Ghee recipe for cooking in the oven. How to Make Ghee: Ayurveda Recipe

Which, as they say, got burned buying butter. Those. We bought butter, but it turned out to be either of poor quality, or it was mixed with some other oil, such as vegetable oil. And no one is immune from this. And you can buy such oil at the market and from farmers. In our age, when everyone deceives each other, this is not surprising. And if you bought such oil once, and bought it a second time, then the next time you will already develop a distrust of any oil. And this is understandable - after all simple people Now every penny is counted in our country, and butter is far from the cheapest product so you can throw it away if it’s bad.

Therefore, it makes sense to make GI oil yourself. This way you will know for sure that you have real butter without any chemicals and not diluted with any other oils or fats. Moreover, this oil will be the freshest, and I assure you that you will immediately appreciate this oil for its highest taste, because... it will be fundamentally different, for example, from the same store-bought one.

I would also like to add that GI (or ghee) is not exactly the same as ghee, although I have often used the two interchangeably. Still, there is a subtle difference. We can say that GI is a special ghee. In other words, it's not just ghee. The main thing that I have already said is that GI must sit for some time in order to acquire healing properties and become truly genuine GI. For example month or year. Then it will really be GI. And not in the refrigerator, but at room temperature. The second is the method of receipt. The industrial method is always an accelerated method of melting it. Real GI is heated longer to completely clear it of all impurities.

The main signs that you really have a GI: it has a pleasant caramel smell when you just poured it into jars after melting, a beautiful color,


Hi all! My name is Vika Leping, and today I will tell you about one very interesting and useful ingredient, and I will tell you in detail how to make ghee, the recipe for which we got from the people of India, famous for alternative medicine, Ayurveda. This oil is also called ghee, I don’t know which is correct, if you know, please share in the comments!

Ghee, the properties of which have been described and multiplied, and its prices are higher than the clouds, is essentially ordinary ghee, purified from the animal protein casein and various useless impurities. As for me, its most important property is the absence of casein and toxins when heated to 200 degrees. That is, you can fry with it without fear, which cannot be said about sunflower oil, which releases poisons when heated.

However, not only is ghee useful for this, Ayurveda “says”: it is a tonic, rejuvenating agent (I assume due to the presence of antioxidants), improves immunity, accelerates metabolism, improves the functioning of the digestive tract and increases the performance of the brain, by nourishing the nervous tissues of the body . What a miracle this is ghee oil.

Not long ago I told you how to make amazingly delicious , so the recipe is based on ghee. By the way, in this moment I just gobble up these balls with a huge appetite, which is what I wish for you too :) Just not too much, because their calorie content is quite high.

So, how to make ghee, step by step recipe with photos.


  • - more than 500 g

Cooking method

So, first I’ll show you a cooking video. from your YouTube channel , which constantly publishes new recipes and videos about food, eating habits and behavior, travel and various interests. Be sure to subscribe, it will be great!

How to make ghee: video recipe

Step-by-step recipe with photos

As you can see, preparing ghee is not too expensive, as you might think by looking at its cost in stores. We only need one ingredient (butter), low heat, cheesecloth and a saucepan. The container for butter should have a thick bottom. Place the pan over medium-high heat, cut the butter into cubes, put it in the pan and wait until it melts.

At this time, you can slightly push the pieces of butter with a spatula into the already melted one so that the process goes faster. As soon as the oil boils, turn the heat to minimum and leave to simmer; you can’t stir it any more. Ghee is butter that has been melted for a long time and thoroughly; in total it can be prepared from 1 to 2 hours. By the way, you need to take at least 500 grams so that it doesn’t start to burn.

After some time, the ghee and its foam will acquire a richer yellow color. Then the foam will begin to transform into lumps-islands and may darken even more and even turn brown. At this point, you need to skim off the foam with a fork, it will come off very easily, and throw it away. I looked at a lot of recipes for melted butter, in some people left this foam and ate it, but this is very strange, considering why butter is melted in the first place, and the fact that all the nasty stuff collects in the foam and at the bottom.

Now take a glass jar and gauze. Pre-heat the jar a little so that the glass does not burst from high temperature. Fold the gauze 4 times, place it on the neck of the jar and, for convenience, put an elastic band on top, as in the photo. But you don’t have to do this. Now pour the ghee through cheesecloth into a jar. There will be unnecessary “garbage” left on the homemade “filter” and at the bottom of the pan.

We remove the gauze and see amber, transparent, ghee.

Leave it overnight, covered with a napkin or towel. And the next day we get solidified “gold” (as Hindus and Ayurveda adherents say). Now you know how to prepare ghee.

I'll quickly summarize.

Brief recipe: how to make ghee

  1. Place a thick-bottomed saucepan over medium-low heat.
  2. Cut the butter into large cubes.
  3. Place butter in a heated pan.
  4. Melt completely until foam and bubbles appear.
  5. Reduce the heat to low and leave the oil to simmer for 1-2 hours, until the foam darkens and forms a dense foam (like dense islands).
  6. Turn off the heat and skim off the foam with a fork.
  7. Strain the oil through cheesecloth into a preheated glass jar.
  8. We leave the oil overnight, the next morning we see the finished ghee, the preparation of which has come to an end.

Everything is very simple and much less expensive than buying in a store. At least here in Kyiv. I recently told you that Seryozha and I recently went to the gym and today we were supposed to go to training again. This would have happened, but our trainer rescheduled the class for tomorrow, so today I did yoga at home for an hour, as I did before. I thought it would be easier, but no, for some reason this workout turned out to be more difficult. I don’t know for what reason, but I hope that soon I will become a super athletic person and I can handle anything :) Do you play any sports? How long did it take you to get into shape? Interesting to hear your stories.

Well, okay, Gui, the ghee, the recipe for which has already been completed, is now in a jar in my closet. By the way, it can be stored for a couple of months not even in the refrigerator! And soon I will tell you a very tasty one from my beloved mother. So as not to miss, , it's free! In addition, when you subscribe, you will receive as a gift a whole collection of complete recipes of 20 dishes that can be prepared very quickly, from 5 to 30 minutes, which will save a lot of your time! Eating quickly and tasty is real!

And Vika Leping was with you! Try to understand on your own how to melt Ghee butter, like, leave comments, appreciate it, tell us what you did and remember that everyone can cook deliciously, that you are more talented than you can imagine and, of course, enjoy your food! I love you, be happy!

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Dasha Mezentseva

mother of daughter Agushenka, I live, study, and develop with her!

Illustration: Ramesh Jhawar

We will talk about clarified butter “Ghee” (or “Ghee”).
Nowadays, Ayurveda is becoming widespread throughout the world. However, some people get scared and distance themselves when they see the words “Ayurveda”, “Vedas”, “Vedic cooking” and mistakenly believe that this is something necessarily associated with the religions of India.
In fact, Ayurveda is, first of all, a science about man, talking about how to live in harmony with nature and in harmony with oneself; how to live happily and not break the laws of the Universe. This is knowledge that applies to the whole World, to all humanity and to everyone personally, regardless of skin color, eye shape and religion.

Illustration: Avril Brand

What is Ghee?
Ghee is a well-known food item in many cultures and is still one of the main dietary fats in some cuisines around the world. IN Ancient Rus' They prepared such butter in an oven, put a cast iron pot with fresh cow butter or cream in it at a certain temperature and heated it. Ghee, unlike regular butter, has a very long shelf life and has high biological value.
The recipe for making ghee was known to many peoples. The Hindus added their own twist to the cooking recipe in the form of spicy spices and studied in detail the properties of this unique product. In India, every housewife knows the recipe for ghee. It is not only used to prepare a variety of dishes (from spicy to sweet), but is also used in medicinal purposes, in procedures such as massage with warm ghee oil.
The word "Ghi" (घी) is translated from Sanskrit as "clarified butter". It is believed that Gi contains the purest fire energy on earth - the energy of the sun. In Vedic times, in India, a family’s wealth was determined by its reserves of “golden” oil. It was valued on a par with gold and grain.

Illustration from an ancient book on Ayurveda. Author unknown.

Ayurveda about Ghee
Modern Ayurveda highly values ​​ghee as important element healthy eating. It is considered sattvic, i.e. blissful product. Ghi increases the energy of digestive processes, nourishes the bone and brain marrow, improves cell regeneration and metabolism in the body, has a beneficial effect on reproductive functions and has aphrodisiac properties. The oil enhances the fire of intellect and perception, and also calms nervous system. If you regularly consume Ghee butter, you will soon notice its beneficial effects on the body and mind.

It contains vitamins A and E, nicotinic acid, and trace elements sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron, which are important and necessary for a woman’s body. Thanks to the thorough cleaning process, the oil has virtually no contraindications. It can be eaten by people with any body constitution.

Ghee is a saturated oil of animal origin, but compared to other animal fats, it is significantly superior in its molecular composition. The fatty acids of ghee oil have a short chemical chain, due to which it is very easily absorbed by the body, while long chains of other animal fats are practically not absorbed and, if in excess in the diet, can cause various diseases. Due to the fact that the protein casein is removed during the preparation of ghee, and the antioxidants contained in the oil prevent the oxidation of lipids in our body, frying with a moderate amount of ghee does not pose a risk for the development of atherosclerosis. It is considered the best cooking oil.

Ghee is good for children because it contains linoleic acid, which is responsible for the growth and development of body tissues.

According to Ayurveda, the older the ghee, the more valuable it is, and the more pronounced its healing properties are. Long aged medicinal oil has been passed down from generation to generation.

Properly prepared oil can be used as food product for 4 – 5 months without refrigeration. It does not become rancid or oxidize. This oil does not burn when frying.

We reveal the secret of making Ghee.
There are hundreds of recipes for making ghee. We bring to your attention the simplest one. The essence of preparing Ghi butter is to evaporate all the water, lactose and other milk residues from it, due to the absence of which the butter does not burn when heated and does not form carcinogenic substances harmful to health.

We need:
- 2 kg butter with at least 82.5% fat content
- a saucepan in which we will melt the oil
- colander and gauze (can be replaced with a bandage folded several times).
- glass or ceramic container for prepared ghee oil
- spices

For each kg of oil you can add the following spices:
1 mixture:
- a tablespoon of sesame seeds
- 12 dried cloves
2 mixture:
- a tablespoon of salt
- a teaspoon of pepper (black, red, white or a mixture of peppers)

You can try mixing different spices and enjoy the spicy aroma and taste of the resulting ghee. But, in my opinion, Ghee butter is so unique and self-sufficient in itself that you can do without spices.

Choose a deep enamel pan, preferably with a thick bottom; aluminum cookware is not suitable for preparing butter. You won't need a lid. Cut the butter into a saucepan into arbitrary pieces. If you cut it smaller, it will melt faster. Place the container on the lowest heat possible on your stove. The entire further process does not depend on us. The fire will do everything itself. The butter will melt on its own and turn into a homogeneous mass. It will bubble slightly and become foamy. You can leave the oil untouched for about 1.5 hours.
But this does not mean that you can completely forget about him and leave home. Remember safety precautions and be careful!
From time to time we monitor the melting process and control everything. There is no need to stir the oil. Don’t forget that our main task is not to boil the oil, but to evaporate the water and break it down to remove all unnecessary impurities.
If you decide to add spices, then you need to wrap them in a gauze bag and place it in the pan at the moment when the oil begins to bubble.
After 1.5 hours, we notice that the surface is no longer the soft yellow foam that we saw at the beginning. The foam became coarser and darker. It's time to remove it from the surface. We do this very carefully, trying not to catch the sediment, which by then will have settled to the bottom of the pan. Under no circumstances should you throw away the foam; it is not harmful. In the future, you can add it, for example, to porridge: it will add a delicious taste and aroma to any dish.

Look what a magical amber color our oil has become! We can already see the bottom of the pan and our magic bag of spices (if you added them).
It's time to prepare a colander and put gauze on the bottom. Very carefully pour the oil from the pan through a colander into a prepared container.

Properly prepared ghee should harden and become sunny in about a day at average room temperature. yellow color, homogeneous consistency, when heated it should not foam, burn or smoke.

Our magical ghee is ready! We can only enjoy its wonderful golden color, the warmth and spicy aroma emanating from it.

Enjoy your meal!

The text was prepared by Dasha Mezentseva and Marina Lelyak,
sorceresses of the editors of "Home Child"

Refined ghee cow butter (ghee, ghee, clarified butter,) has always been a very valuable product, and in ancient times it was valued along with grain and gold. It was valued not only for its excellent taste, but also as one of the main components when making fire offerings. Ghee was poured into the fire while performing certain mantras, the vibrations of which transformed environment. Ghee is a powerful source of the subtle cleansing fire element. It fills the mind with a fiery cleansing power, resulting in clarity of thought, the formation of correct desires and inclinations, strengthening memory, and improving Agni (Digestive Fire). Ghee is an ideal product and is suitable for absolutely everyone for any disease; it has anti-Vata, anti-Pitta and anti-Kapha properties, thus helping to balance all three Doshas.

Ghee does not clog the liver like other oils and fats, but on the contrary, gives it strength. It does not increase cholesterol like many other oils.
Nourishes the brain, bone marrow, and nervous tissue.

Brings relief from intestinal ulcers and colitis. Gives strength and excellent digestion. Increases Agni (Digestive Fire) in the small intestine, increases its efficiency without worsening Pitta. Relieves constipation - if taken with warm milk at night.

To increase heat in the body, especially in winter, it is recommended to drink hot milk with Ghee at night (select the amount of milk for Kapha according to how you feel - you should not have mucus in the morning). You can take Ghee with a glass of water warm water in the morning immediately after waking up. It also helps to quickly empty the intestines and quickly warms the body. Taking Ghee in the evening with warm milk calms nervousness and promotes deep sleep.

Taking Ghee relieves sore throats, colds, coughs, and migraines. Treats blood diseases (bleeding, anemia). Ghee restores hormonal functions (especially in women).

Helps in the rapid healing of wounds, not severe burns (Ghee should be applied as soon as possible after the burn). It also improves the condition of bedsores in bedridden patients, reduces pain in the lower back and joints. A light massage with Ghee promotes the healing of fractures and the resorption of bruises.

If there are tumors of any location, it is recommended to lubricate the feet and hands with Ghee every day at night. The concentrated subtle cleansing energy of Ghee rushes through all the channels of the body, and the tumors begin to dissolve. This procedure is very oily, so stock up on old socks and cotton gloves (thread gloves for gardening are great for this purpose).

Ghee (its concentrated subtle cleansing energy) is also used in the treatment of fever and mystical diseases (damage, evil eye).

Ghee is one of the most universal means for carrying out the Panchakarma procedure - preliminary oiling - Purvakarma, when in the morning a person is given small doses of Ghee, which softens Ama (toxins) and facilitates its elimination through the excretory system.

Ghee strengthens the nervous system when performing a morning massage: take Ghee on a piece of cloth and massage the body clockwise every morning - starting from the scalp, chest and then throughout the body, without missing any holes (ears, nose, etc. ). You only need to avoid the area digestive system. The oil penetrates through the skin into deeper layers and perfectly nourishes the body. If possible, leave the oil on longer, dressed in old pajamas, no - even a little massage before the shower will also benefit.

According to ancient Ayurvedic texts, consuming Ghee internally and externally stops the aging process and rejuvenates the body. The body becomes elastic.

“People who eat oil have a strong fire and are clean inside, their body strength is developed, they are vigorous, have good color, their organs are strong, they retain their vigor in old age, they live to be a hundred years old.”

(“Zhud Shi” (classical treatise of Tibetan medicine)

It is also believed that taking Ghee increases potency. Affects the thyroid and pancreas.

Taking Ghee improves skin color, gives it a healthy glow, and removes skin irritations. When used externally, it perfectly fights wrinkles. Those who have tried this throw away many creams and leave only Ghee on the night table. Among modern creams it is almost impossible to find creams for dry skin; almost all are moisturizing, but not oily. And fat is sometimes necessary to remove small wrinkles under the eyes, and in general with dry skin. For dry skin, moisturizer doesn't help much. If you use Ghee for cosmetic purposes, then get ready to hear “You smell like a freshly baked bun.” A few tablespoons of oil can be added when taking a bath - your skin will be softer than ever.

Ghee, aged for at least 10 years, is especially valued in Ayurveda. Unlike butter, it can be stored without refrigeration.
and the more stored, the more healing properties acquires.

Ghee has excellent preservative properties and is used in the preparation of various Ayurvedic medicines, allowing these medicines to be stored for years. Usually take 4 parts oil to 1 part medicine (in the form of powder or decoction). The powder is simply mixed and the medicine is ready. And the broth is evaporated along with the oil until the liquid is completely removed. Bitter plants are most often prepared with Ghee (for more details, see comment #45 for the recipe)

Now it's time to move on to the culinary benefits of Ghee.

Ghee is beyond competition! Dishes prepared with it have an incomparable taste and aroma. And when cooking, Ghee does not burn, does not foam or splash. Since the water evaporated during heating, the dry residue of the milk collected in the form of foam on the surface and as sediment at the bottom and was later filtered, so there was nothing to splash or burn.

For many centuries, ghee (ghee) has been considered a sign of prosperity in India. In Vedic times it was called "liquid gold" and a householder's wealth was judged by how much ghee he had. Vedic scriptures call ghee "brain food". In India they cook with both ghee and a variety of vegetable oils: in Bengal they use mustard oil, put it in special pickles, and also cook spinach dishes with it; cooks from Gujarat and Maharashtra prefer to cook with coconut oil; In addition, many Vedic dishes use peanut or sesame oil. But those who want to strictly adhere to the Vedic tradition should opt for ghee, or ghee.

Unless you are on a special diet, it is better to cook your food in ghee. In terms of quality, it is in no way inferior to various vegetable oils; moreover, some researchers claim that it is in many ways superior to them. In addition, it has an incomparable taste, which is sometimes called “sweet nutty.” Ghee standing on the fire exudes a wonderful, caramel aroma.

Usually butter is served separately, although it is also used in baking. However, it is not recommended to stew and fry with it: it consists of 80% milk fat, 18% water and 2% proteins, which begin to burn already at a temperature of 120 ° C. These solid protein particles are absent in ghee. French clarified butter (which, unlike plain butter, is more suitable for sautéing and frying) is made by melting unsalted butter, causing the milky protein to separate from the clear yellow butterfat. To make ghee, you need to melt the oil until the protein solids darken slightly and, becoming heavier, settle to the bottom.

In the process of making ghee, all the liquid evaporates and only pure, amber-colored milk fat remains. Oil melted in this way has a more concentrated taste and, in addition, it can be heated to almost 190 ° C, which is the ideal temperature for frying and stewing. Flavored butters add character to the entire table, while flavored ghees prepared with curry leaves, fresh ginger, turmeric, black peppercorns or green chillies provide just the right amount of flavor for each occasion. Once you add flavored ghee to steamed vegetables, they come to life with a pleasant taste, and all you have to do is sprinkle them with lemon juice.

Buy fresh unsalted butter made according to GOST 37-91. Do not buy oil marked with specifications - it contains a lot of extraneous additives, and when melted it will turn into a disgusting slurry. Today, people are increasingly paying attention to not consuming excess salt, and therefore there is no shortage of unsalted butter on grocery shelves, fresh or frozen. However, you can make unsalted butter at home. To make this you will need heavy cream and a food processor.

Making ghee is not at all difficult and does not require special effort, but the more oil you melt, the more time it will take to process it. If you are in a hurry, you can speed up the melting process by adding a pinch of citric acid or a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice to the oil, but it is better not to do this, but to cook according to the traditional method. The method is always the same: the butter is slowly simmered over low heat, and during the boiling process all the water evaporates from it, and the lactose sugar, which gives the purified butter a sweetish taste, melts and acquires a golden color.

Ghi can be made either over an open fire or in the oven. If you are cooking and you have one free burner, it is quite possible to melt up to 2.5 kg of oil on it. If you want to stock up on ghee for six months ahead, you can cook it in a large oven overnight. The table below shows how much time it takes to melt different amounts of oil in both the first and second cooking methods. You may be surprised to know that for the same amount of starting material, the yield of ghee can sometimes vary; in most cases, it depends on the different water content of different types of butter.

Quantity of premium butter

Cooking time for ghee on stove

Cooking time for ghee in the oven

Ghee Yield (Approx.)

500 g
1,5 hour
1 hour
400 ml / 340 g
1 kg
2 hours
1,5 hour
750 ml / 680 g
3 kg
4 hours
3.5 hours
2.5 l / 1.8 kg
5 kg
7 o'clock
5.5 hours
4.25 l / 3.5 kg
10 kg
10 hours
7.5 hours
8 l

Ghee cooked on the stove (sada ghee)

Since any amount of ghee (ghee), be it half a kilogram or five kilograms, is obtained in the same way, in both cases the same utensils must be used. Only the size of the pans, the strength of the fire and the capacity of the container for storing freshly melted ghee will be different. No matter how much oil you melt, leave about 8cm of space above the surface of the oil just in case.

To make ghee from 2 kg butter, you will need a 5 liter pan from heavy metal or a pressure cooker, a slotted spoon with a fine wire mesh or a large metal spoon, a half-liter jar, a ladle, a large sieve lined with a linen towel or four layers of gauze and placed over the pan, and finally, a clean jug, can or clay pot with a tight-fitting lid.

Ghee cooked in the oven (chula ghee)

This best method for cooking large quantity ghee. Since in this case the heat surrounds the container with oil on all sides, and not just at the bottom, the ghee cooks, albeit slowly, but with almost no intervention on your part. The surface of the oil will form a crust, and solid particles will settle to the bottom of the pan and become soft, slightly gelatinous. The size of the pan depends on the amount of oil you want to melt. Do not forget that the pan should not be filled to the brim - there should be a gap of 8 cm from the surface of the oil to the edge of the pan.

Cumin flavored ghee (jeera ghee)

The use of seasoned ghee is perhaps the most subtle means of flavoring food, whether steamed, baked or raw. If you've ever tasted the brownish sesame oil used in Oriental cooking, you can imagine how a few teaspoons of cumin-flavored ghee can add a pleasant flavor and aroma to dishes that have not been seasoned with spices. Since ghee is not as heavy as sesame oil, you can use it for cooking various dishes and for subtle flavoring. Prepare this butter according to the previous two recipes - either on the stove or in the oven, as you wish, with the following additions, calculated for each 1.5 kg of butter.


  • 3 tbsp. spoons of Indian cumin seeds (jeera)
  • 6-8 curry leaves (if possible)

Wrap the spices in a small piece of gauze and tie it in a knot. When the butter melts, place the spice bundle in it. Prepare, filter and store ghee according to the instructions on this page.

Black pepper flavored ghee (kala mirch ghee)

Both black and white peppers are fruits of the same plant. Dark green unripe peppercorns brought to big cities eventually turn into black pepper. No matter what type of pepper you use, it will give the oil a little heat without bitterness.

Cook ghee on the stove or in the oven with the following addition for every 1.5 kg of butter.


  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons black, white or dark green peppercorns

Wrap the pepper in a small piece of gauze and place it in the melted butter. Prepare, filter and store ghee according to the instructions on this page

Clove ghee (laung ghee)

I usually add this deliciously flavored ghee to green vegetable dishes: broccoli, asparagus, green beans and spinach.

Cook ghee either on the stove or in the oven with the following additions for every 1.5 kg of butter:


  • 25 carnations
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sesame seeds
  • 1/4 nutmeg, pieces

Wrap the spices in a small piece of gauze and place in the melted butter. Prepare, filter and store ghee according to the instructions on this page.

Ginger ghee (adrak ghee)

My friend Saragini Devi, who always cooks deliciously, adds ginger to many dishes. When I first tried dough products fried in ginger oil, I began to discern the possible nuances of this wonderful oil. And now, by the way, this is my favorite oil of all the flavored ghee. Cook ghee either on the stove or in the oven with the following addition for every 1.5 kg of butter:


  • 5 cm ginger root, peeled and quartered

Once the butter has melted, add the ginger and then cook, filter and store as directed on this page.

  • There are two types of ghee: real and artificial (vegetable). All the recipes in this book refer to real ghee (uzli ghee), that is, ghee, which can be prepared at home. Vegetable ghee is a mixture of different vegetable oils that is sold in large jars. It is cheaper, but the taste cannot be compared with the real thing.
  • Ghee is pure butter fat. It does not go rancid and can be stored for months, even if not in the refrigerator.
  • All foods that you are going to fry in oil need to be shaped, cut or rolled in advance. If you are going to make masala, prepare all the spices in advance so that the oil does not burn while you are looking for the right ingredient.
  • If you want to fry something in the ghee, make sure it is completely dry before adding oil to the pan. Be careful not to let water get into the hot gi or it will spatter.
  • If you fry wet vegetables in the ghee, the ghee may foam, so be careful not to overfill the vegetables to prevent the oil from overflowing. You can tell if the oil is hot enough for deep frying by dropping a piece of whatever you are about to fry into it - it should immediately rise to the surface and sizzle. When the gi reaches the desired temperature, reduce the heat until it does not burn.
  • If the ghee is overheated, the food will not cook properly; if it is not heated enough, the food will become too saturated with oil. Place only one layer of whatever you are frying into the heated ghee pan. If you put too much product in at once, the temperature of the ghee will drop.
  • To avoid wasting gi, which devotees sometimes call “liquid gold,” let it drain from the fried foods in a colander or strainer. Place a colander or sieve over the frying pan to catch the dripping oil. Filter the oil through cheesecloth or a fine sieve before using it again, otherwise the remnants of what you previously fried in it will burn, discoloring the ghee and ruining its flavor.
  • You can fry food in the same oil for several weeks until it starts to burn. If the ghee remains dark even after filtering or produces a pungent odor, it should be discarded.