What are weekends called in the army? Soldier's joys

Leave in the army for soldiers is like a breath of fresh air. Every private will be happy and excited to get out of his military unit - walk around the city, take a break from service, eat his favorite food, meet friends, if possible. And, accordingly, all recruits are interested in how to get this coveted ticket to freedom? It's worth looking into this question.

What does the law say?

In the Charter internal service The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have article number 240. It states that everyone who is drafted military service, has the right to one dismissal per week - in the event that no disciplinary sanctions have been imposed on him.

But at the same time, dismissals in the army are regulated so that the combat readiness of the regiment does not decrease. Accordingly, only 30% of military personnel can be released from the unit - this is exactly the percentage set.

When do they give leave in the army? In general, after the serviceman has been sworn in to the Military Oath. This is what the statute says. And by the way, in holidays it is allowed to release soldiers for a day (more precisely, up to 24 hours). And on regular Saturdays and Sundays - until the evening check. Those. until 19:00 (usually). However, it is, of course, better to show up early - around 18:30.

How are things really going?

If you look at it this way, then 30% of those released are not so little. But after carrying out simple calculations, you can understand: each private has a chance to get out of the unit only approximately once a month. If he serves with dignity, he will not receive reprimands from his superiors and will not violate military discipline. And, in principle, the notorious thirty percent system is fair. After all, a discharge letter in the army is a cherished gift for everyone, but only the worthy should receive it.

And one moment. In the army there is a second definition of the word “dismissal”. And its meaning is even more pleasant for ordinary people. After all, we are talking about demobilization! This, by the way, is called demobilization (colloquial form). And the interpretation of this word sounds like this: dismissal from military service into the reserve.

The very first “day off”

So, how often dismissals are given in the army was mentioned above. Now - a few words about the very first day off of every private.

And it comes on the day of the military oath. More precisely, after this celebration. True, unfortunately, in most units the soldier is released only with his parents or guardians. This seems strange, considering that adult boys and accomplished men are called up for service (after all, the conscription age is from 18 to 27 years), and not little boys. But, they say, this is a guarantee that the soldier will definitely return to his unit. They also let them go with their wives. And always - on the security of your passport. What’s also strange is that this has never happened before. But now, if a soldier wants to receive a leave of absence on the day of the oath, and not an outfit, then people need to come who will hand over their passport to the company commander in exchange for the private. These are the rules now. By the way, since the oath is taken on Saturday, the next day, Sunday, privates can also go into the city (but under the same conditions - with responsible persons).

What can you do and what can you not do?

This is also important to mention. When a private knows that this Sunday he will go for a walk outside the unit, he is already in anticipation of what he has planned to do. One is visited by his beloved girlfriend, another is visited by friends, the third will spend time with other comrades in the barracks. But what can a serviceman do when free and what not?

Firstly, it is prohibited to consume drinks containing alcohol and drugs. If, upon returning to the unit, it is noticed that the soldier has violated this rule, he will face a reprimand, possibly a fine, and certainly a ban on leave until the end of his service. You still cannot swim in the sea or other public bodies of water, or drive (even if you have a license).

You should avoid patrols and military police. Even if a private behaved appropriately and did not violate anything, there is a possibility of receiving a reprimand or reprimand - it happens. Now many people act as follows: if someone comes to see a soldier on leave, the private asks him to take civilian clothes with him. Then the serviceman changes into it and walks around calmly, without the risk of being noticed. This is not prohibited; even company commanders advise doing so. By the way, if a private goes on leave in uniform, then under no circumstances should he take off his jacket, even if it is very hot, his hat, etc. This is considered a violation of the rules. And before asking for leave, you need to get your uniform in order, even if you plan to change clothes. If the company sergeant major sees stained ankle boots, a dirty collar lining, a torn sleeve or another sign of untidiness, he may refuse. And plus will reprimand for such an appearance.

"Weekend" while studying

When talking about leave in the army, it is worth noting another important nuance that many people forget about.

Now the system is like this: first, soldiers are assigned to a training unit. There they serve for 2.5-6 months (the period depends on the specialty). And after that they are distributed into units. So, they are rarely released from “training,” as it sounds in military jargon. Although it all depends on the unit and the company commander. “How can we come to an agreement,” that’s usually the consolation given to those wishing to get out of the checkpoint. But, in any case, no one will prohibit meeting with loved ones at the checkpoint - only the private will still have to approach the commander and ask for time off, plus this is only possible on a day off. The soldier and his visitors are even allowed to sit on the territory of the unit.

How to get permission to leave?

But then, when they are assigned directly to the service, it becomes easier. And the question regarding how to get leave from the army can really be resolved. Many people believe that it is the parents, wives, girlfriends and other relatives of the soldier who should call the unit commander and negotiate. No, on the contrary, this is not welcome. Unit chiefs, commanders and other senior military officials have more important concerns than conversations with concerned relatives. A soldier must sort this out. But the foreman’s question, “Why are you retiring?” should be answered with as much reason as possible. The likelihood of getting permission will be greater if you say that, say, a girl is coming that day, and she has to travel 1000 kilometers. But, of course, you need to talk about real reasons, because it is possible that they will decide to check the words of the private and invite the one he mentioned to the checkpoint. And the army doesn’t like lying most of all. And they are severely punished for it.

Early departure from service

This should also be briefly mentioned. As already described above, “dismissal” is not only a day off, but also leaving service for the reserve. So, in the fourth paragraph of Article 51 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, information is set out in detail regarding the reasons for which a private can leave the army early. All of them, to put it mildly, are unpleasant.

The first is if the soldier’s father or brother died. Moreover, either in connection with the performance of military duties, or while in the service. Or if death occurred as a result of injury, contusion, or wound.

The second reason a private may leave his service is if his immediate family (wife, parent, sibling, guardian, etc.) requires constant care. When a soldier is the guardian of a minor brother or sister, this is also considered a reason for early dismissal from the army. Or if his child remains disabled under three years of age. And one more reason (good or not - different for everyone) for early completion of service is the birth of a second child while the military man was in the army.

Information for the soldier

So, the answer to the question of whether there are dismissals in the army is, in principle, clear - there are. But how can one earn it, how can an ordinary person end up in that thirty percent?

Firstly, you must follow all the rules. Did they tell you to hand over your phones? You need to do this, and not hide the second one in your pocket. If they find it during an inspection, it won’t seem like much. They announced that there should be no foreign things in the bedside tables? This means that you only need to put in there what is supposed to be there. Mug, razor, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste - nothing extra.

It is important to be neat, careful and respectful of your superiors - do not argue, do not ask unnecessary questions, do not be rude. And no matter how difficult it may be to get up early and constantly engage in physical activity because you are not used to it, you need to do it. It is important to understand that there is no other way out. As they say, this is an army, not Kid `s camp. You should also listen carefully to the lectures in the study section. In general, behave like a man. This way you will be able to gain trust and even respect from your elders. It would seem - nothing supernatural. But nowadays, many people are too accustomed to physical and personal comfort, so it is often difficult for them to follow the above-mentioned recommendations.


Many people, even those who are familiar with the basic information regarding such “days off,” are still interested in the question: exactly how many days off do they give in the army? There is no 100% figure. Some people are released several times a month. Some - never at all (if this secret part or the regiment is constantly in full combat readiness). No one can say for sure how many days off there are in the army, but everyone has the right to a day off, and if you are a good soldier, you will be able to go outside the unit regularly. By the way, private soldiers are often given telephone numbers in advance of the day off so that they can inform their loved ones about the dismissal - maybe someone will want to come.

Thanks to popular series and television programs, service in the Russian army today attracts young people more than five to ten years ago. Guys dream of trying on new uniform and shoot from modern weapons. In addition, the armed forces still make men out of young men, strengthening their will and character. This is helped by a well-thought-out and streamlined daily routine in the army. Life according to a schedule teaches concentration and rational use every minute.

The daily routine in the army was created in order to maintain constant combat readiness. If this schedule is followed, then the soldiers are always ready for battle because they have slept and been fed. Even if the order comes at night, the personnel will have a physical safety margin. Over the course of months, this resource has been helping to develop a daily routine in the army.

Wake-up and bedtime times in each military unit are set in accordance with the tasks performed and climatic zone. The main requirement: at least eight hours must pass between the “Hang up” and “Rise” commands. Therefore, the daily routine in the army, as a rule, begins at six in the morning and ends at ten in the evening.

In 2013, the daily routine in the army changed. The soldiers were allowed to sleep half an hour more. Lights out are still at ten in the evening, and rise at half past seven in the morning. In addition, the afternoon rest has been increased to one hour. To prevent soldiers from having problems with the gastrointestinal tract, work, drill and combat training should not be carried out after lunch for an hour.

Each of them has four to eight hours of rest in their daily routine. Rest during the day is distributed so that soldiers have the opportunity to recover from physical exertion and put their uniform in order.

The Charter regulates the so-called “days of rest”. These are weekends and holidays. In 2013, the army began to provide two days off.

On the eve of weekends and holidays, going to bed is an hour later than usual. The next day you are allowed to sleep an hour more, and in some parts there is no exercise.

Soldiers and officers are provided with three meals a day. The daily routine in the army provides for intervals between breakfast, lunch and dinner of no more than seven hours.

A typical army day begins with the command “Rise”. Then it is carried out in the army - this is running in formation, warm-up and strength exercises.

After exercise, the servicemen make their beds, wash themselves and line up for the morning inspection. During the inspection, compliance with hygiene standards and the condition of the uniform are checked. After morning inspection The unit departs in formation for breakfast.

The biggest structure of the day is the morning divorce. During the divorce, the commander of a military unit or his deputy receives reports on the availability of personnel and sets tasks for the commanders.

After a divorce, they usually take combat training classes. Officers, sergeants and foremen explain to soldiers the provisions of the regulations, teach them how to use and maintain weapons and equipment. Combat training continues until lunch.

After lunch, the military rest for an hour, then line up for divorce. This formation can be local (by battalion and company). At the check-out, commanders check that everything is in place and set tasks for the second half of the day.

The afternoon in the army is usually devoted to equipment maintenance, weapon cleaning, sporting events and self-training.

After dinner, soldiers are given an hour of personal time. This is necessary in order to put your uniform in order.

Mandatory activities before going to bed - watching TV news and checking. The evening walk is carried out in formation, and the singing of songs is obligatory. Military psychologists believe that this also helps to improve mood.

During the meeting, commanders check that everything is in place. If someone is not in the ranks for an unexcused reason, this is already an emergency.

The army daily routine, which is carried out impeccably every day, accustoms soldiers to discipline, without which no army in the world can operate.

Tips from Natalia Grekova

Usually soldiers can be visited on weekends. If a guy is not in uniform, the commander can let him go to the checkpoint for a few hours. It happens that soldiers are released to the checkpoint (to moms, dads, girlfriends and other friends and relatives) after eating and formation (this can be in the morning or after lunch). He may be forced to run from the checkpoint to the next formation, and then he will return to you again. The soldier can check in advance with his commander about the time when he will be released to meet his loved ones.

Usually, you can visit a soldier in the army both at the KMB (where he ended up from the recruiting station and where he is taking a course as a young soldier), and then, after taking the oath, to the unit. All of his acquaintances and relatives, friends, acquaintances, and everyone who loves and knows him can visit the soldier. And your son, friend or boyfriend to whom you came will be terribly happy and very grateful to you, even if you were not very close and friendly before. In the army, it is expensive to communicate with all the people you know who treat you well.

Here they also asked how to call a soldier to the checkpoint. Well, it’s very simple, go up to the duty officer at the checkpoint and explain who you have come to see: last name, department (say everything you know), perhaps they will copy down your passport information.

Then the duty officer calls where your boy works and answers you, like, wait. In addition, the soldier most likely has mobile phone, you can call him and tell him that you have arrived. The soldier will ask the commander for time off and, as soon as he is allowed, will come running to you.

The initiatives of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, voiced over the past month, are increasingly worrying Russians and causing ambiguous reactions. Why not worry when, for example, the head of the Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate of the General Staff, Vasily Smirnov, came up with a whole “package” of unpopular proposals.

He proposed thinking about increasing the conscription age from 27 to 30 years and abolishing the deferment from military service after the first or second year of university.

In addition, according to him, the possibility of extending the spring conscription period by two months is allegedly being seriously discussed, that is, from April 1 to August 31, and not until July 15, as is the case today.

Actually, then it will be a year-round call. For all these innovations, military commanders even prepared a draft federal law “On the military duty of citizens of the Russian Federation,” which was discussed in the State Duma Committee on Defense and in the Presidential Administration.

High army officials have arguments to confirm the validity of their proposals. Firstly, there are simply not enough conscript soldiers. Secondly, the generals are confident that almost half of the conscripts avoid service by hiding in student classrooms. Yes and after receiving higher education young people are allegedly in no hurry to fulfill their honorable duty - either getting married or becoming graduate students. However, as for our region, the military commissar of the Stavropol Territory Yuri Em has repeatedly said at press conferences and briefings that we are implementing the conscription plan and have the potential for recruits. And guys often ask to join the troops themselves (perhaps the fear that their service life may still be extended plays a role here, so the guys try to get into the “one-year class”).

However, recently Smirnov’s initiatives were somewhat brightened up by his boss, Chief of the General Staff, Army General Nikolai Makarov, who stated that the age limit to 30 years would not be raised and deferments would not be cancelled. Presumably, this did not reassure everyone (“What if?”).

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev calls on young people to “...perceive military service not as a personal disaster, but as the fulfillment of a constitutional duty in normal modern conditions.”

Probably, these are the conditions that the Russian Ministry of Defense is trying to create today. Minister Anatoly Serdyukov will introduce a five-day service week for conscript soldiers, an afternoon rest, and declare Saturday and Sunday days off. By the way, as part of the “humanization” of the army, the guys will even be allowed to serve close to home ( territorial principle, may begin to operate as early as 2011). And finally, one more “trick” - conscripts will be allowed to use cell phones.

Today, some publications in the domestic media quite seriously call Serdyukov “the best defense minister of the country in the last hundred years.” They say that it is he who strives to create a Russian army with a human face. After all, let’s say, employees will cook food, clean the territory and premises in the units civil organizations. According to a number of experts, this will be a hard blow to hazing and the use of conscripts for their intended purpose - a soldier should serve, and not clean toilets.

The need for change in national army, of course, is long overdue, but more and more often the question is being asked in society: “Are fellow reformers going the right way?” The professional military men with whom I was going to discuss this topic only quietly cursed and immediately put an end to the conversation, waving their hand - they were experiencing what was happening with such pain. Familiar retired colonels and the generals directly called the reform of the Armed Forces nothing more than the destruction of the army. In the region, they said, they still cannot understand how the relocation of the Stavropol Higher Military Aviation Engineering School named after Air Marshal V. Sudets to Voronezh became possible? After all, this deprived our already socio-politically difficult region of a prestigious military university and defense cadets. Perhaps, in every subject of the Russian Federation there are similar “painful” examples, and will there be more with further reforms?

I do not undertake to personally judge the innovations announced by the representative of the General Staff Smirnov, but I will give the floor to my interlocutors with whom I communicated on the streets of Stavropol.

Sergey S. (26 years old):

– I think that if the conscription age is increased to 30 years, there will be many people who will prefer to leave the country. And I am absolutely sure that Taken measures still will not replenish the army ranks to a sufficient extent, so it is possible that other “reforms” will appear - for example, an increase in service life. In my opinion, this is inevitable.

Nikolay P. (47 years old):

- What's happening? We made it to the five-day work week and cell phones! Maybe military service should be abolished altogether? Everyone in our family served: my father, me and my son, and my grandfather died in 1944 defending the Motherland. No one ever whined or dreamed about “lordly” conditions - how to raise a real soldier in them? The army is difficult only for the weak, so you need to prepare for it in advance. So I had hazing, and outfits were out of order. Where would we be without them, but a real man can do all this. What now? People are getting smaller.

Lyudmila G. (40 years old):

“My son is due to be drafted in two years.” I raised him alone, without a husband, so I want him to become independent and responsible, which distinguishes a real man from the effeminate creatures that are now proliferating. Of course, I am for changes and reforms in the army, although I don’t know if they are really good. But I think that greenhouse conditions are not very conducive to the formation of a soldier.

Alexey Yu. (32 years old):

– I wonder, who will defend the country if the enemy plans to attack on weekends, while all the soldiers are on leave?

Army: conscripts


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3.Where should I go if the deadline for processing documents has been exceeded? April 25, 2014, 09:58 Sergey, Togliatti Answers from lawyers (3)

There are no specific deadlines for processing documents. According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 306-FZ dated November 7, 2011

“On monetary allowances for military personnel and provision of individual payments to them”

Dismissal of a serviceman to the reserve

providing for deprivation or restriction of freedom. Thus, a serviceman is transferred to the reserve if there are no obstacles to this due to age or health status. Legislative age limits There are three gradations of age limits for persons in the reserve: First category - for warrant officers/foremen/midshipmen/soldiers the age limit is 35 years, while for junior officers it is 45 years. Second rank - for warrant officers/petty officers/midshipmen/soldiers, the age limit is 45 years, while for junior officers it is 50 years. Third rank - For warrant officers/petty officers/midshipmen/soldiers, the age limit is 50 years, while for junior officers it is 55 years.

Female military personnel are always classified in the third group. Upon reaching age limits, citizens are sent into retirement and are no longer registered with the military registration and enlistment office. Attracting citizens in the reserve to military training Military training is held to adapt citizens in the reserve to military service; this is their main and only goal.

If there is a violation of the rights of conscripts, then it is necessary to invite S. Shoigu?!

Natalia. Unfortunately, you are right about the fact that this is fraught with danger for a soldier. Therefore, mothers and relatives need to unite and go to the military unit commander with a demand to provide leave. And if the military unit commander does not agree, write en masse to the military prosecutor’s office.

Help with advice or explain to me what and how my son is 3 years old and now there is no one to help 14112012, Regulations on the procedure for military service http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_24400/ Article 3. Beginning, duration and end of military service clause 1. The beginning of military service is considered: . d) for citizens (foreign citizens) who entered military service under a contract - the day the contract came into force.

The duration of stay there is 1.5 months. Constant headaches, insomnia, which the medical unit and even the hospital don’t pay attention to, they say that it’s nothing to worry about, and the nurse responded even more rudely. He’s from Karelia, maybe the climate there doesn’t suit him. Besides, I was left alone. I also have a mother who is 84 years old, barely walks, only around the house and that’s very bad, I still work and I need an assistant, although she’s also not young, 56 years old.

If, in relation to conscript soldiers and sergeants, the Minister of Defense issues an order twice a year to dismiss them from the ranks of the Armed Forces, then in relation to those servicemen who have signed a contract, the issue is always resolved individually.

Let's try to understand the procedure and grounds for transferring contract servicemen to the reserve. Grounds for transferring contract military personnel to the reserve? As is known, contract servicemen in Russian army There are two types - rank and file and career officers.

Transfer to the reserve will take place in April - June and November 2018. The decree also provides for the transfer to the reserve in October - December 2018 of other conscripts who have served the established terms of compulsory military service. The decree defines the dates for the next conscription of Ukrainian citizens for compulsory military service: May 5 - June 30 and October - November 2018.

Some features of the dismissal of conscripts

Military personnel performing military service under a contract whose military service contract has expired are at the disposal of the commander (chief) until a decision is made in the criminal case. This is a reason for delaying dismissal! The early dismissal of soldiers can also be due to family circumstances. Some features of the dismissal of soldiers. Early dismissal.

Dismissal from military service due to conscription

Upon expiration of the conscription period, military personnel are transferred to the reserve. The end of military service is considered the date of exclusion of a serviceman from the lists of personnel of a military unit. A serviceman must be excluded from the lists of personnel of a military unit on the day of expiration of his military service, with the exception of cases where: he is in hospital treatment; a female military personnel is on maternity leave or child care leave; a serviceman undergoing military service upon conscription, at his request, remains in the military unit until the day of departure vehicle carrying out individual or organized transportation of military personnel being transferred to the reserve; he takes part in ship voyages; the serviceman is in captivity, in a hostage or interned position; a serviceman is missing - until he is recognized as missing in the manner prescribed by law or declared dead; the serviceman is under investigation in other cases established by law. A serviceman dismissed from military service, on the day of exclusion from the lists of personnel of a military unit, must be fully provided with the established monetary allowance, food and clothing supplies.


Dismissal from the regiment

243. Military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription have the right to move freely in the location military units and within the garrisons to which they were discharged from military units. The departure of military personnel performing military service under a contract outside the garrisons on the territory of which they are serving is carried out with the permission of the commander of the military unit. Military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription are prohibited from traveling outside the garrisons (except for cases of leaving on vacation or a business trip).

244. A soldier undergoing conscription military service, unless a disciplinary sanction of “deprivation of another dismissal” has been imposed on him, has the right to one dismissal per week from the regiment. Military personnel with an extended period of military service (sailors and foremen of ships, vessels and units Navy) have the right to daily leave from ships ashore and from military units during the period between the performance of combat training missions. At the same time, the dismissal of military personnel should be regulated between units of the regiment (ship), so that the combat readiness of the regiment (ship) and the quality of combat duty are not reduced.
Military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription are dismissed from the regiment by the company commander on the days and times appointed by the regiment commander and in the manner established by him. No more than 30% of military personnel can be dismissed from a unit at the same time. Soldiers of the first year of service are discharged from the regiment after they have taken the Military Oath. Saturday and pre-holiday days Dismissal is permitted up to 24 hours, and on Sundays and holidays - until evening verification.
With the permission of the battalion commander, the company commander may grant a serviceman leave for good reason on other days of the week after training sessions until lights out or before morning next day(but no later than 2 hours before the start of classes).
Dismissal is made in order of priority. The order of dismissal is carried out by deputy platoon commanders.
For carrying out combat duty and serving in daily duty on weekends and holidays, military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription are not granted dismissal.

245. For permission to retire, military personnel contact their to the immediate superior.
For example: "Comrade Sergeant. Please allow me to leave until 20:00".
Deputy platoon commanders submit lists for the dismissal of military personnel undergoing conscription military service, signed by platoon commanders, to the company sergeant major for reporting to the company commander.

246. At the appointed time, the company duty officer lines up those being dismissed and reports to the company sergeant major.
The company sergeant-major examines the discharged personnel, checks whether they are well shaved and trimmed, the condition and fit of their uniforms and shoes, their knowledge of the rules of military greeting, behavior on the street and in other in public places. Then the sergeant major issues dismissal notes to those being dismissed (Appendix 12) signed by the company commander. The company duty officer records those being dismissed in a book (Appendix 12), compiles a list of those being dismissed and presents them to the regiment duty officer.
Military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription, discharged from the regiment, must have a military ID with them.
The letter of dismissal is valid only within the boundaries of its garrison.

247. Upon returning from leave, servicemen arrive to the regimental duty officer and report their arrival. The regimental duty officer makes a note on the dismissal notes about the time of arrival. Then they go to the unit to the company duty officer, hand over their dismissal notes to him and report to their immediate superior.
For example: "Comrade Sergeant. Private Rybakov has returned from dismissal. At the time of dismissal I had no comments(or had such and such comments from such and such).”
If a serviceman arrives at the unit after lights out, he reports to his immediate superior the next day before the morning inspection.
The company duty officer in the dismissal book notes the time of arrival of those returning from dismissal and submits dismissal notes to the company sergeant major.

248. Dismissal of 1st year cadets from military service educational institution vocational education is carried out in the manner established for soldiers and sergeants undergoing military service upon conscription. The procedure for dismissal of 2nd year cadets is established by the head of the military educational institution of vocational education.

Cadets of the 3rd and subsequent years, as well as cadets who have the right to live in a dormitory, may be away from the location of a military educational institution of vocational education after training sessions and mandatory hours of independent work determined by the daily routine, up to 24 hours, family cadets - before the start of classes next school day.

249. In a military unit (separate unit) located in an area remote from populated areas, and in other cases when dismissal from its location in the specified manner is inappropriate, by decision of the commander of the military unit ( separate division) on rest days there are group trips to nearby large settlements(cities).

How to profitably leave the army

What is discharge in the army?

The word discharge has two meanings: 1. This is a discharge from the army for one day in the city: that is, “until the evening roll call” or until a certain time set for you by the commander

Leave in the army for every soldier is a time for meetings with family and friends close to them. Let's consider the second option today, namely, let's talk about leave in or as the soldiers themselves call it "Uvalah" Uval in the army, what is it? How many uvals are there in the army? To understand what a discharge is and how the dismissal process takes place in the army, we invite you to study Article 240 of the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (UVS RF Armed Forces) which reads: A serviceman undergoing military service upon conscription, unless a disciplinary sanction is imposed on him “deprivation of another dismissal”, has the right to one dismissal per week from the regiment.

How to retire from the new look army

Having analyzed the situation, and also heard from high-ranking leadership that in the district beyond the state, as many as 60 lieutenants were waiting for positions, I began calling comrades who had long been planning to leave the ranks of the armed forces and make way for the crowds behind the fence, and they no longer needed anything from the Defense Ministry and They agree to resign under any clause.

I learned that most of them never fulfilled their desire, and most of them are all except one, and that was by luck. They all still want to quit, but since they are putting a spoke in their wheels, they can’t do it, they tried, but it doesn’t work. In connection with all this, I decided, not without your help, dear readers, draw up a manual on how to leave the army after all, and finally take that place behind the fence, which will be a pleasure for you and everyone around you.

How to resign from the army of your own free will?

Article 50.

General provisions dismissal from military service (ed.

Federal laws dated 02.10.2006 N 159-FZ, dated 02.07.2013 N 185-FZ) (see.

text in the previous edition) Military personnel are discharged from military service with military registration, with the exception of military personnel:

  • females expelled from military professional educational organizations and military educational organizations of higher education and those without a military specialty;
  • those dismissed from military service;

Federal Law of July 2, 2013 N 185-FZ)

How long will it take to leave the military, and what are my responsibilities?

I have been serving under a contract for three months (still on probation). I wrote a resignation letter. Question: How long will I be fired and what will be my responsibilities?

Can I be assigned to squads and sent on combat duty in the fields and for exercises? It is difficult to estimate how long the dismissal procedure will take.

You submit a corresponding report about this, which must be considered.

Since you are still on a probationary period, look carefully at the terms of your contract regarding dismissal during the probationary period, there should be.

registered. As long as you serve, all the rights and responsibilities of a military personnel apply to you in full. Regulations on the procedure for military service (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999

What is discharge in the army? The word discharge in the army has two meanings: 1. This is a discharge from the army for one day in the city: that is, “until evening verification” or until a certain time that the commander has set for you

Leave in the army for every soldier is a time for meetings with family and friends close to them. Let's consider the second option today, namely let's talk about leave in the army, or as the soldiers themselves say in abbreviated form, “Uvalah” Uvalah in the army, what is it? How many uvals are there in the army? To understand what a discharge is and how the dismissal process takes place, we invite you to study Article 240 of the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (UVS RF Armed Forces) which reads: A serviceman undergoing military service upon conscription, unless a disciplinary sanction is imposed on him “deprivation of the next dismissal” ", has the right to one dismissal per week from the regiment.

We have already talked to you in a separate article. It's time to talk about a shorter period of life - a week. I will say right away that the weeks themselves are extremely similar to each other.

Therefore, I will group the most similar days among themselves and analyze them in detail. First weekdays, then weekends. Let's take a look at the daily routine in the army right now.

Daily routine in the army

Of course, dividing the days of the week into micro groups is conditional. Officially there is no division. Everyone has the right to figure out how to divide them. Some people don't share at all. I have developed the following scheme for dividing the days of the week based on my service experience:

  • Bath days.
  • Common days.
  • Weekend.

The first two types relate to everyday life, but the last one is not worth commenting on yet. We will analyze the weekend in detail at the end of the article. Let's go in order.

Daily routine in the army. Bath days: Monday and Thursday

The word “bathhouse” comes from “banya”. Previously, soldiers washed in baths 1–2 times a week. The number of bath days has remained unchanged even now, but we do not have a bathhouse itself.

Therefore, our bathhouse is being replaced by taking a shower, but the very name “bath days” is still actively used in colloquial speech military personnel of any ranks. You can't escape tradition!

So, what is the peculiarity of bath days in relation to other types? Let's figure it out from the very beginning.

06.00 — rise

The orderly’s command sounds to the entire company location: “Company, get up,” after which each serviceman is blown up and quickly gets ready for the morning physical exercise.

Upon returning to the company after charging, we are divided into approximately two halves. The first ones make their beds first, then go wash. The latter, on the contrary, wash themselves first. We do this so as not to create a long queue at the sinks.

06.30-07.00 - making beds and morning toilet

At 07.00 the entire company is already standing on the central aisle wearing the required uniform and preparing for the morning inspection.

07.00-07.20 - morning inspection of the appearance of military personnel

In 20 minutes, squad commanders conduct a morning inspection of all servicemen of their squads, and, therefore, of the entire company.

Your appearance and availability of necessary things with you are checked.

For example, the cleanliness of combat boots, the neatness of uniforms, the length of hair on the head, the smooth shavenness of each soldier, and much more are often checked. The same thing is checked every day, so there is no need to panic here.

You will go through this once, and then you will know and follow everything you need. Moreover, during the morning inspection, military personnel are given time to eliminate the noticed deficiencies. appearance.

One of the important parts of the morning inspection is the recording by the company duty officer of all military personnel who need to go to the infirmary. We are very concerned about and care for our patients. No one here wants the whole company to be sick. If you cough, go to the infirmary. If your temperature rises, go to the infirmary.

“There’s no need to be a hero! You’ll be patient now, and tomorrow you’ll infect your comrade.” This is how we are taught.

07.20-08.00 — breakfast

We have breakfast in the dining room with the whole company. And even more precisely - to everyone. One by one. We come to the dining room one at a time and have breakfast, respectively, also in turn. I will also write a separate article about food in the army, because there is something to tell there too. Overall - good!

For this purpose, on Mondays there is a general institute divorce and raising of the flag on the large parade ground.

An army parade is an event on a large/small parade ground, when all units of the institute/battalion gather, greet the chief, listen to a speech, or hold important events (for example, award ceremonies).

The ceremonial raising of the flag may also take place on the large parade ground. Russian Federation and the performance of the Russian Anthem by military personnel.

After the end of the planned events, all units take turns marching in front of the commander to the accompaniment of a military orchestra or artificial musical accompaniment (music in the speakers on the parade ground).

On Thursdays, in turn, from 08.00 to 09.00 there are morning training sessions and training sessions on the small parade ground.

08.00-09.00 - raising and raising the flag on the large parade ground on Mondays/morning training and raising the flag on the small parade ground on Thursdays

Morning training is a half-hour event aimed at consolidating theoretical knowledge and developing skills on specific topics of the lesson.

Sometimes they are carried out after serious jambs of a platoon/company in order to eliminate such jambs in the future. An example on jambs - a training session on making beds.

Sometimes morning training sessions are replaced by morning information sessions. Usually once a week. Then the company sits down in the information and leisure room and listens last news in the country and in the world over the past week.

09.00 - 14.00 - training sessions (pairs)

The schedule is:

  • 09.00-10.45 - I pair.
  • 10.50-12.40 - II pair.
  • 12.50-14.00 - III pair.

In fact, according to the schedule, the 3rd pair goes longer. But it is deliberately shortened in order to return the company to the barracks, build on the central aisle and hold the next event.

14.00-14.20 - control check

It is very important to understand that in the army there are 2 events that are similar in meaning, but different in meaning and name. This control examination And evening verification. I will talk about the latter later.

The meaning of the control check is clear from the name. The company duty officer checks the presence of military personnel. Is everything in place? And if not, where is it?

14.20-15.00 - lunch

Another one of my favorite activities every day. Lunch may be a little late, because they really give you a lot to eat. And we are happy about it!

15.15-15.30 - divorce

This divorce, unlike the morning ones, takes place on a small parade ground and not for the entire institute, but for our battalion. It is conducted by the battalion commander or, in the absence of the latter, by his deputy.

15.30-18.00 – bath day events

And here is what sets Monday and Thursday apart from the general mass of days. These are bath days, which means after lunch we will go wash/shave/do personal hygiene. A little time for yourself won't hurt.

18.00-18.20 - control check

Another control check on the central passage in the barracks. We check whether everyone managed to do everything that was needed. That is, they brought themselves and their appearance into full order.

18.20-19.00 - dinner

I wanted to write that this is the final pleasant event for the day, but no... There is one more thing. Want to know which one? - Read on! ;-)

19.00-21.00 - time for personal needs

Wash, shave, iron, hem, mend. You can continue verbs endlessly.

IN Lately They began to actively go to the company gym at this time. You can find half an hour or an hour of free time a day here. And nowhere else.

21.00-21.15 — watching the TV program “Time”

This is what I don’t like. I don't like watching TV at all. But in the army it doesn’t matter what you like and what you don’t. There is such a word - necessary.

21.15-21.35 - evening walk

We get dressed, line up and go outside. We walk around the territory as part of the company and sing drill songs. We already have 5 of these in our company. We are learning a few more.

At the same time, they can take those who smoke to the smoking room to smoke. But this is not about me. At this time I’m just standing on the sidelines with the guys who don’t smoke. We communicate on different topics.

21.35-21.45 — evening verification

And here she is. Evening verification, not just another check. So what is it?

After walking on the command of the company duty officer, “Company, for evening roll call - STAND UP,” the deputy platoon commanders line up their units for roll check. The company duty officer, having formed the company, reports to the foreman about the formation of the company for the evening roll call.

The company sergeant major or the person replacing him gives the command “Attention” and begins the evening roll call. At the beginning of the evening roll call, he names the military ranks, the names of the servicemen who were included in the company list forever or as honorary soldiers for their feats. Having heard the name of each of the indicated servicemen, the deputy commander of the first platoon reports: “So-and-so ( military rank and surname) died a brave death in battle for the freedom and independence of the Fatherland - the Russian Federation" or "An honorary soldier of the company (military rank and surname) is in the reserve."
After this, the company sergeant major verifies the company personnel according to the name list. Hearing his last name, each serviceman answers: “I am.” Squad commanders are responsible for those who are absent.
For example: “On guard”, “On vacation”.
At the end of the evening roll call, the company sergeant major gives the command “FREE”, announces orders and instructions regarding all military personnel, the order for the next day and makes (specifies) the combat crew in case of alarm, fire and other emergencies emergency situations, as well as in case of a sudden attack on the location of a military unit (unit).

Got it? Verification is a sacred military ritual and dates back to the times of the Great Patriotic War. It was then that it was invented and began to be actively used.

Soldiers must know the names of the heroes of our time. I really respect and honor this event. That’s why I cringe when another orderly, standing on the bedside table, pronounces the wrong command: “Company, stand up for the evening inspection!”

22.00 — lights out

But on the contrary, I really love the command of the same orderly “Company, lights out!” After it, everyone scatters to their sleeping places and goes to bed. The most pleasant moment of every day...

Daily routine in the army. Regular days: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday

If you have read the entire article up to this point, then I can congratulate you. You have read more than one and a half thousand words. That's why I don't want to describe these ordinary days in detail either. Moreover, they are not much different from bathhouses.

Let's talk about the differences.

08.00-08.40 — morning training on NBC protection on Wednesdays

Wednesday is RCBD day. This means that Wednesday is the only day of the week when we all receive our gas masks in the morning, put them on ourselves and wear them all day.

No, no, you misunderstood me. We don’t put it on our faces… We put bags with gas masks on our shoulders. :-)

But we put it on our heads at the command “Gas!”

The correct execution of this particular command is practiced at the morning training on NBC protection every Wednesday.

Yes, and during the day it can sound several times. Therefore, Wednesday is a day of maximum concentration!

15.30-18.00 - training sessions

Yeah. These are not bath days. We have couples here on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Here, in fact, are all the main differences between bath days and ordinary days.

Let's move on to the most interesting...

Daily routine in the army. Days off: Saturday and Sunday

The schedule for both days is developed in the week before their occurrence.

Usually on Wednesday. On Wednesday, the schedule for the next weekend is worked out, printed and approved.

It has regular events and ones that change every week. I also suggest going in order!


06.00-15.30 - same as normal days

Rise, exercise, inspection, breakfast, steam before lunch, lunch, return to the company. But then...

15.30-15.55 - summing up the week

Summing up is carried out in the following format.

The company is seated on the central aisle or in the information and leisure room, after which the company commander or his deputy for work with personnel sums up the results.

The best and worst military personnel are celebrated. By discipline and knowledge. Sometimes they are singled out by sport. For example, a week ago I was tagged in better side, because I ran 3rd from the platoon at a distance of 1 kilometer.

After this, priority tasks for the next week are identified and those responsible are assigned to the premises of the barracks for further activities of the park and economic day.

16.00-18.00 - carrying out park and business day activities

In general, if you translate from Russian into Russian, it will turn out like this: “Saturday = subbotnik.”

We generalize everything we see. Both the barracks and the territory on the street assigned to the unit.

And so every week...

In parallel with this, creative people are developing their skills. Namely, by issuing combat leaflets. I will write a separate article about what this is about creative implementation in the army. (Yes, yes. There is plenty of that here too!)

18.10-22.00 - same as usual days

With one very important exception. It is on the weekend that you have the opportunity to watch a good army-themed movie on TV.

This happens between 19.00-21.00. In personal time. Everyone is invited to the information and leisure room, where they watch a great movie. Last Saturday we watched the movie “We are from the Future”.


Have you ever heard that the Russian army now has days off? No? Then now know. There are! Only they are very special. Army.

And if you are one of those people who, like me, heard about this before reading this article, then get ready to learn the whole truth about the routine of a typical weekend in the army.

07.30 — rise

That's cool! The most beautiful moment of the week is the “lights out” command the day before on Saturday. Great because you realize the amount of time you can sleep: a whole 9 and a half hours!

The only lines that come to my mind are lines from a song by a famous performer with the words: “This is probably my paradise...”

What do you think? Are we running to exercise? No matter how it is! There is no charging on Sunday. The only morning of the week without morning physical exercise.

Therefore, from the very moment we get up until breakfast, we spend our time making the beds and cleaning ourselves in the morning.

07.30-08.30 - morning toilet and examination
08.30-09.00 — breakfast
09.00-09.30 - watching the TV show “Serving Russia”
09.30-10.00 - legal information for military personnel

We sit down in the information and leisure room for half an hour and listen to what we can and should do and what we cannot do. An example of a legal information topic: “Responsibility of military personnel for the theft of weapons and ammunition.”

10.00-11. 00 - mass sports work

A whole hour of sports! On a weekend! Do you know what I mean?

On the last Sunday the following exercises were performed:

  • Pull-up on the bar.
  • Raising your legs to the bar.

I did 19 pull-ups. Not enough, because they did it with the position fixed from below. As expected. Nevertheless, the second most times in the company. The first one did 20, but I never managed to do it. Next time I will definitely be the first!

11.00-13.00 – watching documentaries

Sometimes there is one long film, sometimes there are several different ones. The point is that we watch war documentaries. Have you watched any? Maybe you can advise? I'll offer it next Sunday.

14.30-15.00 - lunch
15.30-16.30 - sleep

It's time to sleep. It happens and it helps.

16.40-17.20 - conversation with personnel

At this time, the officer conducts a conversation with us on various topics. Not about whatever comes into his head, of course.

An example of a conversation topic: “Intense combat training is a guarantee of strong military discipline.”

17.30-18.10 - soldier's writing hour

The favorite event of all out-of-towners. We write letters to our family and friends. I once wrote and sent two letters to my grandmother. Still keeps it. And I have her letter too.

18.10-22.00 - same as Saturday

Watching a film in your own time is also included in the program.
In total, over the weekend we watch at least one documentary and two feature films.

How's your day off? Better than in civilian life?

I miss sports. But I found a way out. I described this solution in the article ““.

P.S. I think it’s enough to burden you with our daily routine in the army. I think I described it in quite detail.

The main thing is to understand that all days/weeks are extremely similar to each other. The events that I described above take place with me and my comrades every week. It’s very rare that something out of the ordinary happens!

So, how do you like it? Would you like to live with such a daily routine in the army? Share your opinion in the comments right now. It is very interesting to me!

We are waiting for your comments,

Conscription into the armed forces forces anyone young man change many of your habits. He has to live in a team with other soldiers, respecting all its rules and laws, and comprehend all the intricacies of army science through many hours of drill, physical, and fire training. But the most difficult thing for many recruits is the need to strictly adhere to the daily routine in the army. The slightest violation of it can lead to the most unpleasant consequences, so you need to know exactly what and how to do at certain times of the day in order to avoid such problems.

Daily routine by the hour

The Army schedule is designed to keep Soldiers combat ready around the clock. By observing it, a warrior will be able to defend his country at any time of the day. Even at night, fighters are able to instantly respond to combat or drill completely adequate, since following the routine makes it possible to obtain a fairly serious margin of safety.

In addition, life according to a schedule teaches soldiers of the Russian army to value literally every minute, to spend it with maximum benefit for themselves and for others, and not to waste time.

The day in the armed forces is scheduled literally minute by minute. Every soldier knows the routine and in the process of completing the young soldier’s course, which is necessarily carried out before the oath, learns to unconditionally follow it, adapts to such a life according to the schedule. What do fighters do during the day? To answer this question, below we present the main points of the routine of any military unit.

Rise and fall

A soldier who is chronically sleep-deprived is unlikely to be able to lead effectively. fighting. That is why the main requirement for the daily routine is eight hours of sleep. In our huge country Wake-up and bedtimes are set in accordance with the time or climate zone, but in most of the territory fighters for a long time went to bed at 22:00 and got up at 6:00.

In 2013, this item of the schedule was slightly changed. Now the soldiers sleep half an hour more, since the “rise” command sounds to them at 6:30.

In 2019, unit commands are allowed to postpone the rise by an hour on weekends and holidays. This was done in order to allow fighters to fully rest and recover as much as possible after physical exertion.

Physical exercise and time for personal hygiene

Immediately after the rise, the unit goes for physical exercise, which, depending on the type of troops, can last from 15 to 30 minutes. Usually it includes running in formation, as well as warm-up complexes, which allow you to finally wake up and prepare the body for new achievements. In the Airborne Forces or Marine Corps The exercise also contains strength exercises to maintain excellent physical shape.

The changes that were made in 2013 made it possible for unit commanders not to carry out physical exercises on weekends (now there are two of them - Saturday and Sunday), as well as on holidays.

Meal in the army daily routine

Every soldier and officer in the Russian army is provided with three meals a day. For this purpose, there are special standards establishing which products should be used for cooking throughout the week or month. But this is a topic for a separate article, so we will ignore it.

If we talk about breakfast, lunch and dinner in the daily routine, then the time for them is determined in accordance with the same climatic and time zones. The main requirement is that the interval between meals during the day should not be more than 7 hours.

Many recruits have a very difficult time getting used to such a schedule and for quite a long time are forced to fight hunger, reducing all conversations to culinary topics. However, after a month and a half they get used to three meals a day and army food, and after a year they begin to gain weight.

Formation is an integral part of the schedule in the army.

To check the availability of personnel, as well as to set tasks for a certain period of time in military regulations There are several constructions for the day:

  • morning briefing, at which the unit command receives reports from platoon and company commanders on completed tasks and incidents that occurred during the night;
  • divorce carried out immediately after lunch. It allows you to check the presence of soldiers and officers in their places, as well as set tasks for the second half of the day;
  • evening verification, carried out immediately before lights out.

In some units there is also a formation before the end of the working day. It concerns mainly officers and makes sure that none of them goes home before the allotted time.

Other events included in the daily routine

Among other things, the army daily routine may include a number of other activities, which include:

  • morning inspection, which checks the soldiers’ compliance with personal hygiene rules, as well as the condition of their military uniform;
  • classes in drill, physical, fire training, as well as according to the requirements of the charter;
  • maintenance of military equipment, as well as putting weapons in order;
  • self-training;
  • various sporting events;
  • personal time that a fighter can spend on putting his uniform and appearance in perfect order, reading, communicating with family by phone or other purposes;
  • cleaning the territory assigned to a particular unit.