Abstract of nodes and presentation for preschoolers animals of hot countries. Presentation "Animals of hot countries" presentation for a lesson on the world around (preparatory group) on the topic Presentation animals of hot countries preparatory group

"Diversity of animals" - hare tiger swan zebra boar bison wolf. Art workshop. Pike Kangaroo Woodpecker Bear Moth Lynx Giraffe Swallow. Pets. Signs of animals: Dog pig cat horse cow goose rabbit. Variety of animals. Lesson objectives: The main features and diversity of animals. A game! Herbivores Carnivores Insectivores Omnivores.

“Project pets” - Conversations on the topic “Inhabitants of the barnyard” Guessing riddles about pets. Turnip. Activate and enrich the vocabulary of children on this topic. Cultivate love and caring for animals. Center for fine arts. Enrich children's knowledge about the benefits of pets for humans. Drawing (poke method) "Our four-legged friends", "My favorite pet" Collective application"Grandma's farm" Modeling "In the barnyard" Designing "Dog" (origami) Creating a book "Why" - Interesting Facts from the life of pets.

"Influence of animals" - Concept. In the USSR, animal therapy was first used in the early 1970s. Now such centers have appeared in Russia in most large cities. Mechanisms of action. official history animal therapy begins in the 70s of the 20th century. A dog is an excellent "medicine" against physical inactivity caused by a sedentary lifestyle.

How do animals live How do animals live? Sculpts a house above the window From grass and clay. How do animals live? Working animals Build a house in the middle of the river. There's a doghouse here! Who eats what? The gosling stretched its neck, Looks around awake. Birds. An oak tree hid in a golden ball. The donkey's mom has to work all day - ... - Come on, march back, chickens!

"Animal Development" - Growth and development of animals. Gastrula. Embryonic. Blastula. direct development. Neirula. Postembryonic. Indirect development. Animal development. Splitting up. The fertilized egg is a zygote.


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Animals of hot countries Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type No. 33 "Crane", Tuapse Performed by educator Larionova Svetlana Ivanovna

BEHEMOTH Behemoth is a clumsy animal with hairless skin of a bluish-brown color. Huge head, legs thick and short, so that his belly almost touches the ground. heavy beast this one is more than 4 meters long and weighs more than 4 tons. It feeds on coastal and aquatic plants, but on occasion does not refuse insects, reptiles, vegetables, and even watermelons. During the day it stays in the water and reeds, swims and dives well, but at night it feeds on grass on the shore. Can stay under water for up to 15 minutes. Ears, nostrils and eyes of a hippopotamus are located in the same plane, therefore, even being under water, he can see, hear and breathe. Little hippos are also born in the water and first learn to swim, and only then walk on land. They suck milk under water, while the female lies on the bottom on her side. The hippopotamus lives in Africa.

Porcupine The porcupine is only formidable in appearance, but he does not attack anyone. He needs needles only for defense, the porcupine has about 30 thousand of them. There are many needles, and they weigh only 250 grams, because they are empty inside, like a feather barrel. Can climb thorns. Defensively, the porcupine shakes its tail, producing a frightening crack, and can even pierce shoes with needles. Babies are born with soft needles and open eyes. After a week, the needles become stiff. The porcupine feeds on fresh herbs, roots, bulbs and tubers, fruits and seeds of trees and shrubs. In autumn - various fruits: cucumbers, watermelons, melons, pumpkins, etc.

GIRAFFE Giraffe is the tallest animal, its height reaches 6 meters, of which half is the neck. The head is long and thin. The body is short, and the front legs are much longer than the hind legs. The color of the coat is whitish, with yellowish specks and brown spots. The giraffe has a keen ear acute vision and smell. He runs fast, up to 50 kilometers per hour. This meek, beautiful and fleet-footed animal lives in Africa, where it lives in small herds. It feeds mainly on tree leaves and grass.

ZEBRA Vertical black and white stripes well hide the zebra among the grass. And the fact that the grass is of a different color is not important, because the lion, the only enemy of the zebra, does not distinguish colors. The zebra has wide round hooves, so it can gallop at speeds of over 60 kilometers per hour. With hooves and teeth, the zebra defends itself from enemies. The zebra lives in the steppes and savannahs of Eastern and South Africa. Zebras feed on herbaceous plants.

KANGAROO The hind legs of a kangaroo are several times larger than the front ones, so he cannot walk, but only jumps - up to 10 meters in length and up to 3 meters in height. Despite his timidity, he deftly defends himself with his tail and hind legs. The kangaroo also has a large leather pouch, although it's actually a deep fold on its belly. A small kangaroo cub lives in this bag. After all, he is born very small, the size of Walnut. The kangaroo lives in Australia. It feeds on grass, young leaves and roots.

THE LION The lion is called the king of the beasts for a reason. His appearance is majestic, his voice is a terrible growl, terrifying all the inhabitants of the forest. Growth up to two and a half meters long. His head is covered with a long golden mane, his gait is regal. The paws of a lion, although not high, are very strong - with a blow of a paw, it crushes the spine of a horse, overturns strong man. His power is truly amazing. For example, he carries off a bull with the same ease as a cat carries a rat. The lion does not run very fast, but it jumps excellently, up to 12 meters. Lion cubs are born blind and helpless. At the age of about a year, they begin to hunt. At this time, lions learn to roar, and males do it louder and more bass than females.

RHINO The rhinoceros is the largest animal after the elephant, its body length can reach 5 meters, and its weight is 4 tons. A clumsy, hairless animal, with a skin so thick and so strong that a bullet does not easily penetrate it. The rhinoceros sees poorly, but hears and smells perfectly. It feeds on grass, twigs and leaves. hallmark rhinoceros - a horn on the nose, it is very hard, although it is not a bone, but fused hair. The rhinoceros pushes the bushes apart with its horns. The newborn rhinoceros already has a small light horn.

MONKEY There are about 190 species of monkeys. From pygmy marmoset- 12-15 centimeters in size, - up to the gorilla, which grows up to 180 centimeters. And then there are chimpanzees, macaques, baboons, capuchins... Some monkeys have long tails, others have no tails at all. The monkey has a poorly developed sense of smell, but very good sight and hearing. Monkeys live in packs, and their leader dominates. The monkey is very gentle with its cubs. In the flock, "neighbors" help mothers to nurse children. They feed on small animals (spiders, snails, worms, insects), grass, leaves, roots and fruits of plants.

The elephant is the largest of the land animals (body length can reach up to 7 meters, and weight - up to 7 tons). The skin is thick and covered with few bristly hairs. The head is large, with long hanging ears. Two huge tusks protrude from the upper jaw. Its trunk serves not only as an organ of smell, but also for capturing food. Trunk can knock himself down strong tiger and can pick up the smallest coin from the ground, remove the cork from the bottle, untie the knot. The trunk pours water into the mouth, takes food. Elephants eat plants. Likes to swim. Despite big sizes the elephant is very dexterous, it can even walk along the mountain slopes. Lives up to 80 years.

TIGER The tiger is the largest and most formidable of wild cats. Red in color, with transverse stripes. Grows up to three meters. One blow of a paw can kill a horse. The tiger's jumps are five meters high, it swims and runs very well. This is the most terrible of predatory animals, because it does not know any danger for itself. Tiger cubs are born blind, weighing about 1.5 kilograms, but after a week their eyes open, and after two months the cubs get out of the den and follow their mother.

JAGUAR Jaguar - large predator, its weight reaches 120 kilograms, growth up to 2 meters in length. Easily climbs trees, swims well. It produces terrible devastation in herds of livestock and is able to grab a horse with its mouth, drag it along the ground for a long distance. The cattle bravely defend themselves against the jaguar. It even hunts monkeys. The cubs are born blind and deaf, but after a few weeks they begin to explore their lair, and after six months they go hunting with their mother. Jaguars settle in woodlands covering low mountains. North America, as well as in tropical forests South America.

Literature used: 1. Encyclopedia for kids "Kingdom of animals" L. Yakovlev; Moscow "ROSMEN" 1994 (text). 2. Children's magazine "Murzik and his friends" LLC "Iskatelpress" (text, pictures).

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For example lexical topic: "Animals of hot countries" Recommendations for the development of the lexical and grammatical structure in children 6-7 years old.

1 . Enrichment and consolidation of the dictionary: Looking at pictures with animals of hot countries "Name the whole family" Camel - camel - camel Elephant - elephant - elephant Tigress - tiger cub - tiger Lioness-lion-lion

Look at the drawings of animals and say as many words as possible about each animal - what it is. Game: Tell me which one. Zebra - striped, fast, galloping ... Elephant - huge, eared, heavy ... Monkey - nimble, tenacious, tailed ... Leopard - spotted, dexterous, predatory ... Kangaroo - jumping, marsupial ... Camel - hunchbacked, hardy ...

Game: "What can he do? jumps, runs away ... hunts, sneaks, waits ... jumps, climbs ... walks, transports, eats, drinks ...

2. Development of the grammatical system: To develop the ability to form possessive adjectives: Game: “Whose, whose, whose?” Whose hump does a camel have? camel Whose body does an elephant have? elephant The crocodile's mouth whose? to rocodilla

Whose neck does a giraffe have? Whose horn does a rhino have? What are the stripes on the body of a tiger? giraffe rhinoceros tiger

Developing the ability to form complex adjectives. Game "Make a word". Giraffe Long neck So what is a giraffe? - long neck. The hippopotamus has thick legs ... - thick-legged. At the monkey a long tail... - long-tailed. A camel has two humps ... - two-humped. The elephant has big ears ... - big-eared. The crocodile has sharp teeth ... - sharp-toothed.

Coordination of nouns with numerals. Game: "Count 1-2-5" 1 striped zebra - 2 striped zebras - 5 striped zebras 1 big elephant- 2 large elephants - 5 large elephants 1 ferocious lion - 2 ferocious lions - 5 ferocious lions 1 small tiger cub - 2 small tiger cubs - 5 small tiger cubs

The formation of nouns in the plural of the nominative and genitive. Games: "One - many", "One - many who?" rhinoceros rhinos giraffe giraffes rhinos giraffes

Actions with small animal toys for the development of orientation in space and the use of prepositions in speech. The child performs actions with toys according to the instructions of an adult: Place the elephant to the right of the lioness. Put the lion on the left (in front of, behind, around, between) ... Put the baby elephant so that he looks out from behind the elephant (from under the palm tree). - Where is the elephant...? Where did you put the elephant...? etc.

Agreement of words in a sentence. Development of language analysis and auditory attention. Game: Make an offer. Wear, durable, turtle shell. Striped, galloping, zebras. Trunk, collects, elephant, food. On, tree, monkey, sitting. Po, camel, desert, goes. Kangaroo, at, sits, bag, in, mothers. After each sentence, the child answers the questions: - How many words are in this sentence? - What is the first word... last thing?

3. Development of coherent speech. Compilation of sentences with the name of animals of hot countries. Development of the ability to use complex sentences in speech. Game: Compare. What is common and how one animal differs from another Lion and tiger Rhinoceros and hippopotamus

Development of the ability to use complex sentences in speech. as well as logical thinking and auditory attention. Game: "The fourth extra" seal lion giraffe elephant

The development of coherent speech based on the compilation of a story based on a diagram. Choose one picture with an animal and make up a story according to the scheme. - Who is this? - What colour is he? What body parts does he have? - What does only he have and no one else has? - What he eats? Is he carnivorous or herbivorous? - What is the baby's name? What is the animal doing in the picture?
