Minnikhanov Rustam Nurgalievich. Biography

Minnikhanov Rustam Nurgalievich was born in the family of Nurgali Minnikhanovich, who in 1962-1990 headed the Sabinsky timber industry enterprise. Rustam Nurgalievich is not the only child in the family, he has two brothers, one of whom, Rifkat, now holds the post of head of the traffic police department of Tatarstan, and the second, Rais, is the head of the Sabinsky municipal district.

The wife of Rustam Nurgalievich is Minnikhanova Gulsina Akhatovna, born in 1969.

Gulsina Minnikhanova owns the elite Kazan beauty salon Luciano Beauty Studio. The cost of one cosmetic service in the salon starts from $200 and can reach several thousand dollars. With an income of 8.1 million rubles received in 2010, Rustam Minnikhanov's wife was one of the ten richest wives of governors.

The children of Rustam Minnikhanov are Irek (born 1989) and Iskander (born 2008). The eldest son of the President of Tatarstan, Irek, died in a plane crash in Kazan in 2013, and after his death, the first granddaughter of the President was born.

The granddaughter's mother is Frenchwoman Antonia Guichard, whom Irek met in Switzerland during his studies. Irek worked in the AK Bars holding and was a two-time Russian rallycross champion.

Education of Rustam Minnikhanov

In 1978, the future President of Tatarstan received a degree in mechanical engineering from the Kazan Agricultural Institute, in 1986 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Soviet Trade, Kazan branch, majoring in commodity science and trade organization. In 1995 he became a candidate of economic sciences, and in 2001 he was awarded a doctoral degree.

Career of the President of Tatarstan

After receiving his first higher education, Rustam Minnikhanov got a job as a diagnostic engineer at the Sabinsky regional association "Selkhoztehniki", and in 1980 he became a senior power engineer at the Sabinsky timber industry enterprise.

His career is rapidly going up, already in 1983 Rustam Nurgalievich took the place of the chairman of the board of the Sabinsky district council, in 1985 - the Arsky district executive committee, in 1990 - the Arsky district executive committee, and in 1992 - the first deputy head of the district administration. A year later, he becomes the head of the administration in the Vysokogorsky district.

Before heading Tatarstan, Rustam Nurgalievich was Minister of Finance in 1996-1998, and Prime Minister in the region in 1998-2010. The President of the Republic has been holding his second post since March 25, 2010, he is an active political and statesman - a party member of the Supreme Council of United Russia, chairman of the board of directors of OAO Tatneft, OAO Svyazinvestneftekhim and OAO Tatneftekhiminvest-holding.

Hobbies and achievements of Rustam Minnikhanov

Also, Rustam Minnikhanov is deservedly recognized in Russia as a master of sports, he loves motorsport and is professionally involved in auto racing, he even drives a company car himself, and another of his hobbies is to fly a helicopter.

Regular participation in competitions different levels bring not only pleasure to the President of Tatarstan, but also prizes - he repeatedly becomes a laureate, and then receives the Cup of the President of his region in motorsport. In particular, 2004 and 2005 bring him third place in the European Championship.

Policy of the President of Tatarstan

Rustam Nurgalievich not only pursues a “friendly policy” towards entrepreneurs, he took first place in this business in 2012 in the ranking of the leaders of the regions of the Russian Federation. As a modern and progressive figure, he actively introduces information technologies into public administration.

Implementing his policy, the President created and uses his own website, maintains a mini-blog on Twitter, and thanks to active work with the Internet, he occupies the middle ground in the ranking of the most media-effective heads of regions. For services to the Motherland, Rustam Minnikhanov was awarded various orders, signs and certificates of honor.

Income for 2011 amounted to 5.85 million rubles.


In 1978 he graduated from the Kazan Agricultural Institute with a degree in Mechanization Agriculture”, qualification “Mechanical Engineer”.

In 1986, he graduated from the Kazan branch of the Moscow Institute of Soviet Trade with a degree in Commodity Research and Organization of Trade in Food Products, with a qualification of a Highly Qualified Commodity Specialist.

Doctor of Economic Sciences.

From 1978 to 1980 he worked as a diagnostic engineer at the Sabinsky district association "Selkhoztekhnika".

From 1980 to 1983 he was a senior power engineer, chief power engineer of the Sabinsky timber industry enterprise.

In 1983, he became deputy chairman of the board of the Sabinsky district council. Worked until 1985.

In 1985, he was elected chairman of the board of the Arsk Raipo. Worked until 1990.

From 1990 to 1992 he acted as chairman of the Arsk regional executive committee.

In 1992 and until 1993, he held the position of First Deputy Head of the Administration of the Arsky District.

In 1993, he received the post of head of the administration of the Vysokogorsky district. Worked until 1996.

In 1996 he received the post of Minister of Finance of the Republic of Tatarstan.

1998: Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan

1998 - Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In 1999, he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO TATNEFT.

2001: Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan

May 2001 - again headed the new government of the republic, formed after the re-election of Mintimer Shaimiev to the post of President of Tatarstan.

April 29, 2005 - by a resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, he was again approved by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan.

2010: President of the Republic of Tatarstan

June 4, 2012 - presented Tatarstan on a bright yellow car at the second stage of the Russian championship in automobile circuit racing at the Kazanring race track. Rustam Minnikhanov stopped in fractions of a second from the podium.

June 22, 2012 - took part in the opening ceremony of the monument to the poet in the lobby of the museum-estate of Derzhavin in St. Petersburg.

December 15, 2012 - took part in the XX Conference of the Tatarstan regional office All-Russian political party "United Russia" in Kazan.

January 23, 2013 - arrived in Davos (Switzerland) to participate in the opening of the World Economic Forum (WEF) as part of the official Russian delegation. Rustam Minnikhanov also had a conversation with the founder of the World Economic Forum, Professor Klaus Schwab, during which the prospects for further cooperation were discussed.

February 14, 2013 - took part in the laying of a stone in the foundation of the industrial park "Synergy" in the SEZ "Alabuga".

February 21, 2013 - took part in listening to the final version of the National Anthem of the Republic of Tatarstan held today at the State Concert Hall named after S. Saidashev (Kazan).

March 5, 2013 - took part in the work of the International investment forum "Conditions and prospects for the creation of metalworking equipment production Russian Federation"(Moscow, MSTU "Stankin").

March 10, 2013 - attended the match between the Rubin and Zenit football clubs at the Akhmat-Arena stadium in Grozny.

March 24, 2013 - visited the table tennis tournament in memory of the honored forester of the RSFSR Nurgali Minnikhanov in the Sabinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

March 25, 2013 - took part in the solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the republican competition for the title of "Philanthropist 2012" at the Tatar Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after Musa Jalil.

Rustam Minnikhanov at the Gaidar Forum 2013

2014: Joint activity with the Minister of Communications Nikiforov

In December 2014, the CNews edition publishes the second version of the map of "Kazan Iteshniks" - associates and colleagues of the Minister of Communications of Russia Nikolai Nikiforov in the development of state informatization in Russia. Rustam Minnikhanov occupies one of the leading places on the map.

For April 15, 2018 Rustam Nurgalievich Minnikhanov works as the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Tatneft, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Tatneftekhiminvest-Holding, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Svyazinvestneftekhim.


  • July 22, 2002 - Order of Friendship
  • 2003 - Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg."
  • 2005 - Medal "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan".
  • 2007 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.
  • March 1, 2007 - Order "For Merit to the Republic of Tatarstan"
  • 2007 - Medal "In commemoration of the production of 3 billion tons of oil in Tatarstan."
  • 2008 - Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation.
  • 2009 - Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology.
  • 2010 - Medal "In memory of the 30th anniversary of the Games of the XXII Olympiad in 1980 in Moscow."
  • 2010 - Medal "For Distinction in Elimination of Consequences emergency" (Russian Emergency Situations Ministry).
  • 2012 - Order of Military Merit.
  • Badge "For Assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia".
  • Honorary Diploma of the Judicial Department Supreme Court Russian Federation.
  • Honored Master of Sports.


Rustam Minnikhanov - Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation.

He is a great motorsport enthusiast and a professional racing driver, regularly participating in Tatarstan, Russian and international competitions, including European championships.

In 2004 and 2005 he took 3rd place at the European Championship in one of the automotive categories.

Multiple laureate and winner of the Cup of the President of Tatarstan in motorsport, including being the President of Tatarstan.

Religion - Islam.

Made a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia and took part in the "small hajj" - die. Umrah is a small pilgrimage associated with visiting Mecca not in the month intended for the Hajj, but at any other time. After the pilgrimage, Rustam Minnikhanov thanked the leadership of Mecca and personally its Emir Khaled Faisal al Saud on behalf of all members of the delegation for organizing the Umrah.

Free to fly a helicopter.

Thoughts and sayings

About children

“We set ourselves the task of increasing the number of places in preschool educational institutions for children from 1.5 to three years old. But my personal opinion is that a child under 3 years old should live in a family, nothing can replace home education. I think that it is necessary to educate the cult of the family and the child in people. People have no idea what happiness it is when you have children! And the child should not be alone! And, of course, the issue of demography cannot be resolved if women are not guaranteed. A woman should feel confident in the future. And companies that fire pregnant women will be subject to harsh sanctions and punishment.”

About addiction

“Such a measure as drug testing of schoolchildren and students should be mandatory. The health of the nation and children should be above all. If a person refuses, then educational establishments the right to take drastic measures. Children today have so many temptations, better on early stage put up a barrier. And if he is already taking drugs, we should not be indifferent. In a couple of months, he may finally die. In addition, a person can get behind the wheel, and God forbid to be with a drug addict on the road!”

About adoption

“There are a huge number of people in Russia who cannot have children, but want to adopt and do not know how. I am a supporter of our rich country to cope with this on its own. It is clear that there are positive examples when children abroad acquire good conditions but there are also tragic examples. These are our children and we are responsible to them! I have already said that earlier in our villages, children left without parents were taken apart by neighbors.
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To say that Rustam Minnikhanov is a respected person in Tatarstan is to say nothing. In the last elections in September 2015, more than 90 percent of voters cast their votes for him. Such a serious level of popular trust must be able to win ...

The President of the Republic of Tatarstan is an outstanding and extraordinary personality. In early October 2015, a poll was conducted on Instagram, as a result of which Minnikhanov was named the third most popular politician in Russia among the population. Only Vladimir Putin and the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov were ahead of him. Our article is devoted to the biography of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

President's early childhood

President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov was born on the first day of spring 1957. His small homeland was the village of Novy Arysh, in the Rybno-Sloboda region of the Republic of Tatarstan (at that time - the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic).

The father of the future president Minnikhanov Nurgali Midkhadovich and mother Vasiga Mubarakovna created a strong union, giving life to three boys: Rustam, his older brother Rifkat and younger - Rais.

In the early sixties, the Minnikhanov family moved to the Sabinsky district (not far from Kazan), where its head, starting in 1962, worked for almost 30 years as the director of the local timber industry. She worked as a kindergarten teacher.

Despite the fact that the father held a fairly high position, the children were brought up in severity and modesty. Rustam Minnikhanov and his brothers did not receive any special privileges, and familiar families were surprised how parents manage to raise such obedient, sympathetic and hardworking sons.

The then Minister of Water Resources and Land Reclamation often visited the timber industry enterprise, which was led by Minnikhanov Sr., to hunt. He was friends with Nurgali Midgadovich and played a big role in the life of his middle son.

School years

Minnikhanov Rustam Nurgalievich heard his first school bell on the threshold of the eight-year-old forestry. The boy studied well, although he was never an upstart. Teachers still remember his calm, thoughtful character. They say that he never particularly pulled his hand, but if you ask, he always answered correctly. He was a year younger than his classmates, but this did not interfere with his studies at all. He was laconic and serious.

After graduating from the eight-year school, he transferred to the Sabinsky high school, which was located 15 kilometers from the house. And although Rustam Minnikhanov was the son of a rather influential person in the region, he would never use his father's official position. He could have been taken to school in a private car, but on Mondays and Fridays he drove back and forth in a covered truck with his comrades. And on weekdays he lived in a boarding school.

And it was a very friendly and fun life. With songs, dances, going to the cinema and other simple entertainments of the Soviet times. The favorite subject of the future President of Tatarstan was labor training. Especially the section that dealt with agricultural machinery. This guy understood the technique like no one else in the class.

Hobbies of Rustam Minnikhanov

Rustam Minnikhanov, whose biography began in a rather remote area, far from the "advanced capital", could not count on any special delights as a child. Yes, and the time was such - difficult and simple.

But the children found, From the very early years Minnikhanov was fond of skiing and "put" all his friends on them. They went skiing to school, constantly arranged competitions ...

Speed ​​remained forever in the life of Rustam Nurgalievich, only the skis were somewhat “transformed”. Today, the president of Tatarstan is seriously interested in auto racing and even has the international rank of master of sports. Already occupying high positions, he participated in the championships more than once and won victories.

Another hobby of Minnikhanov is photography. And it, too, comes from childhood. The boy received his first camera in his life as a gift from his parents when he was 10 years old. Rustam did not part with this "Seagull" day or night.

Higher education

Having received a certificate, Rustam Minnikhanov went to conquer Kazan. His goal was the Kazan Agricultural Institute, where a capable young man entered with ease. He lived, like everyone else, in a hostel, enjoyed being a student ...

In 1978 future president Tatarstan received a diploma in agricultural mechanization and returned to his native village to put into practice the acquired knowledge. But his studies did not end there. Soon the young man becomes a student at the Moscow Correspondence Institute of Soviet Trade, graduating in 1986 with a diploma in merchandising in his pocket.

Start of work

The future head of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, began his career in 1978 in the Selkhoztekhnika association of the Sabinsky district as a diagnostic engineer.

Two years later, he goes to his father in the Sabinsky forestry, where he works as a senior power engineer. And in 1983 he replaced the chairman of the board of the Sabinsky district consumer society. A little later - exactly the same raipo, only in the city of Arsk, falls under his complete subordination.

At the dawn of a political career

It is unlikely that the parents and teachers of the young skier guessed that they were raising the president ... But the serious nature of the boy, his perseverance in studies and authority among his comrades hinted at the possibility political career. And how successful it has become - today shows.

And so it happened

In 1990, Minnikhanov Rustam Nurgalievich was appointed chairman of the Arsk District Executive Committee and held this position until 1992. For the next year, he replaced the head of the administration of the Arsky district, and from 1993 to 1996, Minnikhanov led the Vysokogorsky district.

In this post, he managed to do a lot. For example, to build an autodrome and hold many high-level auto racing competitions, including the Cup of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

At the helm of the republic

Rustam Nurgalievich was the head of the district administration for a short time - only three years. And after that began his rapid career growth. Minnikhanov moved to Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, and in 1996 became the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Tatarstan. He was appointed to this post by Mintimer Shaimiev, who at that time was the president of the republic.

Many ill-wishers associated this appointment with the long-term friendship between Shaimiev and the Minnikhanov family. Evil tongues even said that Shaimiev was pulling "by the ears" of Minnikhanov, and the latter in itself is a complete zero in politics. But further - more. Two years later, Minnikhanov is already taking over the post of Prime Minister of Tatarstan and holds it for the next 12 years.

At first, this turn of events provoked strong protest from the local elite. She even organized a putsch, however, easily suppressed by Shaimiev.

And Rustam Minnikhanov justified his trust. During his leadership in the Cabinet of Ministers of Tatarstan, he did a lot for the republic. For example, he made a technological revolution, as a result of which all management documentation was transferred to electronic form; made the work of officials transparent; achieved the victory of Tatarstan in the race for the right to host the Universiade in 2013, etc.

President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov: new heights

On January 22, 2010, on the eve of the expiration of his presidential term, Mr. Shaimiev voiced a request to the then head of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, not to nominate him to this post again. Instead of himself, he suggested Minnikhanov.

And Medvedev liked the candidacy. After its approval by the State Council of the Republic, Rustam Nurgalievich became the President of Tatarstan. On March 25, 2010, he officially assumed his new position. He held this responsible post until March 2015.

For almost half a year - from March 24, 2015 to September 18, 2015, Minnikhanov ruled the republic as acting president of the Republic of Tatarstan. And on September 18, he was elected to the main post of Tatarstan by popular vote. 94.41% of voters expressed confidence in the acting and. O.

Other areas of activity of Minnikhanov

In addition to the successes of the race car driver, which Tatarstan, Kazan and all of Russia are proud of, Rustam Minnikhanov also distinguished himself by his activities in the economic sphere. So, for example, in 1997 he was on the supervisory board of Ak Bars Bank, and at the very end of the nineties he chaired the board of directors of Tatneft. The current president of Tatarstan has a doctorate in economics. He defended his thesis in 2003.

Personal life

Minnikhanov never pleased gossip-hungry journalists with the details of his personal life. Neither he nor his wife tend to be in the spotlight of the press and show maximum modesty.

By the way, the first wife of Rustam Minnikhanov, she is the only one, 12 years younger than him. Her name is Gulsina Akhatovna. The future spouses met in Arsk almost 30 years ago. And since then they have not parted. Rumor has it that Rustam Nurgalievich had to seek the hand and heart of Gulsina for a whole year. But the marriage was strong.

The President of Tatarstan is generally an active opponent of divorces and has even somewhat tightened the legislation of the republic in this respect. He proves his position by personal example.

Rustam Minnikhanov's wife is engaged in business. She owns one of the elite. Before the tragedy of 2013, the family had two sons. Now there is only one left - Iskander Minnikhanov, born in 2008.

Disaster 11/17/13

On November 17, 2013, a passenger Boeing 737-500 crashed while landing at Kazan airport. The plane was returning from Moscow. All the passengers died, including the eldest son of Rustam Minnikhanov, Irek.

He left behind his pregnant wife Antonia (a French citizen), who exactly a month later gave birth to a girl. The president's first granddaughter was named Andriana. The deceased was less than 24 years old.

Rustam Minnikhanov, whose biography is inextricably linked with Tatarstan, received condolences from all over the republic. People sincerely mourned with him and his orphaned family. The eldest son of Rustam Nurgalievich was a modest and "not major" guy. He avoided public events, did not boast of his position in society. However, he completely and completely inherited his father ...

In conclusion, we wish Rustam Minnikhanov success in the political field and well-being in family life.

President of the Republic of Tatarstan since March 2010. From 1998 to 2010, he served as Prime Minister of Tatarstan, since 1999 he has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tatneft. In 1996-1998 he served as the Minister of Finance of Tatarstan, in 1993-1996 he worked as the head of administration of the Vysokogorsky district of the republic.

Rustam Nurgalievich Minnikhanov was born on March 1, 1957 in the village of Novy Arysh, Rybno-Sloboda district of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Minnikhanov's father, Nurgali, from 1962 to 1990 was the director of the Sabinsky timber industry enterprise, which was often visited by the leaders of the ASSR, including the Minister of Land Reclamation and Water Resources of the Republic, Mintimer Shaimiev.

In 1978, Minnikhanov graduated from the Kazan Agricultural Institute with a degree in agricultural mechanization and for two years was a diagnostic engineer in the Sabinsky district association "Selkhoztekhnika", and from 1980 to 1983 he worked with his father in the timber industry as a senior power engineer. Then, until 1985, Minnikhanov served as deputy chairman of the board of the Sabinsky district consumer society (raipo), and in 1985 he headed the raipo in Arsk. In 1986, Minnikhanov received a second higher education at the Moscow Correspondence Institute of Soviet Trade with a degree in commodity science and organization of trade in food products.

In 1990, Minnikhanov was appointed to the post of chairman of the Arsk district executive committee, and from 1992 to 1993 he was the first deputy head of the administration of the Arsk district. From 1993 to 1996, Minnikhanov was the head of the administration of the Vysokogorsky district of Tatarstan. While holding this post, Minnikhanov built an autodrome in the region, where rallying for the Cup of the President of the Republic and other auto competitions were held, in which the sons of the leader of Tatarstan Shaimiev participated. At the same time, Minnikhanov defended his dissertation on "improving the efficiency of fodder production in suburban conditions."

In November 1996, Shaimiev appointed Minnikhanov to the post of Minister of Finance of Tatarstan. The press noted the rapid career rise of the former district leader and associated him with a close acquaintance with the Shaimiev family. In 1997, Minnikhanov was included in the Supervisory Board of Ak Bars Bank and the Board of Directors of Tatneft.

In May 1998, Minnikhanov was elected to the State Council of Tatarstan, but did not combine this post with the ministerial portfolio for long. In July 1998, Minnikhanov was elected to the post of Prime Minister of Tatarstan, replacing Farid Mukhametshin in this post. The press wrote that republican officials met Minnikhanov with distrust because of his intractability and even nominated an alternative candidate for the premier, the mayor of Naberezhnye Chelny Rafgat Altynbaev. Although Minnikhanov won by a narrow margin, this was not enough for him to be appointed. Shaimiev called the May 1998 vote a "coup", dismissed all Altynbaev's supporters from his administration, and already in July Minnikhanov was elected unanimously.

In June 1999, Minnikhanov was elected chairman of the board of directors of Tatneft and later headed the board of directors of Tatneftekhiminvest-holding. In 2003, Minnikhanov defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Economics on the topic "Organizational and economic justification for the development of innovative processes in the agro-industrial complex."

The press noted that as prime minister, Minnikhanov paid a lot of attention to the Internet portal "Electronic Tatarstan" and demanded that his subordinates use modern information technologies.

On January 22, 2010, after a meeting of the State Council, Shaimiev turned to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev with a request not to consider his candidacy for the presidency of Tatarstan after the expiration of his powers in March 2010. Instead of himself, he proposed to nominate Minnikhanov for the post of head of the republic.

On January 28, 2010, Minnikhanov's candidacy for the presidency of Tatarstan was nominated by Medvedev, on February 4 of the same year it was unanimously approved by the State Council of the Republic: Minnikhanov was supported even by local deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Minnikhanov is due to take over as president of the country on March 25, 2010, after the expiration of Shaimiev's powers.

The press noted that the president of Tatarstan chose a successor who would not go for radical changes in the republic, thanks to which Shaimiev's entourage and the old economic elite would retain influence in the region.

On March 25, 2010, after the expiration of Shaimiev's term of office, Minnikhanov took office as President of Tatarstan.

According to income and property information filed in 2009, Minnikhanov's income for 2008 amounted to 6.6 million rubles. In 2002, Minnikhanov was awarded the Order of Friendship, and in 2007 he received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, and Order of Merit for the Republic of Tatarstan.

Minnikhanov is married and has two children. Minnikhanov's brother, Rifkat, has been the head of the republican department of the traffic police since the 1990s, and another brother, Rais, is the head of the Sabinsky district of Tatarstan.

Minnikhanov is fond of auto racing and even as prime minister he regularly participated in auto competitions, has the title of international master of sports. He won several victories in rally-raids as part of the KamAZ-Master team, in particular, he participated in the Paris-Dakar rally. The press also noted that he always drives a company car himself, and Vechernyaya Kazan wrote in 1996 that Minnikhanov liked to drive on ordinary roads at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour and reduced the speed to 110 kilometers per hour only when talking on a cell phone.
