Non-lethal weapons. Non-lethal weapons - Weapons - Army (Ground Forces) - Top secret - Pentagonus

Not long ago, information appeared that specialists from the Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense are working on testing non-lethal electromagnetic weapons. Developments similar weapons associated with the aggravation of the internal political situation within the country.

The authorities fear that the thousands of rallies and demonstrations taking place in Moscow could eventually develop into mass unrest. According to the head of the department of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense, Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Soskov, the developed installation is intended for non-lethal effects on people. As the main damaging factor it uses extremely high frequency (EHF) electromagnetic radiation.

The directed beam of this installation causes intolerable painful sensations. According to the specialist, the powerful beam generated by the installation begins to interact with moisture, which is contained in the upper layers of human skin and penetrates only tenths of a millimeter. At the same time, such an impact is sufficient.

According to Soskov, the impact on human internal organs is completely excluded. At the same time, the person irradiated by this beam begins to experience a serious burning sensation. skin, which can cause heat shock. A person exposed to the installation instinctively tries to hide from the invisible damaging beam. It is expected that, along with rubber batons, Cheryomukha tear gas and water cannons, electromagnetic beams will become the main weapon of the police during the dispersal of unauthorized demonstrations and rallies.

It is worth noting that even earlier this development was presented in the USA and was called System active knockback(ADS - Active Denial System), this system is also known under another name - “ray of pain”. The general public first learned about the existence of the ADS program in 2011. American development of illegal weapons is also aimed at breaking up rallies. By using high-frequency electromagnetic beams, it can hit targets at a distance of up to 1 kilometer.

This installation is located on the base of a special truck or Hummer car. The high-frequency electromagnetic oscillations used in the Active Rejection System do not harm a person, while creating a feeling of unbearable heat in the latter, which is why the development is called the “pain ray” or “heat ray.”

According to the head of the Joint Directorate for Non-Lethal Weapons, Tracy Tafolla, a person cannot help but see, hear, and smell this beam. According to the expert, this new product can be considered one of the safest types of weapons used today. It does not cause cancer in a person, does not change his genes, which could have a bad effect on his children. To ensure greater safety, the operating time of the Active Knockback System can be forcibly limited to 3 seconds.

Unlike rubber bullets or the same batons and tear gas, this type of weapon is safe even for pregnant women. True, according to some skeptics, the use of such rays in practice may threaten to cause panic in a crowd of people. As a result, the weapon can leave behind even more casualties than a traditional bomb.

Below you can get acquainted with 10 types non-lethal weapons , which today are the most famous throughout the world. Some of them can even be considered comical, however, these developments really existed. Who knows, maybe in the future fighting will take place in such a way that victory over the enemy will not mean his physical destruction.

The Incapacitating Flashlight

The device with this name was created by the Californian company Intelligent Optical Systems. Most of all, it resembles an ordinary “flashlight”, with the help of powerful LEDs which generates a series of light pulses of different colors and durations, which are very painful for the human eye. As a result of the influence of such a “lantern”, a living target, while remaining in full health, temporarily loses orientation in space.

Active Denial System

Already mentioned above, also known as the “pain ray”. Is just one of the types of weapons that are being developed as part of American program"Weapons of controlled effects." The weapon is a device that emits electromagnetic waves in the millimeter wave range with a high frequency of 94 GHz, which has a short-term shock effect on people. The principle of operation of this type of non-lethal weapon is that when the beam from the device hits a person, 83% of its energy is absorbed by the upper layer of the skin of the irradiated person.

The SpeechJammer

This very peculiar device was created by scientists from Japan; translated into Russian, it can be called a speech silencer. If you point this device towards a person who is constantly speaking and start it up, then within a few minutes the speaker will begin to confuse the words in his speech and will soon fall silent.

This device is not exactly a weapon, but perhaps, with proper development, it can be used during spontaneous or unauthorized rallies in order to stop the speech of one of the most active speakers. It is worth noting that this installation has already been able to receive “ Ig Nobel Prize" 2012. This prize is awarded annually in the United States for the most dubious achievements in science.

XM1063 artillery shell

This projectile is a chemical weapon, the effect of which is based on the defeat of a potential enemy with a strong stench. An artillery shell explodes in the air above the target, spraying chemical elements over it, which, acting on the amygdala in human brain, can cause not only unpleasant sensations to the point of intolerance, but also insurmountable fear. During the impact of such projectiles, the enemy simply takes flight. An artillery shell explodes in the air above the target.

It is a non-lethal laser weapon created by the US Department of Defense. It is used to temporarily blind and disorient the enemy. The prototype for the PHASR rifle was the British Dazzler laser weapon, which was used to blind Argentine pilots during the short Falkland Islands War. Developed by the Americans, PHASR is a low-intensity laser, so its blinding effect is only temporary. In this case, if necessary, the wavelength can be changed.

In 1995, laser weapons that would cause damage to vision were prohibited by a UN convention called the Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons. After the adoption of this protocol, the Pentagon curtailed some of its developments, but managed to defend the PHASR rifle. This is due to the short time of its exposure, as well as the fact that the Protocol does not prohibit the use of lasers that do not cause irreversible visual impairment. According to the US Department of Defense, this weapon can be indispensable in situations where the enemy needs to be temporarily blinded.

Thunder Generator

The non-lethal weapon, created in Israel, is capable of generating strong sound waves and is intended to disperse crowds of demonstrators and rioters. It is noteworthy that it was originally created to scare away birds and other pests from grain crops and was created within the walls of one of the agro-industrial enterprises.

Sticky War Foam

When this projectile hits an enemy, it releases a huge amount of foamy chemical reagent, which very quickly increases in volume and dries on the victim, making it impossible for him to move. The movements of the enemy soldier are constrained by frozen foam, he is actually immobilized. This development was used by American Marines in a number of special operations in Somalia.

Pepper Grenade

The stun pepper grenade was created by Indian scientists and is stuffed with chili pepper and can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, to prevent mass unrest, to fight terrorism, to produce new means of self-defense for women. The pepper grenade was created based on the Naga Yolokia pepper variety. This variety is several 100 times hotter than other chili peppers and grows in the state of Assam, located in northeast India. For its pungency, this type of pepper was noted in the Guinness Book of Records.

Gay bomb

It had such a funny name chemical weapon, whose action was based on powerful aphrodisiacs. When dropped on enemy troops, these bombs were supposed to cause strong sexual arousal in soldiers, stimulating homosexual behavior. At the end of 2004, the publication of this information caused a scandal in connection with America's possible violation of international conventions on the non-proliferation of chemical weapons.

In addition, it became a cause for outrage among gay organizations, which were offended by the suggestion that homosexual soldiers had less fighting potential. In response to all the accusations made, the Pentagon stated that existing ideas for creating this weapon have not been further developed.

Taser Shotgun

Powerful non-lethal electroshock weapon. It differs from conventional stun guns in its ability to hit a target at a significant distance - 4.5-10 meters. Manufactured in the USA, it is adopted by local police, who most often use the M26 and X26 models. Among other things, the Taser Shotgun is approved for use by civilians in 43 states.

Today, the men's magazine MPORT invites you to get acquainted with a weapon curiosity, namely, an unusual non-lethal weapon that allows you to neutralize opponents with minimal harm to his health.

The SpeechJammer


Japanese scientists invented a unique device, which when translated into Russian is called a speech silencer. If you point this device towards a person who is constantly talking and press the “start” button, then within a few minutes the person begins to confuse words, stammer, and soon becomes completely silent.

The Incapacitating Flashlight


The device was developed by the Californian company Intelligent Optical Systems. Using powerful LEDs, the “flashlight” generates a series of light pulses of different colors and durations that are very painful for the eyes. As a result, a living target, while remaining healthy, loses orientation in space.



Non-lethal laser weapon developed by the US Department of Defense. Used to disorient and temporarily blind the enemy. The current PHASR rifle is based on the British Dazzler laser weapon, which was used to blind Argentine pilots during the Falklands War. PHASR is a low intensity laser, so the blinding effect is temporary. It is possible to change the laser wavelength.

The Active Denial System


Another name is “pain ray”. One of several weapons developed under the Controlled Effects Weapons program. It is an installation that emits electromagnetic waves in the millimeter wave range with a frequency of about 94 GHz, which has a short-term shock effect on people. The principle of operation is based on the fact that when a beam hits a person, 83% of the energy of this radiation is absorbed by the upper layer of the skin.

Howitzer XM1063


This is a chemical weapon based on defeating the enemy with a strong stench. The filling of the projectile includes chemical elements that, acting on the amygdala in the human brain, can cause not only unpleasant sensations to the point of intolerance, but even insurmountable fear. As a result, the victim takes flight.

Gay bomb


This is the unofficial name for chemical weapons based on the action of powerful aphrodisiacs. When dropped on enemy troops, such bombs would cause intense sexual arousal in enemy soldiers and were expected to stimulate homosexual behavior. At the end of 2004, this information caused a scandal in connection with possible US violations of international conventions on the non-proliferation of chemical weapons. In addition, gay organizations were outraged, offended by the suggestion that homosexual soldiers were less effective. In response to all the accusations, the Pentagon stated that the idea of ​​​​developing such weapons had not been developed.

Thunder Generator


An Israeli non-lethal sonic weapon that generates strong sound waves and is designed to disperse crowds of rioters and demonstrators. An interesting fact is that in fact, this tool was originally developed within the walls of one of the agro-industrial firms and was intended to scare away birds and other pests from grain crops.

Pepper Grenade

Which, when used normally, should not result in death or serious bodily injury to those against whom it is directed. The main purpose of using such weapons is to neutralize, not defeat, the enemy; damage to health and physical condition people should be kept to a minimum.

Basic information

Non-lethal weapons, conventionally called mass media“humane”, intended to temporarily incapacitate enemy personnel without causing irreversible damage to human health. In addition, this type of weapon can be used to disable equipment and weapons, for example, unmanned aerial vehicles, stopping vehicles, etc.

As a rule, special equipment is used law enforcement agencies to detain offenders, suppress active resistance on their part, release hostages, suppress and eliminate group hooliganism and riots.

Security issues

The use of non-lethal weapons is intended to minimize the possibility of unintended casualties. It is impossible to completely exclude this, but such cases are extremely rare. Most common reasons that can lead to the death of a person when using non-lethal weapons are accidental shots, ricochets, inept handling of weapons and their illegal use, as well as the presence of hidden health problems in the victim.

Since different parts of the human body differ in their degree of vulnerability, and people themselves differ in physical condition, any weapon capable of incapacitating is likely to be capable of becoming a murder weapon under certain circumstances. The use of plastic, rubber bullets and other “non-lethal” ammunition can cause contusions, broken ribs, concussions, loss of eyes, superficial damage to various organs and skin, damage to the skull, ruptures of the heart, kidneys, liver, internal hemorrhages and even death. People exposed to non-lethal weapons should see a doctor immediately, even if there are no visible injuries.

Weapon Description

  • Traumatic weapon, specially designed for firing traumatic ammunition: for example, OSA and Makarych pistols. Exist traumatic cartridges with rubber or plastic bullets intended for use in police or military firearms.
  • Electroshock weapon - It is widespread both as a civilian weapon of self-defense and as a special weapon for the police and security forces. The result of the impact of a shocker on a person is unbearable pain, muscle spasm at the site of application, loss of orientation in space and temporary loss of consciousness. The differences between police and civilian models are: technical specifications. Police shockers deliver a discharge with a power of up to 10 W and a voltage of up to 120,000 V. For civilian models, the maximum permitted indicators are, respectively, 3 W and 90,000 V. The units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation are armed with the AIR-107U stun batons (version 250 and version 350) produced by MART GROUP LLC. In addition, the company supplies law enforcement units with SKALA electroshock shields (type I and type II), the outer surface of which is coated with conductive material.
  • Water cannons- devices that exert physical impact with jets of water under high pressure. As a rule, they do not cause any serious injuries, but can cause hypothermia, and at subzero temperatures, frostbite, including fatal. They can be constructed using available means (in particular, fire hoses). They are one of the most common and popular means of combating riots.
  • Flash-bang ammunition- made on the basis of combustion of pyrotechnic means.

see also


  1. Slyusar, V.I. NATO Research System for Non-Lethal Weapons Development. (undefined) . Zb. materials of the VI international scientific and practical conference “Problems of coordination of military-technical and defense-industrial policy in Ukraine. Prospects for the development of modern military technology.” - Kyiv. pp. 306 - 309. (2018).
  2. UN Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and Their Destruction
  3. The Long Range Acoustic Device™ (LRAD®) (undefined) (unavailable link). Retrieved May 2, 2008. Archived October 6, 2008.
  4. Slyusar, V. New to non-lethal arsenals. Unconventional means of destruction. (undefined) . Electronics: science, technology, business. – 2003. - No. 2. pp. 60 - 66. (2003).
  5. V. I. Slyusar. Generators of super-powerful electromagnetic pulses in information wars // Electronics: NTB: magazine. - 2002. - No. 5. - pp. 60-67.

Let's visit an ordinary Russian weapons store. We are not interested in the abundance of hunting double-barreled shotguns and carbines - they are not suitable for concealed carry. There is not a single combat pistol on the shelves, unlike little Latvia and great America, where the law allows citizens to purchase them. And also Bulgaria, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Italy, Switzerland, Estonia and Moldova. “However, liberalization of weapons legislation is also underway here,” says the deputy chairman of the All-Russian Society of Owners civilian weapons(VOVGO) Sergei Zainullin.- In the USSR, carrying self-defense weapons was strictly prohibited. In 1993, gas was allowed. In the early 2000s - traumatic. In May 2010, highly qualified athletes were given the right to purchase and keep sports weapons at home, for example, the 9-mm Viking pistol, which differs from the army Yarygin pistol only in markings.” In general, a citizen of the Russian Federation can choose from a compact weapon (with the exception of knives) a gas spray, a stun gun and a traumatic pistol.

Grand Power T10. Traumatic pistol of 10 x 22 caliber, produced in Slovakia.

Have some soda

Here is a rack with cans. Everyone has nerve gas inside. Just kidding, these don't sell. There is a compressed irritant - a tear-producing, irritating substance. These may be colorless crystals of (CS) or chloroacetophenone (CN), yellow crystals of dibenzoxazepine (CR), red hot pepper extract oleoresin capsicum (OC) or its synthetic analogue pelargonic acid morpholide (MPA). “In low concentrations (in cans) they cause irritation to the eyes, respiratory tract, skin, irresistible burning and itching,” says VOVGO weapons expert Alexander Belkin. “The attacker is switched off for several tens of minutes.” In high concentrations (in chemical bombs, grenades, artillery shells), irritants cause severe burns, paralysis, cardiac arrest, and death.

Irritants differ in the speed and power of their impact on the attacker, as well as in their effectiveness against drunks and dogs. One of the most effective is OS: it gives a 4-second delay when hit in the face and a hard stopping effect. The cans are also charged with a mixture of irritants, for example CR+MPK. The IPC itself is a serious thing. And CR, or, as it is also called, “police gas,” is generally the most powerful of the above. Therefore, its concentration in the cans is low.

MR-80−13T "Makarych". Traumatic pistol caliber 45 Rubber, produced in Russia.

The effective firing range from the cylinder is 1 m. After one use, it is better to buy a new one. You need to carry it not in a bag (you won’t have time to get it), but in your pocket. Let's take one for testing (the price is 300 rubles, no documents are needed for purchase) and proceed to the vacant lot. We take the cylinder out of our pocket, press the button on the lid - the valve opens. Depending on the type of balloon, either an aerosol cloud or a thin stream of irritant will fly into the face of the alleged adversary. Aerosols hit “over the area” - you won’t miss. But if the wind blows in your face, the balance of power will change exactly the opposite. Inkjet cans do not have this drawback; they can even be used in an elevator. But you will have to aim straight at the eyes.

Instead of a cylinder, you can buy a gas pistol. It looks like a combat weapon, but it only shoots irritant. Experts consider these weapons to be an endangered species. The Udar metered aerosol spray device, a civilian descendant of the FSB non-lethal weapon Fialka-M, is also on sale. Essentially this is a multi-charge canister. “Udar” resembles a pistol handle and is loaded with five “cartridges” (small-sized aerosol cans, BAM). When you click on trigger BAM “shoots” irritant at a distance of up to 3.5 m.

PB-4−2 "Wasp". Barrelless pistol of non-lethal action, produced in Russia.

Star in shock

The next type of available weapon is stun guns. Prices range from a couple of thousand rubles for the simplest (fits in your pocket) to ten for an electric baton with a flashlight. Inside the shocker there is a powerful battery, an electronic voltage converter unit, and a high-voltage pulse terminal device. On the outside there is an activation button and two sharp “fangs”. Shockers are divided into contact and remote. The first ones need to literally stick their “fangs” into the clothes in order to get to the body. Remote ones throw out “fangs” with unwinding wires about four meters. And for the police and military they also produce stun bullets, for example the TASER XREP bullet. It is “packed” into a 12-gauge cartridge. You can shoot it from a smoothbore gun. NATO countries also have a stun grenade for a 37 mm grenade launcher.

Shockers are distinguished by their effect. Stun gun (“stunning weapon”) hits the attacker’s nerve cells, causing a painful shock, short-term convulsions, and disorientation. The result is a few minutes of incapacity. “However, one will leave in 15 minutes, and the other may die,” says Alexander Belkin. “Unless absolutely necessary, it is also not recommended to use a stun gun in the head and neck area.” EMD shockers (Electro-Muscular Disruption, electro-muscular disorder) provoke involuntary muscle contractions. The attacker falls and cannot get up while there is contact with the stun gun. However, immediately after “switching off” motor functions are restored.

Shockers have different penetration abilities - the manufacturer usually indicates how many millimeters of clothing it “pierces” specific model. For winter, it is better to take a model with a higher indicator. The special Shaped Pulse technology developed by Taser International involves first delivering a low power, high voltage discharge upon contact with the stun gun to penetrate clothing, followed by a powerful, lower voltage discharge through the ionized channel created by the first discharge. This gives high penetration ability and lower lethality. For example, the power of the Taser M-26 stun gun (without Shaped Pulse) is 26 W, and the Taser X-26 (with Shaped Pulse) is 5 W. At the same time, the efficiency of the X-26 is higher.

Three bells - self-defense according to the law

Legal advice from the deputy chairman of the All-Russian Society of Civilian Weapons Owners Sergei Zainullin: “Be sure to read the law “On Weapons”, the Criminal Code (especially Articles 37 on self-defense and 39 on extreme necessity), the Code on administrative offenses. It is very advisable to have at hand the telephone number of a lawyer, a lawyer, whom you can contact for emergency advice. In the case of using weapons, the procedure is as follows. The first thing is to call a lawyer. Second, call an ambulance. And strictly following the instructions of the doctors, provide first aid to the attacker. This obligation is provided for by law. Third, call the police. It is very important to clearly define your legal position. Explain that you were attacked and you used a weapon in a situation of necessary defense.”

Where Makarych did not drive Osu

Before purchasing a traumatic pistol, you must obtain a license from the Internal Affairs Directorate. Injuries are shot with a rubber bullet (sometimes with a metal core), flash-noise (blind and deafen) and signal (“rocket launcher”) cartridges. Sighting range for a traumatic cartridge, 10 m is considered. There are several dozen models of traumatic cartridges on the Russian market at prices starting from 5,000 rubles.

Overseas exotic Avurt IM-5. It looks like a fantastic blaster, but is essentially a paintball marker with a laser designator. Shoots paintballs with OS irritant inside. Effective range - 15 m.

Conventionally, all models can be divided into two groups. The first is barrelless pistols (“Wasp”, “Aegis”, “Guard”). The second is injuries made on the basis of combat pistols by replacing a number of spare parts (often weakening the strength of the barrel to prevent firing with live ammunition). These include “Makarych” based on the “Makarov” pistol, “Leader” and “Naganych” based on the famous “TT” and the “Nagan” revolver, respectively. Foreign models are also available (German Walther, Ukrainian “Groza”). By the way, they also sell 12-gauge traumatic cartridges with rubber bullets/buckshot. They fit the hunting rifles that are widely used among us.

Traumas based on combat pistols work the same way as their prototypes - magazine, bolt, firing mechanism. But for the trunkless, everything is different. Let's look at the example of "Wasp". There is no barrel, but its role is played by the 18.5x55 mm cartridge itself. In addition to a bullet with a metal core and a powder charge, it contains an electric igniter (instead of a primer). When you press the trigger, the magnetic pulse generator in the housing, through an electric igniter, detonates the gunpowder of the cartridge. A shot occurs.

Stun gun "Mart". Less likely to cause lethal effects compared to injuries. No need to get a license. The sight and crackle of an electric arc can frighten the enemy.

The Osa bullet, due to its mass (12 g) and low initial speed (120 m/s), has the most powerful stopping effect (which is important for self-defense) compared to other injuries. The 45-caliber Makarych bullet weighs 1.5 g, its starting speed— 380 m/s. Rubber bullets of 9-mm injuries weigh even less, which, combined with small size gives them greater penetration power. For this they were nicknamed “hole punchers.”

A hit to the head from any injury can kill. Getting into the arms, legs or body of a lightly dressed person will cause a painful shock and leave a large hematoma. A “body armor” made from a sheepskin coat or fur coat negates the effect of any injury.

Electroshock gun "Karakurt". Models available on the Russian market are effective only with sufficiently long exposure (a couple of seconds). More powerful foreign models are prohibited.

Plan b"

Let's go to one of the Moscow shooting ranges, where you can legally shoot from different small arms. At the checkout we’ll ask for a “Wasp” and a life-size target of an “armed terrorist” and proceed to the firing line. “The usual distance for using a traumatic weapon is 2-3 m,” says Belkin. Let's start with it. Take it out of the holster, load it, turn it on laser pointer(have latest models"Wasps"), aim at the body, press the trigger - fire. Second, third, fourth. All the bullets land in the “terrorist’s” chest.

Spray cans. For a few seconds after receiving a dose of the irritant, the enemy remains capable (the duration of the “delay” depends on the type of irritant). Aerosol cans can “catch” the owner himself (for example, when the wind blows in the face).

We set the target at 6 and then at 10 m - the laser helped us not to miss. Hitting a target with the Wasp is not difficult - in the hothouse conditions of a shooting range and at a stationary target, of course. IN real battle There are many other “variables” that affect shooting performance. For example, the shooter’s psychological stability and skills brought to automaticity. “Therefore, the first thing a new owner of a traumatic weapon should do is come to a shooting club and learn to shoot,” says Artur Davydenko, an instructor at the Object shooting complex. And also come up with a “plan B” in case the weapon fails at the most crucial moment. So that you don’t have to, as in the bearded joke, regret about the uncut fly.

Non-lethal weapons

Colonel S. Vybornov, Candidate of Military Sciences

The military-political leadership of the United States, without renouncing the use of violence as one of the main tools for achieving its goals, is searching for new methods of conducting combat operations and creating means for them that fully take into account the realities of our time.
In the early 90s, the concept began to emerge in the United States, according to which the country’s armed forces should have not only nuclear and conventional weapons, but also special means, ensuring the implementation of police and peacekeeping missions, effective participation in local conflicts without causing unnecessary losses to the enemy in manpower and material assets.
American military experts primarily classify such special weapons as: means of creating electromagnetic pulse(non-nuclear); lasers; infrasound generators; chemical composition) and biological formulations capable of changing the structure of the base materials of the main elements of military equipment; substances that damage lubricants and rubber products cause thickening of the fuel.
The presence in service of such weapons, called non-lethal weapons (NLW), would allow, in the opinion of the US military-political leadership, to achieve their goals in cases where the use of conventional weapons (and especially nuclear weapons) is unacceptable for political and ethical reasons. Similar views are reflected in official documents US Department of Defense, giving the following definition of ONSD: “Weapons that are capable of neutralizing the enemy or depriving him of the ability to conduct combat operations without causing him irreparable loss of manpower, destruction material assets or large-scale violations environment".
Interest in non-lethal weapons especially increased after Iraq's occupation of Kuwait in August 1990 and the aggravation of interethnic conflicts in the territory of the former SFRY.
According to some reports, ONSD has already been used during the war in the Persian Gulf. In particular, the foreign press reported that the head of the Tomahok missile was equipped with special conductors that caused short circuits on power lines and power plants, which contributed to the disruption of power supply for several hours.
Indirect confirmation that the United States has non-lethal means of influencing the enemy can be the statement of the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee S. Pann, made in mid-August 1992. He considers it possible to use ONSD against Serbia if the UN Security Council approves the use of force against this country.
At the official level, the idea of ​​equipping troops with non-lethal weapons was first formulated in August 1991 in the next report on the concept of “air-land operation (battle)” prepared by the US Army Training and Research Command. According to this document, the presence of ONSD in the armed forces will significantly expand the capabilities of the United States to respond to crisis situations. At the present time, as stated in the report, “situations often arise in which the United States is unable to achieve its goals, since as a result there may be deaths or damage to the environment, or destruction of cultural monuments. In other words, there is a great risk of making enemies The United States of those people who were not previously one."
The Non-Lethal Weapons Concept Study Group submitted a special memorandum to the Secretary of Defense for signature in March 1991, which considers ONSD as a complement to conventional and nuclear war. In the context of a radical change in the international situation and an expected reduction in the development of conventional and nuclear weapons the creation of ONSD can take shape into a relatively independent area with multi-billion dollar funding. The Pentagon is already planning to request $148 million over the next five years for the development of ONSD technologies.
As indicated in the foreign press, after the Committee of Chiefs of Staff presented the holistic concept of the ONSD at the end of 1993, a special large-scale R&D program for its creation may emerge. Within its framework, it is expected to consider a wide range of technical solutions, some of which were previously worked on to create conventional weapons, and some of which are fundamentally new. In organizational and even financial terms, it can become an analogue of the SDI program.
Currently, the main work on the development of ONSD technologies is carried out in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPL), the Livermore and Los Alamos laboratories of the Department of Energy, the weapons development center of the Department of the Army, etc. Closest to adoption Various types lasers to blind personnel, chemical agents to immobilize them, special ammunition that disables the propulsion systems of aircraft, ships and combat vehicles, non-nuclear EMP (electromagnetic pulse) generators that negatively affect the operation of electronic equipment.
Some types of ONSD, most often discussed by specialists in the foreign press, are discussed below.
Laser weapons. Laser means for disabling the visual organs of personnel in the United States have already been developed and can be put into service in the near future. These include, in particular, the Stingray installation mounted on the Bradley infantry fighting vehicle. The latter's introduction into the military was delayed after congressional hearings revealed that its use causes an irreversible process in the eyesight.
In the United States, there are at least two types of laser guns available for battlefield use. In 1989, a backpack battery-powered laser gun with the dimensions of a small arms was created. A laser gun with the dimensions of an M16 rifle and a range of up to 1 km is also in development. In the future, it is possible that small-sized laser pistols that affect the organs of vision will appear.
In addition to these means, high-power aircraft, ship and ground laser systems are being created in the USA and other foreign countries, designed to disable optical-electronic equipment.
The main problem in developing laser-based weapons that cause only temporary blinding is the wide range of changes in radiation energy. Depending on the viewing angle, the degree of adaptation of the eye to lighting conditions, and the protection of the visual organs at the same energy, the damage can be reversible or irreversible.
Sources of incoherent light. Bright sources of flashing, incoherent light can cause temporary blindness and make it difficult to aim and navigate. At certain values ​​of the pulse frequency and their duty cycle, the health of personnel sharply worsens, and phenomena are observed that usually precede epileptic seizures. The effectiveness of exposure increases by combining coherent (for blinding) and incoherent (for disorientation) light sources and other types of ONSD.
The head of programs for the development of weapons with minimal side effects (one of the OPSD titles) at the weapons development center of the US Department of the Army, Curt Johnson, in an interview with Jane's Defense Weekly magazine, in particular, spoke about the work being carried out at the center to obtain powerful targeted and unidirectional pulsed flows of incoherent optical radiation based on explosive heating of inert gases. According to him, such means housed in a 155-mm housing artillery shell, will be able to disable both optical sensors and enemy personnel.
Microwave weapons. The mechanisms of the impact of microwave radiation on the human body can be divided into energy and information. The thermal effect of relatively high power fluxes of microwave radiation has been most studied.
Depending on the frequency and power, radio frequency radiation affects a person in the following way: it disrupts the functioning of the brain and central nervous system, temporarily incapacitate, cause a sensation of hard-tolerable noise and whistling, and damage internal organs. In the latter case, there is a possibility of death. At the same time, according to some foreign experts, the creation of such ONSD is very problematic (difficulty in obtaining the required power with acceptable dimensions and cost of installation, short range).
Microwave generators can be used to disable electronic equipment, but there are relatively simple ways to protect it. Foreign experts consider it more acceptable to use high-power microwave generators as a power means of electronic warfare, that is, a means that does not disable the equipment, but creates strong interference for it due to penetration through barrier filters, through “parasitic” reception channels, through unshielded holes and equipment slots, etc.
The information impact on humans of relatively low powers of microwave radiation has been practically not studied. In the 70s, the discovery of the so-called radio audibility effect was reported abroad. It lies in the fact that people who were in a powerful field of broadcast stations began to hear “inner voices,” music and the like. The essence of this phenomenon was explained by the possibility of detecting modulated carrier oscillations of a radio station in the internal nonlinear environments of the human body with subsequent conversion into signals perceived by the auditory nerve. Subsequently, reports of radio audibility were neither confirmed nor refuted.
Infrasonic weapons. The influence of infrasonic vibrations on the human body and psyche was intensively studied in the United States in the 60s and 70s, including for use for police purposes and as a weapon.
In the course of this work, it was demonstrated that it is possible to use infrasound on both the sense organs and the internal organs of a person (at high power levels), disabling it under a certain combination of conditions. It has been shown that low power levels can cause an unconscious feeling of fear and create panic in the crowd; at high levels, psychomotor functions may be impaired and the appearance of a condition usually preceding an epileptic seizure.
The company "Scientific Applications and Research", which takes part in the work of the weapons development center of the US Department of the Army, in 1992 won a competition for a contract to carry out research on the creation of non-lethal infrasonic weapons. Two concepts are studied - "acoustic rays" and "acoustic charges". As expected, “acoustic rays” will be created by traditional emitters, and “acoustic charges” will require fundamentally new means. It is believed that infrasonic weapons will be effective against personnel located in shelters and inside military equipment.
Electronic warfare V last years became a relatively independent specific form of armed struggle. Data repeatedly tested during exercises and during local conflicts show that with the help of large-scale, well-coordinated electronic warfare activities, it is possible to significantly change the balance of forces, disorganize the control of the enemy’s troops and weapons, deprive him of reliable information about the situation, and force him to act in a way that is known in advance and beneficial to his side. way. Until recently, these electronic warfare capabilities were supposed to be used mainly to create optimal conditions for delivering damaging strikes against enemy personnel and equipment with the aim of destroying them.
Currently, with the help of electronic warfare systems and means, ONSD can be delivered to targets without loss. In addition, conditions are created to ensure its most effective use to sharply reduce or completely eliminate losses on its part. In combination with information warfare means and high-precision weapons of the new generation, electronic warfare can actually paralyze the armed forces and government of a less technologically advanced enemy.
Means of information warfare. The widespread use of computers in weapons and military equipment in all processes of armed struggle predetermined the emergence of new methods of influencing the enemy, the effectiveness of which, according to American military experts, is comparable only to weapons of mass destruction.
At present, we can roughly distinguish several types of special effects on enemy computers.
1. Early inclusion in software weapon systems, control and communication of the corresponding elements (they are activated after a certain period of time, by a special signal or in another way), disabling the serviced computers. In this case, the failure can be perceived as a natural hardware failure.
2. Introducing computer viruses through intelligence, through communication channels or other means, destroying information in data banks and software of combat systems.
3. Entering communication channels between computers and entering false information into them.
4. Disabling a computer and erasing information using powerful microwave radiation, an electromagnetic pulse or other means.
According to foreign experts, information warfare means have been developed and are successfully used for both commercial and military purposes.
Immediately before the start of Operation Desert Storm, there were reports in French newspapers that all radars and other military equipment manufactured by Thompson-CSF, sold at one time to Iraq, were equipped with “bookmarks” that, upon a conditioned signal, would disable the equipment. Subsequently, this information was not directly confirmed. Nevertheless, the possibility of technical implementation of such means is currently beyond doubt.
Computer viruses have become widespread in recent years and are constantly improving and becoming more complex. According to a statement by an unnamed representative of the “intelligence community”, quoted in February 1991 by the American magazine Signal, the United States is actively developing a so-called “virus gun” that will be very easy to use and much cheaper conventional weapons. Technical side has been fully developed, and the appearance of a working model is only a matter of time. According to the same representative, Japan can create the same weapon now, and other countries will be ready for this in a few years.
IN Lately Another way to control the use of weapons has emerged. By decision of the US Congress, special attachments are being developed for all weapon systems (from ATGMs to much more complex systems), which preclude their use until an authorization signal is received via radio channels. If this practice becomes widespread, it will be possible to implement effective control on the part of arms exporting countries when delivering them to regions with unstable conditions.
ONSD as a police means has now reached great perfection and has a wealth of experience in practical use - these are police gases, rubber bullets, bullets with immobilizers and other means of dispersing demonstrations and combating mass unrest and riots.
The foreign press notes that various exotic means, for example, a suspension of finely ground banana peel, can be successfully used as ONSD. When applied to the road surface, it has such a low coefficient of friction that it eliminates any movement of people and vehicles. In this way, it is possible to temporarily block the movement of troops in front of bridges, entrances to cities, prevent equipment from leaving military bases, and preventing aircraft from taking off and landing on airfield runways.
New generation biological weapons.
By means of genetic engineering, fundamentally new pathogens of infectious diseases and toxins can be created that meet the requirements for ADHD. An obstacle to the development and implementation of tools of this type are existing international agreements.
Biotechnological means. Among the newest concepts of ONSD, a special place is occupied by the use of the latest achievements of biotechnology, especially genetic and cellular engineering.
In the course of research devoted to the production of new biomaterials, purification biological methods environment, environmentally friendly disposal of weapons and military equipment, foreign scientists have created a certain theoretical and practical groundwork for the use of microorganisms and their metabolic products. It can serve as a basis for the development of potentially effective means of ADSD. Thus, in the USA and other countries, bacterial strains and other microorganisms that effectively decompose petroleum products (converting petroleum hydrocarbons into fatty acids digestible by natural microorganisms) have been created and experimentally tested in cleaning up pollution at military facilities and eliminating accidents on oil tankers and offshore drilling platforms. This opens up the possibility of “contaminating” enemy fuel and lubricant storage facilities in order to make the fuel located there unusable. The entire process may take several days. Bacteria that utilize lubricants can also cause engines to seize; internal combustion, blockage of their fuel lines and fuel supply systems. "
In the course of work on environmentally friendly disposal of short-range and medium-range missiles in the United States, biological (with the help of microorganisms) methods of decomposition of ammonium perchlorate (a component of solid rocket fuel) were successfully used. When enemy combat missiles are “infected” with such microorganisms, shells, cavities, and areas with uneven characteristics may appear in their solid fuel filling, which can lead to an explosion of the missile at launch or to a significant deviation in its flight path.
In the USA, microbiological methods have been developed for removing old paint and varnish coatings from military facilities. To a certain extent, this can be used in the interests of creating ONSD.
A large number of microorganisms and insects are known that can have a harmful effect on elements of electronic and electrical devices (destruction of insulation, printed circuit board materials, casting compounds, lubricants and drives of mechanical devices). Foreign experts do not rule out the possibility of obtaining microorganisms in which these properties are so developed that they can be used as 0NSD. To recycle defective integrated circuits in the USA, for example, a strain of bacteria has been isolated that decomposes gallium arsenide (gallium accumulates in biomass, and arsenic is oxidized and serves as an energy source for bacteria). There are many known biometallurgical processes in which valuable metals (including uranium) are extracted from low-grade ores and dumps with the help of microorganisms. One can imagine a number of modifications of these processes suitable for disabling (over a relatively long period of time) weapons and military equipment.
Non-lethal chemical weapons. Among possible types of ADSD, American experts, as a rule, place one of the first places on new chemical agents that lead to temporary incapacitation of personnel. In particular, the prospects for creating highly effective psychotropic drugs with special properties and reversibility of effects, immobilizers, neuroinhibitors, etc. But even in this case, international agreements are a serious obstacle to development and application.
Chemical agents on weapons and military equipment. In official documents of the US Department of Defense there is evidence that DARPA specialists have already developed the basic technologies for creating chemical agents of ONSD that effectively affect military equipment. For example, the following scenario for using this type of weapon is given: using aerosol bombs in the area where enemy military equipment is located, chemical substances, which lead to damage or shutdown of the engines of aircraft, tanks, trucks, electric generators (due to thickening of the fuel, loss of antifriction properties by lubricants, disruption of the structure of the base materials of critical structural elements), and also destroy rubber products (car tires, metal-rubber liners tank tracks, etc.).
There are certain potential technical possibilities for implementing this NDSD concept. In particular, in the 70s in the United States, the possibility of combating low-flying targets was studied by scattering (spraying) thin explosive plates along their flight path. Getting into the air intake and exploding there, they could cause the engine to stop due to disruption of air flows or destroy turbines and combustion chamber elements. It is also known a large number of chemical inhibitors that can prevent the normal combustion of fuel when it enters the cylinders of internal combustion engines or, conversely, sharply increase the octane number of the fuel, which will lead to its detonation and engine failure. Thickening (setting) of the lubricant contributes to engine jamming.
Electromagnetic pulse weapon. Non-nuclear EMP generators (super-EMP), as theoretical work and experiments conducted abroad show, can be effectively used to disable electronic and electrical equipment, to erase information in data banks and damage computers.
With the help of ONSD based on non-nuclear EMR generators, it is possible to disable computers, key radio and electrical equipment of the enemy, electronic ignition systems and other automobile components, and to detonate or inactivate minefields. The impact of these weapons is quite selective and politically quite acceptable, but it requires precise delivery to the target areas.
Modern advances in the field of non-nuclear EMP generators make it possible to make them compact enough for use with conventional and high-precision delivery vehicles.
Thus, an analysis of ongoing scientific research and development of promising technologies carried out by military departments and in the civilian sector of foreign countries reveals a wide range of technical solutions that can form the basis of the created “ONSD means.” A serious problem with the use of these weapons is the need to comply international treaties, many of which from a legal point of view do not have an unambiguous interpretation. For example, chemicals that cause engines to stop, damage rubber products, etc., at the same time have the same effect on the human body as chemical weapons or bacterial formulations, which can be considered as biological and toxin weapons. Some chemicals that temporarily incapacitate a person are also not very clearly distinguished from chemical agents, the use of which is prohibited by international convention.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the prospects of specific concepts for ONSD require additional assessment from the point of view of technical feasibility, combat effectiveness, cost and other criteria.
