the beginning of the ascent, which will be very difficult, but sure. A person experiences either declines in vitality, or sharp bursts that follow each other. Take this time calmly. Two is able to balance human behavior and extinguish negative emotions.
3 The difficult period has not yet ended, but on the horizon one can clearly see better life. At this time, you can notice the variability in outlook on life. Thanks to an unstable position in society, a person becomes flexible in communicating with others, learns to be inventive. On the way you meet new people who in the future may become good friends. IN professional activity there is a surge in activity
4 Four speaks of constancy in everything. Man is in his place not only in public life but also in the personal. Changes do not attract him, since the person is finally satisfied with everything. If the graph in this place goes down, then the forecast suggests that a person may feel a loss of energy, self-doubt. This happens due to the fact that Vital energy is gradually declining
5 This period is characterized by an increased manifestation of happiness, but at the same time it cannot be predicted. A person may experience an irresistible desire to take risks, often putting everything he has at stake. Life will become like a roulette wheel, in which it is impossible to know in advance when there will be a win and when there will be serious losses. If the graph goes up, then fate is preparing a gift, which will consist in limitless sincere love. If on the contrary, then discord is coming in the family or the relationship will be too tense.
6 The most reliable of all periods. The individual is in harmony not only with himself, but also with surrounding nature. Six combines balance personal qualities and striving to achieve the goal. Life will be full of communication and tranquility. A person has desires that do not run counter to his capabilities and principles. If the graph is declining, then you should be careful with money, in the opposite direction, the six symbolizes material well-being
7 Man is drawn to everything unknown. Perhaps a passion for history, clergy, meditation. At the point of decline, the seven indicates that it is necessary to pay Special attention relationship with a spouse. At the point of ascent, the meaning symbolizes strong relationships not only with family, but with the whole environment
8 Eight is reliability and success in all endeavors related to money. Financial flows are directed to the person. Especially significant is the number at the point of rise. This suggests that a person is going in the right direction and he does not need to turn off the intended path. If the number is located in the place where the graph declines, then it is worth putting things off and not risking what is available.
9 The highest point on the chart. Symbolizes full self-realization and achievement of all goals. Success is guaranteed to a person, he can expect the most incredible achievements not only in his career, but also in family life. On the top mental abilities the person will stay for seven years

There are times when the values ​​of the graph are constantly in the lower limits. Often such curves do not rise above the three or are at zero at all. Do not despair and give up. It is better to take the data as a warning of difficulties rather than a literal prediction.

Schedule of fate and will by date of birth

Every person living in a society is forced to obey its laws and established norms of behavior. Despite this, the individual has freedom of choice, will and spirit. Often fate influences current circumstances so much that no effort can change the current situation. Sometimes she loosens her grip so the person can take the lead in own hands. So he is free to change negative moments to positive ones.

The most unpleasant thing is that it is not always possible to predict in advance when it is worth going against fate, and when it is worth submitting to its will. For this, in numerology there is a schedule of fate and will.

This technique, along with the numerical square, was developed by Pythagoras. He believed that life path can be divided into cycles, each of which lasts 12 years.

To build a fate chart, you need to multiply the numbers of the date of birth by the values ​​of the year in which the person was born. If the result is a six-digit number, then zero is put in front. Each digit of the code indicates the force with which fate affects a person's life in each period of time.

After the calculations, two coordinate axes are drawn: X and Y. Seven points are laid along the X axis, which will symbolize a life span of 12 years. It turns out a number series from 0 to 72, after which the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the schedule of fate and will should start over.

For a person who was born in 1959, these will be the stages:

  • 1959;
  • 1971;
  • 1983;
  • 1995;
  • 2007;
  • 2019;
  • 2031.

On the Y-axis, values ​​\u200b\u200bshould be set aside from 0 to 9. After that, the code numbers are indicated by dots, which subsequently need to be connected into a graph. The will chart is built on the same principle., but all zeros in the code are replaced by ones.

Do not confuse the schedule of fate and will with the schedule of life, as it is calculated in a completely different way and carries a different meaning.

Chart decoding

The position of the lines on the graph is deciphered as follows:

The position of the graphs in relation to each other

Decryption values

The line of fate is above the line of will

This state of affairs suggests that outside forces strongly influence a person’s life, and fate is preparing new trials. In this period of time, you should not resist fate, since it will be impossible to run away from its decisions.

The line of fate is below the line of will

It is necessary to begin to act actively and not to postpone the solution of important issues until tomorrow. In order to achieve what you want, you need to make every effort. A person faces freedom of choice, relying on fate in this case is unreasonable

Points of intersection of the lines of fate and will

The most crucial moments in life, but not always favorable, to start new business. No need to take serious actions and responsible decisions

"Way of the Monk" (lines of fate and will go together)

With such compatibility of schedules, a person lives as the higher powers desire. This is not evidence that he is unable to correct anything in his destiny. He just understands at the level of intuition how to act in a given situation. It is people whose schedules go together throughout their lives that are able to achieve tremendous success.

Whatever data the graphs of fate and will contain, you should not take them literally. It must be remembered that each person is free to decide for himself what to do in a given situation. The obtained values ​​can be used as a methodological material that will help you choose the right path.

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

But who will help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that the whole life is going downhill and passing by you. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I could not even imagine that it is possible to earn so much money that some kind of trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

It all started when I ordered a personal...
