What did you know before about Shukshin's stories? We would not forget about the soul

Goals: get acquainted with the work of V. M. Shukshin; analyze one of his stories; continue to develop oral communication skills.

Equipment: textbook, disc with a recording of the actor reading the story “Cut”, excerpts from the film “Kalina Krasnaya”, interactive board and presentation for the lesson.



Lesson. Topic: “Creativity of V. M. Shukshin. Analysis of the story "Cut".

Goals: get acquainted with the work of V. M. Shukshin; analyze one of his stories; continue to develop oral communication skills.

Equipment : textbook, disc with a recording of the actor reading the story “Cut”, excerpts from the movie “Kalina Krasnaya”, interactive board and presentation for the lesson.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Checking homework.
  3. The teacher's story about V. M. Shukshin.

Vasily Makarovich Shukshinlived a short life. A significant part of it was spent on wanderings and “universities of life.” Shukshina's creative career as a prose writer, playwright, actor and director was only 20 years old.

The future famous writer was born in the villageSplices of Biyskdistrict Altai Territory in a peasant family. His father was arrested when the boy was 4 years old and posthumously rehabilitated in 1956. Shukshin was raised by his mother, an almost illiterate woman, but naturally kind and intelligent, with a strong nature, sensitive to words, music, and song, and his stepfather, who died at the front. Shukshin received various talents from his mother.

Shukshin had a difficult childhood: on the collective farm and at home he did all the peasant work. Since childhood I have been addicted to reading. There is information that he studied for some time at the Biysk Automotive College, then, in his words, “he worked in Kaluga at the construction of a turbine plant, in Vladimir at a tractor plant, and at construction sites in the Moscow region.”

Late 1940s Shukshin was drafted into the army and served in the navy. After early demobilization due to illness, he returned to his native Srostki and was the director of an evening school, while teaching Russian language and literature. At this time he decided to get higher education. But for this it was necessary to complete the average. Shukshin passed the exams as an external student and, with a certificate of maturity in hand, in 1954 he entered the directing department of VGIK.

Shukshin wrote that at first it was very difficult for him to study at the institute. His classmates knew more than he did, and they knew what it was impossible not to know.

By the early 1960s, when Shukshin graduated from college, he decided to loudly declare himself with prose writings. By this time, the writer had already starred in the films “Two Fyodors”, “Alenka”; he considered his writing debut to be the appearance of the stories “Truth”, “Bright Soul”, “Styopkina Love”, “Exam” and the collection “Village Residents”.

4. Questions for the class.

What did you know before about the stories of V. M. Shukshin? Have you read them? Have you seen the film "Kalina Krasnaya"? Tell us about it. (Students' answers).

5. Showing the presentation “V. M. Shukshin and his films.” (The slides are accompanied by comments from the teacher).

In 1964-1974, Shukshin created 4 films (“Stoves-benches”, “Your son and brother”, “ Strange people", "Red viburnum"). Shortly before his death, the writer composed the script “Kalina Krasnaya”, then released a famous film with the same name. It brought Shukshin well-deserved success and national recognition as a screenwriter, as a director, and as an actor.

6. We watch an excerpt from the film “Kalina Krasnaya”.(The excerpt lasts 5-7 minutes. Show the deepest episodes).

7. Questions for the class.

What do you think main character paintings by Egor Prokudin? (Proud, tough, harsh, but deeply philosophical).

Did Shukshin manage to create a large-scale, contradictory, multifaceted and truly popular image of a stumbled person?? (Yes, it was possible. Shukshin’s hero is very contradictory. But at the same time, he realizes that he is doing wrong. He decides to correct his fate, start it over again, with clean slate. However, the hero fails to turn his life around differently).

Why can’t Yegor Prokudin do this?? (His dark past constantly prevents him from living. It returns to him, who has already said goodbye to the hero from the outside - from the underworld).

8. Physical exercise.

9. Working with the textbook. Reading works. Work on issues.

10. Summing up the lesson.

1) What did we talk about today? Which writer's work were you looking at?

2) What did you like (or dislike) in the works of V. M. Shukshin?

3) Tell us about the heroes of Vasily Makarovich’s works.

11. Homework.

Create illustrations for V. M. Shukshin’s work “Cut.” Read another story by this author. Prepare a table describing the characters.

Lesson. Topic: “Creativity of V. M. Shukshin. Analysis of the story "Cut".

Goals: get acquainted with the work of V. M. Shukshin; analyze one of his stories; continue to develop oral communication skills.

Equipment: textbook, disc with a recording of the actor reading the story “Cut”, excerpts from the movie “Kalina Krasnaya”, interactive whiteboard and presentation for the lesson.

During the classes
Organizing time.
Checking homework.
The teacher's story about V. M. Shukshin.

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin lived a short life. A significant part of it was spent on wanderings and “universities of life.” Shukshina's creative career as a prose writer, playwright, actor and director was only 20 years old.
The future famous writer was born in the village of Srostki, Biysk region, Altai Territory, into a peasant family. His father was arrested when the boy was 4 years old and posthumously rehabilitated in 1956. Shukshin was raised by his mother, an almost illiterate woman, but naturally kind and intelligent, with a strong nature, sensitive to words, music, and song, and his stepfather, who died at the front. Shukshin received various talents from his mother.
Shukshin had a difficult childhood: on the collective farm and at home he did all the peasant work. Since childhood I have been addicted to reading. There is information that he studied for some time at the Biysk Automotive College, then, in his words, “he worked in Kaluga at the construction of a turbine plant, in Vladimir at a tractor plant, and at construction sites in the Moscow region.”
In the late 1940s, Shukshin was drafted into the army and served in the navy. After early demobilization due to illness, he returned to his native Srostki and was the director of an evening school, while teaching Russian language and literature. At this time he decided to get a higher education. But for this it was necessary to complete the average. Shukshin passed the exams as an external student and, with a certificate of maturity in hand, in 1954 he entered the directing department of VGIK.
Shukshin wrote that at first it was very difficult for him to study at the institute. His classmates knew more than he did, and they knew what it was impossible not to know.
By the early 1960s, when Shukshin graduated from college, he decided to loudly declare himself with prose writings. By this time, the writer had already starred in the films “Two Fyodors”, “Alenka”; he considered his writing debut to be the appearance of the stories “Truth”, “Bright Soul”, “Styopkina Love”, “Exam” and the collection “Village Residents”.

4. Questions for the class.

What did you know before about the stories of V. M. Shukshin? Have you read them? Have you seen the film "Kalina Krasnaya"? Tell us about it. (Students' answers).

5. Showing the presentation “V. M. Shukshin and his films.” (The slides are accompanied by comments from the teacher).
In 1964-1974, Shukshin created 4 films (“Stoves-benches”, “Your son and brother”, “Strange people”, “Kalina Krasnaya”). Shortly before his death, the writer composed the script “Kalina Krasnaya”, then released a famous film with the same name. It brought Shukshin well-deserved success and national recognition as a screenwriter, as a director, and as an actor.

6. We watch an excerpt from the film “Kalina Krasnaya”. (The excerpt lasts 5-7 minutes. Show the deepest episodes).

7. Questions for the class.

How do you see the main character of the film, Yegor Prokudin? (Proud, tough, harsh, but deeply philosophical).

Did Shukshin manage to create a large-scale, contradictory, multifaceted and truly popular image of a stumbled person? (Yes, it succeeded. Shukshin’s hero is very contradictory. But at the same time, he realizes that he is doing wrong. He decides to correct his fate, start it over again, with a clean slate. However, the hero fails to turn his life around differently).

Why can’t Yegor Prokudin do this? (His dark past constantly prevents him from living. It returns to him, who has already said goodbye to the hero from the outside - from the underworld).

8. Physical exercise.

9. Working with the textbook. Reading works. Work on issues.
10. Summing up the lesson.

1) What did we talk about today? Which writer's work were you looking at?
2) What did you like (or dislike) in the works of V. M. Shukshin?
3) Tell us about the heroes of Vasily Makarovich’s works.
11. Homework.
Create illustrations for V. M. Shukshin’s work “Cut.” Read another story by this author. Prepare a table describing the characters.

“We should not forget about our souls, we should be a little kinder, we, with our speeds, would not forget that we are people.” - V.M.Shukshin

I really like the works of Vasily Makarovich Shukshin. In his work, he lovingly reveals the height and value of good morality in a person, in beautiful artistic language he speaks of honesty, decency, attention to others, and fidelity to one’s convictions as vital qualities. In this short essay I will try to express my love for the work of this great Russian writer...

The heroes of Vasily Shukshin's works are simple, unremarkable people. The types presented in his stories are, as a rule, taken from real life, well known to him. These are village workers, or people who have ever lived in the village.

And, although they all differ in age and social status, what they have in common is the desire to act “humanly”, according to their conscience. And although often the winner seems to be the one who trampled this conscience within himself, deceivers, cowards and scoundrels, Shukshin’s hero is unable to abandon his moral convictions, and does not want to do so. If, having been deceived, he betrays himself, then he bitterly repents of his action... The writer describes the good characters of the “eccentrics” with such sympathy and close attention to detail that the “winner” through deception and meanness only causes anger (like the bandit in the story “ The desire to live"), or at least contempt (like the mother-in-law in the story “My son-in-law stole a car of firewood!”).

Everyone laughs at Seryoga, who was deceived by his wife (the story “Fingerless”), and he, despite his heartache, does not support the “well-wishers” in their slander against Clara. Sergei remembers the joy that was associated with his love, and does not judge anyone, and does not regret anything. “...But if such a storm came again, he would again spread his arms out to her - he would go to meet her. Still, no matter how painful it was, it was a holiday. Of course, where there’s a holiday, there’s a hangover, that’s true... But was there a holiday? Was. That's it." And you sympathize with him, the deceived husband, because in this situation he remained human, did not stoop to vulgar gossip about the woman he previously loved... And Clara, his deceiving wife, evokes condescending pity - can she even be happy in life if she herself is unable to love ?...

Vasily Yegorych Knyazev, “thirty-nine years old,” nicknamed Chudik... He was nicknamed that way because he “ever and again got into some kind of story - minor, however, but annoying” (story “Crank”). He is very kind and helpful in his philanthropy - he will pick up “someone else’s” 50 ruble piece of paper from the floor, and will be very happy and satisfied with his honesty - until he discovers that the money is his, and then he will become sad because he will be ashamed of it admit... He sincerely tries to help others, to please them - he picks up a false jaw from the floor, lost by his neighbor on the plane, but instead of gratitude he hears a reprimand for “dirty hands.” She is trying to please her embittered daughter-in-law (she is offended by the “simplicity” of her husband and his brother, because her ideal is “responsible city comrades,” although she herself is a simple barmaid in management). With all his heart, wanting to please her, Chudik paints his nephew's baby carriage according to his own understanding, for which the enraged daughter-in-law literally kicks him out of the house. Vasily Yegorych is childishly gentle and simple in soul, and although in the eyes of people, and in his own eyes, he is a bungler and a loser, it is he who evokes sympathy from both the author and the reader, in contrast to the self-confident and impudent “masters of life”...

Vasily Shukshin has many stories, novellas, films have been made based on his works, the most famous of which is “Kalina Krasnaya”, about the tragedy of a wrong choice life path a simple village guy, Yegor Prokudin, who thereby ruined the lives of both himself and those to whom he was dear...

The entire work of Vasily Shukshin, an excellent writer and a person with high moral principles, is permeated with the idea of ​​how complex and multifaceted the world of the human soul is. And how important it is to remain true to yourself, to your life ideals, because a person with a kind heart will not be happy if he agrees “like everyone else.” smart people", seek only your own benefit and not pay attention to the voice of your conscience...

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin lived a short life. A significant part of it was spent on wanderings and “universities of life.” Creative life Shukshin's career as a prose writer, playwright, actor and director was only 20 years.

The future famous writer was born in the village of Srostki, Biysk region, Altai Territory, into a peasant family. His father was arrested when the boy was 4 years old and rehabilitated posthumously in 1956.

Shukshin was raised by his mother, an almost illiterate woman, but naturally kind and intelligent, with a strong nature, sensitive to words, music, and song, and his stepfather, who died at the front. Shukshin received various talents from his mother.

Shukshin had a difficult childhood: on the collective farm and at home he did all the peasant work. Since childhood I have been addicted to reading. There is information that he studied for some time at the Biysk Automotive College, then, in his words, “he worked in Kaluga at the construction of a turbine plant, in Vladimir at a tractor plant, and at construction sites in the Moscow region.” He tried many professions: he was a laborer, a rigger, an apprentice painter, and a loader. In the late 1940s, Shukshin was drafted into the army and served in the navy. After early demobilization due to illness, he returned to his native Srostki and was the director of an evening school, while teaching Russian language and literature. At this time he decided to get a higher education. But for this it was necessary to complete the average. Shukshin passed the exams as an external student and, having a matriculation certificate in hand, in 1954 he entered the directing department of VGIK (All-Union state institute cinematography). He ended up in the workshop of the wonderful director M. Romm, who influenced Shukshin big influence both as an artist and as a person. Shukshin entrusted M. Romma’s taste, intelligence and intuition with his first stories and reviews, which he began to compose at the institute. Subsequently, Shukshin wrote that at first it was very difficult for him to study at the institute. His classmates knew more than he did, and they knew what it was impossible not to know. Shukshin studied, as he admitted, abruptly, with gaps. By the early 1960s, when Shukshin graduated from college, he decided to loudly declare himself with prose writings. And although the writer at that time had already published one story and starred in the films “Two Fyodors”, “Alenka”, he considered his writing debut the appearance of the stories “Truth”, “Bright Soul”, “Styopkina Love”, “Exam” and the collection “ Villager".

Shukshin's first book was uneven, but critics greeted it favorably. Critics considered the “philosophical” thoughtfulness of characters who reflect on the simplest and at the same time the most complex issues of life to be a feature of Shukshin’s prose. Shukshin’s men think about what life is, why it was given and how to live.

“Strange People” - Shukshin’s heroes

Shukshin’s heroes turn out to be the so-called “eccentrics”, “strange people”. Their peculiarity was that they fell out of ordinary life. With all their appearance and soul they opposed officialdom, vulgarity, and thereby expressed their protest against the restriction of freedoms, rights, against stagnation and stupidity. Their behavior was defiant, bright, unusual and daring. But, in comparison with Leskov’s “eccentrics,” Shukshin’s “eccentrics” are often directly comical, their “spontaneous twist” is absurd and funny. For example, one of the characters wanted to paint a stroller with flowers, another thought of giving his wife a funny telegram, the third, for some unknown reason, bought a microscope with his entire salary. Being strange people, Shukshin's characters become somewhat similar to crazy people, focused on one thought, but without visible and dangerous deviations in the psyche. Monya Kvasov strives to create a perpetual motion machine at any cost, Roman Zvyagin is incredibly surprised that the negative Gogol hero Chichikov is carried away by a bird-three. It cannot be said that Shukshin’s heroes are exclusively positive characters. Their oddities manifested themselves in different ways - sometimes in the morally positive, sometimes in negative quality. They could be creators, they could also be destroyers. There was a lot of “blind self-will” and “crafty village foolishness” in them. But the main thing for them is self-esteem. Therefore, Shukshin’s heroes often live in their own world, full of contradictions, which was born due to the discrepancy between reality and dreams. Not being satisfied with real life, they lived in an imaginary one, in the one that their imagination depicted. It was this fictional life that was real for them.

V. M. Shukshin and his films

In 1964-1974, Shukshin created 4 films (“Stoves-benches”, “Your son and brother”, “Strange people”, “Kalina Krasnaya”). Shortly before his death, the writer composed the script “Kalina Krasnaya”, then released a famous film with the same name. It brought Shukshin well-deserved success and national recognition as a screenwriter, as a director, and as an actor. Particular luck befell the main character, Yegor Prokudin. Shukshin managed to create a large-scale, contradictory, multifaceted and truly popular image of a stumbled man who realized that he needed to make an attempt to correct his fate, to start it over again, with a clean slate. However, the hero fails to turn his life around differently. The ending of the film hints that Yegor was able to change internally, that his thieves' past does not forgive betrayal of human destiny, peasant morality, and primordial moral values. It returns to the hero who has internally said goodbye to theft from the outside - from the side of the criminal world with which he once linked his fate.

1 Rehabilitated - in this case - found to be unfairly convicted.

Test yourself

  1. What did you know before about the stories of V. M. Shukshin? Have you read them? Have you seen the film "Kalina Krasnaya"? Tell us about it.
  2. Read the story of the writer "Critics". Think about why it combines the funny and humorous with the sad and sad.