The spiritual world of man and activity. Activities in the field of spiritual culture

Culture is an important component of social consciousness. It is a means of forming social personality, the sphere of communication between people and the realization of their creative potential. culture and its features are the object of study of philosophers, culturologists, intellectuals who seek to determine the role of spiritual culture in society and in human development.

The concept of culture

Throughout history, human life has been shaped into culture. This concept covers the widest sphere of human life. The meaning of the word "culture" - "cultivation", "processing" (originally - land) - is due to the fact that with the help of various actions a person transforms the surrounding reality and himself. Culture is an exclusively human phenomenon, animals, unlike people, adapt to the world, and a person adjusts it to his needs and requirements. In the course of these transformations, it is created.

Due to the fact that the spheres of spiritual culture are extremely diverse, there is no single definition of the concept of "culture". There are several approaches to its interpretation: idealistic, materialistic, functionalist, structuralist, psychoanalytic. In each of them, separate aspects of this concept are distinguished. In a broad sense, culture is all the transformative activity of a person, directed both outside and inside oneself. In the narrow sense, this is the creative activity of a person, expressed in the creation of works of various arts.

Spiritual and material culture

Despite the fact that culture is a complex, complex phenomenon, there is a tradition to divide it into material and spiritual. It is customary to refer to the field of material culture all the results of human activity, embodied in various subjects. This is the world surrounding a person: buildings, roads, household utensils, clothing, as well as a variety of equipment and technologies. The spheres of spiritual culture are connected with the production of ideas. These include theories philosophical teachings, moral standards, scientific knowledge. However, such a division is often purely arbitrary. How, for example, to separate works of such art forms as cinema and theater? After all, the performance combines the idea, the literary basis, the play of the actors, as well as the subject design.

The emergence of spiritual culture

The question of the origin of culture still causes lively disputes between representatives of different sciences. Social science, for which the sphere of spiritual culture is an important research area, proves that cultural genesis is inextricably linked with the formation of society. The condition for the survival of primitive man was the ability to adapt to his needs the world and the ability to coexist in a team: it was impossible to survive alone. The formation of culture was not instantaneous, but was a long evolutionary process. A person learns to transfer social experience, creating for this a system of rituals and signals, speech. He has new needs, in particular, the desire for beauty, social ones are formed, and All this becomes a platform for the formation of spiritual culture. Comprehension of the surrounding reality, the search for cause-and-effect relationships lead to the formation of a mythological worldview. It symbolically explains the world around and allows a person to navigate in life.

Main areas

Over time, all spheres of spiritual culture grow out of mythology. The human world is evolving and becoming more complex, and at the same time, the information and ideas about the world are becoming more complex. special areas knowledge. Today, the question of what the sphere of spiritual culture includes has several answers. In the traditional sense, it includes religion, politics, philosophy, morality, art, science. There is also a broader view, according to which the spiritual sphere includes language, a system of knowledge, values ​​and plans for the future of mankind. In the narrowest interpretation, the sphere of spirituality includes art, philosophy and ethics as an area for the formation of ideals.

Religion as a sphere of spiritual culture

Religion stands out first. All spheres of spiritual culture, including religion, are a special set of values, ideals and norms that serve as guidelines in human life. Faith is the basis for understanding the world, especially for a person of antiquity. Science and religion are two antagonistic ways of explaining the world, but each of them is a system of ideas about how a person and everything that surrounds him was created. The specificity of religion is that it appeals to faith, not to knowledge. The main function of religion as a form of spiritual life is ideological. It sets the framework for a person's worldview and worldview, gives meaning to existence. Religion also manages the relations of people in society and their activities. In addition to these, faith performs communicative, legitimizing and cultural-transmitting functions. Thanks to religion, many outstanding ideas and phenomena appeared, it was the source of the concept of humanism.

Morality as a sphere of spiritual culture

Moral and spiritual culture is the basis for regulating relationships between people in society. Morality is a system of values ​​and ideas about what is evil and good, about the meaning of people's lives and the principles of their relationships in society. Researchers often consider ethics to be the highest form of spirituality. Morality is a specific area of ​​spiritual culture, and its features are due to the fact that it is an unwritten law of people's behavior in society. It is an unspoken social contract, according to which all peoples consider the highest value of a person and his life. The main social functions of morality are:

Regulatory - this specific function is to control the behavior of people, and they are not dominated by any institutions and organizations that control a person. Fulfilling moral requirements, a person is motivated by a unique mechanism called conscience. Morality establishes the rules that ensure the interaction of people;

Evaluative-imperative, that is, a function that allows people to understand what is good and what is evil;

Educational - it is thanks to it that the moral character of the individual is formed.

Ethics also performs a number of such socially significant functions as cognitive, communicative, orienting, prognostic.

Art as a sphere of spiritual culture

Cinema and theater

Cinema is one of the youngest and at the same time the most popular arts. Its history compared to thousand years of history music, painting or theater is short. At the same time, cinema halls are filled with millions of spectators every day, and more more people watching movies on TV. Cinema has a powerful impact on the minds and hearts of young people.

Today theater is less popular than cinema. With the ubiquity of television, it has lost some of its appeal. In addition, theater tickets are now expensive. Therefore, we can say that visiting the famous theater has become a luxury. Yet the theater is an integral part of the intellectual life of every country and reflects the state of society and the minds of the nation.

Philosophy as a sphere of spiritual culture

Philosophy - ancient man. Like other spheres of spiritual culture, it grows out of mythology. It organically combines the features of religion. Philosophers satisfy the important need of people to find meaning. The main questions of being (what is the world, what is the meaning of life) receive different answers in philosophy, but allow a person to choose his own life path. Its most important functions are ideological and axiological; it helps a person to build his own system of views and criteria for evaluating the world around him. Philosophy also performs epistemological, critical, prognostic and educational functions.

Science as a sphere of spiritual culture

The latest formed sphere of spiritual culture was science. Its formation is quite slow, and it is intended primarily to explain the structure of the world. Science and religion are forms of overcoming the mythological worldview. But unlike religion, science is a system of objective, verifiable knowledge and is built according to the laws of logic. The leading need that a person satisfies through science is cognitive. It is human nature to ask various questions, and the search for answers gives rise to science. Science is distinguished from all other spheres of spiritual culture by the strict evidence and verifiability of postulates. Thanks to it, a universal human objective picture of the world is formed. The main social ones are cognitive, worldview, practice-transformative, communicative, educational and regulatory. Unlike philosophy, science is based on a system of objective knowledge that is verifiable through experiments.

Lecture 4

Topic 2. Sphere of spiritual culture

The sphere of spiritual culture and its features

spiritual culture- a set of spiritual values ​​and creative activities for their production, development and application: science, education, religion, morality, philosophy, law, art.

The word cultura comes from the Latin verb colo, which means "to cultivate", "to cultivate the soil". Initially, the word culture denoted the process of humanization of nature as a habitat. However, gradually, like many other words of the language, it changed its meaning. In the modern language, the concept of culture is used mainly in two meanings - “wide” and “narrow”. In a narrow sense When speaking about culture, they usually mean those areas of creative activity that are associated with art. In wide In the same sense, it is customary to call the culture of a society a set of forms and results of human activity that are entrenched in social practice and transmitted from generation to generation with the help of certain sign systems (linguistic and non-linguistic), as well as through learning and imitation.

Traditionally culture is divided into material and spiritual. Under material culture is understood as technology, production experience, as well as those material values, which in their totality constitute an artificial human habitat. To spiritual culture usually includes science, art, religion, morality, politics and law. Spiritual culture is a system of knowledge and worldview ideas inherent in a specific cultural and historical unity or humanity as a whole.

There are the following subspecies of spiritual culture:

  1. Works of monumental art that have a material form that the artist gave to natural or artificial materials (sculpture, architectural objects);
  2. Theatrical art (theatrical images);
  3. A work of fine art (painting, graphics);
  4. Musical art (musical images);
  5. Various forms social consciousness (ideological theories, philosophical, aesthetic, moral and other knowledge, scientific concepts and hypotheses, etc.);
  6. Socio-psychological phenomena ( public opinion, ideals, values, social habits and customs, etc.).

The division of culture into material and spiritual is very conditional, since the line between them is sometimes very difficult, because in a "pure" form they simply do not exist: spiritual culture can also be embodied in material media (books, paintings, tools, etc.). Understanding the whole relativity of the difference between material and spiritual culture, most researchers nevertheless believe that it still exists.

Spiritual culture has some important features that distinguish it from other areas of culture:

  • spiritual culture is selfless. Its essence is not benefit, not benefit, but "joy of the spirit" - beauty, knowledge, wisdom. Spiritual culture is needed by people by itself, and not for the sake of solving some utilitarian tasks external to it.
  • in spiritual culture, in comparison with other areas of culture, a person receives the greatest freedom of creativity. The boundless space for creativity represents art;
  • creative activity in spiritual culture is a special spiritual world created by the power of human thought. This world is incomparably richer than the real world.
  • spiritual culture sensitively reacts to external influence in the field of culture: it is able to feel changes in people's lives and respond to them with changes in itself, it is in constant tension and movement, it is the most vulnerable area of ​​culture: people in difficult life circumstances are burdened by it. That is why spiritual culture suffers the most during social cataclysms: revolutions and reforms in society lead to the decline of the spiritual culture of the people. Spiritual culture needs the care of society, its preservation and development requires efforts from society. If people stop being interested in her, she loses her inner tension and movement.

Types of spiritual activity: SPIRITUAL- THEORETICAL- Production (creation) of spiritual values ​​(spiritual goods) activity, the result of which is a change in people's consciousness.


Spiritual production is carried out, as a rule, by special groups of people whose spiritual activity is professional. These are people who have the appropriate education, who own the skill. Of course, knowledge, mastery of the techniques of this type of activity is not enough. After all, the product of spiritual production is distinguished by novelty, uniqueness, and therefore, it is the result of creative activity.

An important feature of spiritual production is that its products are created not only to satisfy the existing need in society for certain spiritual goods, but also for the self-realization of a thinker, artist, etc. They satisfy the author’s inner need to manifest, express himself, convey his mood, realize his abilities. For a scientist, musician, artist, poet, the value of labor lies not only in the value of its results, but also in the very process of creating a work. Here is what the English naturalist C. Darwin wrote (): “My main pleasure and only occupation throughout my life was scientific work, and the excitation caused by it allows me to forget for a while or completely eliminates my constant ill health. Charles Darwin

Spiritual production is the activity of people to create spiritual values. Scientific discoveries, inventions - contribute to the development of the production of material goods. Scientific discoveries, inventions - contribute to the development of the production of material goods. Social norms help streamline the life of society Social norms help streamline the life of society Delusions, utopias, false judgments, which are often widespread, can also be the product of spiritual production. However, humanity keeps those ideas and images that embody wisdom, knowledge, and experience. The product of spiritual production can also be delusions, utopias, false judgments, which are often widespread. However, humanity keeps those ideas and images that embody wisdom, knowledge, and experience.

Development of spiritual values ​​Consciousness, preservation and dissemination of spiritual values ​​are aimed at meeting the spiritual needs of people. Consciousness, preservation and dissemination of spiritual values ​​are aimed at meeting the spiritual needs of people. Spiritual consumption is the process of satisfying spiritual needs. The most important spiritual need of a person is in knowledge. Philosophers of different epochs spoke about it. The ancient Greek scientist Aristotle "All people by nature strive for knowledge." And the French thinker of the 16th century M. Montaigne argued: "There is no desire more natural than the desire for knowledge."

Another important spiritual need is aesthetic. A. P. Chekhov’s statement on this matter is widely known: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts ...” The desire to master the world according to the laws of beauty, to see harmony in nature, in people, to deeply feel music, painting, poetry, improve human relationships - all these are the facets of a single aesthetic need

Another spiritual human need is communication. Another spiritual human need is communication. Love for a person, friendship, fellowship are truly human needs. Moral and psychological support, attention to each other, sympathy, empathy, exchange of ideas, joint creativity - these are some of the manifestations of the need for communication. Love for a person, friendship, fellowship are truly human needs. Moral and psychological support, attention to each other, sympathy, empathy, exchange of ideas, joint creativity - these are some of the manifestations of the need for communication.

The foregoing allows us to conclude that Spiritual consumption is special kind activity and, therefore, it has its own focus, requires certain efforts, the use of appropriate means. In many cases, spiritual consumption has big influence fashion. Some books, theatrical performances, poems and songs can become fashionable. The most common means of initiation to spiritual values

Summarize. The spiritual activity of people is diverse, each has a wide choice of its forms and types. Such activity can become his profession: he will be a scientist or a writer, an actor or an artist, a teacher or a librarian, a tour guide or a journalist. He can join amateur spiritual creativity by participating in a folk theater, a literary association, the creation of a folk museum, and amateur art competitions. And most importantly, everyone communicates with books, music, theater and cinema. And on what values ​​a person prefers, what he himself largely depends on.

Spiritual culture is a culture whose objects are ideology, morality, spiritual communication, artistic creativity (art) and religion.

Spiritual culture grows as an ideal side of material activity. After all, any object or phenomenon of material culture basically has some kind of project, embodies certain knowledge, and by satisfying human needs, they become values. In other words, the products of material culture, before they were created, had to appear with their creators in the form of drawings, a plan of work - undoubted products of spiritual culture.

In other words, material culture is always the embodiment of a certain part of spiritual culture. But a spiritual culture can exist only if it is reified, objectified, and has received this or that material incarnation. This is especially evident in the example of works of art that are part of the spiritual culture.

Thus, cultural objects can change their purpose. Therefore, some criteria must be introduced to distinguish between objects of material and spiritual culture. In this capacity, one can use an assessment of the meaning and purpose of an object - if an object or phenomenon satisfies the primary (biological) needs of a person, it is referred to as material culture, but if it satisfies secondary needs associated with the development of human abilities, it belongs to spiritual culture.

Proceeding from the variety of types of human activity in spiritual culture, four spheres can be distinguished.

The first sphere is generated by the creative activity of the human imagination. It's projective view activities, which offers ideal models of future constructions of the greatest cultural value. The results of this type of activity are ideal models, designs and drawings of technical structures, structures, machines, as well as various models of social transformations, projects of new forms political structure, new social institutions and institutions. The object of such design can also be the person himself, when he develops models of education. In the history of culture, projective activity gradually turned into a specialized branch of spiritual creativity.

Today, projective activity exists as a specialized activity, it is divided according to the projects of which objects should be created - natural, social or human. Thus, the following types of design are distinguished:

Technical (engineering) - is inextricably linked with scientific and technical progress, which occupies more and more important place in culture. Its result is the world of material things that create the body of modern civilization;

Social - associated with the creation of models of social phenomena - new forms of government, political and legal systems, ways of managing production, school education, etc.;

Pedagogical - focused on the formation of human models, ideal images of children and students, which are created by parents and teachers.

The second sphere of spiritual culture covers the ways of cognitive activities person, and acts as a body of knowledge about nature, society, man, his inner world. Knowledge is the most important structural element in this area of ​​spiritual culture, which can be most adequately represented scientific activity. In any society, a system of obtaining, storing, transferring information and knowledge, independent of the individual, is formed.

Today, knowledge is acquired by a person in all spheres of culture, but their origins go back to three types of cognitive activity that are still inherent in primitive man, - practical, mythological and game knowledge.

Practical knowledge has always had and has a concrete character, is connected with the direct life of a person in nature and in society, is organically woven into his labor activity And everyday life. This knowledge is obtained by each person independently.

Mythological knowledge, although it grew out of practical knowledge, separated from it early. It embodies the generalized ideas of a person about the world, expressed in the fantastic form of a myth.

Game knowledge also appeared at the earliest stages of human history. In the game, the child received the necessary knowledge about "adult" life - both about the methods of activity and about human relationships.

The third sphere of spiritual culture, connected with the value oriented activity. Knowledge-assessment acts as a link with the structural element of spiritual culture named above. Knowledge acts as an evaluative filter; it is inseparable from evaluative activity. The human world is always a world of values, it is filled with meanings and meanings for him.

This area, in turn, can be represented by three subsystems:

Moral culture. Gives a normative-value orientation of the relationship of individuals and social groups to all aspects of life, to each other. Moral culture can also be defined as the level of humanity achieved by society and the individual, humanity in the relations of social subjects, the orientation of the attitude towards the person as a goal and intrinsic value. The moral culture of a person is revealed as a culture of an act: a motive that corresponds to the concepts of good and evil, justice, human dignity and norms specifying concepts; correspondence of the means to the motive, foresight of the value of the result, responsibility for the consequences, etc.;

artistic culture . Her internal structure not yet explored enough. Most often, artistic culture is reduced to the communicative scheme "artist - art - public". This is a kind of self-governing system, the elements of which are artistic creativity, artistic values, artistic consumption.

It should be noted that in art, as in other subsystems of spiritual culture, all its functions are represented. Thus, transformative activity is present in artistic culture in the form of artistic creativity. Communicative activity is included in it in the form of consumption of works of art, since their perception is a kind of communication between the public and the author or his work. Value-oriented activity, being part of artistic culture, specializes in the evaluation of works of art. Cognitive activity is manifested in the form of a specific interest in art studied within the framework of art history sciences. The central link of artistic culture is art as a set of activities within the framework of the artistic creativity of the subject and its results - artistic images;

Religious culture. It is based on religious activity as a person's ascent to God, embodied in cult and religious actions, the meaning of which is determined by the corresponding system of values, the main of which is God as a spiritual and moral absolute. In religious culture, ideological and psychological levels can be distinguished; in general, it embodies a special relationship of man to the world (along with the practical, cognitive, artistic).

The fourth sphere of spiritual culture is aimed at the spiritual communication people in all specific forms of its manifestation. These forms are determined by the characteristics of the subject of communication. Soul contact between two partners, during which information is exchanged, is in this case a high cultural value.

Communication is also possible in a group (family, circle of friends, team). In the process of communication between individuals, they jointly perceive an external object or situation, perceive their own actions, states, and movements.

Spiritual communication can occur not only at the personal level. The most valuable moments of the spiritual life of society constitute the fund of culture, a kind of memory of society. Objectified in speeches, books, works of art, the results of spiritual activity are constantly "consumed", becoming the property of people's consciousness.

So, spiritual culture acts as an activity aimed at the spiritual development of man and society, at the creation of ideas, knowledge, spiritual values ​​- images of social consciousness.

Scientists often characterize the spiritual world of a person as an inseparable unity of mind, feelings, and will. The world of personality is individual and unique

The spiritual world of each can be correctly understood only taking into account the characteristics of the community to which the individual belongs, only in close connection with the spiritual life of society.

The spiritual life of a person, society is constantly changing and developing

§ 15 Activities in the field of spiritual

What is the value of the book: in its content or in the quality of paper, cover, font, etc.? eats from eating


The concept of "culture", spiritual culture, activities, human needs

Let us recall the difference between spiritual activity and material activity: the first is associated with a change in the consciousness of people, the second with the transformation of objects of nature and society. Considered above cognitive activity is an important manifestation of spiritual activity, its result is knowledge.

However, spiritual activity is not limited to cognitive activity. Considering spiritual activity as a whole, we can conditionally distinguish two types of it: spiritual-theoretical and spiritual-practical.

The first type is the production (creation) of spiritual values ​​(spiritual goods). The product of spiritual production is thoughts, ideas, theories, norms, ideals, images that can take the form of scientific, philosophical, religious and artistic works (for example, thoughts about evolution organic world outlined in the book. Ch. Darwin "The Origin of Species by natural selection", ideas and images of such a work. Lesya Ukrainian as". Forest song", images reflected in paintings and frescoes. Vrubel, or music. Lysenko, legislative acts.

The second type is the preservation, reproduction, distribution, distribution, as well as the development (consumption) of the created spiritual values, i.e. activities that result in changes in people's consciousness

creation of spiritual values

In order to understand the features of spiritual production, let's compare it with the material one. In short, material production is the creation of things, and spiritual production is the creation of ideas. Created speeches are a product of labor. What about ideas? mouth.

Is it possible to consider that material and spiritual production differ in that the former is based on physical labor, and the latter on mental labor? dyne in material production, first passes through his consciousness. There is no labor without awareness of its ends and means. As they say, everything needs to be done with the head. And spiritual production, along with mental labor, requires time and considerable physical effort. Let us recall the work of a sculptor or a conductor, a ballerina or an experimental scientist.

We also note that spiritual production, as can be seen from what has been said, is connected with material production. First, paper, paints, appliances, musical instruments and much more - a necessary condition for spiritual production. Secondly, some products of spiritual production are an element of material production: these are technical ideas and scientific theories that become a productive force.

Spiritual production is carried out, as a rule, by special groups of people whose spiritual activity is professional. These are people who have the appropriate education, who own the skill. Of course, the knowledge to mastered. Falling techniques of this type of activity is not enough. After all, the product of spiritual production is distinguished by novelty, uniqueness, and therefore, it is the result of creative activity.

But spiritual production along with professional activity includes activities that are constantly carried out by the people; its result can be a folk epic, ethnoscience, rituals that have an independent value ( folk tales and legends, recipes for herbal treatment, folk wedding ceremonies, etc.). Many people, not being professionals, enthusiastically join the creative spiritual activity through participation in amateur art activities. Some of them in their work rise to the level of professionals. Often, images or knowledge created, for example, by the work of folk musicians or healers, become again the works of professional masters and scientific works of specialists.

An important feature of spiritual production is that its products are created not only to satisfy the existing need in society for certain spiritual goods, but also for the self-realization of a thinker, artist, etc. They satisfy the inner need of the author to reveal, express himself, convey his mood, realize his abilities. For a scientist, musician, artist, poet, the value of a work lies not only in the value of its results, but also in the very process of creating a work. Here is what the English naturalist wrote. C. Darwin (1809-1882): "My main pleasure and only occupation during my life was scientific work and the excitement caused by it, which allows me to forget or completely eliminates my constant bad health."

This feature of spiritual production is also connected with the fact that between the moment of creation of a spiritual product and the time of revealing its significance for other people, there is often a period of time. Some technical inventions di and works of art were understood and appreciated only after the death of their creators, and sometimes - through the centuries.

So, spiritual production is the activity of people to create spiritual values. Many of them - scientific discoveries, inventions - contribute to the development of the production of material goods. Others, such as social norms. RMI, help streamline the life of society. All spiritual values ​​are able to satisfy the spiritual needs of a person, to influence his consciousness. This influence, the result of which is the growth of the spiritual culture of people, is ensured by activities for the preservation, reproduction, dissemination of spiritual values ​​in society, i.e. spiritual and practical activity.

The product of spiritual production can also be delusions, utopias, erroneous judgments, often widespread. However, humanity retains those ideas and images that embody wisdom, knowledge, to its id.
