Why dream of dark clouds. Complete dream book of the New Era


What color clouds did you dream about?

White clouds in a dream ▼

Why dream of white, absolutely clean clouds? Expect a spiritual uplift in the future. The positive symbolism of the dream lies in the harmony that you are able to establish with your soul and with those around you.

Dreaming of pink clouds ▼

The dream book associates pink clouds with dreams, dreams. In a person who saw a similar one, he did not completely decide on his goals. It is highly likely that everyday ones require specifics.

Run through the clouds in a dream ▼

Dreaming that you started running through the clouds? This is a peculiar thing that you will not be able to benefit from the superfluous. They distract from reality and interfere with personal life. It is recommended to go down to and take action in order to achieve your goals and experience bright emotions.

Where did you see the cloud in your dream?

Dreaming of a cloud on earth ▼

In the dream, was the cloud on the ground and looked gloomy? The dream book considers such a picture as a collapse in business affairs. The result of your many actions will not be successful. It is recommended to quit the venture, reconsider your goals and find a new occupation.

What did the cloud remind you of in your dream?

I dreamed of a cloud in the form of a man ▼

If in a dream you saw a cloud in the form of a loved one with whom it happened, the gap turned out to be too difficult for your psyche.

You are very worried and believe that a hopeless situation will improve. But it is not recommended to entertain false hopes, try things that once connected you, and find new hobbies.

A cloud is dreaming in the form of a certain figure ▼

Why dream of a cloud that has taken the form of a certain geometric figure? The dream portends a pleasant surprise. familiar or close person will make you a surprise that will bring a lot of positive emotions.

What clouds did you dream about?

Dreaming of a cloud with holes ▼

Dreamed of a cloud with holes? In real life, you don't quite understand what's going on. There are chances that you are hopelessly in a difficult situation. Perhaps you want to take on a job in which you practically understand nothing.

Low clouds according to the dream book ▼

Did you see low clouds in a dream, easily and smoothly floating away somewhere into the distance? If the sun's rays appeared through them, everything will work out in life. This positive sign portending sorrow. You will quickly achieve success, forgetting about the bad.

Seeing beautiful clouds in a dream▼

Beautiful clouds through which they are seen, the dream book interprets as dreams, fantasies. He warns that one must be a sober realist, set adequate goals. There should not be any extra dreams, otherwise success will not be achieved.

Dreaming of storm clouds ▼

The dream in which you raised your head up and saw storm clouds portends the emergence of new problems, worries and reasons for irritation. Concentrate on overcoming to achieve well-being.

Sparkling clouds in a dream▼

Why dream of sparkling clouds, thunderstorms, with occasional flashes? Wait spiritual crisis. Emotions will begin in the soul very soon, experiences will fill you, the mind will search for answers to those that have been tormenting for a long time.

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I dreamed of a Cloud, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Cloud is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday - I am standing with many people in an open field. And then I noticed the clouds. They began to change shape. In the form of a Ferris wheel. Nymphs flew across the sky.

    • Galya, the fact that you saw such clouds probably promises you a period of bright pleasant impressions.

      Hello! I had a dream that I was with some people in the sky above the clouds, we were doing something together, and suddenly I tell them that I was tired of the sky, I want to go to the ground soon, and through the clouds I quickly make my way down, I find myself on huge hot-air balloon, which almost like a stone flies down, the wind is very strong and I can barely hold on, the ball falls to the ground and rises again, as a result, I went down to a small clearing in beautiful forest, where there were 3 houses and "fabulously" tall trees.

      • Such a dream probably indicates that all the obstacles in your path will turn out to be imaginary and not serious.

        I dreamed that I was in some building and suddenly this building starts to stagger and the walls begin to fall and the wall presses me down, and then some very strong force throws me up and I find myself in the sky, the clouds are white - white as snow, a little soft. I get up and see that some other person also got here with me, looking around I see that the sky is dark dark blue above, and under my feet there are dense white clouds and they taste like cotton candy (I tried them in a dream). What would that mean??

        • A dream in which you were in such a dilapidated building most likely indicates that you do not have enough self-confidence now.

          Hello! I dreamed that gray clouds were running away very quickly over my head. The wind got stronger. I feel it. then Dad had a dream, with him we are discussing some kind of project for his work ...
          On the eve of sleep, an unpleasant story happened to me, they fled with a girl whom I loved very much. maybe this will help in the interpretation of sleep. Thank you

          Hello! Please help me figure it out, I had an amazing dream: at first the clouds were beautiful, white, cirrus descended smoothly almost to the ground, then I saw solar eclipse and then a rainbow. A bright, beautiful dream, probably for something important. Thanks in advance, OKSANA.

          Hello, from Thursday to Friday I had a dream that I was standing at the window of my house and I saw dark (almost black) clouds on the street. Then suddenly the sky became lilac color and it began to brighten (it became pure blue with a few white clouds). And when I went outside, I got caught in a downpour, and next to me (a meter away) lightning struck several times and with all this I felt comfortable and the rain eventually gradually passed.

          • A dream in which there were clouds most likely indicates that you can be pumped up by negative experiences.

            I dreamed that I was in the sky on thick clouds, I stood and saw that there were many small dogs everywhere on the clouds, as if they had died, but were alive, one of the dogs (puppy) wrote on one cloud - “I really want be with you”, I stood nearby and watched as she wrote it. What does this mean?
            Thank you!

            From Saturday to Sunday I had a dream, as if I were throwing a pebble into a cloud and there was a hole left. Then I take a ladder and climb into the clouds, and there, as it were, my house, furnished with furniture. What does it mean?

            Hello. Yesterday I had a terrible dream. Periodically, huge black clouds appeared in the sky in the form of monsters and after a while they turned into fireballs and disappeared. With what is it? Olga Dmitrievna.

            Hello! Help me understand the dream. We were going to celebrate something. Me, my mother and someone else (a woman) were in our apartment in the hall, and the men were in the kitchen, I looked out the window, the sky was blue, and a cloud passed to the right , dark gray in the form of a dog. “Dog, mom, look at the cloud in the form of a dog.” I look at him and understand that it’s impossible to mark. apparently they open alcohol, I shout to them "NO" I look out the window, the cloud-dog quickly approached us as if smiling, turned around and flew back only from the left side. I look after him and suddenly I see a huge wave moving towards us. I think everything is over, and then we find ourselves on a beautiful bridge. There is nothing white around. I woke up. But all this time I was calm (not scared).

            in a dream I am in some village. several buildings above the line of clouds. the buildings are wooden. they have something like observation platforms at the top. from them I can’t see the ground, but only white dense clouds. I move from one building to another. was in the same building with me Small child who tried to see with me what was around. at the end of the dream, I went downstairs with someone. down near the building there is an almost perfectly round puddle with the feeling that it is a hatch filled with water, the feeling that I want to check the depth, it seems that it is very deep ...

            Good morning, I dreamed that I was at an educational institution, well, I often dream about it, I meet new guys, then we take a walk, and I see the flags of another state in the distance, I ask the border here, we answer me above the clouds, I repeat without understanding the answer , and again I hear the same answer we are above the clouds.

            The dream was completely different, but at the moment I went outside and there were clouds, such as we drew in childhood, fluffy, they were very beautiful and absolutely completely covered the sky. They moved quickly

            In a dream, I saw clouds in the form of two wolves against the background of the moon, one wolf was grinning, and the second seemed to be walking towards the second wolf ... They were clouds! And I stood and photographed them, watching them with admiration. At the same time, the sky was clear, and these two clouds in the form of a wolf were alone, and between them the moon.

            I flew in a dream, not very high, I saw fireworks on the way, but I had to fly for some time in a black cloud from the fireworks, in which I held my breath so as not to inhale the fumes, doing everything to fly this cloud as quickly as possible. As a result, this cloud flew off and again entered the solar space. When flying to good house, although not mine, although in a dream she considered him her own

            huge white cloud. At first it was in the sky and people rode in it. then it descended to the ground, I could touch it, collected and held in my hands a huge piece of a white cloud. at this time, some old woman was holding my bag (I asked her about it), when I collected all the clouds, elderly woman returned the bag. And then I got to the toy museum, took off my jacket in front of the entrance and hung it on a chair. I wandered through the playrooms with plastic slides, cubes and old toys. The museum was beautiful, but old, it was ruined because the children stopped playing. The animator invited me to a room where some man showed card tricks. I refused, but told the animator that everything would be fine and there was no need to sell the museum - he kissed me on the top of my head. I returned for the jacket, but some man took it and I had to take it away by force. I took the jacket away, and he said, "I forgive you."

            I and my two girlfriends lay on the clouds like on a mattress and rested. then they began to think about what would happen when the clouds begin to melt and think about how we would descend. The clouds are pure white like a thick layer of cotton wool.

            I was in the village with my grandmother, at home. I looked out the window and saw a huge white cloud. At first it struck me only by its size, but then I realized that it has a female face. This face was looking straight at me, a cloud floated over the house. Yuylo is a little scary. I ran out of the house to take a picture of him. While I was dealing with the phone, this woman had hands and she threw some kind of green energy at me, like ball lightning, but only this energy did not have a clear form. I was very frightened, especially when I saw that the cloud was quite “alive”. I didn't die from this bundle of energy, although I thought it would happen. I got up and ran home

            there was a bath in the forest warm water I was in it with a young man, my face was not visible ... and there was a beautiful lake nearby, but the water was cold and this man bathed my daughter in a dream she was about 2-3 years old, then they swam and I swam from the bath along the lake (transition was not there), raised her head and saw a beautiful blue sky with small white and beautiful clouds and there were 2 polar bears in the sky, they swam across the sky, and then ended up in the lake and swam after me, and my daughter was with me. I was seized with a slight fear, I dragged my daughter to the shore, and she sailed in the other direction, but already without fear and woke up. Thank you.

            I dreamed that I was standing on two high wooden sticks and in order not to fall I need to rearrange them from place to place, as if to stomp, but I get it quite steadily and I look at the sky, and the sky is very beautiful blue and white clouds and I am enjoying this spectacle and suddenly one cloud is waving to me. It was something like a triangle with rounded ends and one tip began to fold and, as it were, wave to me

            I saw how I left the body and saw how I myself sleep. I wanted to return to the body, but the wind threw me out into the street and flew up at breakneck speed to the clouds, they were gray and white color I didn't see the ground. With all my strength, I began to force myself to descend to the ground. And I succeeded, but when I want to step on the ground, I was dragged up again. With the help of trees and branches, I climbed into a neighboring house and there in the room I hung upside down. On the wall, I want to step on the floor, but again I rise upside down. And so I woke up.

            Good afternoon, in a dream I see a straight asphalt road at a height, beautiful white clouds are visible at the bottom of the road, to admire this I climbed even higher to a white hut, which is on a tree and enjoyed the view.

            in a dream, the clouds were no higher than the usual ceiling, dense as a large canvas, but white-white, I jumped up and dispersed them with my hands, they were like cotton wool, but I’m afraid height, jump also breathtaking.

            I lie on the tender bright green grass and look up at the sky. I don’t see anyone nearby, but I feel like I’m holding the hand of my beloved. I look only at the sky, and it is all blue-blue and boiling white clouds slowly float across it. I didn't pay attention to direction. I just feel good and have peace of mind.

            Hello! I dreamed that I was touching the clouds, but I was not alone, there were strangers nearby who also touched. After that I dreamed that someone had moved into me, reincarnation is called like. and after that I woke up

            The clouds are very white low, fit fish and cars, and the impression that only for me they went down, it all happened on the river, there was ex-husband with a new woman, they swam in a boat, then the boat began to sink with them (I don’t remember what happened next), then my husband was next to me, but I didn’t pay attention to him, I don’t remember anymore

            I was in paradise and two clouds the size of a soccer ball fell into my hands. White below, cream above. I wanted to take a photo with them. but the phone rang and woke up with a smile on her face.

            i had a dream, I saw in a dream that a dog was flying in the air while sitting, a breed of a dolmatian dog, then after a while a bright cloud appeared in the distinct form of a kind and sweet dog! what could this dream mean? thank you for the early!!!

            Today I dreamed that I was in London with my ex-boyfriend, (with whom I broke up literally 2 days ago). It didn't look like London. While the former beloved was busy with something, I freely hovered above the ground. I saw ice, snow, in them a lake with various large fish. Then I flew up to a cloud, a big white one. And when I raised my hands to him, and they entered the cloud, I was seized with great delight. Then we ended up in a house where we made love.

            Hello! I have a dream several times that the sky begins to fill with black clouds. I literally see how clubs of black clouds move towards me and begin to fall heavy rain i I run and run into some kind of house. The last dream in the house was my father. I'm already starting to worry.

            hello! I dreamed that I saw how the clouds were pumped up with a huge tube and wanted to go up and see how strange it was that I got up and seemed to fly through the clouds slowly, as if there were still people there. The clouds were white white beautiful. I also dreamed that I was looking for the tram I needed, I got into it and went and looked out the window and thought about how difficult it would be to drive it. It was one dream

            Gray-white, thick, low above the ground, as if suckers were released from the cloud and pulled the clouds inside, there I hardly got out of the cloud and ran to high building so that the cloud passes below me, . On this I woke up.

            Hello, I dreamed from Saturday to Sunday that I was sitting on a hill and looked at the sky, the clouds were in the form of lovers kissing. Then I looked at the sky again, but the guy was already holding the girl by the face, and they were already away from me, in a smaller shot. Tell me how to interpret this dream?

            Hello! I dreamed that I arrived in the city, some very close and familiar, i.e. I felt at home there. And I met with friends, they tell me - look, what time will it be ... in the end, I look, and there is a cliff, clouds everywhere, below, so light and clean, and the sun sets far away. And a feeling of endless joy, I scream - we are higher clouds! Filmed on camera, laughed, it was so calm and joyful, and many, many white clouds. The dream was on the night of Christmas. What can he mean?

            Hello. I dreamed that I was riding in some kind of transport that looked like a tram, I was driving very fast in some mountains. And I was sitting near the large window of this tram and saw through the window that clouds were floating past - white-white. I opened the window and started to grab the clouds with my hands and grabbed a lot of them and laughed a lot at the same time. Then I turned to the rest of the people in the transport and wanted to tell them to grab the clouds too. But these people were all gray and unfamiliar, and did not want to take the clouds, and scolded me for the open window.

            I stood outside, it was warm, and white-golden clouds began to descend from the sky. They were soft and fluffy, they occupied all the space around me. Then they disappeared and descended to the ground several more times.

            We were in town as a friend or sister. went out to sea. big turquoise. the sky is bright blue and only one huge cloud in the form of a hedgehog, I stood with my back to it, turning around and saw. we went down to the sea through a wheat field. I got on a single boat and swam, and suddenly a giant wave (pure light) began to rise, which covered me. there was only one thought: to have time to take in air when it covers. It covered me, but I didn’t flounder, but it was as if in some kind of vacuum, in which I could even breathe. calmly surfaced and went to the shore. I went on to look for my sister. somewhere among the houses I saw a man dressed in a death suit with a scythe. scared. began to run away. met my sister. (or vice versa, at first I saw death with a scythe, and then my sister and we went down to the sea)

            I dreamed of a dead man! Friend's father! I told him that he was dead! He replied that yes, and lies over there! Pointing to the clouds! The clouds were steps and I looked at them and saw how people come out on one step!

            zdravstvuite. Mne prisnilos kak beloe pochti prozrachnoe oblako proplivalo vozle menia,ochen nizko bilo mogla daje rukoi do nego dastat. a ia sidela toli vozle reki, toli ozera. tochno ne pomnu, no pomoemu bil vecher. what is this mojet oznachat??

            Hello. I had a wonderful dream, where I smoothly take off on an airplane over the sea or ocean and see beautiful white clouds that smoothly turned into gloomy ones. But the mood in the dream did not change, since I always dreamed of flying on an airplane. And even to the islands ... The sea was bright and clean.

            Why do clouds dream? as if I was at home on the 2nd floor, I open the window, and there the sky is endless and white from many clouds, and I reach out my hand to touch the floating clouds .. and then the wind started with rain, and I closed the window, the wind was strong, which at first I I couldn't even close the window.

            Hello, I dreamed that I was standing somewhere in the mountains, the sky was blue-blue, the air was transparent, cold, fresh .. and the tree was next to me, my sister was next to me, and I was looking - the cloud was floating right on the tree, and a part of the cloud caught on, a large , probably about a meter long, I took it in my hands, and it is pleasant to the touch, I can’t even convey what it looks like. I admired and hand it to my sister, I say: “Look how cool, touch it ...))” ... and I don’t remember further)

            Today I dreamed that I was standing in a crowded square, raised my head up and saw a cluster of clouds in the form of three dogs or wolves looking at me. Then the clouds began to move and there were already six animals, and then the clouds blurred and floated further

            Hello Tatiana. I dreamed of a clear, fine summer day. I crossed the bridge over the river, went down to the beach. Suddenly, because of the tops of the trees, it seemed bright blue cloud in the shape of a hand and some kind of viscous, like a thick gel, transparent blue substance fell on me. I ended up under it. I could hardly move, as if in some kind of jelly. overhead and climbed out of it. Overhead again was the blue sky. But there was no fear. There was some kind of warm feeling when I got into this substance ... I realized in a dream that this was some kind of sign from the sky, I don’t know which one. My loved one died 2 weeks ago...

            Hello Tatyana. Thank you for the offer, I'll take it. I dream that I am walking with a friend not far from work in the square, and I look at the sky, and the sky is so blue, bright blue, beautiful and there are white clouds of bizarre shapes on it, not a lot, one cloud closed into a ring, the clouds are small and why - they weren’t lush and didn’t float across the sky, but simply stood as if painted, I stopped and admired.

            Hello, I had such a dream, I look at the sky and see a large white tin more worthy right up to me, I was very surprised and decided to touch it, and it turned out to be the long beard of God, the descendant turned into an inscription on English I didn’t remember the whole sentence, (I love you, your Harte make) something like that, and then they, the inscriptions turned into a pedestrian crossing, more precisely into two pedestrian crossings, and I woke up. My Email, Thank you

            There were three of us, my husband and I. A very beautiful sunny sky and clouds. A piece detached from the cloud and flew into the hands of a friend, she shared with me, she also gave a piece, but it was big, very soft with handles, legs, eyes like a mouth in cartoons, and some hieroglyphs were written in the sky, then everything flew away and it became just a clear blue sky. But the dream was very beautiful and bright, and the cloud was so fluffy and soft.

            The dream had a dream from Monday to Tuesday. I remember one of his moments. I am standing in a room. I look out the window and suddenly clouds rise from somewhere below. Great amount. I opened the window and reached out my hands to touch. The first attempt was unsuccessful + I was afraid to fall when I was reaching for them, as they sailed away from me. But the second time I opened the window and was able to touch them, even scooped them up with my palm. To the touch they were like soap suds, the color of light: blue and white.
            What does this mean? Thank you in advance.

            Hello! I dreamed how I watched a girl or a woman sing, and during this she suddenly began to be dragged somewhere (mystical abduction) Some guy and I went in search of the culprit! Then I see how we are on a straight road, along which we move and observe how in the sky from blue clouds in the form of the same cloud a hand descends in the distance and we seem to understand that in this way that woman was kidnapped and this hand descended for someone! In our search, we ended up in some kind of house with an adult woman, the guy followed her into some kind of room in order to possibly find some kind of answer, and I stayed waiting in another room! …

            i had a dream that I saw what was happening from the window of some house, and this house was at the level of the sky, and when I looked out the window, I saw people standing on the clouds, and the clouds, in turn, were very iridescent, beautiful and colorful, I stood and wondered how people can stand on the clouds and tried to show this sight to my brother standing nearby, but he did not pay attention and went about his business

  • A veil is clouded over the sea,
  • It swirls both night and day.
  • It is drizzling in the mountain village, Autumn has already come. Wang Guan Yang (d. 1380) Primary elements - earth, metal, water, wood. Elements - humidity, dryness, cold, wind. Emotions - thoughtfulness, sadness, fear, anger. Organs - spleen, pancreas, stomach, lungs , colon, kidneys, bladder, liver, gallbladder. Planets - Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter. Explanation and interpretation Water, sky and earth are three of the eight fundamental symbols of the birth and movement of life in Chinese philosophy. A person must observe the correct balance of energies in himself and around him. If you add a little more yang energy to water, then it will tend to the sky, like all entities with a predominance of yang energy. Heavenly light, heavenly warmth add yang energy to water. Water turns into steam, fog, tends to the sky, gathering there in a cloud and raining back to the earth, carries with it a strong charge of yang energy. Isn't that why rain and snow water is good for drinking? The oldest Chinese philosophical books say that the Great Limit or wu chi existed first of all - this is what it was before the universe appeared; it is a certain event that caused the beginning of the movement, a certain self-valuable existence. The aspiration of water to the sky is natural: if the opposite came from a single root, then the two halves will strive for reunification. The transformation of water into clouds, steam and fog will be an earthly similarity to the moment of transformation of chi into tai chi: life was born, there is no definite appearance yet, but the scope for development is endless. Is it not because people love to contemplate clouds and foggy masses of air so much that they see in them the prototypes of the birth of the universe? The majestic picture of clouds running across the sky has been enchanting people for thousands of years: people watch and absorb the rhythm of reunion, the rhythm of the eternal circulation of yin and yang - the rhythm of immortality in the variability of forms. Clouds, steam, fog in a dream to see / be among them (feeling) - a mixture of Yin and Yang energy. Clouds / steam / fog dream / watch them with pleasure in a dream - the passion to look at the variability of cloudy and foggy masses speaks of the desire for an adequate knowledge of the world and one's place in it. The world exists by itself, a person is one of the forms of existence of the world, an observer is the eyes and mirror of the world; if a person fulfills his function, then his life is long-lived. Approaching such a worldview gives peace, strength and self-confidence. Is it possible to be unsure of the forces given by earth and sky? A calm and confident person will achieve success in any field. Sleep is favorable in any season, but especially in autumn. Calm sadness from comparing oneself with the vastness of the universe has a beneficial effect on the lungs and in the future, in winter, on the kidneys. Steam, fog to observe with displeasure / be frightened in a dream of the diversity and variability of forms / lose the way in the fog and be afraid - displeasure and fear when realizing the enormity of the eternal movement of the universe is a sign that in the dreamer's life there is little in common with the rhythms of nature and Cosmos. A small artificial world of one's own concepts and laws has been put in place of the Universe, but the underlying feeling of the artificiality of such a life, its illusory nature and unreality, has long given rise to internal depression and complete disbelief in one's own strength. The purpose of life was hidden in the dangerous primordial fog that had become artificially created. The unwillingness to admit one’s mistakes makes one afraid of the fog, although one should be afraid of oneself - the fog around the dreamer is the way out of his own emotional sphere of the inner unhealthy yin, such a fog can even naturally give rise to images of evil spirits (see the corresponding article), expelled by its own spirit. The dream is unfavorable, the ambiguity of the purpose of the general movement will give rise, if not an instant collapse, then confusion in business and relationships, which will someday lead to collapse. Depression had exhausted the lungs and damaged the kidneys, the spleen and liver, too, in a state of extreme fatigue from the struggle with foggy ghosts. Clouds to watch with fear (specifically clouds) - clouds are closer to the Sky than just steam and fog. To watch the clouds, you need to throw your head back. Communication with Heaven can be interrupted only through one's own fault, due to unethical actions or complete rejection, not thinking about the vastness and infinity of life. The fear of clouds and the sky in a dream actually coincides with purely material interests in life and hostility to all non-domestic lofty topics. From a medical point of view, the spleen does a poor job of moving fluids, which causes congestion in the lungs. Lungs and spleen adversely affect the kidneys, there is an emptiness of the kidneys. General symptoms will be: weakness, swelling, shortness of breath, indigestion, ailments of the genitourinary system and a feeling of cold and, as it were, internal emptiness, which are often extinguished by the constant use of alcoholic beverages. If sleep and some of the symptoms accompanying it appeared in ose-paradise, then the disease will most likely manifest itself in the spring, in the season of renewal and rebirth of life: when the spiritual basis of rebirth is absent, then there can be no physical rebirth, then diseases of the liver and gallbladder are born in the spring. Sleep is unfavorable and requires a global revision of relations with the world.

Seeing black heavy clouds in a dream- portends failure and inability to cope with work.

If it's raining - expect trouble and illness.

See brilliant, clear clouds with the rays of the sun breaking through them- means that soon you will succeed after you have been accompanied by anxieties and worries for a long time.

See transparent clouds with stars twinkling through them- means fleeting joys and small successes in business.

Freud's dream book

dream cloud- symbolizes the illusory nature of your hopes and aspirations in relation to the partner with whom you broke up. Do not make plans for his return, but do a more rewarding job of arranging your personal life.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If you dream of bright clouds- this portends success in love and reconciliation with a loved one.

Transparent clouds through which the stars shine- portend joy, perhaps receiving a gift from a chosen one.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Light clouds in a dream- symbolize dreaminess and uncertainty. Most likely, your life plans lack specificity.

However, if the clouds in your dream are small and beautiful- such a dream can portend positive emotions for you.

Sun behind the clouds- a sign of misunderstanding. Perhaps you are confused about some issue or are about to take on a case in which you understand little.

See the stars behind the clouds- a sign that empty fantasies and inability to concentrate prevent you from achieving some important goal.

Jewish dream book

Clouds- interference in business, new tests.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Clouds- in any case, portend a journey.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Beautiful cloud seen in a dream- to amazement.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Seeing in a dream a bizarre cloud that looks like something- to some pleasant surprise.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

cloud dreams- to a hindrance, difficulty, but very short-term.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

To dream of white clouds in the blue sky- portends an honorable invitation to a great celebration.

dark low clouds- means failure and failure in commerce and business. Gloomy thunderclouds that bring the rain- to troubles and illnesses in the family or relatives.

Light cirrus clouds high in the sky- means the onset of a bright streak in your life after long hardships and hardships. Cumulus clouds moving fast across the sky- a sign of transient sorrows and sorrows and fleeting happiness.

See in a dream lightning in the sky, sparkling between the clouds- a sign that failures will haunt you for a long time.

cloud standing in one place- predicts the decline of affairs and erroneous decisions.

See yourself flying under the clouds- you will soon receive good news from afar.

Women's dream book

Black, heavy clouds in a dream- portend failures and the inability to do their job.

Clouds with rain- dream of trouble and illness.

Shining, clear clouds- with the rays of the sun breaking through them, they portend success after long anxieties and worries.

Transparent clouds with twinkling stars- to fleeting joys and modest success in business.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Clouds- very expressive pointers.

follow the clouds- This is the fastest way to get signs. Clouds instantly transmit messages and perfectly show signs to us.

Watching the clouds- you can see how their shifting shapes and shadows take on meaning. American Indians the spirits that live in the clouds are called "Cloud People". These beings convey messages through their movements in the sky.

clear clouds- indicate spiritual uplift. This positive, healthy symbol is associated with peace in the soul.

storm clouds- may portend a spiritual quest. A storm is brewing in the soul. It can also be a sign of air purification and personal cleansing. Do you build castles in the air?

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Clouds in a dream- serve as harbingers of success or recognition, especially if the clouds are light and bright.

fast moving clouds- can mean a decline in business, a mistake; rain clouds will bring you prosperity.

If the clouds unexpectedly cover the sun- it means that secret machinations, vile deeds interfere with you.

Seeing colorful clouds in a dream- means that you will find great happiness and prosperity in everything.

English dream book

If in a dream above your head you see thickening, black- you will have to go through a heavy, crushing grief.

If in a dream light clouds quickly pass over you and through them you see the sun- it means that everything in your life will be fine, sorrows will go away, all bad things will be forgotten, and things will go uphill.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

The approach of light clouds- to good news.

If the clouds fell to the ground- for good.

clouds see- to hostility.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Clouds is a symbol of unfulfilled hopes and expectations. You are worried about the breakup of a relationship with a partner and hope that he will return. However, you shouldn’t entertain yourself with vain expectations, it’s better to forget everything that connected you with him and try to find a new hobby.

Islamic dream book

Cloud or cloud- there is a king or a merciful leader and a scientist who does deeds worthy of the teachings of faith.

Cloud with thunder and lightning- there is a king angry and inspiring fear.

If someone sees in a dream that a cloud has covered the sky, but a storm and a thunderstorm do not accompany this cloud- whoever saw such a dream will have mercy from the Almighty God.

Rain if seen everywhere- means the mercy of the Lord, and if it happens only in one area or building- to illness or troubles.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Clouds rushing across the sky- symbol of interference from outside world your spiritual development / unpleasant and rapid mood swings, vanity, worldly troubles and worries.

Spindrift clouds- secret, soul-elevating sorrows.

be in the clouds- news / new position.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Clouds- astonishment; red- joy in love; white- profit; dark- loss; rain- well-being; fast sailing- decline; a cloud above- well, increase; be on the clouds- news.

Clouds moving fast- decline of affairs, mistake; clouds with rain- well-being.

Erotic dream book Danilova

Clouds seen in a dream- they warn that you are slightly carried away by dreams that distract you from real events and prevent you from establishing relationships with a loved one.

dream clouds- they talk about your frivolity, that you are superficial, not serious about love relationship while you are asking too much of them.

Esoteric dream book

clouds cumulus- rainy weather.

Lunar day. You can find out from our lunar calendar .

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

It is rare to see the sky in a dream. Such dreams are remembered for a long time. Especially if there are clouds in the sky.

Therefore, we are always insanely interested in what such a dream means or portends? Each dream book interprets clouds differently.

What clouds did you see in a dream:

  • Dark, heavy thunderstorms.
  • Swallowing the sky, leaden clouds.
  • Fluffy, cumulus, reminiscent of light weightless cotton wool.
  • Cirrus light clouds.
  • White clouds.
  • Colored, bright saturated colors: red or pink.
  • With rain threads.
  • With sunbeams shining through them.


Each type of cloud in a dream has its own interpretation in various sources. But Chinese, esoteric and Old Slavic dream books agree that dark heavy clouds can indicate unpleasant life circumstances. For some time, a person who sees a stormy sky will have to make efforts to overcome certain difficulties.

According to the psychoanalytic interpretation of dreams, clouds with sparkling vice versa can be harbingers of some relief. This is a dream when a way out of an impasse is finally found. Discharge will occur through the realization of the causes of troubles or the clarification of difficult relationships.

The accompanying storm is a signal of an inner power being released. Those restrictions that kept you from taking decisive steps will be swept away. You will find in yourself the resources to cut the Gordian knot of trouble.

Why do clouds dream heavy and engulfing the dark? Perhaps they signal some kind of trouble in health. Pay attention to your well-being, especially to the cardiovascular system. Maybe it makes sense to slow down a bit and give yourself time for a proper rest.

Fluffy, cumulus

What do dreams with white clouds mean? It happens that you dream of a bright blue sky, on which fluffy, cotton-like, light clouds are carelessly scattered.

Dream Interpretations claim that a person is confused in his dreams and does not want to return from heaven to earth. Real life gave way to pleasant dreams. There is a cycle of setting plans, but it will take some time before they are implemented.

White clouds rising from four sides, according to Eastern interpreters, are a sign of great success in business. Suddenly, new opportunities will appear and unprecedented horizons in business will open. Obstacles to the implementation of plans are not expected or they will be insignificant.

According to psychoanalytic theory, getting lost in a bright cloudy sky is refusing to recognize the completion of an old relationship. Trying to grab and hold on to what is gone does not work on earth, and a person lives in the past and dreams. Such dreams are a signal of the need to reset your plans for your personal life.

According to female dream book bright white clouds in a sunny clear sky - to alleviate life circumstances. What has been tormenting for a long time will come to naught. Previous efforts will give their results, and the situation will be resolved for the better.

colorful clouds

If you dreamed of clouds of bright saturated colors - this good sign. Buddhists consider such a dream to be a harbinger of great luck, prosperity and well-being. Especially if you saw a pink-red palette in a dream.

  • Red clouds covering the sky dream of love. You will find joy and a surge of emotions in your current relationship. The partner will surprise you with romance and pleasant surprises. If you are alone, such a dream portends you a new fateful meeting.
  • Pink saturated color means wealth. You will find new sources of income. Perhaps you will receive a monetary inheritance.

wind and rain

Fast moving white clouds are missed opportunities. Something will suddenly appear in your life and just as quickly leave. You can only act as an observer, but it will not be intended for you.

If you dream that light cirrus clouds or heavy gray clouds quickly run across the sky, you will have unexpected news of a not entirely pleasant nature. Cloud feathers are a bit of a disappointment. Heavy clouds are a more serious incident. But it will quickly pass, only for a while blocking the sun (disappointing you).

Muslim dream book

In the Muslim tradition, a clear hierarchy is adopted and the subordination of the younger to the elders, and ordinary people- to the authorities. The elders decide everything and are equated in consciousness with the sun. Therefore, if you dream of something covering the sun, this signals a change in relation to a high person or even God.

Clouds covering a calm sky portend mercy from higher powers. If cloudiness is accompanied by a storm and a thunderstorm, stormy, fateful events are coming.

The widespread rains mean prosperity and well-being for the people. Rain over one village or city will mean some kind of incident in this place. Author: Natalia Mikhailenko

  • A veil is clouded over the sea,
  • It swirls both night and day.
  • It is drizzling in the mountain village, Autumn has already come. Wang Guan Yang (d. 1380) Primary elements - earth, metal, water, wood. Elements - humidity, dryness, cold, wind. Emotions - thoughtfulness, sadness, fear, anger. Organs - spleen, pancreas, stomach, lungs , colon, kidneys, bladder, liver, gallbladder. Planets - Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter. Explanation and interpretation Water, sky and earth are three of the eight fundamental symbols of the birth and movement of life in Chinese philosophy. A person must observe the correct balance of energies in himself and around him. If you add a little more yang energy to water, then it will tend to the sky, like all entities with a predominance of yang energy. Heavenly light, heavenly warmth add yang energy to water. Water turns into steam, fog, tends to the sky, gathering there in a cloud and raining back to the earth, carries with it a strong charge of yang energy. Isn't that why rain and snow water is good for drinking? The oldest Chinese philosophical books say that the Great Limit or wu chi existed first of all - this is what it was before the universe appeared; it is a certain event that caused the beginning of the movement, a certain self-valuable existence. The aspiration of water to the sky is natural: if the opposite came from a single root, then the two halves will strive for reunification. The transformation of water into clouds, steam and fog will be an earthly similarity to the moment of transformation of chi into tai chi: life was born, there is no definite appearance yet, but the scope for development is endless. Is it not because people love to contemplate clouds and foggy masses of air so much that they see in them the prototypes of the birth of the universe? The majestic picture of clouds running across the sky has been enchanting people for thousands of years: people watch and absorb the rhythm of reunion, the rhythm of the eternal circulation of yin and yang - the rhythm of immortality in the variability of forms. Clouds, steam, fog in a dream to see / be among them (feeling) - a mixture of Yin and Yang energy. Clouds / steam / fog dream / watch them with pleasure in a dream - the passion to look at the variability of cloudy and foggy masses speaks of the desire for an adequate knowledge of the world and one's place in it. The world exists by itself, a person is one of the forms of existence of the world, an observer is the eyes and mirror of the world; if a person fulfills his function, then his life is long-lived. Approaching such a worldview gives peace, strength and self-confidence. Is it possible to be unsure of the forces given by earth and sky? A calm and confident person will achieve success in any field. Sleep is favorable in any season, but especially in autumn. Calm sadness from comparing oneself with the vastness of the universe has a beneficial effect on the lungs and in the future, in winter, on the kidneys. Steam, fog to observe with displeasure / to be frightened in a dream of the diversity and variability of forms / to lose the way in the fog and be afraid - displeasure and fear when realizing the enormity of the eternal movement of the universe is a sign that in the dreamer's life there is little in common with the rhythms of nature and Cosmos. A small artificial world of one's own concepts and laws has been put in place of the Universe, but the underlying feeling of the artificiality of such a life, its illusory nature and unreality, has long given rise to internal depression and complete disbelief in one's own strength. The purpose of life was hidden in the dangerous primordial fog that had become artificially created. The unwillingness to admit one’s mistakes makes one afraid of the fog, although one should be afraid of oneself - the fog around the dreamer is the way out of his own emotional sphere of the inner unhealthy yin, such a fog can even naturally give rise to images of evil spirits (see the corresponding article), expelled by its own spirit. The dream is unfavorable, the ambiguity of the purpose of the general movement will give rise, if not an instant collapse, then confusion in business and relationships, which will someday lead to collapse. Depression had exhausted the lungs and damaged the kidneys, the spleen and liver, too, in a state of extreme fatigue from the struggle with foggy ghosts. Clouds to watch with fear (specifically clouds) - clouds are closer to the Sky than just steam and fog. To watch the clouds, you need to throw your head back. Communication with Heaven can be interrupted only through one's own fault, due to unethical actions or complete rejection, not thinking about the vastness and infinity of life. The fear of clouds and the sky in a dream actually coincides with purely material interests in life and hostility to all non-domestic lofty topics. From a medical point of view, the spleen does a poor job of moving fluids, which causes congestion in the lungs. Lungs and spleen adversely affect the kidneys, there is an emptiness of the kidneys. General symptoms will be: weakness, swelling, shortness of breath, indigestion, ailments of the genitourinary system and a feeling of cold and, as it were, internal emptiness, which are often extinguished by the constant use of alcoholic beverages. If sleep and some of the symptoms accompanying it appeared in ose-paradise, then the disease will most likely manifest itself in the spring, in the season of renewal and rebirth of life: when the spiritual basis of rebirth is absent, then there can be no physical rebirth, then diseases of the liver and gallbladder are born in the spring. Sleep is unfavorable and requires a global revision of relations with the world.