What is the diurnal variation of air temperature. Summary: Daily and annual variation of air temperature

Sun rays, passing through transparent bodies, heat them very weakly. For this reason, direct sunlight almost does not heat the air of the atmosphere, but heats the surface of the Earth, from which heat is transferred to the adjacent layers of air. When heated, the air becomes lighter and rises, where it mixes with colder air, in turn heating it.

As it rises, the air cools. At an altitude of 10 km, the temperature is constantly kept at around 40-45 ° C.

A decrease in air temperature with height is a general pattern. However, there is often an increase in temperature as you rise up. Such a phenomenon is called temperature inversion, i.e., a permutation of temperatures.

Inversions occur either during rapid cooling earth's surface and adjacent air, or, conversely, when heavy cold air flows down the slopes of the mountains into the valleys. There, this air stagnates and displaces warmer air up the slopes.

During the day, the air temperature does not remain constant, but continuously changes. During the day, the surface of the Earth heats up and heats the adjacent layer of air. At night, the Earth radiates heat, cools, and the air cools. Most low temperatures are observed not at night, but before sunrise, when the earth's surface has already given up all the heat. Similarly, the highest air temperatures are set not at noon, but around 3 p.m.

at the equator diurnal temperature variation monotonous, day and night they are almost the same. Very small diurnal amplitudes in the seas and near sea ​​coasts. But in deserts during the day the surface of the earth often heats up to 50-60 ° C, and at night it often cools down to 0 ° C. Thus, diurnal amplitudes here exceed 50–60 °C.

In temperate latitudes the largest number solar radiation enters the Earth on the days of the summer solstices, i.e. June 22 in the Northern Hemisphere and December 21 in the Southern. However, the hottest month is not June (December), but July (January), since on the day of the solstice a huge amount of radiation is spent on heating the earth's surface. In July (January) the radiation decreases, but this decrease is compensated by the strongly heated earth's surface.

Likewise, the most cold month not June (December), but July (January).

At sea, due to the fact that the water cools and heats up more slowly, the temperature shift is even greater. Here, the hottest month is August, and the coldest month is February in the Northern Hemisphere and, accordingly, the hottest month is February and the coldest month is August in the Southern Hemisphere.

Annual amplitude temperature is largely dependent on the latitude of the place. So, at the equator, the amplitude during the year remains almost constant and amounts to 22-23 °C. The highest annual amplitudes are typical for territories located in the middle latitudes in the interior of the continents.

Any area is also characterized by absolute and average temperatures. Absolute temperatures established by long-term observations at weather stations. So, the hottest (+58 °C) place on Earth is in the Libyan Desert; the coldest (-89.2 °C) is in Antarctica at Vostok station. In the Northern Hemisphere, the lowest (-70.2 °C) temperature was recorded in the village of Oymyakon in Eastern Siberia.

Average temperatures is defined as the arithmetic mean of several thermometer readings. So, to determine the average daily temperature, measurements are taken at 1; 7; 13 and 19 hours, i.e. 4 times a day. From the figures obtained, the arithmetic mean value is found, which will be the average daily temperature of the area. Then find the average monthly and average annual temperatures as the arithmetic mean of the daily and monthly averages.

On the map, you can mark points with the same temperature values ​​and draw lines connecting them. These lines are called isotherms. The most indicative isotherms of January and July, i.e. the coldest and most warm month in a year. Isotherms can be used to determine how heat is distributed on the Earth. At the same time, clearly expressed regularities can be traced.

1. The highest temperatures are not observed at the equator, but in tropical and sub tropical deserts where direct radiation predominates.

2. In both hemispheres, temperatures decrease from tropical latitudes to the poles.

3. Due to the predominance of the sea over land, the course of isotherms in the Southern Hemisphere is smoother, and the temperature amplitudes between the hottest and coldest months are smaller than in the Northern Hemisphere.

The daily and annual course of air temperature depends on the inflow solar heat and the nature of the underlying surface. In accordance with the daily course of the intensity of solar radiation, the maximum air temperature during the day between the sea or ocean occurs at about 12:30, and over land - about 14-15. The minimum air temperature occurs shortly before sunrise or at the time of sunrise, t i.e. during the period of the greatest cooling of the earth's surface. The difference between the maximum and minimum air temperature per day is called the daily temperature amplitude.

The value of the daily amplitude of air temperature is far from constant and depends on the nature of the underlying surface, cloudiness, air humidity, season and, finally, on the latitude and height of the place.

The greatest daily amplitude of air temperature occurs in the southern latitudes, above the sandy surface, in the warm season, in the absence of clouds and with low air humidity, i.e. in dry southern steppes or in the deserts. Under these conditions, the difference between the maximum and minimum temperature per day can reach 25-30 and even 40°.

The presence of low cloudiness, fog, precipitation greatly smoothes the daily temperature variation. The temperature amplitude in these cases is insignificant.

The daily amplitude of air temperature over the oceans and large seas at a great distance from the coast is small and is only 2-3 °. In other words, as a rule, there are no significant changes in air temperature in the open sea (ocean) during the day. Such a relatively even daily course over the seas is explained by the thermal properties of water, which consist in its small and slow heating and cooling, which in the same way affects the temperature of the air adjacent to the water surface.

As for the annual course of air temperature, it depends on the same reasons as the daily course. On the continents, the maximum usually occurs in July, the minimum - in January, which coincides with the periods of the highest and lowest solstices. On the oceans and coasts, there is a delay in extreme temperatures: the maximum is observed in August, the minimum in February or early March.

IN equatorial zone there are two temperature maxima - after the spring and autumn equinoxes, when the height of the Sun is greatest, and two minimums after the winter and summer solstices, at the lowest height of the Sun in a year.

The difference between the maximum and minimum average monthly temperature during the year is called the annual temperature amplitude. Its value depends mainly on the nature of the underlying surface and the latitude of the place.

The smallest annual amplitude occurs over the oceans, especially between the tropics, where it is only 1-3 °; in temperate latitudes it increases to 5-10°, and in polar regions even more.

The greatest annual amplitude is observed over land, in the depths of the continents in temperate and high latitudes, where it can reach 40-50°, and in some places even 65°. For example, in Verkhoyansk (Yakutia) the average temperature in July is plus 15°, and in January minus 50°. IN low latitudes over land, the annual amplitude of air temperature is relatively small, which is explained by a more uniform influx of solar heat.

Changes in the temperature of the surface layer of air during the day and year are due to periodic fluctuations in the temperature of the underlying surface and are most clearly expressed in its lower layers.

In the daily course, the curve has one maximum and one minimum. The minimum temperature value is observed before sunrise. Then it rises steadily, reaching highest values at 14-15 hours, after which it begins to decline until sunrise.

Amplitude of temperature fluctuations - important characteristic weather and climate, depending on a number of conditions.

The amplitude of diurnal fluctuations in air temperature depends on weather conditions. In clear weather, the amplitude is greater than in cloudy weather, since clouds trap solar radiation during the day, and at night they reduce the loss of heat from the earth's surface by radiation.

The amplitude also depends on the season. IN winter months at a low altitude of the Sun in middle latitudes, it drops to 2 ... 3 ° С.

Renders big influence on the daily course of air temperature relief: on convex relief forms (on the peaks and on the slopes of mountains and hills), the amplitude of daily fluctuations is less, and in concave ones (hollows, valleys, basins) it is greater compared to the flat terrain.

Amplitude assignment affect and physical properties soil:

the greater the daily variation on the soil surface itself, the greater the daily amplitude of air temperature above it.

Vegetation cover reduces the amplitude of daily fluctuations in air temperature among plants, since it delays solar radiation during the day, and terrestrial radiation at night. The forest reduces the diurnal amplitudes especially noticeably.

The characteristic of the annual course of air temperature is the amplitude of annual fluctuations in air temperature. It represents the difference between the average monthly air temperatures of the warmest and coldest months of the year.

The annual course of air temperature in different geographical areas is different depending on the latitude and continental location. By the average long-term amplitude and by the time of onset extreme temperatures There are four types of annual variation in air temperature.

equatorial type. In the equatorial zone, two mild temperature maxima are observed per year - after the spring (21.03) and autumn (23.09) equinoxes, when the Sun is at its zenith, and two minima - after the winter (22.12) and summer (22.06) solstices, when the Sun is at its lowest height.

Tropical type. In tropical latitudes, a simple annual variation in air temperature is observed with a maximum after the summer and a minimum after the winter solstice.

Temperate type. The minimum and maximum temperatures are observed after the solstices.

polar type. The minimum temperature in the annual course due to the polar night is shifted by the time the Sun appears above. The maximum temperature in the Northern Hemisphere is observed in July.

The altitude of the place above sea level also influences the annual course of air temperature. As altitude increases, the annual amplitude decreases.


Carnation- the most sensitive plant to the level of temperature. The optimal temperature in the greenhouse largely determines the size of the crop and the quality of flower products. As general characteristics crops, it can be argued that carnations do not like high temperatures, therefore, during summer cultivation, it is necessary to carefully control the climate in the greenhouse. It is important when the temperature rises during the hot months to immediately raise the air humidity above 70%. It is recommended for carnations to set the temperature in the greenhouse from 15°C at night to 25°C during the day. The temperature should be even, avoid sudden fluctuations. In the middle of winter, during the period of short and especially cold days, the optimum temperature (if no additional lighting is used) during the day and night. is the interval from 8°C to 10°C. Temperature difference - not allowed. But you should take into account the danger of the occurrence of the Botrytis fungus (do not allow humidity to rise above 80% at such low temperatures). winter cultivation an underfloor heating system is required. Use a ventilation system to prevent sudden increases in relative humidity.

For chrysanthemums. Constant and high relative humidity air of the order of 85% or more, especially during the flowering period, causes severe damage to plants by gray rot, powdery mildew, septoria, can completely destroy the crop or significantly reduce its quality. This is especially true when using film greenhouses. Therefore, during the growth period, the relative humidity of the air is maintained at the level of 70-75%, and from the beginning of budding - 60-65%. If necessary, greenhouses are equipped with a forced ventilation system, for which various electric heaters are used. Particular care should be taken to prevent dew from forming on the plants at night.

For tulips. For the formation of a flower bud, the optimal storage conditions for the bulbs will be a temperature regime within 17-20 degrees at a relative humidity of 70-75%. Violation of the temperature regime for a long time will lead to a slow formation of a flower bud and inferiority of tulips.

For narcissists. In a greenhouse for flowers, it is recommended to maintain optimal relative humidity. It should be between 70 and 85%

14. Evaporation from the surface of water, soil and plants

The sum of evaporation of water from the soil surface and plants is called total evaporation. The total evaporation of agricultural fields is also due to the thickness of the vegetation cover, biological features plants, the depth of the root layer, agrotechnical methods of plant cultivation, etc.

Evaporation is directly measured by evaporators or is calculated from the heat and water balance equations, as well as from other theoretical and experimental formulas.

In practice, it is usually characterized by the thickness of the evaporated layer, water, expressed in millimeters.

To measure evaporation from the water surface, evaporator tanks with an area of ​​20 and 100 m2, as well as evaporators with a surface area of ​​3000 cm2, are used. Evaporation in such pools and evaporators is determined by the change in water level, taking into account precipitation.

Evaporation from the soil surface is measured with a soil evaporator with an evaporating surface area of ​​500 cm2 (Fig. 5.10). This evaporator consists of two metal cylinders. The outer one is installed in the soil up to a depth of 53 cm. The inner cylinder contains a soil monolith with undisturbed soil structure and vegetation. The height of the monolith is 50 cm. The bottom of the inner cylinder has holes through which excess water flows from rainfall into a catchment vessel. To determine evaporation, the inner cylinder with the soil monolith is removed from the outer cylinder every five days and weighed.

Soil evaporator GGI-500-50 1 - inner cylinder; 2 - outer cylinder; 3 - catchment area. The coefficient 0.02 is used to convert weight units (g) to linear ones (mm). Evaporation is measured by the soil evaporator only in the warm season. . From August 1 to August 6, 28.4 mm of precipitation fell

Calculation formula.

W from \u003d A × F × d × (d w - d l / 10³); (1)

W from \u003d e × F × (P w - P l / 10³); (2)

W from \u003d F × (0.118 + (0.01995 × a × (P w - P l / 1.333)), where (3)

W from - the amount of moisture evaporating from the open water surface of the swimming pool;
A is an empirical coefficient that takes into account the presence of the number of bathing people;
F is the open water surface area;
d = (25 + 19 V) - moisture evaporation coefficient;
V is the air speed above the water surface;
d w , d l - respectively, the moisture content of saturated air and air at a given temperature and humidity;
P w , P l - respectively, the water vapor pressure of saturated air in the pool at a given temperature and air humidity;
e - empirical coefficient equal to 0.5 - for indoor pool surfaces, 5 - for fixed outdoor pool surfaces, 15 - small private pools with limited use time, 20 - for public pools with normal swimmer activity, 28 - for large pools for recreation and entertainment, 35 - for water parks with significant wave formation;
a - pool occupancy rate by people 0.5 - for large public pools, 0.4 - for hotel pools, 0.3 - for small private pools.
It should be noted that under the same conditions, comparative calculations carried out according to the above formulas show a significant discrepancy in the amount of evaporating moisture. However, the results obtained from calculations using the last two formulas are more accurate. At the same time, calculations according to the first formula, as practice shows, are most suitable for playing pools. The second formula, in which the empirical coefficient makes it possible to take into account the highest evaporation rate in pools with active games, slides and significant wave formation, is the most universal and can be used both for water parks and for small individual swimming pools.

The daily course of air temperature is the change in air temperature during the day. In general, it reflects the course of the temperature of the earth's surface, but the moments of the onset of maxima and minima are somewhat late: the maximum occurs at 2 pm, the minimum after sunrise.

Daily amplitude of air temperature- the difference between the maximum and minimum air temperature during the day. It is higher on land than over the ocean, decreases when moving to high latitudes, and increases in places with bare soil. The highest amplitude in tropical deserts is up to 40º C. The value of the daily amplitude of air temperature is one of the indicators of the continentality of the climate. In deserts, it is much greater than in areas with a maritime climate.

Annual variation of air temperature(change average monthly temperature during the year) is determined primarily by the latitude of the place. Annual amplitude of air temperature- the difference between the maximum and minimum average monthly temperature.

The geographical distribution of air temperature is shown using isotherms- lines connecting points on the map with the same temperature. The distribution of air temperature is zonal, the annual isotherms as a whole have a sublatitudinal strike and correspond to the annual distribution of the radiation balance (Fig. 10, 11).

On average over the year, the warmest parallel is 10º N. with a temperature of +27º C is thermal equator. In summer, the thermal equator shifts to 20º N, in winter it approaches the equator by 5º N.

Rice. 10. Distribution average temperature air in July

Rice. 11. Distribution of average air temperature in January

The shift of the thermal equator in the SP is explained by the fact that in the SP the land area located at low latitudes is larger compared to the SP, and it has higher temperatures during the year.

Heat on the earth's surface is distributed zonal-regional. In addition to geographic latitude, the distribution of temperatures on Earth is influenced by the nature of the distribution of land and sea, relief, elevation above sea level, sea and air currents.

The latitudinal distribution of annual isotherms is disturbed by warm and cold currents. In the temperate latitudes of the SP, the western shores washed by warm currents, warmer than the eastern shores, along which cold currents pass. Consequently, the isotherms at the western coasts are bent towards the pole, at the eastern coasts - towards the equator.

Medium annual temperature SP +15.2ºС, and SP +13.2ºС. The minimum temperature in the SP reached –77ºС (Oymyakon) (the absolute minimum of SP) and –68ºС (Verkhoyansk). In SP, minimum temperatures are much lower; at the stations "Sovetskaya" and "Vostok" the temperature was -89.2º С (the absolute minimum of SP). The minimum temperature in cloudless weather in Antarctica can drop to -93º C. The highest temperatures are observed in deserts tropical zone: +58º C in Tripoli, +56.7º C in California in Death Valley.

Maps give an idea of ​​how the continents and oceans affect the distribution of temperatures. isonomal(isonomals are lines connecting points with the same temperature anomalies). Anomalies are deviations of actual temperatures from mid-latitude ones. Anomalies are positive and negative. Positive anomalies are observed in summer over heated continents. Over Asia, temperatures are 4º C higher than the mid-latitude ones. In winter, positive anomalies are located above warm currents (above the warm North Atlantic Current off the coast of Scandinavia, the temperature is 28º C above the norm). Negative anomalies are pronounced in winter over chilled continents and in summer over cold currents. For example, in Oymyakon in winter the temperature is 22º C below the norm.

On Earth, there are the following thermal belts(isotherms are taken beyond the boundaries of thermal zones):

1. Hot, is limited in each hemisphere by an annual isotherm of + 20º С, passing near 30º s. sh. and y.sh.

2. Two temperate belts , which in each hemisphere lie between the annual isotherm + 20º C and + 10º C of the warmest month (respectively, July or January).

3. two cold belts, the boundary passes along the 0º C isotherm of the warmest month. Sometimes there are regions eternal frost, which are located around the poles (Shubaev, 1977).


1. The only source of energy that has practical value for the course of exogenous processes in GO, is the Sun. Heat from the Sun enters the world space in the form of radiant energy, which then, absorbed by the Earth, turns into thermal energy.

2. The sunbeam on its way is subjected to numerous influences (scattering, absorption, reflection) from the various elements of the medium it penetrates and the surfaces on which it falls.

3. The distribution of solar radiation is influenced by: the distance between the earth and the Sun, the angle of incidence of the sun's rays, the shape of the Earth (predetermines the decrease in the intensity of radiation from the equator to the poles). This is the main reason for the allocation of thermal zones and, consequently, the reason for the existence of climatic zones.

4. The influence of the latitude of the area on the distribution of heat is corrected by a number of factors: relief; distribution of land and sea; influence of cold and warm sea currents; atmospheric circulation.

5. The distribution of solar heat is further complicated by the fact that the regularities and features of the vertical distribution are superimposed on the regularities of the horizontal (along the earth's surface) distribution of radiation and heat.

General circulation of the atmosphere

Air currents of different scales are formed in the atmosphere. They can cover the entire globe, and in height - the troposphere and lower stratosphere, or affect only a limited area of ​​the territory. Air currents ensure the redistribution of heat and moisture between low and high latitudes and carry moisture deep into the continent. According to the distribution area, winds of the general atmospheric circulation (GCA), winds of cyclones and anticyclones, and local winds are distinguished. The main reason for the formation of winds is the uneven distribution of pressure over the surface of the planet.

Pressure. normal atmospheric pressure- the weight of an atmospheric column with a cross section of 1 cm 2 at ocean level at 0ºС at 45º latitude. It is balanced by a mercury column of 760 mm. Normal atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg or 1013.25 mb. Pressure in SI is measured in pascals (Pa): 1 mb = 100 Pa. Normal atmospheric pressure is 1013.25 hPa. The lowest pressure ever observed on Earth (at sea level), 914 hPa (686 mm); the highest is 1067.1 hPa (801 mm).

The pressure decreases with height, as the thickness of the overlying layer of the atmosphere decreases. The distance in meters that one must rise or fall in order for the atmospheric pressure to change by 1 hPa is called pressure stage. The baric step at a height of 0 to 1 km is 10.5 m, from 1 to 2 km - 11.9 m, 2-3 km - 13.5 m. The value of the baric step depends on temperature: with increasing temperature, it increases by 0 ,4 %. In warm air, the baric step is greater, therefore, warm regions of the atmosphere in high layers have more pressure than cold ones. The reciprocal of the baric step is called vertical baric gradient is the change in pressure per unit of distance (100 m is taken as a unit of distance).

Pressure changes as a result of the movement of air - its outflow from one place and inflow to another. Air movement is due to a change in air density (g / cm 3), resulting from uneven heating of the underlying surface. Over an equally heated surface, the pressure decreases uniformly with height, and isobaric surfaces(surfaces drawn through points with the same pressure) are parallel to each other and the underlying surface. In the region of increased pressure, the isobaric surfaces are convex upwards, in the regions of reduced pressure, downwards. On the earth's surface, pressure is shown using isobar Lines connecting points of equal pressure. Distribution atmospheric pressure at ocean level, depicted using isobars, is called baric relief.

The pressure of the atmosphere on the earth's surface, its distribution in space and change in time is called baric field. The areas of high and low pressure into which the baric field is divided are called pressure systems.

Closed baric systems include baric maxima (a system of closed isobars with an increased pressure in the center) and minima (a system of closed isobars with a reduced pressure in the center), open baric systems include a baric crest (a band of increased pressure from a baric maximum inside a reduced pressure field), a trough ( low pressure band from the baric minimum inside the high pressure field) and a saddle (an open system of isobars between two baric maxima and two minima). In the literature, there is the concept of "baric depression" - a belt of low pressure, inside which there can be closed baric minima.

The pressure on the earth's surface is distributed zonally. At the equator during the year there is a belt of low pressure - equatorial depression(less than 1015 hPa) . In July, it moves to the Northern Hemisphere at 15–20º N, in December - to the Southern Hemisphere, at 5º S. In tropical latitudes (between 35º and 20º of both hemispheres), the pressure during the year is increased - tropical (subtropical) baric highs(more than 1020 hPa). In winter, a continuous belt of high pressure appears over the oceans and land (Azores and Hawaiian - SP; South Atlantic, South Pacific and South Indian - SP). In summer, increased pressure persists only over the oceans, over land the pressure decreases, thermal depressions occur (Iran-Tara minimum - 994 hPa). In temperate latitudes, the SP forms a continuous belt in summer reduced pressure, however, the baric field is dissymmetric: in the South Pacific, in temperate and subpolar latitudes, there is a band of low pressure above the water surface throughout the year (Antarctic minimum - up to 984 hPa); in the SP, due to the alternation of continental and oceanic sectors, baric minima are expressed only over the oceans (Icelandic and Aleutian - pressure in January 998 hPa); in winter, baric maxima appear over the continents due to strong cooling of the surface. In polar latitudes, over the ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland, the pressure during the year elevated- 1000 hPa (low temperatures - cold and heavy air) (Fig. 12, 13).

Stable areas of high and low pressure, into which the baric field breaks up near the surface of the earth, are called centers of action of the atmosphere. There are territories over which the pressure remains constant throughout the year (pressure systems of the same type predominate, either maxima or minima); permanent centers of action of the atmosphere:

– equatorial depression;

– Aleutian Low (temperate latitudes of the SP);

– Icelandic low (temperate latitudes of the SP);

- low pressure zone of temperate latitudes SP (Antarctic low pressure belt);

– subtropical zones of high pressure SP:

Azores High (North Atlantic High)

Hawaiian High (North Pacific High)

– subtropical zones of high pressure SP:

South Pacific High (southwest of South America)

South Atlantic High (St. Helena anticyclone)

South Indian High (Mauritius anticyclone)

– Antarctic maximum;

– Greenland maximum.

Seasonal pressure systems are formed in the event that the pressure seasonally changes sign to the opposite: in place of the baric maximum, a baric minimum occurs and vice versa. Seasonal pressure systems include:

- the summer South Asian minimum with a center near 30º N. latitude. (997 hPa)

– winter Asian maximum centered over Mongolia (1036 hPa)

– summer Mexican low (North American depression) – 1012 hPa

– winter North American and Canadian highs (1020 hPa)

– summer (January) depressions over Australia, South America And South Africa give way in winter to the Australian, South American and South African anticyclones.

Wind. Horizontal baric gradient. The movement of air in a horizontal direction is called wind. The wind is characterized by speed, strength and direction. Wind speed - the distance that air travels per unit of time (m / s, km / h). Wind force - the pressure exerted by air on a site of 1 m 2 located perpendicular to the movement. The strength of the wind is determined in kg / m 2 or in points on the Beaufort scale (0 points - calm, 12 - hurricane).

The wind speed is determined horizontal baric gradient– change in pressure (pressure drop by 1 hPa) per unit distance (100 km) in the direction of decreasing pressure and perpendicular to the isobars. In addition to the barometric gradient, the wind is affected by the rotation of the Earth (Coriolis force), centrifugal force and friction.

The Coriolis force deflects the wind to the right (in SP to the left) of the direction of the gradient. Centrifugal force acts on the wind in closed baric systems - cyclones and anticyclones. It is directed along the radius of curvature of the trajectory towards its convexity. The force of air friction on the earth's surface always reduces the wind speed. Friction affects the lower, 1000-meter layer, called friction layer. The movement of air in the absence of friction is called gradient wind. Gradient wind blowing along parallel rectilinear isobars is called geostrophic, along curvilinear closed isobars – geocyclostrophic. A visual representation of the frequency of winds of certain directions is given by the diagram "Rose of Wind".

In accordance with the baric relief, the following wind zones exist:

- equatorial belt of calm (winds are relatively rare, since ascending movements of strongly heated air dominate);

- zones of trade winds of the northern and southern hemispheres;

- areas of calm in the anticyclones of the subtropical high-pressure belt (the reason is the dominance of descending air movements);

- in the middle latitudes of both hemispheres - zones of predominance of westerly winds;

– in circumpolar spaces, winds blow from the poles towards baric depressions of middle latitudes, i.e. winds with an easterly component are common here.

General atmospheric circulation (GCA)- a system of air flows on a planetary scale, covering the entire globe, troposphere and lower stratosphere. Released in atmospheric circulation zonal and meridional transfers. The zonal transfers developing mainly in the sublatitudinal direction include:

- western transfer, which dominates the entire planet in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere;

– in the lower troposphere, in polar latitudes – east winds; in temperate latitudes - westerly winds, in tropical and equatorial latitudes - easterly ones (Fig. 14).

from the pole to the equator.

In fact, the air at the equator in the surface layer of the atmosphere is very warm. Warm and humid air rises, its volume increases, and high pressure arises in the upper troposphere. At the poles, due to the strong cooling of the surface layers of the atmosphere, the air is compressed, its volume decreases, and at the top the pressure drops. Therefore, in upper layers In the troposphere, air flows from the equator to the poles. Due to this, the mass of air at the equator, and hence the pressure at the underlying surface, decreases, and increases at the poles. In the surface layer, movement begins from the poles to the equator. Conclusion: solar radiation forms the meridional component of the OCA.

On a homogeneous rotating Earth, the Coriolis force also acts. At the top, the Coriolis force deflects the flow in the SP to the right of the direction of motion, i.e. from west to east. In the SP, the air movement deviates to the left, i.e. again from west to east. Therefore, at the top (in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, in the altitude range from 10 to 20 km, the pressure decreases from the equator to the poles), a western transfer is noted, it is noted for the entire Earth as a whole. In general, air movement occurs around the poles. Consequently, the Coriolis force forms the zonal transport of the OCA.

Below the underlying surface, the movement is more complex; its division into continents and oceans. A complex pattern of major air currents is formed. From subtropical belts high pressure air currents flow to the equatorial depression and to temperate latitudes. In the first case, easterly winds of tropical-equatorial latitudes are formed. Over the oceans, thanks to constant baric maxima, they exist all year roundtrade winds- winds of the equatorial peripheries of subtropical maxima, constantly blowing only over the oceans; over land, they are not traced everywhere and not always (breaks are caused by the weakening of subtropical anticyclones due to strong heating and movement of the equatorial depression to these latitudes). In the SP, the trade winds have a northeasterly direction, in the SP - southeasterly. The trade winds of both hemispheres converge near the equator. In the region of their convergence (the intratropical convergence zone), strong ascending air currents arise, cumulus clouds form, and showers fall.

The wind flow going to temperate latitudes from the tropical zone of high pressure forms westerly winds of temperate latitudes. They intensify in winter time, since baric minima grow over the ocean in temperate latitudes, the baric gradient between baric minima over the oceans and baric maxima over land increases, therefore, the strength of the winds also increases. In SP the direction of winds is south-west, in SP - north-west. Sometimes these winds are called anti-trade winds, but they are not genetically related to the trade winds, but are part of the planetary westerly transport.

Eastern transfer. The prevailing winds in the polar latitudes are northeasterly in the SP and southeasterly in the SF. The air moves from the polar areas of high pressure towards the low pressure zone of temperate latitudes. The eastern transport is also represented by the trade winds of tropical latitudes. Near the equator, eastward transport covers almost the entire troposphere, and there is no westward transport here.

Analysis of the latitudes of the main parts of the OCA allows us to distinguish three zonal open links:

- polar: easterly winds blow in the lower troposphere, above - westerly transport;

– moderate link: in the lower and upper troposphere – winds western directions;

- tropical link: in the lower troposphere - easterly winds, above - westerly transfer.

The tropical link of the circulation was called the Hadley cell (the author of the earliest OCA scheme, 1735), the temperate link - the Frerel cell (an American meteorologist). At present, the existence of cells is questioned (S.P. Khromov, B.L. Dzerdievsky), however, mention of them remains in the literature.

Jet currents are hurricane-force winds blowing over frontal zones in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. They are especially pronounced above the polar fronts, the wind speed reaches 300–400 km/h due to large pressure gradients and rarefied atmosphere.

Meridional transfers complicate the OCA system and provide interlatitudinal exchange of heat and moisture. The main meridional transports are monsoons- seasonal winds that change direction in summer and winter to the opposite. There are tropical and extratropical monsoons.

tropical monsoons arise due to thermal differences between the summer and winter hemispheres, the distribution of land and sea only enhances, complicates or stabilizes this phenomenon. In January, an almost uninterrupted chain of anticyclones is located in the SP: permanent subtropical ones over the oceans, and seasonal ones over the continents. At the same time, an equatorial depression shifted there lies in the SP. As a result, air is transferred from the SP to the SP. In July, with an inverse ratio of baric systems, air is transferred across the equator from the SP to the SP. Thus, tropical monsoons are nothing but trade winds, which in a certain band close to the equator acquire a different property - seasonal change general direction. Tropical monsoons exchange air between hemispheres, and on between land and sea, especially since in the tropics the thermal contrast between land and sea is generally small. The entire area of ​​distribution of tropical monsoons lies between 20º N.S. and 15º S ( tropical africa north of the equator, eastern Africa south of the equator; southern Arabia; Indian Ocean to Madagascar in the west and to northern Australia in the east; Hindustan, Indochina, Indonesia (without Sumatra), Eastern China; in South America - Colombia). For example, the monsoon current, which originates in an anticyclone over northern Australia and goes to Asia, is directed, in essence, from one continent to another; the ocean in this case serves only as an intermediate territory. The monsoons in Africa are the exchange of air between the dry land of the same continent lying in different hemispheres, and over a part of the Pacific Ocean the monsoon blows from the oceanic surface of one hemisphere to the oceanic surface of the other.

In education extratropical monsoons The leading role is played by the thermal contrast between land and sea. Here monsoons occur between seasonal anticyclones and depressions, some of which lie on the mainland and others on the ocean. Thus, the winter monsoons in the Far East are a consequence of the interaction of the anticyclone over Asia (with its center in Mongolia) and the permanent Aleutian depression; summer - a consequence of an anticyclone over the northern part of the Pacific Ocean and a depression over the extratropical part of the Asian continent.

Extratropical monsoons are best expressed in the Far East (including Kamchatka), the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Japan, Alaska, and the coast of the Arctic Ocean.

One of the main conditions for the manifestation of monsoon circulation is the absence of cyclonic activity (there is no monsoon circulation over Europe and North America due to the intensity of cyclonic activity, it is “washed away” by western transport).

Winds of cyclones and anticyclones. In the atmosphere, when two air masses with different characteristics meet, large atmospheric vortices constantly arise - cyclones and anticyclones. They greatly complicate the OCA scheme.

Cyclone- flat ascending atmospheric vortex, which manifests itself near the earth's surface as an area of ​​low pressure, with a system of winds from the periphery to the center counterclockwise in the SP and clockwise in the SP.

Anticyclone- a flat descending atmospheric vortex, which manifests itself near the earth's surface as an area of ​​\u200b\u200bhigh pressure, with a system of winds from the center to the periphery clockwise in the SP and counterclockwise in the SP.

The eddies are flat, since their horizontal dimensions are thousands of square kilometers, while their vertical dimensions are 15–20 km. In the center of the cyclone, ascending air currents are observed, in the anticyclone - descending ones.

Cyclones are divided into frontal, central, tropical and thermal depressions.

Frontal cyclones are formed on the Arctic and Polar fronts: on the Arctic front of the North Atlantic (near the eastern shores North America and near Iceland), on the Arctic front in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean (near the eastern coast of Asia and near the Aleutian Islands). Cyclones usually exist for several days, moving from west to east at a speed of about 20-30 km/h. A series of cyclones appears at the front, in a series of three or four cyclones. Each next cyclone is at a younger stage of development and moves faster. Cyclones overtake each other, close, forming central cyclones- the second type of cyclone. Due to the inactive central cyclones, an area of ​​low pressure is maintained over the oceans and in temperate latitudes.

Cyclones originating in the north Atlantic Ocean, moving in Western Europe. Most often they pass through the UK, the Baltic Sea, St. Petersburg and on to the Urals and Western Siberia or through Scandinavia, the Kola Peninsula and on to either Spitsbergen or the northern outskirts of Asia.

North Pacific cyclones go to northwest America, as well as northeast Asia.

Tropical cyclones formed on tropical fronts most often between 5º and 20º N. and yu. sh. They occur over the oceans at the end of summer and autumn, when the water is heated to a temperature of 27–28º C. A powerful rise in warm and humid air leads to the release of a huge amount of heat during condensation, which determines the kinetic energy of the cyclone and low pressure in the center. Cyclones move from east to west along the equatorial periphery of permanent baric maxima on the oceans. If a tropical cyclone reaches temperate latitudes, it expands, loses energy and, as an extratropical cyclone, begins to move from west to east. The speed of the cyclone itself is small (20–30 km/h), but the winds in it can have a speed of up to 100 m/s (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Distribution of tropical cyclones

The main areas of occurrence of tropical cyclones: the east coast of Asia, the northern coast of Australia, the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal; Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. On average, there are about 70 tropical cyclones per year with wind speeds of more than 20 m/s. IN pacific ocean tropical cyclones called typhoons, in the Atlantic - hurricanes, off the coast of Australia - willy-willy.

Thermal depressions arise on land due to the strong overheating of the surface area, the rise and spread of air above it. As a result, an area of ​​low pressure is formed near the underlying surface.

Anticyclones are subdivided into frontal, subtropical anticyclones of dynamic origin and stationary ones.

In temperate latitudes, in cold air, frontal anticyclones, which move in series from west to east at a speed of 20–30 km/h. The last final anticyclone reaches the subtropics, stabilizes and forms subtropical anticyclone of dynamic origin. These include permanent baric maxima on the oceans. Stationary anticyclone occurs over land in winter as a result of a strong cooling of the surface area.

Anticyclones originate and hold steadily over the cold surfaces of the Eastern Arctic, Antarctica, and in winter Eastern Siberia. When arctic air breaks from the north in winter, the anticyclone sets up over all of Eastern Europe, and sometimes captures Western and Southern Europe.

Each cyclone is followed and moves at the same speed by an anticyclone, which includes any cyclonic series. When moving from west to east, cyclones deviate to the north, and anticyclones deviate to the south in the SP. The reason for the deviations is explained by the influence of the Coriolis force. Consequently, cyclones begin to move to the northeast, and anticyclones to the southeast. Due to the winds of cyclones and anticyclones, there is an exchange of heat and moisture between latitudes. In areas of high pressure, air flows from top to bottom predominate - the air is dry, there are no clouds; in areas of low pressure - from bottom to top - clouds form, precipitation falls. The introduction of warm air masses is called "heat waves". The movement of tropical air masses to temperate latitudes causes drought in summer and strong thaws in winter. The introduction of arctic air masses into temperate latitudes - "cold waves" - causes cooling.

local winds- winds that occur in limited areas of the territory as a result of the influence of local causes. TO local winds of thermal origin include breezes, mountain-valley winds, the influence of the relief causes the formation of foehns and boron.

breezes occur on the shores of oceans, seas, lakes, where there are large daily temperature fluctuations. Urban breezes have formed in major cities. In the daytime, when the land is heated more strongly, an upward movement of air occurs above it and its outflow from above towards the colder one. In the surface layers, the wind blows towards the land, this is a daytime (sea) breeze. Night (coastal) breeze occurs at night. When land cools more than water, and in the surface layer of air, the wind blows from land to sea. Sea breezes are more pronounced, their speed is 7 m/s, the propagation band is up to 100 km.

Mountain valley winds form the winds of the slopes and the actual mountain-valley winds and have a daily periodicity. Slope winds are the result of different heating of the slope surface and air at the same altitude. During the day, the air on the slope heats up more and the wind blows up the slope, at night the slope also cools more and the wind begins to blow down the slope. Actually mountain-valley winds are caused by the fact that the air in the mountain valley heats up and cools more than at the same height on the neighboring plain. At night the wind blows towards the plains, during the day - towards the mountains. The slope facing the wind is called the windward slope, and the opposite slope is called the leeward slope.

hair dryer- a warm dry wind from high mountains, often covered with glaciers. It arises due to adiabatic cooling of air on the windward slope and adiabatic heating - on the leeward slope. The most typical foehn occurs when the OCA air current crosses a mountain range. More often meets anticyclonic hair dryer, it is formed in the event that over mountain country there is an anticyclone. Hair dryers are most frequent in the transitional seasons, their duration is several days (in the Alps, there are 125 days with hair dryers a year). In the Tien Shan mountains, such winds are called castek, in Central Asia - garmsil, in the Rocky Mountains - chinook. Hair dryers cause gardens to bloom early, snow to melt.

Bora- a cold wind blowing from low mountains to the side warm sea. In Novorossiysk it is called nord-ost, on the Absheron peninsula - nord, on Baikal - sarma, in the Rhone Valley (France) - mistral. Bora occurs in winter, when an area of ​​high pressure forms in front of the ridge, on the plain, where cold air forms. Having crossed a low ridge, cold air rushes at high speed towards a warm bay, where the pressure is low, the speed can reach 30 m/s, the air temperature drops sharply to -5ºС.

Small scale eddies are tornadoes And blood clots (tornado). Vortices over the sea are called tornadoes, over land - blood clots. Tornadoes and blood clots usually originate in the same places as tropical cyclones, in hot weather. humid climate. The main source of energy is the condensation of water vapor, in which energy is released. A large number of tornadoes in the United States is due to the arrival of a wet warm air With Gulf of Mexico. The whirlwind moves at a speed of 30–40 km/h, but the wind speed in it reaches 100 m/s. Thrombi usually occur singly, whirlwinds - in series. In 1981, 105 tornadoes formed off the coast of England within five hours.

The concept of air masses (VM). An analysis of the above shows that the troposphere cannot be physically homogeneous in all its parts. It is divided, without ceasing to be one and whole, into air masses – large volumes of air in the troposphere and lower stratosphere, which have relatively uniform properties and move as a whole in one of the OCA streams. The dimensions of the VM are comparable to parts of the continents, the length is thousands of kilometers, and the thickness is 22–25 km. The territories over which VMs are formed are called formation centers. They must have a uniform underlying surface (land or sea), certain thermal conditions and the time required for their formation. Similar conditions exist in baric maxima over oceans, in seasonal maxima over land.

VM has typical properties only in the center of formation; when moving, it transforms, acquiring new properties. The arrival of certain VMs causes abrupt changes in the weather of a non-periodic nature. In relation to the temperature of the underlying surface, VMs are divided into warm and cold. A warm VM moves to a cold underlying surface, it brings warming, but cools itself. Cold VM comes to the warm underlying surface and brings cooling. According to the formation conditions, VMs are divided into four types: equatorial, tropical, polar (air of temperate latitudes) and arctic (Antarctic). In each type, two subtypes are distinguished - marine and continental. For continental subtype, formed over the continents, is characterized by a large temperature range and low humidity. marine subtype formed over the oceans, hence the relative and absolute humidity it is elevated, the temperature amplitudes are much less than continental ones.

Equatorial VMs are formed in low latitudes, characterized by high temperatures and high relative and absolute humidity. These properties are preserved both over land and over the sea.

Tropical VM are formed in tropical latitudes, the temperature during the year does not fall below 20º C, the relative humidity is low. Allocate:

– continental TBMs that form over the continents of tropical latitudes in tropical baric maxima - over the Sahara, Arabia, Thar, Kalahari, and in summer in the subtropics and even in the south of temperate latitudes - in southern Europe, in Central Asia and Kazakhstan, in Mongolia and northern China;

– marine HCMs that form over tropical water areas – in the Azores and Hawaiian highs; characterized by high temperature and moisture content, but low relative humidity.

Polar VMs, or air of temperate latitudes, are formed in temperate latitudes (in anticyclones of temperate latitudes from arctic VMs and air that came from the tropics). Temperatures are negative in winter, positive in summer, the annual temperature amplitude is significant, absolute humidity increases in summer and decreases in winter, relative humidity is average. Allocate:

– continental air of temperate latitudes (CHC), which is formed over the vast surfaces of continents of temperate latitudes, is strongly chilled and stable in winter, the weather in it is clear with severe frosts; in summer it gets very warm, ascending currents arise in it;




Remember what is the source of light and heat on Earth.

How is clear air heated?

HOW THE AIR HEATS. From the lessons of natural history, you know that transparent air transmits the sun's rays to the earth's surface and heats it up. It is the air that does not heat up with rays, but heats up from a heated surface. Therefore, the farther from the earth's surface, the colder it is. That is why when a plane is flying high above the ground, the air temperature is very low. At the upper boundary of the troposphere, it drops to -56 °C.

It has been established that after each kilometer of altitude, the air temperature drops by an average of 6 °C (Fig. 126). High in the mountains, the earth's surface receives more solar heat than at the foot. However, heat dissipates faster with height. Therefore, while climbing the mountains, you can notice that the air temperature gradually decreases. That is why snow and ice lie on the tops of high mountains.

HOW TO MEASURE THE AIR TEMPERATURE. Of course, everyone knows that air temperature is measured with a thermometer. However, it is worth remembering that a thermometer is incorrectly installed, for example, in the sun, it will show not the air temperature, but how many degrees the device itself has heated up. At meteorological stations, to obtain accurate data, the thermometer is placed in a special booth. Its walls are slatted. This allows air to freely enter the booth, together the grilles protect the thermometer of the wii. direct sunlight. The booth is installed at a height of 2 m from the ground. Thermometer readings are recorded every 3 hours.

Rice. 126. Air temperature change with height

Flying above the clouds

In 1862, two Englishmen flew in a balloon. At an altitude of 3 km, bypassing the clouds, the researchers were shivering from the cold. When the clouds disappeared and the sun came out, it got even colder. At the height of these 5 km, the water froze. It became difficult for people to breathe, it was noisy in their ears, and with a lack of strength, it was actually the axis. So slam the rarefied air on the body. At an altitude of 3 km, one of the survivors lost consciousness. At altitudes and 11 km it was -24°C (on Earth at that time the grass was green and flowers were blooming). Both daredevils were threatened with death. Therefore, they descended to Earth as quickly as possible.

Rice. 127. Graph of the daily course of air temperature

DAILY CHANGE OF TEMPERATURE. The sun's rays during the day heat the Earth unevenly (Fig. 128). At noon, when the sun is high above the horizon, the earth's surface heats up the most. However, high air temperatures are observed not at noon (at 12 o'clock), but two or three hours after noon (at 14-15 o'clock). This is because it takes time to transfer heat from the earth's surface. In the afternoon, despite the fact that the Sun is already descending to the horizon, the air continues to receive heat from the heated surface for another two hours. Then the surface gradually cools down, the air temperature decreases accordingly. The lowest temperatures are before sunrise. True, on some days such a daily temperature pattern may be disturbed.

Consequently, the reason for the change in air temperature during the day is a change in the illumination of the Earth's surface due to its rotation around its axis. A more visual representation of the change in temperature is given by the graphs of the daily course of air temperature (Fig. 127).

WHAT IS THE AMPLITUDE OF AIR TEMPERATURE VARIATION. The difference between the highest and lowest air temperatures is called the amplitude of the temperature fluctuation (A). There are daily, monthly, annual amplitudes.

For example, if the highest air temperature during the day was +25 °C, and +9 °C, then the amplitude of the fluctuations will be 16 °C (25 - 9 = 16) (Mat. 129). The nature of the earth's surface (it is called the underlying) affects the daily amplitudes of temperature fluctuations. For example, over the oceans, the amplitude is only 1-2 °C, over the steppes 15-0 °C, and in deserts it reaches 30 °C.

Rice. 129. Determination of the daily amplitude of fluctuations in air temperature


The air is heated from the earth's surface; With altitude, its temperature drops by about 6 ° C for every kilometer of altitude.

The air temperature during the day changes due to changes in surface illumination (change of day and night).

The amplitude of temperature fluctuation is the difference between the highest and lowest air temperatures.


1. The air temperature at the earth's surface is +17 °C. Determine the temperature outside an aircraft flying at an altitude of 10 km.

2. Why on meteorological stations thermometer installed in a special booth?

3. Tell us how the air temperature changes during the day.

4. Calculate the daily amplitude of air fluctuations according to the following data (in ° C): -1.0, + 4, +5, +3, -2.

5. Consider why the highest daily temperature air is not observed at noon, when the Sun is high above the horizon.

PRACTICE 5 (Beginning. See pp. 133, 141.)

Topic: Solving problems on the change in air temperature with height.

1. The air temperature near the earth's surface is +25 °C. Determine the air temperature at the top of a mountain whose height is 1500 m.

2. The thermometer on the meteorological station, located on the top of the mountain, shows 16 ° C above zero. At the same time, the air temperature at its foot is +23.2 °C. Calculate the relative height of the mountain.
