American branch of the sau. American tank destroyers: now with a turret! French artillery branch

There is an opinion that cruisers in World of Warships () are like this universal soldiers, which will definitely appeal to all players without exception. Of course, this is not so, because usually it is completely unclear to novice players how to prepare this very versatility. Cruisers do not have good armor and incredible caliber guns like the , or camouflage and maneuverability like the . Cruisers are a class of ships that are almost easier to merge at the beginning of a battle than destroyers.

Cruisers are typical support ships, and their fragile citadels are tasked with a huge variety of tasks, from supporting an allied order with their air defenses to hunting down enemy destroyers. Understanding the goals and objectives of cruisers as a class and proper play on ships of this class will allow you to increase the pleasure you get from the game by getting more damage and frags, which will immediately have a very positive impact on your win rate!

Class features of cruisers

What are cruisers intended for?

As mentioned above, cruisers are support ships with all the ensuing consequences. When playing on a cruiser, the team has to act, carefully analyzing the situation on the mini-map. As a rule, the tasks of a cruiser include:

  1. Destruction of enemy destroyers when allied destroyers are spotted.
  2. Dealing damage to enemy onboard cruisers.
  3. Throwing landmines at enemy battleships in cooperation with allied ships.
  4. Covering the allied order with your air defense.

What are cruisers not designed for?

The answer to this question is difficult, because by and large, cruisers are designed for almost everything. It is not recommended, perhaps, to duel with enemy battleships. However, dueling in session shooters is generally not a good idea. best idea, because it is much more interesting to crush opponents by creating a local numerical advantage.

How to play on a cruiser?

In the "Supremacy" mode, your main task is to cover allied destroyers going to capture points and destroy enemy destroyers, and the cruisers covering them. Cruisers with fast reloading are better suited for destroying destroyers; in this case, the cost of a miss is much lower. In other game modes, destroying destroyers is also one of the main tasks of cruisers, however, due to the lack of clearly marked “points of interest” on the map that attract destroyers, it can be much more difficult to realize yourself as a destroyer of destroyers.

Hunting cruisers is perhaps one of the most interesting tasks for a cruiser. If an enemy cruiser is hit at close or medium range with armor-piercing shells in the waterline area, the citadel can be penetrated with the most dire consequences for the enemy cruiser. At the same time, the small maximum damage from one projectile is often compensated by good accuracy of fire.

It should be noted that not all enemy cruisers have sufficient thickness of side armor for armor-piercing chamber shells to cock and cause full damage. Yes, when the shells hit exactly the citadel, as a rule, they are cocked, but when they hit above the citadel or at the extremities, through penetrations often occur. Therefore, when shooting at enemy cruisers, pay attention to the penetration indicator that appeared in World of Warships in update 0.5.8.

So, if, when shooting at the side of an enemy cruiser, only “drafts” fly out, wait until the enemy slightly turns the side into a diamond shape. In this case, the reduced armor will be greater, and the probability of through penetration will be less. However, the likelihood of a rebound will increase.

The distance from which your armor-piercing shells penetrate an enemy cruiser into the citadel depends on the characteristics of the main caliber of your ship and the armoring and location of the enemy ship's citadel, and is determined experimentally. As a rule, the larger the caliber and the flatter the projectile’s flight path, the higher the penetration distance.

And finally, it is best to shower battleships with high-explosive shells, targeting the superstructures. At the same time, it is not advisable to engage in a duel with an enemy battleship unless absolutely necessary. It is much more profitable to fire at an enemy battleship while it is distracted by one of your allies. If the battleship is still interested in you, try to turn your bow or stern towards it. In this case, there is a high probability of ricochets, and it is much more difficult to simply hit the narrow silhouette of the cruiser.

How not to play on a cruiser?

Since cruisers do not have significant armor, when playing on a cruiser you should never expose the side to enemy armor-piercing shells. Unlike destroyers, cruisers (as well as ships of other classes) have a citadel, which can be easily knocked out, causing full damage to the ship.

Therefore, when playing on a cruiser, you cannot not only go broadside to enemy ships, but also turn around under the guns of enemy guns. If you find yourself in predicament and you urgently need to turn around, remember: one salvo from an enemy battleship may be quite enough to send you to the bottom and watch the battle in observer mode.

Competent play on a cruiser requires careful planning of maneuvers using islands to turn around or leaving the line of sight of enemy ships. So, if you just stop shooting, then after 20 seconds the visibility range of your ship will drop to its minimum. And if there are no enemy ships in the circle of visibility of your ship, you will magically disappear from the light right on clean water, which can and should be used periodically. Also, traditionally, you shouldn't fall into focus. Ideally, you should choose targets that are too busy with your allies, and keep a close eye on enemy ships.

When playing on a cruiser, you need to clearly understand where your opponents are heading and from what positions they will be able to finish off your ship from the main battery. Getting close to enemy ships without the ability to turn around behind some island, so as not to expose the side, is categorically not recommended.

It is also not recommended to play with any one type of shell, for example, only with landmines. Playing on a cruiser requires a competent combination of high-explosive and armor-piercing shells, depending on the situation. This way you can achieve the best result.

Well, the worst idea is to duel with battleships. Considering that one successful hit from a battleship on a cruiser is quite enough to lose at least half of the strength points. As a rule, to destroy a battleship you need to cooperate with your allies, and if the battleship decides to turn its attention specifically to your cruiser, you should put all your efforts into dodging enemy shells. A justifiable risk can only be considered a surprise attack on an unsuspecting battleship followed by a retreat beyond the visibility zone or island, as well as attempts to quickly finish off an enemy battleship before it replenishes its hit points.

When deciding whether to engage in a duel with an enemy battleship, take into account, among other things, the size of your ship, its freeboard and its armor scheme. So average and high levels They are of considerable size and perfectly absorb damage from armor-piercing shells of battleships, and therefore trying to burn an enemy battleship alone is not the best idea. While Japanese cruisers, although they do not have outstanding armor parameters, are smaller in size and are noticeably better at dodging enemy shells.

How to play on a cruiser against ships of other classes?

Cruiser vs battleships

Killing an enemy battleship 1v1 is not a good idea. Battleships have excellent armor and a long firing range, and several hits on the citadel are guaranteed to send the cruiser to the bottom. Therefore, it is better to destroy battleships through joint efforts. Ideally, you want to kill an enemy battleship that is exchanging fire with an allied battleship. Simply shoot landmines at the battleship's superstructures, hoping to set the enemy ship on fire. After the first fire appears, begin targeting another section of the ship that is not yet engulfed in flames. After all, in World of Warships you can put several fires on a ship.

But diving into an enemy battleship, trying to destroy it with torpedoes, is not the best idea. An enemy battleship may well shoot you broadside as it turns around for a torpedo attack.

Cruiser vs cruisers

In fact, hunting cruisers is great fun! The secret of success is in the competent combination of high-explosive and armor-piercing shells and knowledge of the characteristics of your main caliber and the thickness of the side armor of enemy ships. So, in most cases, it is more profitable to wait until one of the enemy cruisers turns broadside and fire a volley of armor-piercing shells at it. As a rule, citadels are excellent at knocking out at close and medium distances, while when shooting at a longer distance, at the bow/stern and in the diamond, it is more profitable to shoot with landmines.

The effective firing range of armor-piercing shells depends on the characteristics of your ship's main gun. Thus, on Soviet cruisers from Tier VI to VIII, 152 mm armor-piercing shells are especially effective at distances of up to 8 km, while the Tier IX cruiser Dmitry Donskoy, thanks to its 180 mm guns, is capable of destroying citadels of cruisers at distances of up to 15 km.

Cruiser vs destroyer

In the “Superiority” mode, the main task of the cruiser is to support allied destroyers, namely, to destroy enemy destroyers when the allies are spotted. Considering that points are awarded not by the number of hit points knocked out, but by the percentage of hit points knocked out, dealing damage to destroyers is a quick and relatively easy way to score a lot of points in battle. Since destroyers have neither serious armor nor citadels, it is recommended to fire at them exclusively with high-explosive shells. In addition, each destroyed destroyer significantly reduces the enemy’s chances of victory, because there is no one to covertly capture points.

Cruiser vs aircraft carrier

It is traditionally difficult for aircraft carriers to cope with cruisers, which, as a rule, have small sizes and good maneuverability. With the exception of the Soviet giants, of course. However, in the game World of Warships, a handy aircraft carrier can pick up absolutely any ship in a couple of visits, and the American cruiser Des Moines, a menace to aircraft carriers, is no exception.

How to upgrade a cruiser commander?

You can view a complete guide to commander skills in World of Warships. Here I will give only summaries on leveling up the skills of cruiser commanders without much explanation.

Unlike battleships, there is no convenient universal skill template for cruiser commanders, so let's look at the skills by tiers and types of ships:

  1. At level 1 take: Priority target. Here we could call it a day and move on to the next level, but there are other options. Purely theoretically, for cruisers with main guns from 180 mm, you can take or Artillery alarm, however, it will definitely work out better for a skilled player. By the way, it should be taken on all cruisers up to level 4 inclusive.
  2. At level 2 take or With all my might, depending on how fragile your cruiser's engines and rudders are. Some cruisers (for example, the Japanese Furutaka or the French Émile Bertin) require mandatory take With all my might, on some people this skill is not needed at all. It is determined exclusively experimentally, just play several battles in a row and see how important this skill is for you. Spend points on Desperate then you have to anyway.
  3. At level 3, take on high-explosive rapid-fire guns (all Soviet cruisers up to VIII level inclusive), for all other cruisers. High-level cruisers with Repair Team equipment can take . All British light cruisers starting from Tier V must also take premium equipment.
  4. At level 4, first take Masters of disguise. Secondly, for cruisers with a 6-inch (152 mm) main gun, you can safely take the . On air defense barges you can take air defense perks. You can try not taking level 4 skills for the commander at all, so you can gain a whole bunch of useful skills of levels 1-3.

Now let's see what we got:

  • Kirov:
  • Budyonny, Shchors, other cruisers with 152 mm guns:
  • Chapaev and other cruisers with 152 mm guns and a lot of equipment:
  • Dmitry Donskoy, Moscow and other heavy cruisers with main guns from 180 mm:
  • British cruisers IV-VIII levels:
  • British cruisers Levels IX-X:

Which nation's cruisers should I download?

Japanese cruisers

Excellent ships with a small silhouette, powerful artillery and elven land mines with an increased chance of fire. As a bonus, Japanese cruisers can spam the straits with long-range torpedoes. Well, the Tier VIII premium cruiser Atago can generally be considered the best cruiser games (taking into account the level of battles, of course). It has all the advantages of free upgradeable analogues, and as a nice bonus it has the “Repair Team” equipment, which allows you to restore spent strength points.

In general, Japanese cruisers are well suited for novice players, because you can simply bombard enemy ships with landmines and spam the straits with torpedoes. Well, the low silhouette allows you to dodge salvos from battleships well. One of the disadvantages of Japanese cruisers is their very weak air defense.

American cruisers

Unlike the Japanese, high-level American cruisers do not have torpedoes, but armor-piercing shells have improved normalization, and therefore are better able to penetrate the sides of enemy cruisers. In addition, American cruisers have powerful air defense.

Do you want to suffer less from aircraft carriers? Then download American cruisers!

Huge, cardboard and clumsy colossuses with poor camouflage and rapid-fire cannons. Typical “second and third line support ships”, if you know what I mean. Due to their high rate of fire, Soviet cruisers up to and including Tier VIII are excellent for destroying destroyers, including due to the presence of hydroacoustic search (HAP). Up to Tier VIII, Soviet cruisers are especially effective when playing with land mines, while armor-piercing shells are advantageous to use at close and medium range to penetrate the sides of enemy cruisers. The heavy cruisers Dmitry Donskoy of Tier IX and Moskva of Tier X are capable of knocking out citadels from enemy cruisers from a distance of up to 15 km.

If you want to play on the Soviets, download the Soviets, they bend as well as others. However, due to the above disadvantages, Soviet cruisers are quite difficult to use. They add up very quickly from the salvoes of battleships.

German cruisers

When the German cruiser branch was introduced, their main feature was very good armor-piercing shells and very weak landmines. Land mines have been slightly improved since then, but German cruisers still do not excel in damage per minute with land mines. But high-level German cruisers have excellent armor and can withstand attacks well; knocking out a citadel from a high-level German cruiser is very difficult. However, as with German battleships, they take white damage well.

In general, the Germans have very interesting examples of technology, playing which will certainly give you pleasure. As usual, German technology Recommended for pumping by leading German cephiles.

British cruisers

At the time of their release, the British light cruisers were the most unusual cruisers in the game. No armor at all, with citadels sticking out of the water at levels IX - X, disgusting ballistics, no high-explosive shells (high explosives are only available on a premium cruiser VII level Belfast), but with incredible normalization for armor-piercing shells, the Repair Team skill and the Smoke Generator.

Unlike the cruisers of other nations, which the player can safely take and upgrade regardless of their experience in playing World of Warships, British light cruisers are intended for experienced players and in the hands of experienced players they will literally annihilate everything around them. It is categorically not recommended to choose the British to become acquainted with the class of cruisers.

French cruisers

Let's start with the main question - who are the French cruisers intended for? Firstly, for French-speaking players, and secondly, for players who have already pumped out cruisers of other nations. Unlike the British who came out in front of them, the French do not have bright chips. You can’t consider complete cardboard and glass modules to be a feature, which is why leveling up the skill With all my might it is simply obligatory for the commander.

High-level French cruisers belong to the class of heavy cruisers, have fast turrets, good ballistics, armor penetration and high damage when playing with armor-piercing shells. High-explosive shells set fire very well. In general, unlike the Germans or the British, the French didn’t have anything like that cut off, but they didn’t add anything either. In fact, interesting ships start from levels VII-VIII, low-level ships turned out to be completely passable.

At low and medium levels, the rate of fire is not at all pleasing, although up to level VI inclusive, ships are considered light cruisers. However, in terms of rate of fire, the French are completely inferior to other nations, thereby cosplaying as heavy cruisers. The idea is, of course, original, but it all doesn’t look very logical.

The developers themselves believe that the features of the French are high speeds, with the ability to use the Fast and the Furious consumable starting from level VI, and long-stroke torpedoes, however, in the realities of World of Warships, these are rather modest advantages of the nation, which do not in any way compensate for the obvious drawback - the obvious secondary nature of the French cruisers . Do you want to play on heavy cruisers? Why not just pump out the Japanese or the Americans?

Brief summary

Despite statements often found on the Internet that the cruiser class is ideal for beginners, practice shows that this is not entirely true. This class is very sensitive to errors; you can leave for port with just a couple of salvos from a battleship or even a cruiser. And unlike a destroyer, most cruisers do not have smoke to hide or conceal their retreat. However, as you gain experience, playing cruisers becomes more and more interesting.

It is believed that cruisers are a universal class of ships in the World of Warships game, which will certainly suit all players without exception. But is it? In this guide to cruisers, I will teach you how to properly prepare cruisers!
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Cruisers, both in the game and in life, are something of an average in the navy. They are lighter than battleships, but stronger than destroyers. But which cruisers are the most durable, maneuverable, and at the same time powerful in terms of weapons. In this guide, I will tell you about the best cruisers in World of Warships.

The best cruisers of the USSR in World of Warships

Aurora (level 3)- the legendary cruiser, created during the tsarist era, fully reveals its combat potential in squadron combat. This premium ship is armed with 14 152-caliber guns, mercilessly destroying enemy destroyers and light cruisers with waves of high-explosive shells. And thanks to the increased profitability of the Aurora in loans, the owners of the cruiser can speed up their development and movement along the pumping branch.

The best US cruisers in World of Warships

St. Louis (level 3)– is popular not only among beginners, but also among experienced gamers. The combination of firepower and strong armor makes this cruiser perhaps the best ship at its tier. Along the sides there are as many as 14 sixteen-inch guns and 18 76 mm guns, providing continuous firing. In terms of combat effectiveness points, St. Louis can be compared to same-tier battleships. The disadvantages include the fact that the ship has almost completely no air defense. In addition, this cruiser is quite vulnerable to fragmentation shells from battleships. However, even taking into account all the shortcomings of St. Louis, we advise you to upgrade this particular ship at level 3.

Omaha (level 5)– for gamers who open the 5th level of the development tree of American cruisers, Omaha becomes a “pioneer” in several respects. It will delight players with the appearance on board of a gun turret and an aircraft catapult for a reconnaissance aircraft. The cruiser is a leader in its class in terms of firing range. And the presence of torpedo weapons gives it a significant advantage in close combat. Omaha is an ideal option for farming silver. With relatively cheap content, it allows you to get up to 200,000 per battle even without a premium account.

Cleveland (level 6)– in the history of the fleet, this type of cruiser is considered the most widespread. The ship has four gun turrets, which house all of its guns. This design allows for targeted shooting at one specific target on board. Cleveland's main advantage is its incredibly powerful air defense for this level, turning it into main threat for enemy aircraft.

Atlanta (level 7)– this premium cruiser occupies a special place in the line of elite ships of the American fleet. 16 incredibly fast-firing twin 127-caliber guns rain down heavy fire on opponents, smashing to pieces everything that is not protected dense layer armor. And its torpedo tubes can present a very unpleasant surprise to unwary battleships. The greatest effectiveness on Atlanta can be achieved in squadron combat.

Des Moines (level 10)– 9 eight-inch guns firing 10 salvoes per minute are business card this ship. It is not surprising that with such weapons he easily sends enemy ships to the bottom. This cruiser has no equal in duels. However, like other representatives of this class, it should stay away from enemy battleships.

The best German cruisers in World of Warships

Königsberg (level 5)- one of brightest stars German branch. This is a versatile cruiser that can be an ideal second-line fighter. It opens up limitless tactical potential for players due to the advantageous combination of excellent artillery and good driving characteristics. And four three-tube torpedo tubes, located on both sides of the ship, are ready to attack enemies from a distance of up to 6 km.

Admiral Hipper (level 8)– a German cruiser that will give odds to many ships of this class. Its accurate and long-range guns guarantee effective shooting even at extreme distances. Admiral Hipper will not be an easy target for enemies, as its armor can withstand even very aggressive attacks. This king of distance duels will also perform well in close combat. Although its torpedo tubes are not comparable in damage to similar Japanese ones, nevertheless, their firepower is quite enough to give a worthy rebuff to the enemy.

Hindenburg (level 10)- an impressive ship with solid artillery, including 12 203 caliber guns. The main trump card of this cruiser is its amazing firing range - up to 17.8 km. Among other things, the Hindenburg is one of the most durable representatives of its class. An ingenious German armor system protects the ship in close-range battles.

The best cruisers of Japan in World of Warships

Kuma (level 4)- a ship that has rightfully earned the title of one of the most controversial in the game. Despite its impressive armament for this level, high rate of fire and impeccable driving characteristics, it has a number of significant disadvantages that must be taken into account. These include insufficiently powerful air defense and low range. In general, we can say that Kuma is a ship for everyone. Although, this fact does not prevent him from remaining one of the most popular cruisers among WoWS players.

Yubari (level 4)– a premium light cruiser that can cause a lot of trouble for aircraft carrier commanders. On board there were 16 anti-aircraft installations posing a serious threat to enemy aircraft. With an incredibly high speed of up to 35 knots, it has excellent maneuverability, which negates any enemy attempts to strike back. And for those who still doubt the combat potential of Yubari, we remind you that this cruiser is equipped with the most powerful 610 mm torpedoes among ships of its class.

Mogami (level 8)– this cruiser can give a worthy rebuff not only to similar ships, but also to ships of higher levels. The presence of 15 rapid-firing 155 mm guns allows it to shower opponents with destructive heavy fire. Moreover, in the top configuration the caliber can be increased. True, the rate of fire will decrease slightly. It is also worth noting that, like any cruiser born in Japan, Mogami has torpedo tubes in its design, allowing it to successfully attack heavy ships.

Atago (level 8)– another premium Japanese ship that combines mobility, durability and incredible combat power. This cruiser is a real gift for all fans of tactical improvisation. The versatility inherent in all ships of this class is brought to the maximum. In terms of survivability, Atago will leave any classmate behind. And its speed of 35 knots allows it to move almost on par with destroyers. Well, high-precision 203 mm caliber guns and powerful torpedo armament are the icing on the cake.

Level 7

The most saturated with bonuses and, probably, the most interesting to buy - the ships already farm quite well, but they are cheaper than the 8th and at the same time you do not have to fight with 10 levels.



Błyskawica is a very good British-built Polish destroyer. Excellent main battery, good speed, camouflage and normal torpedoes. It has two disadvantages:

1) There is only one per nation, which means that the captains cannot be retrained and the improved ones cannot be installed immediately;

2) For level 7, 6 torpedoes is not enough.

However, Blyskawica is more about guns and the gameplay is reminiscent of Soviet leaders, only with the ability to launch torpedoes from invisibility. It’s also cheap - only 4800 gold for level 7. Blyskawica is good for farming credits and just have a fun game on a destroyer.

Complexity- 3/5

Efficiency- 5/5

Russian Empire/USSR


The first large warship designed and built in the USSR (project 1). Leningrad is the leader of the destroyers and in gameplay it resembles Kyiv and Bvyskavitsa, but with a greater focus on torpedoes.

Its visibility is 7.7 km, which is not bad for a Soviet leader and is clearly better than Kyiv. He has 5 guns versus 6 on Kyiv, they rotate more slowly and are not so conveniently located. But he has 8 very good torpedoes - 15 thousand damage, 8 km and 60 knots. And the speed of 43 knots (which is higher than that of Bvyskavica) will allow him to quickly get to where he wants to be or, if necessary, to escape from the enemy.

A good trainer for Soviet/Russian captains and costs only 5250 gold. But it is a little more difficult than Bvyskavica due to a weaker main battery and greater focus on torpedoes.

Complexity- 3,5/5

Efficiency- 5/5

The USA has as many as 5 level 7 premiums - impressive, but getting everything is not so easy.


It was sold in pre-order packages, and can now be periodically available in the premium store. Most reminiscent of Benson in C-Corps, but half-evil faster and more noticeable.

Sims is the fastest American destroyer (38.5 knots), has a DPM similar to Mahan (guns are faster-firing, but one less) and carries the same kind of torpedoes (8 pieces) - either short (5.5 km) with weak damage of 11k and 65 knots of speed, or long (9.2 km) with very weak damage of 8.5k and 49 knots of speed. But they charge in only 72 seconds.

What are the advantages of The Sims? Large DPM of the Civil Code, high speed for an American, big damage universal cars - 43, which, combined with the ability to take a barrier if desired, makes Sims effective air defense destroyer An all-rounder, it may well prove itself both in supporting the main forces and in hunting destroyers, but it may turn out to be more difficult than other destroyers.

Complexity- 3,5/5

Efficiency- 5/5

Saipan is a premium aircraft carrier that may appear in the store on the website, but is mainly sold through individual offers. As far as I remember, you need to win several times on an aircraft carrier of level 5 or higher - then an individual offer may appear.

The only premium aircraft carrier in the game. There are two setups - 3 fighters of 3 each + 1 beaver of 8 aircraft each and 2 fighters of 3 each + 2 torpedo bombers of 3 aircraft each.

Despite the fact that you can hear in many places that Saipan is imba, this is not so. A skill that increases damage to aircraft of a higher level helps very well against Saipan and therefore it is difficult to win against a fighter Hiryu, and almost impossible to win against a fighter Ranger. But in a random game this is not so important, since these setups are quite rare. But Saipan also has another problem - it is very difficult to do DoT (damage over time) on it, since in most cases you should enter with torps at the same time and the enemy will simply repair your flooding. It also has a smaller hangar than Hiryu or Ranger.

But this is where the disadvantages of Saipan end and the advantages begin:

1) He has level 9 planes, which means they are very fast and if you want to force a fight on the enemy, you will force him. But torpedo bombers fly quickly and manage to make more passes;

2) Moreover, small links reload faster, which further increases the number of sorties;

3) Small size Saipan makes him less noticeable than the Ranger - you can be closer to the enemy;

4) And he also has good air defense and you can survive 1 time under the attack of an Avik cannibal.

The most effective use is to deal direct damage where it hurts the most: sinking cruisers and destroyers, using manual attack from fighters.

Saipan good ship, but complex.

Complexity- 4,5/5

Efficiency- 5/5


Sold in the client, costs 7500 gold.

Indianapolis is similar to Orleans, but there is one thing - its bow skin is only 16 mm (like other 7 cruisers), which means it cannot tank 356 mm shells with its nose. And even 283 mm will pierce his nose. However, 203 mm from cruisers will not penetrate its nose, so it can destroy them well, taking advantage of the American national bonus - smaller BB ricochet angles. It also has a radar and good air defense, but no torpedoes.

So, if you like to be a cruiser liquidator and sometimes drive destroyers, this ship is for you. If this is not the case, it is better to look at something else.

Complexity- 4/5

Efficiency- 4,5/5

Sold in the client, costs 9000 gold.

Atlanta is a unique ship. Instead of cruising guns, her main guns are made up of 5-inch universal guns like those of destroyers. Accordingly, Atlanta has a huge DPM, powerful air defense, terrible ballistics and firing range, and thin armor.

Also, unlike other American cruisers, she has torpedoes - powerful (16k) and faster - 65 knots, but only 4.5 km.

Previously, many people complained about Atlanta, but the inertial fuse made it more attractive - its landmine can now penetrate the hull of cruisers and battleships up to level 8 and non-German, as well as the decks of battleships (up to level 8 and non-German) and cruisers.

Yes. This is hard. For an explanation of the mechanics of this perk, it is better to turn to Google, but in short - got better. She also has a radar.

So what is Atlanta good at? Killing destroyers if they jump out from around the corner or stand in the smoke. Air defense. Throwing everyone over the islands thanks to the hinged trajectory. With skill, she can show herself well and bring a lot of fun.

But most importantly - Atlanta is a difficult ship. I really don’t recommend taking it as the first premium without realizing that you are taking it. Perhaps that is why it costs more than Indianapolis, so that they take it - it will still be simpler and not much different from Pensacola or Orleans.

Complexity- 5/5

Efficiency- 4,5/5

Reward for the first 3 ranks. Those who took rank 1 most likely already know about its advantages and disadvantages.

But for reference, this is almost Atlanta. There are a couple of fewer towers, better medium air defense, worse long-range, there is smoke, no radar, torpedoes travel 9.2 km.

Complexity- 3,5/5

Efficiency- 5/5



Sold in the client for 9500 gold.

Gneisenau's sistership, Scharnhorst, is the closest thing to a large cruiser we'll get in the near future. The Scharnhorst main battery has nine 283 mm guns, which sinks cruisers very well, but is less effective against battleships (although if they turn broadside, the damage will be quite large).

In addition to their caliber, these guns are distinguished by their higher rate of fire (3 v/m) and higher accuracy (2.0) than those of the Gneisenau.

Also, the auxiliary artillery is identical to the stock Gneisenau - that is, as a secondary gun it is better (it burns much better), but is weaker in air defense. It is also slower - 30 knots versus 32 for Gneisenau.

But I think Scharnhorst is an excellent battleship, one of the most fun in the game, because it has an interesting main battery, an excellent secondary battery, armor and torpedoes.

Complexity- 3,5/5

Efficiency- 5/5


Sold in the client, costs 8200 gold.

Belfast is cool. Imagine Fiji. Saw off the torpedoes. Now give the main battery land mines, take away the heals, significantly strengthen the air defense and give the radar. And don't forget to give the 5th slot for upgrades.

Belfast is almost perfect in ranks, but not bad in randoms either. You can also train British captains on it (but I recommend getting a separate captain with an inertial fuse for future destroyers). But due to the lack of healing, it is still more difficult to play there than in Fiji - Belfast does not forgive mistakes so easily. He is also more focused on supporting a team than playing solo.

Complexity- 4/5

Efficiency- 6/5

Level 8

The higher the level, the better the premiums are farmed.

If you want to train captains and at the same time farm credits, a lot of credits, then level 8 is what you need.


Sold in the client, costs 10,700 gold.

Many consider Atago to be the best cruiser in the game. This is debatable, but Atago is clearly good.

He has a heal, he can throw torpedoes forward from one on-board vehicle and... that's it.

Otherwise, it is almost the same Myoko, only the main battery has a slower rate of fire. But the heal greatly improves this ship. Atago easily forgives mistakes, its camouflage can be accelerated to 9.1 km, which will allow you to launch torpedoes from invisibility or start shooting at an enemy cruiser in the most favorable situation for you. And torpedoes launched forward make it easier to win battles at dagger ranges.

Well, one more thing - Atago is simple. It's not that difficult to play well.

Complexity- 2,5/5

Efficiency- 5/5

Russian Empire/USSR


Sold in the client for 10,250 gold.

We take Chapaev, select the radar, increase visibility, improve maneuverability and air defense, provide smoke and 2x5 torpedoes at 8 km. And here we have Kutuzov.

Unlike Chapaev, you cannot sneak up on a destroyer and turn on the radar, and sneaking in general is not about it. But in other respects, Kutuzov is better and, most importantly, simpler.

Stand up in the smoke, shoot, make sure they don’t throw torpedoes at you. But we must remember that the armor is not his strong point. After all, this is a light cruiser (16 tons).

Not a bad main battery, excellent air defense, smoke.

Complexity- 3/5

Efficiency- 5/5


Sold in the client, costs 12,500 gold.

When the Tirpitz was introduced, it was very cool - torpedoes, speed, turtle (carapace) armor scheme. But now everything is not so good - almost everyone scatters at the sight of Tirpitz and cannot use torpedoes, and Bismarck remains without torpedoes, only worse. The Tirpitz secondary gun fires at only 4.5 km - this is less than that of Scharnhorst (5 km) and much less than that of Bismarck (7 km), so it cannot be accelerated much. If you forget about torpedoes and play just like a battleship, then it will turn out well, but without any special features, and the air defense is worse than that of just Bismarck at the top. And there is no GAK.

But he farms and trains captains.

Complexity- 2/5

Efficiency- 4/5

Prinz Eugen

Sold in the client for 11k gold.

Hipper. Almost no different. Take it if you like Hipper. You can also buy camouflage for 3k gold, which increases the credits you receive by 20%.

Complexity- 3/5

Efficiency- 4,5/5


Periodically sold in the premium store.

Funny thing, Luo Yan is Benson. Not the Benson-class ship, but the Benson itself.

What makes him the second such pairing in the game (the first pairing is Svetlana-Krasny Krym)? So what does Luo Yang have?

GAK, while without German visibility when fired. Bonus for experience. Four guns (Benson in C-corps).

What's the downside? Torpedoes from Mahan (deal 11k damage, not 16k damage like Benson). Well, or you can take other torpedoes, with 16k damage and 68 knots, but they only go 6 km.

You can also keep one captain for Luo Yang and Anshan. But no one else.

So interesting ship for an enjoyable game and farming.

Complexity- 3/5

Efficiency - 5/5

Level 9

The game has the only level 9+ premium that can be purchased not for gold, but for 750,000 free experience.


750k free and it's yours. Good as a long term goal.

In general, Missouri is Iowa, but instead of an airplane there is a radar (which is nice) and the armor abeam of the citadel is thicker.

The presence of the radar drives away destroyers or makes it easier to sink them, so playing on Missouri is probably more comfortable than on Iowa. But not too much and the air defense turns out to be slightly worse because of this. And if you want Iowa because it’s beautiful, you don’t have to download it American branch and just focus on free farming.

The main advantages are frantic farming and a 100% bonus on experience.

Complexity- 3/5

Efficiency- 5/5

Which is planned for February 2012, the developers of the MMO game “World of Tanks” plan to introduce part of an alternative tank destroyer with rotating turrets, namely:

  • M8A1 (IV level);
  • T49 (V level);
  • M18 (Hellcat) (Tier VI);
  • T25-2 (VII level);
  • T30 (level IX).

What the gaming characteristics of these undoubtedly interesting combat vehicles will be will be known later. And now it’s a little less tiring stories and real photos:

M8A1 (tier IV)

75 mm self-propelled howitzer M8 (eng. 75 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8) - light self-propelled artillery installation USA during World War II. Created in 1941-1942 on the basis of the M5 Stuart light tank. During serial production From 1942 to 1944, 1,778 M8 self-propelled guns were produced, which turned out to be a successful use of the outdated tank's chassis. The M8 saw active use in combat in Europe from 1943 to 1945, although by 1945 it was largely replaced by the M4 Sherman tank variant with a 105mm howitzer. Based on the test results, I can say that driving the M8A1 is similar, the same sensations, the same action and drive. I recommend!
M8A1 - modification based on the M5A1 Stuart light tank


T49 (V level)

T49 Gun Motor Carriage: Prototype with 57 mm M1 gun - the first prototype of the M18 Hellcat anti-tank self-propelled gun with reduced armor protection, but high mobility.


M18 Hellcat (Witch) (Tier VI)

M18 Hellcat (Witch) - M18 Gun Motor Carriage - anti-tank self-propelled gun, “tank destroyer”, with reduced armor protection, but high mobility. It was armed with a 76mm M1A1C gun. Designed on the basis of the M-39 armored personnel carrier (AUV).


T25-2 (VII level)

A tank destroyer project based on the T23 tank, which never made it past the mock-up stage. The vehicle is a kind of American answer to the JagdPanther - somewhat worse weapons are compensated by a lower silhouette and better mobility. Serb: The scheme of the American PT level 7 (the only one available in the sources) will terrify you. At the same time, in order to ensure that a more powerful gun than the standard 90mm one would not outweigh the tank, we also moved the wheelhouse towards the stern. Well, of course, the reservation was added. You will see the result soon.
There is no photo of this tank destroyer.

Captain Jack Daniels: Americans use the word pilot (pilot), not prototype (prototype). That’s why the name T28 Prototype doesn’t even look American. The T28 turret never existed. It was originally created without a turret, with a cannon in the front hull. The tower had only a conceptual sketch and nothing more. The purpose of such sketches is to show interested parties approximately (very approximately) what is to be created. If the interested parties agree in principle, then the terms of reference or at least the basic requirements for which the prototype is created are jointly formed. The prototype was already without a tower.
There is no photo of this tank destroyer.
