The effect of constant stress on the body. Causes of stress

It is unlikely that in our time there is a person who has never been in a state of stress in his life. Almost everyone, regardless of age category, gender or social status may find himself in a stressful situation. If back in the 20th century stress was called the “epidemic of the century,” then in the 21st it has become an almost chronic problem.

Causes of stress

Stress is the human body’s response to the influence of extreme factors that disrupt the usual rhythm of life. Moreover, unlike depression or anxiety, it is always a consequence of the influence of certain causes. Despite the fact that the living conditions of mankind have improved significantly over the past few centuries, the list of factors that lead to a stressful situation is growing every year.

In general, according to the nature of origin, the causes of this condition are divided into physiological and psychological. The first includes everything that influences physical state body: poor nutrition, lack of sleep, overwork, weather changes (for example, changes in air temperature and atmospheric pressure) and other similar factors. Moreover, when exposed to these reasons, some people are instantly exposed to overstrain, while others persistently overcome them.

Such differences are explained by the second group of factors - psychological. They are provoked by a strong emotional outburst. The underlying reason for this is most often psychological problems, such as: lack of self-confidence, difficult communication with society, etc. It should be noted that this applies not only to critical or dangerous situations, but also to excessive positive emotions.

Stress can also be caused by external or internal sources. To factors external environment include all life situations that a person is not able to control, for example, ecological state environment and meteorological conditions in general, as well as problems of interaction with society: conflicts, family difficulties or divorce, work pressure and others. Internal causes of stress include health problems, disappointments and other factors that, without outside “help,” affect a person’s condition.

Of course, you can structure the list of stress levers in different ways, but, in any case, they lead to one thing: a deterioration in a person’s physical and psychological health.

The results of a person being in a stressful situation

Many experts agree that short-term exposure to stress has a beneficial effect on the body, since it activates fat burning, glucose formation, and also strengthens the body’s overall resistance to various problems. However, a chronic state of stress has a negative impact on both physical and psychological health.

The most common signs of chronic overexertion, from a physical health perspective, are:

  • frequent headaches;
  • constant lack of sleep;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased blood pressure and tachycardia;
  • the emergence of bad habits, including addictions (alcohol, drugs, etc.);
  • weakening of the immune system.

Moreover, the effect of stress on health may not be noticeable at first, but sooner or later it leads to negative consequences.

The negative impact of a stressful situation on the human body begins with, as a result of which the immune system suffers. At the next stage of nervous overstrain, the release of adrenaline into the blood increases, which leads to hypertension, increased sweating and disruption of the functioning of some organs.

Constantly being under stress affects the condition of the skin, physical tone, ability to concentrate and remember information, which subsequently leads to decreased ability to work. Very often, a person’s prolonged stay in stress results in the abuse of alcohol, illegal drugs, frequent smoking and other negative habits that temporarily dull the real perception of the situation. The last, irreversible stage of stress is the death of cells in the brain and spinal cord.

IN psychologically a stressful state is mainly reflected in a person’s interaction with society. It can manifest itself in communication with family members and loved ones, professional activity or intimate life. Most often, the psychological consequences of overexertion are increased conflict, attacks of anger, or, conversely, apathy. As a result, constant pressure on a person leads to neuroses, mental illness or even suicidal tendencies.

Thus, if a person is constantly in a stressful situation, he cannot adequately respond to the actions taking place around him, and, as a result, loses his legal capacity.

Attention! A sedentary lifestyle further exacerbates the negative effects of stress on the body.

Phases of stress

Solving any problem, in addition to identifying the causes of its occurrence, requires understanding. Making the right choice of treatment depends on this. Stress is no exception. The most popular description of the stages of progression of this disease today was made in 1936 by the scientist Hans Selye. In total, he identified three stages, which gradually flow into each other.

  1. First stage. The body is in a state of shock. The feeling of anxiety intensifies. During this period, the body tries to overcome irritating factors by producing more energy.
  2. Second phase. It is considered a “resistance phase”: the body begins to create a kind of immunity, which increased the stress state and depressed the person, is reduced. The person becomes calmer and more balanced, anxiety disappears.
  3. Third stage. Under the influence of stress, the human body is depleted. The psycho-emotional state worsens, resistance to stress factors decreases. The feeling of anxiety begins to increase. In case of prolonged exposure to stress, physiological changes occur.

The duration of the stages is individual for each person. Moreover, they are individual to any specific situation and can last from a few minutes to weeks.

Overcoming a stressful situation

Of course, understanding how stress negatively affects health, it is important to begin treatment in a timely and correct manner. First of all, a person must realize his painful condition and learn to keep it under control. This will make it possible to avoid some consequences.

There are many effective techniques that help restore a normal psycho-emotional state. Basic recommendations:

  • “let off steam”: shout, hit a punching bag, etc.;
  • which helps return the body to partial harmony;
  • do physical exercise: they help get rid of unnecessary stress products that accumulate in tissues, and will also help take your mind off problems;
  • spend more time with loved ones, as they are the best support and support in any life situations; the main thing is not to keep anything to yourself;
  • find a new hobby: music, dancing, singing and other types of leisure have a positive effect on your state of mind and reduce the impact of stress on the body;
  • join various types of psychological therapy: animal therapy (communication with animals), herbal medicine, yoga and other spiritual practices.

Important! Massages, SPA treatments and other similar activities that help relax the body also help well with stress.


Being in a constant state of stress not only reduces your love for life, but also leads to serious illness and even death. Therefore, it is important to work on your psychological health, learn not to bring your body to a state of stress, or, at a minimum, correctly overcome this period.

Stress and its impact on the body can hardly be overestimated; the health consequences are stronger and more pronounced with prolonged exposure. It disrupts the usual way of life. The most vulnerable organs are the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, endocrine system, and brain. The danger is the fact that negative consequences can appear long after exposure to stressors.

The effect of stress on the human body is due to increased production of hormones. A small amount is sufficient for normal functioning; as their volume increases, various diseases develop.

The negative impact is aggravated by the fact that in most cases people lead a sedentary lifestyle. Insufficient physical activity does not allow energy to come out, and the increased concentration of hormones persists for a long time.

How does stress affect physical and mental health?

Stress negatively affects not only a person’s mental health, it also has an impact on the physical level, often causing irreversible changes in tissues, organs, and systems.

How stress affects the skin

During stress, the skin suffers. This is due to the fact that with constant tension, the muscles contract, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness. Cortisol and adrenaline, produced in large quantities, also have an effect on it.

  1. Cortisol causes an increase in blood sugar and changes the properties of collagen. This leads to increased dryness of the outer skin and the appearance of wrinkles. It reduces the production of hyaluronic acid, which disrupts the natural barrier that inhibits moisture evaporation and increases the sensitivity of the outer layer. Stretch marks appear, the skin becomes thinner, becomes more vulnerable and susceptible to infection and inflammatory processes. Increased fat synthesis, provoked by cortisol, leads to the accumulation of subcutaneous deposits.
  2. Adrenaline causes spasm of capillaries, deterioration of blood circulation, decreased nutrition and respiration of the skin. She becomes pale, with a yellow tint. A sharp expansion of blood vessels activates the appearance of red spots. Disturbances in the functioning of the intestines affect the condition of the skin, acne and rashes appear (the intestines produce a large number of histamines).

When the body is stressed, it takes from the skin most nutrients, directing them to more significant, in his opinion, organs. As a result, its protective functions are weakened. In addition to the physiological problem, another one is added - psychological. A person in such a state stops taking care of himself and neglects hygiene, which further aggravates the situation.

How does it affect brain function?

Stress negatively affects the entire body. The brain is particularly affected by prolonged exposure to stressors. Constant overload, lack of sleep, and conflicts affect the structure, size and functioning of this important organ. When determining a situation as stressful, the brain gives the command to produce cortisol, which leads the body to combat readiness.

But at the same time, only the ability to act increases, and not mental activity. In this way, one can explain activity in a state of passion, when a person does not realize what he is doing. Long-term use of this hormone affects the fear center of the brain, which provokes a state of increased anxiety. And any situation, even a minor one, is perceived as a serious threat.

Cortisol destroys neural connections in the hippocampus, which are responsible for controlling emotions, memory, and learning ability. A person becomes easily excitable, forgets about his actions and words spoken a few minutes ago. The control of the release of hormones from the group of corticosteroids is disrupted, which increases the risk of developing panic attacks.

Changes in synoptic connections between neurons lead to impaired concentration and weakening social interaction. The effect of cortisol on the reward center of the brain increases its sensitivity to dopamine, the pleasure hormone. This provokes a person’s dependence on various people, situations, and active substances.

The cardiovascular system

When considering stress and its impact on a person, one cannot ignore its effect on the cardiovascular system. Nervous stress accelerates the development of atherosclerosis. This is due to the fact that during periods of severe stress, adrenaline is produced, causing disappointment, hostility, and anger. Such emotions destroy the body from the inside.

Chronic stress provokes a person's passion bad habits, which directly affects health, increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. When eating stress, body weight increases, cholesterol levels in the blood rise, resulting in increased stress on the heart and blood vessels.

Short, rapid stress can lead to a jump in blood pressure and a change in heart rate, which increases the risk sudden attack, up to critical condition.

Gastrointestinal tract

Stress and digestion are interconnected. Hormones produced in this condition cause the following changes in the gastrointestinal tract:

  • spasms of the esophagus;
  • increased acidity;
  • nausea;
  • intestinal problems (constipation, diarrhea);
  • increased risk of developing infections;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • development of peptic ulcer.

The function of corticotropin-releasing hormone is to suppress appetite during overexertion. This explains why some people cannot eat during this period and lose weight. But steroids also cause the opposite effect - many people relieve nervous tension with high-calorie foods. In any case, the gastrointestinal tract suffers.


The reaction to stress from the genitourinary system is the appearance of inflammation. Possible problems such as:

  • cystitis due to nerves,
  • bladder neurosis,
  • nocturnal incontinence.

How does stress affect professional performance?

Occupational stress has now become greatest distribution. Special attention focuses on the issue of the influence of stress on a teacher, since the main negative consequence of this phenomenon is classic burnout. Not only the employee suffers from this, but also those around him, including the employer.

It most often leads to chronic fatigue and decreased performance. The main signs of overwork are:

  • repeated errors;
  • daytime sleepiness;
  • dizziness, tinnitus;
  • pain and pain in the eyes;
  • confusion of thoughts, inability to concentrate;
  • lack of desire to do anything.

Occupational stress may be associated with violation of working conditions. The reasons for its appearance are considered to be uncomfortable workplace and hazardous production. Physiological reasons include non-standard office work schedules and dietary disturbances. The impact is exerted by socio-psychological factors - overload, conflict situations, poor relationships in the team.

Professional stress can be caused by: a unclear vision of one’s responsibilities or monotony in work, too fast a pace and tight deadlines for completing tasks. There are two more types of stress at work - production and coordination. In the first case, a person may not be satisfied with the profession or type of activity. Organizational stress is caused by rejection of the daily routine and demands.

Study stress

The human brain changes under the influence of stress, and problems begin with assimilation of material and memorization. Stress has a negative impact on mental activity, a person loses the ability to absorb information with concentration. This mechanism, important in critical situations, interferes with the full assimilation of the material.

It is worth noting that stress has a negative impact on students, regardless of their age. Most often, this problem is faced by children and adolescents living in dysfunctional families, whose parents abuse alcohol, have drug addiction or mental illness.

What explains the positive effects of stress on the body?

The impact of stress on human health can also be positive. Oddly enough, short-term shocks activate nerve cells, allowing the brain to work in enhanced mode. In this state, working memory increases, a person becomes able to get out of a conflict situation with minimal losses.

Activation of reserve energy and the emergence of new strength and motivation allow you to achieve goals, overcome difficulties, and increase the overall endurance of the body. The ability to analyze and concentrate is sharpened. This is all called an active stress response. It is important that the impact of stressors is not prolonged, otherwise an increase in emotional tone will be followed by a decrease in vital energy.

The effects of stress on a woman's body

The negative impact of this condition on the female body is especially dangerous. When finding themselves in difficult life situations, representatives of the fair sex may discover gynecological health problems. The effect of stress on menstruation is that the regularity or duration of bleeding is disrupted and pain occurs. Problems may arise in the intimate sphere.

Changes can occur even with a slight deviation from the usual way of life. Their appearance is influenced by various factors: maintaining a diet, increasing physical activity, weight changes. The strongest stressors for the fairer sex are pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, abortion - all this can affect women's health.

How to deal with the consequences

The negative consequences of stress are easier to prevent, so it is important to learn to control yourself. To do this, you need to master several techniques to normalize your psycho-emotional state. You should definitely release the accumulated negativity, work on your breathing, and restore its normal rhythm. You can reduce the harmful effects of stress on the body through the power of art.

You can and should cope with stress without aggravating the situation and without losing your good mood. This will help maintain health and social connections, as well as the feeling that a person is a full-fledged master of his life!

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IN modern world a person constantly faces stress. They affect his behavior, performance, health and relationships with people around him.

WITH scientific point view, stress is a reaction of the body’s adaptation to extreme changes environment. Our body prepares for confrontation coming from outside and mobilizes all its internal energy. A physiologically long process leads to the continuous release of stress hormones. Heart rate increases, increases blood pressure, the breathing rhythm changes, the muscles are abundantly supplied with blood, the entire body is constantly in a state of combat readiness. But we react differently to stressful situations. There are people who are highly susceptible to stress, while others are not so predisposed to it. The negative impact of stress has a detrimental effect on the normal functioning of the entire body and often becomes the impetus for the occurrence of serious illnesses, and the consequences of stress can be quite serious. If you do not actively fight this disease, the effect of stress on health will progress to a severe chronic stage.

The most common diseases are coronary heart disease, hypertension, peptic ulcer digestive organs, bronchial asthma, tumors are considered to be diseases of stress, the number of which can reach 90% of pathology modern man.

extreme stress health relationship

The concept of "stress"

What is stress? Its types and phases.

Stress is the human body’s response to overexertion, negative emotions, or simply monotonous bustle. During times of stress, the human body produces the hormone adrenaline, which forces us to look for a way out. Everyone needs stress in small quantities, as it makes you think and look for a way out of the problem. But on the other hand, if there is too much stress, the body weakens, loses strength and the ability to solve problems.

A huge number of scientific works are devoted to this problem. The mechanisms of stress have been studied in detail and are quite complex: they are associated with our hormonal, nervous, and vascular systems.

It should be noted that severe stress affect health. Stress reduces immunity and is the cause of many diseases (cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, etc.). Therefore, it is necessary to be able to resist stress and set yourself a positive attitude in life.

Types of stress

Stress can be divided into:

Emotional (positive or negative)

Physiological and psychological

Short and long term

There are short-term (acute) and long-term (chronic) stress.

Acute stress is characterized by the speed and suddenness with which it occurs. The extreme degree of acute stress is shock. Shock and acute stress almost always turn into chronic, long-term stress. The shock situation has passed, you seem to have recovered from the shock, but the memories of what you experienced come back again and again.

Long-term stress is not necessarily a consequence of acute stress; it often arises due to seemingly insignificant factors, but constantly acting and numerous.

Phases of stress.

The concept of stress appeared in 1954 thanks to Hans Selye. He showed that due to the activity of the hormonal system, during injuries and grief, during joy, in heat and cold, etc., hormones are released in the adrenal cortex that help a person adapt to changes in the environment. Stress occurs in three stages. The first and second, respectively, anxiety and adaptation are quite normal, and more useful than harmful. But if environmental changes occur too often, and office employees of large and medium-sized companies are familiar with this, then the third stage of stress begins - exhaustion. Exhaustion is a direct path to illness - psychosomatic illnesses.

Stress is a common and common phenomenon. Minor stress is inevitable and harmless. However, there are situations and job characteristics that negatively impact people. Excessive stress can be extremely destructive to a person.

A stressor is a stimulus that can trigger the fight or flight response. The stressors to which the human body has evolved to adapt are various factors that threaten safety.

The fight or flight response (i.e., the natural response to a stressor) is sometimes called the stress response (or stress reactivity). This reaction consists of increased muscle tension, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and nervous arousal, decreased salivation, increased sodium, increased sweating, increased serum glucose, increased secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, changes in brain wave activity and frequent urges. urination. This reaction prepares us for quick action. At the same time, our body produces substances that are not used in the future. Then it affects our health.

The author of the theory of stress, Canadian psychologist G. Selye, defines it as a set of stereotypical, phylogenetically programmed nonspecific reactions of the body that primarily prepare for physical activity, i.e. to resist, fight or flee. This, in turn, provides the most favorable conditions in the fight against danger. Weak impacts do not lead to stress; it occurs only when the influence of the stressor exceeds a person’s adaptive capabilities. When exposed to stress, certain hormones begin to be released into the blood. Under their influence, the operating mode of many organs and systems of the body changes (for example, the heart rate increases, blood clotting increases, and the protective properties of the body change). The body is prepared for struggle, ready to cope with danger, to adapt to it in one way or another - this is the main biological meaning of stress. Having developed the theory of stress, G. Selye identified three phases in it. The first phase is the alarm reaction. This is the phase of mobilizing the body's defenses. Most people experience increased performance by the end of the first phase. Physiologically, it manifests itself, as a rule, in the following: the blood thickens, the content of chlorine ions in it decreases, an increased release of nitrogen, phosphates, potassium occurs, an enlargement of the liver or spleen is noted, etc.

Following the first, the second phase begins - a balanced expenditure of the body’s adaptive reserves, i.e. stabilization. All parameters brought out of balance in the first phase are fixed at a new level. At the same time, a response that differs little from the norm is ensured, everything seems to be getting better. However, if stress continues for a long time, then, due to the limited reserves of the body, the third stage inevitably occurs - exhaustion.

Causes of stress.

The cause of stress can be external and internal. External causes are our life changes, everything that is not under our control, or is to a small extent. And internal reasons are rooted in our mind, for the most part they are born of our imagination. We do this division simply for convenience, since they are all interconnected. So, a short list of causes of stress.

External causes of stress.

Big changes in life.

Difficulties in relationships.

Financial difficulties.

Too busy.

Children and family.

Internal reasons:

Inability to accept uncertainty.


Negative self-talk.

Unrealistic expectations.


Lack of persistence.

Stressful tension.

Stress is a tense state of the body, i.e. a nonspecific response of the body to a demand presented to it (stressful situation). Under the influence of stress, the human body experiences stress. Let's consider various human conditions that can signal the presence of internal tension in the body. Conscious assessment is able to transfer these signals from the emotional sphere (feelings) to the rational sphere (mind) and thereby eliminate the undesirable state.

Signs of stress

1. Inability to concentrate on something.

2. Too frequent mistakes in work.

3. Memory deteriorates.

4. Feeling tired too often.

5. Very fast speech.

6. Thoughts often disappear.

7. Pain appears quite often (head, back, stomach area).

8. Increased excitability.

9. Work doesn’t bring the same joy.

10. Loss of sense of humor.

11. The number of cigarettes smoked increases sharply.

12. Addiction to alcoholic beverages.

13. Constant feeling of malnutrition.

14. Loss of appetite - generally lost taste for food.

15. Inability to finish work on time.

Causes of stress.

1. Constant lack of time.

2. Lack of sleep.

3. Frequent smoking.

4. Excessive alcohol consumption.

5. At home, there are constant conflicts in the family.

6. A constant feeling of dissatisfaction with life.

7. The appearance of an inferiority complex.

8. Feeling of self-disrespect.

Probably not all causes of stress are listed here. Each person must independently analyze his condition and identify the causes of stress, which may be characteristic only of his body (in terms of his personal feelings).

Effect on the body.

Stress has a huge impact on human health. This manifests itself in diseases of various organs and systems, and a general deterioration in well-being. Typically, stress affects a person’s physiological health in the following ways:

Severe headaches appear;

Lack of sleep of a chronic nature is observed;

The heart rate increases and diseases of the cardiovascular system develop. There is a high probability of exacerbation of hypertension or the occurrence of myocardial infarction;

Attention deteriorates, performance decreases and fatigue appears;

There are disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which may result in the occurrence or exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcers;

Possible growth of malignant tumors;

The immune system weakens, making the body vulnerable to various types of viral and infectious diseases;

Hormones are produced in significant quantities, which, in turn, negatively affects work internal organs nervous system;

Possible cellular degeneration of the spinal cord and brain, muscle dystrophy.

Stress affects not only physiological but also psychological health. Being in a stressful state makes it difficult for a person to live, since every action costs him incredible mental effort. A person may experience apathy towards everything, it is possible that he will even lose interest in life. The consequences of stress can be disappointing:

Aggressiveness, fits of anger, intolerance and irritability;

Emotional instability, neuroses, depression;


Self-doubt, self-doubt.

Positive effects of stress

At first glance, it may seem that stress has an extremely destructive effect, negatively affecting health. However, in fact, stressful conditions have positive qualities and sometimes perform excellent service for a person:

During periods of stress, the human body produces the hormone adrenaline, which forces us to look for a way out of the current situation and take some action;

Stress motivates to improve relationships with others, while increasing the level of oxytocin, called the attachment hormone, in the blood;

If the stressful state is short-term, then it can improve working memory, which is used by a person to solve various problems;

By overcoming stressful situations, a person becomes more resilient.

Thus, the effect of stress on the human body is ambiguous, but if we are objective, then, of course, there are more negative consequences of this condition than positive ones. Therefore, you should always be positive, not take everything to heart, have a good rest and thereby avoid stress in any of its manifestations.

Methods for preventing stress.

There are four main methods of stress prevention using autoregulation: relaxation, anti-stress “remodeling” of the day, first aid for acute stress and autoanalysis of personal stress. The use of these methods, if necessary, is available to everyone.

Relaxation is a method by which you can partially or completely get rid of physical or mental stress. Relaxation is very useful method, since it is quite easy to master it - it does not require special education or even a natural gift. But there is one indispensable condition - motivation, i.e. Everyone needs to know why they want to master relaxation.

Very often, when people return home, they transfer their work activity and excitement to their family. What do you need to get rid of your daytime impressions and, having crossed the threshold of the house, not take out your bad mood on your family? After all, in this way we bring home stress, and the fault is our inability to detach ourselves from the impressions accumulated during the day. First of all, you need to install good tradition: When you return home from work or school, immediately relax.

1. Sit in a chair, relax and rest peacefully. Or sit comfortably on a chair and take a relaxing “coachman’s pose.”

2. Brew yourself some strong tea or coffee. Stretch them out for 10 minutes, try not to think about anything serious during this period of time.

3. Listen to your favorite music. Enjoy these wonderful moments. Try to completely immerse yourself in the music, disconnecting from your thoughts.

4. If your loved ones are at home, drink tea or coffee with them and calmly talk about something. Do not solve your problems immediately upon returning home: in a state of fatigue and weakness, this is very difficult, and sometimes impossible. You can find a way out of the deadlock after a little time has passed and the stress of the working day has subsided.

5. Fill the bathtub with not very hot water and lie in it. Do calming breathing exercises in the bath. Take a deep breath through closed lips, lower your lower face and nose into the water and exhale very slowly. Try to exhale as long as possible (exhalation with resistance). Imagine that with each exhalation the overall tension that has accumulated during the day gradually subsides.

6. Take a walk in the fresh air.

7. Put on a tracksuit, sneakers and run for 10 minutes.

It is very important that the initiative for such “changes” of the day comes from ourselves. It is necessary to warn your loved ones that this short period time we forget about our household duties and try to spend these 10 minutes with them. With a fresh head, solving all household problems will require much less nervous and physical energy.

Ways to deal with stress.

Any average person is interested in what to do when stressed and how to resist negative external influences.

Among the main methods of stress relief are:



breathing techniques;

muscle relaxation;


The relaxation method has a fairly long-lasting relaxing effect. To do this, you need to mentally relax, leave all matters and problems “outside the door.” Having assumed a lying position, we spread our legs to the sides so that the toes of the feet are turned towards each other. We move our arms to the sides and take a deep breath, then exhale for 5-7 seconds. Gradually imagine how the body relaxes from the legs to the knees, from the pelvis to the chest, from the shoulders to the head. Moreover, you need to relax so that there is a feeling of weightlessness. Taking deep breaths and long exhalations,

The best remedy for stress is meditation. This method is good because it has a calming and relaxing effect on the nervous system. To meditate, you need to sit in a comfortable position, relax your muscles, take a deep breath in and out, imagine beautiful landscape or favorite vacation spot. It doesn’t matter what image or place a person represents, the main thing is that the picture evokes positive emotions.

Breathing techniques are considered one of the the best means from stress. Controlling your breathing helps you gain control and reduce your anxiety levels. extreme situation. You need to perform breathing exercises either standing or lying down for proper functioning of the lungs and diaphragm. Probably everyone has noticed that in a stressful situation the breathing rhythm changes, thus, by regulating the respiratory process, you can successfully resist stress. With prolonged exhalation, the body relaxes and the nervous system calms. The correct rhythm of air regulation, a slow pace of inhalation and exhalation ensures effective relaxation.

Muscle tension causes discomfort in the body and aggravates the negative effects of external stimuli. Muscle tension, the place of greatest tension, blocks the body's energy potential. A person constantly exposed to stress has a hunched posture, and his shoulders and hands are tense when walking. There are several muscle relaxation techniques:

relaxation according to Jacobson;

muscle relaxation according to Jackson.

Muscle relaxation according to Jacobson is carried out in a sitting position. It is necessary to completely relax all the muscles of the body, feeling weightlessness and lightness in the joints and limbs. Closing his eyes, a person alternately relaxes and tenses muscle groups, starting from the head to the feet.

American psychologist E. Jacobson proposed his relaxation technique. To do this, you need to alternately tense and relax your muscles, focusing on relaxation. First, the dominant parts of the body are tensed, for example, in a left-handed person, the left side is dominant. In total, the scientist identified 16 main muscle groups, the effective relaxation of which helps to get rid of accumulated negative emotions and stress.

One of effective ways overcoming stress is considered a visualization method. Many psychologists advise, in case of prolonged emotional stress, to take a sheet of paper, write down the essence of a personal problem on it (or depict it in the form of a drawing) and burn it, visualizing that the internal tension goes away along with the smoke. This one, at first glance, simple technique allows you to use visualization to displace accumulated negativity. When visualizing, you can imagine pleasant images, remember fun events, the main thing is that your thoughts have a positive connotation.

The popular American method of “screaming into space” helps many people get rid of accumulated stress. Foreign psychologists believe that by throwing out negativity by shouting, you can quickly get rid of emotional stress and calm down. A scream can be accompanied by physical manipulation, such as breaking dishes or hitting a punching bag, so the accumulated negativity is fully splashed out.

Tension and stress can completely destroy our health and well-being. Stress can completely change a person, both internally and externally, if we allow it. Struggling against daily stress can cause illness. But fighting against tragic situations can cause death.

This is vitally important and it is necessary to relieve nervous tension and stress in every possible way. This should become a daily norm for you, just like, for example, brushing your teeth. Give yourself rest, take “breaks” periodically. Spend five or ten minutes doing something you love that will help you relax, especially while you're working. But also take longer breaks. Relaxation and pleasure should be a priority in your life; family picnics, reading, music, sports competitions, and so on - you need it. The possibilities are endless and it will also bring huge benefits to your health. And if your whole family also takes part in relaxation and entertainment with you, then everyone benefits from these pleasant events spent together!

Again, find ways to relax. Escape from the grind of daily work and use the extracted energy to your advantage. You will never be able to completely get rid of stress and nervous tension, but you can definitely lighten the load. Taking precautions can make it easier negative impacts stress and nervous tension on your body, your health and well-being.

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    Stress and its effect on the human body. Phases of stress development, symptoms, consequences, methods of combating. Physiological responses aimed at minimizing negative consequences stressful influences. The main hormone released by the body during stress.

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    Patterns of the emergence, development and functioning of the human psyche and mental activity. The human body’s response to overstrain, negative emotions or monotonous bustle. Main types of stress. The main signs of a psychopath.

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    The scientific definition of stress. Consideration of a given state of a person, his behavior in this state. Study of psychological pressure on a person in Everyday life. General concepts of the concept of stress by G. Selye. Conducted research by M. Friedman.

In society, any nervous disorder is considered to be stress, and its extreme manifestations are considered hysteria. From a medical point of view, hysteria and neurasthenia are mental disorders and are subject to correction by psychiatrists. However, the impact of stress on humans is not limited to neurological disorders.

The term “stress” appeared in medicine from physics, where it refers to the tension of a system due to a force applied from the outside.

The human body is like one system is under pressure from external factors every day. Stressors can be environmental reasons:

  • Air pollution,
  • Atmospheric pressure surges;
  • Magnetic storms;
  • Sudden changes in air temperature.

Medical stressors are any diseases (from traumatic injuries to infectious ones), social stressors are conflict situations in a team or society. The impact of stress on a person is great - it negatively affects physical and psychological health.

Medical aspects of stress

In 1926, the founder of the doctrine of stress, Hans Selye, published his observations of patients suffering from various diseases. The results were striking: regardless of the disease, everyone experienced loss of appetite, muscle weakness, increased arterial pressure, loss of aspirations and desires.

Hans Selye called stress the same reaction of the body to any external influence.

The most powerful stressor, according to Hans Selye, is the lack of purpose. Also, in a state of physiological immobility, the human body is more susceptible to the development of diseases: stomach ulcers, heart attack, hypertension.

The influence of stress on a person changes living conditions. For example, with strong positive emotions, the vitality of the body increases sharply, this is ensured by increased blood pressure. A person, having realized his dream, feels a loss of appetite and muscle weakness - when exposed to negative emotions, a similar loss of strength is perceived very painfully.

Stress, in fact, is an innate reaction of the body that allows a person to adapt to life in new conditions. Therefore, in medicine it is called adaptation syndrome.

The impact of stress on human health

The development of stress in every person occurs according to a single mechanism. When it comes into contact with a stress factor, the central nervous system sounds an alarm. The body's further reaction is not controlled by the human will, but is carried out by the autonomic, independent nervous system. The mobilization of vital organs and systems that guarantee survival in extreme circumstances begins. Due to the stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system, breathing and heart rate increase, and blood pressure increases. The physiological effect of stress on human health ensures the centralization of blood circulation: lungs-heart-brain. The “flight and fight” hormones are released: adrenaline and norepinephrine. People experience dry mouth and dilated pupils. Muscle tone increases to such an extent that it is often manifested by trembling of the legs or arms, twitching of the eyelids and corners of the mouth.

With the further development of the adaptation syndrome, the influence of stress on human health is expressed in the body’s reaction of adaptation to new living conditions.

The effect of stress on the human body

In the active stage, hormones of the “second line of defense” appear - glucocorticoids. Their action is aimed at emergency survival at the expense of the body’s internal reserves: all liver glucose reserves are used, and their own proteins and fats break down.

If the reaction continues during exhaustion vitality, the impact of stress on humans continues. The “alarm” mechanism is turned on again, but there are no internal reserves. This stage of stress is the final one.

During stress, all the body’s forces are directed to the work of the central organs: the heart, lungs and brain, so other vital organs at this time suffer from a lack of oxygen. In such conditions, the following may develop: stomach ulcers, hypertension, bronchial asthma, migraine-like pain, tumors of peripheral organs (cancer).

With a prolonged course, the effect of stress on the human body is manifested not only by the development of diseases, but also by depletion of the nervous system. This condition is medically called neurasthenia. Neurosthenics experience pain in all organs, but most of all, in the head. The person understands that his nervous strength is depleted and considers this condition to be chronic fatigue syndrome. From the point of view of pathological physiology, this is nothing more than a protracted adaptation reaction.

The influence of stress on the human condition

The general tone, that is, the mood of people depends on hormonal levels. Having set a specific goal, a person wakes up feeling full of strength for any achievement. The psychological mood is set by cortisol, the main anti-stress hormone. Its content in the blood in the morning varies greatly depending on the mood for the coming day. IN normal conditions on the eve of a working day, the level of anti-stress hormone is much higher than on a day off.

When the influence of stress on a person’s condition reaches a critical level, the morning does not bode well for anything pleasant. Therefore, the entire day is considered “ruined.”

A person is deprived of a sense of correct assessment of what is happening. Surrounding events and influences are perceived inappropriately to their strength. Excessive demands on others, for example, on yourself, are often not justified. Often, the influence of stress on a person aggravates the course of chronic diseases. They begin to escalate, as they say, “out of schedule.” Not in autumn and spring, during periods of planned therapeutic measures, but in winter and summer.

The influence of stress on human behavior

In an unstable state, aspirations and goals are chosen by a person, without taking into account his own capabilities. Any desire to achieve something, essentially a negative emotion, becomes positive when the desired result is achieved. If the goal remains unattainable, the emotion becomes a strong stressor.

In extreme conditions, the influence of stress on human behavior is especially noticeable, depending on the initial state of health and temperament, as a character trait. Under the same conditions, people with different attitudes towards the surrounding reality behave completely differently. According to Pavlov's classification, there are four types of higher nervous activity, weak (melancholic) and three strong, but with some features:

  • Unbalanced, reacting to any influence with a violent reaction - choleric;
  • Balanced, inert – phlegmatic;
  • Agile and balanced - sanguine.

The effect of stress on humans different types higher nervous activity varies. Strange as it may seem, unbalanced people endure stress most easily. The effect of stress factors on such a person ends with the level of the body’s primary response. Whereas in balanced people, stress goes into the second phase of adaptation, and then leads to exhaustion.

You can brag about your excellent health and ability to resist any disease as much as you like, but never experience stress in your life?! Such people simply do not exist! Unfortunately, there are plenty of negativity, conflict situations, and reasons for nervous tension in the life of a modern person. A is the body’s natural reaction to such factors.

Everyone knows the negative impact of stress on human health, both mental and physiological. It’s not for nothing that they say that all diseases arise from nerves, but how exactly can this manifest itself?

Psycho-emotional state

A surge of negative emotions, regardless of the reasons that caused it, introduces an imbalance into the usual measured way of life. Stress affects a person’s behavior in society and affects his mental abilities, reduce performance. The body can cope with isolated cases. In this case, stress is not so dangerous and does not lead to serious consequences. But if nervous overstrain lasts for a long time, a person experiences stress constantly, then this can cause various psycho-emotional disorders and nervous disorders.

Common consequences of stress include:

  • imbalance;
  • causeless mood swings;
  • neuroses;
  • emotional instability;
  • memory impairment, deterioration of attention;
  • anger;
  • increased fatigue.

In this condition, a person’s quality of life deteriorates significantly. Simply put, life becomes much more difficult for him, since any action is given with great difficulty and requires incredible mental strength. Often, against the background of stress, insomnia, irritability, intolerance, etc. may occur.

The most disappointing post-stress state is severe, prolonged depression, apathy towards everything around you. The consequence of this may be a complete loss of interest in life, suicidal behavior, and obsessive thoughts of suicide.

Stress and physical health

One way or another, stress causes temporary disruption of the functions of the central nervous system and brain. And since all systems and organs in the human body are interconnected, this cannot affect his physical health. That is why stress is mentioned as one of the main causes of the occurrence or exacerbation of a huge number of somatic diseases. Its most common consequences are:

  • Weakened immunity, low body resistance to viral, bacterial, and infectious diseases.
  • Muscle dystrophy.
  • The likelihood of cellular degeneration of brain and spinal cord tissue.
  • Increased development risks oncological diseases various etiologies, etc.

Most often, due to stress, diseases of the cardiovascular system (coronary disease, angina, etc.) and gastrointestinal tract develop (,). But severe nervous overstrain also affects the functioning of other systems in the most negative way. This happens due to the fact that during stress, hormones necessary for the normal functioning of the body are produced in excessive quantities. As a result, hormonal regulation gets out of control, which causes reactions that provoke the appearance of ailments, the occurrence of certain diseases, and the exacerbation of chronic diseases.

For example, increased levels of glucocorticoids cause rapid breakdown of proteins and nucleic acids. The result of a deficiency of these substances is muscle dystrophy. In addition, the high concentration of glucocorticoids in the body makes it difficult for bone tissue to absorb calcium, as a result of which their structure changes, becoming more porous and fragile. Stress- one of the most likely causes of the development of such a common disease today as.

Hormonal imbalances caused by stress also affect the condition of the skin. An excess of some hormones and a deficiency of other hormones impede the growth of fibroblasts. Such structural changes cause thinning of the skin, resulting in its easy damage and decreased ability to heal wounds.

The negative consequences of increased levels of stress hormones in the body, exceeding permissible norms, do not end there. Among the most dangerous are growth retardation, destruction of spinal cord and brain cells, decreased insulin synthesis, development of tumor processes, and oncological diseases.

Based on the above, there is only one conclusion: stress– an extremely dangerous condition that entails serious consequences for both physical and psychological health! Therefore, you need to try by any means to avoid stressful situations, emotional stress, and depression.

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