Show-off, boasting and self-affirmation. Is show-off good or bad? Consequences of "showing off"

Very often you hear the word “show-off” or “show-off”. People often say “don’t show off”, “cheap show-off” and similar expressions. But at the same time, not everyone knows the meaning of these phrases, and not everyone thinks about what it is. Many people believe that this is ordinary jargon that is not worth focusing on. And in fact? What is "show-off"? Is show-off good or bad? Why do people “show off”? Let's try to understand these issues.

What is show-off

Show-off is a slang term that means showing off or showing off. In other words, a person’s desire to show himself in the best light, to “show off.” As a rule, the word has a strong negative connotation. Often a person who exaggerates his merits or fortune is said to be “showing off.”

Pont as a behavior

Show-off is a manner of behavior that can manifest itself in all types of human activity. A person can brag about anything and anywhere. Most often, people who “show off” are for whom material values- The main thing. In this situation, the most suitable synonym would be the word “boast.” If a person “shows off” in terms of intelligence or level of development, the word “smart” would be appropriate here. “Showing off” is typical for people of all age groups and any social status. But most often, “show-off” is typical of teenagers in adolescence. They are simply looking for themselves, wanting self-affirmation, trying to show themselves in their best colors. It’s very good if the “show-off” goes away with adolescence. Otherwise, it can develop into a chronic disease that will haunt the person throughout his life.

They say “show-off is worth more than money.” But in reality - is this good or bad? The word “show-off” has an extremely negative connotation for the reason that often “cheap show-off” goes beyond boundaries and leads to the humiliation of other people, since those who like to “show off” put themselves above everyone else and want to show that those around them are no match for them.

The main reasons for showing off

One of the main reasons why people show off is low self-esteem. A person may have a certain complex, be unsure of himself, and in this way he tries to assert himself among others, attract attention to himself, and show that he is superior to others in some way. Often the goal of “show-off” can be the desire to make everyone envy themselves. For example, a person can pass off cheap clothes as expensive, a fake phone as an original, or tell everyone that he is going on vacation to Egypt.

Unfortunately, in frequent cases“show-off” can lead to injury and even death. For example, a person can tell everyone that he will climb tall tree or drive a car along river ice. Such situations often result in fractures, bruises and irreparable consequences.

Also, people often “throw in cheap show-offs” when they want to show how successful and “cool” they are. But this can turn out to be very false, feigned, and the halo of a successful person dissipates. Such people often remain lonely, without friends and communication. It becomes increasingly difficult for them to find someone to talk to, because those around them immediately see who is in front of them.

Exaggeration of one's own merits occurs when a person simply needs to feel his importance. For this purpose, he talks about his real-life merits. But the trouble is that these people will decorate even the smallest and most trivial actions as if they had accomplished a feat. And again, they do not find approval and are left alone with their “show-offs”.

Can show-offs have a positive connotation?

Is there such a thing as a “good show off”? It’s extremely rare, but there are some cases where it was show-off that forced a person to work on himself. This happens when a person “shows off,” perhaps even thoughtlessly, but there is nowhere to retreat, and you don’t want to spoil your reputation. In this case, a person begins to work hard on himself to achieve the desired result. But more often the completely opposite situation happens. The person “showed off,” and then, fearing exposure, withdrew into himself, broke off the relationship, or even committed a crime.

Is it possible to get rid of show-offs?

Showing off is like a bad habit or a disease. Is it possible to get rid of them? Yes, it's real. It’s enough just to understand that every person is unique, everyone has some abilities, everyone can show themselves in something and achieve success. You need to learn to find and highlight something beautiful in every person, to see their merits in everyone. And the main thing is to be able to forgive shortcomings and mistakes. Then people will not strive to show themselves in the best light, they will understand that they are perceived and loved for who they are. If these are close friends, you can simply hint delicately or even frankly talk that it doesn’t matter what kind of car, clothes, phone they have - they are just wonderful, beloved people with whom it is good and comfortable. Such straight Talk will significantly increase a person’s self-esteem, and the problem of “show-off” should disappear.

1 Most of our citizens have heard the word “Show-off” more than once, but what is Ponty and what they are “eaten with” cannot be answered by everyone. If you ask the question out of interest, what does Ponty mean? Almost everyone will start bleating: " Well, this is the state of a person when he...". It should be understood that in ordinary life this term carries a clear negative meaning, there are no such people in Russia that at least once I would not use this jargon in my conversation. Read some more interesting publications on the topic of Internet jargon, for example, what Light means, how to understand the word Likedrocher, what Like means, what Lagi is, etc.
So, show off or show off is?

In fact, show-off is the behavior of a person when he tries stand out from the crowd, and in most cases it looks rather disgusting. From time immemorial, people have boasted about their real or imaginary successes, their wealth, and this happens in our time. Usually a person brags about his material capabilities.

Show off- this is cool. Showing off is showing people around you what you have achieved in this life. For example, showing off your credit car. Such ponto cutters have never been loved and are not loved

Sometimes, people who do not have material values, but who still want to stand out, begin to show off their education or intelligence. For such citizens, the people came up with a weighty word - “to be smart.” Over time, show-offs began to unite those who boast of their financial situation with those who stick out their intelligence.

Citizens of any show off social status and prosperity. In fact, according to most people, their show off should enhance their social status. Some may ask: " In general, why do you need to show off??".

Reasons for showing off

First reason. Make a lasting impression on surrounding citizens. To do this, a certain aura of demand and success is created around oneself, and in some unknown way a subconscious rise in one’s rating occurs. It is very important for some people to appear more "cool" than they really are. The greater the external rating an individual has, the more he captures the minds of other, less successful citizens. For example, an idea expressed by a famous politician or a movie star will be more significant than the same thoughts expressed by a simple, unknown engineer.

The second reason. Repetition of one's distinctive features and reproduction of merits gives the individual greater confidence in his abilities. In most cases, psychologists noted that it is precisely those individuals who show off who are not confident in self-importance . You shouldn't take show-offs very seriously. It is worth noting one more detail: if there is too much show-off, the attitude towards such a person can become negative, causing severe irritation and rejection.

Show off usually cause envy, and this feeling, as we know, can be a detonator of unpleasant events. You can hear several expressions with the word pont that should be clarified.

Show off- this is to point out facts that will arouse respect and admiration from the interlocutor; a synonym for the expression can be called “show off.”

Cheap show-offs- this is a mention of such events and facts that only cause irritation and bewilderment, as something of little significance, in fact, this is unfounded boasting.

However, show-off in some cases, a very useful thing. After all, having learned to present your show-off intelligently, you can express yourself in a good way. True, do not forget to show off politically correct and very tactfully.

You have probably noticed more than once people who have the keys to their car in their hands, in this way they unobtrusively demonstrate their status, in addition, it would be a good idea to show others an expensive model of your phone. In addition, in a conversation you can casually mention a service that you completely disinterestedly provided to your friend. colleague / relative / friend. Such show-offs do not particularly irritate anyone and are a completely decent act.

However, it’s a completely different situation when, in a conversation, a person begins to throw around words like: “ yesterday I lit a cigarette from a hundred dollar bill”, “for me 1000 dollars is not money”, “I wanted an expensive phone, but I couldn’t find one more expensive than 20,000 dollars, I’m a beggar to buy this model?".

Interesting point, although the words "show off" and "show off" have a negative meaning then such adjectives as "pontovo" and "pontovy" express quite positive emotions.


Kolyan bought a car, Behu latest model, it looks awesome!

Jeans with pinrolls look pontovo.

This jacket is awesome!

IN the above examples, the speaker believes that these things are good, high quality and look great. However, this word can also be used in a negative sense.


You have a smartphone that's kind of useless!

From this we can conclude that in one case these expressions can be both annoying and useless, and very effective and practical. Distinctive features its subtlety and neatness can be considered a positive show off. Your interlocutor should not guess that they are “throwing a show-off” at him. And most importantly, you must exclude even a hint of envy in his feelings. After all, if your show-off turns out to be very powerful, and your opponent feels uncomfortable with your “coolness,” then his reaction to your boasting will be irritation or a contemptuous grin. We recommend showing off using sarcasm, jokes, jokes, and mentioning facts in the context of a funny situation.

That’s actually the whole answer to the question of what a show-off is. It remains to add that “showing off” for people is the same natural feature, as an expression: " I am the best!". Therefore, when you praise yourself, do not forget to do it wisely, so as not to cause envy and irritation in your interlocutor.

Here's one story: during the hungry years, one peasant defiantly sat on a bench near the house and picked his teeth. Like, I ate meat. Like, he's rich. Only he didn’t eat any meat, he only picked his teeth...

Have you noticed how people's needs are changing? modern world? Schoolchildren walk around with fancy iPhones, which, in fact, they only need to play. Managers earning 40 thousand rubles each buy cars worth 2 million. Lush weddings, like in the Middle Ages, for 100-500 people. All this is done in order to “not look worse than others” and to arouse the envy of those who see it all.

There is such a word - to show off. It means: to put yourself on display, admiring yourself and your behavior.

Many people like to show off, showing off what cool things they own. Or by putting individual moments of your life on display.

According to the definition from the dictionary, show-off is:

  • jewelry, expensive trinkets, objects, usually tasteless, that should emphasize the wealth of their owner. Vasily’s show-off was immediately visible: such colorful pants and a chain cannot be hidden.
  • the desire to show off, to make a strong impression on someone, arrogance, arrogance. Vasya’s show-off in front of Masha was as follows: he took out a wad of money and arrogantly pulled out a bill from it, showing with all his appearance that this was absolute garbage for him. And then he generously treated her to a cocktail.

Simply put, showing off is showing off or showing off. Or is it a person’s desire to show himself in the best light, to put himself on display. And a person who exaggerates his merits or fortune is said to be “showing off.”

Let's look at what and how to show off. Show-offs occur very often in our lives. They are highly contagious. The need to show off in front of others is dictated modern society, even to those who initially do not want it. For example, if one of the schoolchildren in the class does not have an iPhone, then he will be considered a loser and a rogue, although if he has one, one cannot be sure of the opposite. Interesting point, isn't it?

Show-off as a behavior

We earn millions from the show-off of young people.

Show-off is a manner of behavior. A person can brag about anything and anywhere. Most often, people for whom the main thing in life is material values ​​“show off.” The word “boast” is very suitable here. If a person “shows off”, showing his intelligence or level of development, the word “smart” would be appropriate here.

Most often, “throwing a show-off” is typical of teenagers in adolescence. They are simply looking for themselves, wanting self-affirmation, trying to show themselves in their best colors.

Walter Rothschild's zebra-drawn carriage. London. 1898

Many businessmen note that they have to drive a huge SUV to look more respectable and successful. If you can afford it, then it's not a problem.

Show-off price

Maybe I'm old-fashioned
but I appreciate their true soul in people,
and not show-off and the thickness of the wallet.

Sometimes you have to pay dearly for cheap show-offs.

The danger of showing off is that it limits our financial capabilities. People have to spend money on external tinsel and appearances. They spend their little money on this, taking out loans, and not paying much attention to their development.

The lion's share of attention is occupied by “what others will say.” Your own self-esteem begins to depend more and more on the opinions of others. Based on this fear, the need to “not be, but appear” becomes the main goal.

They do not invest in their development, in improving their lives in the long term. They are only concerned with momentary tinsel. And in the end it will cost them dearly.

Show-off and thinking

The highest show-off is life without show-offs :)

An old joke about showing off:

Show-offs of the first order: buy a big expensive car and a Rolex, read Paulo Coelho, despise Dontsova, love a skinny blonde with boobs.

Show-off of the second order: buy a small stylish car and a Longin watch. Read Umberto Eco. Despise Coelho, love the ironic brunette.

Show-offs of the third order: take the metro and taxi because it’s faster and cheaper, wear a Swatch watch, read Anna Gavalda, turn off the water when brushing your teeth. Don't despise anyone because it destroys karma. Don't love anyone because you haven't met your person yet.

Show-offs of the fourth order: sell the apartment, car and Longin watch. Go to Tibet, achieve nirvana, love everyone.

Show-offs of the highest order: return from Tibet, not tell anyone anything, buy a big expensive car, read Dontsov in your spare time, time to look at your phone, love your child’s mother. To realize that any redneck with Coelho could turn out to be a Buddha who has achieved nirvana...

Show-off is based on a person’s desire to appear different from who he really is.

The formation of “show-off” thinking is artificial. The need to show off is imposed on our society economic system to sell people goods and services they don’t really need. And if they don’t have the money for this, then let them take loans.

Such manipulations are reinforced by the traps of credit slavery that came to us from the West, they say, we only live once, we need to have time to take everything from life, etc.

In order not to become a victim of the system, you need to get rid of dependence on the opinions of others. And when you don’t care what others think of you, you will notice that respect in the eyes of others has not diminished at all, rather the opposite.

And if you spend money and time instead of showing off on additional development, then after some time you will find that others already have enough reasons to envy you. This path changes thinking and brings it closer... to thinking successful people. The very ones that many try to appear to be, but are not.

A truly successful and self-sufficient person never tries to increase his importance in the eyes of others - his importance is already fine.

He does not brag about things, is not rude to the service staff, and does not assert himself at the expense of those who are below him on the social ladder. Successful man looks not down at those over whom he has risen, but up at those to whom he wants to grow.

He recognizes the need for constant development and self-improvement.

With this mindset all external attributes will be attached by themselves, but they will no longer have any value for you. Your values ​​will already be different.

Good luck! Now you know what and how it is here.

They asked me to answer - I'll try.

As I understand it, the question is, why do people boast of the material instead of the spiritual? Well, firstly, it’s easier to show something material: you bought a car and everyone sees it, you bought an iPhone and everyone knows it too. It is easier to feign wealth than intelligence, professional competence or kindness. To demonstrate material things, you just need to buy them; to demonstrate moral things, you need to cultivate them in yourself.

Secondly, the transition to capitalism is still happening in our country, capitalism is so conditional, people do not live within their means (which is a true consumer society), but want to reach out to everything that money can buy. When I was in school in the 90s, the coolest person was the one who had better things and toys, because in times of crisis there was not much to do with both, but when you have everything, you are fashionable, interesting, you have more friends. Naturally, children grew into adults without losing this attitude - if you have a cooler toy, a hundred points ahead on the social ladder.

Thirdly, you will not deny that money makes a person enter more “expensive” places and parties, and demonstrating the attributes of wealth is like demonstrating a pass into the world of money. Some people have real wealth, others have attributes, but no wealth, but the impression of wealth can still be created.

Fourth, marketing. Hurry up to buy, just now, buy and become popular with women\find yourself a man\make your child happy, etc. We are not being sold the product itself, we are being sold character traits, love and happiness. From the outside, the idea that a new phone, perfume or car will make us happier or better is constantly maintained.

Fifth, professional growth, gaining new knowledge, finding ways for self-realization and creativity can be perceived as a whim, and, funny, they can be perceived as kitsch and show off. Like, he / she reads a lot, goes to courses, does more than if.

Sixth, it looks like the classic Maslow pyramid: first the needs for food and security, then self-realization and acceptance. In a series of crises and falls of the ruble, people concentrate on the material, since it is more important for existence, leaving self-development for later, when more important needs are satisfied. And even though they are actually already satisfied, the anxiety remains, the thought remains that tomorrow another crisis may hit, the ruble will fall by half, imports of MacBooks will be banned due to sanctions, etc. It is difficult to distract from the material when there is a constant sense of the threat of scarcity.

In today's article, I want to consider a topic that is relevant to many of us. Which of us guys has never “showed off” in front of beautiful girl? Which of you girls has never in your life bragged about your wardrobe to your girlfriends?

Let's see what goals a person pursues when he shows off or boasts. By nt and boasting are designed to improve a person's opinion of himself, to assert himself by demonstrating his superiority over others.

I don’t think that self-assertion is bad, but show-offs, as a tool for self-assertion, are not the best the best choice. And that's why:

show-offs and boasting are an extremely selfish phenomenon that does not contribute to the formation and consolidation of positive, emotional relationships between people. On the contrary, they give negative connotations to relationships with a person.

As described above, a person who likes to show off or show off always does it for his own self-affirmation, admires himself. At the same time, a person can assume that his interlocutors admire and admire him in the same way. However, in reality this is not the case. Don't believe me? Ok, then just the next time you have to communicate with a braggart, pay attention to how you feel about his show-off. Positive? I doubt...

Very often, the person being shown off intuitively feels that the interlocutor is showing his superiority over him. This person’s ego begins to “rebel” and demands to somehow put the braggart in his place.

Therefore, a person may also begin to brag in response in order to “let go” of the braggart. Another possible reaction is that a person pretends to listen, but switches his attention from the interlocutor’s words to something else in order to stop feeling the imaginary superiority of the interlocutor.

In the first case, an imaginary rivalry begins between the interlocutors on an emotional level; in the second, contact is lost between them, and the interlocutor emotionally closes off from the braggart.

If you like to brag and show off, know that this kills (at least for a while) the connection between you and the interlocutor. It is quite possible that you will not be able to find a common language with him for a long time.

People are NOT INTERESTED in other people's show-offs and boasting. In fact, they like to feel THEIR specialness and uniqueness. So, if you value relationships with people, try to nullify the manner of showing off and showing off (if it is characteristic of you, of course).

If you learn to sincerely appreciate the virtues of the interlocutor, your relationships with people will improve significantly. Of course, your ego will be against this, and perhaps it will win over you and you will not want to bestow praise on others ... Even so, if you make it a habit to never brag or show off (in other words, do not demonstrate your superiority over others people), your relationships will improve significantly.
