Why do we need chemistry in life. The value of chemistry in society

“Life is a series of chemical reactions,” no matter how excessive such a statement may seem, it clearly shows how significant the role of chemistry is in the modern world. Often, chemistry lessons at school are perceived as a duty, since students do not always understand why they should study this subject and how it will be useful in later life.

The relevance of chemistry lessons is manifested at two levels:
obvious- the acquired knowledge is necessary for admission to a higher educational institution.
Household- information obtained from the school chemistry course will help to be competent in a number of life situations.

Children studying in boarding schools have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the study of program subjects and use the acquired knowledge more effectively. Especially when it comes to specialized boarding schools with in-depth study of certain disciplines. But general educational institutions also provide an excellent base, on the basis of which the student will be able to get a good specialty.

Consider the first aspect - admission to a higher educational institution.

Despite the fact that boarding orphanage education provides some benefits for admission, they will need a full set of basic knowledge in order to effectively master the program of higher education. educational institution. Chemistry is a rather complex discipline that requires the child to have such skills as the ability to concentrate, think analytically, perceive the phenomenon being studied holistically, draw conclusions independently, and take responsibility for the safety of others. At the same time, chemistry should become a favorite subject for those who want to realize themselves in the following specialties:

chemical scientist

As long as people strive to transform the world, chemists will be needed by mankind. This branch of knowledge this moment is the most significant for the development of civilization! This means that everyone has the opportunity to contribute to its development.

medical worker

The medical profession is always in demand. A good doctor will never be left without a job and will not feel useless. It is always useful to people, because it helps to maintain health, saves people's lives. Even a nurse, who does not have to take responsibility for making a diagnosis and drawing up a treatment plan, must understand what is hidden behind the composition of pills, mixtures, injections. Without knowledge of chemistry, a doctor will not be able to choose a good treatment, write a prescription for drugs, make a competent recommendation for their use, offer alternative methods of treatment using traditional medicine. After all, all drugs interact with each other and can suppress medicinal properties or vice versa, to make their impact excessive.

Chemistry lessons are even more important for future pharmacists who invent new medicines, make medicinal powders and ointments, and help them choose the cheapest but effective analogues of various drugs.

Veterinarian, zoologist, biologist, agronomist, gardener

Flora and fauna delight almost every inquisitive child. Trees, herbs, flowers delight us with their beauty and benefit. Without them, people would not be able to create books, sew clothes, and make up medical fees. The animal world is also striking in its diversity. Chemistry is relevant for each of these professions.


Nature is an endless source vitality for any person. Wise people strive to live in harmony with it, so the world always needs professional ecologists who help people cooperate with nature and cause minimal harm to it.

Builder, graphic designer, artist

Construction is also an industry that will always be in demand. After all, people need somewhere to live, to sit on something, to sleep. Knowledge of chemistry allows you to correctly calculate the proportions in the preparation of a concrete mixture - a necessary element for building a house. It will also be difficult to determine the necessary time frame necessary for the final hardening of the foundation without understanding the features of the passage of various chemical reactions.

Even artists, who are perceived by many as detached observers, must master the basic chemical concepts of the interaction of substances! Otherwise, they simply will not be able to competently mix paints, fix them on canvas. The graphic designer is also required to have an understanding of chemical processes, in particular their impact on human health - after all, not only the beauty of the living space, but also the quality of life of people depends on his work! He should be able to choose the right material for decoration so that the family living in the apartment does not start chronic diseases and allergic reactions.

food industry technologist

The products that we buy in stores have a long shelf life for one simple reason - the food industry uses knowledge of organic and inorganic chemistry, with the help of which it is possible to extend the shelf life of various foods. Flavors, sugar substitutes, candies, chips, lemonades - most of the delicacies that delight us so much would not be possible if people did not create such a science as chemistry.


Since ancient times, people have used natural dyes to dye clothes made from natural substances in bright colors. The coloring process is a common chemical reaction that can be predicted. Thanks to technologists light industry we have the opportunity to look so bright and use so many synthetic materials to create clothes!

Experienced technologists who know chemistry well are needed to create cosmetics and perfumes. They develop ways to process minerals, develop new types of plastics used to create cases for laptops, tablets, and household items. They create materials for the military industry, the space industry, and medicine.

Expert criminalist

Criminalists who have to investigate serious crimes are required to have broad knowledge in chemistry, biology, psychology, physics and a number of other sciences. The famous literary detective Sherlock Holmes successfully solved many crimes because he was versed in chemistry!

And this is not a complete list of specialties for which knowledge in chemistry is necessary. The learning process is difficult for many children precisely because they do not understand where in practice they can apply the knowledge they have gained. In addition, a natural question arises in children: “I don’t want to develop in specialties related to chemistry. Why should I teach her?

There are two broad responses to this statement. The first is that if you do not get at least a basic knowledge of chemistry, then in the future many development paths will be closed. In addition, interest in a certain field of activity can wake up spontaneously. The second answer is somewhat more mundane - chemistry is needed in everyday life.

Application of knowledge in chemistry in everyday life

It should be noted that for children studying in a boarding school, it is this everyday reason for studying chemistry that is the most significant. Especially if children are deprived of parental care and are forced to find their own place in life. Elementary information gleaned from chemistry lessons will help them in solving the simplest problems. Therefore, when conducting a lesson, I try to show the purpose of the knowledge gained.

For example, when getting acquainted with the class of acids, the guys could not name which acids can be found in their kitchen. Therefore, when talking about acids, I focus on their use in everyday life: how acetic and citric acids can be used, where this knowledge will be useful to them.

I also involve students in this work. For example, when studying the topic “Phenol”, I talk about the negative effects of phenol-formaldehyde resins. I draw your attention to the fact that most of modern furniture is made of chipboard containing harmful substances. I suggest that students find ways to protect themselves from harmful influences. I invite students to work on the project "My Home". Children are preparing for future life, make plans, there is a goal and interest.

We pass the topic "Alcohols". I show the presentation to the children. Unfortunately, the guys have quite a rich experience of such everyday life. And if they laugh at the first frames, then by the end of the presentation it becomes quiet in the class. Be sure to conduct a seminar on the topic "Alcohols". The guys are looking for information, talk about negative impact alcohol on the human body. As the Chinese proverb says, "I heard - I forgot, I saw - I remembered, I did - I understood."

When studying the topic “Enzymes”, we consider the composition of washing powders, learn how to wash clothes correctly, and simultaneously repeat the topic “Water hardness”. Knowledge backed by practice remains for a long time.

Studying nucleic acids, we always talk in detail about biotechnologies and genetic engineering, I introduce them to products containing genetically modified components. The children write essays-reasoning about the future of mankind.

The guys are interested in what concerns them personally, in particular, they are very interested in health issues. We pass the topic "Vitamins". The children take notes, try on the acquired knowledge.

Buying washing powder and choosing a washing temperature for clothes made of various fabrics. Selection of cosmetics, with a minimum content of "chemistry". Cleaning silver jewelry, protection of metal products from the effects of water. Ways to purify water using various natural materials. Create fun magic tricks using various chemical substances(activated carbon, ammonia, tea, yeast). Making homemade ice cream ... - ordinary children learn all this and much more thanks to the life experience of their parents. Orphans brought up in boarding schools are deprived of this everyday knowledge! Therefore, it is so important that they have the opportunity to study chemistry in depth in the classroom.

Students absorb the basics of chemical science, which will subsequently allow them to navigate well in everyday life and not commit rash acts! After all, knowledge of how to neutralize a chemical burn can save a person’s health, and even life! Where else can a child get them, if not in chemistry lessons?

It is boring to study only what is going on in isolation from our own life. Even an adult cannot always bring himself to learn what seems useless and boring to him. What to demand from a student who is in a difficult period of adolescence and has not yet decided on the main questions: “Who am I, what do I want from life”? Therefore, it is important when studying chemistry to prove its relevance - to arouse interest.

High school students in chemistry class getting ready to enter the adulthood and realize themselves in a certain profession. The relevance of studying chemistry in this context is absolutely indisputable! Indeed, almost every activity modern people associated with chemistry. Even the formation of falling in love is subject to the laws of this science. Chemistry is life worth learning!

Kuzmenko Elena Anatolievna
State budgetary educational institution boarding school №24
Saint Petersburg
Chemistry teacher

"Chemistry in human life" message Grade 8 will briefly talk about the chemical processes that surround us and affect our life. Also, the message "The role of chemistry in human life" can be used to prepare an essay on a given topic.

Message "Chemistry in human life"

Why is chemistry needed in human life and in nature? Look around and you will see that our world almost entirely consists of it. The most striking example of this is oxygen, a substance without which living beings could not exist on the planet. He is involved in such important processes as:

  • Breath
  • Combustion
  • rotting

And this is only the smallest part. Chemistry covers all branches of industry and influences all processes occurring in nature.

  1. Chemistry in industry

Such industries as the manufacture of building materials, mechanical engineering, Agriculture, metallurgy, electronics manufacturing, light industry, pharmaceutical industry, food industry, petrochemical industry. Thanks to chemistry, medicines and food products are produced that are necessary for our life. The chemical industry has made significant progress in the production of weapons. But at the same time, industrial enterprises harm the environment, they gradually poison us, provoke the emergence of new diseases.

  1. Casual life

It is difficult to imagine everyday life and life of a person without chemistry and the benefits of chemical production. Cleaning and detergents, lipstick, a credit card, headphones, glasses, a computer, these are the things that have tightly entered our lives and which are the brainchild of chemical production (or rather, the oil refining industry). It should be noted that more than 6,000 items of products are produced from oil. The most popular and used by us are:

  • Plastic. It is present in industrial and household appliances, trains, cars, food containers, stationery.
  • Petrolatum. It is an important part of medicine, cosmetology and food industry.
  • Synthetic fabrics. Among them are pleasant and soft acrylic, elastic lycra, durable nylon, wrinkle-resistant polyester.

Oil is also used in food products where it replaces animal protein.

  1. Chemistry and food

Did you know that drinking water this is pure chemistry, the formula of which everyone remembers from school times. Drinking a glass of water, a person consumes a real cocktail of inorganic substances: iodine, fluorine, calcium, selenium, and so on. If we talk about food, then the first thing that comes to mind is the word "monosodium glutamate" - a substance that will make almost everything tasty. It is found in chips, seasonings, sausages, sausages, milk, fish, soy products, and so on. There are a huge number of such substances, and they are not always useful.

Thus, chemistry has been our companion since the creation of the world. Man has learned to run complex chemical processes that we do not even think about. Without chemistry modern world would not exist in the form in which we see it now.

We hope that the "Chemistry in Human Life" message summarized in this article helped you prepare for the lesson. A short story about chemistry in human life, you can add through the comment form below.

Significance of chemistry in modern society

Chemical knowledge is a powerful force in the hands of mankind. Knowledge of the properties of chemical substances and methods of obtaining them not only allows one to study and understand nature, but also to obtain new, still unknown substances, to assume the existence of substances with the necessary properties.

But chemistry can also pose a danger to humans and the environment. Noted science fiction writer and chemist Isaac Asimov wrote: “Chemistry is death packed in cans and boxes.” And what has been said is true not only for chemistry, but also for electricity, radio electronics, and transport. We cannot live without electricity, but a bare wire is deadly, cars help us move around, but people often die under their wheels. The use by mankind of the achievements of modern science and technology, including chemistry, requires deep knowledge and a high general culture.

Only responsible, rational nature management can become the key to the sustainable development of our civilization!

Chemistry in Everyday life

Without chemistry, it is impossible to imagine the modern life of people. And not only indirectly, through the use of food, clothing, footwear, fuel, housing, but also directly, through the use of glass, plastic, porcelain and faience products, medicines, disinfectants, cosmetics, various adhesives, varnishes, paints, food additives, etc.

Various detergents have finally entered our everyday life. But besides soaps and shampoos, we use many other products, in particular bleaches. The action of most of them is based on the properties of chlorine-containing compounds, which are strong oxidizing agents. Some products are labeled "Chlorine Free". Such products contain other strong oxidizing agents, such as sodium perborate NaBO 2 . H2O2. 3H 2 O or sodium percarbonate Na 2 CO 3 . 1.5H2O2. H 2 O. Hard water can damage washing machines, so we use water softeners.

Creation of new materials

Creating new materials is a must modern life. Materials with new, improved properties should replace obsolete ones. New materials are also required by high-tech industries: space and nuclear technology, electronics. For practical needs, metals, polymers, ceramics, dyes, fibers and much more are needed.

Composites occupy a special place among new materials. In many properties - strength, toughness - composites significantly exceed traditional materials, due to which the society's demand for them is constantly growing. More and more resources are spent on the creation of composites, and the main consumers of composites today are the automotive and space industries (Fig. 40.1).


With the development of medicine, there was a need to replace organs and tissues in the human body. Materials that can be used to make various implants are created in chemical laboratories. Metal prostheses are easy to manufacture, very strong, chemically inert, and relatively cheap. The main disadvantage of metals is that they are subject to corrosion, due to which the mechanical strength is reduced, and the body is poisoned by ions of metal elements. Quite promising for the manufacture of implants are titanium alloys (for example, Ti-Al-V). They are strong, relatively light and resistant to corrosion.

Today, ceramic bioimplants are being used more and more. Ceramics is a wonderful biomaterial: it is durable and does not corrode. In addition, ceramics are not abraded, which is important for artificial joints, and is also characterized by biocompatibility.

Rice. 40.1. The use of composite materials: carbon fabric (carbon fiber) (a) is used to reinforce parts of bicycles and cars, fiberglass is used to make kayak hulls and small boats(b) and even entire houses (c)

Rice. 40.2. Modern biomaterials are used for the manufacture of artificial joints and multifunctional limb prostheses.

Rational use of natural raw materials

Nature seems to be an inexhaustible pantry from which humanity takes the necessary raw materials. Over the past 20 years, more minerals have been consumed than in the entire history of mankind. About 100 billion tons are mined and processed annually in the world rocks. Many sources of raw materials have already been depleted, so the problem of raw materials is acute. Already today, many countries lack certain natural resources. Ukraine, for example, lacks oil and natural gas.

The integrated use of raw materials and waste is the basis of combined industries (various chemical, chemical with metallurgical, etc.). It is necessary to introduce non-waste technologies, i.e., such production processes in which the waste of one production becomes the raw material (reagents) for another.

An inexhaustible source of raw materials are industrial and household waste. The task of chemists is to develop methods for the efficient use of such waste. The use of secondary raw materials makes it possible to save natural raw materials and energy, as well as reduce the cost of the product, since resource costs are 2-3 times (and for some types up to 6 times) less than production from primary raw materials. For example, smelting steel from scrap metal requires 6-7 times less energy costs and 25 times cheaper than making steel from ore.

Key idea

Chemistry has entered into all spheres of life and activity of mankind. In our daily life we ​​use many products of the chemical industry. Chemistry allows you to create new materials that do not exist in nature.

Control questions

486. Name the chemical products that you use in everyday life.

487. Give examples of the adverse effects of chemicals and technologies on environment or a person.

488. Describe what your life would be like if there were no chemical products in it.

489. Describe the role of chemistry in the creation of new materials, in solving energy and raw materials problems.

Tasks for mastering the material

490*. Find out from adults if there are chemical enterprises in your city, village, region. Which? What do they produce? How do they affect the environment? Can a person refuse the products of these industries? Justify the answer.

491* Find information in additional sources about the principles of environmental management and the importance of chemistry in the implementation of these principles.

This is textbook material.


The role of chemistry in modern life is indicated very clearly: chemistry is energy, heat, household chemicals.

Chemistry as a science and at the same time as a field of application of knowledge is very impressive. Material production is impossible without the use of chemical technologies. New materials are constantly entering our lives. For many centuries, chemistry developed as alchemy, the search for the philosopher's stone. Now it is one of the most fundamental sciences about substances and their properties, without which life itself is impossible.

Chemistry as a component of culture fills with content a number of fundamental ideas about the world, the connection between the structure and properties of a complex system, probabilistic ideas and ideas about symmetry, chaos and order; conservation laws; the unity of discrete and continuous; the evolution of matter - all this finds a visual expression on the actual material of chemistry, gives food for thought about the world around us, for the harmonious development of the individual.

The role of chemistry in human life

Everywhere, wherever you look, we are surrounded by objects and products made from substances and materials that are obtained in chemical plants and factories. In addition, in everyday life, without knowing it, each person carries out chemical reactions. For example, washing with soap, washing with detergents, etc. When a piece of lemon is dipped into a glass of hot tea, the color fades - tea here acts as an acid indicator, similar to litmus. A similar acid-base interaction occurs when wetting chopped blue cabbage with vinegar. Mistresses know that cabbage turns pink at the same time. Lighting a match, kneading sand and cement with water, or extinguishing lime with water, firing bricks, we carry out real, and sometimes quite complex chemical reactions. The explanation of these and other chemical processes that are widespread in human life is the lot of specialists.

Cooking is also a chemical process. No wonder they say that women chemists are often very good cooks. Indeed, cooking in the kitchen is sometimes like doing organic synthesis in a lab. Only instead of flasks and retorts in the kitchen they use pots and pans, but sometimes autoclaves in the form of pressure cookers. It is not necessary to list further the chemical processes that a person conducts in everyday life. It should only be noted that in any living organism various chemical reactions are carried out in huge quantities. The processes of digestion of food, respiration of animals and humans are based on chemical reactions. The growth of a small blade of grass and a mighty tree is also based on chemical reactions.

Chemistry is a science, an important part of natural science. Strictly speaking, science cannot surround man. It may be surrounded by the results of the practical application of science. This clarification is very significant. At present, one can often hear the words: “chemistry has spoiled nature”, “chemistry

Water on a planet scale

Mankind has long paid great attention to water, because it was well known that where there is no water, there is no life. In dry soil, grain can lie for many years and germinate only in the presence of moisture. Despite the fact that water is the most common substance, it is distributed very unevenly on Earth. On African continent and in Asia there are vast expanses devoid of water—deserts. whole country- Algeria - lives on imported water. Water is delivered by ship to some coastal areas and to the islands of Greece. Sometimes there water costs more than wine. According to the United Nations, in 1985, 2.5 billion people the globe lacked clean drinking water.

The surface of the globe is 3/4 covered with water - these are oceans, seas; lakes, glaciers. In fairly large quantities, water is found in the atmosphere, as well as in earth's crust. The total reserves of free water on Earth are 1.4 billion km3. The main amount of water is contained in the oceans (about 97.6%), in the form of ice on our planet there is 2.14% of water. The water of rivers and lakes is only 0.29% and atmospheric water - 0.0005%.

Water is in constant and active circulation. His driving force is the Sun, and the main source of water is the oceans. Almost a quarter of all solar energy incident on Earth is spent on the evaporation of water from the surfaces of reservoirs. Every year, 511 thousand km3 of water rises into the atmosphere in this way, of which 411 thousand km3 is from the ocean surface. Approximately 2/3 of atmospheric water returns as precipitation back to the ocean, and 1/3 falls on land. Annual rainfall is 40 times the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. Having fallen immediately, they could form a layer 1 m thick on the Earth. This water replenishes glaciers, rivers and lakes. In turn, the continental surface waters again flow into the seas and oceans, dissolving the occurring

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We can say with certainty that at least one chemical compound in a fairly pure form is found in every home, in every family. This is common salt, or as chemists call it, sodium chloride NaCl. It is known that, leaving the taiga shelter, hunters will certainly leave matches and salt for random travelers. Salt

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Man has long been familiar with the miraculous properties of fire, spontaneously arising as a result of a lightning strike. Therefore, the search for ways to make fire was undertaken even primitive man. Vigorously rubbing two pieces of wood is one such method. Self-ignition of wood occurs at temperatures above 300°C.

It is clear what muscular effort must be applied to locally heat the wood to such a temperature. Nevertheless, at one time mastery of this method was greatest achievement, since the use of fire allowed a person to largely remove dependence on climate, and therefore expand the space for existence. Carving sparks when a stone hits a piece of pyrite FeS2 and igniting charred pieces of wood or vegetable

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Paper and pencils

It is no exaggeration to say that every person every day and in in large numbers uses paper or paper products. The role of paper in the history of culture is invaluable. The written history of mankind has about six thousand years and began

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The history of glass goes back to ancient times. It is known that in Egypt and Mesopotamia they knew how to make it already 6000 years ago. Probably, glass began to be made later than the first ceramic products, since its production required more

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Ceramic products are widely represented in everyday life and construction. The word ceramics has become so firmly established in the Russian language that we are surprised when we learn that it is of foreign origin. In fact, the word

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Construction Materials

Natural or artificial substances, which include silica SiO2, are called silicates. This word comes from lat. silex - flint. Modern silicate industry is the most important industry National economy. It provides the country's basic needs for building materials. Glass is a typical representative of silicate materials, but it has already been discussed.

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Page creation date: 2016-02-13

Presentation on chemistry by student 8 "A" Fedotova Elizabeth on the topic: "The role of chemistry in people's lives"

Chemistry is very important in human life, because these processes surround us everywhere: from cooking to biological processes in the body. Achievements in this field of knowledge brought damage to humanity (creation of weapons mass destruction), and gave salvation from death (the development of medicines for diseases, the cultivation of artificial organs, etc.). Knowledge of this science is necessary: ​​so many contradictory discoveries have not occurred in any other field of knowledge.

Life Chemical processes: when we set fire to a match; personal hygiene when a person uses soap that foams when interacting with water; washing with the use of powders, rinses to soften linen; when a person drinks tea with lemon, the color of the drink weakens; when people make repairs and knead cement, burn bricks, quench lime with water. There are complex chemical processes that we do not think about in everyday life, but not a single person would have managed without them.

Medicine By mixing substances, medicines are obtained, and when they react with the cells of the body, recovery occurs. Chemistry can play both a creative role in medicine and a destructive one, because not only medicines are created, but also poisons - toxic substances that are harmful to human health. There are such types of toxic substances: harmful; annoying; aggressive; carcinogenic.

Biological side of life Assimilation of food, breathing of man and animal is based precisely on chemical reactions. Photosynthesis, without which people cannot live, is also accompanied by chemical processes. Some scientists believe that the origin of life on our planet took place in an environment consisting of carbon dioxide, ammonia, water and methane, and the first organisms received energy for life by decomposing molecules without oxidation. These are the simplest chemical reactions that accompany the origin of life on Earth.

Production Even in ancient times, crafts were widespread, which were based on chemical processes: for example, the creation of ceramics, metal processing, the use of natural dyes. Today, the petrochemical and chemical industry is one of the most significant sectors of the economy, and chemical processes and knowledge about them play an important role in society. It depends on humanity how to use them - for constructive or destructive purposes, because among the variety of chemicals one can also find dangerous ones for humans (explosive, oxidizing, flammable, etc.). Chemistry in human life is a panacea for diseases, and weapons, and the economy, and cooking, and, of course, life itself.
