Legends and real stories about Bigfoot. Bigfoot, Bigfoot, Sasquatch Makoto Nebuka reveals a mystery

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Yeti is the well-known Bigfoot, living in the mountains and forest areas. On the one hand, this is a mythological creature whose secret thousands of scientists around the world are trying to unravel. On the other hand, this is a real person who, due to his disgusting appearance, hides away from human eyes.

Today, a new theory has emerged that may prove that Sasquatch lives in the Himalayas (the mountains of Asia). This is evidenced by strange marks on the snow cover. Scientists suggest that the Yeti lives below the Himalayan snow line. To find irrefutable evidence, dozens of expeditions were assembled to the mountains of China, Nepal and Russia, but no one was able to prove the existence of the famous “monster”.


Yeti are easy to spot and recognize. If you suddenly travel around the East, keep this reminder for yourself.

"Bigfoot reaches almost 2 meters in height, and his weight varies from 90 to 200 kilograms. Presumably, everything depends on the habitat (and, accordingly, on nutrition). He is a muscular, big guy who has thick hair all over his body. Coat color can be either dark gray or brown. In fact, this is only a general portrait of the famous Yeti, because in different countries it is presented in different ways."

History of the Bigfoot

Yeti is a character in ancient legends and folklore. The Himalayas welcome its guests with old stories, where the key figure is the formidable and dangerous Snowman. As a rule, such legends are needed not to scare travelers, but to warn against wild animals that can easily harm and even kill. The legends about the famous creature are so old that even Alexander the Great, after conquering the Indus Valley, demanded from local residents proof of the existence of the Yeti, but they only said that Bigfoot lives at high altitudes.

What evidence is there

Since the end of the 19th century, scientists have assembled expeditions to find evidence of the existence of the Yeti. For example, in 1960, Sir Edmund Hillary visited Everest and discovered the scalp of an unknown beast. Several years later, research confirmed that it was not a scalp, but a warm helmet made from a Himalayan goat, which, after a long stay in the cold, could appear to be part of the head of Bigfoot.

Other evidence:

Russian expedition

In 2011, a conference was held, attended by biologists and researchers from all over Russia. This event was organized with the support of the government Russian Federation. During the conference, an expedition was assembled that was supposed to study all the data about Bigfoot and collect irrefutable evidence of his existence.

A few months later, a group of scientists announced that they had found gray hairs in the cave that belonged to the Yeti. However, the scientist Bindernagel proved that all the facts were compromised. This is evidenced by the work of Jeff Meldrum, an Idaho professor of anatomy and anthropology. The scientist said that the twisted tree branches, photographs and collected materials were crafts, and the Russian expedition was needed only to attract the attention of tourists from all over the world.

DNA samples

In 2013, geneticist Brian Sykes, who teaches at Oxford, announced to the whole world that he had research materials that included teeth, hair and skin. The study examined more than 57 samples and carefully compared them to the genomes of every animal in the world. The results were not long in coming: most of The material belonged to already known living creatures, such as a horse, a cow, a bear. Even the teeth of a hybrid of white and brown bear, who lived more than 100,000 years ago.

In 2017, another series of studies was carried out, which proved that all the materials belonged to Himalayan and Tibetan bears, as well as a dog.

Proponents of the theory

Despite the fact that there is still no evidence of the existence of the Yeti, entire communities dedicated to Bigfoot have been organized around the world. Their representatives believe that mysterious creature It's simply impossible to catch. This proves that the Yeti is an intelligent, cunning and educated creature that is carefully hidden from human eyes. The absence of irrefutable facts does not mean that such creatures do not exist. According to the theory of adherents, Bigfoot prefers a reclusive lifestyle.

Neanderthal mystery

Researcher Myra Shackley, in her book about Sasquatch, described the experiences of two tourists. In 1942, two travelers were in the Himalayas, where they saw black spots moving hundreds of meters from their camp. Thanks to the fact that tourists were located on the ridge, they could clearly distinguish the height, color and habits of unknown creatures.

“The height of the “black spots” reached almost two meters. Their heads were not oval, but square. It was difficult to determine the presence of ears from the silhouette, so perhaps they were not there, or they were adjacent too close to the skull. The broad shoulders were covered with a reddish color "brown hair that hung down. Despite the fact that the head was covered with hair, the face and chest were completely naked, making flesh-colored skin visible. The two creatures uttered a loud cry that scattered throughout the entire mountain range."

Scientists are still debating whether these sightings were real or just the imagination of inexperienced tourists. Mountaineer Reinhold Messner concluded that big bears and their tracks were often mistaken for Yetis. He wrote about this in his book "My Quest for the Yeti: Confronting the Deepest Secret of the Himalayas."

Does Bigfoot really exist?

In 1986, tourist Anthony Woodridge visited the Himalayas, where he also discovered the Yeti. According to him, the creature stood only 150 meters from the traveler, while Bigfoot did not make any sounds or move. Anthony Woodridge spent a long time tracking the unnaturally huge footprints, which later led him to the creature. Finally, the tourist took two photographs, which he presented to the researchers upon his return. Scientists studied the pictures for a long time and carefully, and then came to the conclusion that they are genuine and not a fake.

John Napira - anatomist, anthropologist, director of the Smithsonian Institution, biologist who studies primates. He also studied Woodridge's photographs and said that the tourist was too experienced to confuse the image of the Yeti with a large Tibetan bear. However, more recently, the images were re-examined, and then a team of researchers came to the conclusion that Anthony Woodridge took a photograph of the darkened side of the rock, which stood upright. Despite the indignation of true believers, the photographs were recognized, although real, but not proving the existence of Bigfoot.

Big Foot - humanoid creature, supposedly found in high mountain regions of the Earth. There is an opinion that this is a relict hominid, that is, a mammal belonging to the order of primates and the human genus, preserved to this day from the time of human ancestors. Carl Linnaeus designated it as lat. Homo troglodytes (cave man).

Description of Bigfoot

Judging by hypotheses and anecdotal evidence, Bigfoot people differ from us in having a denser physique, a pointed skull, longer arms, a short neck and a massive lower jaw, and relatively short hips. They have hair all over their body - black, red or gray. Faces are dark in color. The hair on the head is longer than on the body. The mustache and beard are very sparse and short. They have a strong unpleasant odor. They climb trees well. It is alleged that mountain populations of Bigfoot people live in caves, while forest populations build nests on tree branches.

Ideas about Bigfoot and its various local analogues are very interesting from an ethnographic point of view. The image of a huge scary person may reflect natural fears of darkness, the unknown, relationships with mystical forces in different nations. It is quite possible that people with unnatural hair or feral people are mistaken for Bigfoot people.

If relict hominids exist, they live in small groups, probably in married couples. They can move on their hind legs. Height should range from 1 to 2.5 m; in most cases 1.5-2 m; encounters with the largest individuals were reported in the mountains (Yeti) and in (Sasquatch). In Sumatra, Kalimantan, and in most cases, growth did not exceed 1.5 m. There are suggestions that the observed relict hominids belong to several different types, to at least three.

The existence of Bigfoot

Most modern scientists believe that big Foot- it is a myth.

Currently, there is not a single representative of the species living in captivity, nor a single skeleton or skin. However, there are allegedly hairs, footprints and several dozen photographs, video recordings (poor quality) and audio recordings. The reliability of this evidence is questionable. For a long time, one of the most convincing evidence was considered short film, filmed by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin in 1967 in Northern California. The film allegedly showed a female Bigfoot.

However, in 2002, after the death of Ray Wallace, for whom this filming was made, evidence appeared from his relatives and acquaintances, who said (however, without presenting any material evidence) that the whole story with the “American Yeti” was from beginning to end. the end is rigged; The forty-centimeter “footprints of the Yeti” were made with artificial forms, and the filming was a staged episode with a man in a specially tailored monkey suit. This was a major blow to enthusiasts trying to find Bigfoot.

Bigfoot (Yeti) is a half-monkey, half-man, living most often in high mountain areas and forests. Unlike people, this creature has a more dense build, relatively short hips, elongated arms, a short neck, a highly developed lower jaw and a slightly pointed jaw.

The entire body of Bigfoot is covered with fur of red, gray or black color. This humanoid creature has a sharp, unpleasant odor. Yeti Bigfoot is excellent at climbing trees, which once again emphasizes his resemblance to a monkey. Forest populations of Bigfoot people build nests on tree branches, while mountain populations live in caves.

The humanoid primate (Chinese savage) very often caught the eye of curious Chinese peasants. He was about 2 m tall, was able to weave baskets and make simple tools. Hundreds of cases of peasant encounters with this creature remained unattended. In the late 1980s, six countries, including America and Great Britain, sent a research expedition into the sparsely populated forest areas of China to study evidence of the existence of Bigfoot. .

The expedition participants included prominent anthropology professors Richard Greenwell and Jean Poirier. They had no idea what an outstanding discovery awaited them! The two-year collaboration between the American and English professors brought remarkable results. The expedition included an independent television crew led by Geraldine Easter.

What evidence was found

Confirmation of the presence of a “snow creature” is its hair, which were selected by Chinese farmers. English and American scientists, just like their Chinese colleagues, came to the conclusion that the hair found has nothing to do with humans or monkeys, which indicates the existence of Bigfoot (Chinese savage). Several thousand teeth and jaws of this species have been found in India, Vietnam and China. ancient man. Chinese wild man- a little-studied creature. Somehow, miraculously, he managed to avoid extinction in certain areas. He is a contemporary of the famous panda bears, and we all know that pandas also miraculously survived.

September 1952 was memorable local residents in that in the state of Virginia, several eyewitnesses observed a height of about 9 feet, emitting a very unpleasant odor. In 1956, it was noticed in North Carolina huge creature, whose weight, offhand, was about 320 kg. Year 1958 - Yeti appears near the state of Texas, in 1962 - near the state of California, in 1971 in the area of ​​​​Oklahoma, in 1972 the creature was seen near the state of Missouri.

There is evidence of an encounter with Bigfoot from a relatively recent period of time. In the early 90s of the last century, while climbing to a height of eight thousand, climber R. Meisner saw Bigfoot twice. The first meeting was unexpected; the Bigfoot quickly disappeared, and it was not possible to photograph him. The second meeting took place at night - the creature was spotted near the place where it spent the night.

Attempts to catch the man nicknamed the snowy one were made several times. In the issue dated August 19, 1988, the Pravda newspaper wrote that traces of a “snow creature” were found in the Kekirimtau mountains, and farm worker K. Juraev encountered it personally.

An expedition sent to capture Bigfoot returned empty-handed. But what is surprising, being at the lair of this strange creature, all expedition participants experienced terrible psychological discomfort, decline in mood and performance, lack of appetite, rapid pulse and increased blood pressure. And this despite the fact that the group included trained people who had undergone acclimatization in high mountain conditions.

Who has seen Bigfoot?

In 1967, two shepherds R. Patterson and his partner B. Gimlin captured Bigfoot on film. It was a warm autumn day at 3:30 in the afternoon. The men's horses, frightened by something, suddenly reared up. Having lost his balance, Patterson's horse collapsed, but the shepherd remained calm. With his peripheral vision, he saw squatting on the bank of a stream. large creature, which, noticing the people, immediately stood up and walked away. Roger grabbed his camera, turned it on and ran towards the stream. He managed to see that it was Bigfoot. Hearing the chatter of the camera, the creature, continuing to move, turned around, and then, without slowing down, continued on its way. The size of his body and unusual walking style allowed him to quickly move away. Soon the creature disappeared from sight. The film ran out and the stunned men stopped.

An in-depth study of the film by members of a Darwin Museum workshop and playback of it frame-by-frame revealed that the head of the creature filmed was identical to that of Pithecanthropus. The clearly visible muscles of the arms, legs and back exclude the possibility of using a special suit.

Arguments confirming the authenticity of Patterson's film:

  • Increased flexibility of the ankle joint of the creature depicted on the film, impossible for humans.
  • The creature's gait is not typical for humans and cannot be reproduced by them.
  • A clear image of the muscles of the body and limbs, eliminating the possibility of using a special suit.
  • Strongly protruding heel, which corresponds to the structure of Neanderthals
  • A comparison of the frequency of vibration of the hands and the speed of movement of the film on which the film was shot suggests that the creature is 220 cm tall and weighs over 200 kg.

Based on these and many other facts, the film was recognized as genuine, as reported in scientific publications in the USA and USSR. Entire volumes are devoted to observations of Bigfoot and their careful analysis. scientific literature. There are many unanswered questions left. Why do we only see a few yetis? Can small populations of these animals survive? amazing creatures? When can we catch the snow creature? There are no answers to these questions yet, but there is confidence that they will definitely appear in the near future.


Testimonies about encounters with “bigfoot” most often feature creatures that differ from modern man a denser build, a pointed skull, longer arms, a short neck and a massive lower jaw, relatively short hips, with thick hair all over the body - black, red, white or gray. Faces are dark in color. The hair on the head is longer than on the body. The mustache and beard are very sparse and short. They climb trees well. It has been suggested that mountain populations of Bigfoot people live in caves, while forest populations build nests on tree branches. Carl Linnaeus designated it as Homo troglodytes(cave man). Very fast. He can overtake a horse, and on two legs, and in the water - a motor boat. Omnivore, but prefers plant foods, loves apples. Eyewitnesses described encounters with specimens of varying heights, from average human height to 3 m or more.

Ideas about Bigfoot and its various local analogues are very interesting from the point of view of ethnography. The image of a huge scary man can reflect the innate fears of darkness, the unknown, and relationships with mystical forces among different peoples. It is quite possible that in some cases snow people people with unnatural hair or feral people were accepted.

origin of name

He was named Bigfoot thanks to a group of climbers who conquered Everest. They discovered the loss of food supplies, then heard a heartbreaking scream, and a chain of footprints similar to human ones appeared on one of the snow-covered slopes. The residents explained that it was the Yeti, the abominable snowman, and categorically refused to set up camp in this place. Since then, Europeans have called this creature Bigfoot.


Most modern scientists are skeptical about the possibility of the existence of Bigfoot.

... about Bigfoot he said: “I really want to believe, but there is no reason.” The words “no basis” mean that the issue has been studied and, as a result of the study, it has been discovered that there is no reason to trust the original statements. This: is the formula of the scientific approach: “I want to believe,” but since “there is no reason,” then we must abandon this belief.
Academician A. B. Migdal From guess to truth.

The attitude of a professional biologist to the question of the possibility of the existence of “Bigfoot” was illustrated by paleontologist Kirill Eskov in a popular article:

At least, I don’t know any laws of nature that would directly prohibit existence in the mountains Central Asia relict hominoid - “ape-man”, or simply large ape. It must be assumed that, contrary to its name, it is not connected in any way with the eternal snows (except for the fact that it sometimes leaves traces there), but should live in the belt of mountain forests, where there is ample food and shelter. It is clear that any reports about North American “bigfoot” can be thrown out with a clear conscience without reading (for there are no primate species on that continent and never have been, and in order to get there from Asia through circumpolar Beringia, as people did, you must at least have fire), but in the Himalayas or the Pamirs - why not? There are even quite plausible candidates for this role, for example, meganthropus - very large (about two meters tall) fossil monkey from South Asia, which had a number of “human” features that bring it closer to African Australopithecus, the direct ancestors of hominids […]
So, do I admit (as a professional zoologist) the fundamental possibility of the existence of a relict hominoid? - answer: “Yes.” Do I believe in his existence? - answer: “No.” And since we are talking here not about “I know/don’t know”, but about “I believe/don’t believe”, I will allow myself to express a completely subjective judgment on this matter, based personal experience: […] where a professional has once set foot, not a single animal larger than a rat has a single chance of remaining “unknown to science.” Well, since by the end of the twentieth century there were almost no places left where a professional would not have set foot at all (at least on land) - draw your own conclusions...

- “Cryptukha, sir!”, article. Kirill Eskov, Computerra, 03.13.07, No. 10 (678): pp. 36-39.

Currently, there is not a single representative of the species living in captivity, nor a single skeleton or skin. However, there are allegedly hairs, footprints and several dozen photographs, video recordings (poor quality) and audio recordings. The reliability of this evidence is questionable. For a long time, one of the most compelling pieces of evidence was a short film made by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin in 1967 in Northern California. The film allegedly showed a female Bigfoot. However, in 2002, after the death of Ray Wallace, for whom this filming was made, evidence appeared from his relatives and acquaintances, who said (however, without presenting any physical evidence) that the whole story with the “American Yeti” was from beginning to end. the end is rigged; The forty-centimeter “footprints of the Yeti” were made with artificial forms, and the filming was a staged episode with a man in a specially tailored monkey suit.

However, it should be noted that Patterson’s film aroused genuine interest among researchers from the National Geographic Channel. In the section “Reality or Fiction” (broadcast in December 2010), an attempt was made to study and examine Patterson’s film from the point of view of the possibility of its falsification. Experienced make-up artists, a tall actor imitating a gait, special effects specialists and scientists were brought in as experts. Evaluated appearance creatures in the film, their fur adjacent to the muscles, the proportions of the limbs, the dynamics of movement, the shooting distance was taken into account, etc. As a result, according to the unanimous opinion of the experts involved, even at the current level of development of the media industry and video effects, not to mention the level 1967, it is almost impossible to achieve such a degree of realism in the plot of Bigfoot.

On the other hand, from enthusiasts of this topic one can hear accusations against “official science” that its representatives simply brush aside the available evidence. Here is a typical text of this kind:

In fact, those who say “there is no reason” simply do not even want to get acquainted with what has been “dug up” by enthusiastic researchers. “We hear countless examples of this in history.” I will give only two. When the Canadian Rene Dahinden at the end of 1971 brought us a copy of the film shot by Patterson in 1967, I personally once approached the then director of the Institute of Anthropology of Moscow State University V.P. Yakimov and offered to show the film to him and the staff of the institute, he literally put his hands forward, like would recoil from the proposal and say; "No! No need!" But this did not stop him from declaring that there was no reason...
And when at the international symposium, which he (Yakimov) chaired, Professor Astanin went to the podium to present to those present the materials of an anatomical study of the hand of the Yeti from the Pangboche monastery (Tibet), Yakimov did not allow him to speak and drove him from the podium in violation of the democratic traditions of such forums - to the protests of the participants... As a result, some of them left the symposium meeting.
And a recent example: when I came from the USA after a five-week “investigation” of the events at the Carter farm in the fall of 2004, where, according to the owner, a clan of Bigfoot lived, and I offered to speak and talk about the results in the anthropology department of the Institute of Ethnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, its head. S. Vasiliev declined under the pretext of being busy with other issues.
At the same time, when there was a noise in the press about the existence of a “Bigfoot” in the Shoria mountains (south of the Kemerovo region), the same Vasiliev stated without hesitation: “Alas, we do not have data on the existence of humanoids anywhere in the world"…
Igor Burtsev, Ph.D. ist. Sciences, Director International Center Hominology, Moscow.

The Soviet scientist B.F. Porshnev paid much attention to the topic of Bigfoot.

Commission of the Academy of Sciences to study the issue of “Bigfoot”

Commission members J.-M. I. Kofman and Professor B.F. Porshnev and other enthusiasts continued to actively search for Bigfoot or his traces.

Society of Cryptozoologists

Mentions in history and literature

Abstract drawing of Bigfoot.

There are numerous known depictions of creatures similar to Bigfoot (on art objects from Ancient Greece, Rome, Ancient Armenia, Carthage and Etruscans and medieval Europe) and mentions, including in the Bible (in Russian translation shaggy), Ramayana ( rakshasas), in Nizami Ganjavi’s poem “Iskander-name”, folklore of different peoples ( faun, satyr And strong in Ancient Greece, yeti in Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan, ghoul-baths in Azerbaijan, chuchunny, chuchunaa in Yakutia, Almas in Mongolia, ezhen (野人 ), maoren(毛人) and renxiong(人熊) in China, kiik-adam And albasty In Kazakhstan , goblin, shish And shishiga from the Russians, diva in Persia (and Ancient Rus'), Chugayster in Ukraine , dev And albasty in the Pamirs, shurale And yarymtyk among the Kazan Tatars and Bashkirs, Arsuri among the Chuvash, picenus among the Siberian Tatars, abnauayu in Abkhazia , sasquatch In Canada , teryk, girkychavylin, worldygdy, Kiltanya, market, arysa, Rackem, Julia in Chukotka, trampoline, sedapa And orang pendek in Sumatra and Kalimantan, Agogwe, kakundakari And ki-lomba in Africa, etc.). In folklore they appear in the form of satyrs, demons, devils, goblin, merman, mermaids, etc.

Opponents of the version of the existence of Bigfoot, which includes most professional biologists and anthropologists, point to the lack of unambiguous evidence (living individuals or their remains, high-quality photographs and videos) and the possibility of arbitrary interpretation of the available evidence. There are frequent references to a well-known biological fact: the long-term existence of a population requires a minimum size of the order of hundreds of individuals, the vital activity of which, according to critics, simply cannot be invisible and not leave numerous traces. The explanations put forward for the evidence generally boil down to the following set of versions:


see also


  1. K. Eskov. “Cryptuh, sir!”
  2. Patterson's film
  3. B. F. Porshnev Current state of the issue of relict hominoids Viniti, Moscow, 1963
  4. Soviet "Bigfoot" Itogi magazine
  5. Zhanna-Marie Kofman
  6. see, for example, “Popular Biological Dictionary”, 1991, Ed. USSR Academy of Sciences, edited by corresponding member A. V. Yablokov
  7. V. B. Sapunov, Doctor of Biology. Sciences Bigfoot in two dimensions, or an alternative to the noosphere
  8. J. Kofman At the origins of a new science (To the 40th anniversary of the publication of Professor B. F. Porshnev’s monograph “ Current state the question of relict hominoids" VINITI 412 since 1963) magazine "Mediana" No. 6 2004
  10. Trakhtengerts M. S. Habitat of primates of the Alamas species, journal “Natural and Technical Sciences” ISSN 1684-2626, 2003, No. 2, pp. 71-76
  11. Dmitri Bayanov, Igor Bourtsev In The Footsteps of the Russian Snowman 240 pages “Pyramid Publications” 1996 ISBN 5-900229-18-1 ISBN 978-5-900229-18-8 (English)
  12. B. A. Shurinov 20th century paradox « International relationships» 315 pages 1990 ISBN 5-7133-0408-6
  13. A Russian biologist considers Sasquatch and other yetis to be feral oligophrenics.
  14. Beiko V. B., Berezina M. F., Bogatyreva E. L. et al. Great encyclopedia animal world: Scientific-pop. edition for children. - M.: ZAO ROSMEN-PRESS, 2007. - 303 p. UDC 087.5, BBK 28.6, p. 285.