Holidays in January. Beach holidays in January at the sea Inexpensive beach holidays in January

In frosty and gloomy weather, you really want to get to where summer is in full swing. Get rid of the piles warm clothes, soak up the gentle sun, swim and scuba dive in winter - isn’t this what each of us dreams of? And making such a desire come true is not so difficult. Find out where the sea is hot in January and hit the road!


In winter, Egypt is not too hot, but relative to Moscow, it is the closest country, in a good hotel with pretty good service. The Red Sea is famous for its rich underwater world, so in January you can go diving at Egyptian resorts. But at the same time beach holiday and excursions to the majestic pyramids have not been cancelled.


You can relax at sea in January in Israel or Jordan. The temperature of the Red Sea at this time reaches a maximum of 20 C. If this is not enough for you, then go to the Dead Sea. In the middle of winter it can warm up to a maximum of 23 C o.


Despite the fact that January in the Emirates is considered the coldest month, daytime temperature reaches 25 C o. This country has all the conditions for active recreation: fishing, surfing, safaris, water parks, etc.


From November to February in Thai resorts it is 28-32 C o. Local residents, of course, consider this season to be very cold and not entirely suitable for relaxation, but many Russian residents perceive this weather as quite favorable for a beach holiday.

India and Sri Lanka

Where is it hot at sea in January? India, in particular the state of Goa, promises tourists warm and sunny weather in winter. The water temperature here at this time is very comfortable for swimming - up to 25 C o. This region is most often chosen by middle-class tourists who love the exotic. Resorts in Goa offer elephant rides and visits to ancient monuments. The beaches in the region are quite clean, and many hotels offer quite decent service. For avid party-goers, we recommend heading to the northern part of the state. Most of the hotels here are economical, and parties are held from dusk to dawn.

While blizzards and frosts are raging in Russia, Sri Lanka is quite hot in January. The south and west of the country lie in the equatorial climatic zone, this situation provides the region with year-round high temperatures. The east and north are characterized by a subequatorial climate; there is less rainfall here, but the winters are cooler. The island's climate is also greatly influenced by the monsoons. But in general, a holiday on the island of Ceylon in January will be very comfortable. For example, in Trincomalee during the day the air warms up to 27 C o, and at night drops to 24 C o. Therefore, tourists will not need warm clothes.


An honorable place in the list of “Hot countries in January” can be safely given to the charming Maldives. The high temperatures on the islands are explained by the country's proximity to the equator. In the midst winter season A vacation here can only be ruined by a few rainy days. At noon, the thermometer can reach 30-32 C o. Such climatic conditions, coupled with almost complete calm, will provide tourists with an excellent holiday. In the evening the air can cool down to +25 C o. And the water warms up to +28C, so even small children can swim in the sea for hours.


If you are looking for a resort where the sea is hot in January, we recommend visiting Mauritius. Unlike countries that are at our latitude, on this picturesque island January is the middle of summer. The weather during this period is simply ideal for relaxing on the beaches. During the day you can sunbathe and swim to your heart's content, and in the evening you can stroll around the island or go to one of the local restaurants or bars. Note that in January in Mauritius it falls a large number of precipitation, but this is not an obstacle for tourists, the showers pass very quickly and evaporate instantly.

It should also be taken into account that on the ocean coast the temperature is approximately 5 C higher than in the central mountainous region. However, it is in the center that most of the tourist attractions are concentrated.

The weather on the island of Mauritius, of course, differs depending on the time of day. During the day you can experience heat up to 35 C, and in the evening the air can cool to 22 C o. The water warms up to 27 degrees, and the air humidity is winter time is 81%. Mauritius is located in tropical zone, therefore there are no sharp temperature changes on the island.


Another place where the sea is hot in January is the Bahamas. The cleanest beaches, endless picturesque evergreen vegetation, the highest level of service - all this character traits resorts Bahamas that distinguish them from others popular places of our planet. Holidays here are wonderful at any time of the year. In January, the air temperature is set at 23-24 degrees. During this period, the weather on the islands is mild and calm; there is practically no precipitation in winter. Such favorable conditions attract hundreds of tourists to the Bahamas. But in summer the sea can be very stormy.


If you want to hide from the cold, then go under the sultry sun of Cuba. Liberty Island has a tropical trade wind climate. Between October and April, the archipelago experiences clear and dry weather. Most tourists prefer to visit Cuba during this period. Beach holidays at the country's resorts promise to be entertaining. The coast of the archipelago is dotted with luxurious snow-white beaches. Fans of outdoor activities can go scuba diving and see the coral reefs.


Brazil is a place where you can safely go to the sea in January. The second month of winter in the country of jungle, football and carnival is the real height of summer. At this time, the highest temperatures are observed here - the air, as a rule, warms up to 27-30 C o, water - to 28-30 C o. This month also sees high humidity, as it rains quite often in January.

In addition, tourists have another reason to visit Brazil in the middle of winter - on January 20 in Rio de Janeiro and January 25 in Sao Paulo the founding days of these cities are held. The celebration is accompanied by theatrical shows, folk festivals and large-scale night fireworks. And if you wait until the beginning of February, you can get to the grand carnival in Rio de Janeiro.

South Africa

Closing our list of “The hottest countries in January,” let’s remember the Republic of South Africa. It definitely won’t be cold here at this time; rather, on the contrary. On the coast in winter, the air temperature is 25-27 C, and the water temperature is 20-22 degrees. In addition, tourists can choose both the Indian and Atlantic Oceans for their holidays.

Whichever country you choose for your winter holiday, you will definitely be satisfied. After all, to come from the cold and blizzards to warm sea- it's just unearthly pleasure. Our citizens still have a stereotype from Soviet times that vacations should be planned only in the summer. But if you decide to go to an exotic resort in the middle of the harsh Russian winter, then you will receive a lot of undeniable advantages: the absence of a huge flow of tourists, low prices for hotel apartments and other services, as well as a charge of positive emotions, which will definitely be enough until the onset of warm days in our latitudes

January holidays can be extended by a month due to the 2-week vacation added to them. Many travel companies take advantage of this holiday of life, since the frantic people are buying up tours like hot cakes, therefore, their cost instantly increases. Yes, it’s expensive, but just imagine - you can forget about your work for a whole month and admire the surf while lying in a hammock. Or walk along the calm European streets. Or in cities and villages, it doesn’t matter where exactly, the main thing is that dreams can come true.

A little January trick for champagne lovers is to play vacation time roulette. Last minute tours have always been and will be, although where to go on vacation at sea in January in this case is a big question.

The majority of our compatriots want to get out of the slush of the domestic winter, rain and snow and piercing wind into the hot sun. After all, we still have so long to wait for spring, and we can’t even believe that it will come someday. So where to go on vacation at sea in January, which countries will delight us with their warm days?

Best vacation spots

  • Egypt.
  • Israel.
  • Thailand.
  • Jordan.
  • India (Goa).
  • China (Hainan Island).
  • Sri Lanka.
  • Myanmar.
  • Dominican Republic
  • Cuba.
  • Mexico.
  • Costa Rica.
  • Brazil.
  • Vietnam.
  • Mauritius.

Sea in January in Egypt

It is not very hot in Egypt in January, although it is the most large country, in which the Russian on the sea coast in a decent hotel. The Red Sea in January is replete with the richest underwater world, therefore, January is more conducive to diving than lying on the beach. Interesting excursions to ancient Egyptian cities or to the pyramids can brighten up the monotonous holiday of tourists.


This is a stunning place, an oasis in the desert, ideal for those who want to take a break from the snowy cold winter and gray everyday life. January is the coolest month here. Moreover, the daytime air temperature is 25 °C, which allows you to calmly bask in the sun. Plus, it makes for a more enjoyable time.

If you don’t know where to go on vacation at sea in January, you can safely buy a ticket here, since you won’t be bored in this country. There are plenty of things to do: from romantic boat trips around the bay to a visit to Al Ain, an oasis city in the desert. There are excellent conditions for lovers of active recreation: fishing, jeep safaris, surfing. And for those especially suffering - skiing. The country is suitable for holidays with children. Just look at the water parks, skating rinks and amusement parks located in local shopping centers!

Dead Sea in January: Israel

Here at this time the weather is not kind. Therefore, in January you can combine an excursion program with a holiday on the Red Sea, a pilgrimage, as well as undergoing various medical procedures at the Dead Sea. Millions of tourists visit Jerusalem every year - a place where the shrines of 3 world religions are united. Anyone who wants to find themselves in a real fairy tale of the East will be interested in Jordan. Actually, like everyone who wants to touch ancient monuments and structures, look at the majestic Petra, as well as the ancient Roman city of Jerash, excavated by archaeologists 70 years ago. Both Jordan and Israel have access to the warm Red Sea. And this allows you to plunge into its waters even in January, falling in love with its amazing undersea world.


It will take a little longer to fly to India than to the UAE or Egypt, but the sea weather here in January is guaranteed to be good, as is the water temperature. First of all, Goa should be recommended to those who crave tropical exoticism with exciting elephant rides, connoisseurs of mixed cultures and ancient monuments. Who goes to India? Most of them are middle class people, including families with children, who prefer to holiday in south Goa.

Here clean beaches. Many four star hotels are located right on seashore and can boast of good service. And five-star hotels often belong to various international chains. Party lovers can go to north goa- the hotels there are cheaper, and the fun never subsides for a minute; you can often meet local residents trying to sell something to vacationers. There is also a separate contingent of tourists - these are “seekers of truths”. They simply buy a plane ticket and usually travel around the country on their own.


In January, the country is covered with rain, due to which long walks are not a real pleasure. In addition, the Mediterranean Sea is quite cool here in January; strong winds. At this time, all the country's beaches are officially closed, but vacationers can enjoy swimming in hotel pools and walking along the coast, admiring the amazing power of the waves. It is worth saying that January is one of the rainiest months here. There have been real heavy downpours for almost half a month. But from time to time the sun still pleases tourists and local residents.


If you still haven’t decided where to go on a seaside holiday in January, then it’s worth talking about Thailand. Here at this time of year you will be provided budget holiday with the amazing hospitality of local residents, wide excursion opportunities and excellent service. Tourists have a wide choice of hotels to suit every taste. And the weather in January is ideal for visiting the kingdom of Siam. In order for your vacation to truly be a success, and for your memories and impressions to delight you throughout the year, you need to choose a resort especially carefully.

Pattaya is an endless party that is suitable for fans of eternal drive, in addition, for everyone who does not speak English very well. Because the locals learned Russian a long time ago. And restaurants present menus to guests different languages, including in Russian. The list of entertainment here is extensive: zoos, water parks, show programs with elephants and tigers, various cuisines of the world, and night life does not stop talking in the morning.

One of the most best resorts countries - Phuket island. Therefore, the cost of tours here is higher than to other resorts. And this is justified by sufficiently high-quality characteristics for lovers of a comfortable stay. Krabi is considered the most beautiful and exotic island of the country, inviting tourists to relax on its snow-white beaches and admire coral reefs and plunge into the clearest sea.


Holidays in China at this time of year can be very varied: from relaxation on the sea coast to boat rides ski resorts. Hainan Island is a wonderful place of beauty with special climatic conditions And unique nature. Here you can sunbathe and swim all year round(in this place the sea temperature in January is 20 ˚С). At the resort you can visit the Monkey Island nature reserve, the Edge of Sea and Sky cape, and the Butterfly Gorge.


January is a great time to travel around this country. During this period, there is an opportunity to calmly explore numerous attractions at a comfortable temperature, as well as relax on luxurious beach resorts countries. Interesting architectural monuments, rich historical heritage and culture will give you an unforgettable experience.

Dominican Republic

Traveling here during this time will be simply incredible! Tours to the Dominican Republic will open you up to the tropics, ocean coast, year-round hot sun, mountain rivers and warm sea in January. It is no coincidence that a holiday in this small country is called a trip to a sea paradise.

The Dominican Republic will not only strengthen mental condition and health in general, but will also provide an opportunity to engage in various active sports. Experienced instructors and special equipment rental will help you master snorkeling, diving, surfing on the ocean waves. And the low prices for tours here will allow you to spend a vacation with the whole family. You will always remember your holiday in the Dominican Republic for its good weather, exotic nature, colorful entertainment, and in addition, national cuisine, which combines the best traditions Oceania and Latin America.

Canary Islands

In January, the carnival season begins in the Canary Islands, which will be of interest to all age categories: children's parties, musical performances, fancy dress and beauty competitions, and various parades. Therefore, you can safely go to any of the islands of the archipelago with your family. You can also visit several islands for an unforgettable vacation.


A holiday at sea in Mexico in January is one of the best options for Russians tired of slush. Its stunning beaches are considered some of the best on the planet. Here the ocean near the shore is a delicate color, as if a little cream was added to the turquoise. Then the turquoise becomes richer and brighter and as a result turns into a very bright blue. Most hotel rooms have a glass wall facing the sea, and these stunning colors flood the space 24/7. The water is somehow very soft, like silk. And on the beach the sand is cool and dazzlingly white. Rather, it is not the sand that we are used to, but crushed shell rock. They are considered one of the most comfortable on the planet. Here the level of service is able to satisfy the requirements of the most demanding guests. Many hotels are located on a thin strip of land between the lagoon and the ocean, so you can swim all day, following the sun.


This is truly expensive, fashionable and prestigious resort with tropical beautiful nature, which is complemented by a very high level of service. This type of holiday is suitable for discerning, wealthy and demanding tourists. The bulk of them are travelers from France and Great Britain. Mostly experienced tourists come here from Russia to the sea in January. In this place, hotels are represented mainly by five-star chains in France; there are also categories of 4* and 3* establishments. But they also offer excellent recreational opportunities, stunningly beautiful territories and snow-white beaches, the numbers will only be simpler, and the list of services will be smaller. Here on the highest level culinary creations are created - you will definitely try unique dishes from the chef.


This country is perfect for both sea ​​holiday, and to view a huge number of architectural monuments. Moreover, tropical forests coexist with majestic mountains, as well as roaring waterfalls. Tourists who prefer the direction of "ecotourism" will certainly turn their attention to Costa Rica, since there are no monuments of art, factories and factories here. At the same time, the soul is filled with impressions of the amazing beauty of the landscapes. Stunning beaches and jungles, located far from civilization, will give you real unity with nature.


If you want to have an inexpensive holiday at sea in January, then you should turn your attention to Vietnam. It will give you modern service and oriental exoticism. Vietnam is called the Hawaii of Asia for its excellent sandy beaches, bordered by breathtakingly beautiful waterfalls, lagoons and coastlines. Grooming national reserves, as well as the beauty of untamed nature along with the monuments of ancient civilization will make your vacation look like an incredible adventure.

Finally, it is worth saying that Egypt, Turkey and Thailand are the most popular destinations for European tourism at this time of year. Their undeniable feature is the low cost of vouchers in combination with clear sea and superb scenery. Tours to such resorts are suitable for amateurs bright sun and the warm sea.


Where to go to the sea in January 2020: beach holidays in warm countries

The first month of the year, January, is associated for all residents of our country with the new year, winter and cold weather. Do you want this tradition to be interrupted and January to become almost in the summer month? Then let's talk about where to go on a beach holiday in January 2020, where it is warm, sunny and no snow, and inexpensive. There are many countries where beach holidays are in full swing in the middle of winter. They are scattered all over the world, and we will tell you about those where the sea is really warm and vacation will not be expensive.

Cuba or Dominican Republic- you decide.
If in one part of the world it is cold and frosty, then in another it is certainly dry and warm. Yes, we're talking about South America and countries such as Cuba and the Dominican Republic.

Which country should you go to? It all depends on your preferences and finances. Holidays in Cuba will be cheaper, after all, the country is not rich and here every tourist is pampered and cherished. On average, a night's stay in a hotel in Cuba costs from $10. But not everything is so simple, because the flight to Cuba is very long, so you will spend the bulk of the money on a plane ticket.
The flight to the Dominican Republic is also far away, and the ticket price will be about the same. But the vacation itself on the islands is more expensive. Hotels charge from $30 per night.
As you can see, the only differences here are in price, and then everything is approximately the same. For example, the weather is excellent both there and there. During the day the air warms up to +30 degrees and above. The night is warm with average temperature at +22 degrees. The water in the ocean is simply gorgeous for swimming and is +27 degrees. And near the coast, where it’s not so deep, it can even warm up to +32 degrees!
Nature is better in Cuba, since it is larger in area and there are not so many buildings. You will be able to visit the mountains, fields and plantations. And in the Maldives there is National parks and reserves where they live wild animals. Tourists enjoy visiting safari and viewing animals at arm's length.

Hainan Island - China.
If you are afraid of a long flight, then you can find a warm place closer, for example, in neighboring China on the island of Hainan.

The temperature here is constant all year round and practically does not change. Therefore, Hainan has an unofficial name - eastern Hawaii.
In January you will find sunny weather with temperatures up to +34 degrees. There are no winds, the air is dry, but not scalding. Hainan is located in such climatic zone that it’s comfortable for everyone to be here: children, adults, and the elderly.
The water in the ocean is very pleasant and is about +28 degrees. In January, waters from the coasts of Thailand and other countries of Southeast Asia reach here. Therefore, in winter the waters here are especially warm.

Cambodia is their winter, like our summer.
There is an opinion that January in Cambodia is the most cold month. Yes it is. But if you consider that in January the average here is +28 degrees, then what is the temperature in the hottest month?

Tourists fly to the country in January to enjoy a beach holiday. After all, +28 during the day and water +27 degrees are excellent conditions for relaxing on the beach. No rain, no wind, no stifling heat. Nothing will interfere with your holiday on the seashore. But if you listen to the advice of “experienced” tourists and visit Cambodia in spring or summer, then +38 during the day and +30 at night awaits you. Plus the winds frequent rains and high humidity.
So you can and should fly to Cambodia in January. The pleasant mild climate of this country will help you have an unforgettable holiday and enjoy it to the fullest. If you want to save money, you should book your tour in advance, around October or November.

Indonesia is a great choice.
Tired of constant weather changes? Tired of checking the weather every time and seeing how it changes for the worse? Do you want to experience eternal summer in winter? Then your country is Indonesia!

It is not for nothing that Indonesia is called the land of eternal summer. The weather here is sunny and warm all year round. In January you will find excellent weather during the day up to +33 degrees. The nights are also warm and amount to +22 degrees. It rains in Indonesia during the first month of the year. They mainly cover the country's cities at night and are accompanied by thunder and lightning. But by morning there will be no more puddles. Because heat will not allow them to stay on earth for long.
Most famous resort Indonesia - Bali. Up to 90% of all tourists come here. In January, near Bali, the water in the ocean will be +28 degrees. And the sunny hours during the day reach eight hours. So you can safely go to the beach and sunbathe.

Extending the New Year's celebration and plunging into the warm, salty sea in January is the dream of every tourist. Such a vacation will remain in the memory of the whole family for a long time. Getting a tan while relaxing under palm trees is a great idea that all your friends and family will surely support. To ensure that your holiday abroad at sea in January is filled with a variety of interesting events, you need to be well prepared!

This is the first question to think carefully about. You should consider not only the prices of the tours, but also weather, available entertainment in the proposed vacation spot. This approach will help change the winter landscapes in January to warm coast sea ​​and sunny beach!

Inexpensive beach holidays abroad in January 2017

One of the most common misconceptions is the high price of a seaside holiday in January. Many uninitiated tourists believe that during this period it is simply impossible to go somewhere abroad inexpensively and without unnecessary difficulties. However, it is not. An inexpensive vacation at sea in January in 2017 is quite possible for a family with an average income. Here are some recommended directions, namely:

You can have a great time enjoying scuba diving in the Maldives.
  1. Maldives in January they will delight tourists with uncrowded beaches, pleasant sun and warm, clear water. Your holiday at sea will not be ruined bad weather, the sky in the Maldives is always clear in January, there is no precipitation or wind. Water temperature – about +24-25°C, and the air warms up to +27-30°C. In January 2017, there will be no noisy parties and discos on the islands until dawn. Here you can have a good time enjoying scuba diving, a range of wellness treatments and a varied entertainment program organized by the hotel. For romantics, it is suggested to take a boat trip to one of the uninhabited islands or go on an educational excursion.
    In the Philippines it is always warm in January, and you can relax inexpensively.
  2. Philippines in January they will greet tourists with their dazzling white sand and warm weather. The water temperature is about +26-27°C, and the air temperature is +29°C. While vacationing in the Philippines, every tourist can master surfing and enjoy the waves instead of the usual snow. Entertainment, including shows, concerts, excursions and sea activities, there will be no time for boredom. For example, a cruise around the islands will allow you to get acquainted with Spanish architecture. One of the advantages of a holiday in the Philippines is that there is no need for Russians to apply for a visa.
    Indonesia – beach holiday in January on sunny islands.
  3. Indonesia- this is one of the best options,where you can relax at sea abroad in January inexpensively. The Indonesian islands of Java and Bali are incredibly popular. The equator of winter on the islands of Indonesia is accompanied by light rains, but they are always warm. The air in Bali in January warms up to +30°C, and water is not less than +28-29°C. In addition to excursions to islands, nature reserves and ancient temples, tourists can have fun in noisy clubs, discos until the morning, or have a great time at the hotel by attending a foam party. Many tourists are afraid of the long flight from Moscow, but a beach holiday in winter on the sunny islands is worth it.
    Weather on Dominican resorts always dry and warm. Your holiday here will not be ruined!
  4. Dominican Republic Perfect for a holiday in January, especially for those who like to dance. The music and fiery Latin American dances will definitely be remembered for a long time. The weather in the Dominican resorts is always dry and warm, despite the fact that we are talking about winter month. Tourists' holidays at air and water temperatures of +30°C will be accompanied by another unusual event. During this period, travel lovers are entertained by whales that swim to local bays to breed. You should definitely take an interest in the culture and way of life of the country, as well as underwater caves with picturesque stalactites, a complex of waterfalls, and master the art of merengue dancing.

We invite you to watch a video about a seaside holiday abroad in January:

Where can you relax abroad at sea in January inexpensively in 2017? There are plenty of options. To ensure that all your friends and family members enjoy your vacation, you can all consider possible destinations together in advance and choose an inexpensive and optimal resort.

Few people want to while away their vacation in January. Because many people think in advance that this is a lost time in the cold, gray and inhospitable season. However, it is not. January can offer no less vacation options than other months. And the variety of these options will allow you to choose a vacation destination to suit every taste, and there will be enough sunny beaches with a friendly and gentle sea for everyone. Therefore, do not rush to condemn fate if your vacation falls in the second month of winter. You can easily make it colorful and memorable.

So wondering where to relax in January, check out the following list of countries that will brighten up your vacation.

Where can you relax in January?

1. Indonesia

Where to go in January to relax on the beach? Indonesia is a great place! This country is especially famous for its island of Bali. This is an exotic and heavenly place where you will forget about winter and everything connected with it. No fur coats, sheepskin coats, scarves, snowstorms, snowdrifts and the like. T-shirts and shorts are all you need. January in Bali is at the height of the rainy season, but this does not discourage tourists, because the downpours occur mainly at night, which does not interfere with vacation.

Majority January days Bali is sunny and clear. The water on the beaches can warm up to almost 30°C. Swim in the ocean, take a walk in clear weather, rent a helicopter for an air tour around the island. The incredible beauty of all will open before you natural resources Bali from a bird's eye view. The Kintamani volcano, the green carpet of inaccessible jungle and nature reserves will captivate you with their beauty.

Another representative of the exotic fraternity, which will delight those who want to relax on the beach in January. This country is rich in the presence of ancient attractions, and Vietnam is also incredibly beautiful nature, with its wonders and mysteries. The main feature of Vietnam is its division into two climatic parts: northern and southern. It is these criteria that should be taken into account when organizing in January. In the north of the country it is dry and quite cold, but in the south it is warm and you can swim without any problems.

Here you can try your strength against the waves. Surfing is one of the most exciting activities you can experience. For lovers of a more relaxing holiday, excursions to local attractions are suitable.

This country does not have the kind of winter we are used to seeing. Even in the northern part of India, the daytime temperature in January is around 20°C. In the south - above 30°C. Thus, it is better to spend your January holiday in the southern half of the country. Due to the vastness of its territory, the climate in different parts of it at one time of the year differs significantly from each other.

The southern states in January are characterized by a comfortable summer climate. The weather is constant, no showers or temperature changes disturb its pleasant constancy. The West of India attracts surf lovers. January is the best month for beginners in this sport, because... given time the ocean is calmer. In India, everyone can join the philosophical culture of yogis, plunging into unity with truly magnificent nature.

For those who are thinking about where to holiday abroad in January, Cuba will be an excellent option; it’s summer all year round. Here you will forget about persistent snowstorms and annoying frosts. Constant warm climate on the island - the result of proximity warm current Gulf Stream.

The bulk of tourists literally rush from the plane to the coast. This is exactly how the warmth of Cuba affects our compatriots after an inhospitable January in their hometowns.

While on the island, be sure to visit the local attractions. These include the Trinidad City Museum, national park Sierra Maestra, Prado Boulevard, Ernest Hemingway House Museum. Anyone who chooses Cuba as their holiday destination in January will not regret it and will take away a huge baggage of impressions.

5. Brazil

Brazil is rich in wonderful architectural monuments, and its nature needs to be seen with your own eyes. Picturesque mountains coexist next to noisy waterfalls; exotic rainforests. The Brazilian air temperature in January is about 26°C, so go on holiday in New Year holidays to the snow-white beaches of this country is a win-win option in advance.

What is remarkable about hotels in Brazil is their affordable prices for accommodation. You can choose hotel rooms according to your budget: from budget to luxury. This will please people thinking about where to spend an inexpensive holiday in January.

January in the Dominican Republic is the coldest month of the year, but this is only by the standards of local residents. The air temperature reaches about 30°C early in the morning. As you can see, the concept of “cold” is somewhat sarcastic. This month is also full of many pleasant events and public holidays that will fill your time with an incredible palette of colors.

You can sunbathe on the beach, plunge into the caress of the warm Dominican waves, go on an excursion and find many interesting and exciting activities for leisure. Some of the beaches of the Dominican Republic have been awarded the Blue Flag - an award for exemplary environmental condition.In the capital, do not forget to visit the Faro o Colon lighthouse, which houses the remains of Columbus.

The sights, warm climate and friendly residents will leave an indelible impression on your January holiday in the Dominican Republic.

7. Maldives

There is an opinion that once you get to the Maldives, you find yourself in the arms of summer. That’s right, summer doesn’t leave the Maldives all year round, and this is, without a doubt, the best place to spend a seaside holiday in January. Due to their close location to the equator, the islands enjoy a mild climate. The temperature in the Maldives in January is ideal for relaxation and is 30-31°C. Interesting place is the capital Male, which is among the smallest capitals in the world.

The Maldives will delight its tourists with sunny beaches where you can’t help but sunbathe. To bask in the friendly sun in January, what could be more pleasant this month? Do not deny yourself the pleasure of literally plunging headlong into the crystal waters of the Maldives, armed with diving equipment. Explore the underwater world of coastal reefs and get a charge of unforgettable emotions.

The entire range of entertainment in the Maldives is associated with the blue lagoon and coral reefs. Even the housing here is located near the water or directly on it. You can stay in a water bungalow with a glass floor, or in a villa surrounded by coconut bushes.

8. Egypt

The weather in Egypt in January is sunny and generally suitable for a beach holiday. The air temperature during the day is about 25°C. You can swim in the Red Sea and admire the fish constantly scurrying in the water for an insanely long time. To make your holiday in Egypt better, choose a good hotel. It is advisable to choose hotels with beaches in closed bays. Coral beaches warm up faster. And a pleasant bonus will be the presence of heated pools in the hotel.

– a country with thousands of history and many attractions. Every tourist should see the great pyramids, the Sphinx and other evidence of ancient Egyptian civilization. Having been in the desert, you will learn how the aborigines live. Egypt will be remembered for its richness of culture. If you choose it as a country for your holiday, you will not go wrong with the impressions, especially since holidays here are relatively inexpensive.

9. Israel

By devoting your holiday to Israel in mid-January, you definitely won’t miss it. Combine a beach holiday with excursions, learn about medicinal properties Dead Sea and experience an amazing pilgrimage.

Jerusalem is recognized as a place that connects three world religions, and a visit to it will not be without impressions. Be sure to visit the ancient city of the Roman civilization of Jerrash. It is also worth taking a look at the historical building of Petra. Israel will not let you get bored.

United United Arab Emirates can rightfully be called a wonderful oasis located in the middle of the desert. Choosing the UAE as a holiday destination in January will be an excellent solution for people who want to escape from the routine winter routine. Although January is considered the coldest month in this country, the air still warms up to 25°C.

You are sure to find a pastime to your liking here. This could be boat trips in the bay, off-road safaris, diving, surfing, fishing and an insanely large number of active recreation options. The oasis city of Al Ain, located in the desert, is very popular. You really won't see anything like this anywhere. A holiday in the UAE is very suitable for the whole family.

This is a list of popular countries where you will feel the warm and gentle embrace of summer in winter. Of course, this is only a small part of the places you can go in January. Everyone can choose a country for their own vacation; we have only suggested some options for those of you who did not know where to spend a beach holiday in January. And remember that life is too short to live without impressions!
