How to get rid of an evil spirit prayer. Protecting your home from evil spirits with aspen

There are many ways to do this, choose the one you like best, either with prayers or with conspiracies.
If one method does not work and after the cleansing ritual you feel the presence of evil spirits in the house, do not despair, get down to business again and again, use ancient spells and strong prayers, which people have used for many centuries to protect their home and drive out evil spirits from it.

To get rid of werewolves, ghosts and other evil spirits, some traditional techniques are recommended:

1. Stick a nail or knife into the place where evil spirits appear;

2. Find in the floor of the wooden flooring the place where the knot was, draw a triangle around it with your ring finger and step on this place with your left foot;

3. Draw a triangle around the “knot” in the floorboard (such recesses can also be found in old wooden frames on windows) with the tip of a knife and stick the knife into the middle of the triangle.

4. An aspen branch suspended above the threshold of the front door will not let you into your home. energy vampires. Even a dry and winter one, placed in the bedroom, will save you from nightmares.

5. It is good to keep birch branches in the house, blessed for Trinity. They also help against evil spirits.

6. You should not sleep with the windows open from 12 to 3 am. At this time, the unclean are aggressive. Or drive four needles into the vents in the corners and pull the thread crosswise.

7. When going to bed, cross yourself, pillows and bed three times and read the prayer “Alive in Help.”

8. Crosses drawn (accumulated) outside and inside with a candle from the church that you held in your hands on Maundy Thursday will protect you and your home well from the unclean.

9. Chalk protects against evil spirits. It’s not for nothing that in the old days the walls were whitewashed with chalk, which created a certain protective background. Try it, the unclean don't like chalk. And wallpapering homes creates a favorable environment for them.

10. Cats and dogs sense unclean people well. The dog's hair rises on the back of its neck and it begins to bark at the place where the unclean ones are. And cats sometimes even leave the house.

11. On Maundy Thursday, a house or apartment can be fumigated with juniper, wild rosemary or heather. This will also protect and drive out the unclean from your home.

12. Buckthorn branches, consecrated in the church on Trinity, hung over the doors and windows of your home, will also protect you and your home from evil spirits.

13. On Epiphany, January 19, bless the water in the church and sprinkle it on your yard and apartment or house. By doing this you will also protect yourself from evil spirits.

14. You can knead the batter using blessed Epiphany water and use it to draw crosses above the front door (outside and inside the apartment). This will also protect you and your home from the tricks of evil, unkind people.

How to get rid of evil spirits from your home

The ritual of expelling evil spirits should only be carried out by the owner of the house himself. To do this, immediately after midnight, he needs to wash his hands clean and walk through all the rooms of the house in a clockwise direction. Moreover, for each step he must right shoulder Throw a black bean behind your back. When walking around, a spell is pronounced (at least 9 times): I’m throwing this away, redeeming myself and my people.

During the process, you should never look back, no matter what happens behind you.

At the end of the event, you should say 9 times in a loud and authoritative voice: Spirits, I command you to leave this place.” Next, you need to fumigate the house with juniper, for which you need to light a fire and throw dry juniper into it.

Method with a church candle.

Light a wax candle and walk around each room clockwise, moving towards the front door. Use candle light to cross all corners and doorways. The following conspiracy pronounced at each of the thresholds in the house:

“Get thee, devil, from the temple and from this house, from the doors and from all four corners. You, devil, have no part and participation, no place and peace; here is the cross of the Lord, mother of Christ, Holy Mother of God, Saint Peter, holy evangelists: John, Luke, Mark, Matthew, holy archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Ugasiel, Ehudiel, Verachail. The heavenly powers rejoice here, here are the holy cherubim and seraphim, St. Michael is now throughout the entire universe, and St. Peter holds the regiments for them, holding a club; here is the Nativity of the Forerunner, here is you, the devil has no part and participation, no place and rest, do not do dirty tricks, the devil to the whole place and house, and man, and cattle, and all the servants of God; run from here to utter hell, where your real refuge is, and find yourself there! My word is strong, like a stone, amen, amen, amen.”

How to cleanse an apartment from the presence of otherworldly forces

Sprinkle the walls and, especially carefully, the corners of all rooms of your house with sacred water in the church. In this case, it is necessary to read any prayer of protection(best prayer is “Our Father”)
Pour water into a container and add consecrated water to it in a ratio of one to five. Thoroughly wipe the floors in your house with this water, and then pour it out at night. dirty water at any crossroads, saying: “Everything black, bad, witchcraft: misfortune, bad luck, illness, curses and other evil spirits, let them leave my house forever.” Pour this water along with a rag onto the intersection and quickly move away from this place without looking back.

Cleanse your house of evil spirits with salt
Next magic ritual It should definitely be done in the evening, when it’s already dark outside. Take in left hand a handful of regular table salt, preferably coarsely ground, and, slowly, go around your entire house; room by room, room by room, alternately reading prayers and a spell: “Let everything bad, dark, witchcraft go into this salt: illnesses, witchcraft, curses, bad luck, misfortunes, and leave my home forever.” After this, you need to pour this dirty salt onto the road, away from your home. The ritual must be repeated three evenings in a row.

How to exorcise ghosts
To rid your home of intrusive visits from ghosts, you need to take feathers and fluff from the pillows, set them on fire and fumigate the entire home with smoke.

How to Cleanse Your House with Prayer

To get rid of evil spirits in the house, you need to take a censer (you can buy it in church and monastery shops), put a coal, incense on it and light it. Read the prayer to the “Honorable Cross” ( May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; just as wax melts in the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and signify themselves with the sign of the cross, and who say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by force on you of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and straightened the power the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amine b) and fumigate the room, starting from the door and sticking to the left side.

During the ceremony, light candles in all rooms; the largest one has three, in the others one or two candles. Don't forget about the bathroom, hallway and toilet. Be sure to turn off phones and the doorbell so that no one interferes with the ritual; doors and windows must be closed. When you finish the ceremony, open the doors, windows, vents so that there is a draft, when the smoke begins to leave the room, say the phrase: “Let all bad things leave the house with this smoke: misfortune, illness, bad luck, witchcraft, curses! Let all evil spirits go away with this smoke, all good things will remain!” Now you can close the windows and doors. To protect your home, over front door hang enchanted juniper and burning red with prayer

"LIVING HELP", Psalm 90

“Those who live in the help of the Most High will dwell in the shelter of the Heavenly God. Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge. My God, and I trust in Him. For He will deliver me from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words, His splash will overshadow you, and under His wing you hope: His truth will surround you with weapons.

Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies in the days, from the thing that passes in the darkness, from the the midday demon. Thousands will fall from Your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand, but it will not come close to you, otherwise look with your eyes, and see the reward of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and wound will not approach your body: as His Angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot on a stone, step on an asp and a basilisk, and cross a lion and a serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will exterminate him, and I will glorify him, I will fill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation” (dried juniper is also suitable for fumigating the room).

Protecting your home from evil spirits with aspen

Prepare aspen pegs, pointed on both sides, about 10 centimeters long and 1 cm in diameter, and place them in a container with blessed water, while saying: “ Most Holy God, save and protect my house from all evil spirits, as well as from thieves, enemies and other adversaries" After this, you must read “Our Father” at least six times.

The aspen pegs prepared in this way must be tied to form a cross and strengthened (can be nailed) above the doors in the house. On a plot of land, it is necessary to drive pegs in its corners and under the gates. Then, after all the pegs are installed properly, you need to water them with the same water in which they were charged.

Herbs to help

Above the front door of your house, indoors, you need to hang a bunch of garlic or hot red pepper, or a branch of juniper.

Each blade of grass absorbs its own range of strength, so we use some herbs for healing headaches, some for liver diseases, some for colds, etc. But there are a number of herbs that have a very powerful healing effect, their effect immediately affects the entire human body, and not just any individual organ, and, in addition, they regulate the very energy of the body.

These herbs have a very pure spectrum of radiation, in which there is practically no black color. Their energy does not even contain the energies of the dead kingdom, so they have a very strong healing effect on humans, as well as the ability to drive away evil spirits. They are called anti-demonic.

These are St. John's wort, hyssop (blue St. John's wort), lavender, nettle, wormwood, thistle, dill, Mother of God grass, Ivan da Marya, etc.

In order to get the greatest power from the herb, it is collected at a favorable time.

To protect yourself from evil spirits , herbs are used only in the form of smoking or water infusions. Alcohol infusions and capsules with dried herbs are not suitable for this purpose. To prepare infusions and smoke the herbs must first be dried - losing water, they acquire fiery energetic power. a power that increases their ability to drive away evil spirits.

Smoking or incense affects our mind and, purifying our thoughts, drives away possible troubles and misfortunes. They are good because they clean not only the person himself, but also the home.

But if evil spirits have entered your body, fumigation will not help you, it will only protect you from a new attack.

If you want to use for home protection smoking from anti-demonic herbs, add a drop of pine resin to the dry herb and try to carry the incense throughout the apartment. Then, when the apartment is filled with the smell of herbs, open a large window or balcony for a few minutes and wish the evil spirits to leave your home: “As the smoke leaves my house, so do troubles, illnesses, etc. leave my house"

Then close the window, the smell of herbs will remain in your home for another day, calling your mind to free yourself from evil thoughts.

We emphasized that the resin must be pine, as it has greater cleaning properties.

Aromatic essential oils to expel evil spirits from the house are not used. They act more on our mind than on the atmosphere of the home, although they are also capable of freeing the head from accumulated negative energy; in fact, their therapeutic effect is based on it.

Herbal infusions act entirely on the entire body, cleansing it of dirty accumulated energy . Water allows the power of herbs to freely fill the cells of our body and tune in to receive light energy. The enormous power of herbs lies in the fact that they are able to form a common energy field, uniting their disparate forces into a common mind. When a person consumes an infusion of herbs, he involuntarily connects to the general energy field of these plants. and the less he resists its effects, the faster the recovery will come.

Therefore, never collect withered, weak grass growing in garbage dumps and other dirty places - otherwise, by taking an infusion from it, you will connect not only to the pure energy of the plant, but also to the energy of the place where it grew; do not try to take a “horse” dose of infusion orally at once - by dramatically changing the energy of the body, you scare your own body, and it begins to resist healing (microdoses work better and more beneficially; it is no coincidence that homeopathic methods of treatment are one of the most reliable); When taking the infusion, help your mind - imagine a field of flowering herbs of the type you are taking - the healing will happen faster. When dousing or bathing in the infusion, do not be too lazy to do this either - the surge of strength will be greater than when performing the procedure mechanically.

One of the most powerful anti-demonic herbs in central Russia. This herb that absorbs sunlight, affects the entire human body, cleansing it. St. John's wort helps well with depression, fatigue, and the first signs of colds. It opens a person’s heart, allowing his soul, mind and body to unite into a single whole. All evil spirits are afraid of him, just as they are afraid of sunlight.

St. John's wort gains its greatest strength by mid-July. Previously, it (like all magical herbs) was collected on Ivan Kupala (July 7, new style). St. John's wort is a very proud and whimsical plant that remembers the pain caused to it, so if you cut off the strongest shoots that catch your eye, then next year you risk not finding it at all in this place.

St. John's wort is not used in smoking, as it does not have the power to drive evil spirits out of the room. It simply very powerfully fills the body with the solar energy contained within it. Therefore, St. John's wort is used in infusions or aromatic oils, that is, for a direct effect on the body. Previously, in Rus', St. John's wort often replaced tea, which was very good, since in our climate there is a noticeable lack of solar energy, which the body has to obtain from other sources.

Hyssop (blue St. John's wort) acts immediately on the subtle energy planes of our body. It is used in incense, incense, and infusions, but it gives the greatest strength to our body when it comes into contact with the skin. This allows you to quickly cleanse a person’s energy of accumulated dirt. Otherwise, the nature of its action is similar to that of ordinary St. John's wort.

Wormwood is the second most powerful anti-demonic herb in Russia, which is now used extremely rarely. Among others, she drives away evil spirits of aquatic origin. The mermaid was incredibly afraid of her, and during the mermaid week, to protect against their machinations, wormwood was hung in houses, and fires with the addition of wormwood were burned near the houses.

The smell of this herb can drive almost any evil spirits out of the house . Wormwood loses some of its strength in an aqueous solution, and it tastes very bitter, so it is most often used in the form of smoking (in addition, the strength of wormwood is very great, and it can only be used internally in microdoses).

Wormwood has the property of restoring our harmony with nature, and with a strong concentration of its smoke, susceptible people can begin to see beings of the subtle world - this is the second reason for the rare use of wormwood. In fact, it is used only by magicians who are not afraid of otherworldly contacts.

Absolutely safe method Its use is to hang a small bunch of this herb in the house (preferably in the bedroom or hallway).

The smell of wormwood is so unpleasant to the water evil spirits that it leaves the house where wormwood is simply present. Ritual wreaths from wormwood were always woven on the night of Ivan Kupala. They used them to guess about the future fate, a secret wreath (the one that decorated the effigy of Kupala all night around the fire) was hung in the house above the door, so that quarrels and misfortunes avoid his side . Very bad omen It was believed that if such a wreath fell or was torn, this indicated the effect of evil witchcraft on the family.

Wormwood is a very strong, but at the same time very whimsical plant.

NETTLE. This burning herb has the property of counteracting evil witchcraft. It is used for weakening of the body and impotence. Nettle brooms are used to sweep the floors enchanted home in order to drive evil spirits out of it. Rugs for the hallway are woven from nettles to deprive those who enter the house of evil power.
Nettle is also used as smoking to drive away evil spirits from the house, in the form of infusions and baths to restore a person’s former strength. In order to destroy evil, an old plant is more suitable.
Nettle gains its greatest anti-demonic power during the period of the new moon. For her safety healing properties It is best to cut nettles with a knife; This plant cannot be uprooted - half of its strength disappears, since it loses connection with the place where it grew.

THISTLE. If you translate the name of this plant into modern Russian, you will get “scaring devils,” which is quite consistent with the abilities of this “weed.” The devils are really afraid of her, so thistles were always hung at the entrance to the house - so as not to let evil spirits into the home. They planted it on the graves of sorcerers and damned people to prevent evil spirits from dragging their souls into hell.
This plant is not used in smoking: the smoke of thistle is very bitter and eats the eyes and throat. It drives out the evil spirits, but it’s hard for people to be in such a haze.
It is believed that thistle grows in bad places or where bad people live. The thistle reaches its greatest strength when its flower blooms.

LAVENDER. This plant has the ability to concentrate the forces of the human body to fight evil spirits. It is used in the form of smoking and infusions. In large doses, lavender can cause aggression and hatred towards everything, so it must be used carefully, little by little. The smell of lavender is not liked by animals and insects that are carriers of evil: mice, rats, moths... Therefore, lavender oil was often placed in places where food and clothing were stored.

DILL. This weed is a common guest in any garden. But few people know that witches cannot stand its scent. The smell of dill dispels the effects of witchcraft and removes a person’s worries. An infusion of dill helps drive out the undead sent by evil witchcraft from the body. At the same time, dill itself is a weak herb. It works well as an auxiliary in cleansing the body and home, but you cannot count on it alone for protection from evil forces.

VIRGIN GRASS. A strong plant, which, unfortunately, does not have universal action. Sphere of influence – fertility. But it always helps the soil, animals, plants, and people to give birth. Smoking and infusions of the Mother of God herb calms nervous system, allow you to find a solution to a difficult problem, interrupt the action of energy, sexual vampires. Washing and bathing in the infusion of the Mother of God herb helps preserve female beauty. This plant is at its most powerful before the full moon.

IVAN-DA-MARYA. The last of the widespread in Russia anti-demonic herbs. Used in infusions. This herb helps a person find happiness in life, attracts to him what he lacks. Calms the nervous system; With constant use of Ivan da Marya, a person noticeably becomes prettier. But this herb does not retain its strength for very long. Having collected it near the day of Kupala (when it ripens), you will be able to fully use it for no more than one lunar month. In dried form it is with everyone lunar month loses about 10 percent of its healing properties.
Finally, I would like to recall an old folk plot that was said out loud before picking any herb for medicinal purposes. It sounds like this: “Mother Earth, help me pick grass” . We wish you to use the properties and power of herbs for your benefit.

Dear readers of the site. Today we will once again talk about paranormal phenomena that occur in our lives. A letter arrived in my email inbox in which a woman named Clara shares with us something that makes her shudder.

The thing is that the furniture in her apartment moves spontaneously, and extraneous rustles do not allow her to sleep peacefully. This phenomenon has been observed for several months now. Clara believes that evil spirits or creatures from the lower astral have settled in her house. This is what we will talk about now.

Skeptics, you are in vain smiling sarcastically - such phenomena are increasingly happening in people's lives.

As usual, I invited a village healer, already familiar to many, to discuss this issue, who, despite her advanced age, helps the suffering free of charge.
Before expressing our opinion, the two of us carefully studied the essence of the letter.

Clara has been living in a two-room apartment with her husband for several years. Their relationship cannot be called “smooth”, because scandals in the family are a fairly common occurrence. Many people say that when loved ones scold, they only amuse themselves. But the whole point is that any thought has the ability to materialize and endow a foreign object with quite powerful energy.
Dear Clara. We are not skeptics, therefore we will not “twist our fingers at our temples,” but will try to explain what is happening. We should not forget that this point of view may not coincide with those who consider themselves “luminaries” in the field of parapsychology.

If we consider the apartment not as a “cozy house”, but from the point of view of the laws of bioenergy, then the home is a closed energy exchange system. Inside the apartment, every item is endowed with your presence. If there is any object in the apartment that was donated or planted by someone, then it, in turn, also comes into play.

In the event that a third-party object is of the nature of a bad lining, then it can provoke active actions by creatures from the lower astral plane, which are called evil spirits. Evil spirits are a mystical category that is often perceived as an ordinary fiction. But scientists recorded phenomena that they designated as poltergeists. As a result of taking instrument readings, an increase in the activity of these creatures in a confined space and the movement of objects inside were discovered.

Evil spirits are like suckers attracted to foul language, the Fall and illiterate occult acts.
Your disagreements, Clara, are not just love troubles, but sultry energy bursts with the use of those words that can activate beings from the lower “society”.

The more often and fiercely you swear, the weaker your invisible defense becomes. Never utter curse words with heated lips. In a quarrel, try not to predict a person’s illness or death, calling on “all the devils” to help you.

In order to cope with this evil phenomenon, the intervention of the forces of light and your awareness that you cannot continue to live like this are necessary.
Here's what you need to do to get rid of a poltergeist:

1). A seven-day strict fast for all family members. Reading the prayers “Our Father” and Psalm 90.

2). If there is an unbaptized person in the family, then Baptism in the Temple is mandatory.

3). Heartfelt Confession and Communion to everyone living in the apartment.

4). Consecration of a home by a clergyman.

5). Stopping/reducing sinful acts.

6). Spiritual churching.

Do you remember what is written in the Bible? In the beginning there was the word. Hence the wisdom: never throw curses, so as not to awaken those who are already punished for the Fall and are enslaved, in order to wait for the right moment and penetrate where love, mutual understanding and kindness should reign.

The question was asked by: Clara from the city of Mytishchi.

She answered the question: Village healer.

The material was prepared by me, Edwin Vostryakovsky.

It is very important that your home is protected from evil spirits and all kinds of abomination, because they have a powerful Negative influence for the health of the whole family. Find out how to rid your home of them!

How do evil spirits appear and what do they influence?

Small evil spirits¹ can settle where people behave aggressively, often watch scenes of violence, constantly shout, quarrel, experience hatred and anger. For them, this is the most comfortable living environment, and they try with all their might to maintain a negative atmosphere in the house².

These spirits themselves begin to evoke base and dirty emotions in people, provoke quarrels and scandals. It happens that outside the house people talk peacefully, communicate, feel sympathy and love for each other, and when returning to the apartment, they again begin to quarrel for no reason. This is how the energy of the room affects people, and it needs to be cleaned.

How to cleanse the energy of your home from evil spirits?

To get rid of negative energies in the house and ensure the safety of the family, cleaning alone is not enough. Here we cannot do without an effective agreement.

The spell given below has special power; it can cleanse your home of harmful energies for a long time. It should be read on the threshold of a house or apartment:

“Spirits protect this room, the gods protect it. A strong home spirit lives here. Loves the owners. Loyal to people. Goes for communication. Serves people. I'll give you a prize External Force, I'll ask for help.

Teach Strength to protect the home spirit and help people. Be the healthiest person and love life! Send the Power to this threshold of Your angel! So that he takes the household spirit as his disciple! For the glory of the owners of the house, for personal growth, to avoid troubles!

I respect the personality of my family, but I want benefits and joys! Khantaa ular."

When pronouncing the words “Khantaa ular”, which means: thank you, this is my will, so be it, you need to fold your hands in front of your chest and make a slight bow.

When buying an apartment, especially after the deceased owners,
make sure that the former owner (or mistress) does not live near you.

I have had quite a lot of cases when already deceased people survived my clients from the living space they bought.
Moreover, they acted very inventively and effectively, and dealing with them was quite problematic.
In fact, the essences of the former owners of the living space could not leave just like that; first of all, they were tied to their apartments, since they got them very difficult, and after their death they were immediately sold by relatives - they are hurt by the fact that their property, for which In their lives they put so much nerves, work, and sometimes they actually sold their conscience and honor (and this is the only thing that remains in the last hour) so easily it left them. As a result, they, offended by the whole world, did not go to heaven or hell, but remained to live in the same place and during their lifetime, considering this place their home, and everyone who encroaches on it as their enemies.

What else can you find in old apartment- of course, a portal, or simply a funnel between dimensions through which a sufficient number of spirits will walk, using your apartment as a transit base..

Okay, I think we've digressed from the topic. How, exactly, to rid an apartment of the souls of former owners who do not want to leave you alone?

  • There are several methods: the first (and the main one that you can do yourself)- this is an agreement, sometimes it works. How we agree - this depends on the spirit: if, for example, an alcoholic lived here - have a drink together, have a heart-to-heart talk on the topic “you respect me” - if you establish contact, in any case, he will not do all sorts of nasty things, but will simply come to terms with your presence - but then from time to time you will need to drink with him.
  • Old lady - sit together, talk, pour her some tea, give her a piece of candy or several - but God forbid you drink from her mug later (then expect trouble), for this purpose, buy a beautiful mug just for her. If possible, ask your neighbors what a person was like during his lifetime, what he loved, what he hated, this is in order to get to know him better and find a topic for conversation. Even if your conversation resembles a monologue, or the ravings of a madman, but if you find a common language, this is already a good achievement, friends from that world are a good thing.

But. In order to talk, you first need to understand who you are talking to, and that the one you are talking to is listening to you.

Of course, persuasion does not always help: much depends on the actual harmfulness of the spirit, and in my experience they can be very unpleasant and dangerous neighbors.

  • If the soul of a suicide has settled in the apartment then you can’t negotiate with her, otherwise you yourself won’t notice how you commit suicide. Here you need to call a specialist exorcist to reprimand the premises and expel this soul.
  • Second option, if persuasion does not help, clean and consecrate the apartment using a special ritual. There are rituals for such a case in any developed religious tradition. It helps if the priest observes all fasts and really believes in what he is doing, and besides, he must have real spiritual strength or this is a poultice for the dead. Now, of course, this is somewhat problematic (in my practice there was only one case of successful expulsion of a spirit by this method), but still I think it’s worth knowing.
  • The third method is exorcism- expulsion of demons, harmful spirits. This was traditionally done by shamans, and then by specially trained priests and priests. different religions and cults. But now there are few such specialists, and none among modern priests.

If you really need it, contact me, I’ll help you

In the summer of 2008, a resident of the city of Pervouralsk, the owner of a small trading company, Vladimir Andreevich Ivankov, received unexpected news: his cousin, who died a few months earlier, left him as an inheritance a small two-room apartment in Yekaterinburg. This gift turned out to be very timely for the Ivankovs, since their daughter Elena studied at one of the Yekaterinburg universities and was forced to live in rented apartments.

Bad apartment

On the very first night, when Vladimir Andreevich and Elena settled in the donated apartment, frightening and strange things began to happen in the home: the floorboards creaked every now and then, as if someone was carefully walking on them, interior doors opened and closed by themselves. And in the morning, a frightened daughter ran into her father’s room and said that there was someone in her bedroom - because of the cold breath of a mysterious stranger, the girl, in fact, woke up.

Vladimir Andreevich carefully examined Elena’s room, but did not find anything unusual, except for the old women's dress, ended up in a closet that was inherited along with the apartment. And the very next day real devilry began to happen here.

At first, for no apparent reason, plates, glasses and other cutlery began to fall from the kitchen shelves. After that, cutlery: knives, forks and spoons began to rise into the air and hit the walls. At some point, the same dress that Vladimir Andreevich found in the closet early in the morning flew into the kitchen from the next room.

The frightened Ivankovs ran out of the terrible apartment and began knocking on the doors of their neighbors, one of which was opened for them elderly woman. Having invited uninvited guests to her place, she told Vladimir Andreevich and Elena that Aunt Ivankova, Vera Dmitrievna, who died at the age of 81, was a healer and even performed a little magic. Shortly before her death, she allegedly intensively searched for a person to whom she could transfer her sacred knowledge, but I couldn’t find one, which made me very sad.

On the advice of a neighbor, Vladimir Andreevich invited an Orthodox priest to a bad apartment, who read prayers for a very long time and walked around the rooms with a candle that stubbornly refused to burn. When the priest began to sprinkle the corners and walls with holy water, it suddenly, to everyone’s amazement, began to turn into wine. After which the priest declared that he could not overcome this force and left...

Poltergeist classifications

Realizing that there was nowhere to wait for help, Vladimir Andreevich sat down with books on occult sciences, rummaged through a bunch of sites on the Internet and after a while learned a lot of interesting things about the restless spirit, which has the official name “poltergeist”, and is popularly called the drummer.

In particular, Ivankov found out that there are many types of ghostly creatures living on the border of the thin and dense worlds. These spirits cannot find peace due to various circumstances. The most dangerous and powerful are considered to be the restless souls of people who, during their lifetime, practiced black magic and necromancy, as well as those who committed bloody crimes or died due to their sinful activities (death penalty for murder, death as a result of revenge on the part of someone for stolen property or physical harm caused, and so on).

Another type of evil spirits hurts women and children. Such poltergeists usually attack this category of people, causing them both emotional and physical suffering, but, as a rule, disappear when adult men appear.

The category of brownies, known to many, includes close and distant relatives who did not receive due reverence, care and respect, both during life and after death. These noisy spirits disturb their loved ones, as if reminding them of themselves, play with pets and small children, without harming anyone.
The spirits of people who have stained themselves with theft during their lifetime usually hide things in the house, which are miraculously found after a certain time.

The most unfortunate are the spirits of suicide, doomed by karmic laws to be drawn for a long time to the world that they hastened to leave. Such entities sigh heavily or groan, sometimes their transparent images appear to people.

They don't like it

Due to the fact that drummers are lower-order entities and require constant feeding negative energy, they cannot stand everything that concerns high standards of morality, moral and physical purity, and religiosity. Thus, a poltergeist never settles in apartments where the ringing of church bells can be heard or from the windows of which the domes of the temple are visible. Spirits are also repelled by the recitation of prayers of all known traditional beliefs and the smell of church incense.

Noisy ghosts usually do not live in families that adhere to a sober lifestyle, in which they do not make scandals, especially for dining table, and maintain constant cleanliness of the home and body.

Intrusive subtle entities are repelled by open fire (fireplace, stove, candle), knocking and snapping fingers. For example, in India, one of the oldest methods of ridding a home of poltergeists is uniform tapping of the walls of the house with a bamboo stick. In Tibet, when yawning, it is customary to snap your fingers around a person's head or mouth so that an evil spirit does not enter through the open mouth.

Coolness and fresh air, which periodically need to fill their home, as well as hunger are contraindicated for drummers. It is generally accepted that house ghosts happily eat pieces of food left open after a meal.

Sacred practices

The world has accumulated many practices that make it possible to expel poltergeists: from classical church rituals to dangerous rituals of the voodoo religion. Thus, in the countries of the Caribbean region and south-eastern Africa, to save from such spirits, it is customary to call a pagan priest, who performs a complex ritual with the sacrifice of poultry. In Ireland and north-eastern England, poltergeists are successfully fought by Druid priests, whose rituals include fire acts, sprinkling with earth taken from sacred hills, and ashes from burned “ancestral” trees.

Residents of Asia often use a very simple technique when, having felt the influence of subtle entities (this is expressed, as is commonly believed, in the appearance of trembling in the body and a feeling of sudden coldness), a person turns around and casts angry glances around. Another, no less simple way is to make a scandal with the poltergeist, scolding him and threatening him with big trouble.

Vladimir Andreevich Ivankov still did not dare to independently carry out rituals to cleanse the house, which he managed to get acquainted with in detail, and on the advice of his wife, he found a woman in his native Pervouralsk who agreed to clear the apartment of the terrible tenant. To do this, the witch asked for a photograph of the late aunt, a mysterious old dress found by Vladimir Andreevich in the closet, and ordered the Ivankovs not to enter the apartment for a day.

When, at the appointed time, Ivankov appeared on the threshold of the donated apartment, he was met by a pale and exhausted sorceress, who said that the house was clean, after which she handed the man a dress burned in several places, ordering Vladimir Andreevich to bury it in his aunt’s grave.

Two months later, a major renovation was done in the two-room apartment, and by the beginning of the new school year Elena Ivankova moved into her apartment, where no one bothered her anymore.

How to get rid of evil spirits updated: December 30, 2015 by: cross
