The largest creatures on earth. The largest animals on earth! Big red kangaroo

Children are very inquisitive and often ask questions that are not easy to answer. A child, unlike an adult, has little interest in everyday problems. It is more important for him to know why the grass is green, where the clouds come from, why the giraffe Long neck, and the elephant has a trunk where you can see a kangaroo and so on. And so many adults cannot answer all these difficult questions. Of course, for a serious businessman it is not so important to know all this, but in order to expand your own horizons, sometimes you can still get acquainted with some interesting facts. For example, what is the largest animal in the world, what is the smallest, where they live and what they look like.

What animals are the most on earth?

Everyone knows such a thing as the Red Book. This is a document in which very rare representatives flora and fauna. You can often read about the rarest and endangered species of animals listed in the Red Book in a natural science textbook and in scientific and educational literature. But nowhere is there a list of those animals that are the most on earth.

As a rule, occupant animals, which outnumber other classes, are completely small size. For example, a small crustacean animal, similar to a shrimp, no more than 5 centimeters long, which is the record holder for the largest number on earth - this Antarctic krill, an animal from the family (Engraulidae) euphausiidae. Krill are fairly common and can be found over a vast area from the Southern Ocean to the Antarctic Ocean.

What animals are the most in Australia?

If krill is the most common animal species worldwide, then the question arises, which animals lead the population in certain places, for example, in Australia?

This continent is home to many unique animals that you will not find in other parts of the planet Earth:

  • koalas,
  • Wombats,
  • opossums,
  • Platypuses and many other rare specimens.

But Australia is known to the whole world as kangaroo country. These are the largest individuals belonging to the order of marsupials, other representatives of this order are called wallabies. Kangaroos live only in Australia and in some places South America.

The fact is that marsupials less adapted than other animals to the climate that has changed since the time of the dinosaurs. The reason for this is precisely that the bag creates the least favorable conditions for bearing cubs.

Where does the largest animal in the world live?

The biggest animal in the world does not live on land at all, but in water.

We are talking about a blue or blue whale:

  • The length of an individual reaches 32 meters, and the weight varies from 2 to 3.5 tons;
  • This animal from the order of cetaceans lives in almost all waters of the oceans. The blue whale feeds on Antarctic krill;
  • The blue whale leads a solitary lifestyle;
  • In terms of numbers, blue whales tend to decrease, but nevertheless, so far this species animals are not in danger of complete extinction;
  • The blue whale, despite its gigantic size, does not pose a danger to humans, it is smart and friendly enough;
  • Despite big size, the blue whale is not able to swallow a large object, as it has a very narrow throat. Interestingly, the largest object that this animal can swallow cannot exceed the diameter of a grapefruit.

The largest land animal

The blue whale, as it turned out, is not inferior to anyone in size, but this animal lives in the water, while on land, the title of the largest animal goes to the African elephant.

This mammal from the proboscis order reaches a height of up to 3.5 meters and weighs almost 7 tons. And the males are larger than the females. African elephants are not so common the globe like blue whales, their habitat is limited only to Africa, just south of the Sahara.

The record holder feeds exclusively on vegetation, eating several tens of kilograms of greenery per day. African elephants are friendly. Their number tends to decrease, and therefore this species of animals is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

The largest animal in Asia

Indian elephant or asian elephant slightly inferior in size to its African brother and is the largest animal in Asia.

The Indian Elephant, like the African Elephant, is vegetarian and quite friendly.

The elephant has several subspecies, which received their names according to the territory of their habitat:

  1. Sri Lankan elephant who lives on the peninsula of Sri Lanka,
  2. Sumatran elephant- found in Sumatra,
  3. Bornean elephant- living on the island of Borneo.

The number of Asian elephants is decreasing every year, and therefore this species, like the African elephant, is listed in the Red Book of Russia. African and Asian elephants are slightly different in appearance.

A few main differences:

  • Ear size - African elephants have larger ears, female Indian elephants lack tusks while female African elephants do;
  • African elephants are grey-brown, while Asian elephants are darker;
  • Asian elephants have little hair on their skin, African elephants have more folds.
  • The African elephant has longer and thinner legs than the Asian elephant.

The smallest animal on earth

If the largest animal in the world was hard to miss, then small animals were not so easy to find:

  1. The tiniest animal in the world lives in the warm regions of Thailand and bears the name pig-nosed bat. Belongs to the squad bats to the mind pig-nosed, no more than 3 centimeters long and weighing about 2 grams. The nose of this crumb is like a nickel of a piglet;
  2. Kitty's bat is a rare animal, the total number of individuals does not exceed 500, therefore this species is listed in the Red Book. She eats insects and like all bats leads night image life.

Living in a certain place, people get used to the flora and fauna that surrounds them. To a resident of the European continent, bananas growing on a bush, galloping kangaroos and camels seem outlandish. While a resident of Africa will never be able to meet a bear at home. But the human mind is inquisitive, and always strives for knowledge. Even if a person has not seen anyone bigger than a cow, he is still interested in what is the largest animal in the world, what it looks like and in what parts of the earth it is found.

Video about the "most-most" huge animals

In this video, zoologist Timur Prokazin will talk about the most gigantic creatures on the planet:

We all know very well that the largest animals, or giant animals, lived on our Earth millions of years ago - these are various dinosaurs, mammoths, terrible birds and many, many other prehistoric animals. Their gigantic size and appearance seem stunning to us today.

But even today our world is full of the most amazing creatures that amaze with their shapes and sizes. It’s even hard to imagine what could have affected their height and weight, but they are what they are, the main thing is that they feel quite comfortable among us. What kind of animals are these, and in what natural conditions they live and we'll talk about it today. The rating is based on the weight, height and also the length of the animals.

1 place. Blue, or blue whale

The largest animal currently living on Earth is the blue, or blue whale (lat. Balaenoptera musculus). Even dinosaurs cannot compete with it - its size is impressive. This marine mammal grows up to 30 meters in length, weight can be more than 180 tons, even the tongue of this giant weighs about 2.7 tons (the size of an Asian elephant, medium in size). Mass of the heart blue whale about 600 kilograms is the largest heart in the world.

The huge lungs of the blue whale (whose volume is 3 thousand liters) allow it to stay at a depth without oxygen for about 20 minutes. Max Speed, developed by this mammal about 35 km / h, and the fountain released by it, which occurs when it comes to the surface, is up to 10 m.

2nd place. Sperm whale

The next representative - (lat. Physeter catodon) is the only representative of the sperm whale family today. It is the largest of the toothed whales. The male sperm whale grows up to 20 m in length, and it weighs up to 50 tons. Females of less impressive sizes - from 11 to 13 m, and weigh about 15 tons.

Interestingly, the head of an adult is approximately 35% of the entire body length. There are sperm whales and larger sizes, but this is rather an exception. In nature, sperm whales have practically no enemies. Killer whales attacking females and cubs are an exception; they cannot compete with an adult male.

3rd place. African elephant

African elephant (lat. Loxodonta africana) is the largest land animal living on earth. Includes two types - and. It occupies an honorable third place in this rating. With a height of 3 to 3.5 meters and a body length of 6-7.5 m, the mass of these animals can reach up to 6 or even 12 tons. Female African elephants are smaller than males: they grow up to 2.7 meters in height and 5.4-6.9 meters in length.

Despite its impressive size, it can move at a speed of 35-40 km / h (it will easily overtake a person). For a day, he can eat 300 kg of plant food. Due to its huge mass, it sleeps standing up. A very intelligent animal that is capable of mutual assistance and compassion. But, despite this, it belongs to the most dangerous animals on the planet.

4th place. Indian elephant

Indian or Asian elephant (lat. Elephas maximum) is the second largest land animal after the African elephant. The height can reach 2.5-3.5 m, the length of its body is about 5.5-6 m, and the tail of this elephant is not short - 1-1.5 m. This elephant can weigh from 5 to 5.5 tons . Females, just like African elephants, are much smaller.

These elephants are forest dwellers. Prefer light tropical and subtropical broadleaf forests with dense undergrowth, which consists of shrubs and bamboo. Easily move through dense forests and swampy terrain. They live in groups led by the most mature and experienced female.

5th place. southern elephant seal

Southern sea ​​Elephant(lat. mirounga leonina) - is considered the largest pinniped in the world. These large and obese animals can grow up to 6 m in length and weigh up to 4-5 tons.

They can stay under water for about 2 hours (an officially registered record), dive to a depth of more than 1300 meters. They lead their entire life in the ocean, and rarely get out on land - mainly during the breeding season.

6th place. Hippo or hippopotamus

Behemoth (lat. Hippopotamus amphibius) is a mammal from the order of artiodactyls and the suborder of pigs. Indigenous African.

Hippos can steal up to 1.5-1.65 meters, body length can be from 3 to 5 meters, and weight - 3 tons or more. These animals increase their mass throughout their lives, they also grow teeth all their lives and can reach 0.5 m in length. Interestingly, only the skin weighs 0.5 tons.

7th place. white rhino

White rhino (lat. Ceratotherium simum) is the 2nd largest herbivore of the planet. Adult individuals grow in height - up to 1.6-2 m, in length about 3.8-4.2 m.

The average weight of a white rhino is about 3 tons, there are individuals much larger - about 8 tons. Interestingly, white rhino not white at all, but rather grey. He probably got this name from the distorted Boer word "wijde", which means "broad-faced" - consonant with the English word "white" (Russian white).

8th place. Walrus

Walruses (lat. Odobenus rosmarus) is one of the ancient large animals that have existed since the last ice age. Fossils found in San Francisco Bay date back approximately 28,000 years.

Even now, these giants grow up to 3 m in length and weigh up to 2 tons, the thickness of the skin (on the neck and shoulders of males) is up to 10 cm, and the layer of fat is up to 15 cm. The large ones are perfectly adapted to life in the harsh conditions of the Arctic. They feed mainly on shellfish, but they can also eat fish.

9th place. black rhinoceros

Black rhinoceros (lat. Rhinoceros bicornis) is slightly smaller than white. The mass of this animal does not exceed 1.5-2 tons, the body length is about 3-3.5 meters, the height at the shoulders is 1.5-1.6 m. Their habit of moving along the same paths and poor eyesight makes them vulnerable and defenseless against poachers.

The black rhinoceros has no natural enemies, so it is not at all shy and because of this it automatically becomes an easy trophy for hunters. Interestingly, the body of the black rhino is more elongated and lighter than the white one.

10th place. combed crocodile

Saltwater crocodile (lat. Crocodylus porosus) is the largest and most massive reptile on the planet. Salted crocodile can grow up to 5.5-7 meters (usually 5 m) in length, the weight of an adult (male) is from 409 kg to 1.5 tons.

An interesting fact: it has a high commercial value because of its skin, from which all kinds of clothes, shoes, etc. are made. It is an object of fishing and is bred on crocodile farms.

Modern animal species are not inferior in size to prehistoric animals, however, if a person does not belong to wild nature with due respect, they will all die out just like those that lived millions of years ago.

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There were times when the kings of nature were creatures much larger than us - real prehistoric giants! And one of them still lives on Earth, can you imagine?

We are in website we can't decide what we'd like to do more - ride a paraceraterium or fly a quetzalcoatl.


Amphicelia is the largest animal that has ever existed on Earth. These herbivorous dinosaurs lived 145-161 million years ago. One vertebra of amphicelia was equal to 2.5 meters.


Titanoboa - close relative boa. But much, much more. Titanoboa lived 58-61 million years ago and reached 13 meters in length. Modern reticulated python can grow up to a maximum of 7.5 meters.


Megalodons were apex predators that lived 3-28 million years ago. Only one megalodon tooth can hardly fit in the hands of an adult. Its length could reach 20 meters, and its weight reached 47 tons. Megalodon bite force was equal to 10 tons!


Argentavis lived 5–8 million years ago. This is one of the largest birds in the history of the Earth. Its wingspan reached almost 7 meters, and it fed on rodents.

bighorn deer

Large-horned (Irish) deer appeared a couple of million years ago. When the forests began to advance open spaces, big-horned deer became extinct - with their huge (more than 5 meters in scope) horns, they simply could not move among the dense branches.

Giant short-faced bear

The giant short-faced bear (bulldog bear), having straightened up, reached a height of 3.5-4.5 meters and had incredibly powerful jaws. He was one of the biggest predatory mammals who lived on earth in glacial period. Males were much larger than females and could reach a weight of 1.5 tons. 14 thousand years ago, bulldog bears became extinct.


Gigantopithecus - the largest great apes of all times. They lived about 1 million years ago. It is difficult to draw unambiguous conclusions from rare remains, but scientists believe that Gigantopithecus was 3–4 meters tall, weighed 300–550 kg, and ate mainly bamboo.


Paraceratheria (indrycoteria) lived 20–30 million years ago. They are relatives of modern rhinos, but they did not have horns. Paraceratherium is one of the largest land mammals that has ever existed. They reached 5 meters in height and weighed up to 20 tons. Despite their imposing appearance, they were not predators and fed on the leaves and branches of trees.

Everyone has heard of dinosaurs, mammoths, pterodactyls and other prehistoric animals whose size still continues to stagger the imagination of people around the world. Today, the world cannot boast of these animals, but even now you can meet a lot of interesting and incredible things. We present the rating of the largest animals in the world.

1 place - Blue whale The undisputed leader in all ratings continues to be the Blue Whale, whose dimensions take away the power of speech. Even the largest prehistoric animals are not rivals for him. Its length sometimes reaches 30 meters, and its weight is 180 tons. With its weight, the mammal can accelerate to a speed of 35 km / h.

2nd place - Sperm whale To date, only one species of sperm whales is known to the world. They can reach 20 meters in length and have a weight of about 50 tons. Female sperm whales are much smaller than males. With its menacing appearance, the animal has practically no enemies in the depths of the ocean. The only exception are killer whales, which often attack females and offspring.

3rd place - African elephant At the same time the most dangerous and largest land creature on the planet. It can reach 3.5 meters in height, while weighing about 12 tons. A large mass does not allow the elephant to sleep in a supine position, so it is not uncommon to meet a dozing animal standing up. Despite the huge weight and dimensions, it can easily overtake a person.

4th place - Indian elephant The Indian elephant is slightly smaller in size than the African counterpart. They live mainly in forests, freely overcome dense thickets and viscous swampy terrain. In height, animals can reach 3.5 and weigh 5.5 tons.

5th place - Sea Elephant

According to official figures, the elephant seal is by far the largest pinniped creature in the world. They can grow up to 6 meters and at the same time have a mass of 6 tons. They spend almost their entire lives in the ocean, they go out to land extremely rarely, mainly for breeding.

6th place - Hippopotamus

One of the most dangerous African inhabitants for humans entered the top ten largest animals on the planet. An adult hippopotamus can reach 1.6 meters, and weigh from three tons. It lives mainly in water, where during the day it hides from the annoying sun better. Only in the evening comes out to land in search of food.

7th place - white rhino

Despite the fact that the rhinoceros is a herbivore, its appearance continues to inspire fear in many. It can grow up to 2 meters in height and at the same time have a weight of 3 tons. There are individuals that significantly exceed the figures given.

8th place - Walrus

One of the few "fossil" animals that inhabit our planet to this day. The remains of fossilized walruses were found on the territory of the United States and dated to approximately 28 thousand years ago. The animal is truly amazing appearance and dimensions: an adult grows up to 2 meters in height and weighs about 2 tons.

9th place - black rhinoceros

The black rhino, unlike the white one, weighs much less. Yes, and growth usually does not reach the dimensions of the "brother". So, the average height of an adult black rhinoceros is 1.6 meters, and its weight is 2 tons. He has no enemies in nature, and therefore becomes a very easy prey for hunters.

10th place - Saltwater crocodile

It is surprising that the world's largest reptile is specially grown by man on crocodile farms for industrial purposes. It's all about the unique skin that is actively used in light industry. The growth of an adult individual can reach 7 meters in length, and weight - one and a half tons.

Modern animals are in no way inferior to prehistoric dinosaurs and mammoths. And the main task for a person today is the need to save each of the above species, so that they do not suffer the fate of their fossil ancestors.

Planet Earth is full of amazing animals. It is inhabited by small and large, short and long, high and low. Each is unique in its own way.

But the real amazement is caused by animals of unprecedented sizes. In this article, we will look at the largest animals in the world. All of them belong to completely different species.

The heaviest animal in the world

Of the animals living on land, the African elephant is the heaviest. It ranks second in the ranking of the largest animals in the world. And it is the largest of the existing ones. Male African elephants grow up to 7.5 meters in length, up to 3.3 meters in height, and weigh about 6 tons. Females are slightly smaller, their length reaches 7 meters, height 2.7 meters, weight - less than 3 tons.

The heaviest animal is the African elephant

By the way, an adult African elephant does not have natural enemies, and all because of the impressive size. However, cubs, particularly newborns, are very vulnerable to lions, crocodiles, hyenas and leopards.

The tallest animal in the world

Our TOP of the most gigantic animals in the world continues - the giraffe. It is the tallest land animal on the planet. African artiodactyl mammal grows up to 5-6 meters in height. The average weight of males is 1600 kilograms, females - 830 kilograms. The giraffe has an unusually long neck - more than 2 meters in length. Almost half of the vertical height of individuals. And this is the result of a disproportionate lengthening of the cervical spine.

The largest carnivores in the world

The largest carnivore on the planet that lives to this day is the southern elephant seal, simply a seal. The size of females and males varies significantly, and this difference is greater than that of any other mammal.

Males are 5-6 times heavier than females. The average weight of males is 2200 - 4000 kilograms, while females are only 400-900 kilograms. Length - up to three meters.

The largest carnivorous land animals

At this point in the ranking of the largest animals in the world, the Kodiak bear (a variety of brown bear) and white polar bear. The sizes of individuals are approximately the same, and scientists are still at a loss to answer which bear is larger.

The height of the animals starts from 1.6 meters, the total length is about 3 meters. The heaviest individuals that have been recorded weighed 1003 kilograms ( polar bear) and 1135 kilograms (brown bear).

The largest reptile in the world

Such is the marine crocodile. Therefore, he was included in the list of the largest animals in the world. You can see the reptile in suitable habitats ranging from the east coast of India and Southeast Asia to Northern Australia.

The weight of an adult male reaches 1000 kilograms, while the length ranges from 4 to 5.5 meters. Mature males can grow even larger. By the way, this species of reptile is the only one of the existing ones, the size of which regularly exceeds 4.8 meters. Saltwater crocodile is a predator that attacks almost any animal in its vicinity (both in water and on land).

The largest amphibian in the world

Chinese giant salamander is the largest amphibian in the world. Its length is at least 180 centimeters. However, today quite often the salamander does not live up to this size. The animal lives in rocky mountain lakes and flows in China.

Their numbers are declining catastrophically - due to environmental pollution, in excess of trapping (salamander meat is considered a delicacy, besides, the animal is used in Chinese traditional medicine).

The largest hare (rabbit)

The Flemish giant occupies a worthy position in the ranking of the largest animals in the world. This is an old breed of domesticated rabbit that was bred in the Flemish region. They began to breed in the 16th century near the Belgian city of Ghent.

Giant rabbit eats up the budget of its owners

Such a mutant rabbit can weigh up to 13 kilograms and is not inferior in size to a large dog.

The biggest bats in the world

Giant flying golden-crowned fox. For those who are afraid of mice - a real flying horror. Individuals grow up to 55 cm in length, the wingspan can reach 1.8 meters. Weight bat- about 1.5 kilograms.

It is worth noting that a simple large flying fox loses in mass and length, but wins in wing span.

The largest rodent in the world

Capybara or guinea pig considered the largest rodent in the world. Such a miracle of nature lives in temperate or tropical parts of eastern South America and the Andes. Individuals live mainly near water.

Capybara - giant guinea pig

Adult capybaras grow up to 1.5 meters in length, up to a meter in height, and weigh about 105 kilograms. A huge guinea pig, by the way, easily gets along with a person.

The largest bony fish in the world

To meet one while swimming is to earn a shock. The ocean sunfish has a bony rather than a cartilaginous skeleton. The largest bony fish resembles the head of a fish with a tail where the main part is slightly flattened from the side.

The oceanic individual is 1.8 meters long, and from fin to fin, and even more - up to 2.5 meters. The weight of a fisherman's dream is 1000 kilograms. By the way, there were even more impressive specimens - up to 3.3 meters in length, weighing up to 2300 kilograms.

The biggest snake

Such is green anaconda. And so it takes pride of place with the TOP of the largest animals on the planet.

Maximum size, which was recorded, is 7.5 meters in length and 250 kilograms of weight. However, there are rumors about larger individuals.

The biggest bird in the world

The largest bird in the world cannot fly. The ostrich is an inhabitant of the plains of Arabia and Africa. Male individuals grow up to 2.8 meters and weigh from 150 kilograms.

An ostrich egg is worth a lot. It weighs about 1.5 kilograms and is the largest egg in the world. By the way, ostriches run at a speed of about 100 kilometers per hour. And this fact makes it the fastest bird in the world and the fastest bipedal animal on the planet.

The largest living animal in the world

It is definitely a blue whale. He is marine mammals. In length, individuals reach 30 meters, the weight of the monster is about 180 tons. And with such parameters, the blue whale can bear the proud title of "the largest animal in the world" ever living.

Only one tongue of a mammal weighs about 2.7 tons. The size can be compared with the size of the average Indian elephant. Heart blue whale weighs about 600 kilograms. And it is the largest in the world. In comparison, the heart is comparable to a MiniCooper in size and weight.

But animals can differ not only in physical size, but also in mental parameters. For example, among domestic animals, the smartest, no matter how surprising it may seem, are pigs.
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