What does a helmeted basilisk lizard do. Helmeted Basilisk (Basiliscus plumifrons)

In preparing the article, material from O. Dixon's book "The Mysteries of the Fly Agaric" was often used, for which we thank him very much.

The metaphysics of the red fly agaric is a separate topic, which has received much attention.

Red fly agaric, Amanita Muscaria, Fly agaric, Vapak ... How many names for this mushroom. Probably there is no other such famous and famous mushroom in the world.

Tales are told about him, legends are written, poems are written, songs are sung. The red fly agaric has become an indispensable hero of national epics. This is especially clearly seen in the subcultures of peoples, where the institution of shamanism has been developed and still remains, as part of this very subculture.

Yes. The red fly agaric has properties to change the state of consciousness (ASC). But the red fly agaric is not a hallucinogen!

The action of muscimol, the main substance to which hallucinogenic properties are attributed, is similar to the action of nicotine. If you come across a statement somewhere that the red fly agaric is a hallucinogen, know that this is a lie.

Unlike plants such as psilocybin mushrooms or peyote. Yes, and to achieve ASC with the help of the red fly agaric, you still need to try hard. Not every shaman succeeds.

Have you heard any fairy tale where the heroes burst psilocybe? I didn't hear either. How many books have you read about peyote? And I didn't read. Well, you can probably read about LSD only in the investigative protocols.

So why does the red fly agaric dominate the fronts cultural heritage very many nations?

Of course, muscimol and ibotenic acid are entheogens, psychomimetics, if you like, or psychedelics, whatever. But there are many such plants and mushrooms. And a lot with a lot more strong action. Why, for the most part, only psychonauts, psychiatrists and various specialists know about them. And everyone knows about the red fly agaric. Even a five-year-old kid unmistakably distinguishes him from other mushrooms.

People have lived side by side with the red fly agaric since time immemorial. Many researchers believe that he influenced the culture of man, his development, the very process of civilization in the form in which it exists now.

The Russian scientist V.V. Nalimov comes to the conclusion that “disclosure of abilities human brain occurred through the use of red fly agaric.

Amanita stimulated the development of imagination and communication, which caused the creation of symbolic systems and the flourishing of the arts. Here, no more and no less.

Some researchers even put forward such an assumption that the exodus of the ancient Slavs from Kiev to the north was associated with the use of red fly agaric: in the Dnieper region, these mushrooms are much less than in the northern and eastern regions, where they grow in abundance.

The indigenous peoples of Siberia do not eat mushrooms at all, with the exception of the red fly agaric. Shamans consider fly agaric to be the king of all mushrooms. Moreover, we are talking about the institution of shamanism in general, globally, and not only as part of the culture of the small peoples of Siberia. famous connoisseur Shamanism M. Hoppal writes:

Even among the most accomplished researchers, few people know that there is evidence in Hungarian folk beliefs associated with the use of fly agaric, a mushroom containing ingredients that cause hallucinations (here!), which was widely used in shamanism to fall into a trance.

It is known for sure that the use of the "mushroom of madness" was common in witchcraft (especially in love magic), but, naturally, there is too little data on this, since this practice must be based on the jealously guarded secret of taltos or tudos - pastors ("all-knowing shepherd")

For Mongoloids and Caucasoids, fly agaric has become a symbol of an “inverted” person, that is, a person with an open mind: the mushroom is red on the outside and white on the inside, and the person is vice versa.

Among the peoples of the Far North, such a comparison is justified by shamanistic ideas that a person, being in a trance or in a dream, is, as it were, an inverted, reverse side oneself: looks with inner eyes, hears with inner ears, etc. The symbolism of the red fly agaric is extensive and rich, more on that below.

Another remark about the hallucinogenicity of the red fly agaric. At the Homeopathic Congress in Tyumen, L. Surina, making a report on medicinal plants in Siberia, she told how she once saw a local grandfather sitting on a stump and putting pieces of fly agaric in his mouth.

When she asked why he was doing this, the grandfather replied: “I will eat a little - I will be healthy, I will eat more - I will be cheerful, I will eat a lot - I will sleep.”

This short but capacious phrase confirms that in small doses, fly agaric is not only not dangerous, but also does not have psychotropic properties.

There are many reports that when using one big mushroom, even in its raw form, there is no hallucinogenic or any other mental effect.

It is worth noting here that under laboratory conditions, a stable change in the state of consciousness (ASC) from the fly agaric has never (!) been obtained, despite the fact that this fungus, judging by numerous sources, causes a similar state during a shamanic ritual performed according to all the rules .

It is not so easy to get ISS from fly agaric. For many reasons. The use of fly agaric to achieve a change in consciousness in different peoples limited by various codes - from the ritual of picking mushrooms, to the rituals and rules for its consumption.

Metaphysics of the red fly agaric. sacredness

Chukchi and Koryaks classify fly agaric as invisible forces universal order - vagynyn (Koryak vagyrgyn). Vagyynyn in translation means “existence”, “being”, “essence” and has a categorical meaning.

Certain revered stars and "directions" also belong to this class. According to universal cosmogonic ideas, the earth emerged from the waters of the Primary (World) Ocean and initially was in the stage of an egg, which broke at the time of creation or is split by the gods to get the firmament.

Under the Primary Ocean is meant not water, as such, but some kind of infinite force, about which nothing definite can be said, except that it existed - vagynyn.

From the egg, from the bottom
The mother earth came out damp;
From the egg, from the top,
The high vault of heaven arose;
From the yolk, from the top,
The bright sun appeared;
From the squirrel, from the top,
A clear moon appeared;
From an egg from a motley part.
The stars have become in the sky;
From the egg from the dark part
Clouds appeared in the air.

As is known from the main provisions of symbolic anthropology, a person, being in culture, is surrounded by a web of symbolism, which is read like a text.

As a result, he perceives reality indirectly, symbolically represented. Watching the birth of a mushroom from an egg, the hatching of a bird from an egg, he begins to transfer these images to the whole world, describing it from things accessible to his understanding.

Thus, the mushroom and the bird become symbols of the world, and vice versa, the universal forces are reflected in everyday objects.

In shamanic folklore, the fly agaric is viewed from a destructive and creative position, like other higher beings. Its appearance shares the concepts of the three worlds of the Universe: the Upper World (a hat with dots - a sky with stars), the Middle World (a ring on a leg), the Lower World (a thickened base, otherwise called the vulva).

Many shamans who use fly agaric talk about this: “Amanita is like a person (microcosm): a hat is a head, a leg is a torso and legs. When smoking, you need to use hats to break through the head. The hat is connected with the Upper World, and the lower part, the rhizome, with the Beast of the Lower World.

The stem of the mushroom itself is similar to the World Tree, as is known from the cosmogonic legends of most peoples of the Earth, connecting all tiers of the universe (seven or nine - three for each of the three worlds) and forming an axis along which shamans can move from one world to another.

In cultures where fly agaric is used to achieve ecstasy, the symbolism of the hallucinogenic mushroom and the World Tree largely coincides, although not considered as one thing.

Metaphysics of the red fly agaric. phallic symbolism

The World Tree (pillar) and the mushroom are certainly the oldest phallic symbols, as various researchers of the issue have repeatedly written about.

In addition, the fly agaric is also a symbol of male and female union, as it grows from the “vulva” (the lower part of the leg). The red color of his hat is compared to life force like the blood that pervades all parts of creation.

In modern psychology and psychiatry, red is used in the famous Luther test, where it means activity, being in the present, arousal and sexuality.

From ancient times to the present, the phallus and fly agaric adorn the walls of houses and playgrounds. The only difference is that earlier such symbols were chosen consciously, but now the motivation for such a decision is not realized.

Erotic-sexual games also took place when using fly agarics alone. The alkaloids that make up the fly agaric act first relaxing, intoxicating, then general excitement sets in.

It begins to seem to a person that clothes interfere with him, he sings, dances naked, makes obscene gestures.

Metaphysics of the red fly agaric. Fly agaric - deer

The Koryaks believe that the creator of the universe, Kuikynnyaku (the Great Raven), created the fly agaric last on earth, so that people would have more fun.

In addition, he had to protect the world from evil forces. Among the Nenets, a hornless, hornless deer acts as a guard of the earth from the forces of evil.

So that the deer can fight back the nguo (a numerous category of supernatural beings), A white man gives his son horns: a large stone on one side and a mammoth tusk on the other.

In the old days, Siberian shamans put fur skins on the body and horns on the head to completely resemble the animal. Amanitas were commonly eaten as an intoxicant by participants in reindeer festivals. For many peoples of Siberia, a deer or an elk is an image of the entire Universe, as A.P. Okladnikov wrote about.

The man on the World Deer appears as a flea on a skin; trees are deer hair. The relationship between the fly agaric and the deer may have something to do with the number of spots on the mushroom cap. A dot or dots in a circle are known to be a symbol of conception, fertility, and are often found in the designation of the sun among many peoples.

Close to this symbolism are the ideas of some peoples about the fly agaric, as about a deer-bull. Orgiastic games in honor of the bull are widely known, during which various psychoactive substances were used, including mushrooms.

This can be judged from the surviving rock paintings, where shamans are depicted with mushrooms on their heads next to a half-deer-half-bull.

Metaphysics of the red fly agaric. Sanctuary Pegtymel

The oldest rock carvings of the 1st millennium BC. e., illustrating the mythological ideas about the fly agaric and the real experiences of people who have experienced the power of a hallucinogenic mushroom, were discovered by geologists and archaeologists in 1965-66. on the right bank of the Pegtymel River in Chukotka.

The whole complex of the sanctuary was named after the river - Pegtymel, stretching for almost half a kilometer. In 1967-68. the Pegtymel sanctuary was explored by the archaeologist N. N. Dikov.

Drawings (petroglyphs) carved on the rocks with pieces of quartz were photographed, stamped and filmed. Mostly on the Pegtymel rocks there are images of deer, scenes of tundra and sea hunting.

More than three dozen petroglyphs are dedicated to the fly agaric theme: fly agaric spirits, shamans, vision pictures. Spirits are most often depicted as naked or half-naked women with mushrooms on their heads.

In some cases, images of men with embossed genitals are carved next to naked women. The heads of people from which the mushroom grows, or the mushroom-shaped forms of the heads of spirits, are associated with a certain severe stage of fly agaric intoxication, which is characterized by sensations of fullness of the skull: “When you swallow a fly agaric, you feel strong; legs go, but the head is different - the head of a fly agaric is on you.

The petroglyphs of the Pegtymel sanctuary testify to the deep antiquity of the fly agaric cult in the Far North-East of Asia, which, apparently, lasted in its original form until the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries.

Metaphysics of the red fly agaric. Symbols

Fly agaric is associated with insects (ladybug) and with wolves (lycanthropy) and foxes, in which fly agarics turn around when in a trance.

And, of course, the theme of witchcraft is closely intertwined with fly agaric. It is known (we can recall “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov) that in order to obtain witch power, you need to rub yourself with a special ointment, which must include red fly agaric.

In scientific publications, with the exception of the American Handbook of Psychiatry, the term lycanthropy is absent and replaced by the diagnoses of schizophrenic psychosis or psychosis motivated by the use of toxins, characterized by a state of anxiety, obsessions of religious content, manifestations of sexual preoccupation and homosexual fears.

After the “reincarnation”, the next stage begins - the desire to use the surge of forces that has arisen, most often in destructive actions.

For example, Scandinavian berserk warriors, after taking fly agarics, began to feel like wolves and bears. They put animal skins on their naked bodies and, howling like an animal, rushed into battle, ruthlessly destroying everything in their path.

A special place is occupied by legends about fly agaric girls, smoothly turning into legends about mermaids.

Such legends and tales can be found everywhere in both Asian and European cultures. According to Professor Snegirev, all the beliefs associated with mermaids, pitchforks, nymphs, naiads, etc., arose from one common source.

Minor differences in their characteristics are associated with climatic conditions, the characteristics of the life of the people who created them, the degree of education, etc.

Some researchers believe that the word "mermaid" comes from the German Ruchelchen, that is, "beauty" and "kind of spirit." Fly agaric girls are described as seductresses with Beautiful face and slim body.

They have long Thick hair, often red, fiery color, but there are also blond, golden, black. In the latter case, it is usually added that fly agaric girls wear red caps, the color of the mushroom cap.

Metaphysics of the red fly agaric. Erotica

In almost all civilizations there are some taboos of a sexual nature.

With the use of fly agaric, such prohibitions governing everyday norms were easily violated. This was not considered indecent, as the individual was no longer viewed as an ordinary member of society.

He became part of another world and entirely belonged to it. As is known from the data of psychiatry, attacks of hysteria are often accompanied by tearing off one's clothes, taking off shoes and being naked in a variety of places.

At the same time, a person grimaces and performs various unusual actions, for example, jumping, screaming, exposing his sexual characteristics. We meet the same actions in the legends about forest women.

It is interesting to note that the manifestation of exhibitionism in the light stages of intoxication with fly agaric often begins with the removal of shoes.

At the same time, a person wants to feel the cold coming from the floor with the soles of his feet, as if he lacks “feeding” from the earth. “Extreme” exposure is accompanied by a sharp change in the chemical processes occurring in the brain, which can lead to ASC without drugs.

Many professional strippers say they experience a sense of euphoria and ecstasy that pushes them to become more and more outspoken.

It is possible that with fly agaric intoxication and exhibitionism we are faced with the same patterns of violation of the usual perception of reality.

Metaphysics of the red fly agaric. Code

Fly agaric, compared to other plant hallucinogens, does not have a strong effect on the human psyche, such as psilocybin mushrooms or ayahuasca.

The degree of immersion in the ASC and its quality when using fly agaric directly depends on the preparedness of a person for such an experience, knowledge of the relevant myths and legends, as well as on various conventions in the collection and specific application that formed the concept of “fly agaric code”.

E. P. Batyanova writes that at all stages from gathering to acceptance, communication with the spirit of the fly agaric is a certain ritual in which the sacred status of the fly agaric is determined by a system of prohibitions and prescriptions.

With the observance of all norms, the immersion into the unknown begins, in fact. Some shamans, before going to the forest to fetch fly agarics, wait for special dreams that tell them the individual place and time of gathering.


Collecting fly agarics bears little resemblance to collecting ordinary mushrooms, at least in that they are not looked for. A “real” collector and connoisseur of fly agarics feels their call, catches the signals emanating from them, which sometimes represent “cries” for help from those unfortunates that were knocked down, trampled or torn to pieces by someone.

Having found a fly agaric, the shaman communicates with the mushroom as with a living being, says why he needs it, meditates for a long time on his “spotted head”.

The one who finds the fly agaric must clearly demonstrate his good intention, experience true joy from the meeting and perform a song or dance in honor of the mushroom.

When a fly agaric is found, according to the “code”, you need to see if he has a family. All are collected in one bundle and never mixed with fly agarics found elsewhere.

In addition, the Koryaks believe that one should not tear too small fly agarics and one should not turn them “upside down”.

Modern gatherers from Okhotsk believe that fly agarics with the greatest psychotropic effect grow along the power line and are distinguished by their smaller hats. After picking the fly agaric, some shamans put a coin in the remaining hole - a gift to the owner of the forest: "You have to pay for everything."

The best way to dry fly agarics is to use a dehydrator.

Immediately upon returning from the forest, fly agarics, until they are limp, must be cleaned of adhering earth, leaves and moss, but not washed. At the same time, words are spoken about the future appointment of mushrooms.

Amanitas cannot be cut with a knife, pierced with a needle, strung on a thread, turned upside down.

The Koryaks believe that if a fly agaric is damaged, the same will happen to a person who eats such a mushroom: cutting pains in the abdomen will begin from a cut, colic from a puncture. The Chukchi believe that fly agarics can only be dried in the air, in the morning sun, periodically turning over.

Drying is considered complete when the mushrooms become light, slightly bending, but not brittle, and characteristically rattle when in contact with each other. Store them in a dry, ventilated place, often in tightly sealed jars or metal boxes.

If the mushrooms are still damp, they are dried again. Eating raw fly agaric is very rare, because. Ibotenic acid, which metabolizes to muscimol when dried, is still neurotoxic, so the less it is, the less the danger.

With proper drying and some period of subsequent storage, ibotenic acid is found in mushrooms in trace amounts. In addition, the amount of muscarine, the most dangerous alkaloid of red fly agaric, is significantly reduced in dried mushrooms.

The vomiting effect, when using fly agaric, is apparently due to the presence of muscarine. Some fly agaric drinkers claim that with proper collection and drying, all harmful substances disappear completely.

Metaphysics of the red fly agaric. Use

To use the red fly agaric (for the purpose of ISS) you need only dried. Before use, you need to carry out procedures for cleansing the body.

First of all, stop eating meat and fatty foods. Some abstain from food completely for a day or more.

It is good to adhere to the same rules of fasting, as is customary in Orthodox Church.

Along with food restrictions, you need to maintain an appropriate spiritual level.

Here, too, one can be advised to follow the traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church in matters of spirituality.

In general, if you are baptized into Orthodoxy and do not neglect Orthodox traditions, then we can consider you already quite ready for this new visionary experience (this does not apply to other Christian denominations).

The dosage of fly agaric is purely individual. When taking fly agaric, neither body weight nor the degree of physical fitness plays a role.

An important role is played by such factors as a person's personal inclinations, habits, the society surrounding him and the nuances of the morality of this society.

In addition, the circumstances of taking mushrooms and time play an important role, so sometimes one fly agaric is enough, and sometimes you have to eat a lot. The dosage also depends on whether the person has used fly agaric before or not.

If you are trying to join this experience for the first time, we advise you not to use more than one hat. And do not expect the action to take off right away, sometimes you need to wait 2-3 hours.

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to completely abandon the use of alcohol. Also, you can not use any carbonated drinks (in this case, the process of reverse “conversion” of muscimol to ibotenic acid is possible, which will lead, at a minimum, to severe nausea and indigestion).

Oddly enough, but taking fly agarics goes well with nicotine. Smokers and vapers - here you have a head start.

Very good idea have a “sitter” nearby, i.e. a person who will observe the process without taking part in it. Just in case.

Metaphysics of the red fly agaric. Consequences

If you still decide to join the fly agaric family, then you need to be prepared for the following manifestations of the action of the red fly agaric.

S. P. Krasheninnikov and V. G. Bogoraz identified three stages of fly agaric intoxication. The sequence of occurrence of certain symptoms is not unambiguous and depends on many reasons, the main of which is the psychological attitude of a person.

“Intoxication comes suddenly a quarter of an hour or half an hour after eating the mushroom,” writes V. G. Bogoraz. “Intoxication has three stages.

The first stage is characterized by the fact that the person feels pleasantly excited. His dexterity increases and more than normal bodily strength develops.

In this stage of intoxication the person sings and dances, often bursts into loud bursts of laughter for no apparent reason, and is generally in a state of noisy gaiety. The face takes on a dark hue and twitches nervously.”

Regular users of fly agaric claim that at moderate doses, coordination of movements is not disturbed, which allows them to engage in almost any activity.

At the same time, a consistent exacerbation of receptors is noted: taste, olfactory, auditory. Ordinary food turns out to be extremely tasty; in the body, with light superficial anesthesia, there is a surge of strength and vigor.

Contemporaries who use fly agaric report that when taking small doses of fly agaric alone, without the presence of strangers, there is often a desire to take off one's clothes in order to feel one's belonging to a beautiful world in which the body, regardless of physical shortcomings, also looks beautiful and natural.

I want to sing and dance, being “inside the cosmic streams”.

During the adoption of the fly agaric by modern city dwellers in the company, especially when one does not eat mushrooms, sexual arousal is usually suppressed and limited to barefoot dancing, modest acts of exhibitionism and antics. At high doses, such control by the mind may not be.

In the second stage, the psychedelic properties of the mushroom begin to appear. This happens differently for everyone and apparently depends on the initial mood of the visionary and his general mental health.

The third stage is deep sleep, very deep, impossible to wake up. After sleep, excellent condition and no hangover.

Metaphysics of the red fly agaric. Something went wrong

Miosis - the first sign of fly agaric poisoning

If in the process symptoms such as:

  • bradycardia
  • hypotension
  • salivation
  • lacrimation
  • profuse sweating
  • shortness of breath (very common)
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (often)

METHOD OF USE of fly agaric and cooking recipes.
(without heat treatment)

The method of using the red fly agaric, Amanita Muscaria, has not changed over time. It is eaten and, less commonly, smoked.

When collecting and harvesting fly agarics, there are several rules:

Collect only mushrooms of the species Amanita Muscaria, having previously familiarized yourself with them appearance and a description of the poisonous fly agaric.
You need to collect small mushrooms with a large number of white dots - they contain a higher content of psychoactive substances.
The active substances are concentrated in the cap, so it is not necessary to take mushroom legs.
Fly agarics can be dried in the sun or indoors, strung on a twine. Drying in an oven or oven is not recommended.
It is necessary to dry it - at the same time, toxic ibotenic acid turns into less toxic muscimol, which basically explains the action of the fungus.
After the mushrooms are completely dry, they are stored in a dry place at room temperature.

Dosage for oral administration
(This means how many to eat, if you have already decided.)

Firstly, in 2-3 days it is better to put yourself on a diet of light food.

Mushrooms should be taken on an empty stomach to avoid nausea.
For the first time, do not take more than 1 medium-sized mushroom! This is necessary to avoid overdose and to find out individual tolerance.
For the first time, a person who will "look after" the course of the process should be next to the recipient of the mushroom, since it is impossible to accurately predict the effect of the mushroom on the psyche and the body as a whole.

The dosage is given only for completely dried caps:

Doses of A. muscaria for oral use
Weak 1 - 5 g (1 medium cap)
Medium 5 - 10 g (1-3 medium caps)
Strong 10 - 30 g (2-6 medium caps)

Start: 30 - 120 minutes
Peak: 1 - 2 hours
Duration: 5 - 10 hours (longer in case of higher doses)
Post effects: 1 - 5 hours
Effects caused by fly agaric

The effects of taking Amanita muscaria can vary widely depending on individual sensitivity, dosage, time and place of collection of mushrooms.
The first effects appear an hour and a half after taking the mushroom in the form of slight trembling in the limbs (but these are not convulsions). Further, there may be a desire to sleep, a feeling of fatigue. If a person who has taken mushrooms goes to bed, then he plunges into a kind of half-sleep with visions and heightened sensitivity to sounds. If he prefers to stay awake, then visual and auditory hallucinations may appear. In general, of course, all this is strictly individual.
The action of the fly agaric lasts up to 6 hours, after the end of the action nothing like a hangover is observed.
Of the side effects, we note nausea, which can occur in the first hour and a half. If you do not take mushrooms on an empty stomach, then nausea is more common. There are pains in the abdomen.


Cooking and eating fly agaric

The most important aspect of preparing Amanita muscaria is drying and/or heating the mushroom. These two processes, through decarboxylation, convert the less active (and more toxic) iboteic acid into the highly psychoactive compound muskymol. If this is not done, then the activity of the impact will not be so high. There are several ways to cook mushrooms.
Fresh mushrooms can be roasted over an open fire following Wasson's method, which was discovered by a friend from Japan, where he toasted fly agarics over an open flame and then consumed them for a euphoric effect.
Another technique I have used is slightly different, but also involves the use of an open flame. I took unopened hats and placed them upside down over a slow fire. As they warmed up, a liquid condensed inside them, which I then drank. The result was a feeling of intense euphoria; I danced and hummed to myself against my will (both symptoms are very characteristic of notices of the use of A. muscaria in Siberia). Sensations of a very pleasant nature were obtained from the use of only 2 teaspoons of the liquid. I also thought of using the caps left after collecting the condensed liquid and squeezing the remaining juice out of them, but instead I swallowed them in large pieces and vomited terribly as a result.
I also noticed that when I dried my fly agarics in the oven, liquid seeped (leaked) from the mushrooms onto the baking sheet. This liquid can simply be collected by building a screen a few inches above the baking sheet so that the liquid will condense and drip onto the baking sheet and can be collected after it has dried. But, in my opinion, to preserve their natural color and shape, it is best to use a dehydrator. You can even juice dried or dehydrated (dehydrated) mushrooms and then heat the remaining liquid. This liquid can also be dehydrated and placed in gelatin capsules. If you've dried your mushrooms beforehand, you can either eat them or make a mushroom tea by heating some water to almost boiling point, about 190 degrees Fahrenheit, and adding ground mushrooms to it. Let them boil in water for about half an hour / hour and then consume, decoction, ground mushrooms - all together. For those who can't stand the taste of dried mushrooms or mushroom tea (like me who, for some strange reason, every time I try to swallow them, and sometimes even when just smelling them, I get a vomit reflex) the best option may be the use of gelatin capsules. Just take dried mushrooms, grind them and fill them into capsules. You can also make tea, dehydrate it, and put the precipitate into capsules. I have never tried making tea myself, but it is entirely possible that this method raises the muscimol content even more than drying, so this gelatin capsule method is worth a try. Since the main volume of alkaloids is contained in the skin of the cap, it is also worth trying to separate it from the cap of fresh mushrooms and then dry it, or simply remove the plates of the dried specimen to reduce the amount needed for consumption.
Perhaps a few less common ways should be mentioned, the first being the ability of the mushroom juice to be absorbed through the skin. This method was described by Adrian Morgan in the wonderful book "Toads and Toadstools", and this is the only source I have heard of this way of taking them. This method should work best in combination with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) - an aprotic solvent. Another interesting method is to use an enema or direct insertion of the fungus into the vagina, the second method is of course not acceptable as it can easily cause infection, or else worst consequences. Clark Heinrich, in his marvelous book Strange Fruit, suggests that there is evidence in tantric texts and art that points to these uses in highly symbolic rituals.
It has also been proven that smoking mushrooms causes a mild effect. Since the skin of the cap contains the highest concentration of muscimol, it can be separated from fresh mushrooms and then dried, or simply remove the plates and stems from dried specimens. I am also personally interested in learning about the effects of pure muscimol concentrated extract.
And one more method that I would like to mention is the most interesting and should produce the strongest effects. It consists of combining any of the above methods with Peganum harmala seeds or their extract to achieve MAO inhibition. I have never tried this method myself, but I am fully aware that similar experiment should have a very strong effect.

Amanita decoction

Collect mushrooms, wash, clean from dirt (we removed the red film from the cap - otherwise the broth will not be "golden", but with a reddish tint, however, there is an opinion that the hallucinogen itself is contained in this film - the question remains open), pour water like this so that the mushrooms are all in the water, but do not swim much (they themselves will give a lot of liquid). Cook from the moment of boiling for 20 minutes! After - drain the mushroom broth and drink - this is the "golden broth" of the berserkers! About cooking time - very important! The fact is that the poison that causes poisoning (however, like the hallucinogen) decomposes under the influence of temperature and decomposes exponentially! Hence 2 conclusions - undercooking (less than 15 (!!!) minutes from the moment of boiling) threatens with serious poisoning! (one guy this summer, having found out the recipe (however, I said that you need to cook for 15 minutes ((- well, I was mistaken - I cooked it myself on the same evening based on the same 15!) got very addicted! - so be careful, t Turning to a doctor with a complaint of poisoning with undercooked fly agaric, you can run into a "misunderstanding"! :) If you digest it - you won't eat anything - after 40 minutes of cooking, they are no different from boiled russula! The first time I cooked 27 minutes, drank 6 people and different doses - no one got through!: (Now about the dosage - a glass for an adult man is enough for 1-1.5 hours (pure broth). Some recommend mixing 1: 1 with vodka - the buzz comes! In battle - just right - This summer I boiled a decoction for 17 minutes - the effect: first, slight nausea (I want to warn you that these are more likely psychological phenomena - self-hypnosis: "fly agaric is poison, so I drank poison -> I should be sick), then apathy and pulls slightly to sleep - it is better to start moving (at least walking), but then ....
1) Decreased tactile sensitivity - the skin and muscles do not feel touch and pain! (I asked my wife to bite my ear - she clenched her jaw - I just started to feel pressure, and she said that she should have splattered blood!) - is it clear where the berserkers who do not feel pain come from? 2) high tide physical strength huge! (they put 50-60 kilogram girls on their shoulders and jumped rock and roll several times in a row! no fatigue!) 3) you don’t get out of your breath! (all the same rock-n-roll is evidence of this!) After an hour and a half, it “let go”, and the retreat was within a few seconds! - fatigue immediately piles up, all bruises emerge, etc. From the mixture with vodka, people crushed birch trees in their wrists and played rugby with a virtual ball - everything is real: ball rally, fight, passes, passes, scoring, but ... there is NO ball !!! :))) ... gate football ones made of steel pipes were thrown 15 meters from the beach into the water, etc.

Amanita tinctures

There are several dozens of preparation methods, as well as consumption patterns: It is better to drink fly agaric tincture with 0.5 tbsp of water infusion of chaga birch fungus or drip it into 0.5 tbsp. diluted befungin (pharmaceutical preparation from chaga). For the preparation of tinctures, only hats are used.

The first way: Cut them into small pieces, weigh them, pour an equal amount of water (by weight) and insist at room temperature for one month.
The second way: chop the hats, put them in a jar to the top, close with a nylon lid and bury in the ground to a depth of 1 m for 1 month. Then strain and mix the resulting juice with an equal amount of vodka.
The action of mushrooms collected in the same area but in different seasons may differ in the ratio of nausea / somatic effects to mental / entheogenic ones.

When taken orally, the effects of iboteic acid appear at doses of 50-100 mg. When taken orally, the effects of muscimol appear at doses of 10-15mg.

The danger of Amanita species is primarily that it is impossible to immediately determine the content of biologically active substances and poisons. Therefore, one must start with small doses in order to get acquainted with the potency of the material and avoid a dangerous overdose, one must not forget that not only a lethal dose is unpleasant, but the most common signs of poisoning that require medical attention may appear.

Amanita tea

1. Boil a small amount of water, as much as you can drink at a time, as the taste is rather nasty.

2. Add a few crushed vitamin C tablets or lemon juice, this will increase the acidity of the water, but not sure if this is necessary. (I think this is a good trick, since I read that the active substances of the fly agaric are leached by water, and the acidic environment minimizes this - approx. Doctor Muhomoroff)

3. Pour in chopped mushrooms. (No more than 1-2 pieces for the first time! approx. Doctor Muhomoroff)
4. Let simmer for 15 minutes.
5. During the last three minutes of the boil, add a tea bag to cover the taste of the mushrooms.
6. Strain, discard the mushrooms, leaving the liquid.
7. Cool and add sugar.
8. Amanita tea is ready.

fly agaric smoking

This is an unconventional way. However, references to it are quite common.
For smoking, they take the dried upper red skin from the mushroom caps, along with white scales and a yellow layer underneath. It is finely ground, a little aromatic herb, such as mint, is added.
The dosage has not been precisely established.
The effects of smoking fly agaric are much milder than those of oral use. Sometimes they are almost invisible, sometimes it is a feeling of uplifting and an excess of vitality and energy.
(Unfortunately, I can add on my own behalf that of the several attempts to smoke fly agaric, not one of them was crowned with anything. approx. Doctor Muhomoroff)

PeSe: FLY AGARIC - Fly agaric
Amanita muscaria. Family Agaricaceae (plastinaceae).
Material: Mushrooms with red caps and white scales growing in rainy weather in birch and pine forests of northern temperate zone eastern and western hemispheres.
Application: Mushrooms are harvested and dried in the sun or in an oven at 200 degrees Fahrenheit (93 Celsius). Do not take more than one medium-sized fly agaric until individual tolerance has been clarified.
Active substances: Muscimol and ibotenic acid, which turns into Muscimol upon drying. Some amounts of muscarine are also present, but due to its poor ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, it has not been credited with being responsible for the psychoactive effects.
Effects: Varies with individual, mushroom source, dosage. Usually after 30 minutes there is dizziness, slight convulsions, sometimes nausea, followed by numbness of the legs and twilight sleep for 2 hours, with color visions and heightened sensitivity to sounds. After that, a surge of cheerfulness, strength and energy can happen. Hallucinations and size changes are typical. The whole session lasts 5..6 hours. Muskimol is a hallucinogen that acts on the central nervous system. Ibotenic acid causes skin redness and lethargy. Muscarine is a highly toxic hallucinogen.
Contraindications: Mistakes in identification. Some closely related amanita species are extremely toxic. They include A. pantherina, A. virosa, A. verna, A. phalloides ("destroying angel"). Large amounts of A. muscaria can also be lethal. Three mushrooms is the absolute maximum.
Note: Consumed Muskimol for the most part passes into urine unchanged. Siberian fly agaric eaters practice drinking such urine for reuse psychoactive material.

If the use poisonous mushrooms“lies” on the conscience and health of only mushroom pickers, then for the massive collection, cultivation and distribution of some species in most European countries provided for criminal liability. We are talking about hallucinogenic mushrooms.

According to the scientific classification, they are divided into two categories:

  • mushrooms from the fly agaric family;
  • psilocybin mushrooms, which have in their main composition such dangerous substances as psilocybin and psilocin (psilocybe, fibers, hymnopiles and paneoluses).

How do these fungi affect the human body?

It is noteworthy that the “degree of danger” for each species is different: some mushrooms retain their properties after being stored in a dried form, while in others they completely disappear, and there are also specimens that even cause hallucinations when fresh indoors. without using them, by inhaling the aroma.

After the use of representatives of the fly agaric, after 30 minutes, a sleepy state sets in, which is accompanied by vivid visions (sometimes the symptoms "delay" for 3-4 hours). It is replaced by strong arousal with hallucinations, and this happens in turn. In addition, dizziness, convulsions and confusion of speech occur. Do not forget about the muscarine contained in fly agaric species: it causes profuse salivation, lacrimation, vomiting and diarrhea, in general, there are all signs of poisoning.

Psilocybin mushrooms act even faster and sharper:

  • 15 minutes are enough to feel the touch of needles, rolling in waves throughout the body;
  • sharpened perception outside world, both sounds and light, and taste sensations;
  • there is anxiety, turning into panic;
  • strong rage and aggression rolls, not only to others, but also to oneself personally, often ending in murders and suicide;
  • in other cases, positive emotions are also observed - a feeling of flight, euphoria.

This continues until the effect of the hallucinogen is over.

It is impossible to foresee what effect the use of mushrooms, rage or euphoric freedom will have.

The simultaneous intake of mushrooms from both categories has an extremely serious consequences leading to severe disorders of the nervous system and reduced blood clotting. We invite you to learn more about famous species hallucinogenic mushrooms, so that during silent hunting dangerous specimens did not end up in your basket, and did not spoil the dinner with an undesirable, and sometimes even dangerous, effect.

The sacred mushroom of the ancient Maya - red fly agaric

One of the most famous hallucinogenic mushrooms is the red fly agaric due to the high content of ibotenic acid, muscimol and bufotenin in the pulp. Its bright red hat with white warts is clearly visible among the grass, but the white flakes are easily washed off after heavy rain. The tuberous leg near the ground is empty inside, looks like a cylinder and is ringed. After eating the poisonous white pulp, the first signs in the form of nausea occur within 20 minutes.

Among the African tribes, fly agaric is nicknamed "eat and hear a voice from heaven." Ancient peoples often used red fly agaric during rituals and prepared a "divine drink" based on it, which causes hallucinations.

fun mushroom

Among the agaric mushrooms of the Strophariaceae family, there are miniature and slender mushrooms called psilocybe semilunate. They grow mainly in grass, among abandoned farms, where the soil is fertilized with manure after animals. The diameter of the conical cap does not exceed 25 mm, but in height it is one and a half times larger. The skin is slimy and easily detached, painted beige, in old mushrooms it is brown. A moist growing environment contributes to the appearance of darker stripes on the hat. The leg is quite high and thin, but very flexible, slightly lighter than the hat. The yellowish flesh on the break turns blue (and also when dried).

Psilocybe semilanceolate is also called the merry-go-round for its hallucinogenic properties. Other names for the fungus: sharp conical bald head, freedom cap.

Psychoactive substances contained in mushrooms have an almost irreparable effect on the nervous system and psyche. 10-20 minutes after drinking a decoction with mushrooms, consciousness begins to change, peace sets in, turning into depression and possible loss of mind. The action of mushrooms lasts up to 7 hours, but the enhanced perception of the surrounding world persists for several more days.

Weakly hallucinogenic Paneolus moth

A bit like a jolly and another grass-dung inhabitant, moth paneolus. Most often it can be found in grassy areas with cow or horse dung. Young mushrooms have gray-brown caps, conical, slightly bent inward, with scaly remains of the bedspread. With age, they acquire the shape of a bell, brighten, and almost all of the scales fall off. The length of the leg can reach 12 cm, it is very brittle, hollow, dirty brown in color, which becomes darker when pressed. In small mushrooms, the leg is covered with a white coating, while in adults it is not. The grayish flesh is thin, odorless.

According to some sources, psilocybin is contained in the pulp of this mushroom in a small concentration, but it still causes hallucinations, albeit an order of magnitude weaker.

Mushroom that causes schizophrenia syndrome - sulfur head

One of the highly active types of hallucinogenic mushrooms is sulfur head - small mushrooms that grow on logs and in wet grass. In young specimens, the cap has the shape of a cone, but then completely straightens, and the edges are bent upwards. Its diameter does not exceed 5 cm, and the color can be either yellow or chestnut, depending on the weather (it gets darker during rains). The length of the yellowish leg is on average 10 cm, slightly thickening below.

If the cap is damaged, dark blue spots of irregular shape appear on its surface in these places.

A quarter of an hour after consuming the sulfur head, a person falls into a delusional state, all feelings become aggravated, the sense of reality is lost. The mushroom causes mental dependence with frequent use, and also disrupts the activity of the cardiac system and causes kidney failure.

Mushroom growing in poop - poop bald head

Shitty stropharia, as this variety is also called, can not be found so often in our area (the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits growth falls on Central America and Mexico), but it does not hurt to know about it. The poop bald head got its name for the love of the excrement of animals in which it grows, as well as for a small (no more than 2.5 mm) brown semicircular hat with reflections and longitudinal strokes, decorated with a light border around the edges. Her leg is brittle, slightly lighter, thickened at the bottom.

Less than half an hour after dinner with shitty stropharia:

  • confused consciousness;
  • limbs begin to tremble;
  • there are hallucinations and a feeling of endless joy or, conversely, anxiety.

Prolonged use of poop baldness leads to severe mental disorders.

Bright beauty stropharia blue-green

Among the rotten wood of spruce species, a small group grows in small groups. beautiful mushroom bright color - blue-green stropharia. In young specimens, the conical hat is dark blue with a green tint and is covered with thick mucus. A darker upland is visible in the center, and white flakes hang from the edges - the remains of a bedspread. Old mushrooms are no longer as slimy and less bright. The leg is of the same color with a hat, scaly in the lower part, and ringed on top. In the context, the hat is bluish, and the leg is yellow, the flesh smells good. The total height of the mushroom does not exceed 10 cm.

Blue-green stropharia is considered an edible mushroom in most countries and is eaten after removing the skin and boiling it well. However, its pulp contains meconic acid, which is part of opium, and raw or undercooked mushrooms cause mild hallucinations, however, after two hours the effect disappears.

Inedible and even poisonous mycena pure

Mycena pure contains such a dangerous substance as muscarine, and can not only cause hallucinations, but even lead to lethal outcome if you eat a lot of mushrooms.

First, a person loses a sense of reality and sensitivity increases, then changes occur at the level of the body, namely:

  • pupils decrease;
  • saliva and bile begin to stand out profusely;
  • the pulse becomes frequent;
  • body temperature decreases;
  • convulsions appear.

In some countries, pure mycena is protected from destruction and is listed in the Red Book.

Outwardly, the mushroom looks very modest: a slightly convex thin cap is painted in a pale purple color, villi hang down along the edges. The hollow leg at the top is slightly lighter. The pulp is watery, smells like alkali.

Photogenic Hymnopilus of Juno

In the middle of summer, whole families of rather large mushrooms grow under oaks with orange fleshy hats on dense legs in a brown belt. This is Juno's hymnopilus and its yellowish, very bitter and almond-smelling flesh contains psilocybin. After dinner, such mushrooms can be admired by visual hallucinations for several hours.

The amount of psychedelics in the pulp of hymnopilus depends on the locality of growth: the most hallucinogenic are mushrooms growing in countries Far East, and here European species may be completely harmless.

ergot cereal crops can provoke an entire epidemic, because even after heat treatment (for example, baking bread), mushrooms retain their dangerous properties.

A small amount of mushrooms eaten intoxicates the mind, causing joyful euphoria or unreasonable rage, but large doses of alkaloids kill. However, on the basis of this fungus created a lot medicines helping in the treatment of female, nervous and mental diseases.

There are many more varieties of hallucinogenic mushrooms that have Negative influence not only on health, but also on the human psyche. It is strongly not recommended to collect them even for good purposes, such as making homemade medicinal potions, because it is very difficult to calculate the dosage. Self-medication is more expensive for yourself, and certainly do not use such mushrooms to “lift your mood”. Take care of yourself and collect only edible mushrooms!

How hallucinogenic mushrooms work - video
