A good reference for an employee. To whom it May concern

Despite the fact that many consider a document characterizing a person to be a relic of the past, it is in great demand, as it allows one to determine professional or personal qualities. When hiring, in educational institution often pay attention to the specified personal and professional qualities.

However, such a document does not have legal force and in each case they react to it differently. For example, when entering a higher educational institution, they may require such paper, but it cannot become a basis for refusal of admission to study. But when a case is heard in court, such a document can form a certain impression on the judge, which can affect the decision made.

When applying for a job, it all depends on how the employer treats the compiled characteristics: whether he considers them a relic of the past or still, as a document defining personal and professional qualities.

Basic cases of writing characteristics

The following cases of writing characteristics can be distinguished:

  1. For a preschooler compiled by employees kindergarten if necessary. Some lyceums and elite fee-paying schools of primary and secondary education require a similar document when considering the possibility of admitting a child to study.
  2. For a schoolchild a document can be drawn up upon his or her admission to a higher or secondary specialized educational institution, or when a student ends up in police custody on various matters.
  3. From the student's place of study– during internship, during legal proceedings.
  4. From the student's place of practice Employers usually take such a document when looking for a young specialist.
  5. Transfer from one educational institution to another It is carried out quite rarely, and at the same time they may ask for a student’s characteristics. In this case, the document drawn up may become a reason for refusing the translation.
  6. From the employee's place may require paper in many cases: considering the possibility of granting a loan, during court proceedings, when considering the issue of promotion (in this case, management asks for a paper drawn up by immediate superiors) and in many others.

Such paper is available upon request. It is worth noting that the characteristics must be drawn up correctly. After all, if it can become a reason for making a decision, it is best to be sure that such a document will allow for a correct assessment of personal and professional qualities.

Types of characteristics from the place of work

There are two types of job descriptions:

  1. Internal- drawn up when transferring to another department, when demotion or promotion, when imposing disciplinary sanctions. As a rule, more attention is paid to such a document, since it is easier to verify the authenticity of the information. Typically common in very large organizations.
  2. External– compiled at the request of a third party. The most popular type of document.

Internal and external characteristics contain approximately the same information.

The nuances of compiling a job description at the place of requirement

Depending on which organization requires a characterization, the following nuances of its preparation can be noted:

  1. When applying for a job. When preparing such a document Special attention pay attention to assessing the professional qualities of the employee, his level of training, and responsibility. In addition, it is worth paying attention to his work in a team, since often the existing relationship between employees affects the result of the work. It is worth noting that the previous employer must provide such a document to its employee within three years after his dismissal.
  2. When requested by law enforcement agencies. In this case, special attention should be paid to personal qualities. It is recommended to draw up the document on company letterhead with the specified contact information and legal addresses of the company. In addition to personal qualities, the position held and the date of his employment are indicated. If the request is being made to review a driving license case, in order to assist the employee, the need for a license to fulfill work obligations should be indicated. In this case, the document must necessarily be signed by management and the company seal must be affixed.
  3. Credit organizations. In some cases, a request is made by creditors who are interested, first of all, in the client’s solvency and responsibility. It is these indicators that you should focus on when drawing up the document.
  4. Military registration and enlistment office. Similar organization pays more attention to the assessment of psychological and moral qualities. When making such a request, it should be borne in mind that the words written may determine whether the employee will be called up for service or not (in some cases, the military registration and enlistment office pays attention to the importance of the employee, but we are not talking about conscript service, but about training camps during exercises).

In other cases, the characteristic is written in any form. The employer has the right to note whatever he wants in it.

Structure of registration of characteristics from the place of work

Despite the fact that the document in question can be drawn up in any form, that is, various information is indicated (except for the assessment of the employee’s personal data, which does not concern him professional activity), The following design standards exist:

  1. Company details, date of document preparation. Within three years after dismissal, the former employee has the right to demand his reference.
  2. Employee profile details.
  3. Assessing the level of professionalism carried out by the immediate superior. In addition, the data that is taken as a basis may include facts of retraining, advanced training courses, and so on.
  4. Description of functional responsibilities and evaluation of their implementation. In many cases, people who occupy one position perform various jobs. That is why it is important to note what functional responsibilities performed by the employee and how he dealt with them.
  5. Personal qualities of the employee Only those that influence his professional activity can be noted: determination, responsibility, dedication. For example, political and religious views should not be displayed in such a document.
  6. Assessing the relationship that the former employee has with the team. In most cases, it is the ability to work in a team that allows you to achieve great results. Otherwise, problems with the quality of work performed will constantly arise for management due to the current situation in the team.

Such information should be indicated in the specification.

Example of a job description - sample

Limited Liability Company "Primer-A"

Address: Mira, st. Mira, 15, office 305, tel. 8 (0000) 000 – 00 – 00.


on Petrov Petr Petrovich

Petrov Petr Petrovich, date of birth April 27, 1976, last place of work - HR department at Primer-A LLC. Total experience in the current position is 6 years.

During his work, he has established himself as a responsible and disciplined employee who can take initiative and make the right decision in matters related to his professional activities and within his competence.

Petr Petrovich took advanced training courses and repeatedly used the acquired skills in solving assigned problems.

The relationship with the team was good, he supported employees during difficult periods, but at the same time adhered to corporate rules and regulations. Repeatedly remained at work after the end of working hours at the verbal request of management to solve problems during a crisis situation.

He was fired at his own request due to a change of residence. The dismissal procedure took place in accordance with accepted standards.


Vasilenko Vasily Vasilievich

According to the rules, writing a reference for an employee or student must be carried out by authorized persons of organizations and educational institutions. However, often a person is asked to write a description of himself. Our article will tell you how to do this according to all the rules.

Rules for writing characteristics

The document is drawn up on the letterhead of an organization, educational institution, company, or simply on a blank white sheet of A4 format, if we are talking, for example, about a reference from the residents of the entrance. By the way, you will find the rules for its compilation in the article.

The document must be neat, without blots or corrections, spelling or punctuation errors. The characteristics are endorsed by authorized officials of the institution or company using signatures and seals.

You need to try to write a reference for yourself as briefly as possible, but at the same time meaningful and, of course, objectively - otherwise they simply won’t sign it for you. Try to keep the text on half an A4 sheet.

Characteristic structure

Like any other document, the characteristics require proper preparation. There are no strict rules in its design, but there are still basic principles:

  • Title. It includes the title of the document - the word “characteristics” is written in the middle of the sheet in capital letters.
  • Questionnaire part. The first paragraph of the characteristics, which states the full name of the person for whom the characteristics are drawn up, the year of his birth, education and social status or position (for example, university student, lyceum student, lawyer, marketing director, etc.).
  • Description of work/study activities. Here it is necessary to indicate in what year and for what position the employee was hired (if a job description is being compiled) or in what year the student entered the school/university (if a teacher/student profile is needed). If an employee was transferred from position to position, then also note this, indicating the reasons. Dedicate a couple of sentences to the work or academic merits or, on the contrary, the shortcomings of the employee/student. If you received certificates/awards during your work/study, or implemented any significant projects, this is also worth noting here.
  • Assessment of business and human qualities. In this part of the characteristics, it is necessary to note how hardworking and professional the person is, resistant to stress, how well he gets along with the team, whether he is punctual, and whether he has strong character traits that significantly help or hinder him in work/study.
  • Conclusion. This part may contain specific recommendations from the institution. For example: “Ivanov I.I. has all the necessary professional and personal qualities and experience to hold the position of head of the legal department.” Or: “Student Petrov P.P. requires the development of an individual training program for him, which would take into account the student’s health condition and the characteristics of his perception of information. To implement the training course, it is recommended to choose the form of training at home.” At the very end the phrase is written: “The characteristic was issued for presentation at the place of request.” Then indicate the date of preparation of the document and leave space for the signature of the head of the organization that issued the reference.​​

Types of characteristics

There are several types of characteristics:

  • educational;
  • household;
  • for the military registration and enlistment office;
  • for traffic police;
  • from the place of work, etc.

In addition, a distinction is made between internal and external characteristics. In both cases, you may be asked to write a description of yourself. However, if we are talking about some important matter (for example, if a document is required for court), then it would be better to enlist the support of professionals.

  • The internal characteristics are compiled to solve some internal work, educational, everyday issues in an organization, educational institution, housing or garage cooperative, etc. For example, it may be required if they decide to promote or demote an employee, assign him a new qualification, entrust him with some complex project, etc.
  • External characteristics drawn up at the request of third parties - banks (when issuing a large loan), military registration and enlistment offices, administration from a new place of work - guardianship and trusteeship authorities (for example, when considering a case of deprivation of parental rights), etc.

These characteristic patterns can be studied as samples. But when composing a document for yourself, it is better to make it unique, in some way different from others. You don’t want your characteristics to be exactly the same as half of the company’s new employees, do you?

A document that is officially provided by the administration of an organization to an employee who has worked for at least 6 months for submission to other organizations or bodies is called a reference from the place of work.

It contains objective information about business and personal qualities demonstrated during the working period. This is a kind of verbal description of the employee by management.

What is this document for?

Before you write a reference for a hired worker, you should find out from him why it was needed. This largely determines its structure and content.

Such a document may be required to provide to the police(to return a driver’s license, for example) or other authorities - to court, to bank to obtain a loan. In such cases, the characteristics should contain an assessment of only the personal qualities of the employee. As a rule, such a document indicates the qualities that confirm the exclusivity of a particular case in the employee’s life.

If a characteristic is needed to change jobs, then in addition to personal qualities (hard work, communication skills), you should describe the employee’s work achievements in your organization (positions held, his attitude to work, ability to take responsibility).

This document can also be issued at the request of the employee himself (upon dismissal or transfer to new job), and at the request of official institutions (for example, for courts, executive authorities, etc.).

Types of characteristics

Depending on their purpose, these documents are of two types:

  • external- is considered today the most popular type of this document and is compiled at the request of a third-party organization;
  • internal— it is written in case of transfer of an employee to another department, promotion or demotion, imposition of a disciplinary sanction or promotion.

Each type is certified by the organization’s seal and signature.

Document requirements

The basic requirements are:

  • Characteristics from the place of work are compiled in accordance with standard criteria. Before writing it in mandatory the employee’s consent (in writing) to the transfer of his personal data to a third party is obtained (based on the “Law on the Protection of Personal Data”).
  • It should not contain an assessment of the employee’s personal data that is not directly related to his professional activities (nationality, religious and political beliefs, living conditions, etc.).
  • If a reference is submitted to an organization that has a standard corporate form for this document, it is drawn up according to this form.
  • In most cases, it is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead. And if it is requested from official bodies, it must also contain a link to them.

In addition, it should contain the following information:

  • personal data;
  • details of the organization that issued the document;
  • date of issue;
  • an indication of the level of qualifications, professional achievements, and functional duties performed;
  • assessment of personal qualities and relationships between the employee and the team.

The final part indicates the name of the organization at whose request the characteristic is issued, or a phrase is written indicating its issuance for the purpose of presentation at the place of request.

The reference is written by the head of the department or HR manager, whose signature must be certified by the seal of the organization.

Features of compiling a character reference upon dismissal

A reference from a former place of employment for an employee who quit or was previously dismissed is, as a rule, required to be provided to a new employer during an interview for employment.

This type of document focuses on assessing the employee’s business qualities, level of professionalism, and suitability for the position held when performing production tasks. It would also not hurt to mention his communication skills as a team member and ability to represent the interests of the company outside its borders.

Often, many employees, in the event of dismissal (due to ignorance or forgetfulness), do not request the employer to issue this document. But according to the law, an employee has the right to request such a reference for 3 years from the date of dismissal.

How to write a character reference for a court

It is important to recognize the need for a particularly responsible approach to writing this document when it is requested by the court. And if an employee is brought to administrative or criminal liability, a reference from the place of work may even influence the court’s decision. In such a situation, it is better to consult with a lawyer or lawyer.

Such a document is written upon an external request from the court on the letterhead of a specific organization with the obligatory indication of its full name, postal address and contact telephone numbers.

In this case, the characteristics do not have an address part: the word “Characteristic” is written directly under the title line of the form and the personal data of the employee for whom it is being compiled is indicated. Then comes information about his citizenship, how long he has been working (has worked) at the company, and what position he holds. It is equally important to indicate the scope of his responsibilities and how he relates to their implementation, and the availability of awards for labor achievements.

The main part of the characteristics is given assessment of the employee’s personal qualities and his relationships with colleagues(authority in the team, initiative, social work).

At the end of the document it should be indicated that it was issued pursuant to a judicial request. The finished reference is signed by the employee’s immediate supervisor, the director of the company and certified by the HR manager.

In some cases, during judicial proceedings, the court may require a reference for the defendant from his last place of work. If a citizen recently got a job in an organization, the characteristics are written from several places of work (from the last and penultimate). Each document is drawn up separately and signed by the heads of these organizations.

If the reference is written to the police

When writing a profile for the police, the main attention is paid to personal characteristics of a person. It is drawn up on the company’s letterhead, where the organization’s details, legal address and contact numbers are indicated. The word “Characteristics” is written in the middle of the sheet, and the personal data of the employee, including the position held, is indicated on a new line.

The preparation of such a document begins with information about the date of admission to the staff or assumption of a position.

Characteristics of this kind are usually written for employees whose driver’s license has been confiscated (an administrative offense has been recorded).

It is important to convincingly state the reasons prompting the police to return the officer’s license (for example, the need to drive a car to perform job responsibilities). Therefore, attention should be paid to the positive personal qualities of the employee, such as responsibility, diligence and diligence. The document is signed by the manager and certified by the company seal.

Features of writing a negative characteristic

Writing this kind of document is considered a controversial point, since a poor performance of an employee can negatively affect the reputation of the enterprise itself. In this situation, the question always arises: “How did qualified personnel department employees hire an unqualified or conflicting employee?” But negative characterization is sometimes required to impose a penalty (material) on an employee or at the request of law enforcement agencies.

It is drawn up according to a standard template, but in the main part of the document it is indicated negative qualities employee (professional and personal), all shortcomings and penalties are listed.

In this case, it is important to take into account that the penalty is automatically canceled if, after the expiration of the calendar year, the person has not committed disciplinary offenses.

In what other cases may characterization be required?

IN period of service military personnel often have to apply for character references. It is a kind of document containing an analysis of the activities and assessment of the psychological, business and moral qualities of the employee.

Its commander writes in third person and in free form. Before this, he comprehensively studies the personal and business qualities of the employee, including all performance indicators in his position, the state of affairs in his military unit or in the area for which he is responsible.

Today, when applying for a job, you have to participate in a competition. The fight for a prestigious position is an indicator of the quality of the chosen position.

Places with a huge turnover, where they accept without any questions, should in themselves arouse suspicion. Why does half the workforce leave there at once?

What could serve as a strong argument in favor of your candidacy? Education, work experience and personal sympathy are the three pillars on which the success of the event rests.

To withstand competition, these qualities are sometimes not enough. Many employers look at an employee from a different angle: education today does not guarantee skills and knowledge.

Corruption has reached this area as well. Each enterprise has its own experience.

All that remains is to evoke personal sympathy. But professional employee The person making decisions about the appointment of personnel will not be guided by personal sympathy.

Many bosses are of the opinion: “Let him at least be a maniac, as long as he knows how to sell our product.”

There remains one small but significant document: a letter of reference from a previous place of work.

A small document, which is not required everywhere today, will become a powerful argument in favor of your candidacy.

An employee cannot falsify a document, because all they have to do is dial a number and call their previous place of work.

A couple of minutes of personal conversation with your boss will help determine whether the document is genuine. Fake - instant failure.

It would be great to have unified system registration of all organizations and able-bodied people, by type social network, where each employee would have a characteristic in accordance with his abilities.

But bosses would not rush to write about the slightest miscalculation, since employees could write a response review, which would affect the number of people willing to work in the organization.

An honest and open characteristics site for workers and managers.

For now we can limit ourselves to writing. Remember one golden rule: when leaving a job, ask your boss to write a reference for you.

Just don’t do this if you have had conflicts, you don’t need negative reviews about your ability to work and communicate.

Sample document:

This profile is suitable for any organization; it contains complete data about the employee.

You may notice the repetition of the phrase: “He doesn’t smoke and doesn’t drink.” It's too much. Service information is also optional.

A few words about drawing up characteristics - criteria:

  • The document does not have a uniform form; it is drawn up on the basis of the data that the employer wishes to disclose.
  • It is important to indicate in the document what is not reflected in official documents. These are the personal qualities of the employee, his labor exploits.
  • You can enter information about your merits and ability to cope with difficult situations.
  • There is no need to over-praise; the “brilliant characteristics” seem dubious.
  • There is no need to include negative traits in the description, since each person has his own shortcomings, and the goal is to show the employee’s strengths and help the person.
  • If, for the sake of honesty, you want to mention the negative aspects, do it in a friendly manner: call a bore a pedant, a bully - an energetic and enterprising person.
  • Provide basic information: name, length of service at your company, date. A seal is a must; without it, your document is Filka’s letter.

Here is another sample characteristic:

How to write for an internship student

Interns are another niche. Young people taking their first steps towards their life’s work.

For them, the first characteristic is an important leaf that will open doors to the future or make them doubt the correctness of their choice.

Important! Dear employers, if you have accumulated many complaints about the quality of work and behavior of an intern, express this to him personally.

Students come to internships precisely to hear criticism.

Don’t be afraid to express all your complaints, but in a gentle form, so that overly sensitive individuals do not change their minds about going in the chosen direction.

Observe how a person reacts to criticism, how he follows instructions, and corrects mistakes. Try to make the description rosy, do not forget to describe all the advantages.

Write down little things, this information will be useful to you when writing characteristics.

Keep a notebook where each employee has their own sheet. Write there everything you notice about the person. This way you will create the most accurate document.

Example characteristics for an intern:

Examples of good characteristics

Let's try to write good characterization for an employee.

Step-by-step instructions for managers:

  1. Name of organization, full data.
  2. Document name: characteristics.
  3. Employee data.
  4. Start with how long the employee has worked.
  5. Describe how you handled your job.
  6. Please note that there were no complaints.
  7. Describe how you interacted with others.
  8. Add a personal opinion about character: after all, the document was created to give a description of a person’s character, on which other qualities depend.
  9. Write about your achievements.
  10. Complete the document with a signature and seal.

What words of praise to use to more accurately express your approval of the employee’s performance:

  • Skillful hands.
  • Without bad habbits.
  • Conscientious.
  • Honest.
  • Communicative.
  • Trouble-free.
  • Enterprising.
  • With a creative streak.
  • Stress-resistant.
  • Hardy.
  • With a wonderful sense of humor, good-natured.
  • Polite.
  • Hardworking.

Example of a good characteristic:

This characteristic will help the employee in the future, when applying for a job, and will be an excellent help in the resume.

This is also proof that the boss approves and appreciates his qualities, which is important to the person and pleasant on a personal level. We all need approval.

Even behind the wall of professional relationships, everyone is first and foremost a person, and then a salesperson, lawyer or manager.

Useful video

Employees often turn to the HR department for letters of recommendation. They may be needed for court, for creditors, or when applying for a new position. In this article, we will look at a sample characteristic for an employee from the place of work and give some tips on how to write it correctly.

Positive reference from the place of work: is the employer obliged to issue it?

A character reference is a document in which the employer assesses the personal and professional qualities of an employee. Some may consider that such paper is a relic of the past, but if the HR department or the management of the organization has received a written request for its provision, the employee cannot be refused. Taking into account Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the process of writing a reference from the place of work cannot exceed three working days from the date of application. This rule applies not only to those subordinates who are currently registered with the company, but also to those with whom the employment relationship has already been terminated (see, for example, the Determination of the Moscow City Court dated 09/08/2011 in case No. 33-28750).

  • when applying for a new position;
  • when applying for a loan;
  • when contacting the guardianship authorities;
  • for submission to an educational institution;
  • when being awarded a prize or state award;
  • for the court.

Depending on the place where this document is addressed, the emphasis and formulation of the employee’s qualities are chosen.

Types of characteristics

The characteristics are:

  • external;
  • internal;
  • positive;
  • negative.

External are those characteristics that are provided to other organizations or government bodies. When drawing up such a document, it is necessary to clarify with the employee the purpose of the document request; the style of the description and the form of presentation will depend on this.

Internal characteristics are used, for example, when an employee is transferred to another department or division, for promotion within the organization where he works. In such a document, it is necessary to focus specifically on the business qualities and working skills of the employee.

In some cases, a personnel specialist may ask you to prepare a document for an employee immediate superior, having previously given him a sample of how to write a reference for an employee. This is acceptable and even correct, especially if a new person works in the HR department who is unfamiliar with all the employees, or the team is so large that it is difficult for the HR officer to evaluate the qualities of a particular person.

Please note that the employer is not required to agree on the text of the specification with the employee who needs it. But if he does not agree with the content, he can challenge the document in court.

Example of a job description: general requirements

The current Russian legislation does not contain any template for drawing up such a document. Nevertheless general rules still exist.

The reference must be issued on the official letterhead of the organization. If this is not approved by the internal regulations of the enterprise, then in any case the full details are indicated on the form, especially if the reference from the place of work is provided at the official request of some institution.

So, in this document must be indicated:

  1. Personal data, which includes full name. person, date of birth, Family status, data about military service and education, as well as information about the availability of various awards.
  2. Information about the work. This section contains information about the length of service, the time of acceptance, personnel movements within the organization, information about the person’s labor achievements and professional skills. If during the course of work the employee was sent for training, advanced training, etc., then this should also be indicated in the characteristics. This section also contains information about the employee’s various merits (gratitude, encouragement, etc.) or disciplinary sanctions.
  3. Personal characteristics. This information, is probably the most important part of the entire characteristic. It may contain various information regarding the personal qualities of a person. If the employee is the head of a department, then it is worth noting his organizational qualities, the presence or absence of responsibility for subordinates, the degree of readiness to accept difficult decisions, exactingness towards oneself and subordinates, other qualities. If the employee is a performer, then you can indicate the degree of his readiness to carry out the instructions of the manager, initiative, desire for excellent results, etc. Also in this section you can indicate the relationship of the person with the work team: whether he enjoys authority and respect or relationships in the team do not add up due to complex character or other characteristics of the employee.

Because this official document, it is necessary that it be signed by the head of the organization. A signature and seal are required if the company has one. It is important not to forget to put the date of compilation.

Another practical advice: The characteristic will be easier to use if all the information fits on one sheet.

Sample characteristics from a place of work for a worker: what to write about

The main requirement for a document, of course, is objectivity. Eventually general description should create an image of the person being characterized and help form the correct opinion.

However, the content may vary depending on who it is being prepared for. If an employee intends to go to the guardianship authorities for the purpose of adoption, his personal qualities should be especially noted in the description, for example, mentioning goodwill, caring, good manners. If a worker is planned to be promoted career ladder or he needs to find a job in a new place, epithets such as “executive”, “initiative”, “responsible” will be useful here. The court needs details about how honest a person is, how he approaches his responsibilities, and what kind of relationships he has with his colleagues.

But there is another, pleasant reason to prepare a testimonial - the awarding of state awards Russian Federation. In this case, personnel specialists should be guided by the recommendations from the Letter of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 4, 2012 No. AK-3560 and the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 7, 2010 No. 1099 “On measures to improve the state award system of the Russian Federation.” The Letter contains guidelines regarding the preparation of award documents. It states, in particular, that the information should help evaluate the contribution of the awardee, and it is important to mention the qualifications, personal qualities, high merits of the employee, and an assessment of the effectiveness of his activities. It is expressly forbidden to list labor functions, track record or describe life path specialist

A sample of such a characteristic can be downloaded in the appendices to the article.

Examples of positive testimonials from the place of work


(on organization letterhead)


Issued by ______________________________________________

(Last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, position)

FULL NAME. work(s) in _____________________________________________________ starting with “______” _______________ 20___. During my work, I was repeatedly sent to advanced training courses, which I successfully completed, according to the following programs: ___________________________.

FULL NAME. has an extensive knowledge of his specialty and is always up to date latest events in your area. Has excellent business negotiation skills.

FULL NAME. has established himself as a responsible employee, focused on excellent results, always ready to quickly make innovative decisions and bear responsibility for their adoption and for the actions of subordinates. Ready to work in any conditions, including outside working hours.

He is distinguished by his punctuality and delicacy in communicating with subordinates and colleagues, for which he is respected by the team. Demanding of himself.

"______" _______________ 20___


This characteristic was issued by full name, date of birth: ___________________________, working in _____________________________________________.

(name of organization and its details)

c “______” _______________ 20___ to present in the position of _________________.

It has higher education by specialty _____________________________________.

Family status: ______________________________________________.

(indicate presence of spouse and children)

This employee is a worthy professional. He has never been subject to disciplinary action.

He is on friendly terms with his colleagues. He is friendly and restrained, in any situation he is ready for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. Bad habits none. Has the right life priorities and guidelines. I am happy to participate in public life team.

This characteristic was issued for submission to ___________________.

___________________ ___________________

Position I.O. Last name Signature

Example of a negative characteristic

Let's look at what a negative reference from a place of work looks like (composing such a review is possible, for example, in the case of personnel certification).

Vesna LLC

№ 567/13


Petrova Olga Ivanovna, born on March 8, 1984.

Olga Ivanovna Petrova has been working at Vesna LLC since January 2018. Holds the position of sales manager. The manager's responsibilities include the following:

  • sale of enterprise products;
  • interaction with clients;
  • compilation marketing plan enterprises;
  • searching for new product sales channels;
  • maintaining contacts with clients;
  • Maintaining client records.

From the first days of work in the team of Petrova O.I. showed herself to be a conflicted person. She repeatedly expressed her negative opinion about the company’s employees and its management. Expressed disdain for management and clients.

Professional skills of Petrova O.I. not tall. There are no opportunities to improve professional potential.

During the implementation of assigned tasks, there were repeated delays in delivery of products due to the fault of this employee. The plan for selling products is not systematically fulfilled.

Petrova O.I. repeatedly received disciplinary sanctions and reprimands due to being late for work and repeated absenteeism. This employee cannot cope with his immediate responsibilities. The question of inadequacy for the position was raised.

Head of Sales Department

Sumarkin M.V.


What should not be in the document

As we have already noted, there are no regulations for drawing up characteristics, but there are still certain prohibitions when writing this document. Must be avoided:

  • emotional definitions;
  • insults to the character being characterized;
  • false information;
  • the employee’s personal views on politics, religion, etc.;
  • grammatical and stylistic errors when drawing up the document, as well as any abbreviations.

Templates to use

All examples below are provided for informational purposes only. But they can be used in your work by replacing some of the information with the data of specific employees. In our case, a sample description of a driver from the place of work will be given for different situations.
