How to make a snake trap: learn how to catch a snake. How to get rid of snakes: an unequal battle with asps How to catch a snake with your hands

According to Evgeniy Pogorilo, security inspector natural environment Nature Reserve "Chazy" (Khakassia), a very long-necked animal with the wonderful name "snake" usually lives near berry meadows where mice are found. If you are not afraid of mice, go to the strawberry thickets.

1st method

Catching snakes using a long (150–180 cm) stick with a fork at the end is the most reliable way. Unlike Julius Caesar, who was able to do several things at once, the snake can concentrate its gaze on only one object.

Take advantage of this. Stand slightly to the side of the snake and wave a branch in front of its face. When the reptile's attention is focused on the aggressive foliage, carefully bring the spear, which you hold in your other hand, closer to the snake, and then with a quick movement press the reptile's neck to the ground. “It’s better for beginners to do this together,” advises Evgeniy. “The first one distracts the snake, the second one uses a spear.”

The rod should wrap around the neck about two to three centimeters from the head. Continuing to keep your head to the ground, go around the reptile and grab it by the top part neck. In this case, the thumb and middle finger should squeeze the neck, and the index finger should rest against the “back of the head” of the snake. This way she won't be able to sting you, no matter how hard she squirms. Don't forget to wear cloth gloves on your hands so that your fingers don't slip on the scales.

2nd method

This method requires not only skill, but also special equipment. Get a hollow tube (like a mop handle) and a strong cord. Fold the rope in half and pass it through the tube. As a result, you will have a portable trap: two ends of the cord will stick out from one side of the stick, by pulling which you can tighten the loop protruding from the opposite side of the tube. As you already guessed, the noose should be placed around the snake’s neck and tightened.

Try to bring the trap with the right side towards the reptile. If you mix up and pull the wrong end of the cord, then your head will fall into the noose and the snake will only have to pull the ends of the rope to catch you.

3rd method

The easiest way to catch snakes is with a rag. Keep in mind that this is the most dangerous method: the reptile can easily escape from your hands. Therefore, use a rag only to catch snakes, copperheads and non-poisonous rubber hoses. When you encounter a reptile, throw a T-shirt or a flag over it, which for some reason you took with you into the forest. “This makes the snakes get scared, curl up and remain motionless for some time,” assures Evgeniy. Until the reptile comes to its senses, pick it up with a rag and shake it into a pre-prepared container.

It is best to transport the snake in a rubberized canvas bag or in a large glass jar. If you choose a jar, don’t forget to poke holes in the lid for air, otherwise you won’t be able to boast of a living trophy. Although, in principle, it is possible to scare girls with a snake that throws back its hooves.

Even a layman can catch a snake, whether it be to remove the creature from his own garden or simply to get a closer look at this amazing animal. Of course, snakes can be dangerous, but by taking basic precautions, you can catch a snake with minimal risk.


Catching a snake

    Catch the snake with a net. You can catch a snake with a long, thin object like a badminton or tennis racket, or with a long broom handle with an insect net attached to the end. If you see a snake, act quickly. Place the net directly in front of the snake's head and lure it inside. The object on which the net is attached should be long enough to provide you with a safe distance from the snake while you catch it. Once the snake is in the net, immediately lift it into the air so that the snake cannot escape.

    • Make sure the net you use is large enough for the snake you are trying to catch.
    • The method of placing a net in front of the snake's head is quite effective, since it seems to the snake a safe place to hide and it willingly crawls inside.
    • Approach the snake quietly and carefully. If you run noisily, you will provoke the snake to quickly escape or, worse, to bite.
  1. Use a trash can and broom. This in a simple way It is possible to catch a snake without any direct contact with it. Take a large trash can and place it on its side. Drive the snake into the bucket using a broom. The bucket can then be taken to the location where you wish to release the snake.

    Squeeze the snake. This is done with the help of a forked spear, which is placed directly behind the snake's head and presses it to the ground. The required pressure depends on the size of the snake itself, but it should be sufficient to fix the animal's head without causing any harm to it.

    • There are special tongs and hooks for catching snakes, which in such a situation are more effective than conventional spears.
  2. Use available objects to catch the snake. If a snake has entered your home and needs to be removed quickly, you will need to quickly use whatever items are available to you. For example, take an old T-shirt and a pillowcase. Drape a crumpled T-shirt over the head and front of the snake's body. Most likely, the snake itself will be frightened and therefore curl up in rings under the fabric.

    • Don't hesitate to throw a pillowcase over your T-shirt. Drag the stretched edge of the pillowcase's entrance hole straight across the floor, scooping up the T-shirt and snake like a scoop. The same can be done with a laundry bag if it is large enough, and you yourself do not disdain the snake and know for sure that it is non-venomous.

Catching a snake by hand

  1. Make sure the snake is non-venomous and can be caught with bare hands. All snakes can bite if provoked, but some are also poisonous. It may be difficult for a person inexperienced in matters of snakes to distinguish the species of a snake by appearance, so be very careful. If you suspect that a snake may be poisonous, do not try to catch it with your hands. Below are some Poisonous snakes, which can be found in the vast expanses of Russia.

  2. Grab the snake carefully. Catching a snake by hand is somewhat more difficult and requires caution. However, when there are no nets or other devices at hand, it is quite possible to catch a snake with your bare hands. Use something to distract the snake's attention, such as a stick. Then grab the snake firmly by the tail and lift it into the air, leaving the front of its body on the ground. At the same time, keep the snake as far away from your own body and legs as possible. Then immediately place the snake in a pillowcase or bag.

    • If you can safely get close to the snake, you can also grab it directly by the back of the head to eliminate its chances of being bitten. However, getting close to the snake's head is a rather risky step. If you decide to use this method, it is best to have a special tool with you, for example, snake tongs, which can be used to fix the snake's head before you even approach it.
  3. Remember to wear gloves when handling snakes. In addition to the fact that snakes can bite, they can carry dangerous bacteria. Be sure to wear protective gloves to avoid exposing yourself to a bacterial infection from the snake.

    • If you don't have gloves, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after close contact with snakes. Do not touch any food or anything else until you thoroughly wash your hands after the snake.
  • If you are afraid of being bitten, wear thick leather gloves, as most snakes are unable to bite through tough leather. However, in some cases, snakes can bite through gloves (depending on the specific species of snake), and gloves will also reduce dexterity.
  • Snakes can be caught without distraction, but it is much easier and safer to distract the snake before catching it. Not to mention that the head of a distracted snake will be facing away from you, which will allow you to grab it.
  • If you have nowhere to release the snake, you can put it in an old pillowcase and transport it to an appropriate place. When traveling by car, be sure to tie your pillowcase tightly, otherwise the snake could get out of it right in the car!
  • Be sure to handle snakes very carefully and try not to anger them if possible. They are afraid of you, and in most cases you can get the snake out of your yard without even touching it.
  • If you decide to keep a snake as your pet, be sure to place something heavy on the lid of the terrarium, as snakes are known for their ability to escape. Either you can use a terrarium with a sliding lid that locks with a lock, or a lid with latches that must be opened before you can remove the lid itself.
  • Catching snakes is unsafe and should not be done by children.
  • When you hold a snake in your hands, it will try to elude you, which is quite natural, for example, snakes are known for jumping well. You need to hold the snake in your hands in such a way that the hands themselves are separated by 25-30 cm and rotated so that the snake always has a place to crawl instead of jumping to the ground. You can also let the snake crawl between your outstretched fingers.
  • Do not kill snakes unless absolutely necessary (when they pose a mortal threat to a child or your pet). Instead of killing the snake, try to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, who will get rid of it.
  • If venomous snakes are regularly giving you problems, consider seeking professional help. Exist special courses, where people are taught how to handle poisonous snakes. Such knowledge will also be especially useful if you decide to keep a terrarium with poisonous snakes.
  • Remember to wash your hands thoroughly, as snakes and other reptiles can carry bacteria. Despite the fact that this problem is not so acute, cases of serious illnesses and even deaths in people who have been in contact with snakes infected with the bacteria.


  • Snakes' heads are quite plastic. Try not to catch the snake by the head, as some snakes ( especially some poisonous species) can bite even in this position.
  • Remember that snakes are wild animals that can behave unpredictably when frightened. And your close presence is already a reason for fear. Be sure to use extreme caution when catching snakes.
  • Try not to catch a snake exclusively by the tail. Most snakes cannot reach up to bite a person's arm, but they will have no problem biting you on the leg or even the crotch. Use a long spear or other long object to hold down about the first 30cm of the snake's body. If there is no other option and you have to grab the snake by the tail, grab it firmly but carefully and keep it as far away from your body as possible.
  • Contents of those caught in wildlife Snakes may be prohibited by local law. In addition, a wild snake may become frightened by the conditions provided to it and refuse to eat. If you keep a wild snake in your home for more than 30 days and then decide to release it into the wild, it may have difficulty surviving in the wild. Therefore, initially make sure that you are really ready to take responsibility for keeping a cold-blooded reptile and provide it with proper care.
  • Wrong advice can be deadly. If in doubt, do nothing.

Although we don't deal with them every day, snakes are an important part of life on our planet. They are different from any other animal we know and many people are very afraid of them. Fear is natural and often welcomed, as snakes use venom to protect their own skin when they feel attacked. These are biorhythms and they are completely different from ours because they have cold blood, which makes them very susceptible to temperature changes, which is why you don't see them if you live in a city.

This whole discussion about snakes makes sense because today we are going to talk about snake traps. . Even if you're not into nature, you may need to know how to catch a snake and what to do with it once you've caught it.

If you live in a house, you may find them in the garden, lying in the sun, waiting for it to warm up. You can also find them in the basement where it is damp and cold or in holes in the foundation. They prefer narrow, dark and damp places and feed on small animals such as mice, birds, eggs and others.

There are many scenarios in which you can interact with a snake in its natural environment habitat, but there are the following scenarios that can lead to the capture of snakes:

  • The snake decided that your garden was really good enough to build a house there, and now you see it almost every day. If you have children playing in the yard, the snake may frighten or injure them;
  • You are raising chicken in your backyard, but... Lately there are fewer and fewer of them. After careful investigation, you realize that the snake loves your chicken more than it should;
  • You go to the basement to look for something, but realize that you were busy in the meantime. The snake feels at home there;
  • You have a small snake that escaped while you weren't looking (they are very elusive) and now you need to recover it;
  • You need to process snake venom for your experiments (the venom is actually useful in medicine);
  • You are in the desert, where there is nothing to eat, and the only thing Living being there are snakes around.

Regardless of the reason, snakes are smart and you have to be smarter than them if you want to catch them. We'll talk about how to make a snake trap and how to handle them once they're trapped. Make sure you don't harm them unless they become extremely violent and threaten your life. If you want to get rid of a snake that is causing damage, all you have to do is move it.

Remember that a homemade snake trap is designed for small snakes. If you encounter giant snake, do not attempt to approach her without professional supervision! The larger ones are not dangerous because of their bite; they just wrap around you and squeeze you until you can't breathe anymore.

How to catch a snake that is making a home in your garden

There are several types of snake traps that you can make at home using simple materials and free time. Let's talk about the most commonly used ones for catching small snakes. The basic idea of ​​a snake trap is to place a snake in a trap and convince it to eat the bait there.

The snake doesn't chew its prayer, swallow it, and then feel strong enough to digest it within a few hours (speaking of little snakes). Big snakes absorb larger prayers, which means they will have a longer digestion process. If a snake eats the bait inside the trap, it will not be able to exit the same way it entered because its body will be more round (if you built the trap correctly).

How to make a snake trap for your pet.

If your pet has run away and is missing you, you should try to build a simple snake trap to find it. However, there is no guarantee that you will catch the snake you are looking for.

You will need the following items:

  • plastic juice bottle washed, rinsed and dried;
  • scissors;
  • A frozen mouse that you use to feed the snake.

Take the bottle and make sure it is clean so there is no other smell. Use scissors to cut a small hole (enough for the snake to enter) and place the bait in the bottle. Place the trap in an area where you think your snake might be hiding and waiting. If a snake enters and feeds, it will not be able to exit through the small hole. Make sure you check the trap every few hours.

Wooden snake trap box.

If you have a wild snake on your property or something worse somewhere inside your home, it's time to pull out your weapon bigger size. A wooden box is effective if you have identified a research location. This money trap is quite difficult to build, so we recommend looking for one at a specialty store.

The basic idea is to place it at the entrance of the den so that when the snakes/snakes try to leave the den they will enter the box. When the snake enters, the box closes, trapping the snake inside. Now you can remove the box from your home and free the snake in the desert. They won't come back, and you'll be happy to get rid of them. Problem solved!

Snake cage trap

If you don't know where the den is, but know where the snake likes to hang out during the day (they love the sun), you can make a trap at the funnel door with a little cable. You'll need some wires, wire cutters, and something to help you keep everything together. The trap is easy to make by following three simple steps:

  • First, make a cylinder of wire with a diameter of 10 to 20 cm, depending on the size of the snake.
  • The second step is to make a funnel out of wire. The small hole should be large enough for the snake to fit through while it is thin, but small enough that the snake cannot leave after feeding.
  • The third step is to assemble everything and seal the non-funnel end with more cable.

This trap is very similar to a plastic bottle trap. The only difference is that you can catch larger snakes.

Also, if you really want to convince a snake to come in, you should use live bait such as mice or large insects. The movement and smell of living prayer attracts snakes, not dead animals or food. Now place the trap where you think the snake likes to hang out in the morning and wait for it to enter. Check the trap regularly because once the snake eats its prayer, it will thin out again and exit your trap.

If you need visual aids on how to build a trap, here is a video tutorial on how to make a snake trap using cable.

Snake traps

This type of trap is very common and effective, and many people prefer it. You can usually find one at specialty stores or ask your local exterminator for one. A glue trap is actually a box containing bait and filled with some kind of special glue at the bottom.

An innocent snake comes to eat something good, and suddenly he realizes that he can no longer get out from under the glue. The glue won't harm the snake, it will just keep it there until you get trapped. Be sure to check your traps regularly because if you leave a snake there for a few days, it may starve and there will be an innocent soul in your mind.

When you choose a trap, make sure it is large enough to fit the snake you want to catch. If it's too small, the snake can get away with it. Since he can't get rid of the glue, he might die somewhere in the garden. Once again you will be left with a guilty conscience.

Once you manage to catch the snake, take the box somewhere in the wild where there is plenty of grass and the presence of the snake will not bother anyone. Pour some oil into the glue and wait until the snake is released from the trap. Now you can be pleased with yourself: you released the snake in a friendly environment and managed to get rid of the predator in your garden.

How to Handle a Trapped Snake

The first rule when trying to catch a snake: don't touch it! If you don't know what kind of snake you've dealt with and have worked with snakes before, don't even think about touching it. They may look cute and helpless, but remember: they are not pets!

A wild snake does not like to be touched or manipulated at all, so it may become violent and bite you while you are trying to free it. In case this happens, go straight to the hospital. It's true that there are several non-venomous snakes, but if you're not sure, it's not worth the risk. A snake bite, in addition to being very painful, can stop your heart.

Once you have trapped the snake, do not try to push or shake it. They don't like anything, and you're just angry. Also, do not allow small children or pets near the trap while the snake is inside.

The first thing to do after you catch a snake is to carefully pick up the trap, place it in your car in a safe place, and drive to a place where you can release it.

The snake knows its territory, so try to travel at least 2 miles from your home. If you let him go too close to your house, you will find your way back and arrive even earlier than you. Try to find a place where there are no other nearby houses; You don't want the other person to go through what you just did, right? Plus, if you leave it in a densely populated area, the next person you bother with may not be as understanding as you. If you took on all the trouble, at least make sure the snake is safe.

How to free a snake

This part is a little tricky because you don't know how the snake will react when you open the trap. Most of them are incredibly happy to be free again and will be lost in the grass looking for a new place. However, some may become you, so you must be prepared. Wear thick gloves and long pants to be protected in case the snake makes a quick turn and strikes. Watch this carefully and try to stay as far away from the trap as possible.

Once the snake is released, keep an eye on it as much as possible to make sure it doesn't come back for revenge.

A snake trap is usually created for two purposes: to catch the snake and to release it. Depending on the type of trap, there are different ways free the snake:

  • If you are using a wooden box, simply place the box on the lawn and lift the lid. Move out of the way of the snake and wait for it to come out of the box. Take your time and don't touch it with a stick. Snakes have the ability to jump into your prayer, so if they see you as a threat, they will attack you;
  • If you use a funnel wire cage, you will be a little closer to the snake, so we recommend using thick gloves. First rule: don't touch it! Easily pull the funnel out of the cage and let the snake decide when it wants to come out. It does not take a lot of time.
  • With a glue trap, you have to pour some vegetable oil into the snake's body and wait until it releases the glue.

If you sense that the snake is seeking revenge, be sure to get out of the way and try to keep it at a distance. Don't kill a snake unless absolutely necessary.

How to catch a snake in the desert

Catching a snake for dinner in the desert can be a very dangerous job and is not recommended unless you know what the snake has eaten. Main danger here is what the snake ate before eating. If you eat a poisoned mouse or something very poisonous, it will penetrate the flesh and enter your body. If you are sure that the snake is clean, you can use your survival skills to catch it.

There are no specially designed snake cables or traps in the desert, so you must learn to make a snake trap with branches and grass or just use a stick. The stick part works very well on those that are not venomous, but if you are agile enough you can catch any type of snake. Once you see a snake, approach carefully and use a long stick to distract the snake's attention. Move one end of the stick in front of your eyes, maintaining a distance.

Once the snake is focused on your cane, grab it firmly by the tail and lift it enough so that its head is close to the ground. Now the snake is disoriented and this is your moment to take action. Place the stick in the middle of the snake's body and lift it while holding the tail in one hand. Now you have a snake in the middle of your stick and you can transport it to the place where you want to cook it.

Snake capturing is not an activity for a newbie survivor. You must know how to move and how to react if something goes wrong and the snake turns on you.

As you can see, it is not difficult to learn how to make a snake trap, but it should only be used to move the snake. Even if they scare you, snakes work in environment, and we must protect them. Even if their skin is cold and they look different, they are also living beings who can learn to love a person. So don't make snake traps if you don't need them!

Fishing, hunting and trapping

Some time ago I promised to write an article on how to catch a viper. Fulfilling what I promised, I hasten to warn everyone: although I will provide step by step instructions However, if you decide to catch a snake, you do so at your own peril and risk.
On the other hand, there is also good news. You will stop being afraid of vipers (they will have to be afraid of you) and get rid of the viper on the site (most likely). In addition, the viper's bite is not fatal. Yes, it is painful, yes, you need to see a doctor, but the mortality rate is almost zero (0.1%).

So let's start with the equipment.
The first thing you need to catch a viper is rubber boots And.

A viper will not be able to bite through a rubber boot. But these should be boots, and not low shoes or rubber boots. Although the viper is not a throwing snake, it will reach your shin.
Of course, you can do without boots, but in this case we lose such an important element as the leg. But you can crush a viper with your booted foot, and it won’t go anywhere.

The second important element of equipment is a special stick, which you can see in the photo. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a spear we need at all. Those. we need a flat element that can press the snake's head to the ground. It will escape from the spear, but we need to firmly fix the head, because the head contains the most dangerous part of the viper’s body - the poisonous teeth.
A flat bar, which can be easily achieved simply by using an old (or new) paint roller, will press the viper's head to the ground, thereby giving us the opportunity to pick up the snake and place it in the bottle.
Again, you can do without a special stick, as well as without boots, but this already requires a little experience in catching snakes. For your own safety, you should not approach the snake with your bare hands. But, most likely, hardly anyone will take the risk. Without catching a snake at least once, it's hard to be that brave (or reckless).
This is where the necessary pieces of equipment end. But it remains important element- container. A plastic 5-piece is best. liter bottle from water, always with a lid. If you plan to keep the viper in the bottle for a long time, it is better to pre-drill small holes on the sides so that the snake can breathe.

How to catch a viper

The most interesting thing is that the viper meets precisely when we are poorly prepared for the meeting. In the meantime, we go to get boots and a hook, the snake crawls away safely. I can’t tell you how to solve this problem. Keep both boots and grappling hook handy.
So, we are wearing high rubber boots and holding the already mentioned hook in our hands. The snake, seeing us, begins to quickly crawl away.
We don't let her do this. We hook her by the body and throw her to open space. Where she can’t hide, and where it will be convenient for us to catch her.
The snake is still trying to crawl away, it has a lot of strength. We play with her with a hook until she begins to run out of strength. How to understand this? The viper is no longer able to crawl quickly, but remains in place, hisses loudly, and raises its head to bite.
We are not afraid, because... firstly, we are far from her (0.5-1 meter, as far as the stick allows), and secondly, we are wearing boots. And as we remember, rubber boots cannot be bitten by a viper.
Having played enough with the snake, do the most important thing - use a hook to press the viper’s head to the ground. We press across the viper’s body and in the area of ​​its eyes. Those. as close to the mouth as possible. Then she will not be able to wriggle out and bite, and we will be able to pick her up in the exact place that will make it possible to fix her jaws as strongly and safely as possible.
When a viper is secured with a hook, it cannot crawl forward or backward. You can press down its body with a boot so that the tail part does not interfere with a good grip.
With one hand we hold the hook that fixes the head, with our foot we fix the body, and with our free hand we take the viper at the junction of the jaws. Find this place where your jaws meet and press with your fingers. You will feel severe pain that simply forces you to open your mouth.
That's how it is with the viper. By taking it in our hands exactly at the junction of the jaws and pressing, we force the snake to open its mouth. She can't bite or turn her head until we release the grip.
Now all that remains is to remove the viper into the 5 liter plastic bottle(don’t forget to grab it right away when you put on your boots and take the hook, and it’s best to already open the bottle and keep the cap in your pocket, at hand).
First we lower the tail part into the bottle. The bottle is on the ground, the cap in the other hand. When almost the entire snake is in the bottle, we cover the viper from the back with a lid so that when the grip is released it does not bite. Covered with a lid, it will not be able to do this and, under the influence of gravity, will fall into the bottle.

Immediately screw the lid tightly. The viper was caught.
It remains to decide what to do with the caught viper. But this is no longer relevant to the topic of this article.
Finally, I will say the following.
I described in detail the process of catching a viper because I prefer not to kill vipers, but to catch them. Why this is so, read in other articles about vipers on this site.
And although there is nothing particularly difficult in catching a viper, nevertheless, The viper is a poisonous animal, and when you begin to catch it, you act of your own free will and at your own peril and risk.
Therefore, if you are afraid or prefer to kill snakes, then you should not experiment. But if you decide to catch a viper, re-read the above instructions very carefully and know: everyone is scared the first time. And whoever is not afraid is simply a fool, because the viper is a poisonous snake.
But if it worked for me, then why can’t it work for others? Each of those who catch snakes did it for the first time.
If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them.

How to get rid of snakes on summer cottage, if you are not at all ready to meet reptiles? The question is interesting, because these reptiles are not among the pests that every gardener encounters every year, protecting the fruits of his labor. It is not surprising that even the most seasoned summer resident panics and gets lost when they meet him, not knowing how to ward off such a misfortune. Today you will learn that not everything is as difficult as it seems, and you will be able to get rid of an unexpected guest by following effective recipes.

Humane methods of reptile control

You can get rid of snakes at your dacha using humane methods that will help scare away the guest and force her to change her habits and location.

  • Maintain order and cleanliness in the garden, in the garden and throughout the area. Regularly mow tall grass, do not clutter the area with logs or bricks, which most often become a place of residence for reptiles.

  • Plant more garlic around the yard, whose aroma repels snakes, or sprinkle mustard around the area.
  • You can hang Chinese bells around the yard, or any devices that create noise. Reptiles cannot tolerate noise.

  • You can purchase a special snake repeller at any garden supply store that creates vibrations, or a chemical snake repellent.

  • Control insects and small rodents, which are the main food for snakes. The disappearance of food will force the reptiles to go in search of more “grainful” places.
  • Use snake repellents that release a strong odor that repels snakes or makes it difficult for them to move. They are sold in the form of powders that are scattered throughout the area.

Interesting! Many owners are wary of this method because they are worried about the health of their pets. There is no reason to worry, because their composition is absolutely harmless to animals.

  • Dig up rodent holes, because they also attract crawling creatures.
  • Apply diesel fuel or any herbicide by scattering rags soaked in it throughout the yard. It has long been known that snakes tolerate strong odors extremely negatively.

  • Allow the chickens to roam freely around the yard; they will kill the snakes at a young age.

  • A fence that is dug more than 5 cm into the ground will also help.
  • Operation Drunken Hedgehog. It is known that this cute animal is capable of dealing with snakes as soon as it “takes it to its chest.” Therefore, to awaken courage in a prickly animal, place saucers of beer or wine around the area. After this, the hedgehogs are ready to exterminate uninvited guests in no time.

  • Cats and dogs. There is an opinion that these animals are able to tolerate even a double portion of snake venom. According to the testimony of summer residents, German hunting terriers cope most fearlessly with reptiles.
  • Extermination by hand. This method is suitable for fearless summer residents who are ready to wait for uninvited guests in rubber boots and a sharp shovel at the ready.

Important! The smell of the skin of a dead snake attracts other crawling reptiles. Remove the dead from the area using garden tools, simultaneously removing and upper layer soil. In the same way, get rid of skins found on the site.

How does naphthalene help against reptiles?

Naphthalene will only help if the reptiles have just begun to “visit” your home. Naphthalene will be an excellent solution to secure all small entrances to your home - cracks in the walls, sewers, etc.

  • The drug is obtained from resins, and it is a source of gas, the smell of which acts as a repellent.
  • Take moth balls and mix them with cat litter. Scatter them around your garden or vegetable garden, as well as in areas where reptiles appear.
  • When working with mothballs, be extremely careful, as this product can affect your health: jaundice, destruction of blood cells, intestinal difficulties, etc.

How to get rid of snakes in the house

As you know, driving a snake out of a house or getting rid of reptiles that have settled in a private house is a difficult task. You can take the following measures with your own hands:

  • Inspect all ventilation openings in the basement below the house. If you have exposed holes larger than 1cm, this means they need to be sealed.
  • There is no need to leave doors open in the hope that the reptiles will crawl out of the house on their own. There will be no effect.

  • If you find a snake or a nest of snakes in the basement, never try to deal with the reptile yourself. Remember that the most dangerous, poisonous snakes live in the garden, but in the semi-darkness you cannot assess the situation.

  • Never pick up a reptile unless you are sure that the reptile is not poisonous.
  • Sealing. Walk around the whole house in a circle. Your goal is to find even the smallest holes near the ground. These are the points of penetration of creeping creatures into the home. Plaster the holes with mortar or plug them with unnecessary rags.

  • Pet food also attracts crawlies into the house, so store it in containers with tight-fitting lids.
  • If in fact there is a snake in the house, then it needs to be physically removed from there. For this purpose, it is better to hire a specialist and install special traps.

How to get rid of snakes

The most harmless representative of the creeping kingdom is the snake, but its appearance makes the heart beat faster, and the bite of sharp teeth does not bring pleasant sensations, and entwining a large specimen can even cause a fracture. Most often, it is difficult to identify who is in front of you: a viper or a grass snake, so the reaction can either run away or cut the body with a sharp object.

But it is possible to get rid of the harmless creeping bug humanely.

What do snakes fear?

All of the above methods are suitable for snakes, but in the piggy bank folk recipes there are a couple more effective methods. Snakes are afraid if:

  • sprinkle mustard powder;
  • smoke bomb, if snakes are found in the cellar;
  • plant elderberry, garlic, and essential herbs on the property.
  • Use a fine-mesh mesh to fence off compost pits.

How to catch a snake

If there are few safe reptiles in the garden, then you can not drive them away, but catch them and take them away.

  1. Put on shoes like ankle boots or high rubber boots.
  2. Make sure that it is a snake in front of you and not a viper. The harmless snake has two red or orange spots on the sides of its head.
  3. Try to behave naturally, slowly lower your hand, grab the creature as close to the head as possible.
  4. Hold it firmly in this position, lower it into a pre-prepared bag with its tail down.
  5. As soon as her head is level with the edge of the bag, sharply release her head and tie the bag tightly.

How to deal with vipers

Snakes on the property are not always so harmless. But they regard the territory of your site as their own.

  • A poisonous snake in the yard hates empty space, noise, smells and unpleasant human neighbors.
  • Vipers are afraid of goats. It’s strange, but if there is a goat in the yard, the snake will not appear there and will never touch it.
  • The folk remedies given above are also suitable for vipers, but you just need to stock up on viper venom serum just in case. You can buy it at the pharmacy and always keep it with you.

Important! You should definitely put the serum in your pocket even when going into the forest.

  • If you don’t have serum, then regular aerosols sprayed in the direction of the snake will come to the rescue.

It is difficult to get rid of snakes forever; it is necessary to always maintain order in the dacha, even after they retreat. As he says folk wisdom: “Don’t step on snakes, and they will have no reason to bite you.”

Video: Review of effective snake repellers
