The best wild beaches of Crete. The best beaches of Crete

Lying between Africa and Europe, Crete is the largest and southernmost island of Greece. In addition, it is also a thick book with Greek myths, opened on the most interesting pages. Caressed by the sea, Crete always lives up to expectations - both those who dream of a quiet relaxing holiday, and those who dream of glamorous hotels.

When to go

The sun floods Crete 300 days a year, most of the rainy and cloudy days fall in the winter. The real spring comes in March, when everything around turns green, and the first vacationers appear on the beaches. True, the swimming season opens only at the end of April or the beginning of May, but these months - best time for sightseeing. The hottest months and the most warm water in July and August. In September, the heat begins to subside, but the warmed sea and southerly winds stretch the holiday season until the end of October.

The best time in Crete for a holiday with children is June, when the sea has already warmed up, but there is no sweltering heat, and September-October, when the sun is no longer so scorching, and the sea is still warm.

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beach holiday

An amazing feeling of freedom will be given by paratrailing - flights with an instructor on a tandem motor wing (off. site in English)

One of the best hiking trails runs through the longest Samaria Gorge in Europe in the mountains of Lefka Ori. For those who master this path, a truly extraordinary sight awaits - relic grottoes, stone chaos and sheer walls up to 600 m high rising overhead. then the oracle of Apollo still walks an echo in which you can hear the prediction of your fate.

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Vacation with children

A popular destination for families with children is Chania with inexpensive apart-hotels and wide shallow beaches and the surroundings of Heraklion with all-inclusive hotels.

Children will love the modern water parks of Crete: "Limnopolis" in Chania (official site in English) or "Water City" in Anopolis with different slides, pools and hot tubs. They have cafes and eateries, including those with a special children's menu.

When buying tickets online - 15% discount.

Among the Greek islands, Crete occupies an honorable first place. It is the largest and most interesting on the list of attractions. There are excellent facilities for families with children, always comfortable and satisfying.

The best beaches

Despite the historical value of the entire island, the beaches are the first thing that attracts tourists here. Cleanliness and service here is really on such high level that not every European resort can compare with them. But even among the best of the best, the first can be distinguished.

  • Elafonisi . This is the southwest of the island. Here, pink sand and impeccably clear sea. The only feature is the shallow sea. If you are with children, then this is a plus, because from its smallness it only warms up faster and even in comparison with other Cretan resorts, Elafonisi is always warmer. Another advantage, although for many this will be just a disadvantage, is that there is no beach infrastructure. You will rest literally in the bosom of nature, without external interference.
  • frangocastello . We once told, and there they mentioned the fortress of Frangokastello. Here we are talking about the sandy beach of the same name. It is very clean and this, not to mention the sea, the water in which is always warm and clear.
  • Matala . The beach is next to a rock that has an interesting layered structure that creates many tiers, and they have caves. You can visit them because beach holiday ideally combined with the study of local natural attractions.

Vacation with children

Above we mentioned the beaches that are suitable for any tourist. What if you are purposefully looking only for vacation options with kids? In this case, the same Elafonisi will suit you, but we recommend that you look at other options.

  • Makialos . Shallow water, safe even for the little ones. The peculiarity of the beach is its seclusion - there is no noise and crowds in the neighborhood, which is ideal for families. The Grecotel Club Marine Palace hotel is very conveniently located nearby. There are others that are similar, but this one offers cribs, high chairs specifically for infants, warm milk, and even a baby monitor. Comfortable. Everything is provided specifically for couples.

Recreation for youth

We offer small young companies to choose the following:

  • Hersonissos . This resort is by and large similar to the rest of Crete, but it is in Hersonissos that many nightclubs are concentrated, which guarantees a bright and rich atmosphere until the morning. The beaches are the same, the only difference is the atmosphere.
  • Malia . A favorite tourist destination for young people – horseback riding, lots of activity, many sights and night life. All inclusive.

For connoisseurs of attractions

If you are going to Crete only for the sights and it doesn’t matter to you when to sleep or that there is a children’s circle nearby, then choose any resort. In terms of exploring local museums, fortresses, monasteries and gorges, all tourist centers are good.

To prepare for the study of the ancient world,. There we share tips on choosing places for excursions and renting a car if you want to drive around the island on your own.

Holidays by region

On Crete 4 administrative centers or noma. The regions are similar to each other with slight differences, but with regard to a beach holiday, it is better to choose something northern, in the south there is a harsh climate and storms often occur.

  • Chania . Not the most developed region in tourism, although it has something to show. In particular, you will be in wild nature away from advanced civilization. That's what Chania is good for - there is nothing better than real Greek authenticity. This is the greenest nome on the island, surrounded by cypresses and plane trees. But there is also enough historical architecture - ancient churches, dilapidated palaces and ruins of fortresses are located near the gorges and bays.
  • Rethymnon . Here are the longest beaches, one of them stretches for 15.5 km. Nearby are villages with a unique atmosphere that has been frozen since ancient times, and an endless sea. Head here for the sights.
  • Heraklion . Of all the resorts, Heraklion is the most visited. Here is the capital of Crete, here is the airport. The most developed tourist infrastructure is also here - water parks, entertainment centers, and the beaches here are the most well-groomed, not wild. By the way, you won’t have to go far for the main architectural monuments - the Palace of Knossos is in this nome.
  • Lasithi . Everything is here: beautiful landscapes, historical beauties, and ideal beaches. There is nothing unlike other regions, except that it is here that Mirabello Bay is located, and the policy of Agois Nikolaos. If they interest you, then you are here.

Now you know where it is better to relax in Crete. As you can see, the choice is simple and, under a number of circumstances, very definite. If you have any questions, write to us in the comments.

April 28, 2015 9:20 am Crete, Heraklion, Chania, Rethymno, Kissamos, Bali + 1 city - Greece August 2014

Crete is the largest of the Greek islands. Its length from west to east is 250 km and from 14 to 37 kilometers from north to south. The huge size of the island allows any traveler to find here exactly the place that will be especially to their liking, because Crete is famous for both popular tourist areas and calm, secluded mountain villages.

On the eve of the holiday season, I suddenly thought that this year, as usual, many will decide to spend their holidays on the Greek island of Crete. And I wanted to make the organization of the trip a little easier for those who plan to actively travel and see the whole island, as we once did, and make a brief announcement of Cretan sights and places that are definitely worth a visit.

  1. The first place in this ranking undoubtedly receives the city of Chania. You can get to Chania by regular buses and car. You can also fly directly to Chania airport.

Chania is mainly famous for the fact that the Venetians had a hand in its construction. And there is a well-preserved embankment, similar to Venice. But past the embankment, the whole city consists of narrow quaint streets with beautiful houses and a lot of bright impressive details. As a place for a beach holiday, the city itself is not suitable, but next to it there are small cozy villages with good beaches. Accommodation in Chania is quite expensive and it will be difficult to find a place to sleep during the season, but it is quite possible.

For example, we went into almost every house and eventually rented a very nice room with all amenities and a stone's throw from the embankment.


Chania. Houses.

2. I rightfully give the second place bay of Balos. According to the Greeks, this is the confluence of three seas. The place is very beautiful. Balos beach is a breathtakingly beautiful and unusual beach in Crete! Former pirate harbor with an old fortress Gramvousa on top of a mountain and with white sand on the beach. It is located in the northwest of Crete, on the very edge of the Gramvousa peninsula. There are two ways to get there. By land by car (the closer to the bay, the worse the road). Or by sea on a boat from the city of Kissamos. The ship also sails to the fortress of Gramvousa. Time is given to climb the fortress. From the fortress open insanely beautiful views. So I'm for the ship. Moreover, it is still dangerous to puncture, for example, the wheels on a rented car.

Personally, I stayed overnight in Kissamom, bought a boat ticket in the evening and sailed from there to Balos in the morning. This trip will take a whole day. The ship returns back around 6 pm. You can get to Kissamos by car or by bus from Rethymnon or Chania.


Bay of Balos.

3. I will give the third place to the fresh mountain lake Kournas. The only way to get to the lake is by car or guided tour. The lake is located among the mountains, it is distinguished by the purest water of a beautiful turquoise color. Ducks roam the shore, turtles are found in the water.

On the beach there are several cafes, free sunbeds and umbrellas. You can also rent a catamaran and swim around the lake in search of turtles that are hiding on the other side of the lake. A great place to spend the whole day enjoying nature.


Fresh lake Kournas.

4. The pink beach of Elafonisi- amazing a natural phenomenon. There are two versions of its origin. First, rational: this color near the beach appeared due to the content a large number impurities in the sand, as well as small fragments of shells, sea shells and corals. The second, historical: in 1824 Elafonisi was attacked by the Turks; as a result of the massacre, more than seven hundred local residents were killed. In memory of the bloody massacre of the Greeks, a memorial was erected at the highest point of the island. A pink color coast of Elafonisi to this day is a reminder of those tragic days. This island is separated from Crete by a small narrow strait, about 100 meters. At any time of the year, the depth in this strait does not exceed 20 centimeters, and therefore it will not be any problem to wade this strait. People come to this island to relax with children for a quiet holiday. Due to the fact that the depth of the sea near Elafonisi is shallow, it is safe to swim even during a storm. Elafonisi Island is located in the southwest of Crete, 42 km from Kastelion and 76 km from the city of Chania. From Heraklion to Elafonisi can be reached by car along the E75 highway, which turns into E65 closer to the west coast. Before the town of Castellion, you need to turn left, deep into the island - and continue moving. Be careful: at the entrance to Elafonisi, a mountain serpentine will begin, with sharp ascents and descents; the road meanders to the southwestern coast of Crete. Since this is a mountainous section of the route, the path will, as a rule, take more than the planned time. For example, the road from Chania to Elafonisi can take up to an hour, but the colorful views of Crete that open up from the steep descents are worth it. During the summer season, a bus runs from Chania to Elefonisi. You can get from other cities with a change in Kissamos, from where regular buses run several times a day. Also, in the period from May to October, you can visit the pink beaches of Elafonisi by purchasing sightseeing tour for 1 day.



5.Matala- a very interesting, original place. And it is not the beach itself that is original, but the rock against which it rests. The rock has a layered structure, thanks to which nature has created, as it were, multi-tiered long balconies. And at different levels, people dug caves - rooms that were used for burial in the Byzantine era. However, in the 1960s, the caves were occupied by hippies from all over the world, American young people hiding from the army. There even lived famous people like Bob Dillan, Joni Mitchell. But one fine day in one of the caves, a man fell to death, and the hippies were kicked out of the caves. Now no one lives there, but the caves can be visited. You can get to Matala on your own by car or bus, or also with a guided tour. On the way there will be beautiful views of the central mountainous part of the island of Crete, small villages where locals, as well as the zero kilometer of Crete - its central point.


Matala. Aegean Sea.

6. The town of Rethymno. The cutest Cretan town. It is located in the west of Crete between Heraklion and Chania. The northern part of the city is an endless beach with hotels and cafes. It is very convenient to live in Rethymnon while traveling around the island. From there you can take buses to any part of Crete, and you can also fully enjoy the sea and walks around the old town.


7. Spinalonga island. Leper Island, which can be reached by boat from the village of Agios Nikolaos.

There are very beautiful views from the island. Be sure to take hats with you, there is absolutely no place on the island to escape from the scorching Greek sun.


8. Volcano island of Santorini. Santorini is served by speed boats from Heraklion city pier. You can buy them both independently and with a tour. Santorini is a wonderful place. But the season has a big drawback - a huge number of people. It is also hotter in Santorini than in Crete. My advice to you - when sailing to the island, take a quad bike and a map, this is all you need to feel a surge of happiness on this island. Drive around the island. Let the warm sea wind blow over you. Go around all the various beaches of the island: with red sand, with black volcanic sand .... Get up early and take a walk along the streets of the island, empty of tourists, among the white houses of its cities. And in the evening, take a seat in a restaurant with a view of the sunset in advance. In the evening it will be very difficult to find a free place not only in a restaurant, but also just on the street. sunset in Santorini is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. And the island itself is one of the most romantic places.

Crete is one of the most favorite places holiday in Greece. There is an opinion that if you have ever visited Crete, then you will be drawn here all your life. Amazing nature, bizarre rocks and warm gentle sea attract tourists from all over the world. Almost every hotel, in every town in the resort area has a beach where tourists actually relax. IN high season finding a free sunbed with an umbrella to hide from the scorching sun on these beaches is a whole problem.

And the presence of a huge number of tourists will not make your vacation enjoyable. But it is not all that bad. Crete also has beaches that few people know about and where you can feel like a real Robinson. They lurk in the remote corners of the island, where there are no crowds of tourists and city noise. Peace and solitude reign here.

If you get to the beaches of Crete in calm windless weather, you will be doubly fascinated by the local beauties and the mirror surface of the sea.

Visiting these uncrowded beaches in view of their remoteness, of course, is more convenient with the help of a rented car. True, some can also be reached using public transport, which in Crete is a large, comfortable, comfortable air-conditioned buses. They are also very easy and comfortable to travel on.
It should be noted that all beaches on Crete municipal, i.e. belong to the state. Closed and fenced off beaches in Greece no in principle. It is also worth knowing that you will have to pay for the use of sunbeds and umbrellas. This pleasure costs differently everywhere and is approximately 3-7 euros per set. Instead, you can buy a beach umbrella and straw mat from any shop and use them on any beach, anywhere. Nobody will drive you away. Before you get acquainted with the beaches of Crete, unfold the map of Crete in front of you, so it will be more convenient to navigate. So let's go.

1. Frangokostelo beach.

This beach is located 13 kilometers east of the town of Chora Sfakia. Named after the fortress of the same name, which was built next to the beach on the shore. It is not difficult to get there by car, there is an asphalt road to the beach, and on the beach itself there is free parking near the fortress. You need to get through the town of Kallikratis. The beach is small and shallow, perfect for kids. The water here is a delicate turquoise color. One minus - in the season there are a lot of people.

2. Sfakia beach.

Sfakia beach on the map is indicated by an arrow.

If you get bored on the Frangokostelo beach or don’t like something, you can get into your car and drive to the town of Chora Sfakia along the road strictly to the west. From it, another 1.5 km along the coast to the right and you will find the stunning beach of Sfakia, or rather, the beach "Vrisi". There is a small paid parking in Chora Sfakia where you can leave your car and go down to the beach. The water here is amazingly crystal clear and has a blue color. The beach is shallow and easy to walk on. Here expanse for lovers of diving with a mask. The water under the rocks is so clear that you can see every pebble at the bottom. If you're lucky, you might meet an octopus. However, there are some peculiarities. In this place, fresh water flows from the mountains cold water and swimming in extreme heat will be very comfortable. More precisely, the water temperature will be 5 degrees lower than on the northern coast of Crete.

3. Elafonisi beach.

One of the most famous and popular beaches of Crete. It will not work to call it secluded, there are just crowds of people here in the summer, but it is very beautiful and it would be simply indecent not to mention it. Thousands of tourists flock here to enjoy the amazing emerald color of the water combined with pink volcanic sand. Unfortunately, too many tourists come to this beach by car. In the high season, there is practically nowhere to park the car. But, if you wish, you can still find a place, but you have to walk for a long time. Parking here is unorganized, the road itself is very dusty. It's always blowing here strong wind so that the grains of sand sharply cut into the body. Very good place for windsurfing.

Here it is, Elafonisi beach.

The depth of the sea here is not great, you can go and go and everything will be waist-deep. People basically do just that: they just walk waist-deep in water or lie in it for hours.

4. Kedrodasos beach.

Kedrodasos beach on the map.

The next uniquely beautiful beach in Crete is Kedrodasos. The place is truly magical. The sand is absolutely white, it gives the impression that you are in the tropics. The water is clear and pale turquoise. Unlike Elafonisi, there are absolutely no tourists on it, apparently because few people know about this place, although this beach is located just 1 kilometer from the crowded Elafonisi. If you stand facing the sea on Elafonisi, then Kedrodasos will be 1 km to the left. Therefore, this place has long been chosen by nudists, they meet here in some places under the bushes.

5. Falasarna beach.

Stunningly beautiful beach with coarse white sand and emerald water. One of the few unique beaches in Crete. Located in the westernmost part of the island, 17 km from the town of Kissamos. More precisely, this West Coast peninsula Gramvuza. Not far from the beach are the ruins of the ancient city of Falasarna, which once belonged to the Romans. This beach is considered one of the best in Crete and one of the top 10 beaches in Europe. Umbrellas, sun loungers and several bars are at your disposal. There are also changing rooms. Since the beach is large and wide, the illusion is created that there are not many people here. People come to Falasarna Beach in the evenings to enjoy the stunning sunset. The sun sets right into the sea and nothing will stop you from seeing this process, no rocks and mountains, because there is nothing of this here, only you, the beach and the sea. The main inconvenience of this beach is that waves are constantly present here due to the wind blowing from the west. If you are not by car, then you can get to Falasarna by bus from Chania. The name Falasarna comes from the name of a nymph named Falasarna. If you walk along the coast from the beach to the right, you can walk among the ruins of the ancient city, which was destroyed during an earthquake in 365 AD. There are also remains of houses, acropolises and tombs.

Falasarna beach. This beach has been awarded a blue flag.

6. Pl yazh Triopetra (Triopetra).

Located in the town of Agios Pavlos, which is in the southern part of the island of Crete. The beach is located in a picturesque place, surrounded on all sides by sand dunes. The place is quite romantic and secluded, so it has long been chosen by nudists and snorkellers. There are practically no people here. The coast in this place is riddled with beautiful underwater grottoes, while the water is the purest and very clear. On the beach of Triopetra there is a tavern where you can have a bite to eat or drink Greek coffee or some water. Also on the beach there are several umbrellas under which you can hide from the scorching sun..

This is the beauty you can see underwater if you dive with a mask.

Since the coast is quite rocky, with bizarre crevices, it is quite possible to retire here and have a great time away from civilization and crowds of tourists. It is definitely better to get there by car (see photo). car rental in Greece ). First, from Rethymno to the village of Spili and then through the villages of Akoumia to the southeast, just to the southern coast, where the tourist town of Triopetra is located with stunning wild sandy beaches.

7. Plakias beach).

The next one of the most beautiful and secluded beaches of Crete is Plakias beach. The beach has been awarded the Blue Flag. Located 3 kilometers from the village of Plakias in the south of the island. This beach is also considered a haven for nudists. But there are not many of them here, they hide under bushes and in coastal crevices. However, nowadays, in the high season, it is easy to get here on an asphalt road, and therefore a lot of people come to the beach and nudists feel uncomfortable here. The beach is sandy, with very clean and transparent water, wide enough, its length is about 1 kilometer. The black volcanic sand attracts the sun's rays and it's hot to walk on the sand without shoes. More precisely, it is impossible, because feet cannot withstand this temperature. There are umbrellas and changing rooms on the beach, and snorkellers will also find a lot of interesting things here.

8. Tripiti beach).

A small secluded beach in Crete with dark green water and small pebbles. Located in the south of Crete, 12 km east of the village of Lentas. There are almost never waves here, because. the beach is protected from the wind by the coastal zone. The road to the beach leads through a magnificent gorge, through which a narrow dirt road, one car wide, stretches. So if anything, then it will not work. Around Tripiti beach there is a beautiful wild mountain landscape. Civilization in this place is almost completely absent. In the high season, in the vicinity of Tripiti Beach, you can rent a small camper for an overnight stay for a nominal fee.

9.Kommos beach.

It is located 2 kilometers south of the village of Kalamaki in the south of the island near the Tympaki alternate airfield. The beach is small-pebbled, but this pebble does not interfere with entering the water. Once there was an ancient port of Phaistos, and now only ruins remain, which can be viewed in between sunbathing and swimming. Excavations are currently underway here and you will not be able to get to them. In general, according to legend, this is exactly the place where Odysseus did not get along with the Cyclops. Remember from the movie when he gouged out his eye? In this place, the same stone sticks out of the sea, on which, according to legend, the ship of Odysseus ran into. On Kommos beach, the wind often blows, so the sea is rarely calm. The beach is located in the reserve, so there are no hotels or inns. Due to its remoteness and seclusion, this beach once also belonged only to nudists, but today you can also meet ordinary tourists here. The beach has umbrellas, sunbeds, changing rooms and toilets with showers. On the mountain, above the beach, there is a small tavern where you can have a bite to eat. The water on this beach is surprisingly clear and snorkeling here will be very interesting.

10. Voulisma and Istrou beaches.

Beach Voulisma awarded the Blue Flag. These beaches are located 12 km southeast of the town of Agios Nikolos in eastern Crete. The beaches are hidden in the small quiet village of Kalo Chorio. There are three beaches and they are all hidden in small coves protected from the winds. Therefore, as a rule, there are almost never waves here. A very comfortable place to stay with children. Above the beach is a grove of olive trees. If you stand facing the sea, then to your right on the mountain you will see several private villas with swimming pools. These beaches are located near the main national road, so you can also get here by bus. If you go by car, then there are free parking lots where you can safely leave your car. The beach next to the village of Kalo Horio is called Karavostasi. This is the largest and most comfortable beach with small pebbles and coarse sand. There are umbrellas, sun loungers and everything you need for a normal holiday. If you go around the coast on the right, you can get to the second beach, which is called St. Panteleimon. The beach got its name in honor of the church, which was built right there on the shore. The beach has huge fancy rocks with holes that give this Cretan beach a whimsical and fabulous view. Here, tourists are very fond of taking pictures, which, by the way, are not many here. The next beach in this place is called Voulisma. There is a very rare color of sand here, which seems to be golden.

Despite the considerable remoteness of some exotic beaches in Crete, most of them are well equipped. There are also umbrellas and sun loungers on the Voulisma beach, and this service is also paid. The next beach on this coast is called Istron. Named after the hotel of the same name, which is located here. The water here is blue, and the sand is black due to volcanic rock. During the day, such sand is very hot and you can’t walk along it to the water without slippers. The beach is fabulously beautiful, especially in calm weather, but sunbathing on it is not very pleasant due to the presence of hotel tourists. If this does not bother you, then come, here you can have a great time and swim in plenty, if greater territory the islands are stormy. It makes sense to sunbathe here in the low season.

11. Potamos beach.

Potamos beach on the map.

Potamos beach in the photo.

Potamos Beach has been awarded the Blue Flag. Located 3 km east of the town of Malia and 1 km from the main national road. On Saturdays and Sundays, mostly Greeks with families rest here. But if you come on weekdays, then there will not be so many people. This beach stands out crystal clean water and white sand. It is not protected from waves and wind by a large stone-sand rock. There is coarse white-golden sand and a fairly comfortable and gentle entry. It is very nice to swim here with a mask and snorkel. This beach offers free parking, umbrellas and sunbeds, and several beach bars where you can drink coffee or water. There are also changing rooms. Instead of a shower, along the road you can find taps with a hose where you can simply rinse after swimming. The beach is small and the water here is very clean, the Greeks chose it for a family vacation for a reason.

12. Balos lagoon beach.

This is the natural color of the water on Balos.

Although this is not a wild deserted beach, it is also worth mentioning. It is located at the northern tip of the Gramvuza Peninsula. This is the most photographed beach of Crete, one of its business cards. Balos Beach is mentioned in almost all guidebooks in Crete. Once upon a time, Prince Charles and Princess Diana came here on their yacht. turquoise water, White sand with small interspersed with pink grains of sand, plus wild nature untouched by civilization, make Balos beach such a favorite and visited place for tourists. If you do not like the crowd, then it is better not to come here during the high season, there are a lot of people here. Well, maybe only early in the morning. The sea here is shallow, and therefore warm, the kids are the most expanse.

There are several ways to get to Balos beach. First, it's on a private boat from Kissamos for 30-35 euros. At the same time, enjoy the beauty of the rocky coast, which is a bizarre outline of rocks. The second way to get to Balos is by renting a car. True, the road is not very comfortable, rocky and rainy weather even dangerous. And the third way is on a sightseeing pleasure boat that makes a short cruise to the island of Gramvousa.

13. Vai beach.

Another of the most wonderful beaches in Crete is the legendary Vai beach. But, this beach is quite famous and famous all over the world, so there are a lot of people here. It's just a very beautiful beach and worth mentioning. Located in the eastern part of Crete. Many Greeks believe that this is where the Bounty chocolate commercial was filmed, as the scenery around the beach resembles an African landscape. Caribbean. main feature Vai beach is that on its shore of the beach one of the largest colonies of palm trees grows, exactly the same as in the Canaries. A whole palm grove, there are about 5 thousand of them. Not far from the beach there is a monastery with miraculous Byzantine icons. Vai Beach has long attracted a huge number of tourists, because of which the nature of this unique corner of Crete has suffered somewhat. Recently, the territory of Vai Beach has been considered protected. The beach is equipped with umbrellas, showers and changing rooms. It has dazzling white sand and emerald green water. For tourists by car there is a small parking lot. And if you are without a car, then you can get to the beach by bus from the village of Sitia. Vai beach in Crete is a must visit. True, it's a long way to get there.
Of course, these are not all the beaches of Crete, which are unique and beautiful. You can’t list them all, but if you visit at least a few of those that are described here, then on your next trip you will certainly want to see the rest of the beaches. A great reason to come to Crete more than once. Most of the listed beaches, in view of their remoteness, are convenient to visit, provided that you travel around Crete in a rented car.
If someone else knows similar beautiful and secluded beaches, you can add me.

Have a good rest!

Where is the best place to relax in Crete with children? Here are the family-friendly resorts and beaches, as well as the best hotels in 2019. Tips and reviews of tourists.

When is the best time to visit Crete with children?

The beach season on the island opens in May and lasts until the end of October. The best time for a holiday with children in Crete is June or September. In June, the sea is already warm, the average water temperature is + 23 ° C, and there is no strong heat: during the day + 28 ° C, at night + 20 ° C. In September, the water warms up more strongly to +26...+27°С, during the day it is very warm +30°С, at night +23°С. At the beginning of the season, the water is warmer in the northern part of the island, at the end of the season - in the south.

In July - August, the sun in Crete is so hot that the greenery begins to fade. The air temperature is already above +30...+32°С, and sea ​​water warms up more, but winds begin to blow, which relieve the heat and raise the waves. There are more and more vacationers on the beaches.

Features of holidays with children on the island

When choosing a place in Crete for families with children, it is very important to pay attention to its remoteness from the airport, the type of landscape (flat would be preferable with kids), as well as the presence of a sandy beach closed from waves. There is not much entertainment on the island, so most of the time the children will play on the beach.

Crete is washed by three seas, and its largest resorts are concentrated in northern part islands. South coast It is considered less crowded, calmer and more suitable for family holidays, but it takes longer to get here: from Heraklion Airport 1.5-2 hours drive along mountain roads.

A long coastline with fine sand, a lot of greenery and developed infrastructure - this is all a resort Chania. Villages near the city Kalives And Hagia Apostoli. Agia Apostoli has very good beaches with small closed coves, expensive family-oriented hotels, and quite affordable apartments. From entertainment - a children's park with labyrinths, cafes and boat trips, in addition, it is very convenient to get to Chania from here.

To the east of Heraklion there are other resorts of Crete with good beaches that are ideal for families with children - these are Hersonissos And Agios Nikolaos. Almost all beaches in Hersonissos are pebbly, but there are also sandy ones. Star Beach with a gentle entrance, there is also a water park, an Oceanarium and a Dinosaur Park. Agios Nikolaos is a beautiful small town with sandy and pebbly beaches without large boulders.

South coast the islands, due to their remoteness from the airport, are less popular with family vacationers, but some tourists are happy to recommend Plakias. It has everything you need for a quiet relaxing holiday with children in Crete: equipped beaches with golden sand, affordable housing and cozy taverns.

(Photo © jarekgrafik /

The best Crete hotels for families with children in 2019

As for the service, there are many hotels in Crete that provide quality services. Almost every second 4 * or 5 * hotel offers babysitting services. Some hotels have mini zoos and playgrounds. The menu necessarily includes fresh vegetables, fruits, fish and chicken, as well as a variety of dairy products for children. Most of hotels in Crete, operating on the "all inclusive" system and focused on holidays with children, is located in Hersonissos, Gouves And Agios Nikolaos. We have selected several all inclusive hotels that have high rating and, according to tourists, are the best.

If you prefer to relax on a package tour, we recommend looking for last minute tours on services and - they compare the offers of 120 tour operators and therefore are able to find the perfect option. You can buy a ticket online, which is very convenient. Want to save? Explore ours.

Aldemar Royal Mare Luxury Resort & Thalasso 5*

This elegant all-inclusive spa hotel is suitable for holidays with children in Crete in summer and autumn 2019. Lots of entertainment for both kids and adults. There is a jacuzzi, sauna and thalasso center, sports grounds, animation. For children: swimming pool, club, restaurant, playground, buffet, animation. The hotel rating is high - 9 out of 10. The hotel is located on the first line in the village of Anissaras near Hersonissos. The beach is sand and pebble.

Cactus Royal Spa & Resort 5*

If you prefer a quiet family holiday with children, we recommend this quiet small all-inclusive hotel. For children - a standard set: playgrounds, swimming pool, club, animation. Adults will be interested in spa, massage, hammam, beauty salon, various sports grounds. According to tourists, the food is excellent. Of the shortcomings - there is no beach, only a public sand and pebble 300 meters away. The entrance to the sea is good.

Grecotel Club Marine Palace & Marine Palace Suites 4*

Ideal for holidays with young children in Crete in 2019, a Grecotel hotel in Panormo (25 km from Rethymno). Everything is done here for the comfort of children: a children's menu, a playground, a mini-water park, clubs for teenagers and children under 12, excellent animation. Cribs, strollers, kettles, bottle sterilizers and more are provided free of charge. Many free entertainment for adults: fitness, aerobics, water polo, tennis, spa, water park "Kingdom of Poseidon", etc. The hotel is located on the first line, has its own sandy beach.

(Photo © Theophilos / / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Judging by the reviews of tourists, they liked their vacation in Crete. The only thing they noted is that a lot of European young people rest in Malia in the summer, so the beaches are crowded and noisy, and the waves in Rethymno are too high.

Where is the best place to relax with children in Crete? Universal Council no, everyone chooses the option that suits him based on financial capabilities and expectations from the trip. With small children, it is better to prefer quiet villages, focusing on a good hotel and a beach. With older children, you can choose large resorts, diluting your beach holiday with excursions.

All the sights on the island are remote from each other, so such trips are unlikely to benefit young children, but schoolchildren will be interested in listening to the history of ancient cities or visiting the Maritime Museum. In addition, there are five water parks and a large Aquarium on the island, and special excursion trains run to Rethymno, where children are told about ancient crafts.

(Photo © jarmoluk /
