Tatar prayer for cleansing the house in Russian. Sounds like a strong prayer

Muslim conspiracies are that hidden part of Islam, the existence of which many do not even know. True, unlike Orthodoxy and Slavic conspiracies, Muslim magic is closely related to religion. Islam does not prohibit some magical rituals, such as, since it is believed that the prophet himself Muhammad performed similar rituals.

In the article:

Magic in Islam

The peculiarity of the magical component in this religion is that in most cases whole chapters of the Koran are used ( suras).

Sura (arab. سورة‎‎‎) is Arabic word to designate one of the 114 chapters of the Qur'an.

All existing in Islam rukiah(conspiracies) are divided into two types.

First allowed Shariah, do not contradict religion and are essentially suras Koran. They are read only in Arabic, as in the original. Such ruqyahs are pronounced over water, which the one who asks for will then drink. magical effect, or over the sick, if the ceremony takes place on

There is also a second type of spell. This type of ruqya is prohibited. Shariah. And they are forbidden because the one who reads them refers to anyone except Allah: saints, prophets, angels, demons, and so on.

Meanwhile, in Islam, despite the mention in Koran of all the above beings, prayers are addressed only to Allah. Any other variants of spells are considered polytheistic. And if any rituals are used in the process, talismans - even more so.

All of them are surahs from the Koran, which must be read aloud before trading. Below we present a few of them.

“Allahumma, barik lahum fi Mikalikhim. Wa barik lahum fi sa'ihim wa muddihim."

Russian version:

“Oh Allah! Give prosperity (grace) to the scales and the things that were weighed on them.

Muslim conspiracies are that hidden part of Islam, the existence of which many do not even know. True, unlike Orthodoxy and Slavic conspiracies, Muslim magic is closely connected with religion. Islam does not prohibit some magical rituals, such as conspiracies from corruption, since it is believed that the Prophet Muhammad himself performed similar rites.

In the article:

Magic in Islam

The peculiarity of the magical component in this religion is that in most cases entire chapters of the Koran (suras) are used.

Sura (Arabic سورة‎‎‎) is the Arabic word for one of the 114 chapters of the Quran. Wikipedia

All ruqyahs (conspiracies) existing in Islam are divided into two types.

The first, permitted by Shariah, do not contradict religion and in essence are suras of the Koran. They are read only in Arabic, as in the original. Such rukyas are pronounced over water, which the person applying for magical influence will then drink, or over the sick, if the rite takes place to get rid of any ailment.

There is also a second type of spell. This type of ruqyah is prohibited by the Shari'ah. And they are forbidden because the one who reads them refers to anyone except Allah: saints, prophets, angels, demons, and so on.

Meanwhile, in Islam, despite the mention in the Koran of all the above creatures, prayers are addressed only to Allah. Any other variants of spells are considered polytheistic. And if any rituals are used in the process, talismans - even more so.

Separately, it is worth mentioning talismans and amulets, which play a big role in the life of Muslims. The fact is that from the evil eye to small children, different versions of security amulets are necessarily hung on their clothes. Most often these are sayings from the Koran and prayers. However, there are options for amulets that contain not canonical texts, but different types jewelry. They are also prohibited by the official religion.

However, all these prohibitions do not interfere with the work of numerous sorcerers and witches. Muslim magic is rooted in Arabic magic, which, as you know, is considered one of the most ancient, and is also not divided into black and white.

True, the Muslim rituals that have come down to us and are now practiced are mostly “white” and are represented by spells and rituals for protection, attracting good luck, love and prosperity, for money, health. Of course, there are love spells, evil eye and damage.

Love magic stands apart. After all, women from other religions resort to it when they want to attract the attention of a Muslim man. At the same time, if a Muslim decided to bewitch a woman of another religion, he also needs to use Islamic rites for this.

However, the question arises, will a woman who is not involved in Islam be able to perform an effective rite to attract the desired man? After all, an indispensable condition for any strong magical tradition is initiation. In this case, everything depends on the strength of love and sincerity of intention.

Some ancient sources speak of the rules that the magician had to follow in order to perform a successful ritual. Some of them were formed in the Arab world before the advent of Islam. Some are similar to the rules of Western magical traditions, while others are a reflection of religious requirements.

So, first of all, the magician must perform the rite, being in a state of ritual purity. We are talking about the purity of the body, thoughts, clothes and the room where the ritual is performed.

An important rule that is relevant to the Arab-Islamic tradition today: women, regardless of religion, should not perform rituals during menstruation.

Among other prohibitions during the rituals Muslim magic: Refusal of alcohol, tobacco and other more “heavy” substances that can change consciousness.

  • You may be interested in: conspiracies from drunkenness

The best time to perform rituals is Friday. Magical actions are repeated from three to seven times, while the one who performs them must turn his face to the east (toward Mecca). All spells, regardless of whether they are suras or just spells, are read aloud.

Muslim conspiracies for love

For the first conspiracy, it is necessary at dawn, standing in a basin, pour yourself a glass of water. Then collect this water again in a glass. On the collected water you need to read the following conspiracy:

Allah said to be patient! I'm waiting! Allah commanded to love! I'm on fire! Allah turned to (name) and told him to wait and suffer! as he drinks water, so he will fulfill the command!

After that, a few drops of charmed water must be added to the food or drink of the victim, at the same time, for protection, you need to read the first sura.

The next love plot is read while standing on the road that goes as far as possible into the distance. Ideally, if the horizon is visible. It is necessary to come there and read the plot every day until the result appears. In the process of reading, it is important to imagine that the desired man is walking along this road from afar to the reader.

Bismillahir Rahmonir Rahim. Man Abdehi Allazi Lail Ila Rabbi Aljdamilu Wa Ante Arkhamar Rachemin.

For this conspiracy, you will need the Koran and a photo of the desired man. A conspiracy for the new moon is being read. The photo must be placed in front of you. You need to read the fifth sura sixty-six times without interruption. In the process, imagine this person in desired situation. An indicator of a successful ritual is the feeling of the presence of the victim in the room. After the ceremony, put the photo in a book, which you wrap in a beautiful scarf.

Muslim conspiracies for money

Among the Muslim conspiracies for money translated into Russian, one of the simplest and most working is considered to be a spell in which money is not directly asked for, but it is said about happiness in the house:

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful! Greetings, happiness! Welcome to my home! Appear like a song, oh happiness! Be born like the day and the sun in the sky, oh happiness! Make it rain, oh happiness! Come like snow in winter, oh happiness! Come, like the long-awaited winter after autumn, oh happiness! Bring joy with you, oh happiness! Open the gates of prosperity, oh happiness! Let the rays of gratitude illuminate all around!

Come, happiness!

Muslim spells for good luck

Muslim conspiracies for good luck are very popular in Islam, like any rituals that bring success in any religions and esoteric movements.

All spells for good luck in Islam are aimed at protecting against the machinations of evil spirits (shaitans and genies), which prevent ordinary people from achieving what they want. The following conspiracy exists in two forms: in Arabic and Russian.

Innaa lil-lyahi wa innaa ilaihi raaji’uun, allahumma ‘indakya ahtasibu musyybatii fa’dzhurnii fiihe, wa abdilnii bihee khairan minhe.

Translation into Russian:

Verily, we belong entirely to Allah and, verily, we all return to Him. O Lord, before You I will give an account for understanding and correctness in overcoming this misfortune. Reward me for the patience I have shown, and replace the trouble with something that is better than it.

In addition, in the Koran itself there is such advice: when a person yawns, he must definitely cover his mouth with his hand, otherwise a genie can fly in there, which will take all the luck from a devout Muslim.

Muslim conspiracies for trade

We all know what an oriental bazaar is and what significance the art of bargaining indulges in there. In the Middle Ages, Eastern merchants traveled all over the world. The trade of a merchant was considered dangerous wherever he was: at home, trading in the market or traveling to other countries.

It is not surprising that various Muslim conspiracies for trade are widely used in eastern countries.

All of them are surahs from the Koran, which must be read aloud before trading. Below we present a few of them.

“Allahumma, barik lahum fi Mikalikhim. Wa barik lahum fi sa'ihim wa muddihim."

Russian version:

“Oh Allah! Give prosperity (grace) to the scales and the things that were weighed on them.

Another conspiracy:

Allahumma, barik li fi Mikaliya. Wa barik li fi sa'i wa muddii

Another conspiracy that is read every morning by a merchant, before starting work:


His translation:

“Allah is above everything. There is no deity but Allah, the One, who has no partner, the power belongs to Him. Praise be to Him alone. He resurrects and takes life. He is Alive and Immortal. Grace is in His hands. He is the Almighty."

Muslim magic, like any other, offers a number of effective rituals. In order to achieve a result, it is important to follow all the rules for conducting rituals, and most importantly, to keep purity of intention and love in the soul throughout the work.

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Muslim prayers for all occasions

Islam is the second most popular religion in the world and is practiced by about a fifth of the inhabitants of the earth. Muslim prayers are a way of expressing one's devotion to God. In almost every text there is an indication that Allah is the most powerful and the only one.

Muslim prayers for all occasions

Throughout life, a Muslim must pray five times:

  • in the morning between dawn and before sunrise;
  • at noon, when the sun is at its zenith and before the length of the shadows reaches their height;
  • in the evening in the period after the end of the previous stage and before sunset;
  • at sunset before the evening dawn goes out;
  • at dusk from evening to dawn.

There are a large number of requirements that are put forward for the pronunciation of Muslim prayers or conspiracies.

  1. If it is not indicated how many times you need to repeat the plot, then you need to do this 3-5 times.
  2. A Muslim must keep cleanliness, so ritual ablution is obligatory. It can be whole or partial, and everything depends on the degree of defilement.
  3. The most powerful Muslim prayers are pronounced in a sober mind, therefore it is not permissible for a person to pray drunk or under the influence of any drug.
  4. It is important to say prayers only in a clean place that has not been defiled.
  5. As long as a person performs namaz and reads prayers, he must certainly stand in the direction of the shrine - the Kaaba.
  6. Prayer texts are pronounced on your knees on a special rug. In Islam, much attention is paid to the visual design of prayer. You should pay attention to every detail: the feet should be placed so that the socks are not directed in different directions, it is important to cross the arms on the chest. The bow to the earth is done like this: kneel down, bend over, kiss the floor and linger for a few seconds in this position.
  7. Muslim prayers for the night or for the morning should only be said with pure and sincere intentions.

Muslim prayer from the evil eye and corruption

Prayer is a powerful way to deal with possible negative outside influences. The most powerful are the suras - the texts presented in the Koran. Many Muslim practices confirm the beneficial effects of this holy book.

  1. It is best to read prayers from corruption, starting from late at night until sunrise. You can return to the repetition of sacred texts when the sun occupies the highest point in the sky. This is explained by the fact that evil forces control the time from dawn to dinner.
  2. Muslim prayers from the evil eye and corruption are most effective when they are pronounced on Friday. It is believed that on this day of the week the Higher powers are especially favorable to people.
  3. The power of prayer will increase if you say it in a state of meditation or trance. It is imperative to turn to the prophet, which will speed up the fulfillment of desire.

Muslim prayers for good luck and happiness

All religions have rituals and prayers aimed at attracting success, and Islam is no exception. Muslim prayers for good luck help protect against negative impact evil spirits, such as shaitans and genies, who create barriers to improve their lives. It is worth noting that even in the Quran itself there is advice that if a person wants to yawn, then he must definitely close his mouth with his hand, since a genie can move into him, which can take all the luck with him.

Muslim prayer for the fulfillment of desires

People living in eastern countries are not too demanding on the blessings of life and they can be content with little, but at the same time they also have dreams, to fill which they turn to the Higher powers. Many are interested in what kind of Muslim prayers help fulfill wishes, and so the text below will help in such a situation. You can only ask for good things that are really needed. The Muslim prayer for the fulfillment of desire is addressed to Allah and it contains a deep meaning of complete obedience to God.

Muslim prayers for diseases

Many people at the time of health problems turn not only to a doctor, but also to the Higher Forces for help and healing. Muslim prayer for health helps to cleanse the body and soul of negative energy, which often causes the development of health problems. You can pronounce it at any time, asking, both for yourself and for loved one.

Muslim prayer for love

Lonely people can attract love to themselves using special prayer texts. It is important to pronounce them from a pure heart and with sincere faith. There are different Muslim prayers for love, and the presented option involves the performance of a certain rite that will evoke feelings in the heart of a particular person.

  1. At dawn, you need to completely undress and stand in an empty basin.
  2. Take a glass of water and slowly pour the liquid onto the top of your head. Without moving, wait until all the water has drained.
  3. The liquid that ended up in the basin is poured back into the glass and the Muslim morning prayer is said over it.
  4. The charmed water must be added to the beloved's drink. The power of the prayer text is enormous, so a few drops will suffice. At the same time, it is recommended to read the first sura, which will be a certain protection from the negative impact. This is a kind of consent of a person to the fact that he will accept any decision of the Higher powers, and if the beloved is destined by fate, then the couple will take place.

Muslim prayer for the return of a loved one

People have problems in their personal lives, regardless of what faith they profess. All this is explained by the presence of a large number of prayers, rituals and conspiracies that help to cope with the conflicts that have arisen, improve relationships and return the beloved. There is a special Muslim prayer that must be read after performing a ritual ablution and twice reading a rak'ah prayer.

Muslim prayers for children

In Islam, there is a rule that parents should accustom their child to prayer from the age of seven. Adults can turn to Allah with their requests for the health, long and prosperous life of their children. Strong Muslim prayers help protect yourself from evil influences, find your way in life and not deviate from faith. The presented text must be pronounced directly above the child.

Muslim prayer for money

It is impossible to find prohibitions and restrictions regarding prayers in the Koran, but there is one rule - before asking for anything from the Higher powers, it is necessary to read Muslim prayers glorifying Allah, that is, prayer must be performed first, and then, you can already read other conspiracies called ruqya. It is important to ask for help from a pure heart and for good deeds. The presented prayer contains a certain formula explaining supreme action which is not considered sinful.

  1. A Muslim prayer to attract money is read only once, and after that, during prayer, it is imperative to give a few coins to the poor. This is important in order to return your kindness and generosity through the will of Allah.
  2. The submitted text can still be written over front door to your house. The result is a powerful magnet that will attract financial well-being.

Muslim prayer for drunkenness

Alcohol addiction is common not only among the Slavs, but also in Eastern countries. Prayer among Muslims from alcoholism is able to save a person from longing and return happiness to him, which in itself causes a desire to get rid of alcoholism. bad habit. It is worth noting that the text presented will only help if the alcoholic wants to cope with the problem himself. The prayer must be repeated three times.

Muslim prayers from enemies

Many people have enemies that arise for various reasons, such as envy, conflict, and other problems. Muslims with an unclean soul resort to black magic to harm other people. There are Muslim prayers aimed at protection, and with their help, a person seems to create a special invisible shield around him that will protect him from negativity. There are many sacred texts and the option below will help to destroy the plans and malice of enemies. The Muslim prayer for protection must be repeated 500 times every day for three days.

Muslim prayer for the dead

When a person professing Islam dies, four actions are mandatory: ritual washing, covering the body with a shroud, reciting prayers for the dead, and burial. Mortuary Muslim prayers can be said both in the house of a deceased person and in a mosque. They are called janazah-namaz and the obligatory actions when reading them include: intention, standing, four takbirs, reading the al-Fatiha surah, blessing the Messenger of Allah, praying for a deceased person and taslim.

  1. If the memorial Muslim prayer is read for a woman, then the Arabic pronouns hu should be replaced with ha.
  2. It is advisable to perform the funeral prayer collectively in three rows, or even more. If this is not possible, then it can be done in groups and alone.
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Prayer for the night - the most powerful prayers read before bed

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Saint Nicholas the Pleasant - prayers for all occasions

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Muslim conspiracies, spells and prayers

Muslim magic

Muslim magic is special, and for some reason it is rarely mentioned. Meanwhile, it is in Muslim magic that there are many effective conspiracies that can help solve a wide variety of problems. The main thing is to believe that Muslim conspiracies are shrouded in a special mysticism that can create real miracles. It is also equally important to learn how to read Muslim conspiracies correctly. After all, spells will be effective only if they are pronounced in the Muslim language.

Magic intertwined with religion

Relationship between religion and magic

The Muslim religion and magic are very closely related. It seems to the uninitiated that Islam is a very strict religion. Actually, it is. But bright magical actions today have become part of Islam. For example, when treating Muslims, they use not only herbs, water, but also verses of the Koran, Muslim conspiracies and prayers.

There are some magical actions that are allowed by Sharia - reading prayers on water, blowing. It is believed that even the Prophet Muhammad once performed these actions.

There is another feature of the Muslim religion: conspiracies are very similar to incantational prayers. Also, Muslim conspiracies have similarities with conspiracies used by Christians.

At the same time, no one cancels prayers, which Muslims call doga or doha, dua. As far as prayers are concerned, knowledgeable people emphasize that in Islam there are two types of prayers. Some are canonical, that is, permitted by Sharia. Others are non-canonical, that is, folk, apocryphal.

Types of prayers and conspiracies

Types of conspiracies and prayers

Muslims share several types of prayers. In particular, Muslim conspiracies and prayer spells are: - to remove the evil eye, damage, - for treatment, - to get rid of a curse, fear, - to acquire wealth, - to drive out evil spirits (shaitans, genies, peri), - to approach the authorities, - to protect,

Protective prayers.

Moreover, Muslims, as a rule, are not limited only to reading prayers. They also perform rituals and rituals, make talismans that they use to get rid of a problem or protection.

How to read prayers and conspiracies

Rules for reading prayers

Muslims put forward many requirements for the use of dogs, that is, conspiracy prayers. So, to get the desired result, you should:

  1. Read the prayer the number of times indicated in the plot. If these data are not specified, then it is necessary to read the plot 3-5 times.
  2. When reading a conspiracy, you need to look in the direction of the qibla, that is, masjidul haram mecca.
  3. The utterance of any conspiracies is allowed only after ablution.
  4. When reading conspiracies and prayers for water, after each reading of the conspiracy, you should gently blow into the water.

Protective spell

We impose protection

Can be held magical ritual, which will form a kind of shield around the body, protecting the physical and etheric body from negative influences. So, the ritual with the reading of the plot is carried out for three days - at dusk from Tuesday to Thursday. It is important to learn how to quickly and correctly pronounce the Ibnu Alvan spell. The difficulty lies in the fact that the conspiracy must be pronounced 100 times without interruption - no more, no less. To be effective, you need to say the cherished spell a thousand times on Thursday, and between midnight and six in the morning.

It is difficult, but the result will exceed expectations. It remains to be added that subsequently the conspiracy of Ibn Alvan will need to be repeated three times a day in order to maintain the magical effect of invisible protection.

So, the conspiracy of Ibnu Alvan sounds like this:

“Allahumma salliimnaa buumi valmundhiiri valkanuuni valbunduuki vassilaahi vanahvihaa muddata hayaaa tinaa, allahumayal kulla maa askhaabanaa minal-hadiido maaan saailan vamin-ghairihi habaa an mantsuuraa.”

Conspiracy from sadness, longing and anxiety

Increasing your happiness

“O Allah, indeed, I am Your servant, and the son of Your servant and the son of Your handmaid. I am subject to You, Your decisions are binding on me, and the judgment You have pronounced on me is just. I conjure You by each of Your names, which You called Yourself. or sent it down in Your Book, or revealed it to any of Your creatures, or left it hidden from everyone except You, make the Qur'an the spring of my heart, the light of my chest and the reason for the disappearance of my sadness and the cessation of my anxiety!

It is necessary to pronounce the conspiracy like this:

“Allahumma, inni ‘abdu-kya, ibnu ‘abdi-kya, ibnu amati-kya, nasyyati bi-yadi-kya, madyn fiya hukmu-kya, ‘adlun fiya kadau-kya, as’alu-kya bi-kulli ismin hua la-kya summaita bi-hi nafsa-kya, ay anz alta-hu fi kitabi-kya, au ‘allamta-hu ahadan min halqi-kya au ista’sarta bi-hi fi ‘ilmi-l-ghaibi ‘inda-kya an taj’ala-l-Kur’ana rabi’a kalbi, wa nura sadri, wa jala’a huzni wa zahaba hami!

Conspiracy to protect children

Child protection

“U’izu-kuma bi-kyalmati-Llahi-t-tam-mati min bought shaitanin, wa hammatin, va min bought ‘aynin lammatin”!

Translated, this means:

“I resort to the perfect words of Allah so that they protect you from any shaitan, and insect, and from any evil eye!”

Muslims believe that the Messenger of Allah once said these words over al-Hussein and al-Hasan. Therefore, they always protect their children with such a conspiracy.

Muslim prayers from corruption and evil eye: performance features

Muslim prayers are an integral part of the life of a Muslim. They provide a connection between the believer and the Almighty. Before each appeal to prayers, a person must take a bath in order to appear before the Creator in a worthy guise. Prayers must be performed every day five times in Arabic.

The reading of prayers is decisive for the daily routine of a person who professes Islam. Each of them has its own meaning and a specific time. Among others, there are Muslim prayers from corruption and the evil eye. They are fundamentally different from Orthodox prayers, since Muslims do not have a direct appeal to Allah, requests. The relevant verses and hadiths from the Qur'an are simply read.

Features of Muslim prayers that protect against the evil eye

Appeal to the shrine

Under Muslim prayers from corruption and the evil eye, it is customary to understand certain parts of the Koran. This is a true shrine of Muslims, turning to it cleanses from sins, helps to get rid of the evil eye. It is believed that this sacred book has everything to remove even very strong damage, especially the evil eye.

Reading Muslim prayers from corruption should be carried out according to the following rules.

  1. Prayers must be recited by Muslims. Christians or Buddhists cannot use them.
  2. To cleanse yourself of negativity, the evil eye, you need to read prayers at night until the sun has risen. This is due to the notion that during the day Allah is extremely busy, listening to a huge number of prayers, but in the evenings and at night prayer will reach him faster.
  3. The ideal day for Muslims to pray from the evil eye is Friday. On Friday, you can get the fulfillment of all desires, however, only if they do not contain negative messages. If it was possible to determine that there was corruption and the Muslim decided to use the rite against corruption, remove it, it can be strengthened by reading prayers.
  4. Staying in a trance will enhance the effect.

Removal of Muslim corruption

To overcome Muslim corruption, you need to read on your own and listen online to the end of the surah "The Believers". According to many, this is the most powerful sura. There is a legend that if you read it, filling the words with sincere faith, a spring can break right out of the rock. For the Muslim removal of damage, the consequences of the action of the evil dark eye, it is good to read Al-Fatiha, Al-Falyak, Throne verse, An-Nas. The Muslim prayer Ya-Sin is also considered valid.

The time of sunrise in Islam is the time of Shaitan. Therefore, you can turn to prayer only until 3 in the morning. Trying to fix the damage on your own is possible only in a simple situation. If strange sounds are heard in the house, one must rush to the professionals for help. According to many, every Muslim prayer read by Mishari Rashid al-Afasi is a great help. His prayers are a cure for the evil eye, protection from witchcraft, envy, and the evil eye. Using the help of this Koran-sheikh, you can protect both the house and its inhabitants from a simple evil eye for free, and achieve the removal of life-destroying damage from Muslims. The posted videos will help with this.

how to find out if you have damage or evil eye? remove damage

By cleansing with water and herbs (hyssop, burdock)

My page for personal appeals:

High-quality FREE full trainings! Click this

Remove the evil eye yourself Remove

Life Shen is an online help site for esoteric experts, �

Corruption and evil eye - download the book "How Wasted"

Evgeny Bagaev, Recording of conversations in Moscow 03

Ritual for the removal of Muslim damage

Removing any damage from Muslims is not an easy process. Some recommend using the following ritual.

It is necessary to prepare a piece of lead, they take it in right hand. Then they are led over the top of the head and Al-Fatih is pronounced in the same tone as a spell. Then this piece is driven over the arms, over the legs, in front of the forehead, under the navel and near the solar plexus. Then they spit on the lead. Next, this piece of lead is wrapped in the worn linen of a person suffering from spoilage, and a bundle is placed under the mattress for 7 days.

When time passes, the lead must be melted, then poured into a container of water, which is first placed on the sufferer's linen. In the case when there is no time, the lead spot on the water will be smooth. If it is present, then the ritual should be repeated throughout the week. when it is gone, the spot will become even. Lead, frozen in water, is immediately thrown away from the yard. Each time a new one is used. Thus, you can independently treat the child.

Amulet - protection from the evil eye and a guarantee of calm

To consolidate the result, you can make a Muslim amulet from damage and the evil eye and carry it with you. Such an amulet is called a sabab. To do this, write down the text of the verses on paper, wear it around the neck.

You can write ayahs or hadiths on white paper, you should write down only those words whose meaning you know. They will work the same. like the conspiracies of the Orthodox. But one cannot blindly believe in the power of the sabab, because it is not a piece of paper that helps, but Allah.

Complete collection and description: a prayer in the Tatar language before going to bed for the spiritual life of a believer.


Allahumma inni ‘abdukya ibnu ‘abdikya ibnu ematiq. Naasyatii bi yadika maadyn fiya hukmukya ‘adlun fiya kadooky. As’alukya bi kulli ismin khuva lak, sammaite bihi nafsyak, av anzaltahu fi kitaabik, av ‘allyamtahu akhaden min halkyk, av ista’sarte bihi fi’i ‘ilmil-gaybi ‘indek, en tad-j’alal-kur’ana rabi’a kalbi, va nuura sadri, wa jalaa'e huzni, wa zahaaba hammi

Allahumma ante rabbi, laya ilyayahe illaya ant, halyaktania wa ana ‘abduk, wa ana ‘alaya ‘ahdikya va va’dikya mastato’tu, a’uuzu bikya min sharri maa son’tu, abuu’u lakya bi ni’matikya ‘alaya wa abuu’ulakya bi zanbii, fagfirlii, fa innehu laya yagfiruz-zunuube illaya ant.


Hasbiya llaahu laya ilyayaha illaya hu, ‘alayhi tavakkyaltu wa khuva rabbul ‘arshil-‘aziim.

“God is enough for me. There is no god but Him. I relied on Him, and He is the Lord of the great Throne” (Holy Quran, 9:129).

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) reported: “Whoever says this [prayer] seven times in the morning and seven times in the evening, the Almighty will be enough to solve any problem” (St. H. Abu Daud).


First, the following three suras of the Holy Quran are read:

Kul huwal-laahu ahad. Allahus somad. Lam yalid wa lam yulad. Wa lam yakul-lyahu kuuvan ahad (Holy Quran, 112).

“Say: “He, Allah, is One. Allah is Eternal [only He is the One whom all will need to infinity]. Did not give birth and was not born. And no one can equal Him."

Bismil-lyayahi rrahmaani rrahim.

Kul a'uuzu bi rabbil-falyak. Min sharri maa halyak. Wa min sharri gaasi-kyn izee wakab. Wa min sharri nnaffaasaati fil- ‘ukad. Wa min sharri haasi-din izee hasad (Holy Quran, 113).

“Say: “I seek from the Lord the dawn of salvation from the evil that comes from what He has created, and from the evil of the darkness that has descended. From the evil of conjurers and the evil of the envious, when envy ripens in him.

Bismil-lyayahi rrahmaani rrahim.

Kul a'uuzu bi rabbin-naas Maalikin-naas. Ilyakhin-naas. Min sharril-vaswaasil-hannaas. Allusions to yuvasvisu fii suduurin-naas. Minal-jinnati van-naas (Holy Quran, 114).

“Say: “I seek salvation from the Lord of people, the Ruler of people, the God of people. [I seek salvation from Him] from the evil of whispering Satan, who retreats [at the mention of the Lord]. [Satan] who brings confusion into the hearts of the people. From [the evil representatives of Satan from among] jinn and people.

After reading the three surahs mentioned, you need to blow into your palms and wipe your entire body with them, starting with your face and head (repeat all this 3 times). As stated in one of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), a person who has spoken and done the above will be saved from all evil until the morning.

Bismil-lyayahi rrahmaani rrahim. Allaahuliaya ilyayahe illaya huval-hai-yul-kayuum, laya ta’huzuhu sinatuv-valyaya naum, lahu maa fis-samaavaati wa maa fil-ard, man hall-lyazii yashfya’u ‘indahu illaya bi of them, ya’lamu maa bayna aidiihim wa maa halfahum wa laya yuhiituune bi sheyim-min ‘ilmihi illaya bi maa shaa’a, wasi’a kursiyuhu ssamaavaati val-ard, valyaya’uduhu hifzuhu-maa wahuwal-‘aliyul-‘aziim (Holy Quran, 2:255).

“Allah (Lord) ... There is no god but Him, the Eternally Living, Existing. No sleep or drowsiness will overtake him. He owns everything in heaven and everything on earth. Who will intercede before Him, except by His will?! He knows what was and what will be. No one is able to comprehend even particles from His knowledge, except by His will. The heavens and the earth are embraced by His throne, and He does not bother to care for them [about everything that is in our universe and beyond]. He is the Most High [in every sense above everything and everything], the Great [His greatness has no limits]!

Bismil-lyayahi rrahmaani rrahim. Aamana rrasuulu bimaa unzil ilyaihi peace rabbihi wal mu'minuun. Kullun aamana bil-lyahi va malayai kyatihi va kutubihi va rusulih. Laya nufarriku bina akhadim-mir-rusulih. Wa kaalyuyu sami'naa wa ato'naa gufraanakya rabbanaa va ilyaykyal-masyyr. Laya yukyalliful-laahu nafsan illaya vus’akhee. Lyakhaya maa kasebet wa ‘alaihee ma-ktesebet. Rabbanaa laya tu’aa-hyznaa in nasiinaa av ahto’naa. Rabbanaa valaya tahmil ‘alayanaa isron kamaa hamaltahu ‘alal-lyaziyne min kablinaa. Rabbanaa valyaya tuhammilnaa maa laya tookate lyanaa bih. Wa’fu ‘annaa vagfirlyanaa varhamna, ante mavlyanaa fansur-naa ‘alal-kawmil-kyafiriin (Holy Quran, 2:285,286).

“The Prophet [Muhammad] believed in [the truth and veracity of what] was sent down to him from the Lord, and the believers [also believed]. All [who were able to believe] believed in God [the only Creator], in His angels, His Scriptures and God's messengers. We do not divide between messengers.

And they (the believers) said: “We have heard [Divine admonitions given through the Prophet] and we have submitted. I ask You to forgive our sins, O Lord, for the return is to You.” Allah does not impose on the soul that which is greater than its strength (capabilities). What she has done [good] is in her favor, and what she has done [bad] is against her. Oh my God! Do not punish for forgotten or committed by mistake. Do not lay a burden (weight) on us, just as You laid it on those who were before us. Don't make it our responsibility to do what we can't do. Forgive us [our sins and mistakes], forgive us [what is between us and other people, do not reveal our shortcomings and mistakes to them] and have mercy on us. You

our Patron, help us [in confrontation] with people who deny You [with those who have forgotten, advocates the destruction of morality, morality] about faith].


Ashkhadu allaya ilyayaha illal-laakh, wahdahu laya shariikya lyakh, wa ashkhadu anna muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuulyuhy.

“I testify that there is no god but the One Lord, Who has no partner. I also testify that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.”

Allahumma-j’alni minat-tavvaabin, wa-j’alni minal-mutatohkhi-riin.

"O Allah, make me from among the people who repent and purify."

Subhaanakyal-laahumma va bi hamdik, ashhadu allaya ilyayaha illaya ant, astagfirukya va atuubu ilyayk. Translation:

“O Lord, You are far from all faults! Praise be to Thee! I testify that there is no god but You. I ask You for forgiveness and I repent before You.


Allahumma lakya sumtu wa ‘alaya rizkykya aftartu wa ‘alaikya tavakkaltu va bikya aamant. Zehebe zzomeu vabtellatil-‘uruuku wa sebetal-ajru in sheal-laahuta’ala. Ya vaasial-fadli-gfir li. Alhamdu lil-lyahil-lyazii e’aana-nii fa sumtu wa razakanii fa aftart.


Innaa lil-lyahi wa innaa ilaihi raaji’uun, allahumma ‘indakya ahtasibu musyybatii fa’dzhurnii fiihe, wa abdilnii bihee khairan minhe.


Allahumma innaa naj'alukya fii nuhuurihim, wa na'uuzu bikya min shuruurihim.

O Allah, we give their throats and tongues to You for judgment. And we resort to You, moving away from their evil.

Hasbunal-laahu wa ni'mal vakiil.

“The Lord is enough for us, and He is the best Protector.”

« Laya ilyayahe illaya ante subhaanakya inni kuntu minaz-zoolimiin.

Allaahu laya ilyayahe illaya huval-hayyul-kayuum, laya ta’huzuhu sina-tuv-valaya naum, lahu maa fis-samaavaati wa maa fil-ard, man hall-lyazii yashfya’u ‘indahu illaya bi of them, ya’lamu maa bayna aidiihim wa maa halfa-x mind valyaya yuhiituuna bi sheyim-min ‘ilmihi illaya bi maa shaae, wasi’a kursiyuhu ssamaavaati val-ard, valyaya yauduhu hifzuhumaa wa huval-‘aliy-yul-‘aziim.

Kulil-lyayahumma maalikal-mulki tu’til-mulkya men tashaa’u va tanzi-‘ul-mulkya mim-men tashaa’, va tu’izzu men tashaa’u va tuzillu men tashaa’, biyadikyal-khair, innakya ‘alaya kulli sheyin kadiir.

Khuwal-laahul-lyazii laya ilyahhe illaya hu, ‘aalimul-gaibi vash-shaheede, khu-var-rahmaanu rrahiim. Huval-laahul-lyazii laya ilyayakhe illaya hu, al-malikul-kudduus, as-salayamul-mu'min, al-muhayminul-'aziiz, al-jabbaarul-mu-takyabbir, subhaanal-laahi ‘ammaa yushrikuun. Huval-laahul-haalikul-baariul-musavvir, lyakhul-asmaaul-husnaa, yusabbihu lyahu maa fis-samaavaati val-ard, wa huval-‘aziizul-hakiim.

Alif Layam Miim. Allaahu laya ilyayahe ilyaya huval-hayyul-kayyuum. Wa ilya-yahukum ilyayakhun vaakhid, laya ilyayakhe illaya huvar-rahmaanur-rahiim. Allaahu laya ilyayahe ilyaya hu, al-ahadus-somad, allazii lam yalid wa lam yulyad, wa lam yakun lahu kufuvan ahad.

As'elukya ya allaah, ya huva ya rahmaanu ya rahiim, ya hayu ya kayyuum, ya zal-jalyali wal-ikraam.

Allaahumma inni as’elukya bianni ashhadu annekya antel-laah, laya ilyahe illaya ant, al-ahadus-somad, allazii lam yalid wa lam yulyad, wa lam yakun lahu kufuvan ahad.

Allahumma inni as’elukya bianne lakyal-hamd, laya ilyayahe illaya ant, al-mannaanu badi’us-samaavaati val-ard. Ya zal-jalyali wal-ikraam, ya hayu ya kayyuum.

Allaahumma inniy as’elukya bianne lakyal-hamd, laya ilyayahe illaya ant, vahdekya laya shariikya lak, al-mannaanu badii’us-samaavaati val-ard, zul-jalyali wal-ikraam. Ya hannaanu ya mannaan, ya badii’as-samaavaati val-ard, ya zal-jalyali val-ikraam, alukal-jannate wa a’uuzu bikya mi-nen-naar.

Allahumma ahsin ‘aakybatanaa fil-umuuri kullihee, va ajirnaa min khyzyid-duniya va ‘azaabil-kabr.

“There is no god but You [O Lord!]. You are far from all shortcomings. Verily, [before You] I am one of the sinners.

Allah… There is no god but Him, the Eternally Living, Existing. Neither sleep nor slumber will overtake him. He owns everything in heaven and on earth. Who will intercede before Him, except by His will? He knows what was and what will be. No one is able to comprehend His knowledge, except by His will. Heaven and earth are embraced by His throne, and His care for them does not bother. He is the Almighty, the Great!

Say: “O Lord, who has power! You give power to whomever you wish, and you take away from whomever you wish. You exalt whomever you wish, and humiliate whomever you wish. In Your right hand is good. You are able to do everything!”

He is the Lord, there is no god but Him. He is the Omniscient. His mercy is boundless and eternal. He is the Lord, there is no god but Him. He is the Sovereign. He is Holy. Gives peace, commands faith, guards safety. He is the Mighty, the Almighty, above all imperfections. The Almighty is far from the associates attached to Him. He is the Creator, the Creator, Giving everything a certain form. He has perfect qualities. That which is in heaven and that which is on earth praises Him. He is Mighty, Wise.

Alif. Lam. Mime. Allah… There is no god but Him, the Eternally Living, Existing. Your Lord is one God, there is no god but Him, the Merciful. His mercy is boundless and eternal. There is no god but Him, the One, the Eternal. Did not give birth and was not born. Nobody can be equal to Him.

I ask You, O Allah! O All-Merciful, Whose mercy is boundless and eternal! O Ever-Living, O Existing, O Possessor of greatness and reverence!

I ask You, testifying that there is no god but You, the One, the Eternal, who has not given birth and not begotten, Whom no one can be equal to.

I ask You, the One to Whom all praises belong. There is no god but You, the All-Merciful, the Creator of heaven and Earth, the Possessor of greatness and reverence, the Ever-Living, Existing. Oh Lord!

I ask You to Whom all praises belong. You are One, and You have no partner, the All-Merciful, the Creator of heaven and earth, the Possessor of greatness and reverence. All-merciful, Creator of heaven and earth, Possessor of greatness and reverence, I ask You for Paradise and move away from Hell with Your help.

O Allah! Make sure that the result of any of my deeds is only good. Remove us from the shame and dishonor of mortal life. Protect us from the torments of the grave."


The last messenger of the Almighty said: “Before you start eating, each of you should say:“ Bismil-lyah. If he forgets about it at the beginning [of the meal], then let him say as soon as he remembers: “Bismil-lyahi fi avvalihi va aakhirihi” (“With the name of the Almighty at the beginning and at the end [of the meal]”).”

Allahumma baarik lanaa fih, wa at’imnaa khairan minh.

O Most High, make this a blessing for us and feed us that which is better than this."


Al-hamdu lil-lyahi llazii at’amanaa wa sakaanaa wa ja’alyanaa minal-muslimiyin.

"Praise be to the Almighty, Who fed and watered us and made us Muslims."

Al-hamdu lil-lyahi llazii at’amania haaza, wa razakaniihi min gairi hav-lin minnii making kuvva.

“Praise be to the Almighty, Who fed and endowed me with this. I, in fact, have neither the strength nor the power [to grow and receive food without earth, air and water, which are also created by God].”


Bismil-lyahi wal-laahu akbar. Allahumma minkya wa lak. Allahumma ta-kabal minni.

“In the name of Allah Almighty. Allah is great. O Supreme, from You [we receive these blessings] and to You [return]. O Allah, accept this [good deed] from me."

From Shamil Alyautdinov's book "The Way to Faith and Perfection"

Tatar prayers

The basis of Islam is the Holy Book of the Quran. It is in it that all the prayers that the faithful should read in everyday life are collected. Muslim prayers should become the basis of life, only in this case a person can have hope that he will go to paradise after death.

Namaz is considered the most important and obligatory religious rite in Islam. It is he who allows a Muslim to keep in touch with Allah. Namaz should be read by the faithful five times a day. This allows you to strengthen faith and be cleansed of committed sins.

Namaz determines the daily rhythm of a believer. Prayers are offered:

  • At dawn.
  • In the middle of the day.
  • After noon.
  • In the evening hour
  • At dusk time.

To perform prayer, you need to perform ablution, put on clean clothes and choose a clean place. Whenever possible, every Muslim strives to perform the obligatory prayer in the mosque.

Namaz is a very complex ritual, which provides not only for reading a large number of prayers, but also for performing precise ritual movements. For those who have recently converted to Islam, a simplified ritual is provided, which can also be used when there is a lack of time.

In addition to the prayers that are used in prayer, there are a number of special prayer appeals - dua, which can be used in a variety of life situations.

Read any islamic prayer sincerely needed. This is the main condition for it to be heard by Allah. Dua should be pronounced confidently, this emphasizes that help from above is very important for you in this life period.

Read a Tatar prayer for good luck

The desire to attract good luck in life is natural for every person. In the Muslim world, luck and material well-being are interconnected. This explains the fact that before reading this type of prayer, it is imperative to distribute alms to the poor. Dua to attract good luck and money is allowed to be read only once a day. You can offer prayer at any time.

A strong prayer sounds like this:

Tatar prayer for health

Tatar prayer for health allows you to find peace of mind. And this means that a person will have the strength to successfully fight any diseases, the causes of which, as a rule, are an unfavorable nervous state of a person. In addition, such a prayer successfully helps to cope with damage and the evil eye. Such negative foreign influences also often provoke the development of serious diseases.

A prayer in Russian may sound as follows:

Prayers for the cleansing of the house

In the Muslim world, a ritual is considered obligatory to cleanse the house of negative energies. There are many such prayers in the Quran. The clergy believe that such prayers should be said in Arabic, reading them directly from the Koran. Of course, not everyone can do it. Therefore, Islam offers a very simple rite with candles. With it, you can clear the space of your own home from negative energy. All that is needed is to go around all the living rooms along the perimeter with a lit candle in hand.

In the process of this, a short prayer is pronounced, which in Russian sounds like this:

After that, it is imperative to read such a prayer, kneeling in one of the rooms, turning your face to the east:

Tatar prayer before bed

In order for the sleep to be calm and to be able to fully relax before going to bed, you should read special duas: Ikhlas, Falyak, Nas.

Sura Ikhlas in Russian sounds like this:

Sura Falyak is protective and reads as follows:

Sura Nas sounds in Russian like this:

Listen online Tatar prayers in Tatar

It is very useful to listen to Muslim prayers in the Tatar language. But it is very important to do it right. You need to turn on audio recording only when you are properly tuned and discard all third-party thoughts. You can’t eat or do any household chores while listening to prayers.

Du'a (prayers) for all occasions

Du'a (prayer) is one of the types of worship of Allah. In the Qur'an, the Lord says: "Turn to Me with du'a - and I will answer you." In this regard, in the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) there are numerous examples of how and in what cases it is desirable to turn to the Almighty in order to earn His mercy, gain blessings (bakakat) and protection.

Praise be to Allah, who resurrected us after He killed us (that is, sent us a dream, which is the “brother” of death), and resurrection to Him.

Praise be to Allah, who healed my body, restored my spirit to me and allowed me to remember Him.

Praise be to Allah, who dressed me in this (clothes) and gave it to me, while I myself do not have power or strength (that is, I do not have sufficient strength and cunning to get myself clothes on my own).

O Allah, praise be to You! You dressed me in this (clothing), and I ask You for its good and the good for which it was made, and I seek refuge with You from its evil and the evil for which it was made.

May Allah Almighty reward you when you wear it out.

Wear the new, live with dignity, and die the death of a martyr for the faith.

With the name of Allah.

In the name of Allah, O Allah, verily, I seek refuge in You from wickedness and evil deeds (it is also possible that by “hubs” and “habais” are meant evil spirits of both sexes).

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, Who has no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger.

O Allah, number me among those who repent and number me among those who purify.

Glory to You, O Allah, and praise to You, I testify that there is no god but You, I ask You for a petition and bring You my repentance.

In the name of Allah, I trust in Allah, there is no power and strength to anyone but Allah. (Possible translation: “. only Allah gives power and strength.”).

O Allah, verily, I take refuge in You from going astray or being led astray, from making a mistake myself and from being made to err, from doing wrong and from being treated unfairly, from being ignorant and from being kept in ignorance.

With the name of Allah we entered, with the name of Allah we went out, and we began to trust in our Lord.(Having said this, the newcomer should greet those in the house.)

O Allah, place a light in my heart, and a light in my tongue, and a light in my hearing, and a light in my sight, and place a light above me, and a light below me, and a light to my right, and a light to my left, and a light in front of me and a light behind me, and put a light in my soul, and make a light for me great, and make a light for me big, and kindle a light for me, and make me a light. O Allah, give me light, and put light in my sinews, and put light in my flesh, and light in my blood, and light in my hair, and light in my skin.

I resort to Allah the Great, to His noble face and His eternal power from the accursed shaitan. In the name of Allah, blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah, open for me the gates of Your mercy!

In the name of Allah, blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, O Allah, truly, I ask You for Your mercy, O Allah, protect me from the accursed shaitan.

“Allahumma, bi-kya amsayna, wa bi-kya asbahna, wa bi-kya nahya, wa bi-kya namutu wa ilyay-kya-l-masyru” (This is read in the evening).

O Allah, thanks to You we lived until the morning and thanks to You we lived until the evening, You give us life, and You deprive us of it and You raise us up to account.

O Allah, thanks to You we survived until the evening and thanks to You we survived until the morning. You give us life, and You take it away from us, and You raise us up to an account.

O Allah, You are my Lord, and there is no god but You, You created me, and I am Your slave, and I will remain faithful to You as long as I have the strength. I resort to You from the evil of what I have done, I acknowledge the mercy You have shown me, and I acknowledge my sin. Forgive me, for truly, no one forgives sins but You!

Allah is sufficient for me, there is no god but Him, I trust in Him and He is the Lord of the great throne.(These words should be pronounced seven times).

I am pleased with Allah as Lord, Islam as a religion and Muhammad as a prophet!(These words should be repeated three times. On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will surely show His favor towards those who do this in the morning and in the evening).

Glory to Allah and praise to Him(If a person begins to repeat these words a hundred times in the morning and in the evening, then on the day of Resurrection something more worthy will be able to bring with him only those who repeated them as many or more).

There is no god but Allah alone, who has no partner. He owns dominion. Praise be to him. He can do anything.(These words should be repeated ten times, or pronounced once in the case when a person is overcome by laziness).

After that, you should run your palms all over the body, starting from the head, face and front of the body. (All this must be done three times).

With Your name, my Lord, I lay down on my side and with Your name I will rise. If You take my soul, then have mercy on it, and if You let it go, then protect it through what You protect Your righteous servants.

O Allah, with Your name I will die and with it I will live.

There is no god but Allah, the One, the Ruler, the Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, the Almighty, the Forgiving.

I resort to the perfect words of Allah from His wrath, and His punishment, and the evil of His servants, and from the instigations of the devils and from the fact that they come to me.

b) Turn to Allah for protection from the shaitan and from the evil of what he saw (three times).

A'uzhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-radajim

c) Don't tell anyone about it.

d) Roll over to the other side.

e) Stand up and pray if the person so desires.

O Allah, indeed, I am Your servant, and the son of Your servant and the son of Your handmaid. I am subject to You, Your decisions are binding on me, and the judgment You have pronounced on me is just. I conjure You by each of Your names, which You called Yourself. or sent it down in Your Book, or revealed it to someone created by You, or left it hidden from everyone except You, to make the Koran the spring of my heart, the light of my chest and the reason for the disappearance of my sadness and the cessation of my anxiety!

O Allah, verily, I resort to You from anxiety and sadness, weakness and negligence, avarice and cowardice, the burden of duty and from the oppression of people.(Here it means that people most often turn out to be either oppressors or oppressed. Another translation is also possible: “... and from being in a humiliated position among people”).

There is no god but Allah, the Great. The meek, there is no god but Allah, the Lord of the great throne, there is no god but Allah, the Lord of the heavens, and the Lord of the earth, and the Lord of the noble throne.

There is no god but You, glory to You, indeed, I was one of the unjust.

Allah, Allah, my Lord, I do not worship anyone along with Him!

“Allah is enough with us, He is a wonderful Patron!”(Quran, 4:173.)

O Allah, Lord of the seven heavens and Lord of the great throne, be my protector from such and such, the son of such and such, and his minions from among Your creations, so that none of them hasten to offend me or subject me to oppression (the name of the one whom they fear is pronounced.) Strong is the one whom You protect, great praise to You, there is no god but You!

O Allah, deliver me from them as You wish!

b) You should stop doing what causes doubts.

I believed in Allah and in His Messengers.

O Allah, make sure that what is permitted by You saves me from the need to turn to what is forbidden by You and, by Your grace, save me from the need to need anyone other than You!

O Allah, nothing is easy except what You have made easy, and if You will, You will make it easy!

It is ordained by Allah, and He did what He willed.

- A strong believer is better before Allah and more beloved by Him than a weak believer, although there is good in each of them. Strive for what will benefit you, ask for help from Allah and do not give up, and if something befalls you, do not say: “If I did this and that!”, But say: “This is predetermined by Allah, and He did what He willed” - for these “ifs” open the way for Satan to his deeds!

“Barakya-Llahu la-kya fi-l-mauhubi la-kya, wa shakyarta-l-Wahiba, wa balyaga ashudda-hu va ruzikta birra-hu!”.

May Allah bless you in the one who was given to you, may you reward the Giver with gratitude, may he reach full maturity and may it be given to you to see the manifestations of his reverence!

“Barakya-Llahu la-kya, wa barakya 'alay-kya, wa jazz-kya-Llahu khairan, wa razaka-kya-Llahu misla-hu wa ajzala savaba-kya!”

May Allah bless you, and may He send His blessings to you, and may He reward you with good, and may Allah send you the same and may He reward you generously!

“U'izu-kuma bi-kyalmati-Llahi-t-tam-mati min bought shaitanin, wa hammatin, va min bought 'aynin lyammatin!”.

I resort to the perfect words of Allah so that they protect you from any shaitan and insect and from any evil eye!

I ask Allah the Great, the Lord of the great throne, to heal you.(These words should be said seven times).

O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me and join me in high society(“Ar-Rafiq al-A´la”. Here it means either Allah, one of whose names is the name “Rafiq”, or angels, prophets, righteous people, etc.)

“La ilaha illa-llahu, inna li-l-mauti la-sakyaratin!”.

There is no god but Allah, indeed, troubles precede death!(In this case, we are talking about the physical and spiritual suffering of the dying, in other words, the agony).

There is no god but Allah, Allah is great, there is no god but Allah alone, there is no god but Allah alone, who has no partner, there is no god but Allah, to Him belongs dominion. Praise be to him, there is no god but Allah, and no one has power and strength except Allah!

Verily, we belong to Allah and to Him we return! O Allah, reward me for my misfortune and give me something better in return!

Verily, to Allah belongs that which He has taken away, and that which He has bestowed, and He has fixed its time for everything. so show patience and meekly endure the loss in the hope of the reward of Allah.(The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) ordered these words to be conveyed to one of his daughters when her young son died).

“A'zama-Llahu ajra-kya, wa ahsana 'azaa-kya wa gafara li-mayiti-kya!”.

May Allah make your reward great, and may He send you wonderful consolation and may He forgive the one who died with you!

Peace be upon you, O Muslim believers lying here! Indeed, if Allah wills, we will join you, and Allah will have mercy on those of us who left earlier and those who linger, and I ask Allah for deliverance for us and for you!

O Allah, truly, I ask You for his good, the good of what he carries in himself, and the good of what was sent with him, and I seek refuge in You from his evil, the evil of what he carries in himself, and the evil of what was sent with him!

Glory to the One to whom thunder and angels give praise from fear of Him!

O Allah, give us a drink of saving rain, pleasant, plentiful, useful, and not harmful, fast, not late!

O Allah, give drink to Your servants and Your animals, and spread Your mercy and revive Your dead country!

O Allah, may this rain be beneficial!

The rain fell on us by the mercy of Allah and His mercy.

O Allah, around us, and not on us, O Allah, on the hills and mountain peaks, in the wadi (Dry bed; valley) and where the trees grow!

Allah is great! O Allah, exalt him above us and grant us security and faith, salvation (From sickness and loss.), Islam and assistance in what You love. Our Lord, and whatever pleases Thee! Our Lord and your Lord is Allah!

O Allah, for Your sake I have fasted, I have believed in You, I trust in You, and I have broken the fast given by You!

- Before you start eating, let each of you say:

"Bismi-Llahi" - " With the name of Allah“.

“Bismi-Llahi fi avvali-khi wa akhiri-khi” - “ With the name of Allah at the beginning and end of the meal“.

O Allah, make this a blessing for us and feed us that which is better than this!

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, who fed and watered and created us and the number of Muslims.

“Allahumma, barik la-na fi-hi wa zid-na min-hu!”.

O Allah, make it blessed for us and add it to us!

O Allah, bless them in what You have endowed them with and forgive them and have mercy

Truly, I fast, truly, I fast!

“O Allah, bless our fruits for us, and bless our city for us, and bless our sa's for us, and bless our mudds for us!(Sa´, mudd - measures of volume)

- If one of you sneezes, let him say:

“Al-hamdu li-llahi!” ( Praise be to Allah!).

“Yarhamukya-Llahu!” ( May Allah have mercy on you!).

“Yahdi-kumu-Llahu wa yuslihu bala-kum!” ( May Allah show you the right path and may He put all your affairs in order!).

May Allah bless you, and may He send His blessings to you and may He unite you in goodness!

In the name of Allah, O Allah, keep us away from Shaitan and keep Shaitan away from what (meaning children) you have endowed us with.

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan!

Glory to You, O Allah, and praise to You, I testify that there is no god but You, I ask You for forgiveness and bring You my repentance!

May Allah bless you!

May Allah bless your family and your wealth!

May Allah bless your family and your wealth! Verily, the reward for a loan is praise and return of the debt!

O Allah, verily, I resort to You from worshiping others along with You, knowing this, and I ask You for forgiveness for what I do not know!

And may Allah bless you!

O Allah, there are no birds but Your birds (in pre-Islamic times it was customary to guess from the flight of birds, the direction of which was perceived as a good or bad omen), there is no good but Your good, and there is no god but You!

Praise be to Allah, praise be to Allah, praise be to Allah, Allah is great, Allah is great, Allah is great, glory to You, O Allah! Truly, I offended myself, forgive me, because no one forgives sins, except You!

Allah is great, Allah is great, Allah is great!

We return, repent, worship and give praise to our Lord!

O Allah, Lord of the seven heavens and what they cover with them, and Lord of the seven lands and what they bear, and Lord of the devils and what they lead astray, and Lord of the winds and what they dispel, I ask You for the good of this village, and the good of those who inhabit it, and the good of what is in it, and I seek refuge with You from its evil, and the evil of those who inhabit it, and the evil of what is in it!

There is no god but Allah alone, who has no partner. To Him belongs the dominion and to Him be praise! He gives life and death, and He Himself is the Living One who does not die; in his right hand is good, and he can do anything!

I entrust you to Allah, who does not lose what has been given to Him for safekeeping.

- When we climbed (for example, uphill), we said: “Allah Akbar” ( Allah is great), and when they descended, they said: “Subhana-Llahi!” ( Glory be to Allah!).

I resort to the perfect words of Allah from the evil of what He has created!

“Al-hamdu li-Llahi-llazi bi-ni'ma-ti-hi tatimmu-s-salihatu!”.

(Praise be to Allah, by whose grace good things are done!)

“Al-hamdu li-llahi 'ala kulli khalin!”.

(Praise be to Allah, whatever happens!)

“If you hear the cock crow, then ask Allah for His mercy, for, verily, the rooster saw an angel, but if you hear the roar of a donkey, then turn to Allah for protection from the shaitan, for verily, the donkey saw the shaitan.”

“If you hear a dog barking or a donkey roaring at night, turn to Allah for help from them, for, verily, they see what you do not see!”

O Allah, whomever of the believers I offend, make it for him a means of approaching You on the Day of Resurrection!

“If any of you have to praise his comrade, let him say:

“Ahsibu (.) (the name of the one who is praised) wa-Llahu hasibu-hu wa la uzakki 'ala-Llahi ahadan, ahsibu-hu kya-za wa kya-za.”

I consider such and such such and such (if he is sure of it), but I do not praise anyone before Allah.

O Allah, do not charge me for what they say, and forgive me what they do not know, and make me better than they think!

“Put your hand on the place that hurts you, and say three times:

“B-smi-Llahi!” (“ With the name of Allah!”), then repeat seven times:

“A’uzu bi-Llahi wa kudrati-hi min sharri ma ajidu wa khaziru!”.

Prayers of the Muslim people

The holy scripture of Muslims - the Quran says that if a believer remembers God, then He will remember his creation. And if you turn (pray) to God every day, then in the end it will bring the greatest reward. The belief in this among Muslims is so strong that they do not hesitate to turn to Allah both in joy and in sorrow. They believe that God is able to protect them, help them and become a real weapon in the fight against evil. And the main way to protect yourself from everything bad is Muslim prayers.

The Power of Prayer

According to statistics, one fifth of the entire population of our planet professes Islam, which makes it the second most popular religion in the world (after Christianity). And if earlier religious wars were often waged, testing their luck, today the right to freedom of religion has made such a struggle meaningless.

Many people successfully combine the principles of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and other beliefs in their spiritual self-improvement. This opens up new opportunities for everyone to know themselves and the world around them. So, if you believe in the power of Islam, then you can, for example, get rid of damage if you read a special Muslim prayer (dua).

Muslims believe in the power of a prayer addressed to God, and therefore there are a large number of various texts for all occasions.

Prayers in everyday situations

It is customary for Muslims to turn to God in almost any situation, including everyday trifles that are common to us. For example, there are special prayers that need to be read in the process of dressing or undressing, putting on new clothes, before and after meals.

When a Muslim puts on something new, he will definitely thank Allah for sending him this garment and ask God to protect it from quick spoilage. He also does not forget to mention the one who created this product, so that the Lord would send him the highest blessings.

Be sure to use a prayer before leaving the house and when you have to enter someone's house. By saying a welcome prayer, a Muslim shows respect for the one whose house he is visiting.

The way to serve in the mosque should also be accompanied by prayers during the journey to this Holy place, before entering it and immediately upon exit.

It is believed that personal prayers help pay off the debt and allow you to quickly save the necessary amount of money. And at the moment when the money is given back, you also need to read the text of praise and gratitude to the one who lent the money.

According to this religion, food cannot be taken without special prayer. However, this rule is consonant with the tradition that exists in Christianity. The blessing of food and praise to Allah for sending it down is a reminder of the insignificance of man and the power of the Almighty.

Prayers are obligatory immediately after waking up and before going to bed. Here is an example of such a prayer.

After waking up

Al-hamdu lillahi allazi ahyana ba'da ma amatana wa ilay-khi-n-nushuru.

This text praises Allah, who was able to resurrect people after mortification (a dream similar to death).

Al-hamdu lillahi allazi 'afani fi jasadi wa radda alay ya ruhi wa azina li bi zikri-hi.

This text is a praise to Allah, who was able to heal the body and return the spirit to a person so that He could be mentioned.

Family Prayers

In Muslim countries, the family is treated with great respect. This is evidenced by the low number of divorces. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are examples of prayers that are aimed at attracting good luck, prosperity, prosperity and peace to the family.

Before creating their own family, a man or woman turns to Allah with a request to help connect the fate of his and his chosen one (chosen one). At the same time, it is stipulated that this marriage can take place only if it does not become the basis for damage to life in this and the other world. Otherwise, the prayer asks God to point him to a person who can become a spiritual support in both worlds.

After the marriage ceremony is held, a special prayer should also be read before intimacy. It is not pronounced with the aim of invoking good luck, but in order for the Lord to protect from Satan during sexual intercourse and save from evil the one who is born as a result of intercourse.

Children are also of great value, and therefore several sacred texts are also devoted to their health and protection.

So, there is a special congratulation prayer addressed to the father of a newborn baby. In addition to blessings, parents want to see the moment the child grows up and feel his respect for himself. In response, the father thanks the one who congratulates him and calls for him good luck and all kinds of blessings that the Almighty can bestow.

As a result, a guard prayer is also often addressed to children, which is able to protect them from the shaitan, possible dangers, as well as the evil eye (damage). Here is an example of praying for a young spouse.

For the young

Barakya-Llahu la-kya, wa barracks 'alay-kya wa jama'a bayna-kuma fi hai-rin!

In the text, Allah is asked to bless the young man and send him his blessing, as well as to reunite the couple in blessings.

Prayers for the weather while traveling

Since Muslims believe that everything that happens in the world happens by the will of Allah, they turn to him with both important requests and quite simple ones. For example, in order to improve the weather.

The climate features of the main part of the Muslim countries lead to various beneficial and dangerous phenomena. Trusting in the Lord, people who profess Islam believe that all the worst comes from Shaitan or Satan, and all the best can happen if it is the will of Allah. So, strong wind- this is a manifestation of evil forces that want to influence a believer in this way. But if you call on the Lord, he can pacify them and protect his creation. For this purpose, you need to read a special prayer against a strong wind.

Often in these climatic conditions there is a need for rain, as life-giving moisture. Therefore, Muslims turn to the Lord with a request to send down precipitation. It is believed that they are created by the grace of God. And for greater benefit, it is customary to read a special prayer during and after the rain.

If the period of heavy precipitation drags on and it is necessary that the earth dries up, the Sun appears, then a prayer is pronounced to cleanse the sky of clouds. At the same time, the prayer asks them to take them to the mountains, so that the blessed moisture will spill where it is needed: to feed the rivers and improve the growth of trees.

Of course, prayer is obligatory in the case of planning and implementing a trip (travel). At the same time, a special text is pronounced to receive a blessing before landing in vehicle, before the start of the journey and after it has ended. This allows you to call for good luck and the successful completion of this important matter.

An obligatory blessing is accompanied by sending someone on a long journey. And if there is a difficult road ahead, or any difficulties arise, you can always turn to the Lord with a special prayer so that he protects from possible evil.

Prayer for the one who went on the road or is just leaving the house:

Astaudi'u-kumu-Allah allazi la tady'u wadai'u-hu.

Translation: “I entrust you to Allah, who will not allow that which has been given to Him for safekeeping.”

Prayers for corruption and evil eye

Muslim prayers from the evil eye are considered an excellent way to get rid of any negative influence from the outside. The most powerful are the suras - texts from the Koran. The beneficial effect of this holy book has been proven by many Muslim practitioners who use it to conduct cleansing rituals and rituals to attract positive energy.

But in order for this protection against damage to take effect, some important rules must be observed:

  1. by the most best time in order to read such prayers, the time is considered from late night to sunrise. Then it is worth stopping such reading until the luminary occupies the highest point in the sky. Only after that you can return to the pronunciation of prayers. Practitioners believe that from dawn to noon is the time of evil sorcerers.
  2. For the greatest effectiveness of prayers against corruption (evil eye), it is better to say them on Friday. It is generally accepted that on this day, higher powers show favor to the asker and help him in the fulfillment of almost any desire.
  3. The power of the prayers that you are about to say will increase if you say them in a state of meditation or trance.
  4. Do not forget to turn to the prophet in the process of reading protective prayers from corruption. This will strengthen and accelerate their action.

There is an opinion that the prophet Muhammad himself knew a large number of personal prayers that helped protect himself from corruption. For example, one simple conspiracy is often mentioned, the daily reading of which can save you from danger and negativity. If you translate it into Russian, then it will sound like this:

“I ask for protection with the help of the perfect words of Allah from the dashing shaitan, from any animals and poisonous reptiles, from the evil eye.”

If it is necessary to expel any evil spirit or to get rid of the negative energy sent by someone of damage, you can read an excerpt from the sura "Believers". Its power is so powerful that it is believed that if a very religious person reads it and at the same time turns his gaze to the mountain, then it will break into two parts.

Protective amulet

Sababs are an excellent way to protect yourself from damage and other negativity. They are small verses of the Qur'an (verses) that are written on a piece of paper. This shred, if stored in a special way, is able to cleanse from negative energy and protect its owner for a long time. But for this you need to fulfill special conditions:

We hope that this knowledge will help you protect yourself from scammers and scammers, who now often offer their help in creating a sub. At the same time, they do not have true faith and are not even interested in the elementary rules that every orthodox knows. The charms created by them can bring you good luck, or they can harm you. Therefore, you should not take the word of a person who claims that he is a great magician who can protect you with the help of the Koran or read your future from it. Know that the latter is generally forbidden in Islam.

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◄ Attention! is just a guide, we provide information for informational purposes only, in no case do not use black methods in practice in order to harm others!

Prayer for the cleansing of the house

Negative energy always accumulates in a person's home. It significantly changes the atmosphere in the house and very often can even provoke the development of household diseases. Believers periodically cleanse the house with the help of prayer. This is especially recommended after it has been noticed that major troubles and quarrels have begun to occur in your family.

Muslim prayer for cleansing the house

Muslim prayers are used by the faithful in a variety of everyday situations. They are the basis of the life of every Muslim. Therefore, it is quite natural that Muslim prayers are used to cleanse the house. Before such a ceremony, it is recommended to carry out a general cleaning.

According to Muslim tradition, the ritual should be carried out by one person, at a time when none of the household members are in the home. The ceremony involves the use of candles, which must be purchased at the church shop. Approximate calculation of their number - one per private room. It is necessary to provide a few additional candles in case they burn out quickly. It is advisable to carry out all actions aimed at cleaning the home in sunny time. It is important that the vents and windows are open during the cleansing ritual.

Each room, including utility rooms, must be bypassed clockwise. In one hand, you need to hold a container with holy water, and with the other hand, use a brush to spray holy water in the corners with cross-shaped movements. After that, you need to put one candle in the corner in all rooms and light it so that they burn at the same time.

How to read according to Islamic canons

Any Muslim prayer should sound confident. In every word you need to put faith in the fact that you understand that all life depends on Allah.

Prayer aimed at cleansing the home should be read according to Islamic canons. Ritual purity must be observed. That is, before prayer, you need to perform ablution. In addition, you should wear clean clothes. Pray with your face turned to the side Muslim shrine Kaaba, which is located in Mecca.

Islam places great emphasis on external action when praying, namely:

  • You need to kneel on a special rug;
  • The feet must be joined together;
  • Arms are crossed on the chest;
  • Bows are made with knees not bent and feet straight.

The text of a strong surah from the Koran

The most powerful verse in the Holy Quran is Ayat ul-Kursi. It is believed that the believer who uses this verse for prayer reliably protects himself and his home from the harm of the jinn.

Understanding how translated from Arabic sounds this prayer, you can put more energy into spoken phrases, which means making prayer more effective.

Orthodox prayer for the protection of the home and family

There are many Orthodox prayers that allow you to clean the house and put reliable protection. The most reliable defender of the dwelling is the savior of people Jesus Christ.

Words of prayer

You can turn to Jesus Christ for help with the help of the following prayer:

The words of the prayer may be different, but it is important that they sound sincere.

There are other important rules:

  • You can read a protective prayer, both to bless the new home, and to protect the old home.
  • It is recommended to repeat the prayer text three times in a row in full concentration on the spoken phrases.
  • Care must be taken that no one and nothing interferes with the reading of the prayer.
  • You can strengthen the effect of protective prayer if you pray in a secluded place in front of the icon of the Lord God, in front of which you should light a church candle.
  • After reading the protective prayer, it is recommended to sprinkle all corners of the dwelling with holy water.

It is very important after the prayer asking for the protection of the home and family is read, every day you need to thank God for hearing you.

Listen free prayer for protection:

Tatar prayer - a charm for the house for every day

Prayer-amulet is able to protect a person, his home and his family from many troubles and suffering. Tatar prayer appeals are very strong, their effectiveness has long been tested by many Muslims.

Surahs and verses from the Koran are very common as amulets. Such a home amulet for every day helps only Muslims. That is, the suras and verses of the Koran have a positive effect only on those who are connected to the Egregor of Islam. In order to create an amulet, it is necessary to write on a piece of paper 225 ayat 2 suras of the Koran. Such a prayer text is of particular importance for the entire Islamic world. It is called "ayatul kursi". After the prayer text is written, the sheet is folded 3 times. It then needs to be wrapped in thick foil, and then sheathed natural fabric black color. The created amulet, which is a written prayer, must be worn on the belt without taking it off.

Home is the most important place for every person. We always want to return to it. Housing needs reliable protection at all levels - not only locks on the doors, and bars on the windows. It is also important to protect the house and its inhabitants from the interference of various incorporeal creatures.

We ask in prayers for God's help in a variety of life situations, there are prayers for keeping the house clean and well-being. There are not only Christian prayers - Muslim prayers are also widely read to cleanse the house.

In Islam, in addition to the traditional regular prayer - namaz, there are prayers (in Arabic they are called "dua") - a real opportunity for active communication with the Almighty.

He knows everything obvious and secret that is in the human heart, therefore, he will hear any prayer that is uttered with a pure and sincere heart.

Dua (prayer) to Allah must always be said confidently, because Allah created us and our difficulties relating to all spheres of life, He can change this world and solve any problem. You can read a prayer, or you can listen to how another person reads it, turn in your heart to the Almighty - and he will not leave His faithful one with his mercy.

Muslim duas are meant for different purposes and have different origins. Most of the prayers are taken from the Koran, some are received from the awliya (this is the name given to the friends of Allah, pious and faithful Muslims, often the spiritual and political leaders of Islam).

Prayer for a home

You need to pray for the well-being and prosperity of your home by reading special words in Arabic - this is the most appropriate way to address Allah. The Internet contains a large number of video-recorded prayers offered to Allah - turn them on boldly at full volume and catch the prayer mood that elevates the spirit to the inaccessible heights that the Almighty inhabits.

Muslim prayer "To cleanse the house"

“I ask for protection with the perfect words of Allah from the evil shaitan, from any and poisonous animals, from the evil eye.”

The text cannot be read from the screen of a computer or phone - only from the paper Holy Quran. Islam is a conservative religion, and rather, this is precisely what its attitude towards certain aspects of offering prayers expresses. So, listening to the recording of the mullah's voice is permissible and correct, but the reading of Divine texts from electronic media has not yet been approved by the authorized religious councils.

Perhaps the situation will soon change, then the process of turning to the Almighty will be fully automated. Under these conditions, the main thing is to keep your soul clean and not to replace the sincerity of the appeal with digital processing of images and sounds.

How to pray?

Before prayer, you need to cleanse your soul and body, with your thoughts to aspire to the Almighty. Before a ritual prayer, you need to dress in accordance with the traditions of Islam, cover the parts of the body that should be closed before reading or listening to a prayer.

Those who have been defiled by natural means must wash themselves, purify themselves before reading or listening to prayers. This is a mandatory rule.

You can’t defile yourself with anything before prayer, interact with sewage, have clothes stained with the hair of an unclean animal.
