Peskov's daughter official Instagram. Elizaveta Peskova: biography and personal life

One of the most popular personalities in Lately is Elizaveta Peskova. Photos, biography and interesting ones do not leave the pages of newspapers and online publications. How did the daughter of a high-ranking Russian official deserve such popularity? Why so much criticism of her? These and other questions about Liza Peskova can be answered in our article.


The biography of Elizaveta Peskova originates in Moscow. The girl was born on January 9, 1998 into an elite family. Lisa's father, Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov, was a prominent political figure in the late 90s, worked in Russian embassy. Now he is the press secretary of the head of the Russian state. The girl’s mother is Ekaterina Solonitskaya, the second wife of Dmitry Peskov. He is a scientist in the field of philology.

The girl's parents divorced in 2012. Ekaterina Solonitskaya left for France, her daughter decided to go with her. Before her parents' divorce, Lisa studied at a Moscow school and was interested in painting. The father advised the girl to enroll in an art school. Today Lisa lives abroad, but often comes to Russia.

Girl's father

Why such close attention to the biography of Elizaveta Peskova? The reason is obvious: the girl is the daughter of a high-ranking official, an assistant to the main person in the country. Dmitry Peskov worked for a long time as a secretary at the Turkish Embassy of the Russian Federation. During the election of Vladimir Putin to the presidency, Dmitry Sergeevich headed the department for working with the media under the administration of the head of state. A little later, Peskov became deputy head of Putin's press service. At the same time, the official worked as a translator since In April 2004, Dmitry Sergeevich was appointed deputy press secretary of the president. His main responsibilities were to provide information communications heads of state and executive power.

In 2008, Peskov became the press secretary of the prime minister, who at that time was Vladimir Putin. In 2012, the official was again appointed deputy head of the presidential administration.

Thus, Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov is the most important official in the Russian state. The media pay close attention to this official, monitoring his personal life and family. whose biography is discussed in our article is today the focus of attention in many magazines, online publications and newspapers.

Relationship with parents

Elizaveta Peskova was 14 years old when her family broke up. The media began to especially exaggerate the topic of the personal life of the Russian press secretary. Newspapers tried to find out the attitude of the young Liza to the problem with her parents. Then the girl said that she loves both mom and dad equally strongly. The mother supports the girl in everything, talks to her on any topic and takes her for walks around Paris. Lisa's father is her main defender and coach. Dmitry Sergeevich goes skiing and skating with his daughter, walks with her in the park and takes her to the movies. Moreover, Elizabeth receives lessons from her father hand-to-hand combat.

Lisa often expresses her rather eccentric opinion on certain issues. This allows us to evaluate the character of the so-called “golden youth”. Today the girl has many fans and haters - Elizabeth is truly popular.


What role does education play in the biography of Elizaveta Peskova? Where did the girl receive her knowledge? Until 2012, Lisa studied at a simple Moscow school. After her parents' divorce, she entered a Norman boarding school. After receiving a general secondary education, the girl entered the Paris School of Art, which is located in the Louvre. At the same time, Lisa becomes a student at the Moscow ISAA (Institute of African and Asian Countries). The girl did not stay at Moscow University. Having quit her studies, our heroine returns to Paris. Elizaveta Peskova (see photo below) entered a business school there.

Lisa is disgusted by Russian system education. On her social networks, the girl has repeatedly noted that domestic schools resemble hell. The daughter of a high-ranking official stated that she was "sick" from large quantity academic disciplines that, in her opinion, cannot be useful in later life. The beauty actively advocates for the global reform of Russian education.

Knowledge of languages

Considering the biography of Dmitry Peskov’s daughter, Elizaveta Peskova, one cannot help but note that the girl has polyglot talent. As a child, Lisa was intensively engaged in the study foreign languages. In her own words, studying was difficult. The girl wanted to pay much more attention to painting, but her parents insisted on classical training. Soon Lisa herself understood the importance of education.

The girl learned a hundred foreign words every day. For each forgotten word Lisa could be punished, and therefore she had to try harder. A visit to language camps in Scotland and France, where the girl studied for several months, also helped.

Today, Elizabeth travels actively. Knowledge of several languages ​​helps her in communicating with different people. Dmitry Peskov’s daughter is fluent in English and French, and is also studying Arabic, Chinese and Turkish.

Statements of Elizabeth Dmitrievna Peskova

The biography of the daughter of the Russian press secretary is filled with quite interesting moments. The girl often travels and looks at the Western way of life. This is why Lisa often compares the Russian state with the advanced countries of Europe. Not everyone likes this. Many people find Peskova’s statements inappropriate and sometimes downright Russophobic. It is worth giving a few examples.

In August 2016, the girl compared French and Russian medicine. Lisa made a very unexpected conclusion about the “worthlessness” of Western healthcare and the supposedly high quality of medicine in Russia.

On October 18, 2016, the girl expressed her opinion about the LGBT community. Elizabeth's position is moderately homophobic: she declared a neutral attitude towards gays and disgust towards lesbians.

In her messages, the girl often uses rather rude and harsh expressions. I must say that not all subscribers like this. Most netizens find Elizabeth's statements stupid and meaningless.

Family of Elizabeth Peskova

Personal life in the biography of the heroine of our article occupies a special place. Today the girl is trying to combine life in France and Russia, visiting either her mother or her father. The girl treats her parents with equal love.

It must be said that Elizaveta is not the only child in the family of Peskov and Solotsinskaya. The girl has younger brothers - Denis and Mika. Lisa often travels with them, helps them learn foreign languages ​​and instills a love of art. Often the girl posts joint photos with her brothers on the social network Instagram.

Lisa treats Dmitry Peskov’s new marriage with the famous figure skater Tatyana Navka with some indignation. The girl did not attend her father’s wedding, and called the celebration itself “a ridiculous show.” The stepmother explained her stepdaughter's behavior with strong emotional experiences. The wife’s position was supported by Dmitry Peskov.

Elizabeth's personal life

The biography of the daughter of the famous official is not yet complete enough, because the girl is only 20 years old. At the same time, Lisa managed to meet several boyfriends at once. At the annual Tatler Moscow ball, Lisa introduced her first boyfriend. It turned out to be a young businessman Yuri Meshcheryakov. At the same time, the girl announced her engagement, but the wedding did not take place: Meshcheryakov and Peskova broke up shortly after Lisa came of age.

Peskova soon found a replacement for Yuri. It turned out to be a young worker in the field of education, Mikhail Sinitsyn. However, Lisa did not stay with him either. Already in the summer of 2017, French businessman Louis Waldberg, founder of a company producing electric lighters, became the girl’s new lover.

Elizabeth today

Behind Last year Several awkward situations happened to Lisa. In July 2017, the girl went to the Crimean ship repair plant, where she gave a lecture to the factory workers on the importance of shipbuilding. Many netizens considered Peskova’s visit absurd. For example, Elizabeth did not see the difference between “shipbuilding” and “legal proceedings.” Some people were outraged by the very fact that the young lady was without higher education can give lectures to adults and experienced professionals.

At the end of September 2017, Peskova experienced another embarrassment. The girl wrote an article "The Illusion of Knowledge" for the famous Forbes magazine. As it turned out, the published text consisted of large unprocessed excerpts from various publications: BBC, Passion, Chalk, etc. More than 10% of the article was taken from scientific work in Pedagogy 2012. As soon as the scandal began to gain momentum, the girl hastened to completely delete her profile from the Instagram social network.

Elizaveta Peskova managed to become famous in Russia at the age of 17. Thanks to her scandalous statements, she repeatedly became a star in the domestic media and the Internet.


Lisa was born on January 9, 1998 in Ankara. Her dad Dmitry is a famous statesman and press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation since 2012. Mother Ekaterina is a philologist, the daughter of diplomat Vladimir Solotsinsky. Lisa has younger brothers Mick and Denis, as well as paternal half-brothers Nikolai and sister Nadezhda.

Elizabeth's parents, fluent in several foreign languages, developed their daughter's linguistic abilities from childhood. From the age of 7, she learned several dozen new words every day in English and French. Annually for summer holidays the girl went to specialized language camps in France and Scotland. Lisa's teachers also noted that the girl could become a good artist.

At the age of 11, the girl was sent to the Ecole des Roches boarding school in Normandy. Here she improved her knowledge French. After completing the training course, teachers at Ecole des Roches strongly recommended that Elizabeth, who was a good painter, enroll in the Ecole du Louvre art school in the capital of France. Her mother, who divorced Peskov in 2012, lived in Paris and wanted Lisa to stay in this city. But Dmitry insisted that his daughter return to Russia.

Elizabeth followed in the footsteps of her father and grandfather. She entered the Institute of Asian and African Countries, from which they graduated many years ago. But a year later the girl realized that she had made a mistake. She missed Paris, which had become her family, and her friends.

Returning to France in 2015, Lisa enrolled at the Paris Business School. Here she studied marketing, as well as several foreign languages. Currently, Peskova speaks fluent French and English, and can also speak Turkish, Arabic and Chinese.

Scandalous Lisa

There are many scandals associated with the name of Peskov’s daughter. In 2015, the girl announced that she did not want to live and study in Russia. In her opinion, you can live well here only if your family is wealthy. The following year, Elizabeth condemned the Russian education system, calling it “hell.” Her statements had a wide resonance in society.

The girl periodically “goes through” her own father. She once said that the wedding of Peskov and Navka was a beautiful staging. In fact, there was no celebration. Navka tried to defend her husband’s daughter, saying that the girl was confused and was having a hard time with her father’s wedding. In 2017, Elizaveta posted a post on Instagram in which she called Peskov “the main billionaire and thief of the country.”

In the fall of 2017, Lisa wrote an article for Forbes magazine dedicated to modern education. Later it turned out that the girl picked up some thoughts from other people’s publications. Readers were outraged, but Peskova traditionally did not comment on the situation.

Personal life

The young blonde has had several affairs over the past 3 years. In 2014, she dated her peer Yura Meshcheryakov. A year after the start of the relationship, they even got engaged, but the couple soon broke up. In 2016, it became known that Lisa new boyfriend Michael. He lived in China and worked in education. The long-distance romance quickly ended.

In 2017, Elizabeth was spotted in the company of Louis Waldberg. The guy is 20 years old, but he already has own business. Louis produces Tazer Lighters. As it turned out, Louis and Lisa have been dating for more than six months. The guy periodically comes to Moscow and attends social events with Peskova. Together with her, he visited Chechnya and met Ramzan Kadyrov there.

Social media

Elizabeth has an account only on Instagram. She registered here in 2011. Over the past few years, Lisa Peskova on Instagram ( posted more than 100 photos. The girl enjoys filming with her family. She has many photographs with her father, mother, and brothers. Many people can be replaced in the pictures famous people(for example, Pugachev and Galkin, Kadyrov, Edmon Avakyan).

More than 50 thousand people follow Peskova’s Instagram. She is not registered on other popular social networks.

Elizabeth is only 19 years old, so many are lenient about her provocative phrases and Instagram posts. But even at this young age, she touches on serious issues and illuminates important problems, albeit through the prism of youthful maximalism. In the summer of 2017, Peskova joined the AVANTI team, which is engaged in the development of patriotic education and youth entrepreneurship. Perhaps this is the first big step in political career Lisa. It will not be difficult for such a girl, distinguished by her ambition and self-confidence, to achieve success in any field!

Lisa Peskova is the daughter of Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of Vladimir Putin.

Childhood and family

Elizaveta Peskova was born on January 9, 1998 in Ankara, in the family of diplomat and statesman Dmitry Peskov and his second wife Ekaterina Solotsinskaya. Both of Liza's grandfathers were also well-known diplomats and worked abroad. Elizabeth’s parents met at the Russian Embassy in Ankara, where Peskov and Catherine’s grandfather worked at that time.

Elizaveta has two siblings - Mika and Dani, as well as a half-brother Nikolai from her father’s first marriage to Anastasia Budenna and a sister Nadezhda from her third marriage to Tatyana Navka.

Lisa has a good relationship with her stepmother: “She did a lot to please me and my brothers. She is not at all like an evil stepmother from a fairy tale, rather, like a friend. Tatiana gave me a lot useful tips relating to personal life". With the daughter of Navka Alexandra Zhulina, Liza also found a common language.

In 2012, after 20 years of marriage, Lisa Peskova's parents divorced. According to press reports, the reason was the betrayal of the president's press secretary. Three years later, the girl’s father married Russian figure skater Tatyana Navka, and Lisa’s mother remained to live in a Parisian apartment overlooking the Champs-Elysees. In 2017, Peskova’s mother headed the Russian Center for Science and Culture (RCSC) in the capital of France.

WITH early years Lisa taught foreign languages. She was supported in learning languages ​​by her parents, who not only forced their daughter to learn several dozen foreign words every day, but also sent the girl to language camps in Scotland and France every summer.

On this moment Peskov's daughter knows five languages: she is fluent in English and French, fluent in Turkish, Chinese and Arabic. By her age, Peskova managed to learn in different educational institutions: Moscow gymnasium, boarding school in Normandy, Ecole des Roches school in Paris and the Moscow Institute of Asian and African Countries, where her father and grandfather once studied.

Lisa Peskova spoke a little about her childhood. It turns out that this blonde beauty had problems with self-esteem during her school years. According to her, she was plump, had problematic skin and her boarding school mates teased her Pinocchio because of her big nose.

In the fall of 2015, Elizabeth decided to leave ISAA and return to Paris to her mother and her younger brothers. In the capital of France, Peskova entered a business school and began to study Oriental languages ​​closely.

Elizabeth is very categorical about the Russian education system. The girl considers it absurd on the part of teachers to “shove all the information that exists in this world into students” and keep children in fear. Peskova believes that the education system, established back in the years of the USSR, should be replaced so that the younger generation has a desire to acquire knowledge.

At the beginning of July 2017, Peskova announced that she had joined “a public platform for supporting patriotic education and youth entrepreneurship in Russia.” Young businessmen who have interesting ideas for a startup, Lisa suggests contacting her and her colleagues. Previously, the girl announced that she did not want to connect her life with politics, but, apparently, genes are taking their toll.

The hype in the media space was caused by Lisa's visit to a shipyard in the Crimea. A 19-year-old girl posted on Instagram photo, in which she, dressed in a designer dress from the daughter of Ramzan Kadyrov, is captured together with the workers.

Lisa Peskova: legal proceedings

Internet users called Lisa’s visit to the plant “absurd”: many were outraged that the girl did not see the difference between “legal proceedings” and “shipbuilding” and advised plant workers to “develop PR strategies” without understanding the intricacies of the matter at all. The contrast of a dress costing several hundred thousand rubles with tired workers in overalls added fuel to the fire.

Personal life of Lisa Peskova

In 2016, at the annual Tatler debutante ball in Moscow, Lisa came out with her boyfriend, young businessman Yuri Meshcheryakov. At the event, the girl announced her engagement, but the wedding did not take place: Peskova and Meshcheryakov broke up shortly after Lisa’s 18th birthday. What happened between the couple is unknown, but Lisa hastened to delete all joint photos from social networks.

Pretty soon, Elizabeth found a replacement for Yuri, presenting to the public her new young man– Mikhail Sinitsyn, education worker. The girl posted for some time social media There are quite a few photographs together, indicating that there is much more between the young people than just friendship.

In the summer of 2017, Peskova shared a photo with French businessman Louis Waldberg, owner of the Tazer Lighter company, specializing in the sale of electric lighters. Obviously, Louis and Lisa are in love and very happy - the young people attended the Cannes Film Festival and a dinner in honor of the first match of FC Akhmat in Grozny.

Lisa considers herself a creative person - she writes poetry, draws well and dreams of writing a book in the future. When asked about which city Lisa likes to live in most, she answers that, as a cosmopolitan, she feels comfortable everywhere, but she doesn’t have any attachment to a specific place.

Lisa Peskova now

In September 2017, Elizaveta Peskova was convicted of plagiarism. We are talking about the article “The Illusion of Knowledge. Will new technologies kill traditional education”, which was published in Forbes on behalf of the girl. HSE Associate Professor Oksana Silantieva “ran” the publication through Anti-Plagiarism [a program that looks for borrowings in the text – approx. Find out.rf] and found out that certain fragments from Peskova’s article were completely copied from materials from other publications - Mel, BBC, Passion. 9% of the text was copied from a 2012 pedagogy abstract.

A couple of days after Silantyeva’s publication, Lisa Peskova’s Instagram account was deleted. The girl’s press service stated that she herself deactivated her profile so that nothing would distract her from her studies. She later recovered on the social network.

Statements by the daughter of the Russian president's press secretary often make it into the news. Also in the media are spectacular photos of Elizaveta Peskova, which she shares on Instagram.

Childhood, family and education of Elizaveta Peskova

Father - Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov - Russian statesman, diplomat, translator, deputy head of the presidential administration, press secretary of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

Mother - Ekaterina Peskova(nee Solotsinskaya) - a philologist by training, worked for some time at a school at the Russian embassy in Ankara. Then, together with a friend, she opened the Kale beauty salon. She heads the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Paris.

Elizabeth has two siblings, Mick and Dani, and a half-brother, Nikolai (from her father’s first marriage). Elizabeth also has a half-sister Nadezhda from Dmitry Peskov’s third marriage with Tatiana Navka.

In order for Elizabeth to study foreign languages, the Peskovs spared no expense on her training and education. Elizabeth's short biography is full of travel. Lisa Peskova usually spent her holidays in specialized language camps in France and Scotland.

As reported in the news, Peskova already knows five languages: she speaks fluent English and French, and speaks fluent Turkish, Chinese and Arabic. In her years, Peskova managed to study at various educational institutions: a Moscow gymnasium, a boarding school in Normandy, the Ecole des Roches school in Paris and the Moscow Institute of Asian and African Countries, where her father and grandfather once studied.

Elizaveta Peskova said that she has been living in the French capital for seven years and has no desire to leave. “I, like many of my generation, am a man of the world, a cosmopolitan, and I find the eternal accusations addressed to me funny when they say that I should live in Russia,” she emphasized.

Elizabeth also noted that the only problem she encountered when moving to France was the language barrier. “At first it was very difficult for me to get used to boarding school life, since they didn’t communicate with me and bullied me because of my appearance (I was an overweight, pimply girl with a big nose, and they nicknamed me Pinocchio), and besides, I didn’t speak any language at all. same language,” the media quoted the girl as saying.

Family relationships

In 2012, Dmitry and Ekaterina Peskov divorced after 20 years of marriage. Ekaterina Peskova now lives in Paris. She heads the Russian Center for Science and Culture in France. Three years after the divorce, Dmitry Peskov married Russian figure skater Tatyana Navka.

Lisa treats her father’s third wife well and is friendly with her daughter from her first marriage Alexandra Zhurina. Peskova said in an interview that she was having a hard time with her parents’ divorce, and was between two fires, because she loves both her mother and her father. “Tatiana did a lot to please me and my little brothers. She gave me a lot of different advice regarding my personal life, and never put pressure on me. And she was never like those evil stepmothers from fairy tales, but on the contrary, she is like a friend to me,” Elizaveta Peskova said in an interview.

Interests and criticism of Elizaveta Peskova

Elizaveta Peskova is a creative person. The girl is interested in poetry, writes poetry herself, and draws. Lisa has a dream - to write a book.

In July 2017, Elizaveta Peskova joined “a public platform for supporting patriotic education and youth entrepreneurship in Russia.” And although Peskova previously reported that she had no desire to engage in politics, nevertheless social activity she was carried away.

Elizaveta Peskova is active on Instagram, where the media often get stories for their news. Interest is caused by both the photos published by the girl and her statements on different topics. Elizabeth’s opinions often cause controversy on social networks.

The main scandal broke out in August 2015; a strong reaction was caused by Lisa’s statement that she did not want to live or study in Russia. “What I don’t like about Russia is that it’s great to live here only when you live in a wealthy family. Europe is more livable ordinary people. And I really like the mentality of my European peers, their attitude to life. I still feel better in a European environment. But if I leave, it doesn’t mean that I don’t love Russia,” Peskova said in an interview.

In 2016, Elizaveta Peskova said that the education system in Russia needs to be changed because Russian schoolchildren due to the volume of information received, they are under constant pressure, whereas in Europe “everything is done for a fun, pleasant interesting game».

“Our pensioners can be classified as morally disabled. They are no longer needed, everything that is possible is pumped out of them, and they are immediately sent to the margins of society. To survive,” Elizaveta Peskova was indignant at the attitude towards pensioners in Russia.

According to his daughter, Dmitry Peskov worked as a private driver while already working in the Kremlin. “I remember very well the times when our family had no money at all and my mother and father, having put me to bed, after work and study, left to “bomb” at night,” she said in an interview Elizaveta Peskova.

Despite living in Paris, Peskova did not stay away from the scandalous renovation in Moscow, which became the main news trend of 2017. On her Instagram, Elizaveta Peskova expressed support for the program for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow. In her opinion, “the city must be renewed, and one can only admire the mayor’s determination to begin such an ambitious program.” At the same time, the daughter of the president’s press secretary criticized the expansion of sidewalks in the center of the capital. She noted that “Moscow, no matter how much it wants, cannot become pedestrian due to the climate and long distances.”

“I wouldn’t like to discuss Elizabeth. This is my daughter, I communicate with her like a father and daughter, and I don’t think that this concerns anyone. She is a grown woman and can participate in the discussions that are currently underway. I don’t want to discuss this with anyone,” Dmitry Peskov himself commented on his daughter’s words about the renovation.

On Instagram, Peskov’s daughter posts not only her spectacular and sometimes quite candid photos, but also shares photos together with his father and brothers. From Elizabeth’s Instagram you can learn about how she spends her leisure time, who she communicates with, and about her travels.

In July 2017, the daughter of the press secretary of the Russian President visited Chechnya and met with the head of the region Ramzan Kadyrov, a photo also appeared on Instagram in which Peskova dances lezginka with Kadyrov. In another photo, the girl was captured in traditional Muslim closed clothing.

“A short photo chronicle of the beginning of my trip to the Chechen Republic. On the first day we visited the “Heart of the Chechen Republic”, the Veduchi resort under construction, then the waterfalls in the village of Nihaloy. The culmination of the evening was a wonderful show by the Akhmat football club, and the end was a traditional Lezginka. This incredibly beautiful place had a very positive impact on me energetically,” Peskov’s daughter wrote on Instagram.

The news reported that Peskova was criticized after visiting a ship repair yard in Crimea. A photo of Elizaveta Peskova was posted on Instagram, in which she is wearing a designer dress from the daughter of Ramzan Kadyrov. The contrast of the dress, which cost several hundred thousand rubles, with the tired workers in overalls was striking.

Elizabeth is no stranger to banter; the daughter of Dmitry Peskov also has a unique sense of humor. In the summer of 2017, she wrote a post on Instagram, captioning a photo of herself on a throne wearing a crown: “ The hour of revelation has come. I am Elizaveta Dmitrievna Peskova, the daughter of the country’s main billionaire and thief, press secretary of the head of state. This is the first text I write myself. All others are custom made. A whole team of serfs plows, to whom I pay your money for the sake of PR. My diet consists of lobsters sprinkled with macadamia and saffron, topped with albino beluga caviar, and Devonian crabs. In short, of everything you can’t afford, since your slave’s pocket is my pocket, embroidered with 60 carats of diamonds. I hope you won’t have to explain that all the liquid entering my body is no younger than my age. I sleep on marbled beef, sprinkled with eiderdown. Before every physical effort, I do my favorite procedure - gold wrap. The procedure involves wrapping the body in a pure gold bar". It must be said that not all of her subscribers appreciated Elizabeth’s humor.

Personal life of Elizaveta Peskova

About Elizaveta Peskova as a daughter famous father news is reported constantly. In 2016, at the annual Tatler debutante ball in Moscow, Lisa appeared with her businessman boyfriend Yuri Meshcheryakov. There, Elizabeth announced her engagement. However, the young people broke up and, as Starhit reported, Peskova even deleted her photos with her ex-boyfriend from Instagram.

Soon Elizabeth introduced the public to a new young man - Mikhail Sinitsyn, who worked in education, was reported in the news.

In the summer of 2017, she appeared in a photo with a French businessman Louis Wahlberg, owner of the Tazer Lighter company. Louis and Lisa are believed to be in love. They visited together at the Cannes Film Festival and a dinner in honor of the first match of FC Akhmat in Grozny.

Elizaveta Peskova (daughter of Dmitry Peskov, the famous Russian politician), or rather her photo, has not left the pages of magazines and newspapers in the last couple of years. She is quite independent, manages to do almost everything: live in France with her mother, come to visit her father in Moscow and meet a guy here, study at the institute, take up painting and become interested in fashion. It was this active girl who became the heroine of our article today.

From Lisa's childhood

Peskov's daughter, Elizaveta, was born in 1998, on January 9. Her father is known to us as the press secretary of Vladimir Vladimirovich himself, and her mother is a successful philologist.

Before her parents’ divorce (in 2012), the girl was a student at a Moscow school, and even then her teachers noticed her attraction to painting. She drew excellently, and her parents were advised to send her to art school.

When the couple divorced, her mother decided to go to France, and Elizabeth went with her. She also loves her father very much; on any extra day off, the girl hurries to board a plane to fly from the capital of France to the capital of Russia, where her father is eagerly waiting for her.

Elizabeth about her parents

Peskov’s daughter, Elizaveta, whose photo is in this article, says that she loves her parents equally strongly. Her mother teaches her all the tricks of a woman, supports her in all her endeavors and is her best friend with whom she can talk about any topic. The daughter and her mother love to go shopping in Paris, try on various things, and then take pictures in new clothes and post the photos on Instagram.

For Elizabeth, dad will always remain the rear, defender and head coach. Elizaveta Peskova says that her father plays sports and she likes to go skiing and skating with him in the winter, and in the summer just walk in the park, go to the cinema and very rarely go to restaurants. Also, Dmitry Peskov’s daughter, Elizaveta, receives hand-to-hand combat and boxing lessons from her father. She says that every girl should be able to stand up for herself, and is grateful to her dad for the self-defense skills she acquired.

The girl is not torn between her parents, she manages to be with both, without depriving anyone of attention. She got used to this from the first year of living in Paris and now takes constant flights for granted.

Polyglot Lisa Peskova

From an early age, in addition to painting, Elizaveta Peskova was intensively studying foreign languages. Of course, she taught them not from Great love, but at the insistence of her parents, but over time the girl realized that this was really necessary.

She admits that she loves to travel, and her perfect knowledge of several languages ​​and inclinations in some of them greatly help her in communicating with people, and she loves to communicate.

Now Elizaveta Peskova speaks fluent English and French, and is improving her Arabic, Turkish and Chinese.

Elizaveta says that as a child, her parents forced her to memorize up to a hundred foreign words a day, and checked them in the evening. If she didn't remember some, they could take away her phone for a whole week, so she tried hard. But she says that her annual visits to language camps in France and Scotland, where, again, her parents sent her, helped her more.

After Elizaveta Peskova realized that she liked learning languages, she began to watch films without translations. In some of them, she understood practically nothing and spent time with a dictionary to grasp the meaning of the film.

Elizabeth's education

Elizaveta Peskova studied at a boarding school in Normandy, after which she entered the Paris School of Art at the Louvre. The mother insisted that her daughter receive a standard Russian education, so Lisa went to Moscow and entered the ISAA where her father and grandfather received their education. A year later, the girl realized that she missed her friends in France and Paris itself, and, having quit her studies, returned to her mother.

In Paris, she entered a business school. The girl did not forget about Russia for a minute, especially since during her studies at ISAA she met a guy and they began dating.

Lisa's opinion on Russian education

Elizaveta believes that the education system in Russia urgently needs to be changed. She says, comparing with education in other countries, that Russian schools resemble hell. She speaks a little rudely, but it is immediately clear that education in Russia is equated with overeating, after which one feels sick.

Elizaveta Peskova believes that all the knowledge of the world that is crammed into children’s heads is useful only when passing exams, but in life they are not at all needed and are forgotten a year after leaving school.

The girl notes that in no case does she want to insult Russian education and make it look worse than European education. She says that she is simply comparing the severity of training, because she has been there and here. According to Elizaveta, Russian education needs to be adjusted, everything unnecessary should be removed from the curriculum and attention should be focused on important subjects that will be useful throughout the rest of life.

Of course, the majority of Russian students who consistently view her Instagram and like her will agree with her!

Relationships with younger brothers

Elizaveta Peskova is not the only child of Peskov and Solotsinskaya. She has younger brothers Mika and Denis. The girl loves them immensely, tries to help them learn, instill a love of art and learning foreign languages.

Elizabeth also tries to spend a lot of time with her brothers. She does not forget to post photos together on Instagram, where they are walking or just fooling around at home.

Elizabeth on her father's wedding

When the girl was asked why she did not appear at her father’s wedding with figure skater Tatyana Navka, she said that she did not want to be a participant in another staged show.

The girl explained that it was not a wedding, but a public disclosure of her relationship and proof of serious intentions.

Tatyana comments on this stepdaughter’s statement by saying that the girl is simply very emotional about her dad’s new relationship and is jealous of him. However, Lisa did not agree with her, but did not prove anything.

Further relationship with stepmother

After some time, Lisa and Tatyana began to communicate quite well. Elizaveta Peskova also posts photos online where she is pictured with Navka’s daughter Sasha. The girls became friends, but did not become friends - they attend different parties and are interested in different things.

Elizaveta Peskova says that Tatyana has become a close person to her, and she regrets that she did not notice this woman earlier. She shares in an interview that Tatyana gives her a lot of practical advice regarding not only her personal life, but her whole life in general. They spend a lot of time together when Lisa comes to visit her father, and even call each other when the girl is in Paris with her mother.

Lisa’s mother is not against such communication from her daughter. She is glad that the girl has finally matured, understood her father and sorted out her feelings for Tatyana.

Elizabeth about her future life

The girl says that she will never associate herself with politics. She prefers a free life, without barriers. She considers herself creative personality, writes poetry, draws and dreams of writing a novel. This is still in the plans, but now she loves to travel.

Elizaveta Peskova says that she will only live in Europe; she likes Russia, but only as a place to visit. She believes that you can live happily in Russia only if you are a wealthy person. In this regard, she prefers Paris, where everyone can live: romantics, the most ordinary people. She loves France very much and plans to live there all her life.

From personal life

While studying at ISAA, the girl met a guy named Yuri Meshcheryakov. The young people began an affair, and soon their sympathy grew into true love. They are the same age and understand each other perfectly.

Elizaveta Peskova, the daughter of Dmitry Peskov (photo can be seen in our article), is in a hurry to go on dates to Moscow, and Yuri is looking forward to his beloved girl. When they were only 17 years old, news appeared in the media that Lisa and Yura announced their engagement. Everyone was shocked by this statement and discussed this fact for a long time.

Elizabeth decided to reassure the citizens and said that a wedding was not yet included in the plans. They want to wait until they turn 22 and only then go to the registry office. Yuri completely agrees with the bride’s opinion and confirms her every word.

Lovers prefer to travel, attend parties, parks, and attractions. They want to take as much as possible from their youth, and only then start a family and have children. They announced their engagement rashly, under the influence of emotions, but do not regret it.

Elizaveta Peskova says that she is very happy, because she lives her life according to her own scenario, her parents do not interfere, leaving her the right to personal choice. And her parents say that she has not made a single wrong step in the free life that they provided her, and they are very proud of this.
