Diamond bracelet summary. Garnet bracelet

Chapter 1

Towards the end of summer the weather turned bad. It started raining and cold winds blew. The holidaymakers left, only Princess Vera remained at the dacha due to renovations in her city apartment.
At the beginning of autumn it suddenly became warmer. Vera was happy about the arrival of warm autumn days.

Chapter 2

Princess Vera decided to celebrate her birthday by the sea. She was glad about this, since her husband had Lately money was tight. And at the dacha it was possible to celebrate the celebration more modestly than in the city. Vera’s husband, although he was a prince and a provincial representative of the nobility, was on the verge of bankruptcy. Vera sincerely loved her husband and therefore sympathized with him.

Sister Anna came to Vera and offered to help her prepare the holiday. The sisters were very different from each other in both appearance and character.

Chapter 3

Anna loved the sea very much. They, together with Princess Vera, stood at the cliff and admired the view that opened before them for a long time. Anna brought her sister a beautiful notebook in a luxurious binding as a gift.

Chapter 4

Guests began to arrive for the holiday. The most important person among them for the sisters was Anosov. He had been a friend of their family for a long time and loved the sisters very much.

Chapter 5

All the guests gathered at the table. Vera's husband, Prince Vasily, was a witty man and an excellent storyteller. He often talked about interesting events in the lives of acquaintances and friends. In these stories, truth was so intertwined with fantasy and presented with such a serious look that the guests could not help but laugh.

After dinner, the guests gathered at the card table. Vera went for a walk, but the maid stopped her and handed her a package. The maid explained that an unknown person brought it. When Vera unwrapped the package, she saw a garnet bracelet. The gold was of low quality, but the stones looked beautiful. They sparkled in the sun and resembled drops of blood. Having examined the gift, the princess picked up the letter. From its first lines, she understood who wrote this message.

The letter was written by an old admirer of hers, from whom she had received enthusiastic letters, but had never seen him. In his letter, he congratulated the princess on her birthday and presented her with a gift. This bracelet, according to him, he got from his great-grandmother. For a long time Vera could not decide whether to tell her husband about the gift.

Chapter 6

At that time most of guests gathered near the birthday girl’s husband. He showed his friends his drawings, which depicted the love story of an unknown telegraph operator for his wife. Vera did not like these conversations. She wanted to stop her husband, but he did not pay attention to this.

Chapter 7

The guests left, only Anosov and Vera’s brother Nikolai remained. General Anosov recalled funny stories from his life. The sisters listened to him with interest. Before the general’s departure, Vera told her husband about the letter from an unknown admirer and his gift.

Chapter 8

The sisters, seeing off the general, began to talk. Suddenly Anosov opened up and admitted that in his entire life he had never met a woman whom he could love. Unexpectedly, he asked Vera about the story he heard from her husband. She told Anosov about the secret admirer and today's gift. These notes and assurances of eternal love The princess received it even before her marriage. The general listened silently to Vera and quietly commented: such love can be found only once in a lifetime.

Chapter 9

Vera's brother and Prince Vasily decided to find the secret admirer, return the gift to him and demand that the princess be left alone. All these letters and gifts could ruin the family's reputation.

Chapter 10

Nikolai and Vasily found Vera’s secret lover. It was a young official. The young man admitted to the prince that he had loved his wife for a long time, and only death could force him not to think about her. Zheltkov asked to give the princess a letter and promised never to disturb their family.

Chapter 11

In the morning newspaper, Princess Vera read about the suicide of the official Zheltkov. The reason given was embezzlement of official money. Later, Vera received a letter in which Zheltkov said goodbye to her forever, wishing her happiness and peace. The princess asked her husband to take her to the official’s house to say goodbye to this strange man.

Chapter 12

IN rented apartment official Zheltkov, Princess Vera met his mistress. The princess asked her to tell about who Zheltkov was. Then she walked into the room where he lay dead, and was struck by the calm expression on his face. When Vera was leaving, the hostess told her that Zheltkov was very fond of the great Beethoven and his sonata No. 2.

Chapter 13

Her friend Jenny Reiter was waiting for the princess at home. Vera asked her to play the piano for her. The first chords had not yet sounded, and Vera already knew that this would be the part of Beethoven’s work that Zheltkov was talking about. The music sounded, and Vera cried quietly. Tears calmed her troubled soul.

This work by Kuprin is a pure and touching love story. young man To married woman. Unrequited love, but main character lived with this feeling and died loving. Summary of the story " Garnet bracelet» by chapter will give general idea O tragic love in the life of the official Zheltkov. Not everyone knows how to love so selflessly, sacrificing themselves. His love breathed new feelings into the princess. She was again able to feel as young and happy as before. It all started after receiving a gift from him for her birthday.

Main characters

Vasily Shein- prince. Vera's husband. A sociable person and an interesting storyteller.

Vera Sheina- wife of Vasily Shein. Princess. Beautiful, interesting woman. It was with her that the official Zheltkov was in love, who began sending her letters long before her marriage to the prince.

Zheltkov- official. A young man about 35 years old. Unrequitedly in love with Princess Sheina.

Chapter 1

Summer was coming to an end. It was mid-August. The weather is no longer the same. The holidaymakers went home. Princess Vera was forced to stay at the dacha. Renovation work was in full swing in the city apartment.

The beginning of September pleased with warm days. The rains have passed. It became sunny and clear. Vera was sincerely happy about the weather changing for the better.

Chapter 2

Vera's birthday was approaching. It was decided to celebrate the holiday at the dacha. Money has been tight in the family lately. In the city it would not be possible without large expenses, but here, by the sea, everything is much more modest. Vera's husband is a prince. She understood how difficult it was for him now and tried in every possible way to support her husband.

Vera’s sister, Anna, offered her help in organizing the holiday. They were too different, but the girls were very friendly with each other.

Chapter 3

Anna hasn't been to these parts for a long time. The girl enjoyed the opportunity to see the sea again. The sisters sat on a bench near the cliff, admiring the local landscape. Anna decided to give her sister a notebook right here on the shore. The thing was ancient, in luxurious binding.

Chapter 4

Guests gradually arrived at the house. Among the invited guests, General Anosov was not absent. The general was a close friend of their late father. The man was sincerely attached to his sisters. The sisters, in turn, affectionately called him grandfather.

Chapter 5

The table was set. The guests took their places. Vera's husband took it upon himself to entertain the company. Prince Vasily knew a lot interesting stories, in which it was not always possible to distinguish from the first time where the truth was and where the lie was. The guests loved it. They were having a lot of fun.

After dinner, the guests moved to the card table. While the poker game was going on, Vera decided to go out for a walk and get some fresh air. Her walk was interrupted by a maid holding a small package. According to the maid, the package was handed over to her stranger, who convincingly asked to give it into the hands of Vera Nikolaevna personally. Having unwrapped the package, Vera was stunned. Extraordinarily beautiful garnet bracelet. The stones played in the sun. Vera unexpectedly compared them to drops of blood.

In addition to the bracelet, the package contained a note. From the first lines she guessed who it was from. This would be her longtime fan. They never saw each other, but on every holiday he always sent her his congratulations. I didn’t forget this time either.

Vera didn’t know whether to tell her husband everything or hide the truth.

Chapter 6

Returning to the house, Vera joined the guests. Vasily came up with a new entertainment. He showed the guests an album with his own drawings, accompanying each with cheerful comments. One of the drawings was dedicated to the love story of a certain telegraph operator for his wife. Vera found it unpleasant to listen to this. She asked her husband to switch to another topic, but he ignored her request. Either he didn’t hear, or he pretended not to hear.

Chapter 7

Almost all the guests had left. Only the general and Vera's brother remained. The general was struck by memories. The sisters listened to him with undisguised interest. Vera finally decided to tell her husband the truth about her admirer. After waiting for the general to leave, Vera showed her husband the gift and handed him the letter attached to the bracelet so that he could read it.

Chapter 8

While they were waiting for the carriage for the general, he suddenly decided to open up with his sisters. He was unlucky in his personal life. He never met a woman for whom he would do anything. But the story told by the prince about the telegraph operator and Vera herself clearly interested him. He asked what he could believe in her.

Vera admitted that the story is almost real. Many years ago she had a secret admirer. An unknown man constantly sends her letters in which he declares his love. She received her first letter before her marriage. It hasn't stopped since then. So today he sent her another message, which was accompanied by a gift in the form of a chic bracelet.

The general thought about it, saying that this was probably true love. The one that every woman dreams of. Vera was lucky to have a man in her life who had been faithful and devoted to her for so many years, ready to wait as long as necessary and not asking for anything in return.

Chapter 9

Vasily Lvovich and Nikolai did not like the story told by Vera. They decided to conduct a small investigation to find out who was sending Vera the letters, and at the same time return the gift and ask her not to interfere with their family anymore. Family reputation comes first. She shouldn't get hurt.

Chapter 10

A fan of Vera was found quickly. It turned out to be a young man. Zheltkov worked as an official and was head over heels in love with the princess. When he was confronted with claims that he was interfering with someone else’s family, undermining its reputation, he did not even try to deny what had been haunting Vera for many years.

He admitted to the prince that he could not live without Vera. All thoughts are about her. He is unable to stop loving her. The only way to get rid of obsession is death. Zheltkov asks the prince for permission to make one call to Vera. Her opinion on this matter is important to him.

Vera, after listening to Zheltkov, makes it clear that there can be no relationship between them and asks him not to bother her anymore.

After talking with Vera, Zheltkov returned to the room where the prince and Nikolai were waiting for him. He asks them to deliver another letter for Vera. After that, he will disappear from their lives forever.

Chapter 11

From the morning news, Vera learns about the suicide of an official. The reason for suicide is banal, waste of money from the state treasury.
Vera reads Zheltkov’s farewell letter. In it, he says goodbye to her, sincerely wishing her happiness.

Vera asks her husband to go to Zheltkov’s funeral. She became interested in looking at the man who had loved her for so many years. The husband did not object.

Chapter 12

In the apartment where Zheltkov lived, the owner met her and took her to the room where he lay dead. His face was peaceful and calm.
Before leaving, the hostess handed her a note. It contained only one title of a Beethoven sonata. Sonata No. 2 was the deceased's favorite piece of music. Tears flowed from Vera's eyes.

Chapter 13

Her friend was waiting for Vera at home. Jenny Reiter was a pianist. Vera asks her to play something. From the first chords, she understands that this is exactly the piece of music that was mentioned in the note. Vera began to cry. Having listened to the sonata to the end, she suddenly realized that Zheltkov had forgiven her. Her soul calmed down.
  1. Vera Sheina- princess, wife of the leader of the nobility Shein. She married him for love, which over time grew into friendship and respect for her husband. She began receiving messages from a mysterious admirer even before her marriage.
  2. Zheltkov- petty official. For many years, he has been unrequitedly in love with Vera.
  3. Vasily Shein- prince, provincial leader of the nobility. He loves his wife, does not take love messages from a secret admirer seriously.

Other heroes

  1. Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov- general, friend of the late father of Vera, Anna and Nikolai.
  2. Anna Friesse- sister of Vera and Nikolai.
  3. Nikolay Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky- serves as an assistant prosecutor, brother of Vera and Anna.
  4. Jenny Reiter— Vera’s friend, a wonderful pianist

Meet the Shein family

In mid-August, bad weather reigned on the Black Sea coast. Because of this, many who were in their dachas began to hastily move to the city. Princess Sheina could not do this because renovation work was going on in her town house. In the first days of September the weather was warm and sunny. The princess is glad for the clear autumn days.

Vera had a name day on September 17, to which she invited guests. The husband left on business, after which he was supposed to bring the invitees for dinner. Sheina was pleased that the dinner would be at the dacha, because organizing it in the city was too expensive.

The Sheins were in a difficult financial situation, but due to the prince's prominent social position, they needed to behave accordingly. Vera, whose love for her husband turned into a feeling of strong and most devoted friendship, tried to support the prince in everything and save money. Princess Anna Friesse's sister came to help prepare the name day.

Vera's birthday and a gift from a secret admirer

General Anosov, who was a friend of the sisters’ late father, was invited to the celebration. The host of the house, Vasily Shein, entertained those gathered. He was a great storyteller and his guests loved his stories. When the invitees sat down to play poker, a package was brought to Vera.

The princess opens it and finds a gold bracelet there. The chain was made of low-grade gold and decorated with garnet stones of extraordinary beauty. Their bright red color reminded Vera of drops of blood. Among the stones, one green garnet stood out - a rare variety.

The gift was accompanied by a note from Vera's secret admirer, in which he congratulated her on her name day and told the story of the bracelet. He wrote about his unrequited love for her and dared only to hope that the princess would be happy. Sheina was thinking about whether to show the letter to the prince.

"The Story of Vera and the Telegraph Operator in Love"

At the celebration, Prince Shein showed the audience a home album with drawings he had made. These illustrations were a successful addition to the prince’s funny stories. The last was a story about his wife and the telegraph operator who was in love with her. Vera did not want her husband to tell this incident, but the prince chose not to hear it and told about how his wife received messages full of passion from the telegraph operator.

After one part of the guests had left, the rest listened to stories about the army life of General Anosov. Vera and Anna decided to see off the old general. The princess asks her husband to read the note. On the way to the carriage, Anosov and the sisters talk about true love. According to the old general, it must certainly be a tragedy. Vera talks about what is true in her husband's story about the telegraph operator.

Prince Shein and Vera's brother, Nikolai, discuss what to do with the mysterious admirer. Nikolai insists that this must be stopped immediately, otherwise his gifts and messages will damage the honor of the family. It was decided to find him, return the bracelet and ask him not to disturb Vera anymore.

Visit to Zheltkov

Vasily Shein and Mirza-Bulat-Taganovsky find a suitor for Sheina. It turned out to be a petty official Zheltkov. Nikolai immediately told about the reason for their visit - with the bracelet he was given, he crossed all boundaries of decency. Zheltkov agrees with him.

Zheltkov, turning to the prince, talks about his love, which is impossible and the only way out of it is death. He asks permission to call Vera. While Zheltkov is talking with Sheina, Nikolai accuses Vasily of being soft. But the prince says that he understands Zheltkov and sympathizes with him, because it is not his fault that he fell in love with the princess.

Returning, the official asks permission to last time write to Vera and promise to stop this story. In the evening, the prince tells the details of their visit to Zheltkov. The princess is a little excited about Zheltkov's future.

News of Zheltkov's suicide

The next day, Vera learns from the newspapers that due to the waste of public funds, Zheltkov committed suicide. The princess spends the entire day thinking about this man and trying to understand why she had a premonition of a tragic outcome.

They bring her Zheltkov’s last letter. In it, he writes that loving her was the greatest happiness in his life, which was contained in the princess. Zheltkov asks for forgiveness for causing inconvenience to Vera. Vera asks the prince for permission to look at him, Shein supports her decision.

Vera's farewell with love

At the admirer’s apartment, Sheina meets a woman who tells her about Zheltkov. She conveys his request that if he suddenly dies and a woman comes to say goodbye to him, that Beethoven’s best work is Sonata No. 2.

Her friend, the famous pianist Jenny Reiter, comes to visit Vera. With tears in her eyes, Sheina asks her to play Zheltkov’s favorite passage from this sonata. During the game, Vera realizes that she great love, which is the dream of all women, was in her life and left with Zheltkov.

When the sounds of the instrument died down, the princess calmed down. She found peace and realized that he had forgiven her and now everything would be fine.

One day Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina celebrated her name day. She celebrated at the dacha, since her and her husband’s apartment was being renovated. Many guests were invited to the celebration, and the birthday girl was a little embarrassed that there were thirteen guests.

The guests went to play poker, and Vera went to the veranda, where the maid gave her a mysterious package. In it, Vera found a box containing a gold bracelet and a note. Vera first examined the bracelet. It was made of base gold, but on some of the links were hung stones of poorly polished garnet, and in the middle of it hung a small green stone, as it later turned out, it was rare view pomegranate – green pomegranate. Then Vera read the note. It was written in beautiful handwriting, which was very familiar to the woman. The note contained congratulations on Angel's Day. The author wrote that this bracelet was passed down from generation to generation, and it has power, women with it gain the gift of foresight and are no longer bothered by bad thoughts, and men can avoid violent death. The author also asked for forgiveness for his insolence seven years ago.

Vera thought for a long time whether to show her husband a gift and a note to her husband Vasya or not. And I decided to show everything after the guests left.

The holiday is in full swing. Prince Vasily Lvovich showed the guests a family humorous album and read out letters that a loving telegraph operator wrote to Vera before her marriage. Then all the guests drank tea and began to leave. Vera went to see off the guests, and asked her husband to go look at the red case and the letter in the table.

While the woman was seeing off General Anosov, in response to words about the lack of love in modern world and about the uselessness of marriage, she said that she was very happy married and loved her husband. And the general said that love should be a tragedy. He tells a few examples and then asks about the telegraph operator. The woman says that a couple of years before her marriage, a stranger sent her letters, who signed the letters “G. S. Zh." He apparently kept an eye on Vera, as he described her entire day in letters. Soon Vera asked this man not to write to her, and from then on he limited himself to only congratulations on the holidays.

Vera's brother Nikolai and her husband Vasily Lvovich decide to find a secret admirer, because they do not want this to become known to anyone later. They find the person who sent the bracelet. He turned out to be a man named Zheltkov. He apologized to Vasily and explained that Vera had been his only true love for eight years. He promised not to write to her anymore, but asks to talk on the phone once. After this conversation, Zheltkov promised Vasily that no one would ever hear from him again, asked permission from the princess’s husband to give her the last letter, and received it.

Vasily Lvovich came home and told everything to his wife, who was amazed by this story. She understands that Zheltkov is going to kill himself. And in the morning Vera sees an article in the newspaper about the suicide of the control service official G.S. Zheltkova.

Vera receives the last letter from the deceased, in which he asks for forgiveness, talks about love and says that he first saw her at the circus, she was sitting in a box. It was then that Zheltkov fell in love.

Vera goes home to Zheltkov and learns from his housekeeper about the wonderful man Zheltkov. It turned out that before sending the garnet bracelet to Vera, Zheltkov hung it on the icon for several days. Vera understands that the love that every woman dreams of has passed her by. She kisses the deceased on the forehead and leaves.

Arriving home, the woman was glad that there was no one there except her. She thought a lot about Zheltkov and about this love. Then pianist Jenny Reiter came to visit and played a Beethoven sonnet. It was he who asked Zheltkov to play in the letter.

Vera was sad. She cried, because such love is a dream. Vera pressed herself against the acacia tree and hoped that Zheltkov had forgiven her.

“Garnet Bracelet” is a work written by A.I. Kuprin in 1910. The story is based on an incident that actually happened in life, but slightly changed by the author himself. Let us turn to the main ideas of the work “Garnet Bracelet” in order to briefly understand the essence of the work: The tragedy of the image “ little man"in the realities of life; Nothing can be stronger than love, not even death; Contrasting the nobility " lower class", the conflict arising in connection with this. “Interclass barriers” force people to act not according to the dictates of their hearts, but guided solely by their minds.

Garnet bracelet summary

The epigraph to the story is the second movement of Ludwig van Beethoven's famous sonata Largo appassionato. It runs like a connecting thread through Kuprin’s entire work, filling the work with musicality and lyrical mood. Chapters. Brief summary of Kuprin's garnet bracelet.

Chapter l

Talking about bad weather from mid-August, so typical of the Black Sea coast; The story is about the local inhabitants moving to the city; The improvement in the weather at the beginning of September pleases Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, who, due to the fact that renovations in her city apartment with her husband (Vera’s husband is the leader of the nobility) were not completed, could not leave the dacha.

Chapter II

September 17 is Vera Nikolaevna’s birthday, a day from which she always expected something “joyful and wonderful.” Not many friends were supposed to gather at the birthday party, since, in many ways, her husband’s situation was sad: forced to live beyond his means, but according to his status, he “barely made ends meet.” Vera tried to help her husband, unnoticed by him, denying herself many things, even saving on household. Vera has her " passionate love“I have long since transformed into a feeling of lasting, faithful, true friendship with my husband.”

Vera was glad to see the arrival of her sister Anna Nikolaevna, with whom she outwardly had little in common. Vera - took after her mother, and was a tall and slender woman with lovely sloping shoulders and a cold, to some extent arrogant, face, while Anna - the heiress of her father’s “Mongolian blood”, was short in stature, but very active and lively, although She did not have the attractiveness of her sister, but she beat her due to her femininity and frivolity. Anna had two children from a person she did not love: a girl and a boy, whom Vera loved passionately. She did not have her own children, but dreamed that she would have them.

Chapter lll

The sisters, who have not seen each other for a long time, decide to sit on the cliff for a while. They talk about the sea; Anna gives her sister a ladies' cornet made from a prayer book. Vera really liked her sister’s gift; Reasoning about the birthday, about who will arrive and what will happen at the holiday.

Chapter lV

Soon guests arrive: Vera’s husband, Vasily Lvovich and Lyudmila Lvovna, his sister. Also this is the “rogue” Vasyuchok,” Vera’s brother, Nikolai Nikolaevich, Gustav Ivanovich, Anna’s husband, Jenny Reiter, Vera’s friend, and also Professor Speshnikov, Vice-Governor von Zeck, General Anosov, and with him two officers - Bakhtinsky and Ponomarev; An important guest is General Anosov, who was a very close person to the sisters, he was even Vera’s godfather. Anna and Vera loved him very much, they were upset when he did not visit them for a long time. He lived a glorious life, went through several wars, he was a brave man, whom everyone respected and revered.

Chapter V

Dinner went on as usual, everything was great and truly festive. The main entertainment of the evening were the stories of Vasily Lvovich, in which he talked about someone in an exaggerated and grotesque form. Although he took as a basis real case from life. He spoke about cases related to Nikol Nikolaevich Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky and Gustav Ivanovich Friesse. Sisters as passionate lovers gambling, and that evening they organized some kind of card “games”.

And this evening was no exception. The maid informs Vera Nikolaevna about a gift that was handed over to an unknown person through a courier. This gift was a garnet bracelet. Attached to it was a note saying that this bracelet, which belonged to the stranger’s great-grandmother, was nothing more than a gift. And her admirer asks her to accept this gift, since the bracelet endows “everyone who wears it” with the gift of foresight, and protects men from violent death. Vera momentarily compared the beads to blood clots. “It’s like blood,” she said. The letter ended with the words: “Your humble servant G.S.Zh. before death and after death.”

Chapter Vl

Continuation of the evening. Colonel Ponomarev, who has never played poker, ends up winning, although he did not want to start the game; Vasily Lvovich captures the attention of most guests with the help of his “humorous album”, in which many guests are shown in a comic form. The last drawing turns out to be “Princess Vera and the telegraph operator in love.” This story tells how Vera received letters from a “secret admirer”; The story ends sadly: dying, the lover bequeaths “two telegraph buttons and a perfume bottle - filled with his tears.”

Chapter Vll

General Anosov, sitting on the terrace, tells his sisters stories from his life; The general says that he “must not have loved” for real; Afterwards, General Anosov, reluctantly, begins to say goodbye. Vera, like Anna, expresses a desire to accompany him; Vera tells her husband to look “at the gift.”

Chapter Vlll

On the way, General Anosov and Vera started talking about “true love” and the fact that both men and women are not often capable of true, sacrificial love; The general gives examples of two stories where he met true love; Vera talks about her admirer. Aonsov notes that perhaps Vera’s life “was crossed by true and selfless love.”

Chapter lX

Discussion of the note and gift by Vasily Lvovich and Nikolai Nikolaevich, who is quite categorical. Nikolai does not even think about compromise; They decide to find Vera’s mysterious admirer the next day in order to once and for all prohibit him from disturbing Vasily Lvovich’s wife and return the gift.

Chapter X

Vasily Lvovich and Nikolai Nikolaevich visit Mr. Zheltkov in his rented apartment; They saw a man who looked to be about 30-35 years old, with a “gentle, girlish face” and blond hair; Twice unsuccessfully inviting Shein and Mirza-Bulat-Turganovsky to sit down, Zheltkov listened to who came to his apartment and for what purpose; Nikolai, asking not to disturb his wife anymore, gave Zheltkov a gift. Zheltkov agreed to leave Vera Nikolaevna, but on the condition that Vasily would listen to him. Having explained to Vasily Lvovich that his wife is the meaning of his life, he asked permission to call Vera Nikolaevna; After this, Zheltkov promised that “you will never hear from me again and, of course, you will never see me again”; Vera has a presentiment of Zheltkov's death.

Chapter Xl

Vera, who did not like to read newspapers, discovers in one of them a note about the death of Zheltkov, who shot himself in his apartment, allegedly because of debts; Vera reads the letter that Zheltkov wrote to her before his death. In the letter, he asks for forgiveness for “being a hindrance to her”; Vera, with her husband’s permission, is going to visit Zheltkov.

Chapter Xll

She, with the permission of the mistress of the house, a Catholic by birth, visits Zheltkov, whom she kissed on the forehead, realizing that this is what Anosov was talking about: it was true love that touched her, but passed by; When Vera was about to leave, the hostess handed her a note in which Zheltkov once again mentioned Beethoven’s Sonata No. 2, which he had spoken about in the letter; Vera, unable to contain herself, burst into tears.

Chapter Xlll

Finding Jenny Reiter at home, Vera asked her to play something for her; Confident that she would play exactly the right sonata, Vera was not surprised when Jenny played music in which she heard words of reassurance, words of forgiveness; Vera felt better, as she realized that Zheltkov, even after his death, only wished her happy life, a life filled with many bright and joyful days.
