Milla Jovovich will give birth in March and will tell you how to get back into shape after pregnancy. Actress Milla Jovovich is pregnant for the second time Pregnant Milla Jovovich gave birth

28 May 2011, 15:49

The perfection of Milla Jovovich's figure then and now arouses everyone's close attention and surprise. "How do you manage to keep fit?" - journalists ask her. “Believe it or not, I eat everything and as much as I want,” replies Milla. “But I’m always busy with something. Have you ever seen me sit in one place?” It’s clear that the star’s phrase is deceitful :) However, by the end of 2007, the top model, whose weight and height is 174 cm best years was 49 kg, recovered to 90 (!). I’ll start my next story about the star’s difficult struggle with excess weight since the early 2000s. year 2000 By the beginning of the 2000s, the actress, who already had a decent baggage of roles and a rich personal life, gained from 5 to 7 kilograms. However, the weight gain can be easily explained - a year earlier, the star starred with her ex-husband Luc Besson in the film “Joan of Arc.” Every day for six months, Milla was forced to wear heavy armor weighing 22 kg (!), without taking off almost 12 hours a day!To cope with such a difficult test, the girl needed to gain decent muscle mass. 2002 However, after 2 years (as you can see from the photo), the actress lost not only these kilos, but also lost a couple more. And again, all for the sake of the greatest of arts. Jovovich prepared to participate in the films “Resident Evil” and “Ultraviolet” according to a special forces training program: she devoted 8 hours a day to training every day for two months. The actress's friends made fun of her and said that she was in the gym and shooting range more often than at home. Milla was tolerant of ironic remarks and did her job: she shot, practiced mountaineering and martial arts, mastered martial arts taekwondo, capoeira and karate. 2005 year Over the next 4 years Hollywood star holds its weight with ease. The secret of the top model's success: yoga, karate, healthy eating. And the attitude: don’t think about the bad. 2006 When asked by one journalist what helps the actress always remain feminine, Milla replied: “My beauty! I’m damn beautiful! I take very, very good care of myself. I follow a daily routine, drink twenty to thirty cups of green tea. This is how I fight smoking. I definitely go to the gym: I do push-ups, do press exercises – 100 times a day. I do one approach easily. I eat fresh vegetables, especially often Brussels sprouts, and drink juices. I flatly refused processed foods and other surrogate foods and advise everyone else. Although no, I’m lying. Sometimes my friends and I organize a “Harmful Day.” We shop at We shop for the most harmful products and eat them, but this happens very rarely.” 2007 In April 2007, representatives of Milla Jovovich and her boyfriend, director Paul Anderson, confirmed the ex-designer’s pregnancy and reported that “both future parents are extremely excited about this.” The child was due to be born in late autumn. Let me remind you that the 31-year-old model and the 41-year-old director met on the set of the cult film “Resident Evil.” Naturally, after such sensational news was announced, the paparazzi began to follow the actress and singer. However, it must be admitted that the journalists did not cope with their mission very well :) There are not so many photographs of the pregnant star on the Internet. For the first time, paparazzi captured the belly of the actress, who was 4 months pregnant, when she was shopping in one of the Hollywood boutiques. During her pregnancy, Jovovich, by her own admission, read a lot of books about motherhood, talked with her friends who had children, and took yoga classes for pregnant women. January (1.5 months before pregnancy) versus July 2007 (5th month of pregnancy) In one of her interviews, Milla admits that she is enjoying her pregnancy: “I’m gaining weight and it’s funny! I cook a lot. And I do it surprisingly slowly - I fried steaks with tomatoes until late at night. Oh, yes - and I "I've been eating my mom's potato recipe like crazy. It's terrible. I have to stop!" According to close friend Hollywood diva, “she doesn’t deny herself anything”: “Her diet includes spaghetti and even sweet sparkling water. She told me that she drinks up to six cans a day!” Due to pregnancy, the 31-year-old actress even postponed her wedding ceremony with director Paul Andersen due to the fact that she did not want to be a pregnant bride. “I don’t want to get married with a big belly,” the girl noted. Pregnant Milla stripped off for the August issue of Jane magazine In the last months of her pregnancy, Jovovich wrote on her website: “I became huge! It’s amazing how quickly it all happened. I ate three buns with butter and jelly and several boxes of donuts for breakfast! Now I already weigh 90 kg!” The singer gave birth to her exact mini-copy of her daughter Ever Gabo on November 3, 2007 in medical center Cedars-Sinai. During her pregnancy, Milla gained 31 (!) kg. “It was incredible! But I decided that I wouldn’t kill myself, because I gave birth to a wonderful child. You know, before you become a mother, it seems that you have so many problems in life, my God! But in fact, all these problems have been sucked out out of thin air, women invent them for themselves in most cases.” 2008 2 months after the birth of the baby, the paparazzi caught “Thug Milla” (as journalists then called her) leaving the Hollywood restaurant “Ago”. There is no trace left of the former kilograms! January According to the British media, the actress was forced to lose excess weight as soon as possible due to filming in the film “Azazel,” which was supposed to begin in March (if I’m not mistaken, it never started).
February How did a young mother manage to lose more than 30 kilograms in just a couple of months? To lose weight, Jovovich began to conduct regular classes with her personal trainer, Harley Pasternak, who also prepared meals for her in accordance with an individually designed diet. May By the way, Harley Pasternak gained his fame after writing a book called “5 Factors,” in which he gives advice on dietetics: eating 5 times a day - 3 full meals a day and 2 snacks. Each serving should include five essential elements: protein, complex sugars, dietary fiber, fats and water. It was these principles that Harley was guided by when developing a special diet for Milla. Photos of Milla from Maxim magazine. 9 months after birth delicious dishes, a variety of products, no sacrifice or fasting to the point of frenzy. And the result, as they say, is obvious! Brilliant Milla at the Cannes Film Festival in outfits from Armani Prive and Versace on a walk with family (October) year 2009 Milla Jovovich's effective diet: Breakfast: cereal porridge cooked with skim milk and tea. Lunch: 1 piece of low-fat cheese, 1-2 apples, water. Dinner: Thai chicken salad (the dish includes 70 grams of skinless chicken wings and lettuce), tortilla without added wheat flour, water. Afternoon snack: turkey jerky with steamed vegetables, water. Dinner: salmon (steamed), mixed grain pilaf, green tea or water. Almost all summer, Jovovich does not leave the gym, preparing for the long-awaited wedding. there is nothing left of Milla's plump (July) On August 22, 2009, Milla Jovovich and Paul Anderson finally tied the knot. The celebration took place in Beverly Hills. The house, built in Spanish style, was decorated with red and white floral arrangements. Only 50 guests were invited, only the closest ones. Among them are actor Patrick Dempsey and his wife Gillian, as well as a friend of the newlywed Russian actress Ekaterina Rednikova with her husband, film producer Sergei Konov. Before the ceremony began, guests enjoyed light cocktails by the pool, next to which musicians played traditional Spanish music. The bride was amazing - in a dress of her own design, with lush curls and a gold tiara on her head. The couple exchanged traditional 18-karat gold rings, which complemented the vintage 19th-century pink, yellow and white diamond ring that Milla received from Paul upon her engagement. After the ceremony, those present were treated to a four-tier wedding cake. Then the company went to the restaurant to continue the celebration. In 2009, Milla Jovovich starred in an erotic photo shoot for Purple Fashion magazine. 2010 As you can judge from the photographs below, the star’s weight loss process did not stop until mid-2010! Milla at the Japanese premiere of the film " Resident Evil:Afterlife" actress at the Toronto Film Festival However, last summer, during the filming of the film “Freaks,” the Hollywood diva gained a little weight. “In the summer there was incredible heat, and I stuck to salads and soups. But after two weeks of Russian cuisine, I weighed myself and realized that I had gained about 7.5 kilograms,” admitted 34-year-old Jovovich in an interview with one of the Russian publications. actress at the 14th Annual Hollywood Awards Gala in Beverly Hills (October) 2011 The extra pounds were the diva's companions until February 2011. And they could be “noticed” at the Moscow premiere of the film “Freaks” :) Apparently, missing her size 42, in early March the actress took up her figure. Almost every day, paparazzi caught the couple leaving the gym, where Milla spent several hours practicing martial arts, in particular, Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Milla's May photographs confirm that the task was even exceeded! photo from May 27 comparison: September 2008 versus May 2011 About Kim Kardashian's struggle with excess weight, see

14:06 28.12.2016

Actress Milla Jovovich admitted that she and her husband still want children. Moreover, the couple intends to make this dream a reality next year!

On the eve of the New Year, she shared her cherished wish. In an interview with Vanity Fair Italia magazine, the actress admitted that in 2017, together with her husband, director Paul Anderson, they want to become parents for the third time.

The couple's two daughters, one-year-old Dashiel and 9-year-old Eva, are missing a brother. The truth is, in order to implement this plan, as Milla said, she and her husband need to hurry up, because the actress has already turned 40 and the chances of getting pregnant are becoming less and less every year.

Paul Anderson fully supports Milla, because children have always come first for the spouses and will always come first.

After becoming a mother, I began to approach life and look at the world completely differently. I no longer worry about my career or what other people will think of me. “First of all, I care about my children and my family,” Milla Jovovich reveals.

Let us remember that Milla Jovovich was previously married twice. The star's first husband was actor Sean Andrews, with whom she was married for only a month. The girl's second choice was Luc Besson. And only with her third husband, director Paul Anderson, was the actress finally able to experience the happiness of motherhood.

Photo in text: RexFeatures/Fotodom,

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A little science. As a rule, depending on your body type, weight gain during pregnancy averages 10-12 kg. Today's birthday girl Janet Jackson (the famous singer turns 52 on May 16) does not fit into these “statistics” in any way... As, indeed, do the other participants in our rating.

Janet Jackson Weight gain: approximately 43 kg.

When the pregnant star (remember, Janet gave birth to her first child in January 2017) suddenly stopped appearing in public, fans and journalists immediately made the assumption that Jackson, who had been waging a fierce battle for relief forms, gained a lot of weight.

Pictures taken by the paparazzi in September 2016 only confirmed this: even oversize clothes could not hide the significantly changed shape of the expectant mother.

By the way, the kilograms gained did not negatively affect the star’s well-being. Yes, Janet canceled her tour, but her pregnancy was quite easy.

After the birth of her son, Issa al-Mana, Jackson just as easily regained her previous shape. In October 2017, the singer appeared on the red carpet for the first time after giving birth and proved that she could very well end up in our ranking of record-breaking mothers in weight loss. Weight gain: approximately 40 kg during the first and second pregnancies, approximately 27 kg during the third pregnancy.

Needless to say, many women cannot decide to give birth the same age precisely because they are afraid of gaining a lot of weight. And even more women, influenced by glossy standards, are afraid to leave the hospital with an imperfect body. Understanding this, actress Maria Kozhevnikova, a month and a half after the birth of her third child, published a post-call on her Instagram for all mothers:

I receive a lot of confessions from girls and women about fears that after the birth of a child they will not get in shape, that they will lose their beauty and will never be the same. I’ll make an exception and post a photo in a swimsuit after the birth of my two sons, when I gained almost 40 kg during each pregnancy!

Yes, yes, I was not mistaken! + 40 kg. And, of course, someone will say: I should have eaten less. But no, I didn’t eat that much, and my water intake was within normal limits. And the weight began to grow exponentially from 7 months...

In another publication, the star of the film “Battalion” showed subscribers her photo with a naked stomach, which could not be called flat.

I'm exhibiting this photo, perhaps not the most successful by Instagram standards, to support women who did not leave the maternity hospital as models with the size “90 60 90”, as is customary on this resource,

This frame was signed by a mother of many children.

In October 2017, Kozhevnikova launched a weight loss marathon after childbirth. Judging by the latest photos on the star’s account, Maria managed to recover after three pregnancies. Weight gain: approximately 34 kg during the first pregnancy.

Firstly, the model did not limit herself in anything during her first pregnancy (remember, daughter Ever was born in November 2007). Her diet included donuts, unlimited peanut butter, fried potatoes according to my mother's recipe, soda. The result was not long in coming - in the last four months before giving birth, Mila gained almost 32 kilograms and began to weigh 92 kg!

I wanted to give birth healthy child with a normal weight and therefore did not think about anything else. My gigantic belly shocked everyone, and the press wrote that I was expecting twins. Everyone has seen pregnant top models, but no one has seen such a huge belly as mine!

Jovovich confessed to an Interview journalist.

Judging by the photo, three years after her second birth (baby Dashiel was born in the spring of 2015), Milla Jovovich weighs no more than in the fall of 2015, when she was filming the next part of the film “Resident Evil.”


Weight gain: approximately 30 kg during the first pregnancy, approximately 25 kg during the second pregnancy.

In 2003, when Polina Gagarina conquered the Star Factory, she weighed 58 kg. Four years later, the singer went to the maternity hospital weighing almost 90 kg! And in 2009, she burst to the top of the charts in XS size dresses (the star managed to get rid of 40 kg). An exciting race, isn't it?

Is it any wonder that fans wondered how much Polina had gained during her second pregnancy, and bet on how quickly the star would return to her former form after the birth of her daughter Mia (remember, the girl was born at the end of April 2017).

It didn't take long for fans to languish in speculation. On her Instagram, Polina Gagarina openly spoke about her weight gain and how she struggles with extra pounds.

My doctor and I had an agreement not to talk about my weight. She silently weighed me, I closed my eyes, she recorded everything on the map and we went our separate ways. I entered the maternity hospital weighing 78.5. After giving birth, I got on the scale only a week and a half later - 64.5,

Gagarina admitted.

To achieve your goal ideal weight(Polina considers the mark on the scales to be 53 kg as ideal), the star had to straight and figuratively sweat for three months:

It took three months to recover almost completely. But I controlled myself and followed all the recommendations that were given to me. Diet plus exercise and massages. I wasn’t lazy and walked a lot with the stroller in the park - I just did laps. Everything together quickly brought results.

And indeed, Gagarin’s “weight loss” results were simply stunning!

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Weight gain: approximately 22 kg.

Agree, an increase of 22 kg may look different from the outside. It’s one thing if your height is 180 cm, and another thing if you’re 160 cm. Milana Kerzhakova is a very fragile girl (her height is 160 cm), and therefore the weight of 67 kg with which she went to the maternity hospital was very respectable for her.

True, the young mother emerged from the maternity hospital (remember, the son of Milana and football player Alexander Kerzhakov was born in April 2017) much slimmer, and two months later she already showed her subscribers an ideal figure in a bikini.

The first 10 kg were gone along with the waters and the placenta. I returned to my previous weight in just three months. The face took on its former Buchenwald shape even earlier. Now I weigh even less than I weighed before my pregnancy: about 44 kg. The weight makes me happy, but, of course, there are no muscles at all,

Milana Kerzhakova admitted in an interview with Letidor at the end of January 2018.

Press service archives; Instagram@annasedokova

The famous singer did not give a specific figure for how much weight she gained during her third pregnancy (remember, her son Hector was born on April 8, 2017). But, according to Letidor’s calculations, Anna Sedokova gained about 20 kg during pregnancy. We were based on Anna’s “pre-pregnant” interview with the publication “7 Days”, where the star said that she weighs 59 kg with a height of 172 cm, as well as on Sedokova’s “pregnant” publication on Instagram, where the expectant mother wrote: “Almost 80 kilograms of happiness , great happiness."

After about a month, the artist began training outdoors. The result was not long in coming. As fans noted in their comments, looking at Sedokova, one might well think that she weighs 55 kg! However, there were also those who, after watching the singer’s video for the song “Hobbies,” scolded Anna for the kilograms she had gained during pregnancy.

Watch the video on the website Anna responded to harsh criticism... with a post on the topic of body positivity:

I love my plus ten kg. I love my body after Hector and I don’t want to go on diets anymore and suffer because of my obesity. Well, I can’t be thin and languid with a sad, meaningful face. It's someone else, it's not me. And I love my shape, I love my body. It's comfortable for me to sleep on. I don't want to hide my sexuality. I don’t want to not wear a neckline because it’s not stylish or someone will think something. Being feminine and sexy is my nature. Everyone has their own. And stereotypes imposed by society are the problems of this very society. Weight gain: approximately 20 kg during the first pregnancy, approximately 20 kg during the second pregnancy.

Oddly enough, according to experts, most often during pregnancy initially slender girls gain more kilograms than dense ones. This happened with Christina Aguilera.

The naturally thin singer gained about 20 kilograms during her first pregnancy (her son Max was born in January 2008), but later she not only lost weight, but, on the contrary, gained another ten kilos. constant stress amid quarrels and subsequent painful divorce from her husband Jordan Bratman.

The star managed to get into shape only at the end of 2009, right in time for the start of filming in the film “Burlesque.” Then the singer several times took XL jeans from the shelf and then put them away again.

And so, when the weight finally stabilized and began to completely satisfy Christina, she found out that she was pregnant from her lover Matt Rutler.

And although Matt assured his beloved that he loved her at any weight, Aguilera was confused. Many media outlets wrote that the artist was so afraid of repeating the weight loss epic that she hired a whole staff of nutritionists. The star failed to improve his previous results.

Christina did not openly talk about the weight she gained during pregnancy, but two weeks after the birth of her daughter (the girl Summer was born in August 2014), Aguilera announced that she planned to lose 18 kg of excess weight in four months.

What happened next is known to everyone. The singer moves from one weight category to another approximately every six months. But, apparently, now Christina is finally happy with her shape. At the beginning of May, she showed fans her first video for the track Accelerate in the last six years, announced the release of a new album and announced the start of a world tour. Bravo, Christina!

Who is a famous Hollywood actress, is pregnant for the second time. The star shared the good news with her fans this week. She announced that she was expecting her second child and was very happy.

IN social network Mila wrote: “Initially I wanted to write about how happy I am about the trip to South Africa to start working on a new film. But my husband Paul and I just found out that we are expecting our second child!” Due to an unexpected pregnancy, the actress will have to reschedule filming and push it back to a later date. Jovovich said that she will wait until the baby is born and only then will she go to Cape Town. The star also wrote with humor that she was going to indulge in her favorite cupcakes in the near future.

Actress with husband Paul Anderson

Milla Jovovich and her husband Paul Anderson, who is a famous director and has worked with the actress on several occasions, are already raising a 6-year-old daughter, Eve Gabo. The couple first met in 2002, and their baby was born in November 2007. Two years later, the celebrities got married. Recently, the actress frankly said that she would like to give her daughter a younger brother or sister.

Mila with her daughter Eve Gabo

Back in 2012, happy mother Milla Jovovich admitted that she is very attached to her daughter and cannot yet even imagine life without her:

I definitely want Ewe to need me at least until she becomes an adult. Although this moment is relative, and for everyone it comes at at different ages. But I have a clear idea in my head that this should be the case in any proper family.

The actress adores her daughter

The actress speaks just as tenderly and affectionately about her husband Paul Anderson:

He amazing person. Paul likes to give surprises, for example, preparing a small envelope for me, inside of which there are photographs indicating the route and the name of the hotel we will go to.

The second pregnancy was a gift for the star

Congratulations to Milla Jovovich on her second pregnancy! We are confident that this time we will star couple a boy will be born.
