The world created thanks to man. "draw amazing eyes"

Fill the background layer with color #c99e7e. Then create a new layer and make a first sketch using dark red/russet/brown colors. Don't be too picky, because these first strokes will soon be covered by the main drawing.

Create a new layer between the background layer and the sketch layer. With the help of a big soft airbrush outline the shadows and highlights. Use the colors shown here. We will use brown/red for the shadows on the skin and yellow for the highlights. The eye is usually a mixture of green-blue and brown-red. Our eyebrow will be brown, but you can make it any color you like. Use different sources (mirror, photographs, etc.) if you don't know which colors to choose (I use this trick myself a lot!)

Merge the background layer and the shadow/light layer into one (this is not necessary at all, I just don't like having a bunch of layers) and create a new layer on top of it. Now, still using a soft airbrush, outline the color of the iris. I wanted to draw green-blue eyes. As the main color, choose a dark, but not too saturated color. We'll add some shine to the eyes later.

On the same layer draw the main shadow using a deep dark blue color. The color of the iris is not uniform, it is usually very dark at the top and lighter towards the bottom. We also draw the pupil using the same brush and color, as well as the outline of the iris.

Now let's move on to drawing the iris. We draw small ovals around the iris, choosing a light blue, rich, almost blue color. This is the basis of the structure of our amazing eyes. We still have to complete the structure and add some effects!

Still staying on the same layer, draw a small light dot next to the pupil, choosing white or a very light blue color. I decided to draw two to give our eye more depth. I also lowered the opacity of the sketch layer from 100% to about 60%, since our next step is to overlay our original sketch.

The next step is very important. We already have the basic structure and composition, and now we need to overlap our sketch. We will do this with the help of solid airbrush And pipettes (color picker) to soften color transitions. Create a new layer on top of the sketch layer (it should be higher than all previous layers). We begin to draw carefully, with soft strokes. We also carefully begin to draw the first details of the eye and eyebrows. (I repeat, do not be afraid to use sources; every artist uses them at the beginning of his career).

On the same layer, still using a hard airbrush brush, we begin to paint the details of the skin. Human skin has many irregularities and pores, as well as folds. You can also paint thin blood vessels in the eye using a very small brush of 2-3 pixels in size. Also at this stage we draw eyebrows and eyelashes using a small hard airbrush.

Well, we're almost done! Create a new layer on top of all the others and draw in detail the structure of the iris. We use a small hard airbrush And pipette (color picker). Add small reflections and use different color variations, such as green, blue and even purple. Use your creative thinking to full blast. You can even draw small symbols inside the eye.

It's time for a very important final step: Create a new layer on top of the others and set its Blending Mode to 44%. Now with the help of a big soft airbrush and a light blue shade (or any other shade of your choice) create a sparkle in the eyes. Just don't overdo it! Using the same brush, experiment with different variations of tones on the skin, such as adding some purple and blue to the shadows or orange and yellow to the highlights. But be very careful! We complete the last small details and adjust the color/light/contrast. Then choose me Filter-Sharpen (filter>sharpen) as a finishing touch.

Master class on drawing “Underwater world”

Master class on unconventional painting with watercolors and a paraffin candle “Underwater World”

Efremova Albina Nikolaevna, teacher, MBOU boarding school in Belebey, Republic of Bashkortostan

This master class is intended for kindergarten teachers, teachers primary school, parents, children. This master class is recommended for children aged 6 - 8 years.
Purpose: making drawings using an unconventional imaging technique - watercolors using a paraffin candle.
Target: Draw undersea world with many different inhabitants using an unconventional painting technique (watercolors + paraffin candle).
Learn to apply acquired knowledge about composition, color and color contrasts.
Develop drawing skills from general to specific.
Develop creativity, imagination and a sense of harmony.
To promote the development of creative abilities, independence and accuracy, interest in fine arts.
Materials: A simple pencil, an eraser, watercolor paints, brushes, water, a sheet of A4 paper, a paraffin candle.

Dolphins swim in the sea
And whales swim
And colorful fish,
And also me and you.
Only we are at the shore,
And the fish are in the depths;
We grew up in the sun
And the fish are all in the water.
But we are similar to them:
We love to play
But we just can't
Like fish, keep quiet.
We want to frolic
And I want to scream
We want to have fun
And sing songs
About the blue sea
AND yellow flowers,
About colorful fish
Both you and I will sing.
Dolphins swim in the sea
And whales swim
We'll take a swim too
And he, and I, and you!

Let's imagine now as if we were at the bottom of the sea. This amazing world, almost fabulous. I suggest you learn how to paint the underwater world with watercolors. We will also use a paraffin candle. But why we need a candle, you will find out later.

Stages of work:

1. Draw the seabed on a sheet of paper with a simple pencil. It may be uneven, there are different stones.

2. Let's draw different algae and corals.

3. Let’s draw the inhabitants of the sea: a beautiful fish, starfish.

4. A jellyfish swims by.

5. Next to the fish sea ​​Horse.

6. We begin to paint algae and corals with paints.

7. Paint the bottom with the color of sand.

8. Then we will paint all the inhabitants of the sea.

9. Now take a piece of paraffin candle and wipe all the drawn and painted elements.

10. Using the same candle, we draw invisible lines - waves, and also draw several circles near the fish’s mouth, as if it were blowing bubbles.

11. Now we will paint sea ​​water. We take blue paint and, sparing no water, paint over the drawing with horizontal strokes, starting from the top of the sheet. You can make sure that where we moved the candle, nothing is stained.

12. Feel free to paint over the entire water area. The necessary lines and elements will appear on their own. The color of the water can be varied by adding other shades of blue, lilac color.

13. These are the drawings my first-graders came up with. A real underwater world!

Instead, all people were created as representatives of God. ...And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; .... from these false ones to the Living God, Who created heaven and earth, and the sea, and everything, ... but rather, that God surpasses in his essence this entire world and its inhabitants. An impartial study of planet Earth will convince every student of... soil or gas, which changes a little only thanks to the weak.... “The Lord founded the earth with wisdom, established the heavens with understanding”; (Proverbs 3:19) ... Although in our solar system only planet Earth was created... Indeed, there are many surprising things there for us, people who are accustomed to others... and scientific achievements, turned out to be possible thanks to the work of a great... Using technology, man has erased almost all the “blank spots” on Earth, and in... and is developing unique world deserts Central Asia? In search of, ... Nov 23, 2008 ... Since then, funny pictures on skateboard decks have become one of ... moved to Blind, just created by Mark Gonzales and Steve Rocco, .... A huge number of people in world. ...... illnesses thanks to this amazing plant, which is also... 17 zhov. 2015 ... Photo sketches from the ART BAT FEST festival, which took place in... a collection (more than 100 types) of amazing minerals. .... In human life, according to Ostroukhov, there is a lot of unnecessary things that..... Lands of sinful inhabitants. Have in... Thanks to COLORS, the human mind is absorbed... Among them is a wanderer, boldly striving to know the forbidden, who in... This book is considered an ideal work: its text is written in a special rhyme, thanks to which... Maybe, for sure, every person is a mystery..... we cry and laugh, finding ourselves in an amazing world created by real... July 1, 2015 ... As in modern world not to give up and, despite everything, continue to fight for the truth? ... thanks to which private investment in culture will come. ... from the field of psychology, psychiatry or otherworldly intelligence? ... If I know about such a person's character in advance, then I listen... June 29, 2013 ... Europe was the most unhappy place on Earth. She was the first to exhaust... Europe and destroy the exploitative capitalist world! ... The cage frame was built from wood, which was already in short supply. ... The average annual increase in Great Britain was 13.2 people per thousand. 19 Jul 2017 ... It is equipped with an official video synopsis, which has a specific... were not originally created for the work, but have with it... Since ancient times, man has changed the world around him. ...birds, fly anywhere on earth and even beyond the atmosphere. ..... And our mind is quiet. Earth in pictures by Rosman. Price 202 rub. Discounts every day! Dear friends, you will agree with me that in the era of high technology, in which we... If we pose the problem of human improvement, then a serious discussion... of ourselves in “natural” ways (thanks to willpower, perseverance,... This is wonderful shown by Viktor Frankl, who researched... and amazing (which, as far as I know, no one in the world does)... Jul 16, 2017 ... Welcome to the amazing world! Science, history, travel, art, inspiration, films , cartoons, photographs, ... May 13, 2016 ... It’s amazing, I did a quick survey of my friends, ... “Falcon 9”, which, having launched it, returned to earth. ... Which , perhaps not as impressive as the Shuttle, and not... There were 2 more passengers (seven instead of five),... Created for NASA All great art is a transmitter, and the person who doesn't... ... all a creative person can do is consider himself a person of the planet Earth, .... When you ask a person: draw a picture - a fruit, Eve, he draws like everyone else ... you will forever plunge into this wonderful world, refuse which ... Aug 29, 2013 ... A point of light expanded outward into the void, in a process that your scientists... and gas formed the world you call Earth. As in everyone again.... The law of attraction does not care whether a person kills himself or not,.... and animal life, but the Earth, with the amazing ability to... Loves adventure and wants to save the world with the Crystal Gems, although he is yet... Being half human and half Gem, Steven... Mind Transfer: In the episode " The New Lars" Steven was able to move his... Steven's temporary weapon was a refrigerator, which was given to him by Lars... earth, you are not more beautiful," which... Earth. Thanks to books about nature, animals,... Children were also told about the benefits of the sun for humans, animals and... Oral journal"In the world of birds" .... Children learned a lot interesting facts about this amazing bird. ..... for what purpose was it created? Academy of Arts online Theory Practice Experience Art Academy online.
