Where to go to Sri Lanka in July. What does the mysterious Sri Lanka have in store for tourists in July? A fun and educational holiday

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Reviews about holidays in Sri Lanka in July from the site. As in other countries of the world, you can relax in Sri Lanka in any month of the year, the main thing is to plan your tour. If you have not been here before, be sure to familiarize yourself with the climate of Sri Lanka in July 2020 and read reviews from tourists about their holidays this month.

Holidays in Sri Lanka in July 2020 with prices for tours

Prices for holidays in 3* hotels in July start from rubles. July in Sri Lanka is a two-faced month. In the south it will greet you with rain, and in the north with dry weather. So keep this in mind when traveling.

In the northern part of the island, as in the eastern part, it is stuffy and hot, so do not forget to use protective cream and cover your head and shoulders so as not to get sunburn and kicks while walking through local scenic spots and sightseeing. During the day the temperature reaches + 33 degrees. However, do not be alarmed; Sri Lanka in July is rich in humidity in the air. So you will be able to relax quite comfortably.

Thanks to the rainy season, prices in July are significantly reduced. And trips cost 25–30% less than usual. Prices of 30–35 thousand rubles are quite acceptable. Therefore, many people change their minds about the tropical summer and simply select their location more carefully.

A holiday in Sri Lanka in July will give you, as in any other month, a cocktail of positive emotions. You will enjoy the beautiful flora and fauna of the island, ancient relics and ruins, local festivals, water sports, white sand and, of course, Ceylon scented tea.

Many of us are looking forward to mid-summer, because this is the traditional time for vacations. It's sad that it often doesn't last long. Therefore, you need to spend it as intensely as possible! Sri Lanka will help with this. I went there last 2017. I have never had so many emotions!

July Sri Lanka - contrasting, a little damp

No matter what attracted you to Sri Lanka, cheap accommodation, or you are a seeker of exotic adventures, visiting it in the summer is a bold decision. The so-called “rainy season” is a thing typical for the tropics in summer. However, this is not some kind of Vietnam, where it generally rains constantly. By the way, the east of the country will be drier, it is better to choose a resort there. As far as I remember, the thermometer reached 27 degrees. It felt even hotter. However, a real traveler is not afraid of this. The main thing is to always take a bottle of water. It will definitely come in handy!

Necessary things in Sri Lanka in the middle of the summer season

Prepare thoroughly for your trip. Folk wisdom says: be ready as a bayonet! An unusual climate will not spoil your mood at all if you take:

  • umbrella;
  • sunscreen/after-sun cream (I didn’t take it myself, I was badly burned);
  • raincoat.

As for clothes: take the loosest ones, otherwise the sweat will flow like a river (although it will happen). Shoes - slates.

Summer Sri Lanka - where to go

The island is very rich in entertainment for vacationers. Here, please, beaches, mountains, tea plantations, city holidays. It’s bad that my finances were limited. Managed to see:

  • Nuwara Eliya Plantations (fantastic place);
  • Golden Temple of Dambulla;
  • Sigiriya (high plateau);
  • St. Clair Falls;
  • Pinnawela Zoo (I am also an animal lover).

Also visit the market. Its counters will be filled with an innumerable amount of “extraterrestrial” fruits. Charge yourself with vitamins!

Have a nice holiday!

Description of the weather in Sri Lanka in July 2020, information about the air temperature in Sri Lanka in July from “Subtleties of Tourism”.

  • Last minute tours to Sri Lanka
  • Tours for May Worldwide

In the middle of summer in Sri Lanka the weather is not very comfortable for relaxation. Rain continues in the southwest. True, there are significantly fewer of them compared to May and June. Precipitation is accompanied by thunderstorms and squally warm winds. Temperatures in this part of the island, in Galle and Colombo, reach +30 °C during the day and +26 °C at night. The heat is somewhat easier to bear than in previous months, thanks to a decrease in humidity to 80%; on particularly rainy days it can rise again to 90%. The water in the ocean is warm, around +28 °C, but the waves make it dangerous to swim.

If you go to Sri Lanka in July, then to the northeast of the country. Here in the whole month there are no more than 7 cloudy days, the sky is clear and cloudless. One of the hottest resorts is Trincomalee, where daytime temperatures rise to +33 °C. Up to more high values she only gets to Anuradhapura - + 34 °C. The humidity is relatively low, breathing is easy. The ocean in the area of ​​the northeastern provinces is warm and gentle. On the coast there is good places for diving (coral island Pigeon, Nilaveli, Uppuveli), surfing (

In July, the amount of rainfall in different regions of Sri Lanka is very different, but still most of The island is suitable for relaxation. True, in some parts of Sri Lanka during this period it is quite hot weather, and this must be taken into account.
In this article we will talk about the weather in Sri Lanka in July and give advice on which places on the island are best for relaxation. However, we still advise you to get more information about the resort you are going to and the weather there. This will minimize the risk of arriving at a place that is not suitable for you.

Weather in Sri Lanka in July

If you compare maps of temperatures and precipitation in Sri Lanka in June and July, you can see that the weather on the island has changed. While in May and June the driest region of the island was the northeast, in July the driest regions of Sri Lanka are the northwest and southeast.
The hottest coastal region in Sri Lanka is the Tricomalee region, where the average maximum temperature is 33.4°C. Much of the northeast and east coast (south of Batticaloa) has an average daily temperature of 33.0°C. west coast, especially south of Colombo, there are lower daytime temperatures, which are 2-3 degrees lower than in the northeast and east.
The lowest daytime temperatures in July are found in the mountains south of Kandy, where the daytime mercury hovers around 15.6°C.
As you noticed, there is no big difference in air temperature in the coastal regions of Sri Lanka in July, but a big difference in the amount of precipitation is visible to the naked eye. The driest region in Sri Lanka in July is the north-west, with an average of 11 mm of rainfall over the entire month. However, just 200 km to the south, on the southwestern coast of Sri Lanka, an average of 106 mm of precipitation falls for the entire month of July. This is the rainiest coast, but far from the rainiest area of ​​the island. Maximum amount rainfall occurs in the highlands southwest of Kandy, where the average July rainfall is 552 mm. Moreover, July is considered a relatively dry month here.

Where is the best place to go on holiday in Sri Lanka in July?

During this period, a temperate climate prevails on the northern coast of the island. Temperatures rarely rise above 30°C and rain is rare. Therefore, July is ideal for exploring the fantastic beaches, tropical forests and attractions of the northern coast of Sri Lanka.
On the east coast, July is considered one of the hottest months of the year, especially in Tricomalee, where the thermometer often rises to 39 ° C. At this time, the ocean is very calm and there is almost no rain. If you don't mind very hot weather, you can enjoy a relaxing beach holiday on one of snow-white beaches region around Trincomalee and Nilaveli. But for active rest in this area it is better to choose another month.
The southern coast of Sri Lanka is one of the best areas of the island for those who cannot handle the heat. Although it is also very warm here, the heat is not as intense as in the north and east. Daytime temperatures here range between 29 and 32° C. In addition, the sun does not shine here as often as in the east of Sri Lanka, and the average number of hours of sunshine at this time does not exceed 6. However, it is worth remembering that it rains south coast Sri Lanka in July goes much more often than in the eastern and northern regions islands. Also remember that the ocean on the south coast can be rough at this time of year. So, if you are looking for beaches in Sri Lanka without waves, it is still better to pay attention to other areas of the island.
The weather on the west coast of Sri Lanka in July is ideal for beach holiday and water sports. Although the rainy season is still ongoing here, tropical downpours are rare and usually do not last long. The temperature here is pleasant, and the thermometer rarely rises above 33 degrees. The climate here is ideal for beach holidays and active entertainment, but you must remember that the ocean here is not always calm, and you can’t swim in it every day.
The interior of the island, near the southwest coast, is the coldest region, with daytime temperatures averaging 17.3°C in July. It also has an average of 17-18 rainy days that month. So, even if in this moment While the sky is clear, this does not mean that it will not rain in 10-20 minutes. So you should always be prepared for the possibility of heavy rain.
For those tourists who want to go on a tour of the Cultural Triangle, July is an ideal month, since it is fashionable to enjoy the beauty of the royal cities of Sri Lanka with daytime temperatures around 29-30 ° C. Moreover, at this time of year the rainfall in the region is very low. But in the tropics you always need to be prepared for unexpected rain.

The best beaches in Sri Lanka in July

In general, almost all beaches in Sri Lanka are more or less suitable for swimming in July. But if we are talking about beaches on the southern and southwestern coasts, then we cannot forget about high waves. Although these waves are present here most of the time, you can still expect the ocean to be quite calm on some days. Typically, there are 10-12 days of calm water on the south and southwest coasts during July.
If you are interested in swimming in the calm waters of the ocean, then I think best place in July in Sri Lanka the area of ​​the town of Tricomalee will be for you. True, it is quite hot here, and this fact should not be ignored.
Fans of water sports and snorkeling in July in Sri Lanka are unlikely to find a better place than the vicinity of Kalpitiya. Firstly, the ocean water here is very calm, and secondly, the weather in this area is beautiful with very little rainfall. Do not forget that in the Kalpitiya area there is a large coral reef and several kitesurfing schools.

What to see in Sri Lanka in July

Kandy Perahera is the most spectacular festival in Sri Lanka, which begins in July. True, most of the celebrations take place in August. These are 11-day celebrations held in the old royal city of Kandy and have a 1,600-year-old tradition. In the evening there are giant parades with decorated elephants, musicians, dancers and torchbearers that make their way through the city to the temple. Various events are held throughout Kandy and the city looks like a huge fair during the festival. Kandy Perahera is a festival not to be missed if you are visiting Sri Lanka in late July or early August.
Regarding visiting national parks in Sri Lanka, then in July they add up for this ideal conditions, as most national parks receive little rainfall. However, it is worth remembering that the national park areas in the eastern part experience high daytime temperatures, which makes it difficult to observe wild animals during the day. Animal viewing in these parks is recommended during the early morning hours.
In my opinion, the most interesting national parks in Sri Lanka in July are Yala, Wilpathu and Sinharaya.

Sri Lanka in July: reviews from tourists

Alexey, Moscow
Despite the fact that the travel agency scared us about the rains and offered to go to another country, we still decided to go to Sri Lanka in July. We didn’t regret it one bit. The weather is quite normal. It only rained a couple of times. Very light rain in the evenings. True, we were a bit bothered by mosquitoes that did not respond to our protective equipment.

Anna, Moscow
We vacationed in the Bentota area in July. The weather was normal, but the waves on the ocean were frustrating. Only 3 days out of 14 there was a calm ocean. True, we didn’t stay at the hotel all the time, but went on excursions, went to shops and markets in Colombo, and went to Galle on our own. If it weren’t for these excursions, we would have considered the vacation a failure. In my opinion, you shouldn’t go to Sri Lanka just for a beach holiday, since in order to hang out in a hotel, it’s better to choose some other country with large hotels with animation and nice beach with sun loungers. In Sri Lanka, all-inclusive hotels are not the same as in Turkey or the Dominican Republic.
