Dynamic magnetic field. Dynamic theory of electromagnetic field

One of the many physical treatment methods is magnetic therapy; the indications and contraindications of this therapeutic method should be thoroughly studied before starting a course of treatment. The magnetic field used in treatment is divided into static (permanent magnets) and dynamic. A dynamic magnetic field is caused by an electric current flowing in a conductor. Currently, it is widely used in the complementary treatment of many diseases.

Magnetotherapy is a treatment method using a magnetic field with a frequency of 0-50 Hz or 0-60 Hz and magnetic induction with values ​​ranging from 0.5 to 10 (millitesla). The therapy is carried out using a static and dynamic magnetic field.

In a static magnetic field main role played by various types of magnets, which are currently not so often used in treatment. Modern medicine uses the therapeutic effect of a dynamic magnetic field (pulsed or alternating current), which occurs with the participation of an electric current passing through a conductor.

It has been scientifically proven that the deficiency of electromagnetic energy in the body is responsible for slowing down metabolic processes, transportation nutrients and decreased performance nervous system. In addition, it is with a lack of energy that a general decrease in mood, performance and loss of natural energy occurs. vitality person.

Energy deficiency can cause much more serious consequences for the health of the body. This condition can provoke or intensify the symptoms of heart disease, inflammatory processes, rheumatism, as well as neurological diseases and many other ailments.

It has been proven that the most effective way Magnetic therapy is one of the ways to combat diseases caused by lack of energy.

This method causes a displacement of ions, resulting in increased electronegativity within the cell, allowing it to more efficiently absorb and use oxygen. This process is called hyperpolarization.

The action of the magnetic field is uniform, due to which the energy penetrates through all tissues of the body, reaching the deepest layers. Magnetic therapy is a completely painless procedure that does not cause any side effects even in the long term of long-term treatment. Sometimes, at the beginning of therapy, only a temporary and short-term complication of the symptoms of the disease is observed.

How does a magnetic field work?

The application of a magnetic field causes changes in every cell and tissue of the body as it penetrates the entire human body. Any ions that are found in cells and colloidal systems are sensitive and susceptible to the effects of a magnetic field. Under the influence of a magnetic field, the following processes occur:

  • rhythmic movement of ions in the cells of the human body;
  • hyperpolarization of the cell membrane;
  • beneficial effect on metabolism and energy processes.

The pulsed magnetic field leads in turn to:

  • normalization of the resting electrical potential of the cell membrane;
  • improving the dynamics of ions migrating through the membrane;
  • improving the use of oxygen through the cell;
  • increasing energy potential.

What does a magnetic field cure?

Depending on the indications and characteristics of the body, a specific pulse shape (rectangular, triangular or sinusoidal) is selected for treatment. When treating with a magnetic field it is assumed that:

  • rectangular pulses are applied at the moment when the pathological process spreads in the bone tissue;
  • triangular-shaped pulses are used in the treatment of articular cartilage, ligaments and tendons;
  • sinusoidal impulses are used in situations where muscles and nerves require treatment.

When and in what disease state can a magnetic field be used? In the case of acute disease states, pulse frequencies of 1-5 Hz and magnetic field intensity of 0.5-3 mT (militesel) are used. In subacute conditions, treatment is carried out at a frequency of 5-20 Hz, a magnetic field strength of 3-5 mT; in chronic painful conditions, frequencies from 20-50 Hz and a magnetic field strength of 6-10 mT are used.

It should be borne in mind that the magnetic field strength should be equal to 40% of the maximum dose taken. During the 2nd course of treatment, its strength can be increased to 70%, and in the 3rd course of procedures it is increased to the full dose.

The procedure time, carried out using a magnetic field, can range from 15 to 30 minutes, but can last up to 1 hour. The procedures are performed in series from 15 to several dozen procedures. During the first 5-10 procedures, therapy is used daily, and then 2-3 procedures can be performed during the week.

Who can and who shouldn't?

Principles of magnetic field treatment:

  • treatment with a magnetic field should be carried out at the same time of day;
  • procedures should not be used in the afternoon or evening, due to drowsiness, while in older people, on the contrary, insomnia;
  • the patient must remove his watch and all metal objects before the procedure;
  • When treating with a magnetic field, you do not need to undress; you can remain in your clothes.

Indications for performing the procedure with a magnetic field are the following:

  • degenerative diseases of large joints (limbs) and spinal joints;
  • inflammation of joints and periarticular tissues;
  • rheumatoid arthritis (RA);
  • post-traumatic conditions and sports injuries: fractures (Sudek's disease), dislocations, sprains with damage to muscles, ligaments and joint capsule;
  • difficult-to-heal wounds, burns;
  • peripheral circulatory disorders;
  • inflammation of the nerves (for example, sciatic neuralgia);
  • osteoporosis;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • bronchitis and sinusitis of the sinuses;
  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • ulcers and trophic changes of the legs.

Procedures using a magnetic field are safe.

The use of procedures even for a very long time does not cause adverse consequences.

However, it should be borne in mind that there is a possibility of exacerbation of diseases after the first few procedures, which will subside over time.

A significant relief for patients is the ability to use magnetic therapy for injuries without removing the bandage, or even plaster.

The most common contraindications for magnetic field treatment include:

  • pregnancy;
  • cancer diseases;
  • treatment with ionizing radiation (radiation therapy) and radiological studies;
  • implanted electronic implants, such as a pacemaker;
  • severe heart and cardiovascular diseases;
  • obliterating thrombophlebitis;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • acute bacterial and viral infections;
  • diabetes;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • ringworm.

Magnetic therapy has many applications and a small number of contraindications. Magnetic therapy should not be used in cases of severe systemic diseases.

Magnetic field therapy is invaluable in the fight against long-term painful sensations. It also shows excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

The use of magnetic therapy promotes general relaxation of the body and a reduction in excessive muscle tension. It accelerates and regulates peripheral blood circulation and speeds up metabolism, which is used in therapeutic procedures for losing body weight. By using magnetic therapy after consultation with a specialist, you can improve your body’s health.


Department of ETT

"Analysis of the problem of the general impact of a dynamic magnetic field on a person and the formation of requirements for technical means of complex magnetic therapy"

MINSK, 2008

Dedicated to the effects of magnetic fields on the human body big number works and, although the physics of the impact is still poorly demonstrated, there is a significant number of studies on establishing functional connections between the state of the human body and the parameters of magnetic fields. On the agenda is the issue of the formation of dynamic magnetic fields that have a specific functional orientation, primarily for treatment various diseases. Moreover, the formation of magnetic fields in a local area no longer meets many medical requirements. It requires the formation of dynamic magnetic fields around the entire human body, first as a physiotherapeutic procedure, and later as a factor in the living environment.

A methodological, mathematical, physiological and, finally, technical solution to this problem for the formation of magnetic fields would be a precedent for solving similar problems for other types of fields and, ultimately, would lead to the solution of the global problem of forming the necessary structure of physical fields around a person, the presence of which would help I wish he could cope with illnesses. To develop this area in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment and expand the class of diseases covered by magnetic therapy systems, the following issues need to be addressed:

· development of a single universal magnetic field emitter, methods for its calculation and optimization of parameters in accordance with specified criteria;

· development of methods for forming an optimal configuration of the field as a whole, corresponding to a given treatment technique;

· designing effective technical means for creating specified fields around a person;

· study of the mechanisms of influence of dynamic magnetic fields (DMF) on the human body and its most important functions;

· development effective channels feedback and finding their parameters for the purpose of automated control of the characteristics of the DMP during exposure based on measurement of the patient’s response.

This section focuses on the formation of dynamic magnetic fields around the entire person. By a dynamic magnetic field we mean a field that changes in time and in space of a given volume (in this case, inside and around a person) and has a cellular structure, the discreteness of which is determined by the elements of the object of perception (for example, organs, vessels, tissues, etc.) , which makes it possible to ensure sufficient independence of control of the magnetic field vectors in neighboring cells of the structure.

The implementation of this idea falls into two tasks. The first of them is associated with the technical solution of the formation of a negligibly small volume (physical point, hereinafter simply a point) of a magnetic induction vector in a given local area of ​​space, localization of selected points, formation of volumetric matrices of magnetic field vectors, localization of points taking into account the shape of the human body and its organs , providing the necessary distribution of the magnetic field both inside the human body and on the surface. This task determines the development and creation of magnetic field sources, determining their number, size, spatial location, interaction and configuration. The external manifestation of the solution to this problem is the type of volume in which a person is placed. This can be a magnetic room, a magnetic box, a magnetic chamber, a magnetic couch, a magnetic cradle, a magnetic space suit, etc. At the same time, the design of the volume of placement of radiation sources plays an important role in the effectiveness of the influence, and even more so in systems that ensure the formation of a given configuration of dynamic magnetic fields in a given area of ​​space.

The second task is related to the system of electronic generation and control of electric currents and voltages in order to obtain the specified dynamics (movement in time and space) of magnetic induction vectors in each cell of a given volume. Let's consider these tasks separately.

Formation of the metric of magnetic field vectors

The multidimensional vector of the dynamic magnetic field D - (Im, Im) is composed of the multidimensional vector of the spatial arrangement of inductors Im = (I1, I2,... Is) and the multidimensional vector of currents flowing through the inductors, It = (I1, I2,... Iп), where s is the number of inductors, n is the number of channels of the device. In turn, the latter is composed of vectors of channel currents Ii = (I,P, T,t), where I is intensity, P is polarity, T is connection time, t is current time.

Thus, the task posed can be formalized in the following stages:

· synthesis of the spatial arrangement of magnetic field emitters and formation of the parameters of a single base emitter;

· synthesis of a channel for the formation of a current that changes over time according to a given law in a certain range of intensities and spectrum, reflecting the law of changes in the magnetic field over time;

· synthesis of the multidimensionality of channels, which has a given correlation dependence, reflecting a given functional connection between locales and forming the law of field change in space.

Let us impose some restrictions on the synthesis problem being solved, taking into account the biological properties of the object of perception and the technical feasibility of the system.

Changes in the magnetic field in time and space must be periodic or quasi-periodic in nature, although with a complex period of formation. This is due to the periodicity of the main biorhythms of the object (pulse, a-rhythm, B-rhythm) and the periodicity of the main habitat (day, night, etc.).

Changes in time and space must take into account the periodicity of the object’s biorhythms, either for the purpose of synchronization with them, or vice versa, for the purpose of desynchronization.

The rate of change of the magnetic field in time and space must be of the same order as the main rates of functioning of the object’s body at the macro level (blood flow speed, distribution of sensations, muscle contraction, etc.) and overlap them by sufficient values ​​in both directions.

The discreteness of the structure of the dynamic field in time, space and level must be of the same order and functionally related to the generalized discreteness of the macroelements of the object of influence (human organs).

The metric of the dynamic field in space must be consistent with the metric of macroelements and processes in a person. Let's consider the problem of forming a dynamic process in time at one point in space. The process of level quantization and time sampling.

Figure 1 – Diagram of the formation of fields, dissipating into the following multiples in level and time of reasoning.

The formation of a cellular structure of a magnetic field on one human limb of length L is limited, among other things, by the ability to concentrate the field. Since the value of the magnetic field induction in a homogeneous medium decreases in proportion to the square of the distance, then along the length of the limb we will take as the size of the local cell the region at the boundaries of which the field decreases by half. If we assume that the magnetic induction at the center of the cell is Bc = Bi, and at the boundary Br - Bi/2, we can determine its size D based on the size of the cell Rya and the size Ri of the region where the uniform field is formed:


From the last relation we determine the size of the effective action of the cell:


Then the cell size will be

Technical feasibility dictates the dimensions of the radiation source within D = 3...5 cm. Then the size of one elementary cell of the magnetic field D = 2.41-D i, = 2.41(3...5) can be determined within D = 7...12 cm.

Consequently, from 8 to 14 cells should be formed along the length of the limb L-1 m, and 16...30 cells along the length of the entire human body. Thus, the order of dimensions of cells and processes was determined within the range of 8...30, i.e. the values ​​of m and n (Fig. 1) should also be in the range 8...30. It is necessary to take into account that the determining factor in calculating the dimensions was the physical feasibility of magnetic field sources at the current level of technology development.

Field Metric Analysis

Above, we analyzed the spatial metric of the cellular structure of the dynamic magnetic field created around a person. Moreover, the diameter D of one magnetic field cell should be within 7...12 cm.

At the next stage of the analysis, it is necessary to find out the required number of cells to form a closed magnetic field around a person. Let us denote the total surface area of ​​the human body Sn and calculate the required number of cells in accordance with the expression:


If we take the total surface area of ​​the human body on average equal to Sn = 40,000 cm2 (with a margin for a comfortable position of the patient), then the total number of cells will be determined within the range N = 400...1000.

Let us now turn to the issue of forming the configuration of the volume of the magnetic field around a person. It is obvious that the spatial structure of the macrofield surrounding the patient’s entire body is of no small importance for achieving highly effective treatment. We can offer many configuration models for the cellular structure of emitters:

· in the form of a plane on which a person is located;

· in the form of two planes, between which a person is located;

Scientists from the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (MagLab) at Florida State University have created the world's most powerful superconducting magnet. A device with a diameter of no more than a centimeter and no larger than a toilet paper roller (I don’t know why, but the creators draw exactly this analogy) is capable of generating a record magnetic field strength of 45.5 Tesla. This is more than 20 times more powerful than the magnets in hospital MRI machines. It is noted that previously only pulsed magnets, capable of maintaining a magnetic field for a fraction of a second, achieved higher intensity.

Everything in this Universe moves and does not stand still. revolve around stars, stars revolve around galactic centers, and the galaxies themselves move in intergalactic space. Some move alone, but gravity causes most galaxies to form into groups called galaxy clusters. The extent of such galaxy clusters can be tens of millions of light years. This makes the clusters some of the largest structures in the known Universe.

Examples of one-time sources electromagnetic pulses: nuclear explosion, lightning discharge, electrical discharge, switching in electrical circuits. The EMR spectrum is most often pink. Examples of sources of multiple electromagnetic pulses: collector machines, corona discharge on alternating current, intermittent arc discharge on alternating current.

In technology, electromagnetic radiation with a limited spectrum width is most often encountered, but it is also, like EMR from nuclear explosion, may cause equipment failure or significant interference. For example, radiation from radar stations, electrical erosion installations, digital communications, etc.

Electromagnetic field and its effect on human health

1. What is EMF, its types and classification

2. Main sources of EMF

2.1 Electric transport

2.2 Power lines

2.3 Electrical wiring

2.7 Cellular

2.8 Radars

2.9 Personal computers

3. How does EMF affect health?

4. How to protect yourself from EMF

In practice, when characterizing the electromagnetic environment, the terms “electric field”, “magnetic field”, “electromagnetic field” are used. Let us briefly explain what this means and what connection exists between them.

An electric field is created by charges. For example, in all the well-known school experiments on the electrification of ebonite, an electric field is present.

A magnetic field is created when electric charges move through a conductor.

To characterize the magnitude of the electric field, the concept of electric field strength is used, symbol E, unit of measurement V/m. The magnitude of the magnetic field is characterized by the magnetic field strength H, unit A/m. When measuring ultra-low and extremely low frequencies, the concept of magnetic induction B is also often used, unit T, one millionth of a T corresponds to 1.25 A/m.

By definition, an electromagnetic field is special shape matter through which the interaction between electrically charged particles occurs. The physical reasons for the existence of an electromagnetic field are related to the fact that a time-varying electric field E generates a magnetic field H, and a changing H generates a vortex electric field: both components E and H, continuously changing, excite each other. The EMF of stationary or uniformly moving charged particles is inextricably linked with these particles. With the accelerated movement of charged particles, the EMF “breaks away” from them and exists independently in the form of electromagnetic waves, without disappearing when the source is removed.

Electromagnetic waves are characterized by wavelength, symbol - l. A source that generates radiation, and essentially creates electromagnetic oscillations, is characterized by frequency, designated f.

An important feature of EMF is its division into the so-called “near” and “far” zones. In the “near” zone, or induction zone, at a distance from the source r 3l. In the “far” zone, the field intensity decreases in inverse proportion to the distance to the source r -1.

In the “far” zone of radiation there is a connection between E and H: E = 377H, where 377 is the wave impedance of the vacuum, Ohm. Therefore, as a rule, only E is measured. In Russia, at frequencies above 300 MHz, the electromagnetic energy flux density, or Poynting vector, is usually measured. Denoted as S, the unit of measurement is W/m2. PES characterizes the amount of energy transferred by an electromagnetic wave per unit time through a unit surface perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave.

International classification of electromagnetic waves by frequency

Frequency range name

1. Vadim described more than 4 years ago a practical example of the convergence of ring-shaped waves on a primitive-to-understand method of throwing a lifebuoy onto the water. The waves diverged from the source and actually converged. There were theoretically unsubstantiated attempts to create an electromagnetic shell of a fictitious “tempo machine”. Frankly, he has far-sighted grains, intuitive, not yet understood.

3. No matter how paradoxical it may seem, turning back time is possible. but with a further changed course.

4.The speed of time is not the same.

5. RELATIVITY - space and time for a given world and humanity - a measure of the speed of light, then another world. different speeds, different laws. Also in reduction.

6. "Big Bang" about 14 billion light years, just a few moments in another world, in another flow, time, which for humanity is 5 minutes - for other worlds - billions of years.

7. The infinite universe for OTHERS is like an invisible quantum particle and vice versa.

The introduction of new technologies and the widespread use of electricity has led to the emergence of artificial electromagnetic fields, which most often have a harmful effect on humans and environment. These physical fields arise where there are moving charges.

The nature of the electromagnetic field

The electromagnetic field is special kind matter. It occurs around conductors along which electric charges move. Such a force field consists of two independent fields - magnetic and electric, which cannot exist in isolation from one another. When an electric field arises and changes, it invariably generates a magnetic field.

One of the first to study the nature of alternating fields in the middle of the 19th century was James Maxwell, who is credited with creating the theory of the electromagnetic field. The scientist showed that electric charges moving with acceleration create an electric field. Changing it generates a field of magnetic forces.

The source of an alternating magnetic field can be a magnet if it is set in motion, as well as an electric charge that oscillates or moves with acceleration. If a charge moves at a constant speed, then a constant current flows through the conductor, which is characterized by a constant magnetic field. Propagating in space, the electromagnetic field transfers energy, which depends on the magnitude of the current in the conductor and the frequency of the emitted waves.

Impact of electromagnetic field on humans

The level of all electromagnetic radiation generated by man-made technical systems, many times higher than the natural radiation of the planet. This field is characterized by a thermal effect, which can lead to overheating of body tissues and irreversible consequences. For example, long-term use mobile phone, which is a source of radiation, can lead to an increase in the temperature of the brain and the lens of the eye.

Electromagnetic fields generated when using household appliances can cause the appearance of malignant tumors. This especially applies to children's bodies. A person's prolonged presence near a source of electromagnetic waves reduces the efficiency of the immune system and leads to heart and vascular diseases.

Of course, it is impossible to completely abandon the use of technical means that are a source of electromagnetic fields. But you can use the simplest preventive measures, for example, use a cell phone only with a headset, and do not leave device cords in electrical outlets after using equipment. In everyday life, it is recommended to use extension cords and cables that have protective shielding.

if a field is needed to magnetize something, then this piece of material to be magnetized must be included in the magnetic circuit. those. We take a closed steel core, make an opening in it as long as the material that we need to magnetize, insert this material into the resulting opening, so we close the sawn magnetic circuit again. the field penetrating your material will be very homogeneous.

How to create an electromagnetic field

An electromagnetic field does not arise on its own; it is emitted by some device or object. Before assembling such a device, it is necessary to understand the very principle of the appearance of the field. From the name it is easy to understand that this is a combination of magnetic and electronic fields that can generate each other under certain conditions. The concept of EMF is associated with the name of the scientist Maxwell.

Researchers from the Laboratory of High Magnetic Fields in Dresden have set a new world record by creating the strongest magnetic field produced artificially. Using a two-layer inductor coil weighing 200 kilograms and dimensions comparable to the size of an ordinary bucket, they were able to obtain a magnetic field of 91.4 tesla within a few tens of milliseconds. As a reference, the previous record in this area was 89 Tesla, which stood for many years, which was set by researchers from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA.

91 Tesla is an incredibly powerful magnetic field, ordinary powerful electromagnets used in industrial and household appliances, produce a magnetic field not exceeding 25 Tesla. Obtaining magnetic fields of prohibitive values ​​requires special approaches; such electromagnets are manufactured in a special way so that they can ensure unhindered passage large quantity energy and remain safe and sound. It is known that electric current flowing through an inductor produces a magnetic field, but this magnetic field interacts with the electrons in the conductor, repelling them in the opposite direction, i.e. creates electrical resistance. The greater the magnetic field produced by the electromagnet, the greater the repulsive effect on the electrons that occurs in the coil conductors. And when reaching a certain limit, this impact can lead to complete destruction electromagnet.

In order to prevent the coil from self-destructing under the influence of its own magnetic field, German scientists “dressed” the coil turns in a “corset” of flexible and durable material, like the one used in body armor. This solution gave scientists a coil capable of generating a magnetic field of 50 Tesla for two hundredths of a second without destruction. Their next step was quite predictable: to the first coil they added another coil of 12 layers, also enclosed in a “corset” of fiber. The second coil is capable of withstanding a magnetic field of 40 tesla, but the total magnetic field from the two coils, obtained with the help of some tricks, exceeded the threshold of 90 tesla.

But people still need very strong magnets. More powerful, precisely shaped magnetic fields make it possible to better study and measure some of the properties of new materials that scientists are constantly inventing and creating. Therefore, this new powerful electromagnet was appreciated by some scientists in the field of materials science. HZDR researchers have already received orders for six of these electromagnets, which they are expected to produce over the next few years.

Sources: engangs.ru, it-med.ru, tinyfamily.ru, www.kakprosto.ru, flyback.org.ru, dokak.ru, www.dailytechinfo.org
