Which Scorpio is the boss: a man and a woman. Scorpio woman at work: positive and negative qualities of the sign

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign scorpio male boss - most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

If the boss is Scorpio

Scorpio-head: touches to the portrait

The leaders of the zodiac sign Scorpio clearly see the goals facing them and the ways in which they can quickly and efficiently reach them. They foresee what may interfere with them, and remove obstacles in their path in advance. Always clearly track everything related to money. They love transformations, and often their innovations are cardinal in nature. The structure headed by the head-Scorpio is unlikely to stagnate in one place or engage in routine work. These people consider it very important to have enough information, they hate ignorance, uncertainty, they must be aware of everything and everyone.

It is difficult to compete with those born during this period, to compete: most often the victory remains with them. This is helped by a wonderful analytical mind, helping them to clearly develop a strategy for success. Scorpios often manage to get to the post of leader. If they successfully obtain a position, they are proud of this and have a tendency to deliberately demonstrate to others the height of their position on the social ladder. Being proud people, Scorpios do not sign their defeats. True, serious failures happen in their work infrequently.

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The relationship of Scorpio-leaders with subordinates

The Scorpio boss is a person who can squeeze all the juice out of a subordinate. But often this is not due to despotism, although Scorpios are not deprived of this character trait, but by high demands, including on their own work.

The head of this zodiac sign pays great importance team selection, and in this matter his personal sympathies come to the fore. People who he personally likes will definitely move up the career ladder and can count on all-round help. And vice versa, if the Scorpio boss feels antipathy for someone, you will not envy this person. He is also unmerciful to those who were promoted to their positions before he came to the leadership, he is quite capable of trying to get rid of these people, and very masterly - so that it will be impossible to undermine.

Scorpio always sees well what his subordinates feel and what mood they are in, he is able to enter into their position, give good advice, but you should not count on great loyalty. As a rule, he is calm and balanced, but if he encounters too frank attempts to ignore his will or opinion, not to mention outright manipulation of himself, he will become angry, and his anger is an impressive sight.

Secrets of Communication with a Scorpio Boss

Do not try to hide anything from the Scorpio boss: he calculates conspirators and intriguers “at once”; his insight and intuition are weapons that hit without a miss.

Scorpios are suspicious, while they really like it when they are trusted completely. For their part, they behave honestly in this case and keep their promises.

When communicating with a Scorpio leader, it is necessary to adhere to the golden mean: on the one hand, it is necessary to be a thinking, active and creative worker, on the other hand, not to show excessive energy.

Scorpios do not like it when someone does not know how to restrain their emotions.

To win their sympathy, you must sincerely share their ideas and views and not neglect the open demonstration of your loyalty, but they will smell hypocrisy a mile away.

It is very difficult to resist the Scorpio, and it is better not to fall into the number of his enemies. As soon as the activity of ill-wishers reaches certain limits, their position becomes dangerous, although for the time being, Scorpio can pretend not to notice all this mouse fuss.

Leaders of other zodiac signs

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03


When a team is led by a man born under the constellation Scorpio, subordinates should keep in mind that working under him will be extremely difficult. The head-Scorpio actually instantly unravels other people's plans and intentions, it is simply impossible to hide your intentions from him.

The head of this sign will not forgive anyone for the slightest attempt to deceive him and mislead him, but at the same time, such a boss highly appreciates honest, decent, responsible people who are really not indifferent to the common cause. The boss, who was born under the sign of Scorpio, never breaks this word, is extremely reliable.

If the Scorpio leader sets himself any task, he, as a rule, achieves its fulfillment at any cost. At the same time, the head of the Scorpio sign not only sees the ultimate goal, but also perfectly imagines the way to it, such a leader also keeps all the financial affairs of his company under strict control.

The transformations introduced by the Scorpio boss can often completely and completely change the company, such people simply do not tolerate a passive stay in the same position. An organization led by a person of this sign will develop rapidly and intensively, it is definitely not threatened by a situation of stagnation.

Scorpio boss - woman

If a woman who was born under the constellation Scorpio occupies a leadership position, then she always shows a keen interest in all the affairs and problems of her colleagues. Such a boss will quickly find out weak sides members of his team and finds an opportunity to manage them, each person imperceptibly is tested by her for devotion to work.

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The head of the Scorpio sign easily reveals any secrets of colleagues, she is an excellent strategist and analyst. The female head of this constellation confidently leads her subordinates to her goal, while she attaches special importance to financial issues.

The Scorpio boss is impeccably honest with both partners and her own subordinates. However, she rigidly demands the same position from other people, lies and insincerity in colleagues are absolutely unacceptable for her, the Scorpio leader immediately breaks up with such people.

A woman of this sign always supports change, fresh beginnings, an active and energetic person always has a chance to move forward. career ladder, being subordinate to the boss-Scorpio. But the relationship of the head of the Scorpio sign with colleagues will largely depend on which zodiac constellation this or that employee belongs to by date of birth.


The Scorpio leader should pay maximum attention to the Aries employee. Such people are constantly striving for growth and development in all areas, the Aries worker is often inclined to take on other people's responsibilities. It is best for the boss to load such a subordinate in such a way that he never gets bored without work, but at the same time does not overwork too much.

Aries are shown a variety of activities, it is desirable that the Scorpio leader instruct him and paperwork, and communication with other people, in particular, with business partners and customers.


If there is a Taurus in the team of the Scorpio boss, the leader should know that people of this sign are distinguished by considerable determination, they will strive to achieve their goal, no matter what. For the interests of the company, this may be generally beneficial, but at the same time, such a position can annoy other employees.

The Scorpio leader should talk correctly with Taurus, explain how to behave better, however, the Taurus employee does not tolerate harsh criticism, in which case he will generally lose the desire to work.


People of the Gemini sign are open, charming, quite sincere, they are usually easy to work with, but the Scorpio boss has a different case. Often such leaders believe that the Gemini employee is frivolous and irresponsible, Scorpio perfectionists are not inclined to trust Gemini too much.

However, one should not assume that the Gemini worker is an unimportant specialist, most often the representatives of this constellation simply have a slightly different approach to work. Nevertheless, a worthy assessment of their efforts is extremely important for Gemini, then they will work in good faith.


Scorpio bosses usually like the very responsible attitude to their duties of Cancer employees. However, such workers are not always able to correctly distribute work time, because of this, Cancer can often stay up late in the office, and the task of the Scorpio leader is to help such a person organize his day correctly.

A Cancer employee will be sincerely grateful to the boss if he starts to cope with all matters on time and can devote more time to his hobbies and loved ones.


When Leo works under the leadership of Scorpio, it is extremely important for the boss to think about how the extremely energetic employee does not just get bored and dreary. The head-Scorpio should direct the seething energy of the subordinate-Leo into right direction entrust him with some important, responsible project.

But you should also observe and control how the employee copes with the task, Leo may well need professional advice and consultations.

Slave Virgo

In the relationship between the head of the sign Scorpio and the subordinate Virgo, some roughness is often observed. It is best not to try to adjust the work of such an employee to general rhythm and not attack him with critical remarks, such a policy will not lead to a positive result.

You should not put pressure on an employee of this sign, it is advisable to give him maximum freedom and independence, and soon the Scorpio leader will notice that this person is doing his duties perfectly, and there are simply no complaints about him.


When a Scorpio Boss Plans personal meeting with promising partners or potential clients, a Libra employee can be extremely useful for him. People of this sign are very sociable, it is not difficult for them to find a common language with virtually any person. On the part of the Scorpio leader, it would be a smart move to provide the Libra worker with as many opportunities for communication as possible.

If the position of a Libra subordinate is devoid of meetings with people, it is best to find another job for him in order to ensure his maximum efficiency, which for Libra is possible only through the implementation of universal human contacts.


The head of the Scorpio sign is both easy and at the same time quite difficult to work with an employee born under the same constellation. Scorpios need an appropriate environment in order to fully concentrate on the performance of their duties, and if there is a person nearby who constantly distracts with questions and requests, such a situation will be problematic for the Scorpio boss.

At the same time, two Scorpios will always quickly understand each other, so the leader of this sign must decide for himself whether to take the same subordinate on his team.


Sagittarius employees require constant monitoring by the Scorpio leader. A person born under the constellation Sagittarius is very quickly carried away and "lights up" with a new idea, but he does not always bring the work he has begun to the final, he must be carefully observed. The Scorpio boss should not allow the Sagittarius worker to take on many things at the same time, he should constantly check how this or that work is progressing.

Most often, the Sagittarius employee is himself well aware of his shortcomings and possible difficulties, he will be grateful if the leader begins to correctly direct his irrepressible energy.


Employees of the Capricorn constellation usually give their best in the workplace for one hundred percent. The Scorpio boss should think twice before appointing an overly active and impulsive subordinate to a post that requires constant communication with clients or partners.

In this case, it is desirable to endure a certain probationary period, if the Capricorn employee overcomes it successfully, he can really be left in such a position, but at least at the beginning, the Scorpio leader should observe his work and give some recommendations.


An employee born under the sign of Aquarius is completely suitable for the role personal assistant for a Scorpio boss. Aquarius workers are calm, balanced, tactful, they will never overstep acceptable limits. However, at the same time, Aquarius is absolutely not suitable for the position of deputy leader, especially if he is a Scorpio.

People of the Aquarius sign are usually focused on one thing, postponing other things for an indefinite time, which is unacceptable for a Scorpio deputy boss.


The relationship between a Scorpio leader and an employee of the Pisces sign can be just wonderful outside the office, representatives of this constellation are very friendly, open to communication. However, in the course of the labor process, the head-Scorpio and the subordinate-Pisces may not work together, the leader may be extremely annoyed by some frivolity and insufficient responsibility inherent in people of this sign.

It is advisable for the leaders of the Scorpio constellation to encounter Pisces employees as little as possible on business matters, it is best to simply demand regular reports from them. In this case, the Scorpio boss will be less worried about the performance of duties by such a person, at the same time, the employee himself will approach the matter in a more organized and responsible manner.

Horoscope Men Scorpio: characteristics, appearance, career, love, marriage and family

Representatives of this sign are mysterious, passionate and unpredictable personalities. The sign of Scorpio is a man whose characteristic is secrecy, they are always on their minds, it is difficult for others to understand their thoughts and desires. Many of them have mystical powers. They have a cold mind, but at the same time they are capable of ardent passions.

The representative of this sign has his own opinion on any issue, which often does not coincide with the point of view of others.

Appearance of a Scorpio man

Horoscope Scorpio Man

They prefer clothes in dark, sometimes even gloomy tones, but despite this they are hard to miss. Athletic physique, a penetrating and intelligent look, a confident and proud posture, a determined gait attract attention.

Sexuality literally emanates from Scorpios, which they emphasize with tight trousers and a half-buttoned shirt. Appearance their slightly mysterious, speaks of determination and solidity. They usually have a good physical shape, which is why they attract women.

Facial features

A special characteristic of male Scorpios is their expressive eyes and their piercing gaze, which seems to pierce the surrounding people through and through. Most of them have large facial features, wide cheekbones, a sensitive large mouth, a hooked or straight nose, and a square chin. Usually the face of a Scorpio expresses fearlessness, toughness, self-confidence and determination. Hair tends to be very thick, unruly and straight. The skin of the face is pale with a yellowish tinge or very light with a noticeable blush on the cheeks.

Body type

Many of them have well-developed musculature, but it does not stand out much and is not immediately noticeable. Their body is not thin and flabby. Even thin Scorpios can find iron muscles. They have narrow hips and narrow shoulders and a well-developed chest. The legs are not very long, with developed calf muscles. Possess correct posture, do not slouch, do not press their heads into their shoulders. They walk slowly, but confidently and decisively, slightly raising their chin and straightening their shoulders.

Fashion style

In the manner of dressing, Scorpios try to stick to their own special style, they are not afraid of originality and extravagance. When choosing clothes, they first pay attention to how it suits their character and spirit, how much it helps to stand out from the crowd, emphasize their bright individuality, only then they look at its quality and price. They are best suited for black, orange, red and brown colors. They especially love the combination of black and red. Scorpions are very fond of perfumes, they prefer persistent, sharp, exotic aromas.

The behavior and inner world of a Scorpio man

They are accustomed to live without looking back at the opinions of other people, according to their own understanding of things. They are self-confident, independent, do not doubt the infallibility of their own opinions, are insightful, smart and courageous, straightforward, have a realistic outlook on life.

Scorpios do not make any concessions to others, regardless of their age and gender. Often, in the eyes of other people, they look like cruel types that it is better not to mess with. In society, they behave calmly and calmly, but inside they are overwhelmed with emotions that they can control.

Scorpios are full of contradictions. At the same time they can be passionate and cold, repulsive and attractive. This sign is well aware of injustice and lies. He rarely lies himself, and if this does happen, he reproaches himself for it for a long time. Scorpios will not tolerate deception in a relationship, they will quickly part with the women who lied to them.

In dealing with enemies and offenders, they are not lost. Scorpio does not forget the betrayal and evil that has been done to him. Even after many years, he can take revenge on his offenders.

Many people compare Scorpions to a block of ice. This man is almost always calm on the outside, but inside he can boil a variety of emotions. He needs periodic frank conversations with someone close to him.

Positive and negative character traits

Scorpio often does not take other people's actions seriously, treats them critically, believes that he is the best in this world. The advantages of this sign include firmness of character, developed and quick thinking, endurance in the most difficult situations, deliberation of decisions made.

Men of the zodiac sign Scorpio often have increased self-esteem, they are confident in their own abilities, often even too self-confident, but this does not prevent them from achieving their goals and being successful people. characteristic feature is their ability to endure even the most difficult trials of fate, helps them in this strong confidence that they will overcome all adversity.

As for friendship, here Scorpio manifests itself with the best side. Loyalty and loyalty to a friend is above all for him. He will always support difficult situation and will come to the rescue.

Work and career of a Scorpio man

He is very rarely indifferent,

Scorpio is ready to surrender to the profession without a trace, his feelings and thoughts are heated to the limit when it comes to achieving a goal that is sometimes known only to him alone.

idle and apathetic. He takes his work seriously, full of ambitious plans. In his work, he can professional secrets to achieve heights that many remain inaccessible to. A successful Scorpio simply needs the moral support of loved ones, although he himself may deny this.

Leadership skills

According to the horoscope, Scorpio men are distinguished by the desire for total control. He must know everything, accept important decisions independently and supervise their implementation. He is not afraid to take responsibility, so he takes on the most difficult projects. He is able to cope even with a hopeless situation.

Scorpio is interested in reaching high social position. He does not seek to be in the spotlight, prefers to act behind the scenes.

As a leader, he will demand absolute dedication to his work, help those he loves solve even the most difficult tasks, will care for and empathize with the families of workers, seeing them as part of the team. The insightful Scorpio in the role of the boss will understand the mood of the subordinate, like no one else will definitely help him in difficult times, without waiting for requests and complaints.

career guidance

Scorpio can build a career in almost any field. He will suit professions associated with risk, rivalry, secrets and excitement. He can become a good rescuer, physician, investigator, lawyer or politician.

To realize all its capabilities, Scorpio needs such work, which requires great physical and mental costs. Due to the natural craving for the study of the new, representatives of this sign often stop at scientific activities.

Scorpio, in the role of a subordinate, has his own position, knows what he wants to achieve, is purposeful and persistent, strives to build a career. He is confident in his own abilities, he knows his worth well. If he makes any mistakes, he blames only himself.

Whoever Scorpio is - a boss or a subordinate, he is always honest, does not do something behind his back, despises short-sighted and stupid people.

Your business for in his eyes - good way earn a living. He clearly organizes his work, is capable of independence. However, the problem of Scorpio can be an uncontrollable and unbalanced emotional nature. If he can separate emotions and feelings from the business sphere, then it will be easier for him to develop a business. If Scorpio mixes personal life with professional activity, then it will not be easy for him to maintain the achieved positions.

Attitude of the Scorpio Man to love, sex, marriage and family

These men are very attractive in the eyes of women. Representatives of the weaker sex often hunt them, but often fail. After all, Scorpios are very demanding, clearly aware of what is behind the interest of a woman - sincere feelings, momentary passion, selfish interest or something else.

How do feelings show up?

  • Scorpios in love almost always achieve reciprocity. They use all means if they are interested;
  • But even a Scorpio in love remains an independent person, he will not bend under his beloved woman, most likely, she will have to do this.
  • He can be very jealous, will not tolerate flirting with his beloved. Scorpio treats his woman like property. Relations with him will never be quiet and calm, a woman will have to adapt to his mood and prepare for a hectic life.
  • In love, the Scorpio man is characterized by extremes. He can be cold, hard as ice and impartial, or he can be sensual, passionate and burning like a flame.
  • Scorpio attracts a woman with the strength of her character, charisma. There is something attractive and magnetic about him. Next to him, a woman feels confident and protected.
  • If he falls in love, he will not show his feelings. It can take a long time to wait for the first steps from a woman. Romance in the traditional sense is difficult for him.
  • Consent to serious relationship says that he feels a kindred spirit in you. In a relationship, he will be faithful and very jealous.

Advice: A woman should give Scorpio attention, care, support, he should be relaxed with her. She must accept him for who he is.

Scorpio definitely loves it beautiful women. His chosen one should take care of her appearance and be elegant and reasonable. The beloved must be obedient and flexible, must be able to forgive, be independent and earn independently.

Compliance with the description of the sign of the Zodiac Compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac Horoscopes

sex life

Scorpios have a reputation for being great lovers. They use their rich sexual experience both to get pleasure and to give this pleasure to their partner. They enter into sexual relations early, remain active in bed for many years. In sex, they are used to experimenting and dominating.

If Scorpio is sexually unsatisfied, then he can get angry and lash out at others for any reason. He will apply all his energy, all his passion and experience so that his partner gets an unforgettable experience.

Representatives of this sign have a natural sexuality. If Scorpio is on fire with desire and attraction to someone, it is safe to say that he will achieve his goal. He is definitely a leader who will never allow a partner to take this place.

Scorpio can be passionate and insatiable, but at the same time you can not be afraid of vulgarity and rudeness. He can realize his tough fantasies, but only with the consent of the partner. Otherwise, he will be able to contain himself.

Marriage and family

In the Scorpio family, the question of who will be the head will never arise. The correctness of a man's opinion should never be questioned by anyone. The wife requires patience and understanding, a complete lack of attention and interest in others and the ability to obey.

Scorpios rarely compromise, practically do not react to tears, resentment, blackmail and dramatic scenes from women.

Life together with is often deprived of peace, but a passionate, understanding and devoted woman learns what ardent love, care and tenderness from her husband are. In order to create a strong and happy union, a woman must try. She needs to be a passionate lover, a wonderful hostess and an amazing personality.

Scorpio is able to carry his love throughout his life, but he can show it in different ways. Today he scatters in compliments, throws gifts, and tomorrow he is jealous, pushes and finds fault with trifles. You just need to adapt to it, be able to guess mood changes. The reward for such hard work will be a loving, caring and passionate spouse. This man is in no hurry to conclude official marriage, marries the last of his friends and acquaintances.

Scorpios like everything in their home to be done comfortably. They, at a minimum, need prosperity, but they want to live in luxury. Many of them are greedy, they can cut family expenses quite a lot, but leave the money for personal needs.

Scorpios are stern and strict fathers, they do not make concessions to their children, they are quite demanding of them, but at the same time they are protection for them from any everyday troubles. By their own example, they bring up in children such qualities as fortitude, willpower, realism and objectivity.

Sometimes a father can go so deep into the upbringing of children that he will not be inferior to their mother in this, while he will rigidly defend his view of upbringing, the mother of the child will be forced to obey in this matter. Despite his love for children, he is never overly sentimental with them. Often, children can understand the contribution of the father to the upbringing of their personality only after reaching a certain age.

The child of such a father from an early age is independent in everyday life and is well brought up. A man will not let anyone offend his children, but he himself is often too strict with them. The desire to control and paternal care do not depend on the age of the child. This can cause problems in relationships with already grown children.

Compatibility with other signs

Excellent compatibility for a Scorpio man with an Aries woman and Virgo. Also good compatibility will be with Cancer, Pisces and Capricorn women. Read more about the compatibility of Scorpios with other signs here.

Gifts for a Scorpio man

You need to know the Scorpio man well in order to choose a gift for him:

  • Scorpios like to get what they really need. They lean towards functional and pragmatic gifts like car accessories, tools and household appliances.

Representatives of this sign, both men - Scorpios, and women - Scorpios, as leaders, quite clearly see the goals and tasks facing them, as well as the ways in which they can achieve the fulfillment of their plans, and do not see any obstacles. What, in fact, require from their subordinates.

The typical Scorpio boss thinks like this: "If I could do it, why can't you?"

Scorpios are leaders (both men and women) good strategists who plan to implement their innovations, often using their unlimited charm and ability to convince people that they are right. Scorpios - bosses always keep abreast of events not only in their field of activity, but also in related industries. The leaders of the men - Scorpios, like the leaders of the women - Scorpios, love everything new, their proposals for changing the structure, organization and structure of the unit entrusted to them are not for the faint of heart and very impressionable employees. The innovations offered by Scorpio, the leader, can be compared with a tsunami or a hurricane, completely sweeping away everything in its path, they can be so cardinal.

But subordinates should not take everything at once with hostility - this behavior will not please any boss, and those born to both a woman and a man under the sign of Scorpio, even more so. The best way not to be on the sidelines of life unemployed - to accept all the changes and not be afraid to make slight adjustments. This is a dangerous matter, such a rather quick-tempered and bright boss in expressing his emotions - Scorpio will not like criticism, but if your suggestions are aimed at improving the changes being made by the leader, they will be accepted. Scorpios - bosses are endowed with excellent analytical mind, do not admit defeat.

They make very high demands on their subordinates, although, as they believe, no more than they know or can do themselves.

Representatives of this sign pay much attention to the selection of their team, often guided by personal sympathies. Naturally, the "favorites" will continue to have comprehensive support, career advancement. Do not envy those who fell out of favor with Scorpio - the leader ... Scorpio very quickly gets rid of such subordinates, and he does everything skillfully and beautifully, often, however, by proxy, but from the outside it looks like "dismissal of his own free will."

But it is wrong to consider Scorpios - leaders, equally, both men and women, despots. This is wrong. Both the man and the woman of Scorpio, who hold a leadership position, know and feel the state of their subordinates, are able to enter the position of subordinates, nothing human is alien to them, including the problems of employees. Scorpios - leaders appreciate extraordinary and non-standard ideas in their work, in solving problems and performing tasks by subordinates, they welcome active and thinking people.

If your leader, then usually, in a team, as, indeed, in Everyday life, he attracts the increased attention of surrounding women. He is smart, well-mannered, charming, aware of social events, the latest in fashion and position on the stock exchanges in equal measure; usually has a stunning disarming smile that is hard to resist. He knows a lot about wines, music and theatre, he is strong and reliable... If the competition "Mr. Company" is held in the team, do not hesitate, your leader - Scorpio will definitely win it. But despite all the advantages, it is still not recommended to go for rapprochement in relationships, to move from business to personal women - subordinates. The maximum that you can afford is a somewhat friendly relationship, which will also be appropriate for the implementation of your job offers.

Women - Scorpios in the role of leaders also use all their natural and acquired arsenal of skills and abilities to communicate with people. She always stands out for her brightness and originality, such an office Woman - a vamp, never goes unnoticed. Such a leader always listens to his employees. Usually, an employee has the illusion of overunderstanding from the manager, not only work questions and problems are laid out, but personal ones, which later have to be regretted.

But one thing remains indisputable: both men and women born under the constellation Scorpio are very successful and talented leaders!

The rule that guides the representatives of this sign who have come to power: "Speak quietly and politely, but carry a large stick with you." This is the principle of the head-Scorpio. This is a controversial person. You never know what your boss has in mind. Scorpios keep all their plans, intentions and opinions in secret - that's why they win in business - but they pull all the ins and outs from their subordinates. By the way, they also value restraint in their employees, extra chatter is not welcome. Chatterbox is a godsend for the enemy, and therefore for a competitor.

The Scorpio team is selected solely on the basis of personal likes and dislikes. If you fell under his supervision, then you are suitable for him and he will make sure that you receive a decent salary. So all you have to do is not disappoint him - do not contradict either himself or his politics, be able to work in a team, not flaunt your dignity and not try to outdo your boss. Otherwise, he will correctly let you know that you are not coping with your duties, after which you will be forced to leave on your own. Scorpios never give employees a break: if they need to get rid of someone, they simply stop noticing this person and regularly “forget” to raise his salary.

Know that your boss has the ability to penetrate the human soul. He only needs to look into your eyes to understand what is on your mind. Therefore, Scorpio cannot lie, you cannot hide anything from him, and even more so engage in financial fraud behind his back. He will still find out the truth, and then you will have to pay. Scorpios are very loyal people, they do not forgive such things and regard them as a betrayal.

Scorpio-boss understands better than all other signs how close the relationship between state of mind and performance is. Therefore, the boss born under this sign is not indifferent to his employees, although they rarely hear praise from him, but always deservedly. He will understand your mood and in difficult times will provide all possible assistance, and the salary will increase in a timely manner. Scorpio leaders are not afraid of any difficulties. Whatever happens, they remain calm, cool and confident that problems will be successfully overcome.

They subjugate others to their will, bewitch, hypnotize. After working with him for a week, you will be crazy about your boss. He will seem to you the best, the smartest, the most talented, the most insightful. But don't you dare tell him! Scorpions are suspicious. Hearing compliments addressed to him, he may think that you are plotting something against him and trying to disguise your true intentions with flattery. You should not praise yourself in the presence of the boss either. All your achievements Scorpio perfectly sees and will encourage you in a timely manner. Being reserved by nature, Scorpios do not like violent manifestations of emotions, especially screams, complaints and tears. You won't achieve anything by these methods. Therefore, no matter what happens, try to communicate with your boss in a friendly, calm and friendly way - as he is with you.

In the introduction of Scorpio is everything that concerns the secrets of life and death. Under his wing are secret military developments, secret police, organs state security, intelligence service. Of the scientific fields, these are primarily psychology, sexology, military sciences, as well as astrophysics, nuclear physics, genetics, and partly biology. It is impossible not to note such an area of ​​\u200b\u200binterest of Scorpio as the occult.

Scorpio chief

The Scorpio leader will demand absolute fidelity; does everything to help the one he loves; solve even the most difficult problems; will show care and sympathy for the families of workers, considering them as part of their team. Thanks to his insight, Scorpio - the boss, like no one else, will understand the mood of the subordinate, and if necessary, then, without waiting for complaints and requests, he will definitely help him in difficult times, will not remain indifferent, because he understands that the state of a person’s soul will primarily affect his work. If your boss has rendered you some invaluable service, in no case try to shower him with ardent thanks and lavish flowery compliments on him, it is better to say a simple "thank you", but let it come from the heart. And you should not present any gifts to the Scorpio boss: he does not like this and will begin to suspect you of secret intent.

Scorpio - the boss always carefully selects his subordinates, paying great attention to personal likes and dislikes. If he liked someone, he will provide him with all-round support and assistance, the person will quickly and easily begin to receive some kind of gratitude and bonuses. And vice versa, the boss-Scorpio will not allow people who are unsympathetic to him to be promoted, he will begin to take into account all their slightest oversights and shortcomings, or simply stop paying attention to such employees, passing by as if by an empty place. If you enjoy your job, don't try to get around your boss - or hurt him in any way. This practice is vicious and can cost you not only your job, but also your health. Try to treat him kindly, and your cooperation will be fruitful. The work done under his direction is never small, on the contrary, it always turns out to be well done and durable, as if it was intended to last for centuries.

Scorpio submissive

Subordinate Scorpio has own position; knows what he wants to achieve; reconcile with defeat under the onslaught of circumstances; persistent, purposeful, striving to make a career for himself; does not waste time and does not watch the clock. Scorpions - employees - are the creators of their own destiny. They are always confident in their abilities, well aware of themselves, and if they make any mistakes, they don’t blame anyone for them except themselves, and in any case they don’t suffer from an inferiority complex. Each Scorpio has his own goal, and he will reach it, sweeping away all obstacles on the way, sparing no one.

If Scorpio likes the work that he must "perform, then he will work honestly and selflessly from morning to evening. But if the boss is rude to him, starts insulting him, showing disrespect in every possible way, in short," stepping on his tail ", then Scorpio will sting sooner or later, yes, it hurts so much that the offender will remember it for a long time. You should never interfere in the personal life of a Scorpio subordinate, much less try to find out his secrets. Many people trust Scorpio with their secrets, knowing for sure that he will not tell anyone about them "He will not tell. He has plans that no one even knows about, and often their ultimate goal is to become the boss himself. Scorpio is very ambitious and does not intend to remain a subordinate for the rest of his life. Whoever Scorpio is - a boss or a simple employee, he always he is honest, does not try to do anything behind anyone's back, despises stupid and short-sighted people... And each of his new places, new appointments is for him a springboard for a new jump.

If the boss is Scorpio

Scorpio-head: touches to the portrait

The leaders of the zodiac sign Scorpio clearly see the goals facing them and the ways in which they can quickly and efficiently reach them. They foresee what may interfere with them, and remove obstacles in their path in advance. Always clearly track everything related to money. They love transformations, and often their innovations are cardinal in nature. The structure headed by the head-Scorpio is unlikely to stagnate in one place or engage in routine work. These people consider it very important to have enough information, they hate ignorance, uncertainty, they must be aware of everything and everyone.

It is difficult to compete with those born during this period, to compete: most often the victory remains with them. This is helped by a wonderful analytical mind, helping them to clearly develop a strategy for success. Scorpios often manage to get to the post of leader. If they successfully obtain a position, they are proud of this and have a tendency to deliberately demonstrate to others the height of their position on the social ladder. Being proud people, Scorpios do not sign their defeats. True, serious failures happen in their work infrequently.

The relationship of Scorpio-leaders with subordinates

The Scorpio boss is a person who can squeeze all the juice out of a subordinate. But often this is not due to tyranny, although Scorpios are not deprived of this character trait, but by high demands, including on their own work.

The head of this zodiac sign pays great attention to the selection of a team, and in this matter his personal sympathies come to the fore. People who he personally likes will definitely move up the career ladder and can count on all-round help. And vice versa, if the Scorpio boss feels antipathy for someone, you will not envy this person. He is also unmerciful to those who were promoted to their positions before he came to the leadership, he is quite capable of trying to get rid of these people, and very masterly - so that it will be impossible to undermine.

Scorpio always sees well what his subordinates feel and what mood they are in, he is able to enter into their position, give good advice, but you should not count on great loyalty. As a rule, he is calm and balanced, but if he encounters too frank attempts to ignore his will or opinion, not to mention outright manipulation of himself, he will become angry, and his anger is an impressive sight.

Secrets of Communication with a Scorpio Boss

Do not try to hide anything from the Scorpio boss: he calculates conspirators and intriguers "at once"; his insight and intuition are weapons that hit without a miss.

Scorpios are suspicious, while they really like it when they are trusted completely. For their part, they behave honestly in this case and keep their promises.

When communicating with a Scorpio leader, it is necessary to adhere to the golden mean: on the one hand, it is necessary to be a thinking, active and creative worker, on the other hand, not to show excessive energy.

Scorpios do not like it when someone does not know how to restrain their emotions.

To win their sympathy, you must sincerely share their ideas and views and not neglect the open demonstration of your loyalty, but they will smell hypocrisy a mile away.

It is very difficult to resist the Scorpio, and it is better not to fall into the number of his enemies. As soon as the activity of ill-wishers reaches certain limits, their position becomes dangerous, although for the time being, Scorpio can pretend not to notice all this mouse fuss.
