Maria Shukshina and her children. Maria Shukshina, biography, news, photos

Maria Shukshina – Russian TV presenter, actress, known for the films “American Daughter”, “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard”, “My Crazy Family”, the TV series “Dear Masha Berezina”, “Brezhnev”, “Who else if not me?” and others. Honored Artist of Russia.

The main films of actor Maria Shukshina

  • short biography

    Maria was born on May 27, 1967 in Moscow into the famous family of the Soviet writer, screenwriter, film director, actor Vasily Shukshin and actress Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. Two years later, Maria had a sister, with whom they subsequently did not get along. According to Maria, they grew up too different - Masha is shy, modest, and the youngest Olga is active, explosive, emotional.

    The father-director began filming his daughter Masha when she was two years old. Maria's film debut took place at the age of one and a half years - in his film " Strange people"(1969). At the age of 7, Maria appeared in Sergei Nikonenko’s film “Birds over the City” (1974). That same year, the girl experienced a tragedy - her father died. Subsequently, the girls were raised by their stepfather, cameraman Mikhail Agranovich. After her father's death, Maria became very close to her mother and listened to her advice. Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina dissuaded her daughter from the painful acting profession. Therefore, after school, Maria decided not to become an actress and entered the faculty of translators of the Institute foreign languages them. Maurice Thorez. “Mom often said: “If you’re lucky, you marry a director - he will film you.” And if not, you will be unemployed, you will be hanging around in limbo.” That’s why I decided to choose a more stable profession.” Shukshina worked as a secretary-translator, then as a broker on the stock exchange. “But the call of our ancestors turned out to be stronger,” she admits. At the age of 23, Maria appeared in the drama “Eternal Husband” (1990), where her mother played the leading role. At the age of 28, Maria starred in Pyotr Todorovsky’s film “What a Wonderful Game” (1995). In the same year, she received a major role for the first time - in Karen Shakhnazarov’s drama “American Daughter” (1995). Maria played ex-wife hero Vladimir Mashkov, who secretly took their common daughter to the USA, but the father kidnaps the child from the mother. The film was a huge success in Russia. Three years later, Shukshina appeared in Vladimir Bortko’s drama “The Circus Burnt Down and the Clowns Ran Away” (1998) - in the role of the second wife of a reflective director.

    Mass popularity came to Maria in 1998, when she was called to be the TV presenter of Channel One’s top-rated program “Wait for Me,” a program that searches for and connects lost people. Compassionate, not sparing tears on camera, the charming Maria Shukshina instantly fell in love with the audience. TV directors did not fail to film Maria in the wake of her popularity in their projects. So, since 2001, Shukshina began acting in television series. The first was Alla Surikova’s project “ Perfect couple", where Shukshina had a small role. Then - the mini-series “People and Shadows: Secrets of the Puppet Theater” (2001) and “The Adventures of a Magician” (2003), where the actress again had only an episode - she played a hereditary sorceress. In 2004, 37-year-old Shukshina had a major role in the series “Dear Masha Berezina,” where she played the role of the minister’s wife, who is trying to build a modeling business on her own. The same year, the 37-year-old actress appears in leading role in the melodrama by Vsevolod Shilovsky “Not all cats are grey” (2004), and then in the series with the self-explanatory title “I Love You” in a duet with Alexander Abdulov. Shukshina also stars as Nadya in Rodion Nakhapetov’s comedy “My Big Armenian Wedding” (2004). Basically, Shukshina appears in television series (“Terrorist: Particularly Dangerous”, “Made in the USSR”, “20 Years Without Love”, “Who If Not Me?” and others).

    Maria – mother of many children, she has four children - a daughter and three sons. She was married three times, but the marriages ended in divorce.

Maria Shukshina is considered one of the most successful and sought-after actresses, whose heroines are often strong and self-sufficient women. It is very important for her that things work out on the set. a good relationship and mutual understanding with the film director, thanks to which Maria receives great pleasure from her work. Despite failed marriages, Shukshina believes that her personal life was happy. Now she is not only raising children, but has also become one of the youngest and most beautiful star grandmothers.

Maria was born in 1967 in Moscow. Her parents are famous creative people: her father is actor, writer and director Vasily Shukshin, and her mother is actress Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina. When the future screen star was seven years old, grief happened in the family: her father passed away. Mom was often away from home, on tours or festivals, so the girl also had to look after her younger sister Olga.

While still alive in 1972, the father directed his daughters in the film “Stoves and Benches,” and two years later Masha played in the film “Birds over the City.” But acting did not interest her at all, and after graduating from school, the girl received an education at the Institute of Foreign Languages, and then she was a translator at a brokerage company.

In the photo, Maria as a child with her parents and younger sister

Perhaps Shukshina would not have continued her acting dynasty if she had not been offered to star in the film “American Daughter,” which was filmed in San Francisco. After the release of the film, the aspiring actress received her first success. In 1999, her collaboration with television began: for 15 years, Maria hosted the “Wait for Me” program on Channel One. Among successful work actress, one can note her roles in such film projects as “Who else if not me?”, “The Outgoing Nature”, “Yolki 3”, “Such Work” and others.

Despite success in her career and excellent external data (height - 180 cm, weight - 65 kg), Shukshina’s personal life was not easy. During her university years, she began dating her classmate Artyom Tregubenko, who soon became her first husband. In 1989, a daughter, Anna, was born into the family, however, almost immediately their relationship underwent changes. After few years family life Maria decided to leave her husband.

Actress with her eldest daughter Anna

She knew her second husband, businessman Alexei Kasatkin, before: the young man was a friend of her first ex-husband. Having met the actress one day, he asked her out on a date, after which they never parted. Soon the couple had a son, Makar, but this relationship did not develop into a strong and long-term marriage.

Boris Vishnyakov - Shukshina’s third husband

A new love appeared in Shukshina’s personal life a few years later, and businessman and lawyer Boris Vishnyakov then became her chosen one. In 2005, the couple became parents: they had twin sons, whom happy parents They were named Thomas and Foka. At the same time, the husband began having problems at work, and the couple began to quarrel, as a result of which the actress and her children left him. For a long time there were strained relations between them, but time passed and everything got better. Boris is involved in raising the boys, but about the reunion ex-spouses out of the question.

In the photo Maria Shukshina with her sons:

Maria strives for her children to grow up to be decent and educated people, so she is a strict and demanding mother. Daughter Anya was educated at VGIK, and in 2014 she married her lover Konstantin, with whom she lived in a civil marriage for several years. In the fall of the same year, they gave the actress a grandson, Vyacheslav. Shukshina rarely shares details of her life with fans, but sometimes on her page you can see photos of her growing twin sons, as well as her beloved grandson.

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 05/26/2017

Children of Maria Shukshina They cause a lot of trouble for their mother, who has to not only raise them, but also work a lot. The actress has five children who were born in different marriages. The eldest daughter Anya was born when Maria was married to Artem Tregubenko. She is already an adult girl, graduating from the production department of VGIK. Last year, Anna married her peer, whom she met in a common company. Thanks to her daughter, Maria Shukshina is now not only a mother, but also a mother-in-law.

In the photo - the actress with her daughter

The actress gave birth to her second son Makar from her second husband, businessman Alexei Kasatkin. Makar is now at a difficult age and needs a lot of attention, for which his mother does not have enough time. Maria admits that she missed Makar, who often makes her mother worry. When Makar was fourteen, he left home and lived with his ex for some time common-law husband Maria Shukshina Boris Vishnyakov. According to him, the boy believes that no one needs him and Makar came to this conclusion because he was sent to a cadet school, where he has no desire to study. Makara has been taken to the police more than once, where he was taken straight from the street.

In the photo - Maria Shukshina with her son Makar

The youngest children of Maria Shukshina, the twins Foma and Foka, were born in the actress’s civil marriage with Boris Vishnyakov and became the cause of long disputes between the parents. The fact is that Maria broke up with Boris, and for a very long time they could not share their children. They had an insoluble conflict over raising their children - the father believed that Maria, who was constantly busy filming and rehearsing, did not have enough time for the children. After the divorce, the actress did not want Vishnyakov to communicate with Foka and Foma. Later she began to allow them to see each other, and Boris regularly took them with him. The youngest children of Maria Shukshina, according to psychologists, received a lot of mental trauma due to a long conflict between their parents. Lawyer Boris Vishnyakov loves his children and suffered greatly that he was almost not allowed to see them.

In the photo - the actress with her younger children

Maria Shukshina was born into the family of writer Vasily Shukshin and actress Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. Masha has a younger sister, Olga, and a half-sister (only related to her mother) - Anastasia Voronina-Francisco.

Already at the age of one and a half years, Maria starred in the short story “Brother”, and at five - in the film “Stoves and Benches”. Despite this, the future star did not enter the theater school, preferring the Institute of Foreign Languages. Maurice Thorez. As a fourth-year student, she married fellow student Artem Tregubenko. The marriage gave birth to a daughter, Anna, in 1989. After graduating from the institute, Masha worked for several years as a translator at the Russian commodity exchange.

The second husband of Maria Shushkina was Alexey Kasatkin, the groom’s witness at the first wedding. The marriage gave birth to a son, Makar, in 1998. But this marriage did not last long. When the couple divorced, the father kidnapped his 2-year-old son. The actress had to contact law enforcement agencies to bring the child home.

In 1998, Maria Shukshina first tried herself as a TV presenter. She took part in auditions for different channels and received invitations from everywhere. But she chose the Channel One project “Looking for You,” which was later renamed “Wait for Me.”

In 2000, Masha Shukshina received an offer from Karen Shakhnazarov to play the main female role in the film “American Daughter”. This role brings her incredible popularity and people's love.

Maria Shukshina’s third husband is lawyer Boris Vishnyakov. From him, the TV presenter gave birth to twins Foka and Foma. The marriage lasted six years. After the divorce, the children temporarily lived with their father. After going through a series of lawsuits, Maria managed to sue the children.

At the end of 2013, Maria Shukshina’s daughter Anna gave birth to a son, Mikhail. The TV presenter said in an interview that she dreamed that a girl would be the first to appear in her daughter’s family. Maria always had an excellent relationship with her daughter Anna. She graduated from the production department of VGIK, worked for some time in the restaurant business in St. Petersburg, then returned to Moscow and married a former classmate, Konstantin.


Honored Artist of Russia (2008)

Medal "For Services to the Fatherland" II degree (2006)

Nika Award in the category “Best Actress” for her role in the film “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard” (2004)
1969 - Strange people (short story “Brother”)

1972 - Stove-benches

1974 - Birds over the city

1990 - Eternal husband

1995 - American Daughter

1995 - What a wonderful game

1995 - Moscow Communications

1998 - The circus burned down and the clowns fled

2001 - Ideal couple (series “Relax, Master”)

2001 - People and Shadows

2002 - Adventures of a Magician

2004 - My big Armenian wedding

2004 - Dear Masha Berezina

2004 - Narrow Bridge

2004 - Not all cats are gray

2004 - I love you

2005 - Brezhnev

2006 - Dad of all trades

2007 — A bag with a bright future

2007 - Trust Service

2008 - Guilty without guilt

2008 - Take me with you

2008 - Indigo

2008 - Terrorist Ivanova

2009 - Justice of Wolves

2009 - Bury me behind the baseboard

2009 - Roof

2009 - Take me with you 2

2010 - Hokkaido Police. Russian department

2010 — Burnt by the Sun 2: Imminence

2011 — Made in the USSR

2011 — Deli Case No. 1

2011 - My crazy family

2011 - 20 years without love

2012 - Who, if not me?

2012 - Fireplace Guest

2013 - Stanitsa

2013 - Christmas trees 3

2013 — Creeping Line

2014 - Fashion model

2014 - Goodbye boys

2014 — Outgoing nature

She bears the proud title of mother of many children. For the first time, Maria Shukshina married her classmate Artema Tregubenko, in 1989 their daughter was born Anna. However, a few years later the couple separated. The actress's second husband was another classmate of hers. Alexey Kasatkin, in marriage with whom she had a son Makar. In August 2005, Maria Shukshina and her third husband, a lawyer Boris Vishnyakov, twins were born Thomas And Foka. Unfortunately, this marriage of the actress did not last long. In 2011, Maria and Boris divorced.

Yesterday, the actress published a photo from her grandson’s birthday on her Instagram microblog. Vyacheslav, in which she is photographed with her 28-year-old daughter Anna, the boy’s mother. In less than 24 hours, the photo collected about five thousand likes and more than two hundred enthusiastic comments. Fans of the actress note that mother and daughter look simply wonderful, like sisters: “ Two beautiful sisters!”« Mashenka, what beauties you are!”, “ When a mother is more beautiful than her daughter", "You are both so beautiful!”

50-year-old Maria Shukshina looks younger than her daughter

But if the actress’s daughter can be called her mother’s pride, then her son, Makar Kasatkin, does not please his mother at all. The fact is that in October of this year, 19-year-old Makar Kasatkin became involved in a criminal case. Young man accused of beating his girlfriend, Freya, who was pregnant with his child, as well as distributing illegal drugs. Freya herself called the police. She also appeared in the studio of the show “Live”, where she talked about what happened.

Over the phone, the editors of the “Live Broadcast” program asked Boris Vishnyakov, Shukshina’s third husband and the father of her twins Foma and Foka, to comment on the situation. He said that Makar is 19 years old, so if he did something, he will answer. But Boris Vishnyakov cannot believe that Makar could beat a pregnant girl. Maria Shukshina’s sister Olga Shukshina, who is now in Egypt, briefly commented on the situation on Skype: “Shame...”

On November 20, Makar turned 20 years old. A mother of many children congratulated her son on her microblog on Instagram, leaving a very ambiguous post (spelling and punctuation are unchanged. - Note ed.): “Lord, give all my beloved children sobriety, humility, patience, strong faith, health and happiness!!! Happy birthday to you, Makar!”

Makar Kasatkin with his mother Maria Shukshina

Let us remind you that on November 8, the first trailer for the British series “McMafia” was released, starring Maria Shukshina, Alexei Serebryakov and the star of the series “War and Peace” James Norton. The eight-episode project is scheduled to hit the small screen either in January or February next year. The plot is based on a bestseller Misha Glenny « McMafia: Crime Without Borders". At the center of the story are the descendants of Russian migrants with a criminal past. The project is directed by James Watkins, who directed the thriller " Paradise Lake"and the series "Black Mirror". Became a screenwriter Hussein Amini, responsible for the crime action movie " Drive". In addition to James Norton, Maria Shukshina and Alexey Serebryakov, the cast included Maria Mashkova, David Strathairn, Juliet Rylance, Merab Ninidze and Fey Marsay.

Let us note that for Maria Shukshina, filming the TV series “McMafia” became a kind of fulfillment of a childhood dream. The actress dreamed of visiting the UK, and filming a new project allowed Shukshina not only to work abroad, but also to live in London for several months.

Trailer for the series "McMafia"
