dose of benefit. How to take vitamin and mineral complexes correctly

Vitamin K was discovered at the end of the 20s of the last century by the scientist G. Dam, for which he was subsequently received Nobel Prize. This name is vital. important element received due to its ability to influence the processes of blood coagulation (coagulation). It is a fat-soluble substance that is a coenzyme of microsomal liver enzymes, an important nutrient. The oily substance is colored yellowish and absorbs ultraviolet light. Popular representatives of the group are K1 and K2, which can be obtained from external environment along with food.

When cooking food, K1 is destroyed by heat. In order for the substance to be absorbed normally, bile acid and fats are required. If the intestinal wall does not absorb fats, this is fraught with hemorrhagic diathesis. In this condition, there is increased bleeding, the development of intramuscular, intravascular bleeding, which is difficult to stop.

Vitamin K (phylloquinone) is absorbed from foods in the rectum and accumulates in the liver. Further synthesis is produced by the intestinal microflora. After absorption, the substance is transformed into epoxides. It is an enzyme and hormone element, an antioxidant. Coagulation processes require the presence of proteins, the production of which depends on vitamin K. The lipocomponent neutralizes coumarin toxins that accumulate in spoiled food. Minimizes negative effect substances with carcinogenic properties.

Vitamin K is a collective term that includes 7 structurally related compounds. Vitamins K1 and 2 enter the body from the external environment. A person can get K1 together with products that contain the element. The role of vitamin in the human body is invaluable.

  • K1 is good for facial skin.
  • The component is taken during pregnancy in order to ensure the normal functioning of the hemostasis system.
  • With its help, bone tissue is formed and restored. The substance takes part in the production of osteocalcin, a protein necessary for the crystallization of calcium.
  • Regulates redox processes.
  • Ensures normal blood clotting.
  • Synthetic analogues are used for wounds, traumatic injuries, stomach ulcers.
  • Holds calcium in bone tissues, prevents osteoporosis. It is one of the calcium cofactors that prevents it from being excreted in the urine.
  • Activates the growth of bone tissue in women with menopause.
  • Prevents calcium sedimentation on the walls of blood vessels - calcification.
  • Ensures proper protein synthesis.
  • Protective action on the prostate gland, liver.
  • Helps the liver to produce prothrombins - substances that form blood clots. Prevents internal bleeding.

The importance of vitamin K is a component in the hemostasis system. The substance is called hemorrhagic, coagulating.

Vitamin K sources

Vitamin K is found in plant products: green leafy plants, herbs, vegetables rich in chlorophylls. Smaller concentrations contain fruits and root crops.

  • The main sources of K1 are cruciferous: various types of cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts), nettle leaves, wheat bran, cereal crops, vegetable oils.
  • The substance is found in herbs: alfalfa, kelp, shepherd's purse, oats.
  • The source of K2 are microorganisms that are part of cottage cheese, cheese, milk.

With a K-hypovitaminous state, you can prepare drinks and salads from dandelion grass, nettle, alfalfa, spinach, vegetables, fruits. Regardless of which foods the vitamin is ingested with, fat is required for its absorption. It is recommended to introduce vegetable oils, nuts, seeds into the diet. Hypovitaminosis can develop with an unbalanced diet.

What foods contain vitamin K

Phylloquinone can also be obtained from squash, oats, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, potatoes, oranges, bananas, peaches, wheat, corn, carrots, beets.

Table of vitamin k content in foods

The standard diet is able to provide up to 350-440 mcg of phylloquinone per day. Deficiency states are rare, most often due to drug interactions.
Herbal K1 products

Dandelions (leaves)777
Spinach in a passivated / boiled form495
white cabbage77
green onion165
Grain products, cereals, legumes rich in phylloquinone (µg/100 g):
Buckwheat flour7.2
bran oats3.3
Wheat bran1.8
Foods rich in K2 (mcg / 100 g):

Vitamin K daily value

The daily daily dose for the prevention of deficient conditions is 1mcg/kg of body weight. If a person weighs 55 kg, it is recommended to consume 55 mcg of the substance per day. Taking antibacterial drugs increases the body's need for phylloquinone. A balanced diet with foods rich in vitamin provides its necessary daily requirement. If it is not possible to obtain a substance with products and treatment of a deficient condition is required, they resort to the use of drugs.

The need for K1-rich foods is increased in pregnant women. The daily dose is recommended to be increased to 66-72 mcg / day. It is recommended to consult with a gynecologist beforehand. Higher doses are required for patients with jaundice, uterine bleeding, tuberculosis, intestinal dysbiosis, hepatitis, radiation sickness, diathesis.

Vitamin K preparations

The main task of phylloquinone is to normalize coagulation processes. Thanks to K1, prothrombins are formed. These proteins are key components of the blood clotting system. The coagulation property of the component is the prevention of bleeding. If a person does not get enough of the substance from food, vitamin K tablets are recommended. An artificial synthetic analogue of the vitamin is the drug Vikasol. This is a synthetic analogue of K3, which is presented in the form of tablets for oral administration and ampoules for injection. The active substance is obtained artificially - menadione sodium bisulfate.

Pharmacological activity- The drug normalizes blood clotting.
- Participates in the synthesis of prothrombins.
Mode of application- The dose and method of application of Vikasol is determined by the doctor.
ContraindicationsThe drug is not prescribed for:
- Increased blood clotting.
- Blockage of blood vessels by blood clots.
Adverse reactionsSynthetic analogues of vitamin K can cause adverse reactions:
- Hyperprothrombinemia.
- Hyperbilirubinemia.
- IN childhood- convulsions.
Additional intake of vitamin K requires:
  • Inflammatory diseases that affect the intestines.
  • Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
  • Anticoagulant treatment.
  • hardening of the arteries.
  • The formation of stones in the kidneys.
  • Conditions in which bone mass decreases (osteopenia).
  • Fractures.
  • Chronic diseases of the liver.
  • Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder in which respiratory function is impaired.

Vitamin K interacts with other synthetic substances:

  • Excess calcium leads to internal bleeding.
  • An excess of vitamin E disrupts the absorption process. Possible negative impact on normal blood clotting.
Vitamin complexes are used on the recommendation of a doctor after a comprehensive diagnosis.

Particular caution is recommended for patients with thrombosis and embolism. It is necessary to inform the doctor about what medications the patient is currently taking.

Vitamin K for newborns

Lack of vitamin K in newborns is fraught with the development of hemorrhagic disease. Severe deficiency states are often seen in preterm infants. The child's intestines are sterile, the microflora does not synthesize the vitamin. A deficient condition is observed in a newborn with:

  • Bleeding from the navel.
  • Metrorrhagia.
  • Melene.
  • Hemorrhages.

A certain concentration of K1 is found in breast milk. In this case, the breastfed child receives a sufficient amount of maternal clotting factor. This prevents hemorrhagic disease.

Phylloquinone is recommended during pregnancy, as well as for prophylaxis before the onset of labor or surgery. If a deficiency is observed in a pregnant woman, then the placenta does not supply the substance in the right amount. With a decrease in the concentration of the component, there is a lack of beneficial intestinal microflora.

Treatment of the consequences of a lack of a substance in newborns is carried out with an injection of K1 immediately after birth. It is also recommended to take supplements rich in phylloquinone. In the diet of a nursing mother, there should be enough foods rich in the substance. Vitamin is included in artificial mixtures at a dose of 3.8-4mcg.

Causes of Vitamin K Deficiency

Food does not play a key role in the development of a deficient condition. Hypovitaminosis is caused by:

  • Bad nutrition.
  • Getting burns.
  • Gallstone disease.
  • Drinking alcohol.
  • Taking medication to thin the blood.
  • Deficiency of bile acids, which are required for the vitamin to be properly absorbed.
  • Enterocolitis.
  • The use of antibacterial drugs.
  • Inflammation of the digestive tract: irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Violation of the functioning of the liver.
  • Crohn's disease.
  • Long-term intravenous nutrition.
  • Cystic fibrosis.
  • The use of hemodialysis.
  • Taking statins.
  • Dysfunction of the small intestine, which leads to malabsorption of nutrients.
  • The use of products rich in preservatives, dyes, flavors.

The main symptom of a lack of phylloquinone intake with products is hemorrhage. Vitamin K is fat soluble. Regardless of what foods it comes from, fat is required in the intestines for it to be absorbed. Symptoms of deficiency in adults include:

  • Caries.
  • Stomach bleeding.
  • Weakening of bones, tendency to fractures.
  • Violation of the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Intensive menstrual blood loss.
  • Nosebleed.
  • Deterioration of blood clotting.
  • An alarming sign is the constant bleeding of the gums.

To check the concentration of a substance in the body, it is recommended to take a blood test.

What does too much vitamin lead to?

Hypervitaminosis K food does not provoke toxic conditions. Substitute drugs are used with caution, because. the agent may affect the blood coagulation system. Excess K1 provokes:

  • Blood clots.
  • Redness of the skin.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Intoxication.
  • Dysfunction of the digestive tract.

In severe cases, liver damage is possible. In case of manifestations of hypovitaminosis, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

In America, 85% of people consume vitamins daily, in Japan - 87%, in Europe - 60-65%. In Russia, this figure barely reaches 30%. And this also affects the duration and quality of life.

How to take vitamins correctly, says the head of the laboratory of vitamins and minerals Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, candidate of biological sciences Natalia Zhilinskaya.

Yulia Borta, Natalia Viktorovna, what vitamins, according to recent studies, do Russians lack?

Natalia Zhilinskaya: Basically, there is a deficiency of vitamin D, as well as vitamins of groups B and E. A part of the population has a lack of several vitamins at once. At the same time, our body needs vitamins constantly. diet modern man(with a calorie content of 1800 kcal for women and 2500 kcal for men) does not allow you to fully provide the body with vitamins and minerals. Simply put, we cannot eat the right amount of food to provide our body with the full range of vitamins and minerals from food. If we eat more, we will get fat, we will get a whole bunch of diseases associated with overweight, which more than 50% of the population over 30 already have. It has been established: even if the diet is as varied as possible, a person still receives less than 20% of vitamins (if he adheres to an adequate calorie diet). And if we take into account the transportation of vegetables and fruits, repeated heating and freezing of dishes, it turns out that there are even fewer vitamins in them. How much do we eat black bread, cereals, liver, fish? And these are vitamins of groups B, D, A, omega-3 fatty acids.

Therefore, vitamin and mineral complexes must be taken additionally.

How to choose vitamins? In the pharmacy, beautiful packages with them occupy entire shelves, but the composition and doses are different.

- Ideally, of course, first get a doctor's consultation so that he prescribes tests and, on their basis, determines how many and what vitamins are missing, and then he recommends vitamin-mineral complexes with just the right dosages.

However, in practice, many prescribe vitamins themselves. It is necessary to pay attention to the individual characteristics of the body: gender, age. There are vitamin and mineral complexes for men, women, children. At the same time, on the shelves of pharmacies and shops in Lately not only foreign-made vitamin and mineral complexes are presented, but also the range of innovative high-quality domestic products is expanding.

- It is necessary to proceed from what dosage of vitamins is indicated on the package. The most common are: 50%, 100% and more than 100% of the daily requirement. Given these dosages, the manufacturers themselves write in the instructions for use how and how much to take.

- And how to navigate and understand what dosages are needed?

The more varied the diet, the more vitamins the body receives. If a person adheres to a restrictive diet, he may need individual vitamins in higher doses.

Physical activity also requires additional intake of vitamins. For example, athletes or those who are actively involved in fitness need higher doses of vitamins A, C, group B, as well as minerals: calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium.

Is it possible to overdose on vitamins if a person started taking them on his own? Or is the excess excreted by the kidneys?

- Only an excess of water-soluble vitamins can be excreted from the body. These are B vitamins and vitamin C. Fat-soluble vitamins - A, E, D, K - tend to accumulate in the body. (By the way, for this reason, some manufacturers deliberately slightly reduce the dosage of such vitamins in relation to the daily requirement) Of course, they can lead to negative consequences for the body, but only if the daily intake is exceeded dozens of times.

— Is it possible?

— If a person buys a vitamin and mineral complex that is approved for sale in Russia and on the territory Customs Union, then there is no risk of overdose, since with state registration this product appropriate authorities strictly check the compliance of dosages of vitamins and minerals with the requirements of the current regulatory and legislative framework. The number of the certificate of state registration is usually indicated on the packaging and in the instructions for the drug. But if you buy vitamins on the Internet, then there is no guarantee. For example, in the US, some vitamins do not have upper intake limits. Therefore, the dosages in such vitamin-mineral complexes can be several times higher than Russian ones. In addition, some people buy several jars of vitamins or biologically active food supplements at once: for eyes, immunity, strong bones, etc. They take handfuls, and then wonder why they feel bad.

Individual intolerance to the components included in the vitamin-mineral complex is possible: these can be dyes, flavors, and other additives. Other side effects (if you take the drug as written in the instructions) should not be feared.

It must be remembered that vitamins should not be taken on an empty stomach either. It is usually recommended to take them during or after meals. Only chewable lozenges are chewed, not tablets or capsules. You need to drink vitamins with a sufficient amount of ordinary water.

- Nevertheless, there is a lot of writing on the Internet that artificial vitamins (except vitamin D) can be harmful. They are allegedly less absorbed than vitamins from natural products, and can even cause cancer.

- Synthetic vitamins are no worse than those that are part of food products. Chemical formula these substances are the same. Moreover, the absorption of vitamins from foods is often determined by the absorption of their synthetic counterparts.

Everything needs a reasonable measure. Do not think that if you take vitamins and antioxidants in handfuls, you will immediately look younger and ensure your health. Additional intake of vitamins only helps to maintain health along with a balanced diet and physical activity.

Konstantin Karuzin
Sports doctor, neurosurgeon, creator of bioniq health-tech solutions (BHS) smart personalized health monitoring system

The fact that vitamins are vital for the body and they have a great responsibility, we know from childhood. But not everyone still understands how they work and what they are for. Perhaps that is why, when it comes to nutritional supplements, there are a lot of myths and stereotypes around, invented by pharmacologists or simply by those who have not figured out the correct dosages, and therefore have not seen any result. Vitamins are really indispensable in the process of life. These micronutrients provide efficient work metabolic processes, affect immunity and appearance.

How vitamins work

In the course of evolution, nature has deprived people of the ability to synthesize vitamins inside the body. Although in some animals this skill is still preserved. For example, goats can make their own vitamin C. We can't, so humans need to get it through their diet. A balanced diet is the foundation of health. Neglecting it, many of our ancestors hundreds of years ago suffered from serious diseases associated with beriberi. One of these was scurvy - a deficiency of important micronutrients led to large-scale epidemics, as a result of which thousands of people died. It is believed that in modern world this should not be, but, as shown latest research, there remains a significant number of people who are deficient in certain substances.

Vitamins and trace elements are an integral part of working enzymes. The very structure of an enzyme is made up of protein. When we consume amino acids, they are first assembled into a chain, then folded and form a ternary structure or, in other words, the same protein that is used in the body as building material. It is during this process that vitamins come into action: they become the active center of the enzyme, without which the structure cannot work and subsequently collapses. Therefore, even such a microscopic part is an obligatory link in metabolic processes.

Hoxton/Sam Edwards

When to start taking vitamins

Earlier, in the Middle Ages, life expectancy was much lower. Cases have been recorded when people lived to an advanced age, but this was more likely due to their genetic characteristics than to real health indicators. Now, when we live much longer, there is an urgent need to pay more attention to your body. From this point of view, it can be compared with a car: the more carefully the car is operated, the longer it will serve its owner.

Eating right and getting micronutrients is one of the basic principles, and it is important to adhere to them. This is especially true for young people, since they, as a rule, do not lead a “regime” lifestyle: they snack on the go, go to bed late, do not always go in for sports, and even more so do not think about nutritional supplements. The paradox lies in the fact that up to about 30 years old they will still feel healthy, but after that a radical fork will begin: depending on the “initial” data, the body will age either slowly or quickly. Then the issue of nutritional balance will again gain its relevance.

Signs of beriberi

Such beriberi, as it was before, is now practically not observed. Hypoavitaminosis is more often manifested - a pathological condition caused by a deficiency of a group of vitamins in the body. It is usually characterized by a decrease in immunity, appetite, mood - signs that are quite difficult to distinguish from other diseases or simple ailments. Therefore, without a special laboratory test, it is impossible to determine the deficiency. Although when patients come to us, we already know in advance that, according to the average statistics, they will be deficient in vitamin D and some B vitamins - these are most often lacking in those who do not take additional micronutrients.

But vitamins E, A and C are less likely to be deficient. We consume them more actively from food, so sometimes we don’t even need to artificially fill in the gaps. It is the peculiarities of human nutrition that often limit the intake of vitamins in the body. In addition, any digestive problems get in the way of the absorption of beneficial trace elements into the blood, which also creates another artificial barrier. So, any deficiency of substances raises a more serious question for us: how much of them does a particular person need in order for his body to function correctly? You can't tell just by looking at your face. Only laboratory examinations help here.

The role of the sun and technology

Most often, vitamin D is in short supply. This is due to the peculiarities of its consumption. Nature has come up with a complex mechanism: to produce this trace element, a person must not only be under the sun with unprotected skin, but also actively move in this state for several hours. When the vitamin is formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, it needs to pass into the bloodstream - this is provided only by physical activity. If we just lie on the beach, vitamin D is also produced, but then it is instantly destroyed, without bringing any benefit.

Everyone knows that being in the sun for a long time with unprotected skin is at least unsafe for health and, of course, not so easy - it's tiring. Interestingly, as a biological species, we cannot exist in Russia at all. Here we are allowed to live by the civilization and technologies that we have invented. According to the original idea, people were supposed to populate only the southern regions - there we could generate the necessary amount of vitamin D. From the point of view of evolution, five thousand years is not enough to change this process. So we have to adapt to it.

What is Vitamin D for?

Vitamin D has over 2,000 different types receptors found in body tissues. It acts as a neurosteroid and enhances human cognitive abilities - improves work nervous system. It also improves immunity: data show that the incidence in children is reduced by 5-6 times with regular intake of sufficient amounts of vitamin D. This does not mean that a person forever forgets what the flu is and how to treat it. But the duration of the disease is clearly reduced: for example, instead of 15 days, you will have to spend only three at home. In addition, the vitamin is directly related to muscle strength and sex hormones, and it also affects skin condition and calcium metabolism, strengthening bone tissue.

Can you prescribe vitamins to yourself?

Incorrect dosages can lead to an excess of a substance in the body, although in the case of vitamin D this is less likely than with vitamins E or A. First of all, we are talking about the fact that a person incurs extra expenses, without which it would be quite possible manage, knowing the exact amount of the microelement needed by a particular patient. In addition, an overdose of vitamin D is dangerous for children - it leads to excessive calcium deposits. But even if there is no acute danger, chronic overdose may occur, which, according to medical data, can lead to the formation of kidney stones and other diseases. But it is almost impossible to exceed the daily intake of vitamins through food. Most likely, the indicators will continue to remain low, even if you monitor your nutrition very carefully.

To avoid negative consequences It is best to immediately contact a medical laboratory. It is necessary to conduct tests for both adults and children, and in dynamics - 1-2 times a year, be sure to update the results to see if the amount of a substance in the blood is changing. You can take an analysis for vitamins in the complex, or you can understand it in stages, examining one by one. Compared to conventional blood biochemistry, such tests cost much more: 1-3 thousand rubles. for the definition of one substance. This price is due to complex high-tech research methods. But the longer and more expensive the test is, the more likely it is able to show a more accurate result.

Is it true that we need more vitamins in autumn than in summer?

In the modern world, the amount of vitamins in the blood is completely independent of the season. If we lived in a closed space and ate only our own products grown in the garden, then this theory could have a right to exist. But since we use the same products in both summer and winter, except for the seasonal fruit period, which lasts only a couple of months, there is no difference. Meat, fish, cereals, vegetables do not differ from each other, no matter what the weather outside the window. The time of day also has little effect on the intake of vitamins. With the exception of some substances, which, in fact, are not vitamins, but still stimulate many processes. For example, magnesium is best taken in the evening for a relaxation effect, and ginseng is best taken in the morning for vigor. And for basic trace elements there is no specific schedule.

Do pharmacy multivitamins work?

None bad consequences from the course of pharmacy multivitamins will not be. But no matter how much you take them, with a probability of 99% they will not affect the general condition of the body and individual indicators in blood. The fact is that the middle capsule consists of components, most of which are not needed by a particular patient. Therefore, if excess calcium enters the body in a small dosage, it does not have any effect on a person. The remaining 10-20% of the capsule components, which are in short supply in the patient, do not compensate for these small dosages either.

For example, the average complex contains 400 IU of vitamin D, but the daily norm for an adult ranges from 2 thousand to 10 thousand IU, so anything below is a waste of time. Dosages directly depend on height, weight, physical activity, and if the correct proportions are observed, the vitamin in the blood should be in the range of 50-100.

Vitamins foreign and domestic

Unfortunately, foreign vitamins are much more effective than Russian ones, since our legislation strongly regulates the dosage of the substance. And American and European vitamins are not limited to low rates. But due to the fact that the foreign market is oversaturated with competitors, it is worth paying close attention to the quality of the product and not falling for marketing tricks. These include, for example, the form of the drug: capsule, tablet or liquid substance. There is no difference between them, but you should be careful with liquid vitamins: most often they do not combine with each other as well as granules in capsules.

Are there beauty vitamins?

Hair and skin are built from protein. In order for them to be healthy, it is necessary, first of all, to build their diet so that the amount of building material is acceptable. It is easy to calculate: for 1 kg of weight per day, you need to consume 1.5 grams of pure protein. In addition, we must not forget about vitamins D and C, since they provide the construction of collagen, as well as monitor the level of iron in the blood. You do not need to use collagen separately. Essentially, this regular protein, which is useless in compliance with nutritional standards.

Together, these components cover most problems that arise modern girls living in metropolitan areas. However, such a vitamin complex may not be enough if a person has internal problems with vital organs. So, yellowing skin often signals that you need to pay attention to the liver. Questions of this kind are resolved only on an individual examination by a doctor.

Vitaminized drinks in essence, these are a variety of juices and cocktails based on natural ingredients, which contain a rich set of useful substances and trace elements. It is recommended to use such products for both adults and children, but you still should not get carried away with them.

vitamins- This is a group of certain substances that are involved in important processes in the functioning of our body. Both deficiency and excess can adversely affect human health. Some need more vitamins, for example, children and people leading an active lifestyle. Since their processing of useful substances proceeds in an intensive mode, and it is necessary to replenish stocks in a timely manner. Older people, on the contrary, live in a more relaxed rhythm, respectively, they need less a large number of vitamins.

Yes, and the groups of useful substances differ from each other. Therefore, they should be taken based not only on lifestyle, but also on age, nutritional habits, area of ​​residence, general health and other factors.

The main types of fortified drinks

It may seem that only natural juices made from fruits, berries and vegetables can be attributed to the group of vitamin cocktails. In fact, this is not entirely true, and the number of varieties of fortified drinks is quite large.

Vegetable, berry and fruit juices

Using an ordinary home juicer, it will be possible to turn fresh fruits, berries or vegetables into healthy and healthy in a matter of minutes. natural juice. To get the maximum benefit from such a drink, you should drink it immediately, because literally after 30-50 minutes the amount of nutrients in it will almost halve. Vitaminized drinks based on natural juices are useful for everyone, without exception. They are especially recommended for pregnant women and children, as well as athletes and those who are losing weight - they have a colossal content of fiber, sugar of natural origin and a minimum calorie content. True, you need to be careful and make sure that there is no allergy to the components of the juice.

Milk and dairy drinks

This is one of those drinks that contains calcium necessary for bones and blood vessels. Drinking milk is good for adults and especially for children. It contains a rich range of vitamins and minerals. True, it should be borne in mind that with age, the ability to process lactose in some people is lost, because of this, after drinking milk, various unpleasant consequences can occur: flatulence, diarrhea. To prevent this from happening, you need to monitor the reactions of your body. If problems arise, it is better to exclude milk from the diet, replacing it with kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk. They also contain calcium, but at the same time, lactic acid bacteria are additionally present in their composition, they are able to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improve the intestinal microflora.

Vitamin Caffeinated Drinks

Coffee, black and green tea are still objects of scientific debate. Some believe that such drinks pose a threat to human health, so it is better not to use them, or at least reduce the number of doses. Others, on the contrary, see them as a complete benefit. Be that as it may, if you follow the rules of preparation, choose a quality product and follow the dosage, you will be able to get the maximum benefit from drinking such drinks. And, indeed, if there are no health problems, then why refuse a cup of aromatic coffee, which perfectly invigorates in the morning, makes you wake up, energizes you. Black and green tea also contain caffeine, so it is recommended to drink them throughout the day. Moreover, green tea is preferable because it contains antioxidants that neutralize the action of free radicals and thereby prolong youth, and is also an excellent tool for removing excess water from the body and cleansing the body of toxins.


This is a great option for a full breakfast. Such fortified drinks are especially suitable for children, as they are not only tasty, but also contain many useful components. As a rule, smoothies are prepared based on a variety of products:

    natural juice;

  • whey;

You can add absolutely any fruits, vegetables or berries to them to taste. To make a smoothie even more useful, it is worth including oatmeal or bran in such a cocktail - fiber will make the drink more satisfying, and will also help normalize the digestive tract.

Compotes, fruit drinks and infusions

Such drinks are familiar to many, but not everyone knows what is the difference between them. The main difference is in the methods and technologies of preparation:

    Compote is made from fruits and berries, water is added to them and boiled for 30-40 minutes. Of course, as a result of heat treatment, some of the vitamins are lost, but this is one of the options to preserve the benefits of products for the winter.

    Morse is cooked a little differently. Previously, fruits or berries are crushed, extracting juice from them. Then the resulting mixture is diluted with boiled water, sugar or honey is added to it to taste. In such a drink, vitamins are stored more.

  • Another cooking option is to pour boiled water over pieces of fruits and berries and insist for 6-12 hours. This is how healing infusions are obtained, which absorb all the useful vitamins and minerals from juicy fruits.
You can prepare infusions, fruit drinks and compotes not only from fruits and berries, but also various roots (ginger, ginseng) or herbs (thyme, mint, St. John's wort, oregano and others) are often added to them.


A traditional drink for any Russian person. Kvass is a product of natural fermentation, it contains a huge amount of unique trace elements and vitamins. In addition, kvass contains lactic acid bacteria that regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improve bowel function. It is especially pleasant to drink kvass in the summer, in the heat, because it perfectly quenches thirst.
You can prepare this fortified drink from different products, achieving different flavors.

Natural drinks and drinks additionally enriched with vitamins

Until now, there is an opinion that natural fortified drinks for children and adults are much more useful than industrial ones in packaging. Actually this is not true.

Indeed, freshly prepared juice contains a huge amount of nutrients needed by our body. But there is such a moment as the percentage of assimilation. For example, there are vitamins that are absorbed by the body only under certain conditions. Some are water-soluble, so our body absorbs them completely, while others require fats (fat-soluble) to absorb them. There are also micronutrients that can only be absorbed when paired with other vitamins (for example, calcium is better absorbed when combined with vitamin D). There are many such nuances, and you should be aware of them.

Drinks, additionally enriched with vitamins, on the contrary, are mostly balanced. They already contain the necessary complex of elements for better absorption of nutrients. These products are scientifically formulated to be a complete nutritional option for athletes, children, pregnant and lactating mothers. Thanks to production technologies and innovative types of packaging, manufacturers are able to extend the shelf life of such products and preserve vitamins in them as much as possible.

The benefits and harms of vitamin drinks

For cheerfulness and maintaining health, each person needs to consume vitamins and minerals. You can get them with food, or by drinking special fortified drinks. The presence of such foods in the diet has a positive effect on general condition health. This can be expressed:

    in improving digestion;

    in increasing appetite;

    in improving the quality of sleep;

    in strengthening immunity;

    in the improvement of teeth, skin, hair, nails;

  • in improving performance.
However, when drinking fortified drinks, you should follow the measure so that beneficial features such products did not turn out to be harmful to your body. There are several contraindications, because of which it is worth reducing the number or completely abandoning the use of such cocktails:
  • allergy to one or more components in the composition - it can be expressed in the appearance of itching, sneezing, tearing and redness of the eyes;
  • signs of an overdose of vitamins - if the body has received an excess amount of a vitamin, then this can be identified by signs such as peeling of the skin, headache, nausea, skin rash, drowsiness;
  • accumulation of certain substances in the body - some vitamins are able to accumulate in cells and tissues, so that this does not happen, you need to try to combine the compositions and alternate the set of vitamins;

    chronic diseases - if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels, then vitamin drinks should be taken with caution, preferably after consulting a doctor.

Pregnant women, children and the elderly are also not recommended to take vitamins on their own, only as directed by a specialist.
