Human economic activity in natural areas. Presentation on the topic "subtropical zone" Natural zones of the subtropical zone

In the location of the zone lies the secret of its amazing climate and nature. The sun warms the sea during the summer (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Black Sea in summer ()

And then the sea gives back to the coast in winter warm air. The high and young Caucasus Mountains (Fig. 3) are close, they are an insurmountable barrier to the cold north wind, so the coast has moderately hot summers and warm winter. There is a lot of precipitation. The air is humid here.

Rice. 3. Caucasus Mountains ()

Vegetable world this area is rich and varied. On the slopes of the mountains are untouched by man broadleaf forests. grow here beech And oak- majestic trees, known for their high quality wood (Fig. 4-5).

It also grows in these forests maple, linden, hornbeam, chestnut(Fig. 6-9).

Evergreens are planted in parks and on city streets: Pitsunda pine, cypress, thuja, laurel(Fig. 10-13).

IN ancient Greek culture the laurel represented victory and peace and was dedicated to Apollo. That is why in Greece musicians, poets, dancers, whose patron was Apollo, were awarded with laurel wreaths (Fig. 14), while athletes, athletes were crowned with olive or celery wreaths.

Rice. 14. Rewarding with a laurel wreath in ancient Greece ()

IN Ancient Rome the laurel wreath becomes the highest sign of military and imperial glory (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Emperor ancient rome Claudius in a laurel wreath ()

Laurel leaves have long been used as an aromatic seasoning (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Dried bay leaf ()

You can also see the magnificent magnolias(bloom in February-March) and silver acacias(blooms in January-February) (Fig. 17, 18).

The city of Sochi has a famous arboretum (from the Greek δένδρον - tree) - a unique collection of subtropical flora and fauna, which is a monument of gardening art (Fig. 19).

Rice. 19. Sochi Arboretum ()

About 2000 plant species from all over the world are collected here: radiant pine from North America, pinus pine from Italy (the fabulous Pinocchio was made from a log of such a tree), cork oak from the Mediterranean (bottle caps are made from its bark), etc. (Fig. 20-24)

The Sochi arboretum has a rich collection of palm trees. For example, elephant palm, she is over 100 years old, her trunk looks like an elephant's leg (Fig. 25). This species was brought from Chile.

The tallest trees in the Sochi arboretum - cypresses, their name comes from the island of Cyprus (Fig. 26).

Rice. 26. Cypresses ()

In the arboretum there are many types of flowers and flowering plants, so here all year round you can observe the colorful flowering of one species or another. Blooms in autumn and winter camellia, brought from Japan (Fig. 27).

Blooms from the middle of winter Erika, this flowering shrub decorates the winter park very much (Fig. 28).

The Sochi Arboretum is a safe zone not only for rare species plants, but also for animals. There are many birds here: pelicans, peacocks, black swans others (Fig. 29-31).

The Black Sea coast has long been famous for its magnificent crops of fruits and vegetables. Gourds are grown here bell pepper, peaches, grapes, tangerines and even tea (Fig. 32-37).

The fauna of the subtropical zone is rich and diverse. Hot humid climate suitable for insects: among the green foliage you can see praying mantis(feeds on small insects), chirring is heard in the evening cicadas(herbivorous), hard to find on oleander oleander hawk hawk- fleeing from enemies, he disguises himself as the coloring of this plant (Fig. 38-40).

This zone is inhabited caucasian lizard, she is harmless, fast and dexterous (Fig. 41).

Rice. 41. Caucasian lizard ()

Bright and unusual bird hoopoe, she has a long sharp beak, and a colorful crest sometimes opens in the form of a fan (Fig. 42). Its favorite food is ant larvae and caterpillars.

live in the Caucasus Mountains roe deer, noble and graceful animals, emphasizing the tranquility of these places with their calmness (Fig. 43).

But if necessary, roe deer can develop high speed and jump up to 8 m in length (Fig. 44).

Rice. 44. Roe deer jump ()

Live in the Black Sea bottlenose dolphins- sociable, intelligent and easily trained animals (Fig. 45).

Rice. 45. Bottlenose dolphin ()

Bottlenose dolphins communicate with each other by whistling at an ultrasonic frequency - the human ear can only distinguish some of these sounds.

One of the most ancient living creatures on Earth, they appeared even before the dinosaurs (Fig. 46).

They only look flabby, but to the touch the jellyfish are elastic and firm. They have an umbrella-like structure with many tentacles. If you touch a jellyfish, you will burn yourself, as if you touched a nettle - this is how the jellyfish defends itself. But if a jellyfish is thrown ashore by a wave, it dies, because it consists almost entirely of water and cannot be on land.

Thousands of Russians annually relax and improve their health on the Black Sea coast. Most Popular resort towns- this is Anapa, Gelendzhik, Tuapse (Fig. 47-49)

and, of course, Sochi, which is the largest resort town Russia and Europe, and is also unofficially referred to as the summer, southern and resort "capital" of Russia (Fig. 50).

In the next lesson, we will learn the consequences of the rash impact of mankind on nature, what conservation of nature is, why it is needed, what are its rules.


  1. Vakhrushev A.A., Danilov D.D. The world 3. - M.: Ballas.
  2. Dmitrieva N.Ya., Kazakov A.N. The world around 3. - M .: Publishing house "Fedorov".
  3. Pleshakov A.A. The world around 3. - M .: Education.
  1. Festival pedagogical ideas "Public lesson" ().
  2. Social network education workers ().


  • Choose the necessary continuation of the above statements.
  • Prepare a short message about one of the inhabitants of the Black Sea. Draw an illustration.
  • * Using the knowledge gained in the lesson, make a scanword (20 questions) “At the Black Sea”.

The peculiar nature of deserts determines the use of their main spaces as seasonal and year-round pastures. In the northern half of the deserts of the temperate zone, meat and lard, flock and semi-fine-fleeced sheep breeding, meat and dairy animal husbandry (cattle) are developed. In the south of this zone and in the subtropical deserts, the main place belongs to astrakhan breeding, meat and wool sheep breeding and camel breeding. In the irrigated oases, cotton growing, horticulture, viticulture, and rice cultivation are widely represented here. Central Asia provides the vast majority of the cotton harvested in the USSR. A large number of hours of sunshine is a favorable factor for the industrial use of solar energy. The climatic resort Bayram-Ali located in the Karakum desert is widely known.

In the desert area Soviet years A lot of work has been done to irrigate land and water pastures. Large reservoirs have been created on many rivers, channels have been dug. The fund of lands suitable for irrigation in the deserts of Central Asia is far from exhausted. However, the further development of irrigated agriculture is limited here not by soils, but by fresh water reserves. The area of ​​irrigated lands in desert and semi-desert zones can be increased by more than 5 million hectares, and with the transfer of water Siberian rivers- a lot more. Increasing water withdrawal from the Amu Darya and Syr Darya threatens the existence of the Aral Sea, which has already split into several shallow water bodies and continues to dry up rapidly. In the future, maintaining it at a modern level will become possible only if its water reserves are replenished with the waters of Siberian rivers, but this will lead to a major environmental disaster in our country. As we see today, the area of ​​the Aral Sea is rapidly shrinking and in the future it will completely disappear.

Some game animals of deserts are of economic interest. In large numbers, they hunt corsac fox, sandy ground squirrel and muskrat, which has perfectly acclimatized along the marshy shores of lakes and rivers.

The richness of minerals opens up great prospects for the industrial development of desert zones. Oil, gas, brown and bituminous coals, polymetals, iron, copper, manganese, phosphorites, mirabilite. If we add to what has been said that the neighboring mountainous areas Pamir and Tien Shan have large reserves water energy which can be successfully used by industrial centers on the plains, it is difficult to overestimate the possibilities for further economic growth in these areas.

Description of the lesson of the surrounding world in grade 4, developed using the techniques of "Technologies for the development of critical thinking through reading and writing."

Performed : primary teacher GBOU classes Secondary School No. 3 Smyshlyaevka Peredriy Olga Gennadievna.

Lesson topic: At warm sea. Subtropics. natural area Cherno sea ​​coast Caucasus.

The place of the lesson in the lesson system on this topic:Lesson 13 out of 20 in the section "In native spaces"

Lesson Objectives:

  • introduce students to the concepts tropics and subtropics , With geographic location zone, its features, flora and fauna, economic activity of people;
  • form an idea of ​​the natural area Black Sea coast Caucasus;
  • develop the ability to work with a geographical map;
  • develop speech, the ability to observe, reason, draw conclusions.

Planned results:

  • students will learn to find and show the subtropics on the map of Russia;
  • characterize natural conditions and flora;
  • compare the subtropical zone with the desert zone;
  • to understand the significance of the sea coast of the Caucasus for the improvement of people and the need to protect the nature of this zone.

TRKMTCHP techniques used in the lesson:true and false statements, working with text and filling in the table, mood thermometer

During the classes

I organizational moment.

1. Challenge.

II Actualization of knowledge. Examination homework. Test

A1. What are weather in a desert?

1) hot summer, little rainfall

2) hot summer, harsh winter

3) warm rainy summer

4) short hot summer

A2. What thorny plant do camels eat?

1) juzgun 3) camel thorn

2) grate 4) cacti

A3. What animal is called the "ship of the desert"?

1) saiga 3) corsac

2) camel 4) scarab

A4. What are dunes?

1) animals 3) sand banks

2) plants 4) dust storms

IN 1. What animal jumps up to 3 m in height with the help of long strong legs?

1) saiga 3) fast foot-and-mouth disease

2) corsac 4) jerboa

AT 2. Which beetle was worshiped in Ancient Egypt like a deity

1) beauty beetle 3) dark beetle

2) scarab 4) stag beetle

C1. How do animals adapt to desert conditions?

1) they have thick skin

2) during the day they burrow into the sand, at night they feed

3) they go without water for a long time

4) eating plants, they get the necessary moisture

C2. Which ecological problems exist in deserts?

1) salts accumulate in the soil due to excessive irrigation

2) there are more moving sands due to improper grazing of animals

3) soil is polluted due to mining

4) the number of saigas is declining due to poaching

III Self-determination to activity.

We have visited with you almost all natural areas, traveling through them from north to south. But perhaps there is another natural area that we should get to know?

Formulate the topic of the lesson. Set tasks.

Each student has a piece of paper on their desk. We collectively read them, each puts a “+” sign if true, “-” if false opposite each statement.

1. Zone subtropical forests located on the Black Sea coast. (+)

2. The subtropical zone occupies large area our country. (-)

3. The subtropical zone is located near the Ural Mountains. (-)

4. The subtropical zone is characterized by moderately hot summers and warm winters. (+)

5. The flora and fauna of the subtropics is very diverse. (+)

6. On the map, the subtropical zone is indicated yellow. (-)

7. Whales live on the Black Sea coast, sea ​​turtles, seals. (-)

8. Apricots, peaches, figs are grown in the gardens of the Black Sea coast. (+)

IV Work on the topic of the lesson.

2. Understanding.


Let's turn to the map. Where is the subtropical forest zone located? (It is located on the coast. On the one hand, the Caucasus Mountains, and on the other, the Black Sea.)

What is the size of this zone? (It occupies a very small area..)

How Sun rays heat up earth's surface near the tropics?

(The sun's rays fall almost vertically.)

In which thermal zone located in the subtropical zone? (IN temperate zone, but close to the Northern Tropic)

The location of the zone is the secret of its amazing climate and nature. The sun warms the sea during the summer, and then the sea gives off warm air to the coast in winter. The Caucasus Mountains are close, right on the coast.

What are these mountains in height? (High mountains)

True, these are high young mountains, they are a barrier to the cold north wind, so the coast has moderately hot summers and warm winters. there is a lot of precipitation. The sea sends to earth a large number of moisture, and it is also delayed by the mountains.

What are the tropics? (The tropics are a thermal zone located on both sides of the equator.)

And in Latin, the prefix "sub" means "under". So what are subtropics? (This is the territory under the tropics)

More precisely, near tropical zone. The subtropical zone is located to the south of our country, and here, on the Black Sea coast, it is only a piece.

(the last line is filled in, the previous ones were filled in the previous lessons)Each line of the table corresponds in color to a certain natural area.




Vegetable world

Animal world






mixed forests

broadleaf forests




To fill in the second column of the table, read paragraph 3 of the textbook on page 98.

Why is this climate characteristic of the subtropical zone?

Complete the third column by reading paragraphs 1 and 2 on page 100.

What plants can be found in the subtropics, but you will not meet in our zone?

Complete the fourth column of the table by reading paragraph 1 on page 101

What animals can be found in the subtropics?

Complete the last column by reading paragraphs 1 and 2 on page 99.


"Lazy eights" - draw in the air in the horizontal plane "eights" three times with each hand, then with both hands.

"Hat for reflection" - gently wrap the ears from the top to the earlobe three times.

"Blinking" - blinking on each breath and exhalation.

V Consolidation of the studied material.

VI Reflection.

3. Reflection.

Let's get back to assertions. Check if you have placed the signs correctly everywhere? Evaluate your work with mood thermometers.

I suggest that you take a test that will help determine whether everything was clear to you in the lesson.

TEST “The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus”

1. The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is located ....

a) in the forest zone of the country
b) in the subtropical zone of the country
c) in steppe zone countries

2. The subtropics of Russia are

a) a vast area in the center of the country
b) a vast area in the east of the country
c) a small area on the Black Sea coast

3. On the slopes of mountains in the subtropics, the following trees are often found:

a) beech, chestnut
b) larch, lingonberry
c) alder, linden

4. On the Black Sea coast live:

a) cicadas, mantises, locusts
b) fillies, black beetles
c) speed beetle, water striders

5. In the Black Sea live:

a) crocodiles, anacondas, seals
b) jellyfish, dolphins, flounder
c) sharks seals, turtles

6. In the subtropical zone:

a) moderately hot summers and warm winters
b) hot summers and cold winters
c) moderately warm summer and cold winter.

VII Outcome.

What would you recommend to friends who are going on vacation to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus? (Respect nature, do not throw garbage on the coast, wear a hat, swim only with adults, etc.)

VIII Homework.


Teacher Peredriy Olga Gennadievna

Date 10.12.2014

Class 4 B

Lesson topic At the warm sea. Subtropics. Natural zone of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

Lesson type Lesson in learning new knowledge


  • Developing: develop the ability to organize educational cooperation and learning activities with peers, develop the ability to work with a geographical map.
  • educational: introduce students to the concepts tropics and subtropics , with the geographical location of the zone, its features, flora and fauna, economic activities of people, to form an idea of ​​the natural zone of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus;
  • Educational: to cultivate communication skills, the ability to assess one's own activities;
  • Planned educational outcomes: students will learn to find and show the subtropics on the map of Russia; characterize natural conditions and flora; give examples of the relationship between animate and inanimate nature; compare the subtropical zone with the desert zone; to understand the significance of the sea coast of the Caucasus for the improvement of people and the need to protect the nature of this zone.

Methods: verbal, information-receptive (transformation of information), search, cognitively reflective, methods of TRCMCHP (work with text and filling in the table, true and false statements)

Forms: frontal, group, individual

Educational resources: multimedia lesson support, physical map Russia, map of natural areas

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities

Formed UUD

I Organizing time

Creates an emotional mood for working in the classroom.

Personal UUD: positive motivation is formed

II Checking homework

III Knowledge update


True and false statements.

Each student has a piece of paper on their desk. We read them collectively, each puts a + sign, - in front of each statement.

Determine your level of knowledge on the topic

Formulate the topic of the lesson, set goals.

Regulatory UUD: skills are formed to draw up a lesson plan (determining the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson), planning actions to fulfill the tasks of the lesson. Accept and save the learning task.

IV Self-determination to activity

Work on the topic of the lesson

Making sense

Filling in the table "Natural zones of Russia". Textbook pp. 98 - 101. Work in pairs.

Fill in the table "Natural zones of Russia" using the text of the textbook

Cognitive UUD: the ability to analyze, find key words.

Communicative UUD: the ability to listen to the interlocutor, the ability to listen to others, the ability to express one's thoughts, build statements, understanding the rules of working in pairs (distribution of responsibilities, drawing up a plan for joint actions, the ability to agree on joint actions)

VI Physical education minute

"Lazy Eights", "Thinking Hat", "Blink"

Perform exercises. activating brain activity, attention, clarity of perception and speech

Personal UUD: the formation of the right attitude towards one's health.

VII Continued work on

topic of the lesson

Reinforce the learned material by completing tasks from the workbook.

Complete the task number 3, 4 of the RT.

Cognitive UUD: search and selection of information, structuring, analysis and synthesis of information

VIII Reflection


Comparison of answers from the rubric "True and False Statements" given at the beginning of the lesson and at the moment.

Conducting a test to determine the mastery of the topic

Work with "True and False Statements", perform a test« Black Sea coast of the Caucasus»

Communicative UUD: understanding the rules of working in pairs (distribution of responsibilities, drawing up a plan of joint actions, the ability to agree on joint actions)


Asking questions:

Where is the subtropical zone of Russia located?

What attracts people to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus?

What environmental problems arise on the Black Sea coast?

What would you advise to friends who are going on vacation to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus?

Summing up the lesson by answering questions

Regulatory UUD: Comparison of the set goals and the outcome of the lesson, self-assessment of the work performed.


Recording homework.

slide 2

Black Sea coast

A narrow strip of the Black Sea coast, in the center of which the city of Sochi is located, and mountain slopes up to a height of 500-600m belong to the zone of subtropical forests, or subtropics. Rapid streams flow from the mountains. Trees, shrubs and herbs grow luxuriantly.

slide 3

Subtropical weather

Winter is warm. It rains often. Snow rarely falls and melts quickly. Summer is moderately hot. Spring and autumn are very warm. The coast is located between the sea and mountains. The coast is protected from cold and sultry winds.

slide 4

Rest on the Black Sea coast

Surprisingly rich inanimate nature Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Moderately hot summers and warm winters, both sea and mountain air, therapeutic mud, healing mineral waters.

slide 5

Vegetable world

The flora of this zone is rich and diverse. On the slopes of the mountains at an altitude of 500-600 m there are broad-leaved forests, where oak, hornbeam, ash, linden, maple, chestnut grow.

slide 6

Parks of the Caucasus

There are evergreens in the parks: Pitsunda pine, cypress, magnolia, thuja, palm, laurel.

Slide 8

The Arboretum contains plants from different countries With warm climate. This Australian eucalyptus, Lebanese cedar, Japanese quince, flowering cacti, bamboo, sequoia.

Slide 9

Of the cultivated plants in the parks, you can find grapes, figs, Walnut, apricot, peach, pear, apple tree, ornamental flowering plants.

Slide 10

Animal world

The most wonderful and largest animals reserved places- bison, roe deer, wild boars, Caucasian goats, deer, lynxes, bears.

1. Fill in the table.

2. Fill in the circles near the drawings of plants that are listed in the Red Book. Write the names of plants on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

3. Write down what environmental problems arise in the subtropical zone due to human activities.

Clogging of coastal waters with dirty sewage. Trapping of rare insects and hunting for rare animals. Clogging of nature with garbage and waste after the rest of tourists. Predatory deforestation. Uncontrolled collection of rare plants.

4. Read the text.


Eucalyptus is native to Australia, from where it has spread throughout the world. It's high beautiful trees with fleshy, leathery leaves hanging down. Some eucalyptus trees reach a height of 100 meters.
Eucalyptus is often referred to as the "pump tree". Since this tree requires a lot of moisture, it is often planted in swampy areas. In some regions of the world, this has led to a reduction in the number of patients with malaria and other diseases.
Eucalyptus generously supplies a person with all kinds of medicines. Eucalyptus oil heals the respiratory tract, soothes nervous system, has a good effect on the activity of the kidneys.
Eucalyptus wood is very hard but can be worked well. A person uses this tree in the construction of ships, as well as for interior decoration of houses.
(According to A. Likum)

What did you learn from the text about eucalyptus? Title the text. Write the name.
Make up 4 - 5 questions on the text. Write them down.
Ask these questions to your roommate.

What is the origin of eucalyptus?
Why is the eucalyptus called the "pump tree"?
How long are eucalyptus trees?
Eucalyptus tall plant?
Eucalyptus medicinal plant?
What is eucalyptus wood used for?

5. Find in additional literature material about some plant or animal of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Talk about it in class.

6. Continue to fill in the table "Nature Protection"

7. Solve the crossword.


3. Tall tree brought from warm countries.
6. Gelatinous inhabitant of the seas.
8. The name of the natural zone near the Black Sea coast.
