Seasons in Malta. When is the best time to go on holiday to Malta?

Malta is one of the three islands of the Maltese Archipelago. Its location is almost central in the Mediterranean Sea. Italy is located to the south of Malta and Libya to the north. The island's landscape is hilly and there are many interesting temples, cathedrals, castles and other attractions.
belongs to the Mediterranean. Its winters are warm, rainy in some months, and its summers are dry and hot. In summer you can’t see green grass there, everything is scorched by the sun. Green Malta can be seen in the off-season and in winter.

Winter atmosphere in Malta

Traveling to the island in winter has many advantages for those tourists who cannot stand extreme heat but want to visit these countries. They also choose this time for the trip in order to avoid large influxes of tourists and enjoy the beauty of Malta in a calm environment. Someone dreams of seeing Malta in greenery and flowers, and this is also only possible in winter months. And for some, discounts on air tickets and tours matter.
You can wander through the almost European Maltese streets alone, without huge queues, and visit museums and temples only in winter. For local residents This is also a time to relax from the endless tourist flow. And their color and way of life during such a period are immediately visible.
The cuisine in Malta is much better in winter, because there is no such rush in preparing dishes as in summer. You can choose places at a discount, or even find private accommodation. What you can't do during tourist time.
Malta has a very strong religious heritage. here literally at every step. The country combines the tempting atmosphere of a hot climate and absolute civilization. Malta has one of the lowest crime rates in Europe. It is common there. The current currency is, of course, the euro. Malta is a member of the European Union and to travel there you will need a Schengen visa.
Malta's historical heritage begins with the Phoenicians, the seafarers who gave the island its name, and continues with the Romans, Spaniards and French. Not long ago Malta gained independence, Lately it was a British colony. So almost every building in Malta contains a varied history within its walls. And Malta itself seems to be a diverse and extraordinary place in a historical sense.

Winter Maltese climate

There is winter in Malta, but seeing snow there at Christmas is almost impossible. According to all climate rules, December is considered the rainiest month. The weather still remains warm, and clear days often occur. You won’t be able to swim in the Mediterranean Sea during the winter months, but you will be able to fully enjoy the beautiful scenery, cuisine and entertainment. The temperature maximum in December rises to 24 degrees Celsius, and the minimum is 4 degrees above zero. But minimum temperatures are very rare and short-lived for Malta.
In January in Malta it is colder than in all other months, but the difference is not huge and is only a couple of degrees. The temperature at night does not fall below the zero mark on the thermometer. During this period, the cloudiest and rainiest days are. There are winds, but the sun still often appears in the sky. Daytime temperatures are around 15 degrees Celsius. The temperature maximum was recorded at 22 degrees, and the minimum was almost four.
February days in Malta alternate between sun and rain. It is already warmer and during the day there is a chance to meet lightly dressed Russian tourists, while the indigenous people themselves still wear insulated coats and scarves. Day and night the weather does not look like December. The temperature level on all three islands (Gozo, Camino and Malta) does not have sharp fluctuations, since the area of ​​the Maltese Archipelago is not large.
December and February are more suitable for a winter trip. January sometimes frightens tourists with storms and small hurricanes, but the sun always wins. Warm clothes in Malta it will still be useful, since it can be cool in the mornings and evenings. But still, winter is the best time to explore the real Malta.
Pros of traveling to Malta in winter:

  1. no intense heat;
  2. a lot of greenery;
  3. calm environment;
  4. free places everywhere;
  5. winter European flavor;
  6. all prices are lower and tours are cheaper;
  7. improved quality of cuisine;
  8. real, not touristic Maltese life.

Malta offers this and much more in winter. If you plan your trip wisely, winter Malta will become a simply delightful and unforgettable sight. There is an opportunity to get acquainted with different historical eras, the imprints of which are perfectly preserved in Malta. Another undoubted advantage will be the free space in. After all, Malta may be a small island, but its roads are winding and hilly.

The winter climate in Malta itself is unique, soft, gentle and colorful. It facilitates long day walks around the island, which is impossible to do in the heat. A calm evening promenade along the embankments and the excitingly beautiful seascape. It is worth visiting Malta in winter, and it will captivate you with its ancient history, charm you with its cozy streets, and enchant you with its cuisine and other entertainment. Malta in winter is stunning and unique and a must see.

Geographical location Malta provides warm, sunny weather on the island all year round. Average annual temperature is +19 0 C. The rocky island with many bays and lagoons attracts thousands of tourists every year, and the European service and gentle Mediterranean Sea leaves a strong desire to return to Malta more than once. The weather in Malta by month helps tourists determine the right time for a complete and comfortable holiday.

The island is located in tropical climate, which is favorable for lush vegetation. The weather in Malta is pleasing with its consistency and the absence of cyclones, storms, and strong winds in the summer. The weather is hot, dry during the day, and the air temperature drops at night. Nights in Malta are cool throughout the year. In summer people come to the island to enjoy the hot sun and azure sea. In winter, you can comfortably spend time here exploring the picturesque surroundings, playing sports, shopping, and learning languages.

Spring – opening of the season

In March, winter in Malta gradually loses ground with rain and coolness. In April and May it sets warm weather, minimum precipitation, the water in the sea begins to gradually warm up. In March you can feel the approach of spring, but winter periodically shows its character. The air begins to warm up, daylight hours increase (7.33 hours). The aromas of gladioli, orchids, poppy, goat sorrel, clover, and hyacinths waft over the island. average temperature air +17.7 0 C, sea ​​water+15 0 C. Average monthly precipitation is 36.8 mm.

April in Malta is characterized by the lush flowering of the luxurious tropical vegetation, incessant trills of birds, warm weather without sweltering heat. This is a fertile time for relaxing in nature.

In April, the Maltese celebrate Easter and the strawberry festival, and the hunting season opens for amateurs and professionals.

Easter week accompanied by magnificent processions, theatrical performances of biblical scenes, and traditional baked goods. Also interesting fireworks festival, although the Maltese are preparing the main supply of pyrotechnics for the subsequent months of summer. Average temperature is +20 0 C, water +15.9 0 C. Precipitation rate is 26.3 mm.

May rightfully opens tourist season in Malta. The air temperature rises to +24 0 C, although swimming is still cool - the water temperature is +17.5 0 C. But this does not stop divers, boat lovers, and yachtsmen. May is the time to get an even sea tan without burns. Last spring month brings virtually no rain, precipitation is short-lived and does not cause discomfort. The precipitation rate is 9.2 mm. The sun shines 10 hours a day.

Summer - three months in paradise

Summer gives a head start to all months in terms of the number of sunny days and the duration of the star's presence in the sky. This is the optimal time for a beach holiday, swimming in the sea, and active sports. At the height of the season, Malta often welcomes world celebrities with concerts and performances.

June makes significant adjustments to weather. The air temperature becomes hot like summer and averages +28.5 0 C. A means of escape from the heat is sea ​​coast, the water temperature in the sea rises to +21.1 0 C and becomes quite comfortable for swimming. At this time, water sports are especially popular, even local residents move closer to the sea. The normal precipitation is 5.4 mm.

July is one of the hottest months of the year. Tourists and locals literally live on the shore, escaping the sweltering heat. It is recommended to swim before 11 a.m. and after 4 p.m. In the middle of the day, the Maltese take a siesta, since the summer heat, combined with air humidity, is not conducive to sports, shopping and high performance. The temperature in Malta in July is +31.5 0 C, sea water is +24.1 0 C. The sun shines for 12-15 hours. There is no rain at all, the average precipitation is 0.2 mm.

August is characterized by optimal sea water temperature (+25.8 0 C), but the heat and heat are literally unbearable (up to +43 0 C). The beaches are crowded, watercraft are actively used: yachts, boats, scooters, boats. Every day the night sky lights up with fireworks, and in the coastal strip the music does not stop until the morning. The sea water temperature is conducive to night swimming, and general atmosphere for night festivities. Precipitation rate is 6.0.

Autumn – a relaxing holiday

Starting from September, the amount of precipitation in Malta sharply increases; the autumn weather is still pleasantly warm, but the length of daylight hours decreases. Autumn rains and thunderstorms bring relief to the vegetation; nature seems to wake up to a new life.

September is characterized by heavy rains that have been waiting all summer to hit the island. The normal precipitation this month is 67.4 mm. The water in the sea resembles fresh milk +25.2 0 C. The air temperature is +28.4 0 C and is not conducive to daytime walks and excursions. The day lasts 9 hours.

September 8th falls Victory Day And traditional yacht regatta, which is convenient to observe from the bastions.

October is a velvet season, which many tourists prefer due to the comfortable water and air temperatures, as well as the presence of free places in hotels and on the beach. Prices in restaurants and hotels have been significantly reduced. The average air temperature is +25.2 0 C, sea water +23.2 0 C. This is the time for excursion tours, shopping, hiking. The normal precipitation is 77.2 mm.

The November weather in Malta is quite warm +21 0 C, and the water in the sea (+20.6 0 C) still allows you to swim on especially hot days. But the approaching spirit of winter already reminds us of itself, frequent rains and winds that last until February. The maximum precipitation rate is 108.6 mm. The weather is unpredictable and often the hot sun alternates cloudy days. Sometimes it rises strong wind, which causes sea storms. It is dangerous to go to sea on such days, therefore, when planning a boat trip in November, you should definitely study the weather forecast.

Maltese winter – a riot of plants

Winter in Malta is a time to enjoy nature and the surrounding landscape. In winter, nature breathes a sigh of relief after a dry summer, and frequent rains cause abundant plant growth. Holidays in Malta in winter are an excellent occasion to meet New Year surrounded by the azure sea, exotic palm trees and fresh oranges picked straight from the tree.

December is characterized by cool weather with an average temperature of +17.5 0 C, frequent rains and winds. The average monthly precipitation is 107.7 mm. The water temperature in the sea drops significantly +17.4 0 C. The local population and tourists are excited about the preparations for Christmas and New Year; there is a feverish bustle in shops and boutiques.

In January, the weather in Malta is clear, with cool evenings and heavy rain. The average monthly precipitation is 94.7 mm. The air is cool, and the humidity and winds make the cold feel stronger.

January is full of holidays, and a week after the New Year, shopping is a special pleasure - prices drop sharply for all groups of goods.

You can rarely see young people in Malta at this time; this is a time for a sedate and calm family holiday. It is recommended to check the weather forecast before planning excursions. The average January temperature is +16.1 0 C, sea water is +15.4 0 C.

February is characterized by sudden weather changes during the day. A clear sky can become overcast with clouds, and tedious rain can quickly be blown away by the wind. The average temperature in February is +16 0 C. The normal precipitation is 63.4 mm. Sea water +14.9 0 C. At this time, the northeast wind intensifies, which brings strong storms and rough seas. Observing the elements from a safe distance is one of the favorite activities of rare tourists in Malta in February.

The monthly weather at one of the most popular resorts in the Mediterranean helps you choose the optimal time for your vacation. Summer is for a beach holiday, autumn is for an even tan and barbecue on the seashore, spring is for excursions, winter is for trips to museums and inexpensive shopping.

The main tourist flow in this place is observed from June to August. However, it should be noted that the best time to travel to Malta in 2020 mainly depends on your intentions. Some tourists come here to soak up the soft sand and take a break from everyday life, while others come here to enrich their horizons and become familiar with the local culture.

The weather on the island is relatively stable throughout the year. But almost always at the end of the summer season, dusty sirocco winds come here from Africa, and at the end of autumn the rains begin. Interesting feature there is also humidity here, which, regardless of the air temperature, is often around 70%. In general, summers in this country are sunny and winters are mild.

Malta in winter

Christmas and New Year are usually celebrated here on a grand scale, as in other places in the world, so tours to Malta for the New Year are quite popular. The weather on the picturesque island in winter can be described as humid and damp, but at the same time the air temperature during the day does not drop below +15 °C. In the winter months, the sea water temperature is +14 °C. Of course, you shouldn’t swim during this period, but you can go diving in a special suit. The local underwater world is very beautiful.

If you decide to spend St. Valentine's Day in Malta. Valentine or February 23rd, during this period it will be interesting to see cities such as Valletta, or picturesque places (such as Gozo and Comino). By the way, starting from February and before the onset of the high season, you can relax here much cheaper.

Rest in spring

Spring in the Maltese archipelago is truly Mediterranean. You can spend a wonderful holiday here, for example on March 8, visiting all the main excursion destinations. There is practically no rain this month, and the thermometer rises to +17 oC. In April it gets even warmer and the navigation season begins.

During the May holidays, the high tourist season starts. In this regard, prices for tickets and hotels are gradually rising. In late spring there is still no sweltering heat here, so if you cannot stand the heat, this is the time when it is better to go for an interesting holiday to Malta.

Maltese summer

If you are wondering when to go on holiday to Malta to get a golden tan and enjoy warm waters Mediterranean Sea, then summer is ideal for this. In summer, sandy and picturesque rocky beaches, wonderful resorts and entertainment venues await you here.

If you are vacationing with a child, you should go to the island in June, when the heat is not yet at its strongest. In July and August daytime temperature can be +35 and even +40 °C, especially in the center of the country. Large-scale excursion programs are best left for the fall, since during these months the weather does not allow long leisurely walks.

Wonderful beaches, rocky but very comfortable shores of the island of Gozo and excellent spa centers will allow you to have a bright and memorable holiday in 2020.

Autumn Malta

Almost all holiday seasons in Malta provide excellent opportunities for an exciting pastime. Autumn is no exception to this rule. In September, the beloved by many comes here the Velvet season, during which everything beach resorts countries are still actively functioning. The “swimming” period in the country lasts until the end of October, so you can have time to relax on the beaches of Marsaskala Bay or in Mellieha.

In addition, September and October are good for excursions. Almost every stone on the island has its own history, so the cultural baggage of this compact country is quite large. Definitely worth a look:

  • the medieval St. John's Cathedral in Valletta;
  • the Grand Master's Palace, also located in Valletta and built back in 1574;
  • Mdina is the heart of the island and a true museum city;
  • ancient temples and the fabulous island of Gozo, where, according to legend, the nymph Calypso lived, trying to win the heart of Odysseus.

During November holidays Here it starts to rain and activities such as swimming and sightseeing become uncomfortable. In late autumn you can make interesting dives or go to the country's health resorts. For example, the Bugibba resort has excellent reviews.

Compact and elegant, Malta has chosen the very “heart” of the Mediterranean, located on three rocky islands. This small country offers a whole kaleidoscope of opportunities for an unforgettable holiday, which largely influences the fact that the tourist season here has a year-round cycle. In Malta, any traveler is sure to find something that suits his needs. Ancient history, a rich entertainment spectrum, amazing dive sites, prestigious language schools in Europe and cleanest beaches- all this awaits a tourist in Malta.

High season

Travelers visit Malta especially actively in the summer, during school holidays and holidays. At the same time, the country attracts a large number of divers, exemplary married couples, as well as fans of a rich excursion program. IN summer months There are a lot of children and teenagers in Malta who are sent to the country to study in special language camps. It is also worth noting that in the summer Malta is covered by a festival “wave”, which is a good “bait” for lovers of carnivals and luxurious celebrations. Of course, the increased demand for tours provokes a rapid rise in prices, which increase by about 50% during the high season. However, the early booking option can help out budget travelers. Most companies make it available as early as February.

Low season

The low season in Malta covers the period from November to April. However, due to the mild climate of the Mediterranean, the weather in winter is quite warm, conducive to active pastime. If you want to feel the true spirit of Maltese exoticism, then you should go to the country in low season, when there are not as many vacationers as in summer. In addition, during the winter months, education in special schools becomes significantly cheaper. At this time, master English language Mostly older people come to Malta. The price of hotel accommodation is also becoming affordable. Thus, a holiday in Malta during the low season will be as profitable as possible in all respects.

Beach season

The swimming season in Malta begins on St. George's Day, which is usually celebrated on the first Wednesday after Catholic Easter. In most cases, this date falls in the middle or end of April. In general, at this time the sea water temperature will appeal only to “extreme fans”, since it is +17 °C. In May, the sea is only two degrees warmer, so many holidaymakers prefer to reduce their holidays on Maltese beaches exclusively to taking air baths. When it comes to sunbathing, you should definitely take sunscreen with you this month.

June is the most favorable time for a beach holiday in Malta. There is no rain or scorching heat, and the water is warmed up to +23 °C. In the remaining summer months, Malta experiences the most powerful influx of holidaymakers, and the thermometer confidently approaches +33 °C.

The Velvet season

In the second half of September, the heat in Malta gradually subsides, and the first autumn showers begin, which you should not be afraid of at all. Firstly, the September rains are short-lived. Secondly, they are warm and pleasantly refreshing. The velvet season is ideal for a relaxing holiday on the Maltese shores. The waters of the Mediterranean Sea are heated to +24 °C, which is quite suitable for both swimming and snorkeling. Public transport that brings tourists to the beaches is not as crowded in September as in previous months, so you can comfortably travel to more remote areas.

It's time for excursions

If the main purpose of traveling to Malta is to get acquainted with cultural heritage country, you should go there in late spring or early autumn. During these periods, curious tourists are guaranteed a lot of exciting adventures. The secrets of the Order of Malta will not allow fans of “gray” history to sleep peacefully, and those who are not indifferent to archaeological artifacts, will be amazed at the sight of ancient buildings. In May and September, most visitors to Malta also take a cruise to the neighboring islands of Comino and Gozo.

Photo source: Depositphotos
September 28, 2015 I like:

Malta is rightfully considered ideal place for an excellent holiday - a favorable climate, varied and unusual nature, luxury resorts with invariably high level services, a huge number of attractions and a developed entertainment industry attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists.

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Where is the best place to go on holiday in Malta?

Resorts in Malta: St. Julian's | Sliema | Sun Pauls Bay | Bugibba | Aura Chirkevva-Marfa | Gozo Island | Camino Island

  • St Julian's– the popularity of this place was ensured by its advanced infrastructure, where the bulk of first-class restaurants are located for a wide variety of tastes and budgets. This part of the island is the most prestigious.
  • Sliema– a calm town characterized by a measured life. This is a very attractive place for the respectable public, who prefer to visit only the most expensive shops and restaurants. No one is in a hurry here, and you can often see tourists and locals mixed together walking along the embankment carved right into the rocks.
  • Sun Pauls Bay– once it was a village, but now it has turned into a small resort town with its own unique infrastructure. If you love peace and quiet, then this is the place for you. For a moment it may even seem to you that civilization is very far from here, but believe me, it is nearby, and in order not to get bored at all, buses run from St. Pauls Bay to Valletta and other cities of the country. There are beautiful rocky beaches here. Lovers of sandy beaches can head to the sandy bay.
  • Bugibba is a town for an active tourist with an average wallet size. Tours here and prices in the city itself are several times cheaper than in St. Julian's. Everything here is subordinated to the tourism business: nightclubs, shops, and restaurants. Any tourist will find something to do.
  • Aura– the cities of Bugibba and Qawra smoothly merge into each other. They are like two twin brothers. Qawra, like Bugibba, has rocky beaches. Places in luxury hotels. The tourist infrastructure with numerous restaurants, cafes and shops is developed. There are attractions for children and a water park. Despite the fact that there are night bars and clubs in Aura, young people tend to leave here for Paceville.
  • Chirkevva-Marfa– a place for those who want to relax with small children or are elderly. There are excellent hotels here for a relaxing holiday, devoid of any hints of leisure. The beach is entirely sandy.
  • Gozo Island– unity with nature is the main slogan of a relaxing holiday on the island. It is for those who want to forget the noise of the bustle of the city for a while and fill life only with themselves and nature, which is everywhere here. The unique flavor of Malta can be felt here. It consists of small villages and centuries-old cathedrals that are frozen in their splendor.
  • Camino Island– a visit to this island is included in the excursion program, and it is famous for its blue lagoon. Only 9 people live here. There is one hotel built on the island, which is open only in the summer to accommodate divers. For fans of this sport better place can not found. But most tourists are better off not staying here.

When is the best time to go to Malta?

When is the best time to visit Malta, you ask? There is no definite answer; each season has its own charms. But if you are a beach lover, choose hot summers. Summer is what counts in Malta high season. A lazier and more relaxed holiday in Malta in May and September. In September, the velvet season generally begins, which can sometimes last until mid-October. Malta loves active tourists who want to learn more about the local culture, touch its history through its many architectural attractions, and then dive into its secrets underwater world or feel all the beauty nightlife with its clubs, bars, cabarets and casinos. And all this is seasoned with delicious Maltese cuisine, the basis of which is the products of the endless sea.

Many tourists wonder when is the best time to go to Malta; it is very difficult to answer. It all depends on the goal pursued by the tourist. You can go to see all the attractions of the region, you can go on a beach holiday to lie on the beach under the warm sun, or you can go shopping or have a quiet family holiday without noise. To decide what time of year is best to make a particular trip, you need to decide on the purpose of the trip and get acquainted with all the resorts in Malta.

Usually the hotel is selected taking into account the location of the resort. For example, beach lovers most They spend their holidays on the seashore, or sunbathe on a sun lounger by the pool. This type of vacation involves frequent stays of vacationers in a hotel room. Therefore, high demands are placed on comfort and service.

If tourists prefer active recreation, they are interested in excursions, sightseeing, learning a new culture, hiking in the mountains, then the requirements for the hotel are not so high. As a rule, what matters for this type of tourist are overnight accommodation and shower. Travelers are not so much demanding of hotel service.

Before choosing a hotel in Malta, it is worth finding out about the level of development of the local infrastructure. Try to find out approximate prices for breakfast and lunch in local restaurants and cafes. If their cost is satisfactory, then you can save money on the hotel by excluding breakfast in your room from the list of services. In almost all resort towns in the world, transport links are quite developed. Public transport runs every hour: buses, minibuses and trams. Knowing this, you can choose a hotel not only in the city center, where prices are inflated, but also on the outskirts.

To make the task of choosing a suitable hotel in Malta easier, you need to focus on the following points:

  • Star level;
  • Age;
  • Landscape and grooming of the territory;
  • Distance from attractions and the beach;
  • Availability of restaurants and cafes nearby;
  • Quality of services provided;
  • Kitchen;
  • Entertainment program for children;
  • Availability of fitness rooms;
  • Organization of leisure time.

For convenience when choosing a hotel in Malta, there are special ratings that are compiled by users on websites on the Internet. The rating is formed thanks to the points given by tourists who have visited that hotel. The highest score is five points. This will help you form the right opinion about the hotel. It is worth noting that not only the hotel is evaluated, but also other factors (price list, service, leisure for children, room cleaning, kitchen, and so on). This helps a lot when choosing, as it creates complete picture. Naturally, hotels with a score below three points should not be considered at all as possible options for staying at the resort.

Before booking rooms in Malta, carefully study the official website of the hotel. Explore the full range of services provided. Will be very useful real reviews about the hotel from your friends and acquaintances. If you are planning a family vacation with children, then pay attention to family-type hotels. They create a cozy and calm atmosphere. For a friendly company would be better suited that hotel, near which there are numerous clubs and restaurants. Therefore, it is so important to familiarize yourself not only with the hotel, but also with nearby establishments in the perimeter.

Once you have decided exactly how you want to relax, you need to find out the hotel’s pricing policy, with existing types numbers and level of service. Most important role the service will play. Slowly look at the photos inside the rooms and the facade of the hotel in Malta, which are posted on the official website. You should be wary if there is no photo of the shower or bathtub, it is probably a shared bathroom.

If you like a seaside resort, then an important criterion for selecting hotel rooms in Malta will be the availability of air conditioning. Be sure to ask the hotel manager about the type of air conditioner. Since many hotels use centralized cooling, and this is not always convenient. It's much better when you personally choose the one you need temperature regime. Tourists cannot do without valuable gadgets and documents, and therefore an important criterion for choosing a hotel will be the presence of a safe in the room. After all, you won’t be able to always take valuables with you to the beach, but you shouldn’t leave valuables in plain sight in your room.

Holidays abroad are becoming increasingly popular every year not only in the world, but also in Russia. Russian tourists can enter 106 countries without special permits. There are only 193 states in the world: to visit others, Russians will need entry permission, namely a visa. There are several types of visas, but the most popular and desirable is the tourist visa. It is a tourist visa that gives you the right to enter the country for a pleasant pastime. It does not give the right to permission to work, study, and so on. Is a visa required for Malta?

To travel for tourist purposes, a visa to Malta is required. Only its presence will allow you to legally enjoy the sights of the islands and an excellent holiday on the beach.

Local cuisine in Malta

“As many peoples, as many traditions” – every traveler will subscribe to this phrase. Each nation has its own history and its own unique characteristics of national cuisine. Tasting local cuisine is an integral part of getting to know a new country. However, not all guests get to try original and high-quality local dishes in Malta. Despite the fact that the World Wide Web of the Internet allows you to get acquainted with reviews of establishments anywhere in the world in advance, most tourists repeat the mistakes of their predecessors, wanting to reveal as clearly as possible the originality of the gastronomic delights of other peoples. We will try to help you get a taste of the world, avoiding the most common erroneous beliefs.

  • Popular doesn't necessarily mean good. Cafes, snack bars, pubs and restaurants located close to attractions expect to quickly serve a large flow of people, often neglecting the taste and quality of the dishes. Moreover, prices in such establishments are above average. Look for establishments in Malta outside the tourist area or ask the locals.
  • It is preferable to give preference to the choice of dishes not from national cuisine in Malta, but from regional ones. National cuisine in different regions acquires its own subtle, tasteful accents. So, for example, when going to Italy, do not try to comprehend all the delights of Italian cuisine, but learn about the cuisine of the specific region in which you will be.
  • You can most clearly reveal the peculiarities of local cuisine not in a cafe near the hotel or even in expensive restaurants, but at an ordinary dinner with a local family in Malta. This will allow you to fully experience the flavor of foreign cuisine. By the way, this is not as difficult as it initially seems. Most residents are happy to host foreign guests.
  • The language barrier should not prevent you from getting to know the national cuisine. Lack of knowledge of the local language often prevents you from choosing the best dishes. Misunderstanding the names of the ingredients does not allow one to imagine the flavor composition. This is probably why the most popular among tourists in Japan are sushi and rolls, Peking duck and noodles. At the same time, the gastronomic explorations of these countries are much more diverse and extensive. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment by tasting unfamiliar dishes.
  • When choosing a national dish in Malta, it is recommended to take into account the seasonality of its main ingredients. The flavor richness and aromatic composition of the dish depend on this. For example, in Greece the best sardines are served in the summer, and in Uzbekistan the milkiest and juiciest lamb is served in the spring.
  • It is recommended to read reviews about establishments in specialized services. You should not rely only on the subjective opinions of visitors; they do not always correspond to reality. Much higher priority is given to reviews from specialized publications and objective comments from independent culinary critics. Pay attention to the relevance of the information; it should be less than six months old.
  • The stars don't lie, but they don't cost much either. Many people know Michelin stars, but this is not the only authoritative world gastronomic guide. Thus, the American quality mark is represented by the Gayot mark, and the Italian one by Gambero Rosso. Please note similar status not only indicates the quality of service and the talent of the chef, but also allows the establishment to increase the cost of its dishes several times.
  • Local guides and Malte hotel staff are often interested in recommendations for a particular establishment, so you should not trust them entirely. More reliable information can be obtained at local farmers' markets. And by visiting private wineries and farms, you will have the opportunity to taste the freshest products.
  • Taste national dishes in Malta, following local rules for their consumption. This will allow you to fully reveal their gastronomic features. So, in Austria it is customary to drink coffee with water, and in Italy pizza is not generously poured with sauce and ketchup.
  • Pastizzi. Maltese pies filled with lentil paste or ricotta.
  • Lampuki. This is a fish that can be bought from sellers. The meat is tasty, soft and almost boneless.
  • Ftira. Flatbread with garlic, tomatoes and onions.
  • Bigilla. Bean paste with garlic, olives, pepper and artichoke.
  • Stuffat tal-fenek. Stewed rabbit.
  • Cisk. Maltese beer.
  • Hobz biz-zejt. Bread with tomatoes, herbs, onions and olive oil.
  • Ftiraomelettesandwich. Omelet sandwich with potato chips.
  • Aljotta. Fish soup.
  • Gozo cheese. Goat cheese.

Another trip is unthinkable without purchasing various souvenirs; we even allocate separate funds in the budget of the trip for their purchase. This is explained by the desire to please relatives and dear people who are looking forward to a beautiful souvenir as a gift. By adding to your collection of souvenirs from different vacation spots, over the course of a few years you can collect a wonderful collection of crafts that will be an excellent reminder of your travels and adventures.

Only often we buy souvenirs in Malta, not paying attention to the usefulness and necessity of the item. This is not surprising, because when you go to a souvenir shop, you want to buy all these beautiful things. At this time, the visual effect overcomes the mind and you want to buy as much as possible. An experienced seller will easily notice such confusion of a tourist and will do everything to ensure that the traveler leaves an impressive amount of cash in his shop. Impressionable women often find themselves in this situation, although men also often succumb to this temptation.

  • Maltese souvenirs are the history and culture of the island. Truly original and interesting products that can be seen and purchased in Malta.
  • Lace. In Malta they are woven the old fashioned way, the choice is very large, the prices vary.
  • You can purchase handkerchiefs and napkins at very affordable prices. But before purchasing, carefully read where it was made. Many tourist shops stock products from China.
  • Magnets. Traditional souvenir for the refrigerator. Be careful here too, many of them are brought from China, but there are some of our own production, which you need to buy. It is better to buy souvenirs in museum stores rather than in tourist shops.
  • Silver. Maltese craftsmen use the filigree technique (these are products similar to lace).
  • Maltese glass. Not a unique product, but very beautiful. The play of colors is mesmerizing and you can spin it for hours.
  • Door handles. Antique door handles with various images are used here. Original gift yourself and your loved ones.
  • Cactus liqueur. Made from the fruits of prickly pear cacti.
  • Honey rings. A tasty treat that is best purchased in supermarkets.
  • Maltese cheeses. Cheeses are made from cow's milk, but can also be found from goat's milk.
  • Carob syrup. This sweet syrup is considered medicinal. It is very sweet and can be added to various dishes.

How to avoid thoughtless purchases?

In order not to become a “victim” of thoughtless purchases and not to spoil your holiday in Malta, you should approach the choice of souvenirs and various memorable gifts wisely.

  • No need to rush shopping on the last day. During this period of time, the main efforts should be directed to packing your suitcases, checking out of the hotel and flying, and not to going to souvenir shops.
  • There is no need to purchase souvenirs on the first day of your vacation. Being under the first impression of new country, a tourist cannot objectively approach the choice of gifts and their quality.
  • The Malta hotel staff can provide advice, so it is worth talking to the hotel staff before going for souvenirs.
  • Of course, buying handicrafts on the street from local residents will not cost much. But the question is whether these products will be of high quality. It would be wiser to ask hotel staff or other tourists where proven souvenir shops are located and visit them.
  • A beautiful craft chosen with wisdom and love will bring much more pleasant emotions than a hastily purchased magnet, which the future owner may soon not remember at all.