Throwing a grenade, javelin and ball. Techniques and rules for handling hand grenades

Throwing grenades is a common exercise in athletics. Especially when passing standards in school or the army. This exercise gained popularity in last years, thanks to the return of mass passing of the GTO standards “Ready for Labor and Defense” in Russia.

Distance throwing

There are several ways to throw training grenades. One of the most common of them is throwing grenades at a distance. This is done from a running start or from a standstill, at the discretion of the judges and organizers of the competition and passing the standards.

The projectile is a training grenade, the weight of which is 600 grams. Each participant has three attempts. If you perform this exercise in the army, then there will be special requirements for uniform. The uniform must be in field uniform with a machine gun in hand. In this case, some relaxations are allowed - an unbuttoned collar or a slightly loosened belt on the belt is allowed. At the same time, removing the headdress is strictly prohibited.

Throwing a grenade at a distance is carried out from a special bar; it can also be replaced by a line about 4 meters long. Attention is also paid to the quality of the runway. It should be dense, about one and a half meters wide, and at least 25 meters long. At the very end, in front of the bar from which the throw is to be thrown, the width of the track increases to 4 meters.

How to set the results?

The throw is counted only if the grenade falls within the corridor without flying out across the width. In this case, the senior judge gives the command: “Yes,” and the athlete’s result is recorded in the protocol. Another condition is that the participant must not break the rules when making a throw, for example, do not go beyond the runway, do not step over the line.

The senior referee also raises the flag. Thus, he gives the command to the measuring judge to record the result. He makes a special measurement.

An attempt is not counted if the athlete violates one of the rules: touches the space beyond the line with any part of the body or equipment. And it doesn’t matter at the moment of the throw or immediately after it. Steps on or touches the bar itself.

The mark left by a grenade that fell into the corridor is marked with a peg. The athlete's results are measured using a tape measure. Accuracy is set to the nearest centimeter.

Measurements are not made immediately, but only after all three throws have been completed. The best result is recorded in the competition protocol.

If two or more athletes demonstrate the same results, then they are considered to have shared places. An exception to this rule is only when determining the winner. If several athletes with the same performance claim to win, they are given an additional three throws.

Throwing a grenade for accuracy

Throwing grenades in this way is also done from a running start or from a standstill. There are 3 circles located at a distance of 40 meters from the thrower. The central one is the most difficult to hit - its diameter is only half a meter, and this hit is awarded the highest score.

The radius of the second circle is one and a half meters, and the third is two and a half. the main objective athlete - to hit the very center of the target, in which a red flag is installed at a height of 30 centimeters from the ground. The uniform, as well as the size and weight of the practice grenade, are the same as when throwing a projectile at a distance.

Moreover, in order to hit the target, the participant is given many more attempts. Three only test shots and 15 shots in the standings. At the same time, the athlete is limited in time. He can train for no more than a minute, and throw scoring throws for a maximum of 6 minutes.

Shot Evaluation

Throwing grenades at a target is judged by a judge who is in close proximity to the target. After each attempt, he evaluates the accuracy of the hit and raises the corresponding sign, also duplicating this information in his voice. Only after the throw has been scored is the next grenade allowed to be thrown.

Hitting each section of the target is worth a different number of points. For a grenade in the central circle, the athlete will receive 115 points, for hitting the second circle 75 points and, finally, for hitting the third - 45 points.

If a grenade hits a flag placed in the very center of the target, then no additional points are awarded for this. The athlete will receive 115 points.

The winners are determined in both the individual and team championships.

Throwing technique

The first rule you need to know for the grenade throwing technique to be correct is how to hold the projectile correctly.

It is important to hold the grenade in such a way that the base of the projectile rests against the athlete’s little finger. At this time, the little finger itself should be bent and pressed as much as possible against the palm. The remaining fingers should tightly grip the grenade handle.

Another important point, location thumb. It can be located both along the axis of the projectile and across it.

Throwing exercise

In order to master learning to throw a grenade, experts advise performing certain exercises.

First. Stand in a standard stance with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise the hand in which you are holding the grenade over your shoulder. Imitate a throw, alternately straightening your arms forward and up. Do this at least 9-10 times.

Next exercise. The starting position too. The training grenade can be replaced with a ball during training. Throw the ball on the floor and catch it after it bounces. Repeat the exercise at least 10-15 times.

Last tip. You perform a similar exercise with the ball bouncing, but this time from the wall, and then from the target, also drawn on the wall. At the same time, try to get as close to the center as possible. Make throws from a distance of 5-6 meters.

Throwing rules

The rules for throwing a grenade are not too complicated, but to achieve the best results, it is important to know some secrets.

High performance is demonstrated by athletes who choose best way projectile capture. Moreover, this depends on the individual characteristics of the participant in the competition. There are several of them - finger length, arm strength, joint mobility.

The most important thing is to ensure that the grenade is securely fixed at the moment when the athlete is preparing to throw. At the same time, it is important to increase the leverage so that the center of gravity of your projectile is as high as possible in the thrower's hand.

Athlete's run-up

An important element of fulfilling this element of passing the GTO standards is the athlete’s run-up before throwing a grenade. To prepare for this finishing effort, there are two ways. The decisive element before throwing is to correctly deflect the projectile.

Knowing these little tricks, you can achieve good results when throwing a grenade. The technique for performing the first method is to move the projectile straight back.

The second method of throwing is to move the projectile in an arc, first forward, then down and finally sharply back.

Decisive element

So, in order to properly throw a grenade and meet all the standards, you need to strictly follow the instructions.

We start with a preliminary run-up. It is necessary to gain optimal speed in order to approach the control mark in optimal shape. It is best if the run-up is 10-12 wide half-steps and half-jumps. It is recommended to start the swing for retracting the grenade by placing your left foot on the bar.

Before a throw, there are two decisive stages - a cross step and placing the foot in the stop position.

After the foot is placed at rest, braking with the foot and lower leg begins, while the pelvis continues to move forward. At this time, the athlete’s right leg straightens in knee joint, the hip joint receives a push forward and upward.

The next stage - the athlete withdraws left hand far back, while strongly stretching the pectoral muscles. At this time, the right arm straightens at the elbow joint. When the right hand flies past the head, the elbow joint straightens and the grenade is sent flying at the angle the athlete needs to achieve maximum results. At the final stage, a whip-like throw is made with the hand and the grenade finally comes off the hand.

Now it is important to slow down so as not to cross the line and the attempt is counted. In order to stay on his feet, the athlete needs to jump from the supporting left leg to the right. In this case, it is best to take your left leg back and lean forward a little. Then straighten up sharply, pull your shoulders back, helping yourself with your hands.

It is important to brake in time and ensure that you do not cross the line, you need to start stopping with your left foot one and a half to two meters before the throw line. This can be done closer, but it depends on the qualifications of the athlete and the speed that he gained during the run-up.

1. During classes and exercises, throwing grenades is carried out at the command of the commander, and in battle - depending on the situation, either on command or independently.

2. When throwing live grenades during classes and exercises, observe safety measures to prevent damage to the thrower and his neighbors. After throwing an offensive grenade while moving, without stopping, prepare to fire and continue moving. After throwing a defensive and anti-tank grenade, immediately take cover, and after the explosion, quickly prepare to fire or start moving. When operating on armored personnel carriers, after the explosion, the thrower is prepared to fire through the loophole.

3. Throwing hand grenades in combat it is carried out from various positions: standing, kneeling, lying down, as well as in motion from an armored personnel carrier and on foot (offensive only).

4. To throw a grenade, you need to choose a place and position that ensures free flight of the grenade to the target (there are no obstacles on the way: tree branches, tall grass, wires, etc.).

5. The grenade must be thrown energetically, giving it the most favorable flight path.

6. Throwing a grenade consists of performing the following techniques: preparing for throwing (loading a grenade and taking the position) and throwing a grenade.

7. Loading a grenade is carried out by the command “Prepare grenades”, and in battle, in addition, independently.

To load, you need to remove the grenade from the grenade bag, unscrew the plug from the body tube and screw in the fuse. The grenade is ready to be thrown.

8. Throwing grenades is carried out by the command “Grenade - fire” or “In the trench, grenades - fire”, and in battle, in addition, independently.

To throw a grenade you need:

Take the grenade in your hand and press the trigger lever firmly against the grenade body with your fingers;

Continuing to press the trigger lever tightly, with the other hand squeeze (straighten) the ends of the safety pin and pull it out of the fuse using the ring with your finger;

Swing and throw a grenade at the target; after throwing a defensive grenade, take cover.

In this case, the weapon must be in a position that ensures immediate readiness for action (in the left hand, in the “chest” position, on the parapet of a trench, etc.).

9. When throwing a grenade while standing, you must stand facing the target; take the grenade in your right hand (for a left-handed person - in your left hand), and the weapon in your left (right) hand and pull out the safety pin; take a step back with your right foot, bending it at the knee, and, turning (as if twisting) the body to the right, swing the grenade in an arc down and back; quickly straightening your right leg and turning your chest towards the target, throw a grenade, carrying it over your shoulder and releasing it with an additional jerk of the wrist. Shift the weight of the body at the moment of the throw to the left leg, vigorously move the weapon back.

10. When throwing a grenade from the knee, take the position for shooting from the knee, holding the grenade in your right hand and the weapon in your left, pull out the safety pin; swing the grenade, tilting the body back and turning it to the right; rise up and throw a grenade, carrying it over your shoulder and sharply bending towards your left leg at the end of the movement.

11. When throwing a grenade while lying down, take a prone shooting position, put the weapon on the ground and take the grenade in right hand. With your left hand, pull out the safety pin and, resting your hands on the ground, push off from it. Moving your right leg slightly back, stand on your left knee (without moving it) and simultaneously swing. Straightening your right leg, turning your chest towards the target and falling forward, throw a grenade at the target; take the weapon and prepare to shoot.

12. When throwing a grenade while walking or running, you must: holding the grenade in your right half-bent hand and the weapon in your left, pull out the safety pin; move your hand with a grenade forward and down under your left leg; on the second step (with the right foot), the hand continues to move in an arc downwards and backwards while simultaneously turning the body to the right; on the third step, placing your left leg towards the target on your toe and bending your right leg at the knees, finish turning the body and swinging your arm. Using the speed of movement and consistently putting the strength of the legs, body and arms into the throw, throw a grenade, carrying it over the shoulder.

13. To throw a grenade from an armored personnel carrier, you need to: while remaining on the seat or standing with both feet on the bottom or with your right foot on the bottom and your left knee on the seat, take the grenade in your right hand, the weapon in your left and pull out the safety pin. Grasp the side of the weapon with your left hand, rise up and at the same time swing a grenade, tilting the body back and turning it to the right; throw a grenade at the target, carrying it over the shoulder and sharply leaning forward; take cover behind the side of an armored personnel carrier. If the armored personnel carrier has a roof, you must open the roof before throwing a grenade, and close it after throwing it.

If a grenade is thrown from a moving armored personnel carrier, then when choosing the direction and moment of throwing the grenade, it is necessary to take into account the correction for the movement of the vehicle.

When throwing a grenade forward (along the path of an armored personnel carrier) or backward, its flight range increases (or decreases), so the grenade must be thrown not at the target, but at a point located 7-10 m closer (further) to the target, if the range to it is 30- 35 m.

To hit a target located approximately at right angles to the direction of movement of the armored personnel carrier and at a distance of 30-35 m, the grenade must be thrown at a distance to the target, but 7-10 m to the right (left) when thrown from the right (left) side. If a grenade is thrown at a shorter range and at an acute (obtuse) angle to the direction of movement of the armored personnel carrier, take half the correction, i.e. 3-5 m.

It is most advantageous to throw a grenade from a moving armored personnel carrier at a target in a trench:

Located perpendicular to the path of movement when the armored personnel carrier approaches or passes the trench (no more than 6-8 m);

Located parallel to the path of movement, when the armored personnel carrier approaches the target at an average throwing distance, and its path passes 15-20 m from the trench.

14. To throw a grenade from a tank (self-propelled artillery mount), the loader takes the prepared grenade in his right hand and turns towards the target, pulls out the safety pin, unlocks the hatch and holds the lid by the handle, then opens the lid and throws the grenade through the hatch, then quickly closes the hatch cover and locks it.

15. To throw a grenade from a trench or trench you need to: put the weapon on the parapet, take the grenade in your right hand and pull out the safety pin; put your right leg back (as far as possible), bending at the waist and slightly bending both legs, move your right hand with a grenade up and back until it stops; leaning on your left hand, straighten up sharply and throw a grenade at the target, and then take cover in a trench (trench).

16. To defeat enemy personnel located in a trench (trench) or in open areas, throw a grenade at an angle to the horizon of approximately 35-45° so that the grenade falls on the target and rolls less to the side.

17. When throwing grenades at windows and doors of buildings (breaks in walls), direct hits are required, so the trajectory of the grenade must be directed directly at the target. Getting grenades into windows and doors of buildings is achieved through systematic and lengthy training. After throwing a grenade, the person throwing a grenade must take cover, since if he misses, he may be hit by shrapnel.

18. If the grenade was not thrown and the safety pin was not pulled out of the fuse, it is discharged under the supervision of the commander.

At the command “Discharge the grenade,” the fuse is unscrewed, wrapped in rags (paper) and placed in a grenade bag; a plug is screwed into the body tube and the grenade is placed in the bag.

Techniques and rules for throwing a cumulative hand grenade

1. Throwing cumulative hand grenades consists of performing the following techniques: preparing to throw (loading a grenade and taking the position) and throwing a grenade.

2. Loading a grenade is carried out by the command “Prepare cumulative grenades”, and in battle, in addition, independently.

For this command you need to:

Take the grenade in your left hand, unscrew the handle from the body and put it in a bag or on a mat;

Insert the fuse into the tube of the grenade body cover;

Screw the handle onto the grenade body all the way;

the grenade is ready to be thrown.

3. Throwing cumulative grenades is carried out by the command “At the tank, cumulative grenades, fire” or independently as the tank approaches the grenade throwing range.

For throwing you need:

Take the grenade in your right (for a left-handed person - in your left) hand by the handle so that the folding bar is pressed tightly against the handle with your fingers;

Holding the grenade in the indicated position, straighten the ends of the safety pin, and with the finger of your left hand, pull it out of the handle by the ring;

Swing and vigorously throw a grenade at the target, then immediately take cover.

4. When throwing a grenade from a trench from a standing or kneeling position, you must place the weapon on the parapet, take the grenade in your right hand and pull out the safety pin; bending at the waist and turning the body to the right, move the hand with the grenade to the side and back until it stops; leaning your left hand on the parapet of the trench, straighten up sharply and energetically throw the grenade at the target, giving it a flat flight path.

5. When throwing a grenade from a prone position, you must rise to your left knee at the moment of throwing the grenade.

6. In case of a side wind, it is necessary to take into account the deflection (drift) of an anti-tank grenade away from the direction of the throw, and when throwing a grenade at a moving target, take a lead on its movement in order to get a direct hit of the grenade on the target. Take the lead on a flanking tank equal to 0.5 corps, i.e. aim the grenade at the bow of the tank.

7. If the grenade was not thrown, it is discharged under the supervision of the commander.

At the command “Discharge a cumulative grenade,” insert the safety pin (if it was pulled out) and separate its ends; unscrew the handle from the grenade body, remove the fuse from the socket of the body cover, wrap it in rags (paper) and put it in the pocket of the bag; Screw the handle onto the grenade cap and place the grenade in the bag.


Delays when shooting from weapons are possible as a result of careless handling, contamination and wear of parts, as well as malfunction of cartridges.

The main thing is that if there is a delay when firing, you should first reload the weapon. If reloading does not eliminate the delay or recurs again, then it is necessary to unload the weapon, determine the cause of the delay and eliminate it.

The main reasons for delays in shooting may be:

1. Failure of the bolt frame to return to the forward position, caused by contamination (carbon deposits) of the rubbing surfaces of components and parts of the weapon or bruising of the cartridge or tape;

2. Misfire caused by a malfunction of the cartridge or wear (breakage) of the firing pin, contamination of the weapon or hardening of the lubricant;

3. Failure to remove the cartridge case due to a malfunction of the ejector, contamination of the chamber or failure of the sleeve rim;

4. Not ejecting the removed cartridge case from the receiver (case jamming) due to a malfunction of the reflective protrusion, or malfunction of the ejector, or contamination of the rubbing parts, gas paths, or chamber;

5. Transverse rupture of the sleeve (the bolt frame did not reach the forward position, since the front part of the sleeve remained in the chamber) due to a large gap between the breech end of the barrel and the bolt or a defective cartridge;

6. Incomplete retraction of the bolt frame back (the bolt frame is in an intermediate position, the cartridge is in the extractor hooks) due to contamination of the rubbing parts or jamming (distortion) of the tape in the receiver (in the cartridge box);

7. Involuntary shooting (when releasing trigger due to malfunction or contamination of trigger mechanism parts, rounding of the bolt carrier cocking, or hardening of the lubricant;

8. Failure to capture or loss of the cartridge by the extractor hooks occurs due to a malfunction of the extractor hooks or spring upset (breakage).

Weapon care

Cleaning and lubrication of weapons, shooting and observation devices is carried out:

1. In preparation for shooting.

2. After firing live and blank cartridges - immediately after the end of shooting at the shooting range (in the field); cleaned and lubricated receiver, barrel bore, gas chamber, gas piston, bolt carrier and bolt; Final cleaning and lubrication of the weapon is carried out upon returning from shooting and every day for the next three to four days.

3. After the assignment and training in the field without shooting - upon returning from the assignment and training.

4. In a combat situation and during long-term exercises - daily during periods of calm in the battle and during breaks in exercises.

5. If weapons were not used - at least once a week.

After cleaning, the weapon must be lubricated.

For cleaning and lubricating weapons, use:

1. Liquid gun lubricant - at air temperatures from +50 0 to -50 0 C.

2. Gun grease - used for lubrication at air temperatures above +5 0 C.

3. RFC solution (barrel cleaning solution) - for cleaning channels and other parts of weapons exposed to powder gases. The radiofrequency solution is prepared in the department in the amount necessary to clean weapons within one day. Composition of the solution: water suitable for drinking - 1 l; ammonium carbonate - 200g; potassium dichromate (chrompic) - 3-5 g. It is forbidden to pour RHS solution into oil cans.

4. Rags or KV-22 paper.

6. To make it easier to clean grooves, cutouts and holes, you can use wooden sticks.

Weapons brought into a warm room from frost should be cleaned after 10-20 minutes. (after it sweats).

Cleaning of external optical and safety glass of shooting and observation devices is carried out with pure flannel or mixtures thereof. Grains of sand and dust from the surface of the glass must first be blown off or removed with a brush (the end of a flannel napkin), and then, after slightly fogging the glass with your breath, wipe with a flannel or rag, making circular movements from the center to the edges.

Only those parts of the devices where the paint is damaged need to be lubricated.

If water gets on the device, it should be wiped with a clean soft cloth and dried. Then the device is air-dried in the shade, and in winter - in a dry room at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the heating system.

The weapon is always stored unloaded and with the safety on, while the magazines (boxes with tapes), optical instruments and bayonets are separated, the triggers are released

Firing a shot

With a shot is called the ejection of a bullet (grenade) from the bore of a weapon by the energy of gases formed during the combustion of a powder charge.

Initial speed V 0 is the speed of the bullet at the muzzle of the barrel.

The initial speed is one of the most important characteristics combat properties of weapons. As the initial speed increases, the bullet's flight range, direct shot range, lethal and penetrating effect of the bullet increase, and the influence of external conditions for her flight.

The magnitude of the initial velocity of a bullet depends on the length of the barrel, the mass of the bullet, the mass, temperature and humidity of the powder charge, the shape and size of the grains of the powder charge and the size of the grains of the gunpowder and the charge density.

Trajectory called a curved line described by the center of gravity of a bullet (grenade) in flight.

Aiming point (aims)- a point on or outside the target at which the weapon is aimed.

Line of sight- a straight line running from the shooter’s eye through the middle of the sight slot (at the level with its edges) and the top of the front sight with the aiming point.

Sighting range - the distance from the departure point to the intersection of the trajectory with the aiming line.

Direct shot- a shot in which the trajectory does not rise above the aiming line above the target throughout its entire length.


Normal (tabular) shooting conditions are as follows.

Weather conditions: atmospheric (barometric) pressure at the weapon horizon 750 mm. Hg; air temperature on the horizon of the weapon +15°C; relative air humidity 50% ( relative humidity is the ratio of the amount of water vapor contained in the air to the largest number water vapor that can be contained in the air at a given temperature); there is no wind (the atmosphere is still).

Ballistic conditions: mass of bullet (grenade), starting speed and the take-off angle are equal to the values ​​indicated in the Shooting Tables; charge temperature + 15°C;

the shape of the bullet (grenade) corresponds to the established drawing; The height of the front sight is set according to the data of bringing the weapon to normal combat (divisions) of the sight correspond to the table aiming angles.

Topographic conditions: the target is on the weapon's horizon; There is no lateral tilt of the weapon.

If shooting conditions deviate from normal, it may be necessary to determine and take into account corrections for the firing range and direction.


To successfully complete tasks in battle you must:

1. Continuously monitor the battlefield.

2. Quickly and correctly prepare data for shooting.

3. Skillfully fire at all kinds of targets in different conditions combat situation both day and night.

4. To hit group and most important single targets, use concentrated sudden fire.

5. Observe the result of the fire and skillfully correct it.

6. Monitor the consumption of ammunition in battle and take measures to replenish them in a timely manner

In small arms and artillery practice, to measure angular values, the protractor division or THOUSANDTH is used - the central angle based on a circular arc 1/6000 of the circumference.

Circumference = 2pr / 6000 = 1R / 955 » 1R / 1000 - this is the unit of measurement for angles i.e. the range is 1000 times greater than the protractor division and, conversely, the protractor division is 1000 times less than the range.

Thus, the range D = 1000 meters, the division of the protractor is 1 meter.

Formulas: D= V 1000 B = D · U Y = V 1000

It’s easy to remember “D · Uy = B · 1000” - blow into a thousand,

where D is range; B - height (width) of the target in meters; Y is the angle at which the target is visible.

Binoculars, optical grenade launcher sights, and rifles have scales in protractor divisions. Knowing the meaning of scales, you can use them to solve problems of determining ranges, measuring angles, etc.

In field conditions, you can use sights(the apparent width of a human figure is 0.5 m equal to the width of the front sight at D = 200 m), available means (1mm ruler = 0 - 02 thousandths, fingers, palm, pencil, cartridge, etc. it is enough to know the size in millimeters).

EXAMPLE: Determine the range to the enemy machine gun crew target

The target is visible by the width of the 2mm ruler.

D= V 1000 = 1 1000= 250 meters

(machine gun crew width 1 meter, 1mm = 0-02 thousand)

í Set.Pr = Dc + t°en - Ratm - Umts + VIRtz ý range correction

IU = í in direction = wind ü

Target movement ½

ë TP / lower edge of targetý direction correction

ë in height - target center ½

\top. Target edge þ

IU - initial settings.


UstPr - installation of the sight.

Dts - real range to the target.

í from - 15 o to -25 o - in the VKTs (upper edge of the target) ü

t o okr ½

ë from -26 o and below - Pr +1 ½ At range

½ more than 400m

í altitude above sea level up to 2000m - NCC ½

Altitude above sea level more than 2000m - Pr-1½

This + 20 o to + 30 o - NCC ½

above + 30 o - PR-1 þ

VIRc - at V³ 36km/h PR + 1 For small arms at D> 400m

approaching (removing) targets for RPGs up to D > 300m

EXAMPLE: Give a command to destroy a sentry enemy (target No. 6) from the SVD. Range 500 meters, air temperature - 27°, altitude above sea level 2000 meters.

D = 500m - PR = 5

t° = - 27 - Pr + 1 = 5 + 1 = 6

h = 2000m - lower edge of the target

ANSWER: Sight 6, bottom edge of target, FIRE.


“... If a range correction is made to the sight,

wind correction and motion anticipation

targets must be taken at a distance corresponding


in direction by speed

longitudinal ê oblique weak moderate strong

lateral 2-3 m/s 4-6 m/s 8-12 m/s

PPV - wind correction

R A V I L O:

PPV - side wind at an angle of 90°, moderate 4-6 m/s.

a) for a 7.62mm bullet model 1943. “The wind carries the bullet like it’s from a sight two


PPV = Pr - 2

b) for 5.45mm and 7.62mm bullets model 1908.

“The wind carries a bullet like throwing two away from a sight

PPV = (Pr -2) : 2 and divide by two"

c) for a 7.62 “US” bullet - no correction for wind is taken.


d) for PG shots - 7 VM - 1 division of the lateral correction scale, for all ranges;

for PG-7V, PG-7VL, PG-7VR rounds - 1.5 lateral scale divisions

corrections for all ranges.

Throwing anti-tank hand grenades consists of performing the following techniques: preparing to throw (loading a grenade and taking a position) and throwing a grenade.

Throwing hand anti-tank grenades consists of performing the following techniques: preparing to throw (loading a grenade and taking the position) and throwing a grenade.

To load a grenade you need to: take the grenade in your left hand; unscrew the handle from the body and put it in a bag or on a mat; insert the fuse into the tube of the grenade body cover; Screw the handle onto the grenade body all the way and the grenade is ready to be thrown.

To throw a grenade, you must: take the grenade in your right (for a left-handed person, in your left) hand by the handle so that the folding bar is pressed tightly against the handle with your fingers; holding the grenade in the indicated position, straighten the ends of the safety pin and pull it out of the handle by the ring with the finger of your left hand; swing and vigorously throw a grenade at the target, then immediately take cover.

When throwing an anti-tank grenade, the swing should begin more smoothly, then gradually increase the speed of movements and finish them by putting all the force into the throw and making a sharp jerk with the hand at the moment the grenade is released from the hand.

Anti-tank grenades can be thrown while standing full height, from the knee and from a prone position (rising on one or both knees), but always from cover - from trenches, trenches, because of local objects that can protect against a blast wave and fragments of an exploding grenade. Having thrown a grenade, you must immediately take cover. When throwing anti-tank grenades from behind vertical cover (for example, from around the corner of a house), techniques are used that allow you to throw a grenade with great force and accuracy. If the edge of the cover (corner) is to the right of the thrower, then he takes his starting position, facing the cover one step from its edge. Then, taking a step back to the right with his right foot and at the same time making a swing, he comes out from behind the cover just enough to see the target and throw a grenade at it. Having released the grenade from your hand, you need to sharply push off with your right yoga and immediately press your chest against the cover.

In the case when the corner of the shelter is on the left, you need to stand with your right side towards it, putting your right leg forward. Take a step forward with your left foot and at the same time swing your right hand with a grenade. Get out from behind cover enough to see the target and freely throw a grenade. After the throw, sharply push off with your left foot and press your back against the cover.

1. Exercises in throwing hand grenades are intended for training department personnel special purpose throwing hand offensive and defensive grenades from various positions.

Exercises in throwing hand grenades are performed with combat and training-imitation grenades day and night. The techniques and rules for throwing hand grenades are set out in the Shooting Manual “Hand Grenades”.

2. Exercises in throwing hand grenades are performed:

- live grenades - at the training place for throwing live grenades at the shooting range (director) under the leadership of the head of the special forces department or his deputy;

– training and imitation grenades – at an equipped training site of the firing camp (rear of the shooting range, director) under the leadership of the heads of the assault squads.

3. Before performing exercises, students are taught the structure of grenades, rules for handling them, safety requirements, techniques and rules of throwing, and training in throwing for accuracy and range is also conducted.

Training grenades used for throwing must correspond in weight and shape to combat ones, have a training fuse with a safety pin and be in good working order.

Trainees who have mastered the rules for handling military grenades and who have completed this exercise with a training simulation grenade are allowed to perform the exercise in throwing a combat grenade.

Trainees and the leader must wear personal armor protection when throwing hand grenades.

Live grenades are thrown only during the day. When throwing, the student’s weapon must be in a position that ensures its immediate use. The procedure for throwing training and simulation grenades is the same as when throwing combat grenades.

The training place for throwing combat grenades is selected in such a way that when throwing offensive grenades within a radius of at least 100 m, and defensive grenades within a radius of at least 300 m, it is impossible for people, equipment, animals or objects to be hit by grenade fragments.

The starting position, where the personnel of the unit that arrived to throw combat grenades are preparing for the exercise, is assigned at a safe distance (no closer than 350 m) from the firing line.

A radio or telephone connection is established between the throwing location and the starting position.

The shelter for the next shift of trainees is equipped at a distance of no closer than 50 m from the firing line for throwing live grenades.

The point for issuing grenades and fuses for them (ammunition supply point) is located in a shelter no closer than 50 m from the original position.

When throwing combat grenades, the leader and the trainee throwing the grenade are in a trench, each in his own cell, the rest of the trainees of this shift are at a safe distance (in a shelter).

4. When performing exercises in throwing combat grenades, the following order is observed. At the command of the shooting director "Prepare grenade" the trainee unscrews the cap from the tube (glass) of the grenade body and screws in the fuse, reports readiness to throw, for example: “Ensign Tarasov is ready to throw a grenade”.

5. On the command “At the infantry group on the right (left, in front), with a grenade - fire,” the trainee must:

– press the trigger lever firmly against the grenade body with your fingers;

– with your free hand, squeeze (straighten) the ends of the safety pin and pull it out of the fuse using the ring;

– throw a grenade at the target and immediately take cover.

6. If the grenade was not thrown and the safety pin was not pulled out of the fuse, a command is given "Unload the grenade". With this command, the student should:

– unscrew the fuse, wrap it in rags (paper) and put it in a grenade bag;

– screw the plug into the body tube, place the discharged grenade in the adjacent pocket of the grenade bag.

One of the main sections of fire training is the training of military personnel throwing hand fragmentation grenades from different provisions for different purposes. The conduct of combat operations at the initial stages of the first and second Chechen campaigns revealed a number of significant shortcomings in the training of military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces on this issue.

In learning to throw hand grenades, three sequential most important stages can be distinguished, which include:

  • study of the material part of the grenade and its combat properties;
  • studying safety requirements and rules for handling a grenade;
  • learning the rules and mastering techniques for throwing grenades from different positions and for different purposes.

Military personnel should receive initial information about the material part of a grenade and its combat properties during a tactical training class as part of a unit to familiarize themselves with the types of weapons and military equipment in service with the military unit. In this lesson, students become familiar, among other things, with models of hand-held fragmentation grenades, with the techniques and rules for throwing them at range and accuracy from various positions and, finally, with their combat properties: the mass of the grenade and combat charge, throwing range, lethal radius fragments. During this lesson, the leader shows samples of hand grenades and tells them their name, purpose, combat properties and order of application.

When military personnel study the safety requirements and rules for handling grenades, the training leader must pay the greatest attention to training subordinates in loading and unloading hand grenades.

At the beginning of the lesson, the leader, using a cutaway model of a grenade, checks the students’ knowledge of the general structure of a grenade. He then explains that the loading of live grenades is carried out under the supervision of the commander immediately before throwing with the command “Prepare grenades”. At this command, the trainee loads the grenade, that is, screws the fuse into the grenade.

While demonstrating the technique of loading a grenade, the leader of the lesson explains along the way that before loading a grenade, it is necessary to inspect the grenade and the fuse. If the igniter does not screw in freely, then no force should be used, as this may lead to an accident. An incompletely screwed-in fuse must be unscrewed from the grenade, wipe its tube and try to screw it into the grenade again. If even after this the fuse does not screw in freely, then it is necessary to report to the leader of the lesson and, at his command, attach another fuse to the grenade. Next, the leader of the lesson explains and shows that a loaded grenade is placed in a grenade bag when thrown while standing and on the move, when thrown from a trench or other shelter - in a niche, on a berm, etc.

After this, it is necessary to give each trainee a training grenade and a training fuse. Loading a grenade should begin with inspecting the grenade and fuse. At the same time, attention is paid to whether there are deep dents and cracks on the grenade body and on the fuse, whether the grenade tube is clean, and whether the ends of the safety pin are separated. Defective grenades cannot be thrown.

Having completed the inspection of the grenade, the students one by one report to the leader of the lesson about the results of the inspection. Training in loading a grenade should be carried out by elements (by divisions), for example:

  • according to the “do-one” count - take the grenade in your left hand with the fuse tube up, and unscrew the cap with your right hand;
  • on the count of “do - two” - with your right hand, take the fuse by the tube of the percussion mechanism and carefully screw the fuse into the grenade tube until it stops. After the “do-two” count, the lesson leader checks that each student is loading the grenade correctly and corrects their mistakes.
  • on the count of “do - three” - put the grenade in the grenade bag.

After making sure that all students have correctly loaded and placed grenades in grenade bags, the leader of the lesson also teaches how to unload a grenade, element by element. After loading and unloading the grenade several times element by element, the trainees perform the techniques as a whole. The leader of the lesson monitors the actions of the students and immediately corrects their mistakes. At the first lesson, the leader of the lesson can order the students to take turns loading (unloading) a grenade, accompanying their actions with a brief explanation.

Training in the techniques and rules of throwing grenades should begin with an exemplary demonstration by the lesson leader of the procedure for performing the technique as a whole, then showing, explaining and learning this technique at a slow pace in elements. In this case, the following sequence must be observed. First, teach how to throw grenades at range and accuracy from the most comfortable position - standing. After this, practice techniques for throwing grenades at a distance from a kneeling position, lying down, on the move, from behind various covers (from a trench, from around the corner of a building, etc.) and from a combat vehicle. The technique of throwing hand grenades on the move should be given the greatest attention, since this technique is the most complex and is often used in combat.

After the students have mastered individual elements, the elements are combined into groups, and then the technique is performed as a whole, first slowly, and then in a limited time.

To learn to throw hand grenades from a standing position, it is necessary to prepare a site or training area in advance. In this case, it is necessary to use flags (pegs) to mark a strip 10 m wide, in the middle of which, at a distance of 20 and 40 m from the place for throwing grenades, target No. 8 should be installed. It is advisable to set the pegs marking the strip: white - every 5 m, red - every every 10 m. Three circles with a diameter of 1, 2 and 3 m are drawn around a target set at 20 m. Stretch a rope three meters from the starting position on two posts at a height of 3 m.

Having arrived with the trainees at this training place and having checked their knowledge of the rules for handling hand fragmentation grenades, the leader of the lesson stands 5 - 6 m ahead of the trainees so that they can see him from the side, and exemplarily demonstrates the technique of throwing a grenade from a standing position from a place to a distance (preferably no closer than 40 m) and accuracy (it is desirable that the grenade falls no further than 2-3 m from the target).

After this, the leader of the lesson, repeating the demonstration, must explain that learning the technique of throwing a grenade from a standing position from a place will be carried out in divisions in the following order:

  • according to the “do-one” count - stand facing the target, take the weapon (machine gun, machine gun, etc.) in your left hand by the barrel lining, take the grenade out of the bag with your right hand, firmly pressing the trigger lever of the fuse with your fingers to the body of the grenade;
  • on the count of “do - two” - with the fingers of your left hand, straighten (bring together) the ends of the safety pin and, holding the ring with your index or middle finger, sharply pull out the pin;
  • on the count of “do - three” - take a wide step back with your right foot (or forward with your left), bending it at the knee and simultaneously turning the body to the right;
  • according to the count “do - four” - with your right hand, swing in an arc back and down;
  • in a “do-five” count - energetically straightening your right leg and turning your right shoulder towards the target, transfer the weight of your body from your right leg to your left and throw a grenade in the direction of the target, and vigorously move your hand with the weapon back.

After this, the leader of the lesson needs to open up the students for 6-8 steps and give them the opportunity to independently try out the shown technique of throwing a grenade. As soon as the grenades are prepared for the next throw, you should begin to learn the technique element by element, ensuring their correct execution. At the same time, it is necessary to draw the attention of the trainees to the fact that in the “do - one” count, they firmly press the trigger lever with their fingers to the body of the grenade, and in the “do - five” count, they put the muscle strength of not only the arm, but also the whole body into throwing the grenade. at the moment of releasing the grenade from the hand, which should coincide with placing the right foot on the ground and transferring weight to it, a sharp jerk was made with the hand. The grenade should be thrown at an angle close to 45°, which ensures the greatest range of the grenade. To develop skills in throwing grenades at an angle of 45°, the leader of the lesson places the students three meters from the posts with a rope stretched between them and requires the students to throw grenades through the rope.

Subsequently, by combining the elements with each other, the leader of the lesson achieves a seamless execution of the technique of throwing a grenade from a standing position. After this, you can move on to throwing grenades one by one. This not only provides the opportunity for the lesson leader to monitor the actions of each student and observe the location of the grenade landing, but also allows the rest of the students to monitor the correct execution of the grenade throwing technique. Trainees throw a grenade at a target (target No. 8) to a certain range and accuracy. Hitting a target or a circle with a radius of 1 m with a grenade is assessed as “excellent”, a circle with a radius of 2 m is assessed as “good” and a circle with a radius of 3 m is assessed as “satisfactory”.

In subsequent classes, training in throwing grenades from a standing position from a standing position for distance and accuracy continues at a target sequentially set at distances of 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 m. If a particular student does not achieve positive results in throwing a grenade at an increased range, The leader of the lesson provides him with the opportunity to better consolidate his skills in throwing a grenade at a shorter range. If you don’t have enough strength to throw a grenade to the target, then you need to throw it with a slight run-up. Practicing the technique of throwing a grenade from a standing position ends with the completion of an exercise in the Course of shooting from small arms, combat vehicles and tanks Ground Forces - 2007.

Training in throwing hand grenades from a kneeling position, lying down, on the move, from behind cover, and also at night at various targets is carried out in the sequence outlined earlier. These techniques become most relevant when fighting in the city ( locality) and, as the experience of conducting combat operations in the Chechen Republic has shown, they are a weak point in the combat training of troops, to which commanders of all levels should pay the closest attention.

It is advisable to divide the technique of throwing a grenade from a kneeling position into the following elements:

  • according to the “do-one” count - take a position for firing from a machine gun (machine gun, grenade launcher) from the knee, take the weapon in your left hand; with your right hand, take a grenade out of the grenade bag;
  • on the count of “do - two” - with your left hand, pull out the safety pin, pressing the trigger lever to the grenade;
  • on the count of “do - three” - rise and at the same time swing the hand with the grenade, tilting the body back, turning it to the right and bending the leg at the knee (do this as when throwing a grenade from a standing position);
  • in a count of “do four” - vigorously straightening your right leg, turn sharply to the left and, leaning forward, throw a grenade;
  • on the count of “do - five” - take the position for shooting from the knee.

After the trainees have mastered the technique of throwing grenades from a kneeling position in an open area, they should move on to learning to throw grenades from a trench, ditch, crater, or from behind a large stone, first at a slow and then at a fast pace.

The technique of throwing hand grenades from a prone position is learned using the following elements:

  • according to the “do-one” count - take a prone shooting position, put the weapon on the right in front and with your right hand take a grenade out of the grenade bag;
  • on the count of “do - three” - lean your hands on the ground under your chest, push off the ground, pushing your right leg back, stand on your left knee and on the foot of your right leg, at the same time swing your hand with a grenade, tilting your body back and turning it to the right;
  • in a count of “do - four” - turning your chest towards the target and falling forward, throw a grenade;
  • on the count of “do - five” - press your chest and face to the ground to avoid being hit by shrapnel; after the grenade explodes (after 3 - 4 seconds), take the weapon and get ready to fire.

The technique of throwing hand grenades on the move is learned first on the move with a short stop, then on the move without stopping.

To conduct classes, a section of terrain is prepared, in which a trench 1 m wide and 5 m long is opened; at a distance of 25, 30, 35, 40 m from the trench, the lines from which grenades are thrown are designated; at a distance of 50 - 60 m the initial position is indicated.

It is advisable to learn the technique of throwing hand grenades on the move from a short stop using the following elements:

  • according to the “do-one” count - continuing the movement, take the weapon in your left hand, take out a grenade from the grenade bag with your right hand;
  • on the count of “do - two” - with your left hand, pull out the safety pin, pressing the trigger lever to the grenade;
  • on the count of “do - three” (served under the left leg) - make a short stop at the step of the right leg, at the same time swing the hand with the grenade, turn the body to the right and bend the right leg at the knee;
  • on the count of “do - four” - take a step with your left foot, sharply straightening your right leg and energetically turning your chest towards the target, throw a grenade;
  • on the count of “do - five” - continue moving. Learning the technique of throwing a grenade on the move without stopping is carried out using the same elements as with a short stop.

In this case, the actions on the count “do - three” and “do - four” are combined into one element. Stopping the step with the right foot is not done. On the count of “do - three”, using the speed of movement and consistently investing in the throw the strength of the legs, body and arms, throw a grenade on the move.

Training in throwing hand grenades on the move is first carried out with the trainees moving slowly, then the speed of movement gradually increases.

For training in throwing hand grenades from behind shelters, appropriate shelters are prepared and targets are set at various distances from them.

When training, the technique of throwing grenades from a trench (trench) can be divided into the following elements:

  • according to the “do-one” count - put the weapon on the parapet and take the grenade in your right hand;
  • on the count of “do - two” - pull out the safety pin with your left hand;
  • on the count of “do - three” - put your right leg back, transferring the weight of your body to it and slightly bending both togas, swing your hand with a grenade;
  • in a count of “do - four” - straightening up sharply and transferring the weight of your body to your left leg, throw a grenade at the target.

If the trench (trench) is deep, it is necessary to make a depression in the front wall of the trench and, using the count of “do - three,” put your left foot in the hole, grab the berm of the trench with your left hand and, pushing off with your right foot, rest it against the back wall of the trench.

Training in throwing hand grenades at night should begin after the trainees have thoroughly mastered the techniques of throwing a grenade during the day. In this case, throwing techniques are first practiced at illuminated targets, then at silhouettes of targets and at unlit targets.

The training methodology and rules for throwing hand grenades at illuminated targets and at target silhouettes are the same as during the day. When throwing a grenade at targets illuminated for a short time, you must remember the position of the target at the time of the next illumination and throw the grenade at the intended location. Throwing grenades at unlit targets is done in the direction of the noise (sound) produced by the target.

When learning to throw hand grenades at vertical targets (windows and doors of buildings), it is necessary to take into account that hitting the target is achieved only if the grenade directly hits the intended location. When the target is located at a considerable distance, it is necessary to “aim” at the upper edge of the target, since the grenade flies along a curved line, gradually descending. At the embrasures of defensive structures and basement windows, it is more advantageous to throw a grenade through the side at a small angle to the surface of the earth.

To summarize the above, based on the experience of combat training Airborne troops And personal experience in the training and education of paratroopers, I would like to note that only high military discipline, solid knowledge of the material part of grenades and strict compliance with safety requirements by all categories of military personnel when conducting classes in throwing hand fragmentation grenades leads to high results.

(A.V. Burlachenko, “Army Collection”)
