Georgy Vitsin during the war. Vitsin about the meaning of life

Georgy Mikhailovich Vitsin (nee Vitsyn). Born on April 5 (18), 1917 in Terioki - died on October 22, 2001 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema. National artist USSR (1990).

Georgy Vitsin was born on April 5 (18), 1917 in Terioki (now Zelenogorsk as part of St. Petersburg).

In the church book of the Exaltation of the Cross Church on Bolshaya Posadskaya Street there is a record that George was baptized there.

In later official documents the date of birth began to appear on April 23, 1918, and the place of birth was Petrograd. This happened due to the fact that Vitsin's mother in the 1920s, arranging her son in a health-improving forest school, made him “younger” and corrected the year of birth to 1918. April 23 (May 6) was his name day.

The original surname of the future actor also looked different - "Vitsyn", but later, due to a passport officer's mistake, the letter "s" was changed to "and".

When George was eight months old, his parents moved to Moscow.

In 1926-1933 he studied at the Moscow seven-year school No. 26.

In 1933-1934 he studied at the Theater School at the Maly Theater (now the Higher Theater School named after MS Shchepkin), from where he was expelled with the wording "for a frivolous attitude to the educational process."

In 1934 he entered the Theater School at the E. Vakhtangov Theater (now the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute). In 1935 he moved to the theater studio of the Moscow Art Theater 2nd, where he studied with S. G. Birman, A. I. Blagonravov, V. N. Tatarinov (all in Moscow).

Since 1936 - an actor in the studio theater under the direction of N.P. Khmelev, in 1937-1969 - the Moscow Drama Theater. M. N. Yermolova, which included the studio theater.

The roles of George Vitsin in the theater. M. N. Ermolova:

1940 - "As You Like It" by W. Shakespeare - William;
1943 - "Night of Errors" by O. Goldsmith - Tony;
1945 - "The Taming of the Tamer" by J. Fletcher - Moroso;
1946 - "Old Friends" L. A. Malyugin;
1947 - "People with clear conscience» P. P. Vershigory - Volichka;
1948 - "Happiness" by P. A. Pavlenko - Podnebesko;
1951 - "Xenia" by A. A. Volkov (director A. A. Goncharov) - Grandfather Semyon;
1955 - "Good Hour" by V. S. Rozov;
1956 - "Eccentric" N. Hikmet - Abdurakhman;
1958 - "Savages" by S. V. Mikhalkov - Lyubeshkin;
1964 - "Forest" by A. N. Ostrovsky (directed by L. P. Gallis) - Arkashka Schastlivtsev;
1966 - "Nails" by S. L. Lungin, I. I. Nusinov;
“There was not a penny, but suddenly an altyn” by A. N. Ostrovsky (staged by N. P. Khmelev);
“Do not make yourself an idol” A. M. Faiko - Molokanov;
"Twenty years later" by M. A. Svetlov;
"Guest from the Night" L. Ashkenazi - waiter;
"Freeloader" by I. S. Turgenev;
"Two stubborn" N. Hikmet.

From 1969 to 2001, he served at the Theater-Studio of a film actor in Moscow.

The film debut of the actor took place, as was believed, in the episodic role of a guardsman in the film "Ivan the Terrible" by S. M. Eisenstein (1944). However, according to V. Zuckerman, who scrupulously collected all the facts of G. Vitsin's life, the actor somehow admitted to him that he "had never seen S. M. Eisenstein", and made his debut in 1945 in the film by S. I. Yutkevich Hello, Moscow!

Fame came to the actor after the film "Reserve Player", in which he played the role of Vasya Vesnushkin. Following this, he starred in the film "She Loves You!". Despite the fact that in these films G. Vitsin played the role of young boys, the actor was already well over thirty. The shy and sympathetic heroes of G. Vitsin liked the viewer. At the same time, he starred in historical tapes: Composer Glinka and Belinsky.

Georgy Vitsin in the movie "Reserve Player"

However, the most widely known actor brought the image of a Coward, embodied by him in comedies - "Dog Mongrel and an unusual cross-country", "Moonshiners", "Operation" Y "and Shurik's other adventures" and "Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures".

It is worth noting that Vitsin often had to play drunkard characters, and in these roles he was very convincing, as he had a specific voice and appearance. Whereas in real life the actor did not drink and did not smoke, led healthy lifestyle life, addicted breathing exercises yogis. And only in the "Prisoner of the Caucasus" did the actor still have to drink real beer, since the dog rose, which G. Vitsin demanded, looked unconvincing in the frame.

Georgy Vitsin in the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Also remembered for his roles: adventurer Sam in the comedy "Business People" ("Leader of the Redskins"), Balzaminov in the film "Balzaminov's Marriage", Sir Andrew in "Twelfth Night", the Wizard in "The Old, Old Tale".

The actor had a talent for recitation and worked hard on dubbing cartoons. He was a good artist - he drew caricatures of actors, tried himself in sculpture, graphics, painting.

Georgy Vitsin in the movie "Balzaminov's Marriage"

With the onset of the 1990s, G. Vitsin, together with other members of the famous trinity, began to tour the country a lot. Until his last days, he played in the Film Actor Theater. Last years lived very modestly. Having given his large apartment in the center of Moscow to his daughter Natalya, he moved to the "Khrushchev" in Starokonyushenny Lane.

He extremely limited communication with outsiders, avoided meetings with journalists. He was almost constantly in the apartment, going outside only to feed the pigeons. He refused help, saying: “I can’t take it, because people give the last!”.

It is worth noting that George Vitsin looked very young until his advanced years. At thirty-seven, he played the eighteen-year-old Vasya Vesnushkin in the film "Reserve Player". At forty-six, twenty-five-year-old Misha Balzaminov ("Balzaminov's Marriage"). At the same time, his talent allowed him to play age roles: in particular, at the age of thirty-eight, the actor portrayed grandfather Musiy in the film “Maxim Perepelitsa”.

Georgy Vitsin died on October 22, 2001 (according to other sources - October 23) in a Moscow hospital. The cause of death of the actor was chronic diseases of the liver and heart. He was buried in Moscow, at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

On July 26, 2008, to the 460th anniversary of the city and the 90th anniversary of the actor, a monument to G. Vitsin was opened in the park of culture and recreation in Zelenogorsk. The sculpture depicts an actor in the role of Balzaminov from the film Balzaminov's Marriage.

In 2012, a monument to L. I. Gaidai and the Gaidai Trinity appeared near the circus building in Irkutsk.

There is a monument to Balbes, Experienced and Coward in Perm and also in Khabarovsk.

Growth of Georgy Vitsin: 174 centimeters.

Personal life of Georgy Vitsin:

He was in a relationship with actress Nadezhda (Dina) Topoleva, who was then the wife of director N.P. Khmelev. She was much older than him.

Their relationship began when 18-year-old Vitsin entered the Yermolova Theater. He passionately fell in love with Dina Topoleva, the wife of the artistic director of the theater Nikolai Khmelev, whom Vitsin considered his teacher. Dina responded to his feeling. Note that Khmelev did not change his attitude towards Vitsin and continued to give him roles.

They lived together for 20 years. After parting, he continued to take care of her, brought her medicines and food.

Dina Topoleva - civil wife of Georgy Vitsin

Wife - Tamara Fedorovna (1925-2009), dresser, niece of biologist and breeder I. V. Michurin.

In marriage, a daughter, Natalia, was born, a graphic artist.

Tamara Fedorovna - wife of Georgy Vitsin

Daughter Natalya spoke about Georgy Mikhailovich: “They made a hermit out of their father. This is absolutely not true! If girls called him and asked naive questions, he did not like to answer. But if, for example, Wulf was on the phone, he could talk for hours. As a child, I was even jealous father to his admirers. We walk down the street - everyone says hello. "Go home, girl," dad said and continued the conversation. By nature, dad was more suited to his first profession - an artist, sculptor, observing, contemplating. He painted everywhere - on trips, between performances, between filming hours. Mom sometimes suffered from the fact that you couldn’t talk seriously with him. Laughter from morning to night. Even in the most terrible situation, he knew how to relieve tension with wise humor. Dad was a responsible person. He supported us with mother, and first wife, actress Dina Topoleva".

Filmography of George Vitsin:

1944 - Ivan the Terrible Oprichnik (uncredited)
1945 - Hello, Moscow! - railwayman at the station "Dolsk"
1946 - Glinka - spectator at the premiere (not in the credits)
1947 - Spring - an actor rehearsing N.V. Gogol
1951 - Belinsky - Nikolai Gogol
1952 - Composer - Glinka Nikolai Gogol
1954 - Spare player - Vasya Vesnushkin
1954 - We met somewhere - a vacationer on the balcony of a rest home (not in the credits)
1955 - Mexican - Bill Carty
1955 - Maxim Perepelitsa - grandfather Musiy
1955 - Twelfth Night - Sir Andrew
1956 - She loves you! - Konstantin Petrovich Kanareikin
1956 - Poet - poetry evening entrepreneur (uncredited)
1956 - Murder on Dante Street - Pitu
1957 - Wrestler and clown - Enrico
1957 - Don Quixote - Samson Carrasco
1957 - New attraction - Semyon Ilyich, circus administrator
1958 - Rotation of life - hairdresser (uncredited)
1958 - Fathers and sons - Sitnikov
1958 - Groom from the other world - Fikusov, manager
1958 - Girl with a guitar - buyer
1958 - "Wonderworker" from Biryulyov - drunk
1959 - Vasily Surikov - Ilya Efimovich Repin
1959 - I was a satellite of the Sun - scientist, colleague of Andrey
1959 - How Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich - Nikolai Gogol
1960 - The end of the old Berezovka - geometry teacher
1960 - Revenge - Fedor Fedorovich Degtyarev
1961 - Trainers - grandfather
1961 - Quite seriously (short story "Dog Mongrel and an unusual cross") - Coward
1961 - Moonshiners - Coward
1961 - Artist from Kokhanovka - grandfather Kuzma
1962 - How toasts are born - accountant Plyushch
1962 - The path to the pier - Velikankin, an intellectual in a sobering-up station
1962 - Business people (short story "Leader of the Redskins") - Sam
1962 - Only statues are silent - Jacques Mellier
1963 - Short stories(musical film) (miniature "Instructive case" husband
1963 - Cain XVIII - executioner
1963 - Mommy and two drones - a visitor to the cutlet
1963 - First trolley bus - drunk
1963 - Blind bird - train passenger
1964 - Variety fantasy (musical film)
1964 - Balzaminov's marriage - Misha Balzaminov
1964 - Bunny - assistant director Fyodor Mikhailovich
1964 - The Tale of Lost Time - the evil wizard Andrei Andreevich
1964 - What is the theory of relativity? - actor (cameo)
1964 - Spring chores - Uncle Pudya
1965 - It happens like this (film almanac) (short story "The Skeleton of Apollo") - Nazliev
1965 - At the first hour - guest of the "Blue Light"
1965 - Give a complaint book - department head in a clothing store
1965 - New Year's calendar
1965 - Operation "Y" and other adventures of Shurik - Coward
1965 - The road to the sea - timber rafting foreman Alexander Terentyevich
1966 - Capa Collection - Granatkin
1966 - Red, blue, green - museum director
1966 - Who invented the wheel? - uncle Kolya
1966 - Tales of the Russian Forest - Coward
1966 - Rainbow Formula - director of a toy factory
1966 - Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures - Coward
1966 - Wick (film No. 47 "Carousel") - episode
1967 - Save a drowning man - police major / old man in panama
1967 - Tatyana's Day - who proposed a new chronology
1968 - Gulf Stream - Igor's father
1968 - Seven old men and one girl - a robber ("Coward")
1968-1981 - Zucchini "13 chairs" (film-play) - critic pan Tsypa
1968 - Old, old fairy tale- good magician
1968 - At the thirteenth hour of the night - water
1969 - Yesterday, today and always - Aunt Berry
1969 - Abduction - cameo
1970 - Step from the roof - Englishman
1970 - How we were looking for Tishka - Police Sergeant Stepanov
1970 - Guardian alcoholic and parasite - Tebenkov
1971 - spring fairy tale- King Berendey
1971 - 12 chairs - fitter Mechnikov
1971 - There will be no fire! - driver Peter
1971 - Shadow - Doctor
1971 - Mortal Enemy - Yegor
1971 - - Khmyr (Gavrila Petrovich Sheremetyev)
1972 - Tobacco Captain - Chef Mouton
1972 - Large-scale guys - foreman Afanasyev
1972 - Wick (film No. 121 "Purchase") - buyer
1973 - Cipollino - lawyer Peas
1973 - Have you ever loved? - Nina Dmitrievna's mother, Olin's father Yakov Ivanovich Nikolsky
1973 - Sannikov Land - Ignatius
1973 - My fate is drunk
1973 - Incorrigible liar - hairdresser Alexei Ivanovich Tyutyurin
1974 - Dear Boy - Macintosh
1974 - Northern Rhapsody - seller Kuzma Petrovich
1974 - Tsarevich Prosha - King Katorz IX
1974 - Wick (film No. 147 "Find Yourself")
1974 - Car, violin and dog Klyaksa - musician with banjo / guitar
1974 - My "Zhigulyonok" - Uncle Zhenya
1974 - Big attraction - Galkin, television director
1975 - Finist - Clear Falcon - Agathon
1975 - Step towards (short story "The Captain's Daughter") - a man in a buffet
1975 - It can't be! (short story "Wedding Accident") - father of the bride
1975 - Bubbles - the driver of "Zaporozhets"
1975 - Aw! (short story “And the matchmaker drove up to the hut ...”) - grandfather, ethnographer
1975 - Where are you, Arina Rodionovna? - Rodionich
1976 - Shepherd Yanka - Prince Kukimor
1976 - A cheerful dream, or Laughter and tears - Minister Crivello
1976 - While the clock is striking - Masha's grandfather, the Great Gardener
1976 - Bluebird - Sugar
1976 - 12 chairs - undertaker Bezenchuk
1976 - The sun, the sun again - grandfather
1976 - Yeralash (in the story " Wonderful moment") - Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol
1977 - These incredible musicians, or Shurik's New Dreams (film-play) - cameo
1978 - The story of the meter page - hotel administrator Semyon Nikolaevich Kaloshin
1980 - For matches - tailor Tahvo Kenonen
1980 - Comedy of bygone days - Coward
1981 - Hands up! - agent YX-000, aka Fondy-Mondy-Dundy-Peck
1985 - Rivals - grandfather Ivan Stepanovich
1985 - Dangerous for life! - Alexander Petrovich Chokolov
1986 - The Journey of Pan Klyaksa - King Apollinaris Bai
1992 - Shot in the coffin - Colonel Zakusnyak
1992 - Gentlemen artists - hairdresser Nil Palych
1993 - Brave guys - Major Griboyedov
1994 - Several love stories - pharmacist Fornari
1994 - Hagi-Tragger - puppet master Genrikh Yanovich

Voiced by Georgy Vitsin:

1936 - Dowry (in the restored edition of 1970)
1937 - Rich bride - junior accountant
1937 - 1938 - Peter the Great (in the restoration of 1965) - reader
1939 - The Golden Key (in the restoration of 1959) - Pinocchio (the role of O. A. Shaganova-Obraztsova), Giuseppe (the role of M. N. Dagmarov)
1950 - Casimir - Paul-Andre (the role of B. La Jarrige)
1953 - The great warrior of Albania Skanderbeg - Mamitsa's husband
1954 - True friends - grandfather on a barge (role of A. I. Zhukov)
1954 - There will be a circus - Viewer (the role of V. Tregle)
1954 - Dad, mom, maid and I - Robert Langlois (role of R. Lamoureux)
1955 - Lourja Magdana - Gigo's grandfather (role of A. A. Omiadze)
1955 - The collapse of the emirate - Urzuf, ambassador of the emir (role of S. Tabibullaev / commandant)
1955 - Dzhigit girl - Murat (role of S. P. Telgaraev)
1956 - A precious gift - the head of a pharmacy (the role of E. S. Geller)
1956 - Around the world in 80 days - train conductor (role of K. Buster)
1956 - Bashi-Achuk
1957 - 12 Angry Men - Juror No. 2 (role of J. Fidler / Juror No. 9 (role of J. Sweeney)
1958 - My uncle
1958 - Mr. Pitkin behind enemy lines - Norman Pitkin / General Schreiber (role of N. Wisdom)
1959 - Babette goes to war - Captain Gustave Fremont (role of N. Roquer)
1959 - Keep it up, nurse! - the orderly Mick (the role of G. Lok)
1959 - Twelve girls and one man - Joseph (role of E. Waldbrunn)
1959 - Prairie Street - orderly Mick (role of G. Guy Decomble)
1961 - Beggar's Story - Pepia (role of A. A. Omiadze)
1961 - Hard life - episode (role of A. Blasetti)
1961 - Divorce in Italian - Carmelo Patane (role of L. Trieste)
1962 - Postman Knock - Harold Pug (role of S. Milligan)
1963 - Pitkin's Adventures in the Hospital - Norman Pitkin (role of N. Wisdom)
1963 - The way to the arena - agent of the State Insurance
1963 - Yesterday, today, tomorrow - grandfather (role of D. di Gregorio)
1964 - Believe it or not ... - lecturer (role of A. M. Matkovsky)
1964 - Forward, France! - Le supporter avec le bonnet tricolore (role of R. Rolli)
1964 - Fantomas - Executive Secretary of the Union of Jewelers (role of J. Berger)
1965 - The first teacher - Kartynbay (the role of Kirey Zharkimbaev) / the role of M. Kyshtobaev)
1966 - How to steal a million - insurance agent (role of E. Malin)
1966 - Amazing story, similar to a fairy tale - reads the text
1967 - Triangle - photographer
1968 - Diamond Hand - an alcoholic who is taken away by the police (the role of L. I. Gaidai) (uncredited)
1968 - Little bather - minister (role of P. Duck)
1969 - The Adventures of Gunner Dolas, or How I Unleashed the Second world war- Captain Ralph Peacock (the role of K. Rudzkiy)
1970 - Old Toomas was stolen - Old Toomas (role of K. K. Kiysk)
1971 - Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
1972 - The secret of the great storyteller - Count
1974 - Dealers in death - Uncle Kyokki (role of A. Cutolo)
1975 - Dear people - Profumo (role of D. Pagnani)
1976 - Acquaintance by marriage announcement - waiter (role of R. Riffar) / taxi driver (role of P. Repp)
1976 - Regentrude - the evil dwarf sorcerer Feuerbart
1977 - Garib in the country of Jinn - Asra (role of A. Mammadoglu)
1977 - Fantasies of Vesnukhin - Uncle Gosh, photographer (role of G. M. Roninson)
1977 - Stepmother Samanishvili - priest Michael (uncredited)
1978 - Who is who - driving school inspector (role of F. Castelli)
1979 - D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers - the second judicial officer (the role of V. A. Dolinsky)
1979 - Rhythms of songs - Tushar Babu Ghosh / Chatterjee (role of K. Mukherjee)
1980 - The Taming of the Shrew - the priest Cirillo (the role of P. Santonasto)
1981 - Grandfather of our grandfather's grandfather - grandfather Aziz (role of G. Sadikhov)
1981 - Maria, Mirabela - King of caterpillars, father of Omide (role of D. Radulescu)
1982 - In love of his own free will - boyfriend-artist (role of I. V. Ufimtsev)
1982 - Pokrovsky Gates - grandfather Savelich (role of E. S. Geller)
1982 - Wizards - talking cat(uncredited)
1986 - I am an outpost leader - father of Kolya Gudkov (role of A. A. Kozhevnikov)

Voiceover of cartoons by Georgy Vitsin:

1946 - Peacock's Tail - Dr. Aibolit
1947 - The Little Humpbacked Horse - Sleeping bag
1951 - High slide - sparrow Chick
1953 - Magic store - Mage-manager
1954 - Orange neck- rooster Podkovkin
1954 - The arrow flies into a fairy tale - The old man-forester
1954 - Goat-musician - First hedgehog
1954 - On the forest stage - Hare
1954 - Tanyusha, Tyavka, Top and Nyusha - Tyavka
1955 - Nut twig - Kloanza witch / raven (credited as "G. Vitsyn")
1955 - Postman Snowman - Snowman
1955 - Brave Hare - Brave Hare
1955 - The Enchanted Boy - Wooden statue of the old sailor Rosenbaum
1955 - What kind of bird is this? - Goose (uncredited)
1955 - Four coins - grandfather Ahmed
1956 - Little Shego - Parrot (uncredited)
1956 - The Ugly Duckling - Both Roosters / Goose / Turkey / Cat (uncredited)
1956 - Ship - Ant / Frog
1956 - Forest Story - Doctor Crane (uncredited)
1956 - Jackal and camel - Jackal
1956 - The Adventures of Murzilka - Starling / Janitor Uncle Yegor
1956 - 12 months - Raven / Herald / Parrot / Brother February
1956 - Ajar-bay stork (uncredited)
1957 - Verlioka - Drake (uncredited)
1957 - Wolf and seven kids - Woodpecker (uncredited)
1957 - In a certain kingdom ... - Overseas prince / clerk
1957 - Hello friends! - Fanfan reporter
1957 - Miraculous - Rooster
1957 - The Tale of the Snow Maiden - Grandfather (uncredited)
1958 - Cat's House - Goat / Raven Fireman
1958 - Beloved Beauty - Robber Truha / Magpie / Crow
1958 - We are going for the sun - Hedgehog
1958 - The Tale of Malchish-Kibalchish - Grandfather / bourgeois general Englishman / bourgeois general Japanese
1958 - Boy from Naples - Little Signor
1958 - Sportland - Hottabych from the book
1959 - The Adventures of Pinocchio - Giuseppe / clown / conductor (credited as "I. Vitsin")
1959 - Exactly at three fifteen ... - Pencil; Parsley (uncredited)
1959 - Three lumberjacks - Bubble
1960 - Different wheels - Rooster
1960 - Vintik and Shpuntik - merry masters - Pilyulkin (uncredited)
1960 - I drew a little man - Confectioner
1960 - Thirteenth flight - Hare, goat
1960 - The End of the Black Swamp - Goblin
1960 - Cartoon Crocodile #2 - gramophone/knife
1960 - Non-Drinking Sparrow - Non-Drinking Sparrow
1960 - Three sons-in-law - Old man (uncredited)
1961 - Dear penny - Pyatak-watchman
1961 - Dragon - Tax Collector
1961 - Key - Nikolai Zakharov, the boy's father
1961 - Ant-braggart - Grasshopper
1961 - Cipollino - gardener Cactus
1961 - Dunno is studying - Dr. Pilyulkin
1961 - Overseas Reporter - Reporter Bob Sketch
1962 - Two Tales - Hare
1962 - Just not now - the wizard "Now"
1962 - Queen Toothbrush - Grandpa Soap (uncredited)
1962 - Wick, plot "Modern Fairy Tale") - Dabran-aga
1963 - The Tale of the Old Cedar - Mushroom / Gingerbread Man
1963 - Pathfinder - aged repeater Vasya Petrov
1963 - Grandma's goat - 3rd wolf
1963 - Firefly #3 - Firefly
1963 - Three fat men - Seller balloons(uncredited)
1964 - Life and suffering of Ivan Semyonov - doctor
1964 - Who will go to the exhibition? - Defective man
1964 - Brave little tailor- Minister / Trumpeter
1964 - Rooster and paints - Rooster
1964 - Thumbelina - Grasshopper musician / one of the three respectable moles (uncredited)
1964 - Who is to blame? - Box of matches
1965 - Your health - Xvoroba / Microbe
1965 - Neither God nor Hell - carpenter Kuzma (uncredited)
1965 - Rikki-tikki-tavi - old mongoose
1965 - Firefly No. 6, plot Sunflower - Turkey
1965 - Where did I see him? - Pencil, chairman of the "Club of funny little men" (uncredited)
1966 - About the hippo who was afraid of vaccinations - Wolf / Giraffe / Crocodile
1966 - Go there, I don't know where - Text from the author / thin buffoon
1966 - Today is a birthday - Dispatcher at the station / Cat
1966 - Tails - Hare
1967 - Mirror - Hare
1967 - Mezha - Old Man (uncredited)
1967 - A train from Romashkov - Dad
1967 - Simulant Hare - Hare
1967 - Tales for big and small - Hare
1967 - Baby Elephant - Baboon
1967 - Time machine - Spartak fan
1967 - One, two - together! - Hare / one-eared wolf
1967 - The Tale of the Golden Cockerel - Sage Stargazer; gunner
1967 - Honest crocodile - Steam locomotive (uncredited)
1967 - How to get big - Mushroom
1968 - The kid who counted to ten - Horse
1968 - Comedian - Guard in Bombizhu (uncredited)
1968 - I want to butt! (short story "Helpful") - Hare
1968 - Film, film, film - screenwriter
1969 - Wick (short) (film No. 80 "Is there life on Mars?") - professor-lecturer
1969 - Wick (short) (film No. 177 "Happy Ending") - motorcyclist
1969 - Stolen Month - Month
1969 - Puss in Boots Part 1 - Perrault the Cat
1969 - Absent-minded Giovanni (Merry Carousel No. 1) - Postman (uncredited)
1970 - Beavers are on the trail - Beaver teacher
1971 - Petrushka - Petrushka
1971 - Terem-Teremok - Cockerel
1972 - Cheerful old man (Funny carousel No. 4) - Old man
1972 - Old Sailor's Tales: Antarctica - Caretaker Penguin
1972 - The duckling who did not know how to play football - the bully duckling (uncredited)
1973 - How It Happened - Clown Toy
1973 - Fiction in faces (Merry Carousel No. 5) - Egor
1974 - A bag of apples - Papa Hare
1974 - Themselves to blame - Papa Hare
1975 - The inheritance of the magician Bahram - The Magician Bahram
1975 - The Little Humpbacked Horse - Sleeping bag / episodic characters
1975 - Visiting the Gnomes - Dwarf (uncredited)
1976 - Bunny-knower - Bunny-Knaughter
1976 - All the dull ones - Intellectual worm
1977 - How mushrooms fought with peas - Pod (uncredited)
1977 - Hare and fly - Sparrow
1977 - Quartet "Kva-kva" - Beetle (uncredited)
1978 - Santa Claus and the gray wolf - Papa Hare (credited as "G. Vitsyn")
1978 - Robinson Kuzya - Savage Cat
1978 - How a musician duck became a football player - Bully duck (credited as "G. Vitsyn")
1979 - How the fox caught up with the hare - Hare
1979 - From whom to take an example? - Spotted Rooster
1980 - First autograph - Beaver (song performance)
1980 - Vacation in Prostokvashino - Beaver
1981 - Maria, Mirabela - King of caterpillars, father of Omide
1981 - winter fairy tale- bullfinch
1982 - The Adventures of a Magic Globe or the Witch's Tricks - Little Signor / Kloanza Witch / Wise Raven
1982 - Birthday - Dwarf
1982 - Sweet Spring - Rooster / Goby
1982 - Lost and found - parrot Stepanych
1983 - Catch, fish! - grandfather
1983 - A goat lived with my grandmother - Bunny
1983 - The smallest gnome (4th edition) - Cockerel
1983 - Koloboks are investigating (2nd edition of "Robbery of the Century") - ice cream seller
1984 - Underpass - Already
1984 - I want the moon - Lord Chancellor
1984 - I don't want and I won't - Cat
1984 - Elephant went to study - Cat
1984 - How a puppy learned to swim - Swan
1984-1990 - KOAPP - Cheetah
1984 - Brownie Kuzya. House for Kuzka - brownie Kuzya / guest / loader
1985 - Brownie Kuzya. Adventures of a brownie - brownie Kuzya / cat
1986 - Brownie Kuzya. Tale for Natasha - brownie Kuzya
1986 - Snow Maidens - Scarecrow
1987 - Brownie Kuzya. The return of the brownie - brownie Kuzya
1990 - Chicken - Old Rooster
1990 - Sweet turnip - narrator
1991 - Nikolai Ugodnik and hunters - all characters
1991 - Guest - raeshnik
1992 - A simple man - a raeshnik
1992 - Woman's work - raeshnik
1993 - Two crooks - raeshnik
1993 - Relatives - raeshnik
1993 - Chuffyk - Hare
1994 - Dreamers from the village of Ugory - Koschey the Immortal
1994 - Sharman, Sharman! -2 - Turtle
1995 - Sharman, Sharman! -3 - Turtle

Radio performances by George Vitsin:

1961 - "Pharmacy "Blue Balls"" - Doctor-Pharmacist
1962 - "The Star Diaries of Iyon the Quiet" - from the editors
1965 - "Faithful Robot" - a strange type
1972 - "Treasure Island" - Pew
1981 - "Children of Captain Grant" - Paganel

musical tales George Vitsin:

1965 - "The Wizard of the Emerald City" - Goodwin
1981 - "The Incident in the Country of Multi-Pulti" - Coward
1984 - "The Adventures of Grasshopper Kuzi" - grasshopper Kuzya
1984 - "New Adventures of Grasshopper Kuzi" - grasshopper Kuzya
1989 - “Wanted Grasshopper Kuzya” - grasshopper Kuzya
1989 - "Grasshopper Kuzya on the planet Tuami" - grasshopper Kuzya

Shortly after the birth of their son, the family moved to Moscow. Vitsin received his first inoculations of art in the Hall of Columns, where his mother worked as an usher. Already in those years, Georgy Vitsin was quite funny, because of all the genres of cinema, it was comedy that attracted him the most. At the age of twelve, George began performing in school amateur performances. One of the reasons that prompted him to do this was his shyness, with which he decided to fight with all available means.

In the school at the theater. Evgenia Vakhtangov Vitsin entered in 1934, but the very next year he moved to the studio at the Second Moscow Art Theater. In the period from 1936 to 1969, he performed on the stage of the Moscow Theater. Yermolova. Among the most successful roles of George Vitsin in the theater: Schastlivtsev (“The Forest” by A. N. Ostrovsky), Tony (“Night of Errors” by O. Goldsmith), William (“As You Like It” by W. Shakespeare). From 1969 to 2001 he performed at the theater-studio of a film actor.

He made his film debut in 1945, playing the role of Eisenstein in the second series of Ivan the Terrible. In total, in his life, one of the most talented comedians of the 20th century played over 100 roles and voiced over 80 animated films.

Vitsin played his first really big role (Nikolai Gogol) in 1951 in the film "Belinsky" by G. M. Kozintsev. The first fame came three years later, along with the role of the eighteen-year-old football player Vasya Vesnushkin in the film "Reserve Player" (1954). The image of a charming, shy and rustic boy, created by the actor, fell in love with the audience. The actor carried the same image with him into the film “She Loves You” (1956) and some others. However, he did not become an actor in a single role. Among the most memorable images created by Vitsin: Sir Andrew - "Twelfth Night" (1955), Balzaminov - "The Marriage of Balzaminov" (1965), Good Wizard - "Old, Old Tale" (1968).

He won all-Union love thanks to the roles played in the so-called “Coward period”. The image of the Coward in Vitsin was opened by the legendary comedy director Leonid Gaidai, who involved the actor in the comedies: Dog Mongrel and an Unusual Cross Country (1960), Moonshiners (1961), Operation Y and Shurik’s Other Adventures (1965), Caucasian prisoner ”(1967), etc. The magnificent trinity Coward (Vitsin), Bolvan () and Experienced (), created by the director, became one of the symbols of the Soviet era.

The image of a coward, which the audience loved, was also used by other directors, for example, Alexander Sery, who invited Vitsin to play in the cult comedy Gentlemen of Fortune (1971) with Yevgeny Leonov in the title role.

Georgy Vitsin died on October 22, 2001 at the age of 83 after a long illness. Buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery

Vitsin George, whose biography is an example of an inimitable actor, left behind many vivid and memorable images. his jokes and idioms long gone to the people and have become an integral part of the Russian language.


Due to the anarchy of the revolutionary year, exact information about the date and place where Vitsin George was born was not preserved. The biography of the actor, or rather, her first period, is full of white spots. By official version, Georgy Vitsin was born on April 18, 1917 in the suburbs of Petrograd, which is now Zelenogorsk as part of St. Petersburg. It is believed that the mother of the child asked to amend the documents relating to his birth in order to send him to a health camp, where he could not go due to a discrepancy in age.

Despite the Petersburg origin, most Vitsin spent his life in Moscow, where his parents moved him at the age of eight months. Since childhood, he wanted to become an actor. Therefore, immediately after the young man graduated from general education school, he entered the school, which belonged to the Maly Theater. Vitsin did not stay there for a long time. He was expelled for inappropriate behavior. What exactly was the reason for such measures is unknown.

The beginning of an acting career

Despite the misunderstanding, the following year George applied to three more studios. All educational institutions accepted him. Perseverance and stamina from childhood were inherent in Vitsin. This is not surprising, because he grew up in an environment of devastation. civil war and its consequences. From an early age, the child is accustomed to endure hardships, but confidently move towards his goal.

Vitsin completed his education at the Moscow Art Theater Studio. In 1936, he finally received a well-deserved diploma. His permanent place of work was the theater-studio of Khmelev (later reorganized at the age of 33, George Vitsin devoted this place to this place. The biography of the actor is firmly connected with the local scene.

The first serious roles

For the first time, Vitsin appeared on the big screen in 1945, playing the episodic role of a railway worker in the film Hello, Moscow! However, this debut did not show the general public the potential that George Vitsin possessed. The biography, creativity and roles of the actor will become known a little later.

At this time, in the Soviet Union, which had just survived the war, the genre of historical cinema was gaining popularity. Tapes based on the works of the classics of Russian literature were in special demand (both by the state and by the audience). Vitsin Georgy Mikhailovich could not help but get into such films. The biography of the actor in the 50s was replenished with participation in the filming of the films Belinsky (played Gogol) and Composer Glinka.

The image of the Coward

Of course, Vitsin is best known as a Coward - a comic antagonist and petty offender. This character is best known for the comedies Coward, Dunce and Experienced (Vitsin, Nikulin and Morgunov) - one of the most recognizable faces of Soviet cinema.

It all started in 1961, when Gaidai decided to make two short films - "Dog Mongrel and an Unusual Cross Country" and "Moonshiners". In both tapes, the famous trinity breaks the law in every possible way. A coward with friends is poaching or trying to make moonshine. Due to the clumsiness of the characters, all their ideas turn into a comedic farce.

The success of the image made Gaidai and the entire film crew think about creating a continuation of the adventures of the trinity. In 1965, another collection of film novels appeared - "Operation" Y "and other adventures of Shurik." In 1966, the full-length film "Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures" was released. It became one of the most popular and popular films of its time.

comedy star

Many actors who have achieved great success thanks to a successful role in the cinema, became hostages of their image. Some of these colleagues of Vitsin could not escape the stigma associated with their previous achievements. Georgy Mikhailovich escaped such a fate. His role as a Coward was a milestone for the entire Soviet cinema. But the actor was not going to stop there.

In 1971, he starred in The Gentlemen of Fortune. This tape caused the effect of an exploding bomb in all cinemas of the country of victorious socialism. At the same time, Vitsin played not just anyone, but a hardened criminal, which was not yet in his repertoire. Soviet viewers will forever remember his barking, eerie voice and sentimental speeches. The criminal, rushing into the noose, became one of the most recognizable "masks" worn by Vitsin Georgy Mikhailovich. The biography, personal life and successes of the actor at that time were in the center of attention of all viewers of the country.

Vitsin has always been primarily an actor in the comedy genre. In each tape, he opened up new frontiers of his skill, reincarnating as another eccentric and hilarious character. So, in the film "It Can't Be!" in 1975, the actor played a dad with an explosive character. This character still causes friendly laughter of viewers of any generation.

The ability to transform on the screen was the trademark professional feature that George Vitsin possessed. The actor's biography is full of roles that did not at all correspond to his real age. So, at the age of 48, Vitsin reincarnated as a 20-year-old Balzaminov, and in the "Reserve Player" he rejuvenated twice in the image of Vasya Vesnushkin. At the same time, Vitsin, at a not yet old age, played gray-haired characters with vast life experience behind him. Such, for example, was his character from Maxim Perepelitsa.


Georgy Vitsin was married to Tamara Fedorovna, who was the niece of the famous breeder and biologist Ivan Michurin. His wife worked as a costume designer. She was always close to her husband and supported him until the very end. last day. The couple had their only daughter, Natalya.

Despite the fact that the actor had many roles as hopeless drunkards, he never drank. In this habit of his, great self-control and a strong character are traced, which undoubtedly distinguished Vitsin George. Biography, photo and lifestyle were given out in it healthy person attentive to his own well-being.

Vitsin loved to do yoga. In the Soviet Union, almost no one knew about this Indian art of meditation. In a sense, the actor was even obsessed with his own well-being. But it helped him to live in harmony with himself and every time to give all the best at 100% on the theater stage and in the cinema.

other hobbies

It would be wrong to say that cinema and theater became the only hobbies that Vitsin George devoted his time to. Biography, awards and a public image are unlikely to tell about this, but all the actor's friends often noted that he was very fond of fine arts. Creative person did not let Vitsin sit idle even when he was free from the stage and filming. He owns several well-published Soviet time cartoons.

Vitsin also painted puppet characters. They became cartoon characters. Georgy Mikhailovich loved animation. He himself voiced many Soviet cartoons. He did not take this work seriously in a childish way. Vitsin used which was always difficult for actors because of the many requirements for "getting used to the role."

With the onset of old age, he practically stopped acting. In the 90s, actor Georgy Vitsin, whose biography was known to almost every Russian audience, began to go on tour throughout the country. He performed with monologues and skits from those that brought him fame.


The famous actor died on October 22, 2001. The cause of his death was chronic heart disease. Georgy Mikhailovich died in one of the Moscow clinics, where he was brought for urgent treatment. They buried him at

In subsequent years, monuments dedicated to Vitsin and his most famous images began to appear throughout Russia. The famous countryman was not forgotten in Zelenogorsk either. A sculpture depicting an actor in the role of Mikhailo Balzaminov from the film "Balzaminov's Wedding", based on the plot of the play by Alexander Ostrovsky, was installed there.

the whole top

Forever young, forever stupid: "Balzaminov's Marriage" - 55!

Who would have thought that, based on the trilogy of the Russian playwright Alexander Ostrovsky about the life of Zamoskovretsk philistines, a hundred years later, one of the brightest Soviet comedies would be filmed? We are talking, of course, about the film "The Balzaminov's Marriage" directed by Konstantin Voinov, in which a galaxy of famous Soviet actors starred: Georgy Vitsin, Nonna Mordyukova, Rolan Bykov, Lidia Smirnova, Ekaterina Savinova, Lyudmila Gurchenko and others. This year, the comedy celebrates its 55th anniversary, and in connection with this date, we would like to remember how this wonderful picture was created. The film was based on three plays by Ostrovsky: "A Festive Dream Before Dinner", "Your Own Dogs Bite, Don't Harass Someone Else!", "Balzaminov's Marriage (What You Go For, You Will Find). The plot focuses on a petty Moscow official, Misha Balzaminov, and his mother, who dream of breaking out of poverty. Dreams are the only joy of the protagonist, and he indulges in them all the time, and when his mother cuts him off, she says to her with regret: “ You don't know what a pleasure it is to dream!". His main dream, like any poor person, is to get rich. Misha is unlikely to achieve this with his mind, he understands this very well, and therefore the Balzaminovs decide to use the services of a familiar matchmaker Akulina Gavrilovna, who is ready to arrange a personal life for the middle-aged Misha, and most importantly - a profitable marriage ... Director Voinov himself wrote the script for the film. On leading role he invited George Vitsin, his childhood friend, with whom they once dreamed of making a film. And so, in 1964, this dream finally had a chance. However, the performer of the role of the twenty-five-year-old Balzaminov was already 46 at that time, and the make-up artists had to rejuvenate Vitsin every day. But not only make-up artists actively worked to reduce the age of the actor. Vitsin himself went to Sukhumi before filming, where he played football all day long to lose weight. In addition, he began to practice yoga. I must say that the actress Lyudmila Shagalova, who played the mother of the protagonist, was six years younger than her cinematic son. Make-up artists also had to work hard on her image. Remembering the filming, Georgy Vitsin joked about the name of the picture, calling it "The Marriage of the Embalmed". Filming took place mainly in Suzdal, with some scenes filmed in Vladimir. The locations chosen by the director perfectly convey the atmosphere of 19th century Moscow. These places can be found even now, however, many of them have changed beyond recognition. In the film, you can clearly see the Suzdal Kremlin, Torgovaya Square and Bishops' Chambers. After the release of the film, tourists began to take tourists to the filming locations: the main attraction is, of course, the Balzaminovs' house, located at 13 Staraya Street. In the same house, but on the other hand, they filmed scenes with the Pezhenov sisters - Anfisa and Raisa performed by Inna Makarova and Nadezhda Rumyantseva. At that time, Suzdal was a deeply provincial town, and the entire film crew had to live in one hotel for the whole city, several people in a room. They cooked for themselves, they bought products in the market from local residents. Here is what actress Lidia Smirnova, who plays the matchmaker Akulina Gavrilovna, writes in her memoirs about those days: “ I must say that the city itself, these abandoned churches in which barrels of herring were stored or there were some kind of warehouses, these houses, slanting, tumbled down, and an endless number of old women - everything created the atmosphere of the film. Nowhere have I seen so many old women as in Suzdal. There were no factories there, only a dairy factory: they made condensed milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter. There were monasteries where there were juvenile delinquents, they worked there". An atmosphere of trust and friendship reigned on the set, which was later recalled by all the participants in the filming. In many scenes, the director involved local residents who did an excellent job. Some episodes had to be shot take after take - Voinov did not tolerate hack work and demanded full dedication from the actors. So, in the scene where Mordyukova kisses the tortured Vitsin, he is actually tortured by her: the final version was filmed only from the 29th time! He also mercilessly demanded naturalness from Smirnova in the scene of eating jam pie - 15 takes were shot. The director was pleased with the result, and the unfortunate actress vomited. Throughout this story, the influence of Russian fairy tales is visible, where main character- Ivanushka the Fool, despite his unenviable data, in the end receives both wealth, and a wife and happiness. Ostrovsky's play itself was censored and even banned from being staged, although F. M. Dostoevsky himself spoke very warmly about it. As for the film, thanks to the acting, the actors themselves, it has become a wonderful diamond in the treasury of Soviet cinema art and even, in a sense, prophetic: in one of Balzaminov’s dreams, they are awarded different stars and orders and kiss at the same time repeatedly. Very little time will pass, and Soviet viewers will see the same picture, but in reality: with General Secretary Brezhnev, who only had 19 orders, four of them - Hero of the Soviet Union. Needless to say, the audience remembered the film for its funny quotes, many of which have long gone to the people: “ If I were a king, I would make this law: the poor marry the rich, the rich marry the poor». « I like him! .. To him ... To visit me every day!» - And how long have you loved me? - Thursday afternoon. Last week. - So it's not long. - I can do more. « No need for fire! In the dark, mama, it's more fun to dream». « Anfiska, Raiska! Stop the cider!» « It's not enough to strangle Matryona!"And in conclusion, during the wedding, the mother says to her son, stunned with happiness, as if summing up:" Never mind, Misha, with money we can live like fools!..". As you know, happiness and the pursuit of it are different concepts, but one thing can be said with certainty: the comedy "Balzaminov's Marriage" will make you happy for an hour and a half, and this is not so little!...

To the 90th anniversary of Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin

Epigraph to his book of memoirs "Almost serious" Yury Nikulin took the words of Stanisław Jerzy Letz: "People's lives take an awful lot of time". Behind the outward ironic accuracy of the aphorism of the Polish writer, there is a deep inner meaning - worldly wisdom, which was possessed by a Man who calls himself a sad clown and laughed at himself with pleasure along with the public. The humor of Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin is understandable to everyone - kind, sincere, smart. Both cinematographers and circus people fought for the right to consider Nikulin “their own”. And the rare talent of love of life left in the audience's memory a sympathetic and cheerful person who refuted the conventional wisdom that clowns in life are melancholic and misanthropic. Life took Nikulin really terribly a lot of time. And he filled it to the top with Meaning. fate of the future circus performer and the film actor did not differ from many of the fates of his peers. From school, Yuri went to the army, went through two wars - the Finnish and the Great Patriotic War, giving a total of 7 years to the battlefields. He managed to return home only in 1946. Sergeant Nikulin defended Leningrad, fought in the Baltic states, burned in a tank, was shell-shocked ... He later recalled the years of the war: “I can’t say that I am one of the brave people. No, I was scared. It's all about how that fear manifests itself. Some had tantrums - they cried, screamed, ran away. Others endured outwardly calmly ... But it is impossible to forget the first person killed in my presence. We sat in the firing position and ate out of cauldrons. Suddenly, a shell exploded near our gun, and the loader's head was torn off by shrapnel. A man is sitting with a spoon in his hands, steam comes from a pot, and top part head cut off, like a razor, clean ... " Much of what he experienced in the wars, Yuri Nikulin, will later translate into films. However, the path to serious roles will be long. Since the friendly laughter of fellow soldiers who exclaimed: “You, Yura, are a real comedian…”, - Nikulin was convinced that his talents would definitely be appreciated in the cinema. After the war, Yuri tries his hand at the entrance exams in VGIK, then to all theater schools and institutes. Verdict one: you have no acting talent; look at yourself in the mirror - well, what kind of artist are you? Nikulin's childhood dream of becoming a clown comes to the rescue. His father, Vladimir Andreevich, at one time organized a traveling theater of revolutionary humor "Terevium", on the stage of which he staged small plays. And having moved to Moscow, he became seriously interested in the circus - he wrote interludes and numbers. He also brought his son Yura to the circuswhen he was five years old. The atmosphere of bright performances (and especially clowns!) pleased the boy so much that he immediately asked his mother to sew him "the same costume as theirs." True, the first performance that Nikulin gave in this costume in the house of a girl friend was not entirely successful. It was painful to fall, no one laughed, and little Yura drew the correct conclusion: “For the first time, I realized from my own experience that being a clown is not easy”. And then fortune smiled at the future artist. He enters the studio of colloquial genres at the Moscow Circus. And then falls into the group of the famous Pencil. The first number with his participation called "Sitter and hack" was written by his father ... The line of fate closes in the circle of the arena - the circus becomes a second home for Yuri Vladimirovich. Many years later, the circus on Tsvetnoy is simply called: Yuri Nikulin's circus. And his bronze hero in striped short trousers and huge boots meets the audience at the entrance. However, the cinema lurked around the corner, waiting for the right opportunity, which came in 1958. The first role of Yuri Nikulin in the cinema is the role of a pyrotechnician showing his number to the selection committee "Fireworks". A comic episode in which Nikulin's character utters only one line: "Nothing, now vzhikt!"- becomes the decoration of the picture " Girl with a guitar". The directors see a comedian in Nikulin, and he willingly agrees with them. So from a serious story about the re-education of difficult youth turned out to be a comedy " Unyielding". But the real national fame comes to the actor along with the appearance on the screen of the famous trio of comic anti-heroes - Coward (

  1. Actor and artist

Georgy Vitsin began to appear on stage in school performances when he was 12 years old. He studied at the Theater School, served in the theater, played typical dramatic characters in films. After the release of Leonid Gaidai's comedy Dog Mongrel and the Unusual Cross, Georgy Vitsin became part of the legendary acting trio - ViNiMor - Coward, Dunce and Experienced.

Nikolai Gogol and other dramatic characters

Georgy Vitsin was born in 1917. Later, his mother corrected the birth document in order to be able to send her son to a health school. When the future actor was 8 months old, his parents moved from Leningrad region to Moscow. Vitsin's mother changed several jobs and eventually got a job as an usher in the Hall of Columns. She often took her son with her to performances, and at the age of 12 he became interested in theater and began to play in school plays - mostly negative characters.

After school, Georgy Vitsin entered the Maly Theater School. However, he was soon expelled - "for a frivolous attitude to the educational process." A year later, he applied again, and immediately to three theater studios. And everyone accepted him. Vitsin chose the Theater School at the E. Vakhtangov Theater (today the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute) and studied here until 1935.

In 1936, the young actor went to work in the studio theater, which was directed by the famous Soviet director Nikolai Khmelev. Soon, Vitsin began an affair with Khmelev's wife, Nadezhda Topoleva. They had a big age difference: Georgy Vitsin was 19 years old, and Topoleva was 35. However, she left her husband for a young actor.

Georgy Vitsin made his film debut almost 10 years later - in the mid-1940s. According to various sources, his first picture was the film "Ivan the Terrible" by Sergei Eisenstein or "Hello, Moscow" by Sergei Yutkevich. A few years later, Vitsin played Nikolai Gogol in the Belinsky film by Grigory Kozintsev. Soon after "Belinsky" the actor was again invited to the role of Gogol, and then other dramatic characters appeared.

Georgy Vitsin as Oprichnik in feature film Sergei Eisenstein "Ivan the Terrible" (1944)

Georgy Vitsin as Nikolai Gogol in Grigory Kozintsev's feature film Belinsky (1951)

Georgy Vitsin as a railway worker in Sergei Yutkevich's feature film "Hello, Moscow!" (1945)

ViniMor - Coward, Dunce, Experienced

The first comedy appeared in Vitsin's film career in 1954. He played football player Vasily Vesnushkin in the film "Reserve Player" by Semyon Timoshenko. Vitsin got to audition almost by accident: he came to Lenfilm to participate in the casting for another film.

Three years later, Georgy Vitsin played for the first time in Leonid Gaidai's comedy "The Bridegroom from the Other World." The film did not become popular with Soviet viewers, but Gaidai decided to shoot an actor in his next work - "Dog Barbos and an unusual cross". According to legend, the director saw a feuilleton about poachers in a newspaper and came up with a comedy with a trio of negative characters. This is how Coward, Dunce and Experienced appeared. And in this tape, and in many others, they were played by Georgy Vitsin, Yuri Nikulin and Evgeny Morgunov. The short film "Dog Mongrel and the Unusual Cross" became very popular with the audience, and its main characters became characters of Soviet jokes. The actors even got one name for three - WiniMor, it was made up of the first letters of the surnames.

After the short film, the actors of ViNiMor played in Gaidai's "Moonshiners", and then in full force they moved on to the film "Give the Book of Mourning" by Eldar Ryazanov. Quotes from films with Coward, Dunce and Experienced went to the people, film studios received hundreds of letters from all over the Soviet Union. T-shirts, toys, calendars with the image of a star acting trio came out in the country. They were even used in cartoons: copied from the Coward, Dunce and Experienced forest robbers appeared in the film "The Bremen Town Musicians".

In 1967, Leonid Gaidai began filming The Prisoner of the Caucasus. According to legend, the whole group came up with jokes and tricks for the film, including Vitsin, Morgunov and Nikulin. The scene where the star trinity stands in front of a moving car is attributed to Georgy Vitsin. "Prisoner of the Caucasus" in 1967 became the leader of the box office: 76.5 million viewers watched it.

In 1979, the Three Actors Museum dedicated to Vitsin, Nikulin and Morgunov opened in Moscow. It was created by pop and circus artist Vladimir Zukerman. The museum contains posters and newspaper clippings, sweets and dolls dedicated to WinnMore, audio recordings with the actors' voices and their photographs.

Yuri Nikulin, Georgy Vitsin and Yevgeny Morgunov in Leonid Gaidai's short feature film Moonshiners (1961)

Georgy Vitsin as Coward in Leonid Gaidai's short feature film Dog Mongrel and the Unusual Cross (1961)

Evgeny Morgunov, Georgy Vitsin and Yuri Nikulin in Leonid Gaidai's feature film Captive of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures (1966)

Actor and artist

Georgy Vitsin played the Coward seven times. And it was not the only negative character in his career. Vitsin often had to play characters who abuse alcohol and have questionable moral qualities. And outside of screen life, the actor led a healthy lifestyle: he did not drink strong drinks, did not smoke and was fond of yoga, which was secretly banned in the Soviet Union in those years. On the set of The Prisoner of the Caucasus, Georgy Vitsin even drank several mugs of rosehip tincture before the director forced him to drink a mug of real beer.

With all this, over the long years of working in the cinema, Georgy Mikhailovich masterfully learned to play drunks. However, in real life, he never learned to drink. In the cinematic environment, such a bike even went. One actor says to another: “I was at the presentation yesterday. The table was awesome. Everyone was there, everyone was drinking. Leonov, Papanov, Mironov, Nikulin, Morgunov, Vitsin ... "-" Stop, - interrupted the second, - do not lie. - “Well, everyone was there, and everyone drank. In addition to Vitsin, of course ... ".

Vladimir Tsukerman, director of the Museum of the Three Actors

Acting in films, Georgy Vitsin continued to work in the theater. After twenty years of living with Nadezhda Topoleva, he met Tamara Michurina, who later became his official wife. Michurina, the niece of a famous Soviet scientist, worked as a props at the Yermolova Theatre. The future spouses met on Easter, when in the props room everyone exchanged colored eggs and Easter cakes. Soon the couple got married, and their daughter Natalya was born.

In total, Georgy Vitsin played in more than 100 films. In addition, he voiced cartoons and feature films, participated in radio plays, painted pictures, drew cartoons, and created sculptures. Together with other artists, Vitsin went on tour Soviet Union, performed with the program "Comrade KINO" and concerts. Last time the actor went to the set in 1994: he played in the comedy "A Few Love Stories" by Andrei Benkendorf and the crime thriller with elements of mysticism "Hagi-Tragger" by Eldor Urazbaev. After that, Georgy Vitsin performed only in concerts of the Film Actor Theater.

George Vitsin died in 2001. The actor was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.
